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Version August 2019
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NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination – IACE 1

Assessment Structure: 100 Questions. 2 hours. 25% negative marks for wrong answers. 60%
required to pass. Validity for the certificate is 3 years.

Syllabus Outline with Weightages

Unit No. Unit Name Weightage

Unit 1 Introduction to Indian Financial Market 8%
Unit 2 Securities Market Segments 10%
Unit 3 Mutual Funds 9%
Unit 4 Investment Products 12%
Unit 5 Managing Investment Risk 7%
Unit 6 Measuring Investment Returns 7%
Unit 7 Concept of Financial Planning 4%
Unit 8 Asset Allocation and Investment Strategies 5%
Unit 9 Insurance Planning 10%
Unit 10 Retirement Planning 10%
Unit 11 Tax and Estate Planning 10%
Unit 12 Regulatory Environment and Ethical Issues 8%

YouTube videos – Topic wise

1. Capital Market Legislations - SEBI, SCRA, DP, COMPANIES ACT
2. Capital Market - Primary & Secondary Markets
3. Secondary Market - Segments
4. Securities Market - Functions
5. Primary Market - IPO Grading
6. Primary Market - Issue Pricing
7. Primary Market Issues - Allotment Basis
8. Primary Market Issues - Types of Investors
9. New Category of Equity Mutual Funds Explained
10. Insurance Concepts - Principle of indemnity
11. Insurance - Uberrima Fides - Utmost Good Faith
12. Insurance - Principle of Insurable Interest

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13. Insurance - Paid Up Value - Formula & Calculation
14. Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002 - Part 1
15. Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002 - Part 2
16. Put Option Explained with an Example in 2 minutes
17. Call Option Explained with an Example in 5 minutes
18. What is the difference between Hedging, Speculation and Arbitraging ?
19. What is a Mutual Fund?
20. Terminologies used in Mutual Fund Industry
21. Open and Closed end funds
22. Types of Equity Funds
23. Types of Debt Mutual Funds
24. Types of Hybrid Schemes, Balanced Schemes
25. Tax Saving Scheme - ELSS
26. Gold Exchange Traded Fund
27. Passive Funds and Fixed Maturity Plans
28. Index Funds
29. Tracking Error - Index Funds
30. Product Labeling - Riskometer
31. Mutual Fund Structure and Constituents
32. Dividend Distribution Tax
33. Grandfather Clause introduced in Budget and Taxation changes
34. Capital Gain Tax
35. Calculation of Long term capital gain tax using Indexation
36. Tax Deducted at Source and Securities Transaction Tax
37. Cut off timing - NAV
38. Liquid Funds Cut off timing
39. Liquid Funds - Redemption
40. Who can Invest in Mutual Funds?
41. Micro SIP and PAN Exempt Cases
42. Risk Adjusted Performance - Sharpe Ratio
43. Risk Adjusted Performance - Treynor ratio and Alpha
44. Mutual Fund Offer Document
45. Statement of Additional Information
46. NAV, Sale Price, Repurchase Price
47. NAV Calculation - Part1
48. NAV Calculation - Part2
49. Asset Allocation, Strategic Asset Allocation
50. Fixed and Flexible Asset Allocation
51. SIP and STP
52. SWP, Dividend Payout,Dividend Reinvestment and Growth Options

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53. Systematic Risk and Unsystematic Risk
54. Beta - measure of Market risk
55. Upfront Commission, Trail Commission, Transaction Charges

