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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Study on Seismic Behaviour of Tall Irregular Buildings under Influence of

Non Parallel and Offset Irregularities
Lohith Kumar B C 1 Manjunath N K 2 Gangadhar N 3
1,2Asst.Professors Department of Civil Engineering Madawalabu University Bale Robe Ethiopia
3Asst.Professor Department of Civil Engineering RRCE Bangalore India


Abstract -The present study aims at understanding the

importance of codal provisions, which are particularly Hence, the following objectives were identified based on
provided for the analysis of torsionally unbalanced these parameters. The present study focuses on the
structures. IS 1893-2002 Part 1 Code gives the information discontinuities in a lateral force resistance path, such as
about number of parameters which influences the out-of-plane offsets of vertical elements etc.
irregularity of the structure. However, in the present study
the worst affected irregularity under the influence of 1. To study the influence of discontinuities in a
torsion are studied, In the present study, seismic analysis lateral force resistance path, such as out-of-plane
has been performed by Equivalent Lateral Force Method offsets of vertical elements etc.
(ELF) ie the codal method, for all zones and for all soil 2. To study the influence of Non parallel System ie
types irregularities such as Non parallel irregularity and the vertical elements resisting the lateral force
Offset irregularity for 10, 15, 20 storey buildings which are not parallel about major orthogonal
The results in form of torsional moment, fundamental time
period and base shear results are compared for different REVIEW OF LITERATURE
irregularities and the analysis is done with Etabs 9.2 Anil K. Chopra (2004) [2] study compares the
software. seismic demands for vertically irregular and ‘‘regular’’
fram9es determined by rigorous nonlinear response
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM history analysis (RHA), due to an ensemble of 20 ground
motions. Forty-eight irregular frames, all 12-story high
Seismic induced torsion in asymmetric RC buildings has with strong columns and weak beams, were designed with
been studied for various parameters. Equivalent Lateral three types of irregularities stiffness, strength, and
Force Method (ELF) adopted to study the induced torsion combined stiffness and strength introduced in eight
as per IS 1893(Part 1): 2002 codal provisions. ETABS different locations along the height using two modification package is used to carry all the static and factors. The effects of vertical irregularity on the median
dynamic analysis. Since the present study is devoted for values of story drifts and floor displacements are
the investigation of torsional behaviour of asymmetric documented. Next, the median and dispersion values of the
structures, in order to capture exact three dimensional ratio of story drift demands determined by modal
behaviour, all the analysis are performed on complete pushover analysis (MPA) and nonlinear RHA were
three dimensional models of the structures. computed to measure the bias and dispersion of (MPA)
estimates leading to the following results: (1) the bias in
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY the MPA procedure does not increase, i.e., its accuracy
does not deteriorate, in spite of irregularity in stiffness,
The present study aims at understanding the importance strength, or stiffness and strength provided the
of codal provisions, which are particularly provided for the irregularity is in the middle or upper story, (2) the MPA
analysis of torsionally unbalanced structures. IS Code gives procedure is less accurate relative to the regular frame in
the information about number of parameters which estimating the seismic demands of frames with strong or
influences the irregularity of the structure. However, in the stiff-and-strong first story; soft, weak, or soft-and-weak
present study the irregularity under the influence of lower half; stiff, strong, or stiff-and-strong lower half, (3)
torsion are studied in detail. in spite of the larger bias in estimating drift demands for
some of the stories in particular cases, the MPA procedure
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 978
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

