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Excel Review Center - Manila Ece Review For October 2019 Board Exam Refresher Exam - Elec

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C. in phase in all but one amplifier 19. The resistance of a circuit is found by
Reviewee: __________________________ configuration * measuring current flowing and the power
D. always in phase fed into the circuit. If the limiting errors in
School: ____________________________ the measurement of power and current are ±
10. What is the ratio of the output frequency to 1.5% and ± 1.0% respectively, the limiting
Section: ___________ Date: __________ the input frequency of a single-phase full- error in the measurement of resistance
wave rectifier?
1. An SCR has half cycle surge current rating A. ± 3.5% * C. ± 1%
of 3000 A for 50 Hz supply. One cycle A. 1:1 C. 1:2 B. ± 2.5% D. ± 1.5%
surge current will be B. 2:1 * D. 1:3
20. Why are bridge rectifiers preferred over
A. 1500 A C. 6000 A 11. A power supply crowbar circuit may consist full-wave center-tapped rectifiers?
B. 2121.32 A * D. 4242.64 A of a:
I. They do not require the use of
2. Which one of the following meters has A. Transformer, rectifier, and filter. center-tapped transformer.
maximum loading effect on the circuit under B. Transformer, capacitor, and diode. II. They provide higher dc output
measurement? C. Zener diode and SCR. * voltages.
D. Rheostat, switch, and indicator lamp. III. They require a lower PIV rating.
A. 1000 Ω/volt C. 10 MΩ/volt IV. They require less space.
B. 100 Ω/volt * D. 1 MΩ/volt 12. A galvanometer with a full scale current of
10 mA has a resistance of 1000 Ω. What is
A. I, II and III
3. When the diode in half-wave rectifier points the multiplying power (the ratio of
toward the load, the output form the rectifier measured current to galvanometer current) B. I, II, III and IV *
will be: of 100 Ω shunt with this galvanometer? C. I and II
D. I and III
A. Positive * A. 110 C. 100
B. Negative B. 11 * D. 10 21. A 0 – 100V voltmeter has a guaranteed
C. Either positive or negative, depending accuracy of 2 % of full scale reading. The
on the polarity of the transformer 13. The _____ amplifier has high input voltage measured by the voltmeter is 75 V.
secondary voltage impedance, low output impedance, and low What is the limiting error in percentage?
D. Full-wave voltage gain.
A. 3.33 % C. 2.66 % *
A. Common-gate B. 2 % D. 1 %
4. The average fully charged voltage of a lead-
B. Common-drain *
acid storage cell is: 22. The _____ amplifier has low input
C. Common-source
D. None of the above impedance, high output impedance, and
A. 1 volt C. 1.2 volts high voltage gain.
B. 1.56 volts D. 2.06 volts *
14. What device is usually used as a stable
A. Common-gate *
5. The capacitance of reversed biased junction reference voltage in a linear voltage
regulator? B. Common-drain
J2 in a thyristor is CJ2 = 20 pF and can be
C. Common-source
assumed to be independent of the off state
voltage. The limiting value of the charging A. A Zener diode * D. None of the above
current to turn on the thyristor is 16 mA. B. A tunnel diode
What is the critical value of dv/dt? C. An SCR 23. A sinusoidal signal waveform, when
D. A varactor diode observed on an oscilloscope, has a peak-to-
A. 600 V/µs C. 800 V/µs * peak amplitude of 6 cm. If the vertical
B. 1200 V/µs D. 1000 V/µs 15. A 0 - 250V voltmeter has a guaranteed sensitivity setting is 5 V/cm, then what will
accuracy of 2% of full scale reading. What be the rms value of the voltage?
6. A power supply crowbar circuit may consist is the percentage of error if it measures
of a: 150V? A. 15 V C. 12.6 V
B. 11.1 V D. 10.6 V *
A. Transformer, rectifier, and filter. A. 2 % C. 3.33 % *
B. Transformer, capacitor, and diode. B. 5 % D. 1 % 24. Which one of the following meters has
C. Zener diode and SCR. * maximum loading effect on the circuit under
D. Rheostat, switch, and indicator lamp. 16. Generally a germanium is in the _____ state measurement?
when the current established by the applied
7. What type of linear voltage regulator is used voltage source is in the direction of the A. 1000 Ω/volt C. 10 MΩ/volt
in applications where the load on the diode symbol’s arrow and V D is greater than B. 100 Ω/volt * D. 1 MΩ/volt
unregulated voltage source must be kept or equal to 0.3 volt.
constant? 25. A 220 V dc machine has an armature
A. off resistance of 1Ω.If the full-load current is 20
A. A constant current source. B. on * A, the difference in the induced voltages
B. A series regulator. C. saturated when the machine is running as a motor and
C. A shunt current source. D. reverse-biased as a generator is
D. A shunt regulator. * 17. Amplifier ac input and output current are:
A. 20 V C. zero
8. A current of A. always 180 degrees out of phase B. 40 V * D. 50 V
 
