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Abstract:: Perilaku Pengguna Dan Informasi Hoax Di Media Sosial Dedi Rianto Rahadi

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Dedi Rianto Rahadi
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Presiden
*[email protected]
Abstract :
User behavior in sosial media and hoax information are an interesting
phenomenon today. Social media is the most effective medium in Hoax's
acceptance and dissemination of information. Various backgrounds of user
behavior becomes one of the factors that make it easier for them to disseminate
information without going through the verification process. Research method uses
a qualitative descriptive method with research object of civitas academic
environment of President University. The results shows the behavior of social
media users in responding Hoax information is quite diverse with a variety of user
backgrounds. Users understand the Hoax information and impacts that arise after
disseminating the information. The main reason the users spread the information
Hoax is to influence the opinions/ attitudes of others. The other reason is to
become a viral Social media users also understand that Hoax information can
divide the nation. To inhibit the dissemination of hoax information, the role of
government and parents is needed as well as the literacy/education of social
media usage so that user behavior will be wise in responding to all information
Keywords: User behavior, hoax information, social media
Interaksi Komunikasi Hoax di Media Sosial serta Antisipasinya
Hoax Communication Interactivity in Social Media and Anticipation
Christiany Juditha
Puslitbang Aplikasi Informatika dan Informasi Komunikasi Publik Kementerian Komunikasi
dan Informatika RI
Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 9 Telepon: 021-3800418 Jakarta 10110
[email protected]
Diterima: 6 Februari 2018 || Revisi: 17 Mei 2018 || Disetujui: 18 Mei 2018

Abstrak - Saat ini penyebaran informasi/berita bohong (hoax) makin marak. Survei Mastel
2017 mengungkapkan bahwa masyarakat menerima hoax setiap hari lebih dari satu kali.
Saluran yang paling banyak digunakan dalam penyebaran hoax adalah media sosial.
Fenomena hoax di Indonesia menimbulkan keraguan terhadap informasi yang diterima dan
mebingungkan masyarakat. Hal ini dimanfaatkan pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab untuk
menanamkan fitnah dan kebencian. Karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan
gambaran tentang interaksi komunikasi hoax di media sosial dan cara mengantisipasinya.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan menyoroti tiga kasus
hoax yang ramai di masyarakat menyangkut pemerintahan Presiden Jokowi dan Gubernur
DKI Jakarta, Ahok. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa interaksi komunikasi
terbangun dengan sangat dinamis. Pengirim atau penerima pesan hoax merupakan pihak yang
tidak menyenangi pemerintah. Penerima pesan lainnya juga pihak yang tidak sepakat dan
membantah hoax sebagai dukungan terhadap pemerintah. Motif politik sangat kental dalam
kasus ini dan ada tujuan menjatuhkan pemerintah yang sedang berkuasa atau mencegah Ahok
menjadi gubernur DKI Jakarta lagi. Hoax yang banyak disebar berulang-ulang melalui media
sosial dapat membentuk opini publik bahwa berita tersebut benar adanya. Ada tiga
pendekatan penting untuk mengantisipasi penyebaran hoax di masyarakat yaitu pendekatan
kelembagaan, teknologi dan literasi.
Kata Kunci: interaksi, komunikasi, hoax, media sosial
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Volume 22, Issue 2, November 2018 (98-111)

ISSN 1410-4946 (Print), 2502-7883 (Online)
doi: 10.22146/jsp.31865
Women and Hoax News Processing on WhatsApp
Hani Noor Ilahi
University of Indonesia
(email: [email protected])
The word hoax became popular with the development of technology that has potentially
increased the circulation of hoax news. One of the ways hoax news circulates is through
mobile instant messaging applications like WhatsApp, where users can interact directly, or
between individuals who are members of a group. In Indonesia, by 2017, WhatsApp was the
most used and the longest-used mobile instant messaging application, having 35.87 million
users. This study focuses on women using WhatsApp, as previous studies have shown that
women dominate social media use in Indonesia. Using the elaboration likelihood model, this
study aimed to investigate how women process hoax messages about child abduction on
WhatsApp. The results of research through interviews and surveys indicate that women
tend to process hoax messages about the abduction of children through peripheral lines. The
lack of media literacy and the tendency to prioritize the emotional aspects of a story make
some women vulnerable to spreading hoaxes through WhatsApp. In this study, the
researchers recommend a digital empowerment movement to improve women’s media
literacy through an online lecture model on WhatsApp. This program should be
professionally managed by experts or academics from relevant fields of study.
hoax news; abduction; mobile instant messaging; WhatsApp; women
Indonesian media coverage in March 2017 was colored by news about several cases of
child abduction. Information about the abductions, along with murders and other crimes,
spread through online messaging communities. Abductees were reported to have body
parts removed and sold at high price on the black market. Messages about how and why
these abductions occurred spread across the country, and causing widespread anxiety.
A message spread initially in Cimahi City, West Java, for example, reported that a man
pretending to be mentally ill was carrying a child in a sack in Pojok, Cimahi City. The
message encouraged people, especially parents who have children under 10 years old, to
always be cautious and to make sure children are always supervised when outside. The
message was accompanied by two photographs: one of the abductor with his hands tied up,
the other of two children with their arms and legs bound. However, Cimahi Police Resort
Chief, Ade Ary Syam Idradi reported that the content in the message was not true (Nazmi,
Similar messages about child abduction are also common in Jakarta because of messages
broadcasted on WhatsApp. However, though the suspect in Cimahi pretended to be
mentally ill, in Jakarta he was disguised as an online-based ojek driver. Through WhatsApp,
the message quickly spread to the public and received media attention.
Jagakarsa Police Chief Kompol Sri Bhayangkari confirmed on an online news.
Understanding the Tendency of Media Users to Consume Fake
S. Rouli Manalu, Tandiyo Pradekso, Djoko Setyabudi
Universitas Diponegoro
Jl. Prof. H. Soedarto, S.H. No. 1, Kampus Tembalang
Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50275
Email: [email protected]