identifies stories with largest drift demands and estimates building codes have addressed the issue of effects of
them to a sufficient degree of accuracy, detecting critical vertical irregularities
stories in such frames, and(4) the bias in the MPA Building codes provide criteria to classify the vertically
procedure for frames with a soft, weak, or soft-and-weak irregular structures and suggest elastic time history
first story is about the same as for the regular frame analysis or elastic response spectrum analysis to obtain
the design lateral force distribution.
Babak Rajaee Rad (2007) [3] High-rise concrete
shear walls are often supported near or below grade by Dhiman Basu (2004) [5] made a detailed
stiff floor diaphragms connected to perimeter foundation investigation on the importance of diaphragm rigidity for
walls. When a large portion of the overturning moment in the seismic response of a structure. Even though a rigid
the wall is transferred to the foundation walls by force floor diaphragm is a good assumption for seismic analysis
couples in two or more stiff floor diaphragms, the of most buildings, several building configurations may
maximum bending moment flexural plastic hinge occurs exhibit significant flexibility in floor diaphragm. In this
above the diaphragms and the shear force reverses below paper, the definition of centre of rigidity for rigid floor
the flexural hinge. Depending on the stiffness of floor diaphragm buildings has been extended to unsymmetrical
diaphragms, and on the shear rigidity and flexural rigidity buildings with flexible floors. A superposition-based
of the high-rise concrete walls, the reverse shear force analysis procedure is proposed to implement code-
below the flexural hinge may be much larger than the base specified torsional provisions for buildings with flexible
shear above the flexural hinge. Nonlinear dynamic floor diaphragms, similar to that of rigid floor diaphragms.
analyses indicate the maximum reverse shear force is The procedure suggested considers amplification of static
proportional to the bending moment capacity of the wall eccentricity as well as accidental eccentricity. The
and inversely proportional to the accompanying base proposed approach is applicable to orthogonal as well as
shear force. An upper-bound estimate of bending moment non-orthogonal unsymmetrical buildings and accounts for
capacity of the high-rise wall combined with an assumed all possible definitions of centre of rigidity.
zero base shear force can be used in a simple nonlinear
static analysis to estimate the maximum shear force below In this investigation, the building is assumed to have a
the flexural plastic hinge. A nonlinear shear model can be single wing only, i.e., buildings with multiple wings (e.g., L,
used to determine whether diagonal cracking of the wall V, Y, etc. shaped) are not considered. The no-torsion
and yielding of horizontal wall reinforcement will reduce condition for flexible floor buildings is defined such that
the reverse shear force without causing a shear failure. center nodes at either end of the diaphragm are
Increasing the quantity of horizontal reinforcement in the constrained so that they undergo equal horizontal
wall above a certain limit may not prevent a shear failure displacement. The proposed analysis procedure considers
and thus a different design solution will need to be found. the final response as the superposition of three cases: the
An upper-bound estimate of floor diaphragm stiffness no-torsion case, amplification of the static eccentricity, and
should be used in order to not underestimate the shear accidental torsion. The proposed procedure ensures that
strain demand on high-rise walls. the resultant member force is close to that of rigid floor
buildings as the floor diaphragm rigidity increases. It is
Devesh P. Soni (2006) [4] study summarizes state-of-the- seen that treating the diaphragms of such buildings as
art knowledge in the seismic response of vertically rigid for torsional analysis may cause considerable error.
irregular building frames. Criteria defining vertical
irregularity as per the current building codes have been Eduardo Miranda (2004) [6] An approximate
discussed. A review of studies on the seismic behavior of method is presented to estimate the maximum lateral drift
vertically irregular structures along with their findings has demands in multi story buildings with non uniform lateral
been presented. It is observed that building codes provide stiffness responding primarily in the fundamental mode
criteria to classify the vertically irregular structures and when subjected to earthquake ground motions. The
suggest dynamic analysis to arrive at design lateral forces. method is aimed at the estimation of the maximum roof
Most of the studies agree on the increase in drift demand displacement and of the maximum inter story drift ratio
in the tower portion of set-back structures and on the for a given response spectrum. A simplified model of the
increase in seismic demand for buildings with multi story building is used based on an equivalent
discontinuous distributions in mass, stiffness, and continuum structure with non uniform lateral stiffness
strength. The largest seismic demand is found for the distribution consisting of a combination of a flexural
combined-stiffness-and-strength irregularity. It can be cantilever beam and a shear cantilever beam. The effect of
concluded that a large number of research studies and the type and amount of reduction in lateral stiffness along

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 979
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

the height of the building and of the ratio of overall flexural Slab size is 150mm thick
and shear deformations on the ratio of the spectral
displacement to the roof displacement and on the ratio of Height of the floor 3m
the maximum inter story drift ratio to the roof drift ratio is
investigated. It is shown that reductions in lateral stiffness
Live Load on roof slab 1.5 KN/m2
along the height have a negligible effect on the ratio of
spectral displacement to maximum roof displacement and
only a small effect on the ratio of maximum inter story Live Load on floor slab 3KN/m2
drift ratio to roof drift ratio.
Floor Finish on roof slab 1.5 KN/m2
ETABS is a sophisticated, yet easy to use, special purpose Floor Finish on floor slab 1KN/m2
analysis and design program developed specifically for
building systems. ETABS Version 9 features an intuitive All the columns are assumed to be fixed at their base
and powerful graphical interface coupled with unmatched
modelling, analytical, and design procedures, all integrated Characteristic compressive strength of concrete in slabs is
using a common database. Although quick and easy for M25
Characteristic compressive strength of concrete in
ANALYSIS USING ETABS Columns and Beams is M30
The modelling and analysis of the building is carried out
using ETABS Nonlinear v9.2.0 software package. ETABS is
a powerful program developed by Computers and
Structures Inc, Berkeley, California, USA which can greatly
enhance an engineer's analysis and design capabilities for
structures. Part of that power lies in an array of options
and features. The other part lies in how simple it is to use.

