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No. VI.1 - Termination of Contract in Case of Fundamental Non-Performance

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substantial failure

a substantial failure to comply with a contract term means that there has been a major, or significant,
breach of that term

Any substantial failure of an obligation will lead to an immediate termination of the contract.


No. VI.1 - Termination of contract in case of

fundamental non-performance
(a) If a party's failure to perform its obligation amounts to a fundamental non-performance, the
other party may terminate the contract.

(b) The right of a party to terminate the contract is exercised by notice to the other party.

(c) If performance has been offered late or otherwise does not conform to the contract the
aggrieved party will lose its right to terminate the contract unless it gives notice to the other party
within a reasonable time after it has or ought to have become aware of the offer or of the non-
conforming performance.

(d) Termination of the contract releases both parties from their obligation to effect and to receive
future performance.

(e) Upon termination of the contract either party may claim restitution of whatever it has
supplied, provided that such party concurrently makes restitution of whatever it has received. If
restitution in kind is not possible or appropriate allowance should be made in money whenever
reasonable. However, if performance of the contract has extended over a period of time and the
contract is divisible, such restitution can only be claimed for the period after termination has
taken effect.

(f) Termination does not preclude a claim for damages for non-performance.

(g) Termination does not affect any provision in the contract for the settlement of disputes or any
other term of the contract which is to operate even after termination.

1 The right to terminate the contract requires that the other party's non-performance is
fundamental. The type of non-performance is irrelevant, it relates to any failure by a party to
perform any of its obligations under the contract. This wide scope includes defective and late
2 A party's non-performance is fundamental if the requirements of Art. 25 CISG are met, i.e. if
the non-performance substantially deprives the other party of what it was entitled to expect under
the contract unless the non-performing party did not foresee and could not reasonably have
foreseen such result. The nature of the obligation which one party is not performing may also be
relevant in determining whether that party's non-performance is fundamental, e.g. when strict
performance in compliance with the letters of the contract is of the essence. The time factor may
also be relevant in that a non-performance that, in and of itself, is not fundamental, may be
qualified as fundamental because the non-performance is of such a nature that the other party has
reasonable grounds to believe that the non-performing party will not or cannot perform in the

A party may terminate the contract where the failure of the other party to perform an
obligation under the contract amounts to a fundamental non-performance.

(2) In determining whether a failure to perform an obligation amounts to a fundamental

non-performance regard shall be had, in particular, to whether

(a) the non-performance substantially deprives the aggrieved party of what it was
entitled to expect under the contract unless the other party did not foresee and could not
reasonably have foreseen such result;

(b) strict compliance with the obligation which has not been performed is of essence
under the contract;

(c) the non-performance is intentional or reckless;

(d) the non-performance gives the aggrieved party reason to believe that it cannot rely
on the other party's future performance;
(e) the non-performing party will suffer disproportionate loss as a result of the
preparation or performance if the contract is terminated.

(3) In the case of delay the aggrieved party may also terminate the contract if the other
party fails to perform before the time allowed it under Article 7.1.5 has expired.


1. Termination even if non-performance is excused

The rules set out in this Section are intended to apply both to cases where the non-performing party
is liable for the non-performance and to those where the non-performance is excused so that the
aggrieved party can claim neither specific performance nor damages for non-performance.


1. A, a company located in country X, buys wine from B in country Y. The Government of country X subsequently imposes an embargo upon the
import of agricultural products from country Y. Although the impediment cannot be attributed to A, B may terminate the contract.

2. Right to terminate the contract dependent on fundamental non-performance

Whether in a case of non-performance by one party the other party should have the right to
terminate the contract depends upon the weighing of a number of considerations. On the one hand,
performance may be so late or so defective that the aggrieved party cannot use it for its intended
purpose, or the behavior of the non-performing party may in other respects be such that the
aggrieved party should be permitted to terminate the contract.

On the other hand, termination will often cause serious detriment to the non-performing party
whose expenses in preparing and tendering performance may not be recovered.
For these reasons paragraph (1) of this Article provides that an aggrieved party may terminate the
contract only if the non-performance of the other party is “fundamental”, i.e. material and not
merely of minor importance. See also Articles 7.3.3. and 7.3.4.

3. Circumstances of significance in determining whether non-performance is fundamental

Paragraph (2) of this Article lists a number of circumstances which are relevant to the
determination of whether, in a given case, failure to perform an obligation amounts to fundamental

a. Non-performance substantially depriving the other party of its expectations

The first factor referred to in paragraph (2)(a) is that the non-performance is so fundamental that
the aggrieved party is substantially deprived of what it was entitled to expect at the time of the
conclusion of the contract.


2. On 1 May A contracts to deliver standard software before 15 May to B who has requested speedy delivery. If A tenders delivery on 15 June, B may
refuse delivery and terminate the contract.

The aggrieved party cannot terminate the contract if the non-performing party can show that it did
not foresee, and could not reasonably have foreseen, that the non-performance was fundamental
for the other party.

3. A undertakes to remove waste from B’s site within thirty days without specifying the exact date of commencement. B fails to inform A that B has
hired excavators at high cost to begin work on the site on 2 January. B cannot terminate its contract with A on the ground that A had not cleared the
site on 2 January.

b. Strict performance of contract of essence

Paragraph (2)(b) looks not at the actual gravity of the non-performance but at the nature of the
contractual obligation for which strict performance might be of essence. Such obligations of strict
performance are not uncommon in commercial contracts. For example, in contracts for the sale of
commodities the time of delivery is normally considered to be of the essence, and in a documentary
credit transaction the documents tendered must conform strictly to the terms of the credit.

c. Intentional non-performance

Paragraph (2)(c) deals with the situation where the non-performance is intentional or reckless. It
may, however, be contrary to good faith (see Article 1.7) to terminate a contract if the non-
performance, even though committed intentionally, is insignificant.

d. No reliance on future performance

Under paragraph (2)(d) the fact that non-performance gives the aggrieved party reason to believe
that it cannot rely on the other party’s future performance is of significance. If a party is to make
its performance in instalments, and it is clear that a defect found in one of the earlier performances
will be repeated in all performances, the aggrieved party may terminate the contract even if the
defects in the early instalment would not of themselves justify termination.

Sometimes an intentional breach may show that a party cannot be trusted.

4. A, the agent of B, who is entitled to reimbursement for expenses, submits false vouchers to B. Although the amounts claimed are insignificant, B
may treat A’s behaviour as a funda¬mental non-performance and terminate the agency contract.

e. Disproportionate loss

Paragraph (2)(e) deals with situations in which a party who fails to perform has relied on the
contract and has prepared or tendered performance. In these cases regard is to be had to the extent
to which that party suffers disproportionate loss if the non-performance is treated as fundamental.
Non-performance is less likely to be treated as fundamental if it occurs late, after the preparation
of performance, than if it occurs early before such preparation. Whether a performance tendered
or rendered can be of any benefit to the non-performing party if it is refused or has to be returned
to that party is also of relevance.


5. On 1 May A undertakes to deliver software which is to be produced specifically for B. It is agreed that delivery shall be made before 31 December.
A tenders delivery on 31 January, at which time B still needs the software, which A cannot sell to other users. B may claim damages from A, but
cannot terminate the contract.

4. Termination after Nachfrist

Paragraph (3) makes reference to Article 7.1.5, paragraph (3) of which provides that the aggrieved
party may use the Nachfrist procedure to terminate a contract which may not otherwise be
terminated in case of delay (see Comment 2 on Article 7.1.5).

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