2012 Von Willebrand Disease Pocket Guide
2012 Von Willebrand Disease Pocket Guide
2012 Von Willebrand Disease Pocket Guide
Presented by the
American Society of Hematology,
adapted from: The Diagnosis,
Evaluation, and Management of von
Willebrand Disease. National Heart,
Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH Pub.
No. 08-5832. December, 2007.
*This quick reference guide was
revised in 2012.
I. Evaluation Tooth No bleed- None done Reported, no Consultation Resuturing or Blood transfusion or
extraction ing in ≥ or no bleed- consultation only packing replacement therapy
2 extrac- ing in 1 or desmopressin
A. History tions extraction
Ask the following broad questions: Surgery No bleed- None done Reported, no Consultation Surgical hemostasis Blood transfusion or
• Have you or a blood relative ever needed medical attention for a bleeding ing in ≥ 2 or no bleed- consultation only and antifibrinolytic replacement therapy
problem or been told you had a bleeding problem? surgeries ing in 1 or desmopressin
• Have you ever had a blood disorder, or liver or kidney disease? surgery
• Are you currently taking or have you recently taken anticoagulation or Menor- - No Consultation Antifibrinolytics, Dilation & curet- Blood transfusion or
antiplatelet medications? rhagia only oral contracep- tage, iron therapy, replacement therapy
tive pill use ablation or desmopressin or
If answers to questions above are positive, ask hysterectomy
the following questions: Post- No bleed- No deliver- Consultation Dilation & Blood transfusion Hysterectomy
• Do you have a blood relative with a bleeding disorder? partum ing in ≥ 2 ies or no only curettage, iron or replacement
• Have you ever had any of the following symptoms? hemor- deliveries bleeding in therapy, antifi- therapy or desmo-
– Bleeding from trivial wounds lasting >15 minutes or recurring rhage 1 delivery brinolytics pressin
spontaneously during the 7 days after the injury Muscle - Never Post-trauma, Spontaneous, Spontaneous or Spontaneous or
– Heavy, prolonged, or recurrent bleeding after surgical procedures hemoto- no therapy no therapy traumatic, requir- traumatic, requiring
– Bruising with minimal or no apparent trauma, especially if you could mas ing desmopressin surgical intervention
feel a lump under the bruise or replacement or blood transfusion
– Spontaneous nosebleed lasting >10 minutes or that required medical therapy
attention Hemar- - Never Post-trauma, Spontaneous, Spontaneous or Spontaneous or
– Heavy, prolonged, or recurrent bleeding after dental extractions that throsis no therapy no therapy traumatic, requir- traumatic, requiring
required medical attention ing desmopressin surgical intervention
or replacement or blood transfusion
– Blood in your stool that required medical attention and was
unexplained by an anatomic lesion (stomach ulcer, colon polyp)
CNS - Never - - Subdural, any Intracerebral, any
– Anemia that required a blood transfusion or other type of treatment
bleeding intervention intervention
– Heavy menses characterized by clots >1 inch diameter, changing a
At the time of this report, there are several bleeding assessment tools in various stages of
pad or tampon more than hourly, or resulting in anemia or low iron investigation and validation.2 This quick reference includes the Condensed MCMDM-1 VWD Bleeding
• Refer to the bleeding score table (panel 2) to help determine the Questionnaire, as this tool has been well validated as a research tool, is undergoing investigation as a
likelihood of a bleeding disorder including possible VWD. clinical tool, and can be rapidly administered.1
Bowman M, Mundell G, Grabell J, Hopman W, Rapson D, Lillicrap D, James P. Generation and
B. Physical Examination Validation of the Condensed MCMDM1-VWD Bleeding Questionnaire. J Thromb Haemost 2008; 6:
2062-6, from www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18983516.
Perform a physical examination to include evaluation for:
• Evidence of bleeding or anemia, including size, location, and distribution 2
Rydz N and James PD. The Evolution and Value of Bleeding Assessment Tools. J Thromb
of ecchymoses, hematomas, and petechiae. Haemost 2012 Sept 13 [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 22974079, from www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
• Evidence of risks of increased bleeding such as jaundice or spider
angiomata, splenomegaly, arthropathy, joint and skin laxity, and
telangiectasia. II. Assessment Algorithm
Assessment for VWD or Other Bleeding Disorders
C. Special Considerations for the Laboratory
Diagnosis of VWD Positive Initial Screen by
• Patients should be at optimal baseline at the time of testing. Undue stress History & Physical Exam
(illness, struggling or crying in children, anxiety in adults) may transiently
elevate VWF and FVIII levels.