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Indian Financial Markets

The financial market comprises of the money markets that deal with the short-term lending and
borrowing of funds and the securities or capital markets that enable longer term transfer of funds
using debt and equity instruments.
The banking system acts as the intermediary to channel funds to economic enterprises. Banks also
provide a secure system for settling financial transactions. RBI is the regulator of the banking
sector. It is the bank licensing and note-issuing authority. It also controls the credit and monetary
activities in the economy.
The securities market provides the structure for businesses to raise funds through the issue of
securities. The primary market, also called the new issue market, is where issuers raise capital by
issuing securities to investors. The secondary market, also called the stock exchange, facilitates
trade in already-issued securities.
Commodity transactions can be done in the cash market for immediate payment and delivery, or in
the forward and futures market for settlement at a future point in time. An exchange traded futures
contract standardizes the quality, quantity and terms of settlement of the underlying and reduces
counter-party risk in the trade. Investors in the commodity markets include producers and
consumers who want to hedge their exposure, investors who want to take advantage of arbitrage
opportunities and speculators who want to benefit from an expected price movement.
The foreign exchange market determines the value of one currency relative to another (called
‘currency pairs’) to enable settling trades in goods and services. There is a spot market and
forward market in currency. The forward market currency deals have to be supported by an
exposure to currency from trade that requires hedging. Future trades in currency are done on the
Insurance products may provide pure risk cover (term insurance) or may combine insurance and
investment on a traditional platform (endowment, whole life) or unit linked platform.
PFRDA regulates the pension market in India. NPS is a defined contribution pension schemes that
covers government employees who joined service after a specified dates. It is also available for
other citizens.
Stock exchanges provide a regulated platform for trading in securities at current values so that
investors have liquidity in the securities held by them.
Depository participants are empanelled members of a depository who enable investors to hold and
trade in securities in dematerialized form.
Custodians hold and manage the operational aspects of trading in securities on behalf of
institutional investors.
Stock brokers are registered members of a stock exchange who enable investors to put through
transactions on a stock exchange for a brokerage.
Investment banks help issuers make decisions on capital structure and assist in fund raising
Commercial banks provide banking services of taking deposits, providing credit and enable
payment services.

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Insurance companies provide service of insuring life, property and income against unexpected and
large loss or expense.
Pension Funds are intermediaries who are authorized to take contributions from eligible
individuals and invest these funds to create a retirement corpus.
Asset management companies and portfolio managers are investment specialists who offer their
services in selecting and managing a portfolio of securities.
Investment advisers and distributors work with investors to help them make a choice of securities
that they can buy, based on an assessment of their needs, time horizon, return expectation and
ability to bear risk.
The Ministry of Finance through its departments regulates and overseas the activities of the
banking system, insurance and pension sectors, the capital markets and its participants.
The Registrar of Companies (RoC) is the authority appointed under the Companies Act to register
companies and to ensure that they comply with the provisions of the law.
The Reserve Bank of India regulates the money market segment of securities market and acts as
the manager of the government’s borrowing program. RBI is also the regulator of the Indian
banking system and conducts the monetary, forex and credit policies.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the chief regulator of securities markets in
India. It facilitates the growth and development of the capital markets and ensures that the interests
of investors are protected.
IRDA is the licensing authority for insurance companies. It ensures the adherence of insurance
products to the rules laid down and regulates the distribution of insurance products.
The PFRDA has been assigned the responsibility of designing the structure of funds and
constituents in the National Pension System (NPS).

Chapter 2 : Securities Markets Segments

Primary market is the market where securities are first issued by a company, government, banks
and financial institutions, mutual fund and others. A primary issue of securities may be a public
issue, where securities are issued to public investors, or a private placement where securities are
issued to a select group of individual and institutional investors.
A private placement by a listed company is called a preferential allotment. A preferential
allotment to qualified institutional buyers is called a qualified institutional placement. A primary
market enables wider participation in the capital of the issuer, diversifies ownership and thus
improves liquidity, enables better pricing of securities issued, provides a platform for information
of the issue & the issuer to be disseminated & evaluated and a means for early investors to exit.
The primary market issuances are regulated in terms of who can make an issue, who can invest,
quantum of issue, disclosures and procedures to be followed and timelines to be adhered to and
usage of funds.
The first public offer of shares made by a company is called an Initial Public Offer (IPO). An IPO
may be through a fresh issue of shares or an offer for sale. In an offer for sale, existing
shareholders such as promoters or financial institutions offer a part of their holding to the public
investors. The share capital of the company does not change since the company is not making a
new issue of shares.
A follow-on public offer is made by an issuer that has already made an IPO in the past and now
makes a further issue of securities to the public.

