Guidance and Counseling Program Mechanics
Guidance and Counseling Program Mechanics
Guidance and Counseling Program Mechanics
INDIVIDUAL/ROUTINE The Guidance Counselor conducts Individual/Routine Interview Individual Interview July to February
INTERVIEW for basic information gathering, history taking, establishing a
good rapport and encourages students to visit the guidance
1.1 The Guidance counsellor coordinate with the subject
teachers to ensure a systematic scheduling of individual
interview sessions and informs the students through call
slips/appointment slip.
1.2 Interview sessions per student may take 10 to 20 minutes.
1.3 Remarks of the session shall properly logged.
Walk-in/Intake Interview
1.1 Students may visit the office for assistance
1.2 Individual counselling is conducted in the guidance nook to
ensure confidentiality.
1.3 Guidance counselor/facilitator guides individual student
with his/her holistic development by facilitating meaningful
understanding of self and his/her environment.
INFORMATION SERVICE This service makes available to students certain kinds of
ORIENTATIONS information not ordinarily provided through classroom
instruction. It enables the counselor to give important facts
concerning personal, social and educational adjustment. It
includes the orientation among Freshmen and incoming
students, workshops, seminars and community extension
services to disseminate information on the relevance of the
Guidance Services to students’ adjustment and academic life as
well as to provide information to ensure maximum welfare of
TESTING SERVICE It refers to the administration, scoring and interpretation of
psychological tests to individual or group of students used to
assess his/their behavioral tendencies. Psychological tests are
also used as tools in counseling students.
COUNSELING SERVICE Counseling is a goal-oriented relationship between a professionally
trained, competent counselor and an individual seeking for help for the
purpose of bringing about a meaningful awareness and understanding of
the self and environment, improving planning and decision making, and Individual and Group
formulating new ways of behaving, feeling, and thinking for problem Whole Year round
resolution and/or development growth (Gibson and Mitchell, 1999).
This service is open to VCA community, for faculty/staff and parents. Just
feel free to come and visit the center and assistance will be given.
Counseling may be done to individual or group counselling.
1. The guidance counsellor/facilitator identifies students’
needs and concerns
2. The student meet with the guidance counselor in the
guidance office to ensure the privacy and confidentiality.
CONSULTATION It is a process by which sharing and analysing gathered Whole year round
information with the administration, faculty and
parents/guardians to facilitate decision making and think of
ways on how to help students better.
1. The guidance counselor informs the concerned
administrator faculty, parent/guardian regarding
2. Guidance counselor arranges the meeting of the
concerned administrator faculty, parent/guardian and
finding their common time of availability.
3. Consultation take place in the Guidance Office or any
secure place.
4. The guidance counselor together with the concerned
administrator faculty, parent/guardian discuss the
concerns of the students and facilitate decision making
and strategies on how to better help the students.
Career Development Plan It is a program to all students. It aims to assist the students in
choosing a career based upon personal traits, talents, aptitudes Whole year round
and capacity.
1) Plan and conduct the whole year program for high school.
2) Establish set of topics to empower the students on the
different possible careers and avenue for students to ask
professionals of their chosen courses.
3) Facilitate the whole program of activities.
Homeroom Guidance Homeroom Guidance is a developmental program which aims to Whole Year Round
accompany students/pupils on the road to discovery and
maturation through a holistic approach. This aims to provide
opportunities for students/pupils to achieve greater self-
awareness, self-understanding, and self-acceptance, with
emphasis on interpersonal relationship and conflict resolution.
The set of activities aims at, but are not limited to the formation
of values, attitude, study habits, social graces, and leadership
REFERRAL SERVICE Faculty and concerned individual may make referrals to the Whole Year Round
guidance office. Referrals are advisable to students who need
assistance from the counselor who have learning difficulties,
absenteeism, have difficulty with inter-personal relationships,
manifest observable changes in behaviour and the like.
1. The guidance counselor provides faculty member/class
advisers of counselling referral forms which are also
available at the guidance office.
2. The guidance counselor issues an appointment slip to the
concerned student or through the class adviser.
3. Individual or group counselling is conducted as
4. The guidance counselor provides a copy of the
counselling slip with counsellors remarks to the teacher
FOLLOW-UP Follow –up shall be conducted by the Guidance Counselor to
check the condition of the student/s particularly those in very
difficult condition in need of additional interventions.
1. The guidance counselor may conduct follow up to
determine whether further assistance is necessary.
2. The guidance counselor reviews records and chooses a
ocunselee to visit or a faculty adviser to follow up the
students status.