• Very recent exercise, acute inflammation due to surgeries or infection,
chronic inflammation such as from autoimmune diseases or diabetes, Initial Hemostasis Tests
pregnancy, and estrogen containing contraceptives, may also elevate • CBC and platelet count
VWF levels. • PT and PTT
• Atraumatic blood draws limit the exposure of tissue factor from the site • Fibrinogen or TT (optional)
and clotting factor activation, thus minimizing falsely high or low levels.
• Careful handling and processing of samples is critical. Samples must be If bleeding history is strong, consider
promptly and thoroughly centrifuged. Samples that will be transported to performing initial VWD assays
a reference laboratory must be frozen and delivered promptly and remain
frozen until assayed.
D. Bleeding Score1
The bleeding score is determined by scoring the worst episode for each symptom Other cause identified, e.g., Isolated prolonged PTT that
(each row) and then summing all of the rows together. “Consultation only” refers extremely low platelets, corrects on 1:1 mixing study,
to a patient consulting a medical professional (doctor, nurse, dentist) because of isolated abnormal PT, or no abnormalities
a symptom but no treatment being given. For VWD, a bleeding score ≥ 4 has a low fibrinogen,
sensitivity = 100%, specificity = 87%, positive predictive value = 0.20, negative abnormal TT
predictive value = 1.00. The higher the bleeding score, the greater is the likelihood
of a bleeding disorder including possible VWD. For more information, please visit
Other Initial VWD Assays
www.path.queensu.ca/labs/james/bq.htm. Appropriate
• VWF:Ag
-1 0 1 2 3 4 Evaluation
Epistaxis - No or trivial > 5/year or > Consultation Packing or Blood transfusion or • FVIII
(< 5/year) 10 mins only cauterization or replacement therapy
antifibrinolytic or desmopressin
Cutaneous - No or trivial >1 cm and no Consultation - -
(< 1 cm) trauma only Abnormal Normal
Bleeding - No or trivial > 5/year or > Consultation Surgical hemostasis Blood transfusion or
from minor (< 5/year) 5 mins only replacement therapy Selected specialized VWD studies such as: Consider testing such as:
wounds or desmopressin • Repeat initial VWD assays if necessary • Factor IX, Factor XI
Oral cavity - No Reported, no Consultation Surgical hemostasis Blood transfusion or • Ratio of VWF:RCo to VWF:Ag (if PTT prolonged)
• Multimer distribution • Platelet function testing
consultation only or antifibrinolytic replacement therapy
• Collagen binding • Factor XIII testing
or desmopressin • RIPA or platelet binding • Evaluation for Ehlers Danlos
Gastro- - No Assoc. with Spontaneous Surgical hemostasis, - • FVIII binding syndrome
intestinal ulcer, portal blood transfusion, • Platelet VWF studies
bleeding hypertension, replacement ther- • DNA sequencing of VWF gene
hemorrhoids, apy, desmopressin, CBC=complete blood count, FVIII=factor VIII activity, PT=prothrombin time, PTT=partial
angiodysplasia antifibrinolytic thromboplastin time, TT=thrombin time, VWF:Ag=VWF antigen, VWF:RCo=VWF
ristocetin cofactor activity
III. Laboratory Diagnosis Product VWF:RCo activity FVIII activity Ratio of VWF:RCo
Laboratory Values for VWD* (IU/ml)1 (IU/ml)1 to FVIII activity
VWF:RCo/ Koate DVI® 50 50 1:1
Condition Description FVIII VWF:Ag
(lU/dL) (lU/dL) Alphanate SD/HT®2 16-72 40-180 1:2
Type 1 Partial quantitative VWF <30** <30** Low or Normal >0.5-0.7 Potency may vary. Refer to each individual carton or vial prior to reconstitution.