Parents Guide To 3rd Grade Math
Parents Guide To 3rd Grade Math
Parents Guide To 3rd Grade Math
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
CCSS Review 4
Overview of Topics 7
Worksheets 17
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
The 2014-15 school year will be important for Common Core as the standards
are fully implemented in many remaining states of the 43 (and the District of
Columbia) that have embraced their adoption. CCSS has its advocates as well as
its critics, and the debate on its merits has become more pronounced in recent
months. Irrespective of the political differences with Common Core, its concepts
are critical for students because the standards help with understanding the
foundational principles of how math works. This guide steers clear of most of the
controversy surrounding CCSS and primarily focuses upon the math your third-
grader will encounter.
U.S. Students Slide in Global Ranking on Math, Reading, Science;; Dec. 13, 2013 3
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
CCSS Review
A stated objective of Common Core is many state standards, which mandate
to standardize academic guidelines a “mile-wide, inch-deep” curriculum
nationwide. In other words, what in which children are being taught
third-graders are learning in math so much in a relatively short span
in one state should be the same as of time that they aren’t effectively
what students of the same age are becoming proficient in the concepts
learning in another state. The curricula they truly need to succeed at the next
may vary between these two states, level. Hence, CCSS works to establish
but the general concepts behind an incredibly thorough foundation not
them are similar. This approach is only for the math concepts in future
intended to replace wildly differing grades, but also toward practical
guidelines among different states, thus application for a lifetime.
eliminating (in theory) inconsistent
For third grade, Common Core’s focus
test scores and other metrics that
places a tremendous emphasis on
gauge student success.
introductory multiplication. Fractions
An increased focus on math would also make their first appearance,
seem to include a wider variety of and two-dimensional shapes receive
topics and concepts being taught plenty of attention. Ultimately,
at every grade level, including third this focus will enable children to
grade. However, CCSS actually calls develop rigor in real-life situations
for fewer topics at each grade level. by developing a base of conceptual
The Common Core approach (which understanding and procedural
is clearly influenced by so-called fluency.
“Singapore Math”—an educational
initiative that promotes mastery
instead of memorization) goes against
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
Overview of Topics
From the four critical areas of focus discussed in the previous section, Common
Core also further clarifies the skills third-graders should know by the end of the
school year. For example, the fluency requirements at this level are single-digit
products and quotients (i.e., basic multiplication and division, with times tables
committed to memory by the end of the year) and adding and subtracting within
1,000. The five topics presented here, taken directly from CCSS itself, 2 include
some specifics on what kids will be taught in Grade 3.
Grade 4: Introduction, Common Core State Standards Initiative 7
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
• They will be able to compare
Number Operations in Base 10
fractions with the same numerator
or denominator and determine
• Use place value understanding and
which is larger or smaller.
properties of operations to perform
multi-digit arithmetic. Students Measurement and Data
will strive toward fluently adding or
• Solve problems involving
subtracting numbers within a 1,000.
measurement and estimation. Students
They will master rounding numbers
will learn to tell time to the minute,
to the nearest 10 or 100, and they
as well as solve basic addition and
will also learn to multiply one-digit
subtraction word problems involving
numbers by multiples of 10 but less
time. Estimating The concept of volume
than 100 (e.g., 6 × 40).
and mass is introducedexplained, and
Number Operations—Fractions third-graders will be taught to solve
one-step word problems with volumes
• Develop understanding of fractions or mass involving the same unit (for
as numbers. As third-graders get their example, one cup holds 8 ounces of
first major exposure to fractions, many juice and another holds 6 ounces; how
concepts will be introduced: much total juice is there?).
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
The Benefits
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
By reducing the number of math topics one level translate into the tools they
taught, Common Core helps ensure need to learn at the next level. This
students are truly ready for what comes coherence would seem an obvious
next. Given the attention given to educational approach, but often,
the included concepts, more practical there is no link—students are taught
applications and alternate operations of a skill in third grade that might not
the math can be explored. be used (and might have to be re-
taught) until fifth. Each new concept
Coinciding with the reduction of topics
in Common Core is an extension of a
is an emphasis on vigor—achieving a
previous, already learned concept.
“deep command” of the math being
taught. Students will be challenged
to understand the concepts behind
mathematical operations rather than
just resorting to rote memorization and
processes to get a right answer. Speed
and accuracy are still important; kids
won’t be getting away that easily from
flash cards and quizzes that increase
fluency. Moreover, Common Core
places even additional emphasis on
practical application—after all, the
math kids learn now will be important
when they become adults, even if
they never have to think about prime
numbers or symmetrical lines in their
day-to-day lives.
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
Students explain the problem to themselves and determine ways they can
reach a solution. Then, they work at the problem until it’s solved. For example,
multiplication is brand new to third-graders, so word problems involving the
concept may be particularly challenging for students more conditioned to
addition and subtraction problems. This CCSS math practice encourages them
to take their time to read and try understanding the problem, emphasizing that
the process is ultimately important even if it doesn’t result in a correct answer.
