LTE Parameter Tuning
LTE Parameter Tuning
LTE Parameter Tuning
Study on Implications
of 5G Deployment on
Future Business Models
No BEREC/2017/02/NP3
14 March 2018
1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Background and context: the development of 5G ..................................................................... 2
2.1 Defining 5G ...................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Global trends in information and communications technologies .............................. 4
2.3 The roadmap towards 5G ........................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Regulatory environment.......................................................................................................... 11
3 Overview of key 5G technologies .................................................................................................. 20
3.1 Technical capabilities that differentiate 5G ...................................................................... 21
3.2 Enabling 5G access using a combination of technologies .......................................... 24
3.3 A single network to serve multiple demands .................................................................. 26
4 Use cases for 5G .................................................................................................................................... 28
4.1 Automotive ................................................................................................................................... 30
4.2 Media and entertainment ....................................................................................................... 35
4.3 Manufacturing ............................................................................................................................. 39
4.4 Logistics ......................................................................................................................................... 42
4.5 Agriculture .................................................................................................................................... 45
4.6 Energy and utilities .................................................................................................................... 49
4.7 Healthcare ..................................................................................................................................... 53
5 Business models and value chains ................................................................................................. 58
5.1 How might 5G enable new business models? ................................................................. 59
6 Drivers and obstacles to 5G .............................................................................................................. 69
6.1 Enhanced mobile broadband as the initial driver .......................................................... 69
6.2 Identifying new revenue sources from additional capabilities of 5G ...................... 76
7 Regulatory options .............................................................................................................................. 84
7.1 Challenges arising from small cells ...................................................................................... 84
7.2 Access to spectrum .................................................................................................................... 88
7.3 Coverage issues........................................................................................................................... 92
7.4 Competitive issues ..................................................................................................................... 94
7.5 Backhaul for 5G cell sites ......................................................................................................... 96
7.6 Edge computing ......................................................................................................................... 96
7.7 Net neutrality ............................................................................................................................... 97
Tables & Figures
Figure 1: Evolution of cell data rates under different radio access technologies ............... 2
Figure 2: Expected roadmap towards 5G .......................................................................................... 8
Figure 3: The main families of usage scenarios and applications 5G might support ..... 20
Figure 4: Technical capabilities of IMT-2020 .................................................................................. 21
Figure 5: Enhancement of key capabilities from IMT-Advanced to IMT-2020................... 22
Figure 6: Enhancement of key capabilities from IMT-Advanced to IMT-2020................... 22
Figure 7: Key technologies to enable 5G ........................................................................................ 25
Figure 8: 5G virtual end-to-end networks tailored to serve application requirements . 26
Figure 9: Overview of proposed verticals and illustrative case studies ............................... 28
Figure 10: Value chain with service differentiation under 5G ................................................. 60
Figure 11: Business models to support embedded connectivity ........................................... 62
Figure 12: The value chain considering cell densification and access to small sites ...... 65
Figure 13: Convergence of PPDR-MNO-FWA provision ............................................................. 66
The content of this report does not reflect the official opinion of the Body of European
Regulators for Electronic Communication. Responsibility for the information and views
expressed therein lies entirely with the authors.
Executive summary
Executive summary
5G is evolutionary It is commonly supposed that 5G will lead to a step-change in the
rather than capability of mobile networks, opening up possibilities for
innovative new services, such as the Internet of Things (IoT),
connected vehicles and augmented reality (AR). Whilst 5G may
eventually be transformative for some sectors, in the short to
medium term these developments are more likely to be
evolutionary rather than revolutionary. The speed of roll-out and
adoption of 5G will depend on complementary investments being
made in network infrastructure as well as new services, applications
and products using 5G.
What 5G might bring
Network slicing will 5G brings a number of enhancements over 4G, including high
allow differentiated speeds, low latencies, enhanced reliability, lower power
consumption and greater terminal device densities. Perhaps most
important, 5G offers new network management possibilities that
could enable a single physical network to support a number of
virtual networks with different performance characteristics.
This network slicing creates, for the first time, the possibility of
tailoring mobile data services to the particular characteristics of
specific users. For example, a dense IoT sensor network might
prioritise low power consumption of terminals over connection
speed; at the same time, a separate network slice on the same
infrastructure could deliver high-speed mobile broadband.
New business models
Services can be This new ability for differentiation of services without having to
targeted to the needs build different physical networks raises the possibility of services
of verticals and
targeted at particular economic or industrial sectors – so called
specific user groups
‘verticals’ – as well as at specific user groups. Therefore, 5G has the
potential to change business models for network operators relative
to the current marketplace, where network operators have offered
largely standardised services and differentiation has been limited to
pricing plans.
There may be new This also opens up potentially new roles for intermediaries in the
intermediaries value chain, positioned downstream of network operators, offering
to bundle and repackage connectivity for particular industries. For
example, aggregators might put together trans-national
connectivity packages for particular industries. In general, there are
likely to be opportunities for orchestration of different networks,
tying them together to create connectivity services for specific
Executive summary
Upstream entrant of There may also be opportunities for new players upstream of
wholesale cell traditional mobile networks. For example, 5G is likely to require
densification services
significant densification of current networks at high frequencies to
meet bandwidth requirements. This may create new opportunities
for independent operators to acquire sites in dense urban areas and
indoor public spaces and deploy 5G infrastructure, offering
wholesale services providing patches of connectivity to 5G
operators. Given availability of appropriate spectrum, traditional
network operators could also be bypassed by entrants focussed on
providing connectivity for specific industries (for example, within
factories or warehouses).
Entry should not be Spectrum award designers need to be aware of these possibilities
prevented by for upstream entry, rather than assume that the only buyers of
spectrum award
spectrum will be incumbent MNOs. Spectrum should be packaged
to allow entry, for example by allowing bidders to assemble smaller
blocks to give flexibility over the amount of spectrum acquired.
Drivers of 5G roll-out
eMBB, is the initial Despite these transformative possibilities of 5G in the long-run,
driver of 5G there is currently broad consensus amongst stakeholders that initial
deployments of 5G will be driven by enhanced mobile broadband
(eMBB). Operators will be incentivised to deploy 5G by lower unit
costs of network capacity and the need to maintain competitive
service quality in the face of continued data growth.
eMBB may generate It is possible that eMBB alone will not create significant additional
limited additional revenue from 5G for network operators. Experience of previous
migrations from one mobile technology to the next suggests
consumers pay a broadly similar amount even though data speeds
have increased and bundled data and call allowances have grown
due to falling unit network costs.
Prospects for additional revenue sources
Long-run incentives In the longer run, 5G roll-out incentives depend on incremental
depend on revenues from new services. In turn, incentives to develop and
additional revenues
market novel services dependent on 5G will require sufficient 5G
from new services
coverage, which creates a coordination issue.
Developers of Any commercial developer of a new service or product benefiting
applications and from 5G connectivity will want to reduce its exposure to the risk of
services will mitigate
5G roll-out being slow or geographically limited. We have found
risks by having fall-
back connectivity that developers tend to follow diversified approaches to
options connectivity, looking to develop services that will fall back smoothly
onto slower or less capable mobile networks or which might even
use quite different technologies. For example:
• Agricultural applications of dense sensor networks are
unlikely to wait until 5G becomes ubiquitous in rural areas.
Rather, developers wanting to get new products and
services to market will adopt other interim technologies
that are readily available. For example Long Term Evolution
for Machines (LTE-M) or NarrowBand IoT (NB-IoT), or low-
Executive summary
Executive summary
Executive summary
Availability of backhaul
Rural 5G deployments need backhaul and, in some cases, the
necessary fibre infrastructure may be lacking. It may be possible to
piggy-back on interventions aimed at encouraging high-speed
broadband in rural areas. Physical infrastructure access may help to
some extent, but this may not be particularly effective in
encouraging fibre in rural areas if physical infrastructure is lacking.
Infrastructure sharing
5G is likely to lead to much more infrastructure sharing, due to the
use of small cells. Sometimes there may be physical limits on how
many distinct networks can be accommodated at a site.
Regulators need to be alert to excessive concentration at the
network level due to infrastructure sharing. Charging models for
shared infrastructure should ideally be based on capacity-based
charges to ensure that there are no retail competitive effects.
However, we question how effective this can be in protecting
competition, when the agility of 5G networks might allow rapid
reallocation of capacity between sharers.
Edge computing
It is possible that applications such as augmented reality might use
edge computing for low latency applications. Edge computing can
only be procured from 5G network operators. Open standards for
portability of edge computing applications may be important to
ensure that consumers are not locked in to one network operator.
1 Introduction
The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications
(BEREC) has commissioned DotEcon Ltd (DotEcon) and Axon
Partners Group Consulting SL (Axon) to conduct a study on
implications of 5G deployment on future business models.
This study aims to help BEREC improve its understanding of 5G in
terms of the key technologies and services that may emerge, and
the obstacles and enablers for success, with a focus on the near
term, specifically the time period from 2018-2022. In particular,
BEREC would like to understand the implications of 5G for market
structure, market dynamics and competition in the
telecommunications market and other related markets.
In line with these objectives, our report is divided into six sections:
Background and context to the development of 5G - This section
summarises the main European 5G initiatives and regulatory
Key 5G technologies - This section provides an overview of the key
aspects of 5G technology and their implications for services,
including developments in the radio access network (RAN) and
underlying network infrastructure. We consider the progressive
‘evolution’ from 4G/LTE-A, but also how 5G might allow for more
fundamental changes than the shift from 3G to 4G in terms of
enabling services that were not previously possible.
Identifying potential use cases of 5G – We consider the main
‘vertical’ industries typically considered to be potential beneficiaries
of 5G and consider possible use cases within these sectors. We ask
which of these use cases are likely to be important in providing
incentives for 5G roll-out and identify any particular issues or
barriers to 5G adoption in those sectors.
Potential implications of 5G deployment on business models
and value chains - We consider the possible impact of 5G on
business models and value chains within telecoms and vertical
sectors and consider any new opportunities that may arise,
including the potential for an increasing role for intermediaries. This
may have implications for both the telecoms and adjacent markets
in terms of market structure, competitive impacts and charging
models to monetise 5G network investments.
Drivers and obstacles – In this section we consider the main
drivers and obstacles to deployment of 5G services.
Regulatory options - Having identified the drivers and inhibitors,
we will consider the key questions BEREC and NRAs should consider
when assessing how the regulatory environment can be set to
facilitate successful deployment of 5G services.
Background and context: the development of 5G
2.1 Defining 5G
The next generation 5G is the term used to describe the next (and fifth) generation of
of wireless networks wireless networks, beyond current 4G LTE networks. Although a
final standard for 5G is yet to be formally designed,1 5G networks
are expected to build on, and smoothly integrate with, the legacy of
previous generations of wireless network. In the first instance, 5G
represents an evolution of existing radio access technologies.
From 2G to 4G, each radio access technology generation over the
last 25 years has focused on improving the speed and efficiency of
wireless networks to enhance mobile services.
Figure 1: Evolution of cell data rates under different radio access technologies
2G 64 K bps
Voice and D ata
3G 2 Mbps
D ata
4G 1 Gbps
D ata and m ore…
5G Up to 20 Gbps
Although, 3GPP Release 15 has defined the 5G system architecture. See 3GPP
Release 15:
The emergence of (limited) data connectivity and mobile internet predated “3G”
in the form of General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) (Release 97).
Background and context: the development of 5G
GSMA Intelligence, Global Mobile Trends, 2017.
Background and context: the development of 5G
Background and context: the development of 5G
Connectivity: growth in devices, content and data • Handle growth in a cost-effective, high-speed and
traffic energy-efficient manner.
Proliferation of value-added services and over- • Support evolution of richer content types such as 4K,
the-top (OTT) players: operators adapting to 8K, VR, AR, 360° videos etc.
changing times
• Enable telecoms operators to compete with OTT
players through partnerships and quality offerings.
Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) technology: the great • Utilise much higher frequency bands than current 4G
wireless migration networks.
