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by Abhinavagupta


saṁkramotra na bhavana na ca katha – yuktir na carca na ca

dhyanaṁ va na ca dharanraṇa na ca japa – bhyasa prayaso na ca /
tatkiṁ nama suniścitaṁ vada paraṁsatyaṁ ca tacchruyataṁ
na tyagī na parigrahī bhaja sukhaṁ sarvaṁ yathavasthitahraṇ // 1

In this highest state of supreme God consciousness [anuttara] there is no need of

spiritual progress, no contemplation, no art of expression, no investigation, no
meditation, no concentration, no recitation, exertion or practice. Tell me then, what is
the supreme and well-ascertained truth? Listen indeed to this! Neither abandon nor
accept anything, enjoy everything, remain as you are!

saṁsaro ‘sti na tattvatast anubhritaṁ bandhasya vartaiva ka

bandho yasya na jatu tasya vitatha muktasya muktikriya /
mithyamoha krraṇidesraṇa rajju bhujaga – cchaya piśaca bhramo
ma kiṁcittyaja ma grraṇihanraṇa vilasa svastho yatha-vasthitahraṇ // 2

In reality there is no such thing as birth and death, so how can the question arise of
bondage for living beings? There never was any such bondage for the one who is
entirely free, and therefore, to struggle for liberation is useless and nothing more than
delusion–like a dark shadow mistaken for a demon, or a rope seen as a snake. It is all
based on deceitful perception which has no substance. Neither abandon nor accept
anything, remain as you are, well established in your own Self.

pūjapūjaka pūjya bhedasaranraṇihraṇ keyaṁ kathanuttare

saṁkramahraṇ kila kasya kena vidadhe ko va praveśa kramahraṇ /
mayeyaṁ na cid-advayat parataya bhinnapyaho vartate
sarvaṁ svanubhava svabhava vimalaṁ cintaṁ vrraṇitha ma krraṇithahraṇ // 3

In the oneness of that supreme state of anuttara what talk can there be, and
what differentiated path of adorer, adored and adoration? To whom and by what
means could a progression function; or what could constitute the succession of
penetrating into the Self? Wonder of wonders! Though it appears differentiated this
illusion is no other than consciousness–one without a second. Everything is nothing
but the pure essence of your own Self-experience, so why worry in vain!

anando ‘tra na vittam adyamadavan – naivaṅ ganasaṅgavat

dīparkendu krraṇita prabha prakaravan naiva prakaśodayahraṇ /
harsraṇahraṇ saṁbhrraṇita bheda mukti sukhabhūr – bharavataropamahraṇ
sarva dvaita padasya vismrraṇita nidhehraṇ praptihraṇ prakaśodayahraṇ // 4

One cannot compare the bliss of this state to the intoxication of wealth or wine, nor to
the union with a beloved women. And the brilliant flow of light is unlike the collection
of rays from a lamp, the sun or the moon. This excessive joy of the Self is comparable
only to the weight of that blissful state which descends when one gets liberated from
all differentiation. The flow of this supreme consciousness is the state of universal
oneness, which is nothing other than your own treasure abode that you had
temporarily forgotten.

raga dveśa sukha sukho dayalaya – haṅkaradainyadayo

ye bhavahraṇ pravibhanti viśva vapusraṇo bhinna svabhava na te /
vyaktiṁ paśyasi yasya yasya sahasa tattat-tadekatmata-
saṁvid rūpam aveksraṇya kiṁ na ramase tadbhavana-nirbharahraṇ // 5

Attraction and repulsion, pleasure and pain, rising and setting, self-confidence and
depression; all these states with which the universe is formed shine as mutually
different but in reality they are not. Whenever you perceive the specificity of some
thing, at that very moment you should perceive the essence of your own
consciousness as one with it… why not take delight in the fullness of that awareness!

pūrvabhava bhavakriya hi sahasa bhavahraṇ sada ‘sminbhave

madhyakara vikara saṅkara-vataṁ tesraṇaṁ kutahraṇ satyata /
nihraṇsatye capale prapañca nicaye svapna bhrame peśale
śaṅkataṅka kalaṅka yukti kalana – tītahraṇ prabuddho bhava// 6

In this world the totality of objects appear eternally in the present moment, i.e. the
activity of universality has no previous or future existence. Differentiated action is an
illusion based on the unlawful pervasion of an intermediate state which is unreal,
transient, fraudulent, just like a heap of appearances in the illusion of a dream.
Remain above these defects which have been wrongfully forged by the stigma of
doubts, hence be awakened!
bhavanaṁ na samudbhavo ‘sti sahajas – tvad bhavita bhantyamī
nihraṇsatya api-satyatam-anubhava – bhrantya bhajanti ksraṇanraṇam /
tvatsaṅkalpaja esraṇa viśva mahima nastyasya janmanyatahraṇ
tasmat-tvaṁ vibhavena bhasi bhuvane – sraṇvekopy-anekatmakahraṇ // 7

For the insentient there is no outflow of objective things, for those are manifested
only when experienced by thee. Though deprived of reality they share reality in one
instant through ones erroneous perception. Thus the greatness of this universe arises
from your own imagination–it does not take birth from anything else. Therefore, you
alone shine in all these worlds, and though one, you become many by your own glory!

yatsatyaṁ yad asatyamalpa-bahulaṁ nityaṁ na nityaṁ ca yat

yan mayam-alinaṁ yadatma-vimalaṁ citdarpanraṇe rajate /
tatsarvaṁ sva-vimarśa-saṁvidudayad rūpa-prakaśatmakaṁ
jñatva svanubhava dhirūdraṇha-mahima viśveśvaratvaṁ bhaja // 8

Real or unreal, small or plentiful, eternal or momentary, what is colored by the illusion
of differentiation and what is pure in one’s own Self, in reality, this universe, rising
from your own consciousness and becoming one with your essence, appears glorified
in the mirror of Consciousness.
Having ascertained the sublimity of the universe and having understood the greatness
of establishing ones own Self-experience, enjoy universal sovereignty.

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