Third-graders will also be encouraged to use pictures or objects to better
visualize the problem and solution.
Standards for Mathematical Practice, Common Core State Standards Initiative 12
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
This is just like it sounds: Students use math to solve real-world problems.
Third-graders can be challenged to take the math skills they have learned
into their own lives. For example, student who eats three string cheeses a
day can use multiplication to figure out how many he eats during a week or a
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
Attend to precision
Students will look for patterns and structures within math and apply these
discoveries to subsequent problems. For example, third-graders might
understand that multiplying even numbers together will produce an even
number, and then use that knowledge to help solve future equations.
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
Fortunately, CCSS does not have to be that stressful, for you or your third-grader.
Here are some tips to help your children succeed with Common Core math:
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
You might look at a worksheet to you, they will carry that confidence
your child brings home and think, into the classroom when the teacher
“This isn’t the math I’m used to.” asks for those same explanations.
Because Common Core emphasizes
Seek more help if necessary
understanding the process of
arriving at an answer, your child If your third-grader is struggling
may be taught additional ways with the new math standards, talk
to fry a mathematical egg, so with his or her teacher first. You
to speak. Instead of shunning then might want to seek outside
these approaches, learn them for resources to help your child. Several
yourself. Once you comprehend online resources provide math help,
these additional methods, you will including worksheets and sample
be better able to help your child tests that conform to Common Core
comprehend them as well. standards. Tutoring might be an option
you consider as well. Innovative iPad-
Encourage them to show their work
based math programs have emerged
This suggestion can be read that combine the personalized
two ways. First, students will be approach of a tutor with today’s
encouraged to show how they technology. This revolutionary
arrived at an answer, especially approach also may feature a
within Common Core. Second, curriculum based on Common Core,
ask your children to show you thus ensuring your child’s learning at
their homework, particularly the home is aligned with what he or she is
challenging stuff. Explaining how learning at school.
a problem is solved is a basic
CCSS tenet, so if your kids can be
confident in explaining their work
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
The store ordered 4 boxes of styli. There were 8 styli in each box. Which image shows the total styli
that the store ordered?
A) B) C)
Ken gets 8 points and 3 stars for every Mario game he wins. If he wins 8 Mario games, how many
total points would he have?
C) 18 ÷ 6 = 2 D) 18 ÷ 3 = 8
Write the equivalent expression for the statement. How many sets of 5 are in 30?
A) 30 ÷ 5 B) 30 × 5 C) 5 × 30
The table shows the relation between the meters of cloth used for stitching shirts. Which of the
following describes the pattern between the meters of cloth and the shirts?
A) Add 2 B) Multiply by 2
C) Multiply by 3 D) Add 3
Computed value of 8 × 12 = _
Estimate the same by rounding off both the numbers to the nearest tens.
Estimated value of 8 × 12 = _ × _ = _
In a department store there are 83 glass bottles. 35 of those are damaged. The remaining glass
bottles are divided equally into 4 cartons. Find the number of glass bottles in each carton.
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
266 + 675 = __
160 − __ = 41
173 domestic flights and 163 international flights land at airport A. 145 domestic flights and
133 international flights land at airport B. How many total international flights land at these
two airports?
Estimate the product by rounding the first factor to the nearest tens.
99 × 9 = __
Two digit numbers less than 70 that can be rounded up to 70 are __, __, __, __, __
The estimated number of cookies sold by a baker in a month is 660. Select all numbers that
could be the actual number of cookies sold.
A) 657
B) 651
C) 661
D) 668
The County Swimming program enrolled 297 kids of different ages last summer. This year, the
program has 73 fewer kids. How many kids are enrolled in the program this year?
6 × 3 = __
60 × 3 = __
6 × 30 = __
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
Numbers and Operations: Fractions
Enter the fraction that represents the shaded The fraction 2/6 on the 2nd number line
part. maps to which fraction on the 1st number
= —
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
Select what is true about the shape Select all images that represent the fraction 1/3
given below. A)
A) It is a quadrilateral
B) It has 4 vertices
C) It has 5 angles
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
Carla built a fence for her dog’s play area. The fence is 10 feet long and 3 feet wide. How
many feet of fencing did Carla use?
Sally’s garden is a perfect square. Each side measures 8 feet. What is the perimeter of her
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
Answer Key
1. C) 1. 941
2. 64 2. 119
3. A) 3. 296
4. A) 4. 900
5. 4 5. 4, 5, 8
6. 27, 54 6. 60
8. A) 8. A), C)
3 4. 8:26am 4. B)
4. —
5. D) 5. A)
5. —
8 6. 2
6. B)
6. —
3 7. 52 7. 4
7. 2 8. 38
8. 72
8. 3 9. 750 9. 26
9. A) 10. 98 10. 32
10. C)
Parents’ Guide to 3rd Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
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