Sophie Gravier
Sophie Gravier
Sophie Gravier
Used actions to accompany words/instructions e.g. “think” – pointing to head
Welcomed and included a late student
Prompted students to make good choices as they moved in to a circle on the mat
Introduced the Mathematics lesson by reminding the students that they had been studying Length and explained that
the lesson was on Capacity – “Do you have any ideas what Capacity could be?”
Placed a variety of containers in the middle of the circle and drew on students comments and realisations to define and
understand the concept of Capacity
Asked a student, “Is that a good spot or would you like to change?” when they weren’t focussed
Posed a series of questions: - “Which container do you think will contain the most?”
- “Who has a different idea?”
- “If we put them in order, which one do you think would hold the most?”
Chose a student to answer her question; prompting the students to refrain from general discussion and put up their
hands (smooth transition)
When the students reached for the items, Sophie thanked them for not touching – positive
Used hands on head, hands on shoulder to indicate to indicate choice
Told students that they were going to the sandpit to see how many cups of sand would fit into each container
“How do we scoop?” used questions and observations, modelled how to level scoop etc.
Introduced topic language in discussion; - “That’s a good observation”
- “We are predicting”
Gathered students in a cluster; used sound prompt to get attention
Asked and indicated student to move back from her, and then used thumbs up when he followed the request
Explained to the students that they needed to guess how many cups for each container and record this on their sheet
2 students were asked to hand out recording sheets
Students returned to their desks to complete – containers could have been left at the front for this task
Several students were asked to hand out clipboards
Clapped for attention
Asked students to line up behind the Star of the Day. As they moved to sandpit, told them to sneak over to the sandpit
Used a count down to get students seated and quiet
Reminder to focus on measuring
Demonstrated how to make an accurate measurement using a cup; “Is that how we do it?” etc
Explained well
Divided the students into predetermined groups (divided several students who don’t work well together) and students
moved to each corner where the containers were previously placed
Gave positives to the groups who were working well – “I love you’re working as a team” – accompanied by thumbs up
Considered language choice / use
Moved among groups, prompting and supporting students
A relevant activity with real life connections – familiar setting and containers
Stopped students and asked them to pack up
Students given the option to go for a quick run
Students lined up and returned to the class
Teaching Strengths
Supported established morning routines
Delivered clear instructions and modelling
Designed a relevant activity with real life connections – familiar setting and containers
Designed a clear, logical recording sheet with the definition for Capacity, prediction and result columns and images of
each container
Showed interest in the students’ responses and challenged them with further questions
Used positive affirmations to guide student behaviour rather “Don’t”
Displayed skilled use of questions
Developmental teaching targets arising from this observation
Hold a pause for complete quiet
Continue to develop strategies to direct the focus of easily distracted students
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers – Graduate Level Overview
PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE Standard 1: Know students and how they learn Evidence of Standard during Teaching Observation
1.1: Physical, social and 1.2 Understand 1.3 Students with diverse 1.4 Strategies for teaching 1.5 Differentiate teaching 1.6 Strategies to support
intellectual development how students linguistic, cultural, religious Aboriginal and Torres Strait to meet the specific full participation of
and characteristics of learn and socioeconomic Islander students learning needs of students students with disability
students Graduate level: backgrounds Graduate level: across the full range of Graduate level:
Graduate level: Demonstrate Graduate level: Demonstrate broad abilities Demonstrate broad
Demonstrate knowledge knowledge and Demonstrate knowledge of knowledge and Graduate level: knowledge and
and understanding of understanding of teaching strategies that are understanding of the impact Demonstrate knowledge understanding of
physical, social and research into responsive to the learning of culture, cultural identity and understanding of legislative requirements
intellectual development how students strengths and needs of and linguistic background on strategies for and teaching strategies
and characteristics of learn and the students from diverse the education of students differentiating teaching to that support participation
students and how these implications for linguistic, cultural, religious from Aboriginal and Torres meet the specific learning and learning of students
may affect learning teaching. and socioeconomic Strait Islander backgrounds needs of students across with disability.
