Concrete Canvas GCCM Specification19

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Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mat (GCCM)


1. Definitions

GCCM (Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mat): n – “A factory assembled geosynthetic

composite consisting of a cementitious material contained within a layer or layers of geosynthetic
materials that becomes hardened when hydrated to be used for erosion control and weed

GCCB (Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Barrier): n – “A factory assembled geosynthetic

composite consisting of a GCCM and a polymeric geomembrane to be used for the containment
of liquids.”

Manufacturer: The Party responsible for manufacturing the GCCM rolls.

Engineer: The Party responsible for the design and preparation of the project’s Contract
Drawings, BoQ and Specifications.

Installer: The Party responsible for field handling, transporting, storing, placing, jointing, and
hydration of the GCCM material.

2. Scope

This specification covers the technical requirements for the Manufacture and Installation of
Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mats (GCCM) for erosion control and weed suppression
applications. All materials shall meet or exceed the requirements of this specification and shall
conform to all applicable national and international Standards. All installation work shall be
performed in accordance with this specification and the project drawings.

3. Qualification
3.1 Manufacturer

The GCCM shall be manufactured by a Manufacturer that has manufactured not less than
1,000,000 square metres of GCCM or GCCB over the last five years. The Manufacturer shall
operate a Quality Assurance system independently certified under ISO9001.

The Manufacturer shall provide to the Engineer a copy of their ISO9001 Registration Certificate
together with a summary of quality control procedures undertaken by the Manufacturer at the
production facility. The summary shall include the parameters checked and the frequency of the

3.2 Installer

The Installer shall provide an Installation Supervisor with not less than [2] years of relevant
experience in a similar capacity on projects similar in size, scope and complexity to the project
described in the contract documents. The Installation Supervisor shall be responsible for the
direct supervision of all installation operations.
4. Material Specification
The GCCM shall be a composite comprising a 3-dimensional fibre matrix filled with dry concrete
mix, supported by a waterproof polymeric backing layer and covered by a fibrous upper surface
layer. All layers shall be firmly bonded together.
The GCCM shall meet the minimum requirements set out in Table 1.

Characteristic Test Units Spec Spec Spec

Method CC5 CC8 CC13

Thickness of GCCM
(Mean (1s.f.) mm 5 8 13

Mass per Unit Area – dry (uncured) state

(Mean) (1 s.f.) EN 1849 kg/m2 7 12 19

Density – dry (uncured) state

1.43- 1.43- 1.43-
(Mean) EN 1849 1.54 1.54 1.54

Flexural Strength –
MPa 4.0 4.0 4.0
1 day Initial Break (Machine Direction) D8058
Flexural Strength –
MPa >10 >6
1 day Final Break (Machine Direction) D8058
(Mean) (1s.f.)

Compressive Strength
(cementitious mix at water:powder ratio = 0.3) BS EN
- 24 hr Compressive failure strength 12390-3 MPa 50
- 28 day Compressive failure strength 80

Freeze thaw EN 12467 100

cycles Passed Passed Passed

Chemical Resistance
Acid (pH 1.0) (56 day immersion at 50C) 107% 115% 111%
Alkaline (pH 13) (56 day immersion at 50C) EN 14414 121% 99% 92%
Hydrocarbon (56 day immersion at 50C) 115% 99% 103%

Manning’s Number (n) ASTM

0.011 0.011 0.011

ASTM mm/1000 0.15 0.15 0.15

Abrasion Resistance C1353 cycles

Table 1. Minimum Required Characteristics of GCCM

*MARV = Minimum Average Roll Value
Values given to 3 s.f. unless stated otherwise
5. Delivery, handling and storage

The GCCM shall be delivered, handled and stored in accordance with the Manufacturer's
recommendations taking care to protect the material from damage and contamination. Each roll
of GCCM delivered to site shall have instructions on the correct hydration procedure attached to

The Installer shall be responsible for collecting from the Manufacturer and supplying to the
Engineer a Manufacturer’s quality control certificate for each batch of material delivered to site.
The certificate shall contain the following information as a minimum:

Roll Initial Final Soft Soft (dry/ Hardened Thickness Flexural

ID Set Set (dry/ uncured) (set/cured) (set/cured) Strength
uncured density density (set/
) Weight cured)
1st crack

EN EN EN 1849 EN 1849 EN 1849 EN 1849 ASTM

206 206 D8058
(N/A) (mins) (mins) (kg/m2) (g/cm3) (g/cm3) (mm) (MPa)

(N/A) Every Every Every Every roll Minimum Every roll Minimum
roll roll roll every 20th every
roll 20th roll

The GCCM shall be stored in the Manufacturer’s packaging and only removed when the material
is ready to be incorporated into the works. Once the packaging has been opened the GCCM shall
be kept dry and used within one week.