2+ 2 sin  214t  30   2 2 cos  952t  45 B. 180 degrees phase shift in all but one
amplifier configuration 26. The coil of a moving coil meter has 100
is measured with a thermocouple, 5A full C. in phase in all but one amplifier turns, is 40 mm long and 30 mm wide. The
scale meter. What is the meter reading? configuration control torque is 240×10-6 N-m on full
D. always in phase * scale. If magnetic flux density is 1Wb/m2,
A. 2 A C. 5 A then what is the range of meter?
B. 2+3√2 A D. 3 A * 18. What is the ratio of the output frequency to
the input frequency of a single-phase full- A. 1 mA C. 2 mA *
9. Amplifier ac input and output voltages are: wave rectifier? B. 3 mA D. 4 mA

A. always 180 degrees out of phase A. 1:1 C. 1:2 27. How can parasitic oscillations be eliminated
B. 180 degrees phase shift in all but one B. 2:1 * D. 1:3 from a power amplifier?
amplifier configuration

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A. By tuning for maximum SWR. A. 10 volts. * C. 20 volts.
B. By tuning for maximum power output. A. 25 mA C. 40 mA * B. 30 volts. D. 40 volts.
C. By neutralization. * B. 50 mA D. 80 mA
D. By tuning the output. 44. The h22 hybrid parameter is defined as the:
36. What determines the bandwidth and
28. A string of n parallel SCRs is operated at 72 response shape in a crystal lattice filter? A. Open-circuit output admittance *
kA, the rating of each SCR is 1 kA. If B. Open-circuit output reverse voltage ratio
derating factor of the string is 0.1, then what A. The relative frequencies of the C. Short-circuit forward current ratio
is the value of n? individual crystals. * D. Short-circuit input impedance
B. The center frequency chosen for the
A. 60 C. 70 filter. 45. The three resistors R1, R2 and R3 have the
B. 80 * D. 90 C. The amplitude of the RF stage preceding following ratings: R1 = 25Ω ± 4%, R2 = 65
the filter. Ω ± 4%; R3 =45 Ω ± 4%. If the resistance
29. To obtain the best temperature stability, D. The amplitude of the signals passing are connected in series, then limiting error
what should be the operating voltage of the through the filter. produced in equivalent resistance is
reference diode in a linear voltage
regulator? 37. Which of the following circuits is used to A. 1% C. 2%
eliminate a portion of a signal? B. 3% D. 4% *
A. Approximately 2.0 volts.
B. Approximately 3.0 volts. A. Clipper * 46. For a two-port system, like a BJT amplifier,
C. Approximately 6.0 volts. * B. A clamper the no-load voltage gain:
D. Approximately 10.0 volts. C. A voltage multiplier
D. A voltage divider A. Is always greater than the loaded
30. A DC potentiometer is designed to measure
voltage gain *
up to about 2V with a slide wire of 800 mm.
B. Is always less than the loaded voltage
A standard cell of emf 1.18 V obtains 38. If a latching current for the circuit shown in
balances at 600 mm. A test cell is seen to gain
figure is 2 mA. Obtain the value of
obtain balance at 680 mm. What is the emf minimum width to properly turn ON the C. Is always equal to the loaded voltage
of the test cell? SCR? gain
D. Can be less than or equal to the loaded
A. 1 V C. 1.34 V * voltage gain.
B. 1.5 V D. 1.7 V
47. 4 thyristors rated 200 V in series. The
31. A DC Shunt Motor having shunt field operating voltage of the string is 600 V.
resistance of 250 Ω and armature resistance What is the derating factor of the string?
of 0.5 Ω is connected to 250 V supply and
load current of 21 A. What is the back emf A. 0.75 C. 0.7
generated? B. 0.2 D. 0.25 *