• Solve the last mile problem4.
Digitisation and advanced analytics: achieving • Digitise and overhaul business models of telecom and
maximum value from each customer adjacent industries.
• Provide data analytics to accurately segment and
generate maximum value from each customer.
Internet of Things (IoT): explosion of connected • Connecting everything from smart home devices to
devices self-driving cars and robots.
• Improve the latency capabilities of current 4G LTE
systems, leading to increased efficiency.
Network upgrades and security: need for security • Ensure quality, security and safety.
by design • Transform security to be the new area of competitive
advantage for operators.
Consolidation, bundling of services and M&A: • Increase consolidation and M&A activities amongst
attractive vehicle for entering new markets operators to gain returns on investments in 5G
• Increase network sharing to achieve densification.
Last mile is the portion of the network that reaches the user´s premises. Bulk of
the costs and most of the complexity involved in fixed access deployments are
associated with the last mile.
Background and context: the development of 5G
Ericsson, “Mobility Report”, 2017. Available at:
Background and context: the development of 5G
Background and context: the development of 5G
5G Ex perim ents
D eployment 5G Trials
of 5G
5G D eploym ent and Com m ercializ ation
S pectrum
WRC 2019 WRC 2023
Standardisation Relevant standard bodies, both regional and global, have set out
supported by ITU and timetables for the development of 5G. For example, ITU and 3rd
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) are focused on studying
technological requirements for 5G and releasing the standards by
2020. In 2012, ITU-R6 embarked on a programme to develop IMT for
2020 and beyond, setting the stage for 5G research activities
currently emerging around the world. IMT-2020 is set to be the
global communication network for the coming decades and is on
track to be in place by 2020.
The core of 5G standardisation related to mobile technologies will
happen in the context of 3GPP standardisation.7 This foresees two
phases of 5G deployments:
• 5G New Radio (NR)8 features set out in 3GPP Release 15
will form the first phase of 5G deployments;
ITU Radiocommunication sector (ITU-R) is one of the three sectors of the ITU and
is responsible for radio communication.
3GPP Release 15 and Release 16.
5G NR is the wireless standard that will become the foundation for the next
generation of mobile networks.
Background and context: the development of 5G
We acknowledge that this band (which includes 3400-3800 MHz) is referred to in a
number of different ways. For example, EC refers to this as the 3.5 GHz band, RSPG
refers to it as the 3.6 GHz band and CEPT refers to the 3.4 – 3.8 GHz band. For the
consistency throughout this report we refer to the 3.6 GHz band.
International Olympic Committee, “Fans of the Olympic Winter Games 2018 to
experience word’s first broad-scale 5G network”, 9 February 2018. Available at:
Background and context: the development of 5G
network (with Intel and Samsung) to support the high data usage
arising from the combination of the ‘Olympic App’, drones, virtual
reality systems, large stadiums and promotion of social media
sharing throughout the games. China11 and Japan (2020 Tokyo
Olympics)12 are planning commercial deployments by 2020, with
the UK also running a 5G testbed and trials programme13 targeting
2020 for commercial deployments. In France, ARCEP opened a “5G
Pilot” window, to allow all of the players along the 5G value chain to
explore use cases and the challenges of this new generation. The
scheme seeks to bring together different players along the value
chain, allocate frequencies to interested players, conduct the 5G
trials and obtain initial feedback on the potential uses of 5G.14
The European The European Commission (EC) is applying considerable effort to
Commission has set place Europe at the forefront of 5G. To ensure the timely
targets and
deployment of 5G, the EC has requested Member States to align
roadmaps, make provisional spectrum available, undertake trials
and promote early deployment. The EC has set out a preliminary
timetable for achieving widespread 5G deployment in Europe:
• The first milestone is the launch of pre-commercial 5G trials
in early 2018. This should be followed by the launch of early
5G networks in the same year;
• The EU has set the ambitious target to launch fully
commercial 5G services by the end of 2020. To this end, the
EC has requested member states to make pioneer bands
available ahead of the WRC-19;
• The EC also asked member states to identify at least one
major city to be 5G enabled in 2020, while all urban areas
and major terrestrial paths should have uninterrupted 5G
coverage by 2025.15
Furthermore, to accelerate research and development of 5G, the EC
is co-financing an initiative called the 5G-infrastructure public
private partnership (5G-PPP), which was launched in 2013. 5G-PPP
brings together a wide range of industry stakeholders who, through
Mobile World Live article “China outlines 5G R&D roadmap”. Available at:
GSMA 5GMF – “Strategy and Activities on 5G Development in Japan and 5GMF”.
UK DCMS 5G Testbed & Trials Programme-
Arcep, “5G, Frequencies And Innovation”, 16 January 2018. Available at:
European Commission Communication, “5G for Europe: An Action Plan” and the
accompanying “Staff Working Document”, 14 September 2016.
Background and context: the development of 5G
A roadmap by European Commission that sets out measures to guarantee a
coordinated approach among all member states to make 5G accessible in line with
the 5GAP goals of “at least one major city [per member state] to be 5G enabled in
2020”, and making sure that “all urban areas and major terrestrial paths (…) have
uninterrupted 5G coverage by 2025”.
Defined in 5G IA Pan-European trials roadmap version 1.0. Available at:
Background and context: the development of 5G
Pioneer bands are described as early available frequency bands to be
harmonised for 5G use.
European Commission Communication, “5G for Europe: An Action Plan” and the
accompanying “Staff Working Document”, 14 September 2016.
We acknowledge that this band (which includes 3400-3800 MHz) is referred to in
a number of different ways. For example EC refers to this as the 3.5 GHz band, RSPG
refers to it as the 3.6 GHz band and CEPT refers to the 2.4 – 3.8 GHz band. For the
consistency throughout this report we refer to the 3.6 GHz band.
Radio Spectrum Policy Group, “Strategic Roadmap Towards 5G for Europe –
Opinion on spectrum related aspects for next- generation wireless systems”, 9
November 2016 and Radio Spectrum Policy Group, “Strategic Roadmap Towards
5G for Europe – RSPG Second Opinion on 5G Networks”, 30 January 2018.
Radio Spectrum Policy Group, “Strategic Roadmap Towards 5G for Europe –
Opinion on spectrum related aspects for next- generation wireless systems”, 9
November 2016.
Radio Spectrum Policy Group, “Strategic Roadmap Towards 5G for Europe – RSPG
Second Opinion on 5G Networks”, 30 January 2018.
Background and context: the development of 5G
EC mandate to CEPT to develop harmonised technical conditions for spectrum
use in support of the introduction of next-generation (5G) terrestrial wireless
systems in the Union, 7 December 2016.
RSPG also recognises the need to ensure that technical and regulatory conditions
for all bands already harmonised for mobile networks are fit for 5G uses.
Background and context: the development of 5G
The Manifesto is effectively an open letter to the Commissioner of the Digital
Economy and Society dated 7 July 2016. Its signatories are the telecoms operators
BT, Deutsche Telekom, Hutchison Whampoa Europe, Orange, Proximus, KPN, Tele2,
Telecom Italia, Telefonica, Telekom Austria, Telenor, Telia, Vodafone; the vendors
Ericsson and Nokia and the satellite operators, Inmarsat and SES. Five companies
from vertical industries expressed interest in the initiative.
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council
establishing the European Electronic Communications Code, COM/2016/0590 final
- 2016/0288 (COD), 14 September 2016
Background and context: the development of 5G
5G-PPP white paper, “Vision on Software Networks and 5G SN WG”, January 2017.
European Commission, “EU unveils 22 projects selected under the 5G Public,
Private Partnership”, 1 July 2015.
Background and context: the development of 5G
Ofcom, UK For example, the UK regulator Ofcom has recently published its
action plan to enable 5G in the UK, which provides an overview of
the spectrum pipeline to meet the increasing demand for mobile
broadband.30 In order to enable a range of players to test innovative
new uses, Ofcom has also launched a new trial and innovation
Ofcom has already indicated the 700 MHz band will be auctioned in
201932. An auction including frequencies for 5G deployment within
the range 3.4-3.6 GHz is scheduled to take place in 201833. Ofcom
have also announced that further spectrum in the range 3.6–3.8
GHz will be made available for mobile and auctioned in 2019.34
Following an initial Call For Input on 3.8-4.2 in 2016, Ofcom plans to
further consider the potential for increased shared access to this
band for innovative new uses, while taking into account existing
In 2017, Ofcom also launched a call for inputs (CFI) on likely
demand, timelines and spectrum authorisation options for 5G at 26
GHz35. Ofcom’s CFI was focussed on:
• The likely demand, with regard to locations, services, channel
bandwidth and deployment models to use 5G technologies at
26 GHz;
• The timelines for 5G equipment operating across the 26 GHz
band and the technology features that may be relevant to
authorising spectrum;
• The range of spectrum authorisation options that may be
relevant in response to the specific market demand at 26 GHz
and whether different authorisation types are required to meet
the needs of different deployment models and services;
• Options for existing users of the band to allow the introduction
of 5G.
Ofcom also sought stakeholders’ views on making the 26 GHz
pioneer band available on a progressive basis. The UK regulator also
Ofcom “Enabling 5G in the UK”, 9 March 2018. Available at:
Ofcom, “Innovation licensing including 5G”. Available at:
Ofcom, “Update on spectrum in the UK”, 8 February 2017.
Ofcom, “Award of 2.3 and 3.4 GHz spectrum by auction”,
Ofcom, “Improving consumer access to mobile services at 3.6GHz to 3.8GHz:
Update on timing of spectrum availability”, 2 February 2018, Available at:
Ofcom, “Call for inputs on 5G spectrum access at 26 GHz and update on bands
above 30 GHz”, 28 July 2017.
Background and context: the development of 5G
RTR, “Spectrum Release Plan”, December 2016
RTR, “Consultation on the 3.4-3.8 GHz award procedure”, 28 July 2017.
Bundesnetzagentur, “Key Elements for the rollout of digital infrastructures and
Identification of Demand for nationwide assignments in the 2 GHz and 3.6 GHz
bands”, 2017.
Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, “Nota Mobiele Communicatie
2017”, 2017.
Background and context: the development of 5G
ComReg, “Response to Consultation and Draft Decision on the Proposed 26 GHz
Spectrum Award”, 23 February 2018, §4.82.
Ibid, §2.26.
ComReg, “Five Winning Bidders in ComReg’s 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award”, 22
May 2017. Available at:
Arcep, “Arcep launches a public consultation on “New frequencies for the
regions, businesses, 5G and innovation””, 6 January 2017.
MINETAD, “Plan Nacional 5G 2018-2020”, 1 December 2017.
Background and context: the development of 5G
Overview of key 5G technologies
u Extending cellular
However, in December 2017, 3GPP announced the completion of Release 15 NSA
5G NR specification, which introduced a relevant milestone to complete the first
implementable specification for Non-Standalone 5G NR operation.
identified by ITU-R M.2083 ¨IMT Vision – Framework and overall objectives of the
future development of IMT for 2020 and beyond¨.
Overview of key 5G technologies
1- 20 Gbps 1- 10 ms
Peak data
Total amount of traffic handled L atency Round trip time for a packet of
by a single cell data
Source: Report ITU-R M.2410-0 (11/2017) Minimum requirements related to technical performance for IMT-2020
radio interface(s).
Overview of key 5G technologies
Ar cap it/s
ea ac /m
p a
ex a r /s)
tr ity 2 )
er at bit
Us d (M
100x 1x 3x Peak spectral
Network energy
efficiency 1x (bit/s/Hz)
10 10
M Km
ic sit ion
ob /h
ev en ect
ili )
es y
d n
Although the final requirements for 5G have not been finalised yet,
each of the three main families of usage scenarios (i.e. eMBB, URLLC,
mMTC) are expected to have differing needs in terms of these
technical capabilities, as shown in the figure below.