The basic approach for using the program is very straight

forward. The user establishes grid lines, defines material
and structural properties, places structural objects relative
to the grid lines using point, line and area object tool. All ETABS model screen shot of a regular 10 storied building
the types of loads that the structure is subjected to, can be
defined and assigned to the appropriate structural The similar models are generated using ETABS with &
components. Dynamic analysis properties like mass without irregularities are for 10, 15 & 20 storey’s
source, total number of mode shapes and its directions can MODELLING IN IRREGULAR BUILDINGS:
be defined. The following topics describe some of the
important areas in the modelling. Finally, the analysis can
be performed and the results are generated in graphical or Non parallel Irregularity
tabular form that can be printed to a printer or to a file for
use in other programs. The following topics describe some In this irregularity the changes with respect to Regular
of the important areas in the modelling. building is that the Shear Walls has been provided which
are not parallel compared to that of regular building as
per the IS 1893-2002 part I.

Details of regular buildings considered in this work are as


Column size 230X600 mm

Beam size is 230X450 mm

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 980
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

height of the building. In the dynamic analysis procedure,

the lateral forces are based on properties of the natural
vibration modes of the building which are determined by
distribution of mass and stiffness over the height. In the
equivalent lateral force procedure the magnitude of forces
is based on an estimation of the fundamental period and
on the distribution of forces as given by a simple emperical
formula that is appropriate only for regular buildings. In
the analysis of irregular buildings, equivalent lateral force
method fails to capture the actual three dimensional
behaviour of the structure. The following sections will
ETABS model screen shot of a Non Parallel irregular discuss in detail the above mentioned procedures of
10 storied building seismic analysis.
Equivalent Lateral Force Method
Offset Irregularity
The total design lateral force or design base shear along
In this irregularity the changes with respect to Regular any principal direction is given in terms of design
building is that the Shear Walls have been provided in the horizontal seismic coefficient and seismic weight of the
global Y direction as shown below but the shear walls have structure. Design horizontal seismic coefficient depends on
been removed from the ground floor in alternate grid lines the zone factor of the site, importance of the structure,
with respect to the regular buildings as per IS 1893-2002 response reduction factor of the lateral load resisting
part I. elements and the fundamental period of the structure. The
procedure generally used for the equivalent static analysis
is explained below:

(i) Determination of fundamental natural period (Ta)of

the buildings

Ta =0.075h 0.75 Moment resisting RC frame

building without brick infill wall

Ta =0.085h 0.75 Moment resisting steel frame

building without brick infill walls

Ta =0.09h/ d All other buildings including

ETABS model screen shot of a offset irregular 10 moment resisting RC frame
storied building building with brick infill walls.
SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURES h -is the height of building in m

d - is the base dimension of building at plinth level

DESIGN LATERAL FORCE in m, along the considered direction of lateral
The procedure recommended for the determination of force.
lateral force in IS:1893-2002(Part 1) performing are based (ii) Determination of base shear (VB)n of the building
on the approximation that effects of yielding can be
accounted for by linear analysis of the building using VB  Ah  W
design spectrum. This analysis is carried out by either
equivalent lateral force procedure or dynamic analysis Where,
procedure given in the clause 7.8 of IS:1893-2002 (Part 1).
The main difference between the two procedures lies in
the magnitude and distribution of lateral forces over the

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 981
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Ah  is the design horizontal seismic coefficient,
2R g
which depends on the seismic zone factor (Z), importance
factor (I), response reduction factor (R) and the average 0.02
response acceleration coefficients (Sa/g). Sa/g in turn R Zone II

depends on the nature of foundation soil (rock, medium or RegS1
soft soil sites), natural period and the damping of the
(iii) Distribution of design base shear 0
0 10Of Storeys
No 20 30
The design base shear VB thus obtained shall be distributed
along the height of the building as per the following
expression: IR Zone II

Wi h i IRegS2
Qi  VB IRegS3
 Wi hi2 0
0 No
10Of Storeys
20 30
i 1
Where, Qi is the design lateral force, Wi is the seismic
weight, hi is the height of the ith floor measured from base
and n is the number of stories in the building. 0.04 R Zone III RegS1


The results of each building models are presented in this
chapter. The analysis carried out are equivalent static and 0
seismic analysis, the results are obtained for ten, fifteen 0 10Of Storeys
No 20 30
and twenty story buildings The result of Torsional
moment, Fundamental time period and Base shear for
different models are presented and compared to with 1.5 IR Zone III
different models for different irregularities, In addition to

this all models are evaluated with different type of soils, all 1
the zones, mass, rigidity and performance of different type IRegS1
of irregularities in different soil and zone types are 0.5
0 IRegS3
Note: The notations used below are as follows 0 10Of Storeys
No 20 30

ii) IR= IRREGULAR 0.05


0 No
10Of Storeys
20 30

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 982
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