The on-site storage for the GCCM shall be clean, dry, undercover, away from direct sunlight and
shall protect the material from puncture, abrasion and excessive dirt and moisture.

The GCCM shall not be stored in shipping containers in direct sunlight where temperatures may
exceed 40°C for prolonged periods.

6. Installation

6.1 Submittals

Prior to installation of the GCCM the Installer shall submit for the Engineer’s approval an
Installation Method Statement written in accordance with the Manufacturer’s installation guides
including but not limited to:

- Surface preparation
- Layout drawings
- Proposed panel layout plan showing sequence of GCCM placement
- A simple and logical identifying number /code for each panel which shall be recorded
on the record sheets
- Termination details of the GCCM around the perimeter of the lined area
- Methods of jointing
- Methods of sealing around penetrations and upstands
- Methods of anchoring
- Hydration methodology

The Installation Method Statement shall be approved by the Engineer prior to commencing
installation of the GCCM.

6.2 Subgrade Preparation

Placing of the GCCM shall be on a prepared subgrade free from angular rocks, roots, grass and
vegetation. All foreign materials and protrusions shall be removed, and all cracks and voids shall
be filled and the surface made level, or uniformly sloped as indicated on the drawings. The
prepared surface shall be free from loose earth, rocks, rubble and other foreign matter.
No rock or other object larger than USCS (Unified Soil Classification System) SP (Poorly Graded
Sand) or equivalent shall remain on the substrate in order to provide an adequate safety factor
against puncture. Geotextiles may be used where necessary to compensate for irregular
The subgrade shall be uniformly compacted to ensure against settlement. The surface on which
the GCCM is to be placed shall be maintained in a firm, clean, dry and smooth condition during
GCCM installation.
When an anchor trench is used the backfill shall be selected excavated material installed in lifts
not exceeding 150mm and compacted with a wacker plate or other means approved by the

6.3 Placing

Placing of the GCCM shall be in accordance with the Installation Method Statement approved
by the Engineer.
The Installer shall visually inspect each roll of the GCCM during placing for imperfections and
mark faulty or suspect areas.
The Installer shall unroll the GCCM using methods that will not damage the GCCM and will
protect the underlying surface from damage (for example a spreader bar or protected equipment
The Installer shall take care shall not to over-tension the GCCM during the laying process in
order to avoid stretch marks or wrinkles.
If necessary the Installer shall place temporary ballast (commonly sandbags along the leading
edge) on the GCCM, which will not damage the GCCM, to prevent wind uplift.
The installer shall arrange the GCCM layers so that joints are aligned in accordance with the
engineering drawings and for hydraulic application should be overlapped (shingled) in the
direction of water flow, so water flows over joints.
For hydraulic applications, this is facilitated by starting at the downstream end and working
towards the source of water flow.

If necessary the Installer shall place ballast, such as sandbags, on top of the laid GCCM prior to
hydration to ensure that it lies flat to the substrate on undulating ground to prevent voids from
forming underneath the material.
Personnel shall not wear damaging shoes and trafficking of the GCCM shall be kept to a
minimum to avoid staining of the surface, particularly with wet footwear prior to hydration.
Smoking is not to be permitted on the GCCM.
Heavy vehicular traffic shall not be permitted directly on the GCCM unless the subgrade has
been prepared with sufficient CBR density to support vehicle traffic without causing rutting. In
this case rubber-tyred vehicles and trucks are acceptable on the unhydrated GCCM if wheel
contact is less than 55 kPa.
In areas of heavy traffic the GCCM shall be protected by placing adequate protective cover over
the top of the material.

6.4 Temporary surcharge

The Installer shall be responsible for the GCCM at all times during the contract and shall adopt
whatever measures are necessary to ensure its stability and protect it from damage. These
measures shall include the use of sufficient temporary surcharge in the form of durable
sandbags, tires or similar weights without sharp edges placed on the GCCM immediately after
laying and before seaming to prevent slipping and damage by wind or other agents prior to

The Installer shall ensure adequate restraint at free edges of the material before anchoring or
fixing to the adjacent joint, in order to prevent uplift by wind. Any damage to the GCCM or failures
of joints arising from the Installer’s failure to secure the GCCM adequately during the works shall
be remedied at the Installer’s expense.

