Akva Statistilka
Akva Statistilka
Akva Statistilka
Ukupna proizvodnja konzumne ribe u 2014. godini je veća za Total production of consumer fish in 2014 increased by 17,7% in
17,7 % u odnosu na 2013. godinu. Proizvodnja šarana je manja relation with 2013. Production of carp decreased by 31,0% while
za 31,0 % dok je proizvodnja pastrmke veća za 23,0 % u odnosu the production of trout increased by 23,0% in relation with 2013.
na 2013. godinu.
Od ukupne količine proizvedene konzumne ribe 87,3 % se Of the total production of consumer fish 87,3% referred to trout,
odnosilo na pastrmku, 6,5 % odnosilo se na šarana i 6,2 % na 6,5% to carp and 6,2% to other fish.
ostale vrste riba.
Ostale ribe /
Other fish
Šaran / Carp
Pastrmka / Trout
Podaci o proizvodnji konzumne ribe i školjkaša, riblje mlađi i The data on production of fish and shellfish for consumption,
ribljih jaja dobiveni su agregiranjem podataka na osnovu juvenils and fish eggs are result of agregation of comparable the
uporedivih godišnjih statističkih istraživanja koja provode data from yearly statistical surveys conducted by the two
entitetske statistike i Brčko distrikt. statistical offices on the Entity level and by the Bureau in Brcko
Istraživanje se provodi izvještajnom metodom i obuhvata sva Survey is carried out by annual report from legal
preduzeća/obrtnike koji proizvode ribu i školjkaše za ishranu, entities/entrepreneurs which are producing fish and shellfish for
riblju mlađ i jaja u slatkim vodama i moru u ribnjacima i consumption, juvenils and fish eggs in freshwater and seawater
kavezima ili drugom tehnikom uzgoja. in fishponds and cages or other breeding technique.
Podatke o akvakulturi izvještajne jedinice daju putem obrasca, na Data about aquaculture from reporting units legal
osnovu knjigovodstvenih i finansijskih podataka. entities/entrepreneurs are collected by questionnaire based on
book-keeping and financial data.
Definicije Definitions
Akvakultura predstavlja uzgoj i kultivaciju vodenih organizama Aquaculture perform rearing or cultivation of aquatic organisms
korištenjem tehnika namijenjenih povećanju proizvodnje tih using techniques designed to increase the production of the
organizama iznad mogućnosti prirodnog okruženja. organismsin question beyond the natural capacity of the
Proizvodnja znači izlaz iz akvakulture pri prvoj prodaji, Production means the output from aquaculture at first sale,
uključujući proizvodnju iz mrijestilišta i uzgajališta koja je za including production from hatcheries and nurseries offered for
prodaju. U proizvodnju se ne ubrajaju količine ribe i školjkaša, sale. In „Production“ is not including quantities of fish and
riblje mlađi i ribljih jaja koji ostaju u uzgajalištu odnosno prenose shellfish, juvenils and fish eggs which remains in breeding site
se u narednu proizvodnu godinu. namely transfering in next production year.
Skraćenice Abbreviations
ha - hektar ha – hectare
m3 – kubni metar m3 – cubic meter
m2 – kvadratni metar m2 – square meter
t - tona t – ton
z - povjerljiv podatak z - confidential data
Izdaje i štampa Agencija za statistiku Bosne i Hercegovine, 71000 Sarajevo , Zelenih beretki 26
Published and printed by the Agency for Statistics of the Bosnia and Herzegovina, 71000 Sarajevo, Zelenih beretki 26
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Elektronska pošta/E-mail : [email protected] · Internetska stranica/Web site: http: //www.bhas.ba