2 IR Zone IV 1000 Zone IV RegS1



Base Shear
IRegS2 RegS2
IRegS3 500 IRegS2
0 RegS3
0 No
10Of Storeys
20 30 IRegS3
0 10 20 30
No Of Storeys
0.1 R Zone V RegS1

1500 Zone V RegS1

RegS2 IRegS1

Base Shear
RegS3 1000 RegS2
0 IRegS2
500 RegS3
0 No
10Of Storeys
20 30
4 IR Zone V 0 10 20 30
No Of Storeys


0 0.02
0 10Of Storeys
20 30 R Zone II
No RegS1

0.01 RegS2

400 Zone II RegS1 0

IRegS1 0 No
10 Of Storeys
20 30
Base Shear

200 IRegS2 0.1 IR ZoneII


IRegS3 IRegS2
0 0.05
0 10 20 30 IRegS3
No Of Storeys
600 Zone III RegS1 0 No10Of Storeys
20 30
Base Shear

400 RegS2 0.03 R Zone III

IRegS2 RegS1

200 RegS3 0.02 RegS2

IRegS3 RegS3
0 0.01
0 10 20 30
No Of Storeys 0
0 10Of Storeys
No 20 30

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 983
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

0.2 IR Zone III 400 Zone II


Base Shear

IRegS2 200 RegS2
IRegS3 IRegS2
0 10 of Storys
No 20 30
0 10Of Storeys
No 20 30

0.05 R Zone IV


RegS 1000 Zone IV RegS1

Base Shear
0 IRegS1
0 No
10Of Storeys
20 30
500 IRegS2
0.4 IR Zone IV 0
IRegS1 0 10 20 30
No of Storys

IRegS3 500 Zone III RegS1
Base Shear

0 RegS2
0 10Of Storeys
No 20 30 IRegS2
0 IRegS3
0.1 R Zone V 0 10 20 30
No of Storys

0.05 RegS2
2000 Zone V RegS1
Base Shear

0 IRegS1
0 10 20 30 RegS2
No Of Storeys 1000 IRegS2
0 IRegS3
0.4 IR Zone V 0 10 of Storys
20 30
IRegS1 No

From the study on Non-parallel irregularity following are
0 10 20
No Of StorEys 30
 The torsional moments, fundamental period &
BASE SHEAR base shear increases with the increase in the
height of a regular building.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 984
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

 The effect of variation in the Torsional moments No. 7, July 1, 2002. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-
are high in 10 to 20 storied building in all seismic 9445/2002/7-840–849
zones & all soil types. 7. IS:1893-2002(Part 1) Criteria for Earthquake
 Base shear varies linearly in 10 to 20 storied Resistant Design of Structures, part 1-General
building in all seismic zones & all soil types. provisions and buildings, fifth revision, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi, India
The effect of variation in the fundamental time period is 8. IS: 456-2000, “Code of Practice for Plain and
high in a 10 storied building compared to a 15 or a 20 Reinforced Concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards,
storied building New Delhi, India.

From the study on Offset irregularity following are BIOGRAPHIES


 The torsional moments, fundamental period & Lohith Kumar B C

base shear increases with the increase in the Asst.Professor Department of
height of a regular building. Civil Engineering MWU
 The effect of variation in the Torsional moments Bale Robe Ethiopia
are high in 10 to 20 storied building in all seismic Having 6 years of teaching
zones & all soil types. Experience
 Base shear varies linearly from 10 to 20 storied
building in all seismic zones & all soil types.
 The effect of variation in the fundamental time Manjunath N K
period is high in a 20 storied building compared to Asst Professor Department of
a 10 or a 15 storied building. Civil Engineering MWU
Bale Robe Ethiopia
REFERENCES Having 5 Years of Teaching
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AbouHashish and Yi Li “EarthQuake Response of
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©ASCE,ISSN 0733-9445/94/0003-0947 “Gangadhar N
2. Anil K. Chopra and Chatpan Chintanapakdee Asst.Professor Department of
“Seismic Response of Vertically Irregular Frames: Civil Engineering RRCE
Response History and Modal Pushover Analysis” Bangalore
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3. Babak Rajaee Rad and Perry Adebar “Seismic
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due to Diaphragms below Flexural Hinge”(2009)
Vol. 135, No. 8, August 1, 2009. ©ASCE, ISSN
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Review Of Seismic Response Of Vertically
Irregular Building Frames”, Vol. 43, No. 4,
December 2006, pp. 121-132
5. Dhiman Basu and Sudhir K. Jain “Seismic
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6. Eduardo Miranda and Carlos J. Reyes
“Approximate Lateral Drift Demands in Multistory
Buildings with Non uniform Stiffness” Vol. 128,

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 985

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