A. 210 V C. 150 V. A. 3 µs C. 3.1 µs

48. When comparing the common emitter and
B. 240 V. * D. 230 V B. 3.2 µs D. 3.3 µs *
the common collector amplifiers, the input
impedance of the common ____ is much
32. The h21 hybrid parameter is defined as the: 39. The average fully charged voltage of an
larger and the output impedance of the
Edison storage cell is:
common _____ is much smaller.
A. Open-circuit output admittance
B. Open-circuit reverse voltage ratio * A. 1 volt C. 1.2 volts *
A. Collector ; emitter
B. 1.5 volts D. 2 volts
C. Short-circuit forward current ratio B. Collector ; collector *
D. Short-circuit input impedance 40. When testing a coil having a resistance of C. Emitter ; collector
10 ohms, resonance occurred when the D. Emitter ; emitter
33. In a voltage regulator incorporating oscillator frequency was 10 MHz and
foldback current limiting, output current rotating capacitor was set at 500/2π pF. 49. A thyristor will be triggered when V g = 1.5
decreases with: What is the effective value of the Q of the volt and Ig = 100 mA in the given figure.
coil? Calculate the value of R in ohms.
A. Device temperature.
B. Excessive output voltage. A. 20 * C. 25.4
C. Decreasing input voltage. B. 31.4 D. 54.2
D. Excessive input/output voltage
differential. * 41. Which transistor amplifier configuration has
a 180 degree current phase sift from input to
34. What conditions exist when an NPN output?
transistor is operating as a Class A
amplifier? A. common-emitter
B. common-collector
A. The base-emitter junction is forward C. common-base
biased and the collector-base junction is D. none of the above *
reverse biased. * A. 65 C. 3.714
B. The base-emitter junction and collector- B. 37.14 * D. 60
42. There are two general categories of clippers,
base junction are both forward biased. which are:
C. The base-emitter junction and collector- 50. A DC motor with armature resistance of 0.5
base junction are both reverse biased. ohms connected directly to a 220 Volt
A. DC restorer and dc eliminator
D. The base-emitter junction is reverse supply. If the armature is stationary then the
B. Half-wave and full-wave
biased and the collector-base junction is current flowing through the armature is
C. Series and parallel *
forward biased.
D. Regenerator and eliminator A. 340 A C. 250 A
35. A moving coil ammeter has a uniform scale B. 440 A * D. 570 A
with 50 divisions and gives a full scale 43. What is the emf generated by a 4 pole lap
reading 10 A. The instrument can read up to connected DC motor rotating at 1500 rpm 51. What determines the gain and frequency
(1/5)th of a scale division with a fair degree having 1000 conductors and useful flux per characteristics of an op-amp RC active
of certainty. What is the resolution of the pole is 0.4 mWb. filter?
instrument in mA?