Figure 6: Enhancement of key capabilities from IMT-Advanced to IMT-2020
Peak data rate
Peak spectral
N etwork energy
(bit/s/H z )
(m s)
Overview of key 5G technologies
Overview of key 5G technologies
Overview of key 5G technologies
new unused spectrum between high efficiency, throughput, transmit and receive data at
30-300 Ghz, increase capacity inexpensive, reduced latency, same time and frequency,
and speed fine spatial focusing doubles network capacity
high absorption, low reach causes interference, large interference, reciprocity issue
number of antennas required
N ew challeng es
Millimetre waves are known to have much lower coverage capacities due to
higher absorption, which will be a challenge for telecom operators. Industry is
currently struggling to model, understand and learn how to plan networks in cases
such as rain, snow, changing foliage due to seasons, etc. for which the effect is
negligible for bands currently used for mobile services.
Nokia, “Beamforming for 4.9G/5G Networks – Exploiting Massive MIMO and
Active Antenna Technologies.”
Overview of key 5G technologies
Use cases
Overview of key 5G technologies
Use cases for 5G
Equipment/network manufacturers
Connectivity providers
Use cases for 5G
Beyond eMBB, in the Whilst there be some particular use cases for which 5G availability
short-to-medium will be critical, we are somewhat sceptical that, at least in the early
term there may be
years, there will be use cases dependent on 5G that will create
few use cases entirely
dependent on 5G sufficient incremental revenue that this could significantly affect 5G
deployment incentives. Indeed, many use cases are unlikely to
emerge with any clarity in the short-to-medium term, due to lack of
demand, commercial risk, lack of suitable hardware, or simply due
to the large amount of research and development that must be
conducted beforehand.
Whilst the EU, and other countries, have in place a number of
initiatives to support research and promote trials, to date these
have focussed on showing what is technically feasible and
determining exactly how particular use cases may be supported by
technology and standards setting, but there has been limited
attention given to how (or whether) such services will be
commercially viable.
Commercial services When considering products and services that might be enabled by
and products 5G (and also improvements to companies’ internal processes that
wishing to use
might be enabled by 5G), there is clearly a high level of risk for
mobile connectivity
to provide a developers. It cannot be assumed that 5G will be ubiquitously
ubiquitous service available. It is reasonable to expect that - for a considerable time -
will likely use a mixed there will be a mixed connectivity environment, with 4G available
connectivity and Wi-Fi often providing indoor connectivity. Initial 5G
deployment is likely to be focussed on urban areas. Therefore,
commercial services and products using mobile connectivity
wishing to provide a ubiquitous service will need to have fall-back
options rather relying entirely on 5G. We should expect that a
developer wanting to offer an application or service, or to embed
connectivity in a product, and market this across Europe, or even
globally, will want to reduce its exposure to 5G rolling out at
different rates in different countries by being able use whatever
networks are available.
5G will need to be The relevant alternatives will depend on the details of the
attractive relative to connectivity requirements (as we discuss below in a number of case
other technological
studies). Whilst 5G will provide significant enhancements and also
much more flexibility, where there are alternatives this will limit
what users will be prepared to pay additionally for 5G functionality.
Pricing models for 5G There will also need to be models that allow verticals to pay for 5G
will be an important connectivity in a manner that is efficient and does not create poor
factor in providing
incentives for the user. To take a specific example, a sensor network
the correct incentives
for adoption might benefit from using 5G due to the low power requirements
and the flexibility that using a public mobile network might provide
in locating those sensors and deploying them without needing any
additional infrastructure. However, payments to the network
operator need to reflect an appropriate balance between the
benefits to the user and the costs to the network operator. Paying
on a per device basis might be unattractive to the user and provide
incentives to reduce the density of its sensor network or switch to
an alternative way of connecting those sensors. However, if little
Use cases for 5G
4.1 Automotive
The automotive industry has been an early adopter of various
connectivity technologies. There has been a significant push by car
manufacturers in developing connected-ready cars, with a view to
Use cases for 5G
Use cases for 5G
Infotainment services New opportunities for the Data throughput > 10 Mbps
provision of in-car
entertainment and Connection density > 10,000 /km2
information services of Mobility > 200 km/h
value to the driver and
Use cases for 5G
IEEE 802.11p represents an amended version of the IEEE Std 802.11 for wireless
local area networks (WLANs) and specifies the extensions for the provision of
wireless communications while in a vehicular environment. See:
5G-PPP White Paper on Automotive Vehicle Sectors.
We understand that from 2019 the Volkswagen group will use the WLANp
standard for communications between vehicles. See:
Arthur F. Little for Vodafone Group Plc, “Creating a Gigabit Society – The role of
5G”. Available at:
Use cases for 5G
5GAA, “Paving the way towards 5G”. Available at:
Ericsson, “5G Readiness Survey 2017 – An assessment of operators’ progress on
the road to 5G”
In fact, a large number of vehicle manufacturers are already providing cellular
modems to, for example, allow the cars to act as Wi-Fi-hotspots.
Use cases for 5G
For example, where car manufacturers are reliant on cellular networks for
connectivity opportunities may arise for new intermediaries who help car
manufacturers to negotiate deals with multiple operators across multiple regions
to ensure high coverage across countries and boarders, providing a ‘one-stop-
shop’ for 5G connectivity.
Ericsson, “Mobility Report”, June 2017. Available at:
Use cases for 5G
Opportunities for 5G
To the extent that media and entertainment will continue to drive
the significant increases in mobile data usage, a key challenge will
be to provide ways of supporting this growth and guarantee a high
level of quality. This might be particularly relevant at large public
events or stadia where video content is being consumed or created.
5G may help support these requirements in a cost-effective manner.
It might also allow of new, data hungry services. For example,
spectators at events might be encouraged to enhance their viewing
experience through virtual reality headsets, augmented reality
services, or by allowing spectators to view video replays and live
video streams from different camera angles on their mobile device.
5G’s role in supporting high-quality streaming is not limited to
supporting high data rates in dense areas; it might also have a role
to play in the development of broadcast and media distribution
platforms. For example, as consumer habits change from watching
linear TV on a stationary set at home, we have already seen an
appetite for catch-up TV and a greater number of devices used for
viewing such services. This has required broadcasters to rely on
various forms of local caching to distribute content cost effectively
(for example, through the use of commercial content distribution
There will be increased need for the seamless integration of
different network technologies, so consumers can move between
them and consume video content without disruption. Whilst at
present, distribution networks might largely be considered separate
and independent (for example, distribution over cellular, satellite,
broadcast airwaves, digital terrestrial television etc.), 5G may
facilitate the development and provision of a single solution that
can “exploit delivery modes for unicast, multicast, broadcast as well as
local caching.”58
Whilst there are some uncertainties in how future media production
and broadcast will evolve, 5G networks may bring advantages to
the broadcasting sector that help remove production from resource
heavy, on-site, outside-broadcast units to a central location where
video streams gathered from multiple cameras to be compiled.
Whilst this may, in part, rely on fixed infrastructure, 5G might help
where infrastructure is lacking, or where wireless connectivity
provides a more cost-effective solution.
Potential use cases
Table 3 below gives some examples of use cases for the media and
entertainment sector, the expected impact and the critical
requirements for connectivity.
5G-Xcast website. Available at:
Use cases for 5G
Supporting high quality Will allow users to engage Data throughput > 15 Mbps
data services in dense with media services at
areas for improved large events and may Connection density > 150000 /km2
viewing experiences and support the emergence of Latency < 10 ms
sharing of user and new, data hungry services
machine generated which spectators at
content events will be encouraged
to use to enhance their
viewing experience
New distribution Allows for a shift away Data throughput > 10 Mbps
technologies from traditional
distribution towards IP Reliability > 99 %
and to explore the use of Latency < 10 ms
multicast and broadcast
modes over wireless
Use cases for 5G
5G-Xcast website. Available at:
For example, we understand that that advances in 3GPP Release 14 will include a
standardised interface between mobile network operators and service providers
and to the 3GPP system itself – for media delivery and control, radio enhancements
for improved broadcast support and system enhancements to allow delivery of
free-to-air receive-only services.
Ericsson, “5G Readiness Survey 2017 – An assessment of operators’ progress on
the road to 5G””.
Use cases for 5G
4.3 Manufacturing
In 2012, Europe set a target of a GDP contribution of 20% from the
manufacturing sector but is some way from realising this62.
Therefore, in recent years, the European manufacturing sector has
been trying to use ICT enhancements to improve productivity. The
digitisation of manufacturing is sometimes referred to as the ‘fourth
industrial revolution’ and is expected to be fuelled by cyber-
physical-systems (CPS) and the Internet of Things (IoT) to enable
effective, connected and flexible factories of the future.
Opportunities for 5G
5G could contribute to further developments in the manufacturing
sector by enabling improvements in wireless data rates through the
evolution of mobile broadband networks. For example, there is
scope for the sector to take advantage of improvements in
connection density and lower latency as it will enable multiple
devices and machines to communicate. This could facilitate new
ways of working, bring significant efficiency gains and disrupt
traditional manufacturing methods.
The growing importance of CPS production has created a demand
for increased connectivity and information exchange over a larger,
more diverse set of devices, at new scales and requiring fast
response times. 5G could help the manufacturing sector to realise
the concepts of the connected factory and connected products, and
to participate in connected value chains.
Potential use cases
A number of potential use cases for 5G have been identified63 within
the industrial sector, covering both the manufacturing processes
within the walls of a single factory and integrating processes across
different factories. We present the most widely reported use cases
The European House – Ambrosetti, Italy - ¨European manufacturing between
structural trends and future perspectives: Taking up the challenge¨, Industrial
policies for global manufacturing, World Manufacturing Forum, 2014.
Based on 5G-PPP’s White Paper: 5G and the factories of the future, 2015.
Use cases for 5G
Logistics tracking: track Increased efficiency (cost Connection density > 1000000 /km2
flow of goods from raw and time)
material to delivery
Augmented reality (AR): Increased efficiency, Data throughput > 500 Mbps
live direct or indirect view worker satisfaction, safety
of a physical environment
for training and
Use cases for 5G
Use cases for 5G
4.4 Logistics
Logistics and Supply Chain Management (SCM) are concerned with
the flow of products and information between various points of the
distribution chain – typically from manufacturers to distribution
centres, from distribution centres to retailers and from
manufacturers or retailers to consumers. IoT is expected to have a
great impact in the way companies approach logistics and SCM.
Opportunities for 5G
Technology is currently having a significant impact on the logistics
sector. The key trends are shown in Table 5 below. These are likely
to have a substantial impact on the industry in the long term and
create opportunities for 5G to be used. Even though most of the
upcoming requirements of the logistics sector can be satisfied by
the existing technologies, 5G may have a role in the sector in the
future by providing more efficient fleet management and delivery
Use cases for 5G
Technology trends Impact on Logistics
Robotics & automation Improved delivery and warehouse management, lower costs High
Use cases for 5G
IoT driven smart inventory Enhance warehouse Connection density > 1000000 /km2
management: Use of efficiency, ensure service
pallet tagging, cameras, quality Battery life > 10 years
sensors, automation to
achieve damage
detection, real time
visibility and accurate
inventory control
Optimal asset utilisation: Reduce errors, increased Connection density > 1000000 /km2
Connecting machinery workforce efficiency
and vehicles to a central Mobility > 100 km/h
system to monitor all
assets in real time and to
enable predictive
Fleet and asset Optimised routes, Connection density > 1000000 /km2
management: Use of improved fuel economy,
sensors and wireless reduce deadhead miles Battery life > 10 years
connectivity to create
fleet efficiencies
Connected Ports: Devices, Increase in trade, accurate Connection density > 200000 /km2
machines and humans tracking, secure ports
sharing real time Battery life > 10 years
information to enable
ports to work in a smarter
Use cases for 5G
4.5 Agriculture
Agriculture is rapidly adopting technology, as it evolves from an
industry entrenched in tradition to one that is fast embracing
change. Technological innovations are automating labour-intensive
tasks and providing farmers with greater knowledge and insight
into their crops and environmental factors that can be used to
increase efficiency and yield. The agricultural sector has already
started to embrace ICT and wireless connectivity to increase
productivity and efficiency. IoT can help achieve smart farming and
‘precision agriculture’ that will be vital to achieve improved crop
yields. For example, according to the UN Food and Agriculture
Organisation, farmers across the globe will have to grow 70% more
food in 2050 than they did in 2006, so technology’s ability to
support increases in efficiency could be particularly valuable. Data
Use cases for 5G
Use cases for 5G
either case, safety issues and sectoral (i.e. aviation) regulation are
likely to constraint the speed of adoption of these new
Precision farming: Use of Ensure profitability and Connection density > 100 /km2
sensor data to measure sustainability, protect
crop yields, moisture environment
levels and terrain
Smart Irrigation: Use of IoT Higher irrigation Connection density > 100 /km2
to measure humidity, soil efficiency
moisture, temperature Battery life > 1 year
etc. to calculate precise
requirements for water
Soil and Crop monitoring: Enable informed farming Connection density > 100 /km2
Use of sensors to monitor decisions, minimise
moisture and identify erosion Battery life > 1 year
issues such as diseases or
Precision livestock Ensure optimal yield, Connection density > 100 /km2
farming: Real-time enable informed farming
monitoring of decisions Battery life > 1 year
productions, health, and
welfare of livestock
Use cases for 5G
Use cases for 5G
Use cases for 5G
5G Infrastructure Association, “5G and Energy – version 1.0”, 30 September 2015.
