Physics Photon: Department of and Science
Physics Photon: Department of and Science
Physics Photon: Department of and Science
Department of Physics Research Area Name Education E-mail Phone
Bjorn Manuel München/Max-Planck-Institut
The Department of Physics and Photon Science at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Tech- Hegelich +82-62-715-4750
für Quantenoptik
nology (GIST) aims at [Ph.D. in physics]
history, but we are growing very fast. The number of professors and graduate students will con-
tinue to increase for the next several years, and it will be a major department soon. At present, Kim, Dong-Hee KAIST
[Assistant Professor] [Ph.D. in condensed matter physics] +82-62-715-2883
Department of Physics and Photon Science has strong research activities in the field of optics,
plasma physics, condensed matter physics and particle physics. Massachusetts Institute of
Noh, Do Young Technology +82-62-715-2311
[Ph.D. in condensed matter physics]
Educational objectives: Main Research Areas:
ostering top class scientists who can lead the • Optics POSTECH
research in physics and photon science - Ultrafast optics and nonlinear optics Doh, Yong-Joo +82-62-715-5921
Graduate Prospectus
Graduate Prospectus
[Ph.D. in condensed matter physics
roducing scientists who can provide the prob- - Ultra-high power lasers and its applications [Professor]
lem-solving capability in research and develop- - Attosecond science
ment - Quantum integrated photonics Condensed
Matter Mun, Bongjin Simon University of California Davis
- Relativistic Quantum Photonics Physics [Dean, Professor] [Ph.D. in condensed matter physics] +82-62-715-2882
Participating organizations at GIST:
• Plasma Physics
- School of Physics and Chemistry - Intense laser and matter/plasma interactions POSTECH
- Advanced Photonics Research Institute - Particle acceleration and coherent radiations by Yu, Unjong [Ph.D. in computational condensed +82-62-715-3629
enter for Relativistic Laser Science at IBS (In- laser-plasmas [Assistant Professor]
matter physics]
stitute for Basic Science) - High energy density physics
- Laser fusion을
cience Research Center for Advanced X-ray
50 Science (SRC:C-AXS) • Condensed Matter Physics
Lee, Sungbae
[Assistant Professor]
Rice University
[Ph.D. in physics and Astronomy] +82-62-715-3634 51
- X-ray studies of nano condensed matter physics
Supporting projects: - Optical spectroscopy for condensed matter phys-
Lee, Jongseok Seoul National University
- BK21 PLUS Project ics [Associate Professor] [Ph.D. in condensed matter physics] +82-62-715-2222
- IBS Research Center - Surface science using X-rays
- Computational quantum physics
enter for Advanced X-ray Science - Quantum device physics State University of New York at
Particle Kim, Keun-Young
(Science Research Center) Physics [Associate Professor]
Stony Brook, USA +82-62-715-3648
• Particle Physics [Ph.D. in Physics]
- Field Theory and String Theory
- Gauge/gravity duality
- Gravitational understanding of strongly
correlated systems
New Technology Global Frontier, GIST Department of Physics and Photon Science
Full-teaching Professors
Research Area Name Education E-mail Phone
Ultrafast optics and nonlinear optics • • X-ray studies of nano con-
Particle Park, Chanyong Hanyang University densed matter physics +82-62-715-5930 Ultra High power lasers and high •
Physics [Full-teaching Professor] [Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics]
field laser science • Optical spectroscopy for con-
densed matter physics
Attosecond science •
• Surface science using X-rays
Quantum integrated photonics •
• Quantum device physics
Relativistic Quantum Photonics •
Chaired Professor • Computational quantum
Adjunct Professors
Research Area Name Education E-mail Phone Optics
Center for Relativistic Laser Science
Kee, Chul Sik KAIST
[Adjunct Professor] [Ph.D. in physics] +82-62-715-3426 Nam, Chang Hee
Graduate Prospectus
Laboratory for Relativistic Quantum Photonics
Bjorn Manuel Hegelich
Plasma Physics
Student Interviews
er, along with connecting me with other experts.
Condensed Matter Physics I am very grateful to have the opportunity to interact
with such an international environment, exposing me
Computational Many-body Physics Group to new ideas and cultures. Apart from getting to know
Korean and Korean culture, which I enjoy very much, I
Kim, Dong-Hee also like playing futsal, table tennis and cook with peo-
ple from many different countries. The cherry on the
cake for me is the beautifully designed campus with
X-ray Laboratory for Nano Scale Phenomena (X-Ray Lab.) its gardens and coffee shops.
Noh, Do Young
Are you satisfied with the support you receive at GIST?
Yes, I am very satisfied with the support I receive. The
Nano-hybrid Quantum Devices Laboratory tuition fee is waived and accommodation is offered at
a more than fair rate. Additionally, I receive a monthly
Doh, Yong-Joo stipend for the duration of my degree program. The
Section of International Cooperation provides the
Laboratory for Electron Spectroscopy for Surface/Interface international students with help and information to
non-academic issues and upcoming events, which is
Chemical Analysis (ESCA) very useful.
Mun, Bongjin Simon Name: Rajaram Shrestha In addition to the financial support, GIST provides
counselling services with trained and accredited
Nationality: Nepal counsellors. As a GIST student I can make use of
Computational Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory Program: Ph.D. the on-campus health service at the dispensary, an
Yu, Unjong annual health checkup, the library, Korean language
classes, free on-campus WIFI and subsidized insur-
How long have you been at GIST? ance services. Further, I highly appreciate the help I
Nanoscale Electronic Devices Laboratory I am enrolled at GIST since March 2016. Currently, receive from the department staff, professors, post-
Lee, Sungbae I have started my fifth semester as a student of the docs and lab mates. I also value the emotional sup-
integrated graduate program in the Department of port I get from my international friends and the GIST
Physics and Photon Science. community.
Laboratory for Spectroscopy of Condensend matter Physics
Why did you decide to choose GIST?
Lee, Jongseok
After having completed my bachelor’s degree in ap-
What are your future career plans after graduating
from GIST?
plied physics at Kathmandu University, Nepal, I de- After my graduation from GIST, I would like to pursue
cided to pursue my career in physics further. While my academic career further and gain experience as a
searching for the direction I would later want to spe- postdoctoral researcher. My future goal is to initialize
cialize in, I was fortunate enough to meet a professor
Graduate Prospectus
Graduate Prospectus
from GIST. He did a great job in advertising GIST as a
unique research institution with well-equipped labo- What advice do you have for new applicants hoping to
ratories and research facilities, as well as a beautiful
Particle Physics
enter GIST?
surrounding, so I did not hesitate to take that chance. I would recommend new students to inform them-
I was fully convinced that GIST would be a great place selves well about the research world beforehand.
for my higher education, when I learnt that all courses For a successful career in academia it is necessary to
Field Theory and String theory Group would be offered in English. Additionally, I was very work very hard, with much dedication and sacrifice.
Kim, Keun-Young impressed with the vision and future prospective GIST However, one should not hesitate to ask for help, be-
offers. cause research is built upon team-work and coopera-
well as amazingly well-equipped and managed labo- explore Korea and Korean culture, whenever time
ratories. The opportunities I got offered here, which permits it.
include active involvement in research, participating
in seminars, workshops, colloquia, conferences and,
not to forget, lab meetings, and, in addition, extending
my soft skills outside of the classroom, enabled me to
gain valuable experience in science and as a research-
of Physics
of Integrated
and Photon
Department GIST is
of Physics a Proud Creator of Future Science
and Technology
and Photon
Graduate Prospectus