Chapter-15: Plant Growth and Development
Chapter-15: Plant Growth and Development
Chapter-15: Plant Growth and Development
Abscission : Shedding of plant organs like leaves, flowers and fruits etc.
from the mature plant.
Apical dominance : Suppression of the growth of lateral buds in presence
of apical bud.
Dormancy : A period of suspended activity and growth usually associated
with low metabolic rate.
Photoperiodism : Response of plant to the relative length of day and night
period to induce flowering.
Phytochrome : A pigment, which control the light dependent developmen-
tal process.
Phytohormone : Chemicals secreted by plants in minute quantities which
influence the physiological activities.
Senescene : The last phase of growth when metabolic activities decrease.
Vernalisation : A method of promoting flowering by exposing the young
plant to low temperature.
Growth : An irreversible permanent increase in size of an organ or its parts
or even of an individual.
IAA Indole acetic acid
NAA Naphthalene acetic acid
ABA Abscissic acid
IBA Indole-3 butyric acid
2.4D 2.4 dichlorophenoxy acetic acid
PGR Plant growth regulator
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Very Short Answer Questions (1 mark each)
1. Write the cause of 'Bakane' disease of rice.
2. Name the plant hormone which was first isolated from human urine.
3. Name the only gaseous plant hormone.
4. How does abscisic acid acts as stress hormone in drought condition ?
5. A farmer observed some broad-leaved weeds in a wheat crop farm. Which
plant hormone would you suggest remove them ?
6. Why do lateral buds start developing into branches when apical bud is
removed ?
7. Flowering in certain plant occur only when they are exposed to low
temperature for a few weeks. Name this phenomenon.
8. Name the hormone released from over-ripe apples that affects all other apples
in a small wooden box.
Short Answer Questions-II (2 marks each)
9. How will you induce lateral branching in a plant which normally does not
produce them ? Give reason.
10. What induces ethylene formation in plants ? Give any two different action
of ethylene on plants.
11. What is meant by abscission ? Name the phytohormone involved in it.
12. What is meant by apical dominance ? Which hormone control it ?
13. Differentiate between photoperiodism and vernalisation.
Short Answer Questions-I (3 marks each)
14. What would be expected to happen if :
(a) GA3 is applied to rice seedling.
(b) a rotten fruit get mixed with unripe fruits.
(c) you forget to add cytokinin to the culture medium.
15. Which growth hormone is responsible for the following :
(a) induce rooting in a twig
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