5G Infrastructure Association, “5G and Energy – version 1.0”, 30 September 2015.
Use cases for 5G
However, the 5G-IA considers there application might have greater requirements
in the future: “They will reach near real time application in coming years, enabling
near real time optimisations of sections of the low and medium voltage infrastructure
with impacts on the communications requirements of utilities towards the customers
(residential and business) particularly in urban areas where 5G will become available
and can address the communication needs of smart meters if the design targets are
accordingly set.” 5G Infrastructure Association, “5G and Energy – version 1.0”, 30
September 2015.
The 5G IA gives a more complete overview of the various smart grid
communication domains and the types of networking they rely on. See 5G
Infrastructure Association, “5G and Energy – version 1.0”, 30 September 2015.
Huawei, “5G Opening up New Business Opportunities”, August 2016. Available at:
5G Infrastructure Association, “5G and Energy – version 1.0”, 30 September 2015.
Use cases for 5G
See Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, “Smartgrid Roadmap 2011-2050”.
Available at:
For example, see ESB’s response to ComReg’s consultation on the proposed
release of the 410-415.5/420-425.5 MHz subband, December 2017, available at
Use cases for 5G
4.7 Healthcare
Health systems are faced with significant challenges from
constantly increasing healthcare demand due to growing and
ageing populations. Cost of healthcare as a percentage of GDP
continues to grow faster than average economic growth.77 New
opportunities to improve the cost efficiency of healthcare delivery
are extremely valuable to the industry.
Opportunities for increasing efficiency and reducing costs will arise
from applications that allow for the collection and management of
more data and opportunities such as improved health monitoring,
smart medicine and remote diagnosis and surgery. Big data
management and sharing could be a key driver of more informed
medical decisions and help prevent illnesses.78 The use of remote
healthcare (“Telehealth”) could also significantly reduce costs by
enabling the decentralisation of medical care, which will be
particularly advantageous in rural or hazardous areas.
It is likely that these applications will rely on a range of technologies
depending on the specific requirements. For example, some could
rely on fixed connections whilst others might be able to rely on low
data rate wireless technologies (2G or 3G) or even over Wi-Fi for
example. It is possible that some use-cases might also see potential
in 5G.
Opportunities for 5G
Healthcare providers believe 5G has a role to play in bringing
improvements and significant benefits to the sector. For example, in
a study by Ericsson, almost three quarters of surveyed healthcare
5G-PPP, White paper on 5G and e-Health, September 2015.
Tech4i2, Real Wireless, Trinity College Dublin, InterDigital, “Identification and
quantification of key socio-economic data to support strategic planning for the
introduction of 5G in Europe, A study prepared for the European Commission”, May
Use cases for 5G
Ericsson, “Opportunities in 5G: The View from Eight Industries”.
Based on information presented in the 5G-PPP, White paper on 5G and e-Health,
September 2015.
Use cases for 5G
Maria Lemas et al, “5G Case Study of Internet of Skills: Slicing the Human Senses”,
IEEE 2017; Ericsson, “From Healthcare to Homecare”; IEEE, IEEE 5G and beyond
technology roadmap white paper”.
Maria Lemas et al, “5G Case Study of Internet of Skills: Slicing the Human Senses”.
NGMN, NGMN 5G White Paper, 17th February 2015.
Tech4i2, Real Wireless, Trinity College Dublin, InterDigital, Identification and
quantification of key socio-economic data to support strategic planning for the
introduction of 5G in Europe, A study prepared for the European Commission.
Haptic feedback refers to feedback that confirms a sense of touch for the action
performed. In remote surgery, it will give the surgeon a sense of touch while using
tele-surgical devices with robotic probes.
Use cases for 5G
(This sense of touch is received through two elements of haptic feedback, one is
tactile feedback which is touch felt on the skin such as heat and vibration, the other
is kinaesthetic feedback which is touch felt in muscle and bone such as force and
Nokia, “Translating 5G use cases into viable business cases”, White Paper.
NGMN, NGMN 5G White Paper, 17th February 2015
For example, see Phillips Press Release: “Philips and VU University Medical Center
Amsterdam sign agreement on patient monitoring systems”. Available at:
David Teece, “5G Mobile: Impact on the Health Care Sector”, 26 October 2017.
NGMN, “NGMN 5G White Paper”, 17 February 2015.
Huawei, “5G – Opening up New Business Opportunities”, August 2016.
Use cases for 5G
Tech4i2, Real Wireless, Trinity College Dublin, InterDigital, “Identification and
quantification of key socio-economic data to support strategic planning for the
introduction of 5G in Europe, A study prepared for the European Commission” May
Business models and value chains
Business models and value chains
Service related
Differentiated The technological capabilities of 5G - including NFV/SDN and
services network slicing - open the possibilities for a larger number of
differentiated services (and various associated charging models) to
be offered. This may facilitate changes to the traditional model of
offering standardised, largely undifferentiated “mobile broadband”
services to customers in the form of a package of “minutes and
data” for a subscription fee, or charges on a per device basis based
on the data usage. For example, operators could offer different
‘services’ depending on whether customers want low latency and
high data throughput, or a service to support connectivity of
thousands of devices simultaneously.
The extent to which 5G services could be successfully marketed in
this way will depend on:
• whether MNOs (or connectivity providers more generally)
will be able to successfully identify all the relevant niches
where 5G might be useful, as these depend on the precise
requirements of the customer, the alternative feasible
technologies (especially if connectivity might be required in
areas where 5G is not available initially) and the relative
pricing of 5G and those alternatives;
• whether MNOs will be able to develop a range of
standardised tariffs to attract these various new users of 5G
(i.e. offer differentiated services and tariffs and hope
demand comes) or whether these new users may need
bespoke negotiation of pricing and service characteristics to
meet individual requirements.
Given the possibility of a number of specialist requirements, there
may be a role for intermediaries in identifying new applications for
5G and facilitating agreements between the connectivity provider
and end user (discussed below).
Therefore, there is scope for the value chain to change relative to
the status quo, with differentiated services being provided, possibly
with the help of intermediaries, as illustrated in Figure 10 below.
Business models and value chains
Intermediary? Intermediary?
Business Consumer
Business models and value chains
For example, where there may be products and services that make use of
different forms of connectivity, such a 5G, 4G and WLANs. Sensor networks and the
IoT can use technologies other than 5G (indeed not even mobile networks). There
may be opportunities to create connectivity offerings that integrate these
alternatives. This is an area where mobile network operators could become active,
but there is also a need to understand the requirements of particular industrial
users, which should create opportunities for specialist services.
Business models and value chains
Spectrum Spectrum
Self provision
using dedicated
or shared
M(V)NO M(V)NO spectrum
Vertical or Vertical or
Joint Vertical or
venture Fixed
Vertical or
Business models and value chains
Wired, “Ford links-up with Vodafone to bring 4G to European cars”, 27 February
2017. Available at:
Cubic Telecom, “Audi and Cubic. Driving in-car connectivity”. Available at:
Business models and value chains
Network related
Network Typically when deploying a mobile network there may be a number
densification of alternative sites where operators could deploy their infrastructure
and still meet coverage and capacity requirements. However, for
the deployment of 5G networks, a greater number of small sites
within urban areas are likely to be needed (especially where
mmWave bands are used to support greater speed and capacity,
but for which the propagation characteristics of the spectrum mean
only relatively small areas can be covered per cell site). There will
also likely be a need for small-cells to be deployed within buildings
to serve indoor public spaces or privately controlled quasi-public
spaces (for example within shopping centres or at large stadia).
These sites will likely be privately owned and might be scarce,
which raises interesting questions around who will install the
infrastructure and how access will be granted (by which we mean
access to the physical site, and potentially also wholesale access to
the cell infrastructure).
For example, individual MNOs might deploy their own
infrastructure (i.e. small cells) in private sites. However, the
likelihood of multiple operators deploying in a single site might be
challenging given the need to reach agreements on access to
private sites (e.g. agreements with councils) and the practical
difficulties of providing power and backhaul to each site. Therefore,
there may only be scope for a single operator to gain access (or the
site owner may only offer exclusive access). The operator may (or
may not) then offer wholesale access for other operators. This is
illustrated in ‘New model 1’ in Figure 12 below.
Business models and value chains
Figure 12: The value chain considering cell densification and access to small
At present (macro sites): With 5G and sites for small-cells With 5G and sites for small-cells
New model 1: New model 2:
Small-site Small-site
(privately owned) (privately owned)
Exclusive access
Exclusive access to site
to site
MNO (neutral host)
Wholesale Wholesale
capacity capacity
At present a separate network may be needed given for higher quality in terms of
redundancy, uninterruptable power supply, outage periods and coverage,
Business models and value chains
may see MNOs extending into the FWA market, especially where
this provides the opportunity for a new revenue source that could
help support the 5G business case.
This could be an important factor in countries where fixed
broadband is particularly expensive or difficult to deploy due to
rural populations or challenging geographies (e.g. Ireland,
Switzerland). As mobile broadband speeds increase relative to fixed
connections, consumers may increasingly substitute fixed
broadband services with mobile broadband services; this may
fundamentally change the nature of competition, eventually
necessitating a re-think of regulation of fixed services, as the local
loop could for the first time become contestable by wireless
Furthermore, for Public Protection and Disaster Recovery (PPDR)
services currently offered over an independent network
infrastructure may be offered over the same network infrastructure
as commercial networks using SDN and NFV to effectively allow for
the creation of separate networks that share one physical
infrastructure, with each network designed to meet its own specific
requirements. This would allow for significant cost savings to the
MNOs through reduced infrastructure duplication. Therefore, 5G
may affect the strategy for future PPDR services.
As illustrated in Figure 13 below, we may see some consolidation
across these sectors.
Figure 13: Convergence of PPDR-MNO-FWA provision
At present:
With 5G:
Consolidation Consolidation
Business models and value chains
Infrastructure For some use cases, it may also be attractive for 5G providers to
sharing enter into infrastructure sharing agreements to lower the costs of
deployment and avoid unnecessary and costly infrastructure
duplication. This might be made easier in a 5G world if SDN and NFV
could be used to “effectively create separate networks that are housed
within one physical infrastructure in a way that is tantamount to them
being situated on separate physical infrastructures. In this way, each
‘physical network’ will be able to host multiple service providers who
provide specialist niche services over that network”99
Cost and benefit There may be scope for agreements between network providers
sharing... and verticals requiring connectivity to share costs and risks. More
broadly, if there are incentive misalignments between verticals and
network operators, these might be addressed through co-
investment or Joint Ventures. These partnerships may be needed to
support network development or service development
…to support the For example, where network investment and 5G deployment would
network investment be very costly or unattractive, but verticals foresee significant
advantage associated with 5G connectivity (i.e. there is a large
private value for connectivity), then they may be willing to support
the MNO investment under co-investment models. However, given
that the requirements for connectivity might only be for particular
areas or be quite niche, it may be unlikely that such arrangements (if
made at all) would contribute significantly to the widespread roll-
out of 5G networks, for example at a national level.
