LLC Mission Statement
LLC Mission Statement
LLC Mission Statement
Ravens LLC empowers students to be curious, critical thinkers, avid readers and resilient
life-long learners in a collaborative, safe and supportive environment.
“I think you nailed it Jenny! It is concise and I think it contains all of the essential elements.”
“It sounds really good! If I had to be hypercritical, I might rewrite it to take out just a few more
words (but I think it still reads very well). I might say:
“Ravens LLC empowers students to be curious and critical thinkers, readers, and life-long
learners in a safe and collaborative environment.”
Original: Ravens LLC empowers students to be curious, critical thinkers, avid readers and
resilient life-long learners in a collaborative, safe and supportive environment.
Ravens LLC encourages the love of learning that empowers students to be curious and critical
thinkers in a collaborative and safe environment.
“I think I like the original better, just without resilient.”
“Ravens LLC empowers students to be curious, critical thinkers, avid readers, life-long learners
in a collaborative, safe and supportive environment.”
Original: Ravens LLC empowers students to be curious, critical thinkers, avid readers and
resilient life-long learners in a collaborative, safe and supportive environment.
Ravens LLC empowers students to be critical thinkers, curious, and resilient life-long learners in
a collaborative, safe and supportive environment.
“You've done a good job of saying a lot with a very impressive word count. I think you've nicely
captured the spirit of your library.”
“I really like the inclusion of the word safe in your mission statement. It was something I also
found important and am including in mine.”
“I feel you have said a lot with a few important words! I especially like your use of "resilient
life-long learners." Resiliency is such an important skill for young people to learn right now in
this world. Great work!”
Mission Statement: Ravens LLC empowers students to be critical thinkers, curious, and
resilient life-long learners in a collaborative, safe and supportive environment.