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A. Values of capacitances and resistances A. Circuit C. Schematic
built into the op-amp. A. AF choke B. Monolithic IC D. Model *
B. Values of capacitances and resistances B. RF choke
external to the op-amp.* C. Smoothing choke 67. Why is a center tap usually provided for
C. Voltage and frequency of DC input to D. Swinging choke * vacuum tube plate and grid return circuits
the op-amp power supply. when an AC filament supply is used?
D. Regulated DC voltage output from the 60. A crowbar circuit is often added to a power
op-amp power supply. supply to: A. To prevent hum voltage from
modulating the normal signals. *
52. What are the important characteristics of a A. Prevent the circuit protective devices B. To allow more filament current.
three-terminal regulator? from being damaged. C. All of these.
B. Aide the filter section by increasing D. None of these.
A. Maximum and minimum input voltage, voltage regulation.
minimum output current and voltage. C. Protect the power supply by allowing the 68. The hybrid model is used in analysis and
B. Maximum and minimum input voltage, load to have as much current as it needs. design:
maximum output current and voltage. * D. Protect the load by activating circuit
C. Maximum and minimum input voltage, protective devices.* A. Much more than re model
minimum output current and maximum B. More than the re model
output voltage. 61. Which of the following components is used C. Equal to the re model
D. Maximum and minimum input voltage, in a power supply circuit to allow filter
D. Less than re model *
minimum output voltage and maximum capacitors to discharge when power is
output current. turned off and aids in holding the voltage
output more constant? 69. For an SCR gate cathode characteristic is a
53. The common base amplifier is characterized straight line of 130. For triggered source
as having a relatively ____ input impedance A. Bleeder resistor * volume of 15 V and allowable gate power
and relatively ____ output impedance. B. Multiplier resistor dissipation of 0.5 W, compute the gate
C. Surge resistor source resistance.
A. Low ; high * C. Low ; low D. Rectifying diodes
A. 111.9 ohms * C. 11.19 ohms
B. High ; low D. High ; high
62. Why is a center tap usually provided for B. 108 ohms D. 115 ohms
54. Which transistor amplifier configuration has vacuum tube plate and grid return circuits
when an AC filament supply is used? 70. Depending on configuration, the magnitude
a 180 degree voltage phase shift from input of the voltage gain for a loaded BJT
to output? amplifier ranges from:
A. To prevent hum voltage from
A. common-emitter * modulating the normal signals. *
B. To allow more filament current. A. Just less than 1 to a few hundred *
B. common-collector
C. All of these. B. Zero to 10,000
C. common-base
D. None of these. C. 1 to 10, 000
D. none of the above
D. 10 to 10,000
55. A galvanometer with a full scale current of 63. The output impedance of a BJT is:
10 mA has a resistance of 1000 Ω. What is 71. _____ biasing may be used with D-
the multiplying power (the ratio of A. Resistive * MOSFETs but not with JFETs.
measured current to galvanometer current) B. Capacitive
of 100 Ω shunt with this galvanometer? C. Inductive A. Gate drain C. Zero *
D. A combination of resistive, capacitive, B. Gate cut-off D. Current source
A. 11 * C. 110 and inductive
B. 10 D. 100 72. A transformer used to step down its input
64. Which of the following circuit conditions voltage must have:
56. A transistor amplifier has an input applied would indicate that bypass capacitor is
to its emitter terminal and an output signal open? A. More turns of wire on its primary than
taken from its collector terminal. The on its secondary.*
amplifier is a/an. A. The presence of a dc voltage at the B. More turns of wire on its secondary than
BJT’s emitter terminal. on its primary.
A. common-emitter amplifier B. The voltage gain increases C. Equal number of primary and secondary
B. common-base amplifier * significantly.* turns of wire.
C. common-collector amplifier C. The loss of the ac signal at the base D. None of the above statements are
D. emitter follower terminal of the BJT. correct.
D. None of the above.
57. The simplest diode performs the same basic 73. To calculate the output impedance the
function as a ______. 65. Figure shows two thyristors rated 400 A applied signal must be set:
sharing a load current. Current through T2 is
A. half-wave rectifier * 180 A. Current through T1 will be A. Equal to the smallest value of the input
B. full-wave rectifier signal
C. bridge rectifier B. Equal to the largest value of the input
D. clamper signal
C. Equal to zero *
58. When using voltage divider-bias in FET D. Equal to a value that is half way
amplifier, increasing the size of the source between the largest and the smallest.
resistor results in:
74. What is a constant-k filter?
A. Lower quiescent values *
A. 100 A C. 150 A *
B. More positive of VGS B. 120 A D. 110 A A. A filter that uses Boltzmann's constant.
C. A larger value of drain current B. A filter whose velocity factor is
D. All of the above 66. A ______ is a combination of circuit constant over a wide range of
elements, properly chosen, that best frequencies.
59. A special type of power supply filter choke approximate the actual behavior of a C. A filter whose product of the series-
whose inductance is inversely proportional semiconductor device under specific and shunt-element impedances is a
to the amount of current flowing through it operating conditions. constant for all frequencies. *