…to support service Where MNOs are looking to provide tailored services to a particular
development use-case of a vertical but consider demand is uncertain, making
long term agreements could underpin the business case and limit
risks (with the connectivity providers sharing benefits in terms of
incremental revenues or reduced costs as a reward for a long-term
commitment). However, the extent to which this will occur depends
on the extent to which the vertical will need connectivity directly
from the MNO to meet its requirements or the extent to which it
could be served by intermediaries, as discussed above.
Peter Alexiadis and Tony Shortall, “The Advent of 5G: Should Technological
Evolution Lead to Regulatory Revolution?” CPI Antitrust Chronicle November, Vol 3,
Autumn 2016. Available at:
Business models and value chains
Drivers and obstacles to 5G
Ericsson, “Ericsson Mobility Report on the pulse of the networked society”,
November 2017.
Ericsson, “Ericsson Mobility Report on the pulse of the networked society”,
November 2017.
For example, much growth to date has been driven by video which can already
be provided in HD on many consumer devices. The user experience on these
devices are unlikely to benefit from further improvements, say to 4K HDR video.
Therefore, although data requirement may continue to rise, sustaining these
compound growth rates is not credible as it implies unreasonable levels of data
Drivers and obstacles to 5G
5G can provide Given its capabilities that allow for improvements in spectral
network capacity efficiency, higher capacity and improved performance, migration to
more cheaply and
5G will be important in meeting further traffic growth cost
maintain or improve
service quality in the effectively and ensuring that service quality does not degrade
face of traffic growth leaving network operators at a disadvantage relative to their
Therefore, in the short to medium term, telecom operators
deploying 5G will likely focus on eMBB. Interviews conducted as
part of this study suggest that eMBB is the priority in these early
stages of 5G. Telecom operators responding in the Ericsson ‘5G
Readiness Survey’104 also suggested “taking market share from
competitors based on new features/performance” and “migrating
current 4G subscribers to 5G with enhanced revenues” were the
preferred means of monetising 5G connectivity. Furthermore, MBB
is an existing mass-market service and is not subject to significant
uncertainties around the size of markets that new services face.
eMBB and network The launch of eMBB over 5G can be thought of as the ‘evolutionary’
cost saving are the aspect of 5G, with 5G providing incremental improvements over 4G
initial drivers of 5G
in meeting data traffic growth. For example, as noted in the EC
5GAP Staff Working Paper,105 5G will first support and then replace
4G and therefore has an important role in bringing incremental
improvements to existing services: “5G is not conceived as a
technology replacing 4G, but rather enhancing it and complementing it
with new services capabilities. At this time, it is considered that the
usage of 4G will continue for many years, before eventually 5G takes
over completely…” and “…this evolutionary perspective is a key aspect
to support gradual investments in 5G, offering an introduction
perspective designed to gradually complement the 4G offer”.
This is similar to the incentives observed for 4G deployment, where lowering the
unit costs of network capacity as data usage grew was a key driver.
Ericsson, “5G Readiness Survey 2017 – An assessment of operators’ progress on
the road to 5G”.
Commission Staff Working Document, 5G Global Developments Accompanying
The Document, Communication From The Commission To The European
Parliament, The Council, The European Economic And Social Committee And The
Committee Of The Regions, 5G For Europe: An Action Plan.
Drivers and obstacles to 5G
Drivers and obstacles to 5G
In the current proposals for the ECC (which may, of course, be revised) Article 56
of the ECC was added to cover: “Deployment and operation of small-area wireless
access points” and states: “Competent authorities shall allow the deployment,
connection and operation of unobtrusive small-area wireless access points under the
general authorisation regime and shall not unduly restrict that deployment, connection
or operation through individual town planning permits or in any other way…” See
establishing the European Electronic Communications Code (Recast), Brussels,
12.10.2016 available at:
Drivers and obstacles to 5G
MIMO can be used to In an interview with one telecoms operator, it was recognised that
upgrade existing network densification will be required to provide high speed, high
sites and put off
acquiring sites for
capacity services in future, but mentioned that in the first instance it
small cells will want to make as much use as possible of existing sites and
assets. Therefore, use of MIMO technologies at existing sites may be
preferable in the short term. Small cells may be an option for further
network roll-out but this might only come later given the issues
associated with gaining access to sites and having to deploy fibre
backhaul and provide power. Given these hurdles, it is important
that issues such as planning are dealt with effectively so as not to
hinder the roll-out of networks necessary to ensure suitable
coverage in dense areas and indoors.
Drivers and obstacles to 5G
We note that for such sites access to fibre backhaul may also be
required107 (which depends on the availability of fibre networks) and
therefore access to fixed infrastructure (such as ducts and poles)
may assist small-cell deployments. Where such arrangements are
not already in place, NRAs may need to consider the terms on which
access should be made available.
Fixed networks may There may be other roll-out options for operators with both fixed
have additional and mobile assets. For example, in Spain, Telefónica is considering
options for small cell
rolling out a new generation of routers for its Movistar-branded
residential fibre-optic service that will incorporate a mobile antenna
to support 5G roll-out. Although the routers are currently at the
prototype stage, if this could be achieved this might provide an
alternative option for some telecom operators looking to reduce the
cost of installation of small cells on private sites.108 Note that this
might suggest there could be some deployment advantages to
those telecoms operators with both a fixed and mobile service
offering who can take advantage of supply-side complementarities.
However, non-fibre alternative technologies may also be implemented to
address the challenges for the backhaul of 5G networks. For example, in February
2018, Vodafone and Huawei have announced the completion of lab tests which
indicate that traditional IP microwave links will be considered a viable technology
for 5G backhaul:
Telecom Paper, “Telefonica testing new home fibre router with 5G antenna-
report”, 23 January 2018. Available at:
Analysys Mason, Report for Qualcomm, “Study on regulatory options to
promote investment in 5G and IoT infrastructure in Europe”, 15 December 2016.
Drivers and obstacles to 5G
Consumers get more Although consumers are getting more for their money when it
over time for a comes to mobile broadband packages (i.e. a greater data allowance
broadly similar cost
within the bundle), the overall spend remains relatively unchanged,
for mobile data
subscriptions in real suggesting that willingness to pay for the entire service is a limiting
terms factor.
The essential limitation on incremental revenues from eMBB is what
people are willing to pay for their mobile service as a whole and
history suggests that the period over which a premium can be
charged for new technology (e.g. premium over existing 4G
services110) may be relatively short-lived before it is competed away
and prices drop back to the previous level.111 With limited sustained
revenue impact, eMBB services provided over 5G will have to pay
for itself through other means.
Indeed, a key driver of 5G deployment for eMBB will be cost savings,
primarily driven by a reduction in unit network costs of provision of
data services as a result of being able to support increased capacity
and spectral efficiency.
As we have seen with 4G, the initial driver was for improved mobile
broadband (primarily the support of video streaming over the
mobile network in the case of 4G). Whilst there was a short period
where a premium could be achieved, the main driver was the
reduction in the unit cost of capacity to support improved mobile
services. This seems to have been the trend in recent years, with the
benefits of improved mobile broadband networks arising from cost
reductions and efficiencies rather than from improved revenues. For
example, although customers are spending a similar amount for a
mobile package, they typically get more for it i.e. the unit cost is
falling. This is demonstrated by recent findings by the Office for
National Statistics in the UK that although prices for telecoms
services in the UK were relatively flat between 2010 and 2015, the
way in which those prices are measured does not account for
Although there are some examples of premia being charged for 4G-capable
tarffis when 4G was first being deployed, it is unclear whether it would even be
possible to change a premium for specifically 5G eMBB under the Net Neutral
Regulation (EC2015/2120).
For example, a 2014 4G LTE Pricing Strategies report reviewing pricing in EU,
non-EU, Asia Pacific & Middle East regions shows that, “Although 4G services were
launched as a price premium by most MNOs, by 2014 the majority of 4G LTE plans are
now integrated within a broader mobile data tariff structure with pricing based mainly
on monthly data allowance, but with some MNOs offering higher access speeds if the
user opts for a larger data allowance. Rather than use 4G LTE services as a premium
service most MNOs are now offering 4G LTE for free to maintain an existing mobile data
price point. Price stability is now the objective rather than premium pricing”. See:
Drivers and obstacles to 5G
For example, see Financial Times, “ONS’s crossed telecom wires raise questions
over inflation figures”, 18 Jan 2018. Available at:
Drivers and obstacles to 5G
New users arising Therefore, rather than thinking about a small number of specific use
from 5G are likely to cases (for which the likely scale of any particular one alone might be
be fragmented in
insufficient to drive 5G deployment) a better way of looking at this
niches across many
sectors would be to think of particular niches that are relevant for 5G (e.g.
need for dense sensor networks) with a large number of use-cases
and beneficiaries fragmented over a wide number of sectors.
For example, consider key 5G characteristics that certain niche use
cases will require (potentially in a large number of industries):
• Low latency will be crucial for real-time control and safety
critical applications (and in many of these cases mobile
edge computing will be important);
• Security/reliability/dedicated capacity may also be
important for some particular niches requiring service level
guarantees (SLGs) that may be met by “ultra-reliable” 5G
(although 5G may be one of multiple technologies sourced
for redundancy purposes)
• Connection density and network energy efficiency
(supporting low power devices) will be important for IoT
and mMTC across a wide range of sectors;
• Peak bandwidth requirements where existing wireless
networks may struggle (especially as competing demands
for bandwidth emerge).
In the table below, we give some possible examples for each of
these referring to those use cases touched upon in Section 4.
Drivers and obstacles to 5G
Media and
Automo- Manu- Agricul- Energy and Other
enterta- Logistics Health-care
tive facturing ture utilities verticals
Drivers and obstacles to 5G
It is more likely that There is clearly a high level of risk for developers working on
services, applications developing applications or services that might benefit from 5G, as it
and products will be
cannot be assumed that 5G will be ubiquitously available for some
built for a mixed
connectivity time. Rather for some considerable time there will be a mixed
environment connectivity environment (with 5G running in parallel with 4G and
RLAN often providing indoor connectivity). Therefore, commercial
services and products using mobile connectivity will typically need
to be developed with fall-back options rather relying entirely on 5G.
If fall back Therefore, given that we expect most services that will emerge in
connectivity options the short to medium term will be designed to operate over a range
are needed, they also
of technologies (of which 5G may be one), 5G will need to be
act as alternatives
that limit willingness attractive relative to other technological solutions. Whilst 5G has
to pay for 5G potential to provide enhancements, the amount users will be
prepared to pay additionally for 5G functionality will depend on the
price and availability of alternative technologies. For many, the
decision to use 5G will depend on the relative pricing and the
incremental benefits relative to existing solutions that could meet
their requirements i.e. the use of 5G will be a cost efficiency
decision (so the charging model will have an important role in
expanding the market).
Peter Alexiadis and Tony Shortall, “The Advent of 5G: Should Technological
Evolution Lead to Regulatory Revolution?” CPI Antitrust Chronicle November, Vol 3,
Autumn 2016. Available at:
Drivers and obstacles to 5G
Example: Crop monitoring service for agriculture with dense sensor networks
Take an example of a provider (referred to as the ‘service provider’) offering a service to the agricultural
sector which allows them to gather and interpret data from a large number of sensors around the farm
which allow them to make more efficient decisions around where to use fertiliser, irrigate and so on.
This service provider might offer an integrated solution, which includes the sensors and analytics
software together with a ‘connected’ solution to allow everything to communicate with each other. For
the service provider (and the farmer) the primarily value of the service might lie in the analytics, but for
this to work well the sensor deployment needs to be integrated into the service offering.