backgrounds the full range of abilities
PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it
2.1 Content and teaching 2.2 Content 2.3 Curriculum, 2.4 Understand and respect 2.5 Literacy and 2.6 Information and
strategies of the teaching selection and assessment and reporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait numeracy Communication
area organization Graduate level: Use Islander people to promote strategies Technology (ICT)
Graduate level: Graduate level: curriculum, assessment reconciliation between Indigenous Graduate level: Graduate level:
Demonstrate knowledge Organise content and reporting knowledge and non-Indigenous Australians Know and Implement teaching
and understanding of the into an effective to design learning Graduate level: Demonstrate understand literacy strategies for using ICT to
concepts, substance and learning and sequences and lesson broad knowledge of, and numeracy expand curriculum
structure of the content and teaching plans. understanding of and respect for teaching strategies learning opportunities
teaching strategies of the sequence Aboriginal and Torres Strait and their for students.
teaching area Islander histories, cultures and application in
languages. teaching areas.
PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
3.1 Establish 3.2 Plan, structure and 3.3 Use teaching 3.4 Select and use 3.5 Use effective 3.6 Evaluate and 3.7 Engage parents/
challenging learning sequence learning strategies resources classroom improve teaching carers in the
goals programs Graduate level: Graduate level: communication programs educative process
Graduate level: Set Graduate level: Plan Include a range Demonstrate Graduate level: Graduate level: Graduate level:
learning goals that lesson sequences using of teaching knowledge of a Demonstrate a range Demonstrate Describe a broad
provide achievable knowledge of student strategies. range of resources, of verbal and non- knowledge of strategies range of strategies
challenges for learning, content and including ICT, that verbal that can be used to for involving parents/
students of varying effective teaching engage students in communication evaluate teaching carers in the
abilities and strategies. their learning strategies to support programs to improve educative process
characteristics. student engage student learning
PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
4.1 Support student 4.2 Manage classroom 4.3 Manage challenging 4.4 Maintain student safety 4.5 Use ICT safely, responsibly and
participation activities behavior Graduate level: Describe ethically
Graduate level: Identify Graduate level: Demonstrate Graduate level: strategies that support Graduate level: Demonstrate an
strategies to support inclusive the capacity to organise Demonstrate knowledge of students’ well-being and safety understanding of the relevant
student participation and classroom activities and practical approaches to working within school and/or issues and the strategies available
engagement in classroom provide clear directions. manage challenging system, curriculum and to support the safe, responsible
activities. behaviour legislative requirements. and ethical use of ICT in learning
and teaching.
PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
5.1 Assess student learning 5.2 Provide feedback to 5.3 Make consistent and 5.4 Interpret student data 5.5 Report on student achievement
Graduate level: Demonstrate students on their learning comparable judgements Graduate level: Graduate level: Demonstrate
understanding of assessment Graduate level: Demonstrate Graduate level: Demonstrate Demonstrate the capacity understanding of a range of
strategies, including informal and an understanding of the understanding of assessment to interpret student strategies for reporting to students
formal, diagnostic, formative and purpose of providing timely moderation and its application assessment data to and parents/carers and the
summative approaches to assess and appropriate feedback to to support consistent and evaluate student learning purpose of keeping accurate and
student learning. students about their learning. comparable judgements of and modify teaching reliable records of student
student learning. practice. achievement
PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENT Standard 6: Engage in professional learning
6.1 Identify and plan professional learning 6.2 Engage in professional 6.3 Engage with colleagues and 6.4 Apply professional learning and improve
needs learning and improve practice improve practice student learning
Graduate level: Demonstrate an understanding Graduate level: Understand the Graduate level: Seek and apply Graduate level: Demonstrate an understanding
of the role of the Australian Professional relevant and appropriate sources constructive feedback from of the rationale for continued professional
Standards for Teachers in identifying of professional learning for supervisors and teachers to learning and the implications for improved
professional learning needs. teachers. improve teaching practices. student learning
PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENT Standard 7: Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
7.1 Meet professional ethics and 7.2 Comply with legislative, administrative 7.3 Engage with the parents/carers 7.4 Engage with professional teaching
responsibilities and organisational requirements Graduate level: Understand networks and broader communities
Graduate level: Understand and Graduate level: Understand the relevant strategies for working effectively, Graduate level: Understand the role of
apply the key principles described legislative, administrative and organisational sensitively and confidentially with external professionals and community
in codes of ethics and conduct for policies and processes required for teachers parents/carers representatives in broadening teachers’
the teaching profession according to school stage. professional knowledge and practice.