6.5 Fixings – Perimeter & Intermediate Fixings

Perimeter and Intermediate ground fixings shall be installed in conformance with the Engineer’s
design details and the following requirements.
6.5.1 Perimeter Fixings
The GCCM shall be firmly secured to the ground around the perimeter of the installation in order
to prevent movement and eliminate water and wind ingress which can result in material uplift.
This shall be achieved by capturing the GCCM in a concrete anchor trench or by using ground
pegs (eg galvanised J-pegs, mushroom head pegs or U-shaped staples) or earth percussion
anchors combined with an anchor trench backfilled with aggregate or soil. The GCCM may also
be secured around its perimeter by fixing to existing concrete infrastructure using mechanical
fixings such as concrete anchor bolts.

6.5.2 Intermediate Fixings

On large structures where wind uplift forces may be significant, intermediate fixings may be
required to prevent uplift (calculation of wind loads can be obtained using the methodology
described in BS EN 1991-1-4:2005).
For hydraulic structures, the Engineer shall ensure the design takes into consideration the water
velocity, turbulence and abrasion resistance requirements. The channel flow characteristics may
be calculated using the channel profile geometry and the Manufacturer’s published Manning’s
numbers and maximum permissible velocity and allowable shear stress. Intermediate fixings
may be required to prevent movement and uplift and these fixings shall be specified by the
Engineer and have sufficient load bearing capacity and durability to meet the project

6.5.3 Anchor Trench Backfill

The material used to backfill anchor trenches should be described as “non-erodible backfill” and
dependent on the erosion forces that the material in the anchor trench will be subjected to over
the life of the installation. For example soil and vegetation may be suitable at the crest of a slope
with no running water, in situ concrete may be necessary in the invert of a channel.

6.6 Jointing

The Engineer shall specify the jointing method (for example, screwed, adhesive sealant, thermal
bonding, etc), taking into account joint strength, permeability and substrate composition in
accordance with the Manufacturers guidelines appropriate to the application

The specified jointing method shall be incorporated into Installer’s methods statement which
shall be approved by the Engineer prior to commencement of installation.
On large projects, the Installer shall cover the last strip of unhydrated GCCM (e.g. with a plastic
tarpaulin) and raise it above ground level at the end of the day to protect it from moisture or
rainfall which may cause partial hardening and impinge on the next phase of jointing work.

6.8 Hydration

A stiff brush may be used to clean the surface of the GCCM prior to hydration in order to remove
footprints and dust accumulation and to prevent staining on the set material.
Hydration of the GCCM shall be undertaken by the Installer in accordance with the
Manufacturer’s Hydration Guidelines and the following requirements:

- Spray the fibre surface with water until it feels wet to touch for several minutes after
spraying. An excess of water is always recommended. The GCCM will set underwater
and in seawater.
- Re-spray the GCCM again after 1 hour if installing 5mm thick GCCM or installing GCCM
on a steep or vertical surface.
- In hot dry climates respray every 30 minutes for the first 2 hours
- A spray nozzle shall be used.
- The GCCM must be actively hydrated, reliance on rainfall or snowmelt is not permitted.
- High pressure water shall not be jetted directly onto the GCCM as this may wash a
channel in the unset material.
- GCCM has a working time of 1-2 hours after hydration. The GCCM shall not be moved
or trafficked once it has begun to set.
- Working time will be reduced in hot climates and increased in very cold climates.
- The GCCM will set hard in 24 hours but will continue to gain strength over time.
- If the GCCM not sufficiently wetted, or dries out in the first 5 hours, the set may be
delayed and strength reduced. If the set is delayed the Installer shall avoid trafficking the
GCCM and re-wet it with an excess of water.

7. Inspection and Evaluation

The GCCM and its joints shall be visually inspected by the Installer for defects, holes, or damage
due to weather conditions or construction activities. A daily inspection report will note the area of
inspection, time, date and who inspected the area, when the GCCM was installed and when it
was fully hydrated (weather: temperature and precipitation events). At the Installation
Supervisor’s discretion, the surface of the GCCM shall be brushed, blown, or cleared by other
methods by the Installer if the amount of dust, mud, or foreign material inhibits inspection or
functioning of the GCCM. Refer to the Manufacturer’s SDS sheet for personal protective
equipment recommendations when blowing dust off the surface of the GCCM. Inspection shall
be completed prior to and after hydration.

Repair or replace torn or damaged GCCM. Perform repairs in accordance with Manufacturer's
requirements. Remove and replace GCCM rolls which cannot be repaired.

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