Given that the bandwidth demands of each sensor are quite low, such a service could be provided
using existing technologies. For example, they may be able to deploy the sensor network with a “hub
and spoke topology”, where a number of ‘slave’ devices connect to a ‘master’ using NB-IoT
communication networks , with only that master device being connected to the mobile network using
a normal SIM to 4G or 3G network, which then sends the data to servers to be analysed and interpreted.
However, existing solutions can, in some cases, have some disadvantages that could be addressed by
5G. For example, using a spoke-hub or master-slave configuration can take time to market and require
professional design/configuration of the topology. Furthermore, as the number of devices increases
there may be some problems regarding devices density, since increasing the number of devices hinder
the topology design, organisation of communication of all devices, etc.
Developments in 4G and ultimately 5G may be able to help with this. e.g. in the case of agriculture: if
sensors would be independently connected (with low power consumption) to operator’s network, it
would be as easy as sell them to the field owner who can him/herself deploy the nodes where they
want, with no configuration at all (plug&play)114 with 5G also having advantages in terms of being able
to handle an increased density of devices and support low power devices.
The question is whether a cost effective solution can be sought for these “independently connected”
sensors, especially where there is a very large number? Therefore, the pricing and charging structure of
the 5G ‘solution’ will be an important factor in generating demand for using 5G networks for such
purposes, especially where the incremental benefit of 5G may be limited (i.e. not essential for the
provision of the service).
The traditional model of requiring a separate subscription per device and charging for data use on a
per device basis would be unlikely to be attractive/cost effective and therefore without changes to the
charging structure the market expanding possibilities of 5G may be limited. For example, if there are a
considerable number of devices, but each uses relatively little data there may be little willingness-to-
pay a relatively high marginal price to have a ‘mobile subscription’ for each device e.g. a farmer
installing hundreds/thousands or sensors could not be willing to pay a per-device cost unless the
marginal price is very low (e.g. some commercially available solutions offered by MNOs such as small
Based on our discussion with Codesian:
Drivers and obstacles to 5G
tracking devices are listed as costing £3 or £4 per month which would rapidly add up if large numbers
of devices were requires115 - albeit these are currently aimed at the consumer market).
However, if the marginal price per device can be low, then there is a potentially large market available
to the telecoms operator i.e. even if willingness to pay is only marginal, this may be summed over many
uses in many industries to create a substantial market for embedded connectivity.
Supposing that the MNO can establish a charging structure that would allow the agriculture service
provider to offer a service based on independently connected devices on a cost-effective basis (which
will make its proposition much more flexible and reduce deployment topology complexity etc.), how
will the service provider secure connectivity?
• will it do so on a per-site basis (i.e. having to negotiate a new deal for each and every site
depending on location and scale)?
• will it have to commit to a single MNO provider?
• will choice of provider depend on coverage (regionally and internationally)?
As discussed in section 5, cases like this raise the possibilities for new entrants or further changes to
business models. For example, given some of the issues involved with bi-lateral or multi-site
negotiations, there is potential scope for intermediaries to come into the market to facilitate deals with
telecoms companies across regions and boarders and provide a single solution to the end-user (i.e. the
service provider), operating a bit like an MVNO. Alternatively, if the potential market is large enough
the telecoms operator (which might even be a virtual operator using network slicing) may seek to
vertically integrate with the service provider, or there may be a need for specialist intermediaries who
can help better understand the market and provide tailored services.
Similar issues around pricing may also be relevant for other cases.
For example, the emergence of such use cases relying on low
latency and high bandwidth will depend to some degree on the
balance between of the cost of local computing against the costs of
connectivity. In some cases, it may be more cost efficient to have
more complex devices that do the necessary computation
themselves on the device. For example, control applications relying
on very low-latency could presumably use largely local compute
resources rather than relying on 5G. However, depending on the
pricing, devices might be ‘dumb’ and make use of 5G connectivity
to send the data to a centralised resource for computation and then
receive the outputs. So again, the charging model adopted by
telecoms operators will be key to the incentives of the user. For
example, charges do not necessarily have to be priced on a per bit
or capacity basis and instead, charges could be tailored, for example
for services that may emphasise quality of services metrics charges
could be differentiated by latency targets.
Self-provision of 5G connectivity
We have mainly focussed on the business case from the perspective
of an MNO on the basis that they will be looking to support new use
cases, seeking incremental revenues to support the 5G business
V by Vodafone. For examples, see:
Drivers and obstacles to 5G
case. However, it may also be that for some particular use cases,
private networks would be a preferred solution.
Small cells can For example, consider a case where there are requirements for
support private 5G ‘connectivity’ within a single, well-defined environment to support
IoT or mMTC (for example, within a factory). This ‘in building’
coverage requirement may not be met by the initial 5G network
roll-outs (as the propagation characteristics of spectrum –
particularly very high frequency needed for capacity – limit the
extent to which signals will penetrate building to provide indoor
coverage). Therefore, to ensure sufficient coverage, there will be a
requirement for specific infrastructure deployed in the building
(such as small cells).
This might be provided in a number of ways:
• MNOs offering to provide specific infrastructure and a
tailored 5G solution, seeing this as an opportunity to
diversify their standard service and expand demand by
providing a solution that the enterprise could ‘buy’; or
• depending on the specific requirements the enterprise may
instead consider deploying its own private network
In this case, the enterprise faces a decision of whether to “build or
buy” 5G connectivity.
Drivers and obstacles to 5G
This could be access to shared or secondary use spectrum. We discuss spectrum
issues in more detail in Section 7.
In an interview with one telecoms operator, it pointed out that verticals are not
communications experts and may build a network to meet their needs now, but
end up in a technology ‘cul-de-sac’ down the line, as they do not have the expertise
to be able to adapt their network to meet their changing needs.
We discuss the spectrum issues in section 7
Regulatory options
7 Regulatory options
In many ways 5G is evolutionary, rather than revolutionary.
Nevertheless, it may lead to significant changes, including:
• increased use of small cells to achieve higher data rates;
• possible entry of non-traditional network operators
focussing on cell densification;
• differentiation of service characteristics through network
slicing to meet the diverse needs of various ‘vertical’
industries and other user groups;
• possibilities for creating private networks (for example, in
industrial spaces, especially indoors);
• new opportunities for intermediation of various forms to
integrate different networks and provide connectivity
tailored to particular users’ needs; and
• low-latency edge computing being provided by network
In parallel with these developments, 4G coverage will continue to
increase, with 4G adding various capabilities in terms of speed and
its ability to serve IoT and M2M applications needing low power
terminals. Therefore, mobile networks will develop as a patchwork,
with a mix of 4G (LTE-A) and 5G coverage, plus integration of other
network infrastructure, such as use of fixed network infrastructure
to deploy small cells and wholesale services from neutral hosts (who
might be other MNOs).
In this section, we discuss what issues these changes might create
for national regulators. We are not seeking to make specific
recommendations, but rather to identify where attention is likely to
be needed from regulators given the likely trends.
Regulatory options
Regulatory options
Ofcom, “Call for inputs on 5G spectrum access at 26 GHz and update on bands
above 30 GHz”, 28 July 2017.
RTR, “Consultation on the 3.4-3.8 GHz award procedure”, 28 July 2017
Regulatory options
Regulatory options
Regulatory options
ComReg, “Results of 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award”, 22 May 2017. Available at:
Regulatory options
determined the 3.6 GHz band should be used for such private
Clearly there may be a range of alternatives available for
applications requiring private networks. RLANs may be suitable for
some applications, especially given recent standards to support
faster speeds (WiGig) and power saving for IoT-type applications.
Narrowband telemetry and control applications might also be able
to use unlicensed spectrum (e.g. 433 MHz and 868 MHz). However,
all of these possibilities involve the use of shared spectrum on an
unprotected basis. We have heard concerns from potential users
about the reliability of using such sharing spectrum for mission-
critical applications given the possibility of interference considering
the large number of devices already in use on these unlicensed
bands. Therefore, there appears to be a requirement for private 5G
networks that are distinct from existing services and technologies
using shared spectrum.
Private networks as It would be helpful to clarify the licensing model for private 5G
secondary users networks and to identify which bands this might fall into. Shared
use does not appear to meet the requirements of potential users.
Equally, it might be a waste to reserve spectrum exclusively for
private users given that most uses of private networks would occur
indoors, using small cells at low power levels, thereby limiting
interference to other users outside. Therefore, there appears to be
scope to licence private networks as secondary users, sharing
spectrum on a non-interfering basis with public network operators
as primary users. For mmWave bands, the propagation
characteristics of the signals themselves greatly constrain the
potential for interference. Beamforming and massive MIMO can also
reduce interference by making signals more directional.
This secondary user model is different from unlicensed spectrum.
Any secondary user would require a licence to operate (as opposed
to unlicensed spectrum where interference is managed entirely
through restrictions of permitted equipment). The primary user
would be protected from interference from the secondary user. The
secondary user would need to operate within this constraint, but
would have some measure of protection, unlike shared spectrum.
This model would seem able to address the concerns that use of
shared spectrum is too risky for mission-critical applications. At the
same time, it avoids the need to commit large sections of bands for
providing highly localised, site-specific exclusive use licenses given
that the extent of demand for private 5G networks is uncertain. It
would highly inefficient if large ranges of frequencies were reserved
on a national basis to provide for a small number of private
networks covering a tiny geographical area.
Coordination of Clarity over the spectrum access model for private 5G networks is
approaches across needed at the EU level. However, this is not to say that detailed
Member States
harmonisation measures are needed. It would be sufficient simply
to clarify whether spectrum would be available for private networks
– we suggest licensed on a secondary basis – and, if so, which bands
Regulatory options
See Airspan Website:
Regulatory options
not necessarily win all the available spectrum and entrants may be
successful, as in the Irish 3.6 GHz auction.
Licence conditions It is also important that licence conditions are not set in a manner
should not exclude that excludes non-traditional operators. For example, coverage
cell densification
obligations that might be easily met by an MNO with an existing
business cases
national network could be very onerous for an operator wanting to
offer wholesale services at certain key locations where it might not
be feasible for multiple networks to run dense deployments of small
cells. Put simply, cell densification by non-traditional operators
offering wholesale services may mean that coverage is ‘spotty’.
European Commission, “5G for Europe Action Plan”. Available at:
Regulatory options
locations, but probably not everywhere with a 5G radio layer. Not all
of the IMT-2020 targeted capabilities may be available in a given
Therefore, it makes little sense to draw a binary distinction between
5G coverage being present or absent at a particular location. Rather
there is a set of capabilities, some of which, but not all of which,
might be available. This means that coverage obligations cannot
simply be specified in terms of ‘5G’ presence, but rather need to be
defined in terms of the availability of certain technical capabilities.
Service obligations Typical coverage obligations associated with spectrum have
might be met with a somewhat changed over the last decade or so; from a general
mix of 4G and 5G
obligation to cover a certain proportion of population to
increasingly specific interventions to provide defined services in
certain locations (e.g. a target data speed in certain ‘not-spots’).
However, if the required capability is data speed, then it is likely that
for at least the medium term that requirement could be met most
cost effectively with a mix of 4G and 5G deployment. Again, this
highlights new difficulties with a ‘5G’ specific coverage obligation
and the danger of an excessive focus on achieving 5G roll-out.
Importance of fall Given the potential for mMTC applications in rural areas (e.g.
back connectivity precision agriculture), it is important that there are stop-gap
options for incentive
measures to allow such applications to develop independently of
to develop new
applications and 5G coverage. Applications and services are unlikely to be successful
services in the marketplace if many potential customers are without the
minimum levels of connectivity on public networks needed to
support those applications and services. Whilst one regulatory
response might be to try to provide a roadmap for 5G roll-out (and
use regulatory measures to enforce this), this would still leave
developers of such applications and services in a risky situation if
coverage did not develop as expected. Therefore, we consider it is
likely that developers may address these risks themselves by using
alternative forms of connectivity (e.g. 4G or hub and spoke
arrangements for sensor networks); this provides a fall back so that
new applications and services can be marketed to a wide base of
potential customers. Satellite connectivity may be important in the
short term in providing a basic level of connectivity as a backstop to
allow IoT applications with moderate data rate requirements to
operate in remote areas.