is a: D. A filter whose input impedance varies
widely over the design bandwidth.
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84. Which of the following logic gates will
75. A phase-locked loop IC could be used in all provide an active high out when any input is 93. What is the range of input voltages
of the following applications except: active high? considered to be a logic high input in a TTL
device operating with a 5-volt power
A. Frequency-shift keying (FSK) A. AND C. NAND supply?
B. Horizontal sweep AFC B. OR * D. NOR
C. Frequency synthesis A. 2.0 to 5.5 V * C. 1.5 to 3.0 V
D. Phase-shift oscillator * 85. What type of digital IC is also known as a B. 1.0 to 1.5 V D. - 5.0 to -2.0 V
76. Slew rate of an op-amp means: 94. Generally, it is good design practice for
A. A decade counter. C. An OR gate. linear amplifiers to have operating points
A. Output voltage change per nanosecond. B. A flip-flop. * D. An op-amp. that:
B. Output voltage change per
microsecond.* 86. What is a bistable multivibrator circuit? A. Are close to saturation level
C. Output voltage change per millisecond. B. Are close to the cut-off region
D. Output voltage change per second. A. An "AND" gate. C. An "OR" gate. C. Are close to midpoint of the load
B. A flip-flop. * D. A clock. line *
77. What is an AND gate? D. None of the above
87. What is the range of input voltages
A. A circuit that produces a logic "1" at its considered to be a logic low in a CMOS
95. What is the range of input voltages
output only if all inputs are logic "1". * device operating with an 18-volt power
considered to be a logic high input in a TTL
B. A circuit that produces a logic "0" at its supply?
device operating with a 5-volt power
output only if all inputs are logic "1".
C. A circuit that produces a logic "1" at its A. - 0.8 to 0.90 V C. 0.0 to 5.4 V *
output if only one input is a logic "1". B. 0.0 to 0.8 V D. - 0.8 to 0.4 V
A. 2.0 to 5.5 volts * C. 1.5 to 3.0 volts
D. A circuit that produces a logic "1" at its
B. - 5.0 to -2.0 volts D. 1.0 to 1.5 volts
output if all inputs are logic "0". 88. What are the distinguishing features of a
Butterworth filter?
78. The point of intersection between the 96. Which of the following logic gates will
characteristic curve of the diode and the A. A filter whose product of the series- and provide an active high out when any input is
resistor’s loadline is known as: shunt-element impedances is a constant active high?
for all frequencies.
A. The point of operation B. It only requires capacitors. A. AND C. NAND
B. The Q-point C. It has a maximally flat response over its B. OR * D. NOR
C. The quiescent point passband. *
D. It requires only inductors. 97. What is the recommended power supply
D. All of the above * voltage for TTL series integrated circuits?
79. 60 thyristors are connected in series and 89. Which of the following devices acts as two
SCR's connected back to back, but facing in A. 12.00 volts C. 50.00 volts
parallel to form a 10 kV and 5.5 kA switch. B. 5.00 volts * D. 13.60 volts
Each thyristor is rated for 1.2 kV, 1 kA. The opposite directions and sharing a common
number of parallel path is 6. What is the gate?
98. What are the principal uses of an op-amp
efficiency of the switch? RC active filter?
A. Dual-gate MOSFET C. JFET
A. 76.4 % * C. 91.6 % B. DIAC D. TRIAC *
A. Op-amp circuits are used as high-pass
B. 83.3 % D. 90.9 % filters to block RFI at the input to
90. Why is the Colpitts oscillator circuit
commonly used in a VFO? receivers.
80. Slew rate of an op-amp means: B. Op-amp circuits are used as low-pass
A. The frequency is a linear function of the filters between transmitters and
A. Output voltage change per nanosecond. transmission lines.
B. Output voltage change per load impedance.
B. It can be used with or without crystal C. Op-amp circuits are used as filters for
microsecond.* smoothing power-supply output.
C. Output voltage change per millisecond. lock-in.
C. It is stable. * D. Op-amp circuits are used as audio filters
D. Output voltage change per second. for receivers. *
D. It has high output power.
81. Which of the following biasing circuits can 99. A popular arrangement for enhancement
be used with E-MOSFETs? 91. Latching current for an SCR inserted
between a dc voltage source of 200 V and type MOSFET biasing is:
A. Self-bias load is 100 mA. Compute the minimum rate
of width pulse required to turn ON the SCR A. Drain feedback biasing *
B. Zero-bias B. Fixed resistor-bias
in case load consists of R = 20 k in series
C. Drain feedback-bias * C. Source resistor-bias
with L = 0.2 H.
D. Current source-bias D. All of the above

82. Which of the following devices is normally 100. Calculate the maximum voltage that can be
used to regulate the amount of AC current safely blocked by the string shown in figure,
flowing to a load from approximately 0 if maximum allowable leakage current is 2
degrees to no more than 180 degrees of the mA?
input signal?

A. Class A BJT amp C. DIAC A. 200 µs C. 300 µs

B. SCR * D. TRIAC B. 150 µs D. 100 µs *
83. Which of the following logic gates will 92. Generally a silicon diode is in the
provide an active high out when both inputs ______state if the current established by the
are active high? applied voltage source is in the direction of
the diode symbol’s arrow and VD is greater
A. AND * C. NAND than or equal to 0.7 volt.
A. 10 kV C. 6 kV
A. Off C. On * B. 8 kV * D. 2 kV
B. Reverse-biased D. Saturated END

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