Abstract: This research investigates the groups’ tendencies of media users based on age and income
level in consuming, sharing, and believing fake news. These tendencies are examined through: (1)
an analysis of pattern of media consumption; and (2) an analysis of types of the most trustworthy
media platform. Using systematic random sampling based on residences, this study examines the
responses of 400 households in Semarang, Central Java with level of confidence of 95%. The result
reveals media users in the age group 15-30 years have higher risk to be exposed and believe in fake
Keywords: fake news, media consumption, media trustworthiness

Abstrak: Penelitian ini menelaah kecenderungan kelompok usia dan tingkat pendapatan untuk
mengonsumsi, membagikan, dan mempercayai berita bohong. Kecenderungan ini ditelaah melalui:
(1) analisis pola konsumsi media; dan (2) analisis jenis platform informasi yang dianggap paling
dapat dipercaya. Dengan menggunakan systematic random sampling berdasarkan tempat tinggal,
penelitian ini menguji tanggapan dari 400 rumah tangga di Semarang, Jawa Tengah, dengan
tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengguna media pada kelompok usia 15-
30 tahun memiliki keecenderungan yang lebih tinggi dalam mengonsumsi dan mempercayai berita
Kata kunci: berita bohong, kepercayaan media, konsumsi media

The discussions regarding fake news

and hoax came to the forefront of public
conversations in many countries in the
past years. One of the prominent events
that contribute to this discussion was
the U.S. Election Campaign in 2016,
where many information were distributed
widely without verification. News
Media Association Report (News Media
Association, 2016) stated amongst those
unverified information, the most popular
and widely shared were the Democrat’s
Candidate, Hillary Clinton, who had
sold weapon to ISIS, and that Pope had
endorsed Donald Trump to become the
next U.S. President.
Spread of hoax in Social Media
A report on empirical case
Hokky Situngkir
[[email protected]]
Dept. Computational Sociology
Bandung Fe Institute
We discuss the way of hoax spreading as gossip and rumor throughout the social media, i.e.:
by observing an empirical case in Indonesia. We discuss the spreading factor of the gossip in the
social media and see the epidemiology of the propagation hoax before and after the hoax being
clarified in the conventional mass media. The discussions brought us to the open enrchiment
analysis of the sociology of gossip and rumors within the online services like Twitter for future
observation of human behavior.

Keywords: social media, gossip, rumor, hoax, Twitter.

1. Introduction
To gossip is human socially. Gossips and rumors have been a sort of “fun” way to exploit the existing
asymmetric information in social life. It has been even recognized as an important thing in the
sustainability and adaptability in social groups throughout the long run of human evolution [1, 12].
Recent modern life has brought us a great deal places for gossips and rumors in the name of
information exchange. The role of social media, micro‐blogging, social network services have played
a very important role in the way we gossip. Yet, this customer‐driven media are prone to hoax, lies,
as information flows from person to person unstoppably. There have been a lot of cases worldwide
how hoaxes spread by riding gossips and rumors throughout social media, the hoax of the death of
human rights figure, Nelson Mandela (January, 2011), rock star Mick Jagger (February, 2011), and
the martial‐art movie actor, Jackie Chan (March, 2011). In the period of the paper is written, the
three world figures are alive in good conditions, yet the rumors on their death have hit the world’s
twitter trending topics. Recently, in Indonesia some similar thing has also been occurred*). This is the
ground on which the discussion of the paper is established upon.

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