Linkage between In rural areas, availability of high-quality backhaul – particularly
rural backhaul and fibre – is often mentioned as a constraint on 5G deployment.
fibre broadband
However, this is not a ‘5G’ specific problem, as it might also be
relevant for some 4G sites as data traffic grows.
The question of backhaul for rural cell sites (regardless of
technology) is likely to be closely connected with roll-out of high-
speed fixed broadband to rural areas. Where Member States have
intervention plans to develop deployment of fibre networks to rural
areas, it is likely that these can also provide backhaul connectivity
for cell sites.
Regulatory options
Regulatory options
Regulatory options
Regulatory options
COUNCIL of 25 November 2015 laying down measures concerning open internet
access and amending Directive 2002/22/EC on universal service and users’ rights
relating to electronic communications networks and services and Regulation (EU)
No 531/2012 on roaming on public mobile communications networks within the
BEREC Guidelines on the Implementation by National Regulators of European
Net Neutrality Rules, BoR(16) 127, August 2016
An ‘Internet Access Service’ is “a publicly available electronic communications
service that provides access to the internet, and thereby connectivity to virtually all end
points of the internet, irrespective of the network technology and terminal equipment
used.” Article 2(2)
Regulatory options
Specialised services are defined in the first subparagraph of Article 3 (5) as:
“services other than IAS services; they are optimized for specific content, applications or
services, or a combination thereof; the optimization is objectively necessary in order to
meet requirements for a specific level of quality.”
Footnote26 of BEREC Guidelines on the Implementation by National Regulators
of European Net Neutrality Rules, BoR(16) 127, August 2016.
Regulatory options
8 Conclusions
What is 5G?
• Whilst 5G may eventually be transformative for some sectors, in the short to
medium term these developments are more likely to be evolutionary than
• 5G brings enhancements over 4G, including high speeds, low latencies,
enhanced reliability, lower power consumption and greater terminal device
densities. There is an envelope of network characteristics set out in the IMT-
2020 standard within which trade-offs can be struck.
• Network slicing can be used to create virtual networks with particular
performance characteristics by prioritising certain features. This will allow
differentiated services targeting different types of users.
What will drive deployment?
• In the near term, eMBB is likely to be the main driver of 5G deployment. 5G will
help network operators control the costs of growing data traffic due to MBB
and to maintain service quality at competitive levels.
• In the longer run, there may be incremental revenues from new services
enabled by 5G. However, there is no killer application. Rather, we expect there
to be a wide variety of different niche applications. This situation arises
because most commercial uses will be designed for a mixed connectivity
environment of 4G, 5G and other networks and with no certainty about the
dynamics for 5G coverage.
• Industries using 5G as inputs – so-called ‘verticals’ – are likely to have specialist
requirements. This may create opportunities for intermediaries who know
those industries well to assemble connectivity services targeted to their needs.
Connectivity services might involve orchestrating various networks and virtual
• Another role for intermediaries may result from the need for trans-national
connectivity services to support products and services across the EU. We
already see this in connectivity for cars for infotainment services.
• There is a danger that pricing structures might impede take-up if they
excessively focus on per-connection or per-device charging models. This could
cause some users to inefficiently substitute to alternative technologies.
Private networking
• There is a role for private deployments of 5G within spaces such as factories or
warehouses. Private networks should be pro-competitive and help to drive
coverage of public 5G networks.
• More clarity about which bands to use for private networks would be helpful
to avoid uncoordinated approaches across Member States.
• A secondary spectrum licensing model might be appropriate for private
networks. Unlicensed spectrum with licence licensing might run too greater a
risk of reliability problems for typical use cases (e.g. industrial control).
Annex A Glossary
3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project
4K 4000 pixels resolution
5G-IA 5G Infrastructure Association
5G-PPP 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership
5GAP 5G Action Plan
5GAA 5G Automobile Association
8K 8000 pixels resolution
AR Augmented Reality
ARPU Average revenue per user
B2B Business to business
B2C Business to consumer
BEREC Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications
BNetzA German telecoms regulation
C-V2X Cellular vehicular-to-everything communication
CAGR Compound annual growth rate
CEPT European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications
CFI Call for input
CPS Cyber physical systems
DSCR Dedicated short-range communications
EC European Commission
ECC Electronic Communications Code
eMBB Enhance mobile broadband
EU European Union
FWA Fixed Wireless Access
HD High definition
HGV Heavy goods vehicle
I4MS Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs
IAS Internet access services
ICT Information and communications technology
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IMT International Mobile telecommunications
Within the timeframe of this study, we might expect to see 5G being used to support two main
elements of the “connected cars” proposition:
• improvements to the provision of infotainment services to the vehicle, ranging from
provision of ‘in-car Wi-Fi’ for video and audio streaming, to real-time traffic updates, e-
call services etc., and also to provide remote monitoring data back to the manufacturer
regarding performance of the car and other telematics data;
• vehicle-to-everything communication for remote sensing, safety and control of cars
(e.g. assisted driving and collision avoidance) laying the foundations for realising a
longer-term vision of fully autonomous vehicles.
Basic requirements
For infotainment services, cars need to be connected to the ‘internet’, which will require a
cellular modem that allows data to be sent and received over a public mobile network.
For collision avoidance type services for assisted driving today (with a view to fully autonomous
vehicles in future) at the most basic level, vehicles need to be able to communicate with each
other (vehicle-to-vehicle communication) sharing information such as position, speed, etc. and
need to communicate this to other cars in real time. Vehicles may also need to communicate
with infrastructure (vehicle-to-infrastructure communication), enabling vehicles to receive and
send information to e.g. traffic lights, roadside signs or traffic control centres; and with other
road users such as pedestrians or cyclists etc. Depending on the type of data being transmitted
and the need for processing information may also need to be exchanged with a backend server
(e.g. from a vehicle manufacturer or other mobility service providers) or with the Internet (V2N),
which might rely on cellular data connections. The term Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) is typically
used to refer to all these types of vehicular communication.130
Can these requirements be met by existing technologies?
Basic infotainment requirements can already be met using 4G LTE services with some
manufacturers already providing such functionality in their cars.131 However, as the data
requirements of services provided over these networks increase and the number of connected
cars on the roads increase, 4G would likely not be able to provide a sufficient quality of service.
As described in the sector overview, V2V communication between vehicles is possible and can
already be achieved using alternative technologies based on short-range communication.
However, to the extent that vehicle-to-everything communications rely on vehicle-to-network
As noted by 5G-PPP: “All these V2X use cases rely on the principle that connected
vehicles periodically provide either status information (e.g., position, speed,
acceleration, etc.etc.) or event information (e.g., traffic jam, icy road, fog, etc.etc.). This
information is usually packed into stateless, individual messages or probes which are
either locally disseminated to neighboring vehicles, or sent to a central point (base
station, backend) where it can be aggregated and then again disseminated to other
vehicles to make use of it.” 5G-PPP White Paper on Automotive Vehicle Sectors
communications, this will take place via mobile networks and part of the Cellular-V2X
The global cellular standard is now LTE-4G and the current C-V2X is based on 3GPP release 14
specifications, however there are already plans underway to accelerate support from 5G in the
development of the “R16 5G V2X” standard based on 3GPP Release 16 5G standards, and 5G is
expected to bring improvements.
What enhanced capabilities does 5G offer?
For infotainment services, 5G will provide improved data rates and improved mobility for
vehicles travelling at speed, thus widening the scope for more data rich services to be provided.
For assisted driving, the 5GAA consider that “…that 5G will be the ultimate platform to enable C-
ITS and the provision of V2X. 5G will be able to better carry mission-critical communications for safer
driving and further support enhanced V2X communications and connected mobility solutions.”133
Furthermore, “The C-V2X technology is already available but to support the autonomous vehicles of
tomorrow, the technology must evolve to meet more demanding safety requirements. 5G will
facilitate this evolution. Its extreme throughput, low latency, and enhanced reliability will allow
vehicles to share rich, real-time data, supporting fully autonomous driving experiences.”134
5G offers a further (and improved) option for C-V2X communication, and will be more ‘future
proof’ in the shift towards fully autonomous driving in future. For example, “[a]n application such
as controlled fleet driving will require an ultra-low end-to-end latency for some warning signals, and
higher data rates to share video information between cars and infrastructure. 5G should provide the
high reliability, low latency, and high scalability required in this space”.135
In this way, 5G will most likely be an evolution of already available communication technologies
like LTE V2X and IEEE 802.11p but be capable of providing improvements to capabilities and be
capable of delivering further capabilities that will to enable the future V2X use cases136
What are the technical requirements for these enhanced capabilities?
The expected technical capabilities that this use case is expected to require are summarised in
the table below.
> 10 Mbps < 5 ms 99.999 % > 200 km/h 10000 /km2 30 cm Preferable
The 5G-AA defines C-V2X as: “…a technology developed by the Third Generation
Partnership Project (3GPP) to deliver V2X services, using two modes of communication:
a direct vehicle-to-vehicle mode (called ‘PC5’ in 3GPP specifications) and a network
communications interface (called ‘Uu’ in 3GPP specifications) for vehicle-to-network
(V2N) communication via existing mobile networks.”
NGMN, NGMN 5G White Paper, 17th February 2015
5G-PPP White Paper on Automotive Vehicle Sectors
networks as they shift from 4G to 5G. The expectations imply that MNOs would hold the
spectrum rights (in line with the typical model used for 3G and 4G deployment) operated
through exclusive licenses.
By design the specification for C-V2X means that safety critical features associated with device-
to-device or V2V communications will not be reliant on cellular network coverage (as the risk of
drop-outs, no coverage or poor network performance cannot be afforded).
The V2V communication currently requires regionally harmonised ITS spectrum. ITS applications
are intended to be operated in the 5.9 GHz band137, which is allocated for safety and traffic
efficiency. Qualcomm suggests that at least 70 MHz of spectrum is recommended to support
technology and use case evolution of V2X with 30 MHz dedicated spectrum to accommodate
existing/emerging use cases, 20 MHz primary spectrum for future intelligent transportation use
cases or technology migration, and 20 MHz of shared spectrum to be shared with unlicensed
spectrum access technologies138.
For C-V2X, the V2N communications will rely on cellular networks, given the large area over
which 5G would have to be available suggesting that this would rely on public 5G networks
(with good coverage and very high SLGs) rather than a private network. Therefore this would
typically require the involvement of a Mobile Network Operator (MNO).139
Further business model considerations
Once cars are “connected” there will be scope for a large amount of data to be collected on the
car’s movements, locations and possible sensor data (such as acceleration and braking). This
could allow the development of some business models already emerging in the insurance
industry. For example, vehicle insurance premiums are traditionally calculated through risk
algorithms for specific groups of drivers. However, this is not necessarily anything new or
specific to 5G as the industry has already undertaken telematics trials of usage-based insurance
to observer how customers drive and more accurately assess the actual risk posed by drivers
(through pay-as-you-drive or pay-how-you-drive), and some companies are already offering
such deals through simple smartphone apps. Telematics could also detect fraudulent claims
made by customers and, through systems such as eCall, notify insurers of accidents.
Furthermore, once cars are connected: “Automotive manufacturers will be able to use 5G networks
as a platform to open up new revenue streams and business models such as charging for real-time
in-car entertainment, basing rental charges on driving behaviour and route selection, or sale of road
mapping data to third-party organisations. Automotive manufacturers have no experience of
building nationwide communications infrastructure. They can avoid the need to build their own
networks, or to acquire complex skills, by buying managed 5G network services from operators.”140
RSPG, Opinion on Spectrum Aspects of Intelligent Transport Systems,
Qualcomm, Leading the World to 5G: Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X)
technologies, June 2016
Huawei, “5G Opening up New Business Opportunities. Available at:
NGMN, NGMN 5G White Paper, 17th February 2015
Ericsson, Opportunities in 5G: The View from Eight Industries
5G PPP, 5G and Media & Entertainment, 19th January 2016
Nokia, Translating 5G use cases into viable business cases, White Paper: Financial
analysis of six 5G business cases to support communication service provider
investment decisions, April 2017
NGMN, NGMN 5G White Paper, 17th February 2015
For example, based on the NGMN estimates above, the 5G-PPP notes that “this very
challenging target, which is not reachable with 4G and its evolutions, will require a seamless
integration of various innovative technologies including broadcast and millimetre waves.”146
What enhanced capabilities does 5G offer?
5G promises to provide a significant improvement in cell capacity and boost data rates,
which will be ideal to accommodate the increasing traffic demands and device density at
large events. This is expected to allow for improved performance and potentially, more cost
efficiently than could be done with existing technologies. For example, Nokia assessed the
relative costs of deploying connectivity to support many people in a stadium streaming HD
video (as part of an immersive experience) and reported the following key findings:
“Capacity: 5G provides up to 40 times more capacity in the stadium than 4.5G
Overall cost: The cost of providing the video services is up to 20 times lower with 5G
Penetration: When delivering high definition video, 4.5G achieves a take-rate (the percentage of
the total audience available to the operator based on its market share) of just 2 percent,
compared to almost 30 percent for 5G multi-camera video steaming.” 147
It concludes: “5G is the only feasible solution for this scenario due to the high capacity density
required. Other technologies would require more small cells than is possible when taking
interference restrictions into account. The better performance with 5G is achieved by being able
to use more spectrum, the much higher spectral efficiency achieved by massive MIMO and
advanced techniques in interference mitigation and receiver technology. The findings show that
an operator wanting to provide good video quality would not realistically be able to use LTE as
this would reach too few subscribers and would incur too high a cost. In contrast, 5G can deliver
high definition video simultaneously to a large number of subscribers within the stadium.” 148
What are the technical/network requirements for these enhanced capabilities?
As previously stated, this use case requires a very high data peak rate with on-site live event
experience being the most important driver for uplink and downlink throughput. Live events
also imply a very high device density, with several thousands of devices connected
concurrently in a stadium or venue. This leads to high traffic density, which may not be
properly attained by the current 4G networks and requires uniform integration of different
innovative technologies such as the use of mmWave spectrum bands, massive MIMO and
densification through the deployment of micro-cells. The use of these techniques will reach
their maximum potential with the deployment of 5G networks.
The expected technical capability requirements for this use case are summarised in the table
5G-PPP White Paper on Media Entertainment Vertical Sector.
Nokia white paper, “The 5G advantage in real network scenarios Techno-
economic simulation results for solid 5G business and technology planning”
Nokia white paper, “The 5G advantage in real network scenarios Techno-
economic simulation results for solid 5G business and technology planning”
ITU and Nokia: 5G for people and things- 700Mhz band as key to success for
wide-area 5G services. Available at:
European Commission: Study of spectrum assignment in the European Union, October
The broadcasting sector will face a number of challenges as the demand for (and creation of)
‘immersive media’ increases. This includes the increase in demand for 4k/8k/ultra-high
definition television with high dynamic range and high frame rates, but also ‘object-based
content’ which includes things such as virtual reality, augmented reality and 360 degree
Furthermore, there will continue to be a shift in demand for the seamless integration of
different broadcasting technologies so that consumers can move from viewing content on
one to the next without disruption. Whilst at present, distribution networks might largely be
considered separate and independent (for example, distribution over cellular, satellite,
broadcast airwaves, digital terrestrial television etc.), 5G may facilitate the development and
provision of a single solution that can “exploit delivery modes for unicast, multicast, broadcast
as well as local caching.”151
One particular project currently on-going seeks to “devise, assess and demonstrate a
conceptually novel and forward-looking 5G network architecture for large scale immersive media
delivery”.152 This project is known as 5G-Xcast.
The main objectives of the project are to investigate whether 5G technology could be used
to support a number of different use cases, by considering how one might:
• “design a dynamically adaptable 5G network architecture enabling seamlessly
switching between unicast, multicast and broadcast and exploiting built-in caching
• “develop 5G broadcast and multicast point-to-multipoint capabilities for Media and
Entertainment” (but also with a view to supporting some Automotive, Internet of
Things (IoT) and Public Warning Systems (PWS) applications)
Work Package 3 of the 5G-Xcast project focuses on the Radio Access network for future
broadcast/multicast 5G transmissions and work is currently on going as part of the technical
research project.
However, a key part of the project is also based on designing a content distribution
framework. This Framework would be network/technology agnostic in order to optimise the
use of a range of networks (e.g. 4G, 5G, home broadband via Wi-Fi) to deliver content to end
users and provide a simple user interface for the content provider so they can code
everything in the same way to deliver to people regardless of the distribution method. The
content distribution framework would provide a single interface (or common set of
standards) that a content provider could use to deliver the content using a single set of
standards for any technology.
Whilst there may be a number of ways to meet these goals using existing technologies, there
is potential for 5G to support the media and broadcasting sector, and the 5G-Xcast project is
exploring these issues.
For example, as reported by the 5G-XCast project:
• Audio-visual media services generate very large volumes of data traffic on networks
which is unevenly distributed over time and geographical areas. At the same time,
Quality of Experience (QoE) is strongly dependent on sustained minimum data rates and
low latencies to all regardless of the total number of concurrent users. This is particularly
challenging for very popular live content (e.g. sports) or unpredictable events (e.g.
breaking news) that tend to cause large traffic spikes.
5G-Xcast website. Available at:
5G-Xcast website. Available at:
• The increasing bit-rate demands of 4k UHDTV and, in the future 8k UHDTV, and the
emerging new interactive services (e.g. augmented reality, virtual reality and 360º visual
media) will further increase the demand on network capacity and performance.”153
• “None of the existing networks, whether fixed, mobile or broadcast, has the capability to
support this type of future demand on their own due to limitations associated with
capacity, delay and cost of deployment. Furthermore, the fragmented landscape of
protocols and APIs across them severely limits their ability to cooperate in addressing
this demand.”
• “5G-Xcast will develop a solution that targets such limitations and therefore addresses
future demand, based on the key capabilities of 5G that by far exceed those of the legacy
However, it must be acknowledged that 5G usage will not be ubiquitous (or at least not for a
very long time), so one cannot rely on 5G for delivering all of these services and other
methods for distribution may be needed. This will be particularly important for public service
broadcasters (who have obligations to provide a service to all).
5G-Xcast website. Available at:
5G-PPP White Paper, “5G and the Factories of the Future”.
5G-PPP White Paper, “5G and the Factories of the Future”.
Qualcomm, “Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: the First Wave of 5G Killer
Apps”, 1 February 2017.
handheld device). High reliability/availability will also be crucial: “high availability is key to
ensure that (emergency) maintenance actions can take place immediately.” 157 Therefore, high
bandwidth, high reliability and low latency are the most important factors for this use case.
Can these requirements be met by existing technologies? And what enhanced capability
does 5G offer?
Although existing technologies may be sufficient for early deployments of this use case, as
the number of devices using these applications and the requirements of these applications
become more complex, 5G will be crucial to fulfil the full set of technical requirements
needed under this use case in terms of high data rates (bandwidth requirements), coverage
reliability and, in some cases, low latency.
What are the technical/network requirements for these enhanced capabilities?
A highly reliable wireless communication, will be important to integrate the applications of
augmented reality into the closed loop control processes, and provide a seamless experience
while using hybrid wireless and wired network technologies. Augmented reality content
such as overlay on live video being displayed on a mobile device, will involve high data
transmission that can be supported by 5G, for example, as noted by 5G-PPP, “In case of video-
controlled maintenance, with real-time augmented content mixed into the video signal,
bandwidth is important”158
Furthermore, 5G will help support the time criticality of interactive AR support in
manufacturing is characterised by low communication latency159. For some applications
latency may be required to be below 1 ms. It is also worth noting that the need for coverage
is also important to ensure that such applications can be used both on-site and in the field.
The network needs to provide a highly heterogeneous multi-connectivity scenario, where
everything is capable of communicating even in harsh industrial environments. It is also
necessary to provide a fast and reliable configuration of QoS and traffic demands, to enable
fast network adaption.
Furthermore, depending on the exact requirements and the level of dedicated
capacity/control over the network, there may be a greater role for key network management
functions that can be facilitated by 5G networking solutions. For example, as noted by 5G-
PPP, “Concepts such as network slicing, software-defined networking and network function
virtualization are key buildings blocks within 5G, and may become cornerstones in tomorrow’s
communication infrastructure of manufacturers.”160
The expected technical capabilities that this use case is expected to require are summarised
in the table below.
What are the spectrum requirements for the provision of these services?
This use case is expected to require a mixture of frequency spectrum of low bands for both
5G-PPP White Paper, “5G and the Factories of the Future”.
5G-PPP White Paper, “5G and the Factories of the Future”.
For non-interactive content, such as streamed 360° video, this does not apply.
5G-PPP White Paper, “5G and the Factories of the Future”.
coverage purposes and data traffic (e.g. for engineers that are using AR applications for
maintenance and support on the field), and high bands (e.g. mmWave spectrum bands) for
capacity purposes.
Therefore, on the one hand, this use case will require exploiting higher bands and making
more flexible use of available bandwidth. Furthermore, leveraging higher spectrum bands
(e.g. 28 GHz), not previously used for LTE, with simultaneous connectivity with spectrum
bands below 6 GHz is expected to ensure a seamless, ubiquitous AR user experience.
The licensing scheme will depend on the particularities of the case. For example, in case of
on-site operations within the walls of a single factory, the use of licensed bands would be, in
principle, feasible with no limitation on technologies and application other than
requirements to avoid harmful interference and reduce risk for interference, which will
disrupt the manufacturing operations.
As discussed in Section 7 of this report, there are a number of options that regulators could
choose from to make spectrum available in order to meet such specific needs.
Business model implications
The manufacturing industry players are expected to incur costs in procuring the devices,
software, and training that would help them smoothly integrate AR into the various
manufacturing processes. However, these costs may be recouped through improvements to
efficiency and productivity in training and maintenance activities - for example, support can
be provided more quickly, with off-site specialists communicating with local engineers in
real time, using augmented reality to supervise activities such as maintenance, repairs,
equipment upgrades or training. This will remove the need to wait for specialist advisors to
come on-site and reduce the need for in-depth training for new recruits. In this way, the
introduction of new remote services such as AR could lead to the re-structuring of teams
within the manufacturing environment, with the creation of virtual back office teams of
specialists. “These remote teams may use the data coming from smart devices for preventives
analytics and easy access to work instructions” 161
There may be scope for new intermediaries in this market to develop specific AR solutions
tailored to the factories needs which may be made up of an entire solution (including the
wireless network) or provide the means by which the application can be integrated with
devices and the networking arrangements already in place.
One of the main issues will be around who provides the network. The main cost driver for
connectivity providers will be in providing the necessary infrastructure (e.g. small cells,
power, backhauling). Given the potentially significant costs involved and depending on the
exact demands of the network the manufacturer that wishes to use 5G to support AR
applications in the work place will face a build or buy decision.
If a solution is to be provided that is reliant on public mobile networks, then MNOs will see a
change in their business model through shifting away from the traditional B2C model and
towards a B2B relationship where it will need to offer a bespoke solution to the manufacturer
and set prices in such a way that allows them to get a RoI.
However, depending on the extent to which there are connectivity requirements for other
parts of the factory (such as machine-to-machine communication, remote monitoring
devices, or services relying on mission-critical communications, for example), the
manufacturer may demand some control over the network rather than relying solely on an
external provider or MNO. This will require the factory owner to come up with their own
5G-PPP White Paper, “5G and the Factories of the Future”.