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In a fixed price issue of shares to the public, the company in consultation with the lead manager
would decide on the price at which the shares will be issued.
In a book building process, the issue price is determined based on the offers received for
subscription at prices within a specified band or floor price. The cut-off price is the price at which
the issue is subscribed from the bids received.
Retail investors can subscribe to a book built offer by bidding at the cut-off. They will be allotted
shares at the cut-off price once it is discovered. Bidding at the cut-off ensures that the investor’s
application is always accepted.
A public issue will be open for a minimum of three working days and a maximum of 10 working
days in the case of fixed price issues. For book built issues, the offer will be open for a period
between 3 to 7 days extendable by 3 days in case of a revision in price band. Companies making a
public offer of shares are required to get the IPO graded by a SEBI registered credit rating agency.
Investors can apply for an issue when it is open based on the information provided in the
prospectus. Applications can be made physically or through the online bidding facility provided by
stock exchanges. In a book built offer investors must place bids for the minimum bid lot specified
by the issuer so that the minimum application value adheres to the SEBI prescribed range of Rs.
10,000 to Rs. 15,000. Investors who bid a price can revise their bid at any time before the issue
closing date. Payment for applications made in a public issue must be made only using the ASBA
(application supported by blocked amount) facility. ASBA is an application for subscription to an
issue containing an authorization to the investors’ bank to block the application money in the
bank account and release funds only on allotment. In an over-subscribed issue, the shares will be
allotted to an investor on a proportionate basis.
A company can make a public issue of debt securities, such as, debentures by making an offer
through a prospectus. Debt instruments issued to the public has to be mandatorily credit rated,
security has to be created and it must be in dematerialized form. Green Debt Securities are those
where the funds raised from the issue are used for defined projects or assets such as renewable
and sustainable energy, clean transportation, sustainable water management, waste
management etc.
An Institution Placement Program is an issue of shares to qualified institutional buyers to meet
the requirement of minimum public shareholding specified by the listing requirements of stock
Companies with share capital not exceeding Rs.25 crores can make a public issue of shares and
list them on the SME Exchange. Secondary market is the market to trade in securities already
issued. Trades happen between investors and there is no impact on the capital of the company.
Secondary markets provide liquidity for investors; enable price discovery, information signalling
and a barometer of economic growth. Secondary markets are regulated under the provisions of
the Securities Contract Regulations Act, 1956 and SCR (Rules), 1957. SEBI is authorised by law to
implement the provisions of this act and its rules.
The stock exchange provides the trading platform for trading by investors through member of the
stock exchange. The trades are settled through the clearing and settlement agency of the stock
exchange. Issuers get their securities admitted to the depositories, where they are held as
electronic entries against investor names. Market capitalisation (or market cap) of a company is
the number of shares outstanding multiplied by the market price per share.

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Large cap stocks represent established companies with stable earnings and prices. Mid and small
cap stocks represent companies with high potential for growth but also greater risks to
performance and prices.
Market turnover of a stock indicates how much trading activity took place in it on a given
business day. A market index tracks the market movement by using the prices of a small number
of shares chosen as a representative sample.
The risks in secondary markets are managed by prescribing capital adequacy norms for members,
margins, circuit breakers and penalties. The clearing house is the counterparty to all trades in the
stock exchange. A company announces a record date or book closure period and investors whose
names appear on the records on this date are eligible to benefit from the corporate action.
The rights shares are offered to the existing investors in a proportion as approved by the board of
a company. Investors can also choose to decline the offer or sell their entitlement to another.
A bonus issue of shares is made to the existing shareholders of a company without any
consideration from them. Dividends are the share of the profits of the company received by its
shareholders. A company may declare interim dividends during the financial year and final
dividend at the end of the year.
A stock split is a corporate action where the face value of the existing shares is reduced in a
defined ratio. A company may buy back its shares listed on a stock exchange from the investors
out of the reserves and surplus available with the company. Delisting of shares refers to the
permanent removal of the shares of a company from being listed on a stock exchange.
Delisting of shares refers to the permanent removal of the shares of a company from being listed
on a stock exchange. Delisting may be compulsory or voluntary.

Chapter 3: Mutual Funds


(A) By Structure

Open-Ended Schemes do not have a fixed maturity. You deal with the Mutual Fund for your
investments & Redemptions. The key feature is liquidity. You can conveniently buy and sell your
units at Net Asset Value (NAV) related prices, at any point of time. Investors can sell their units to
the scheme through a re-purchase transaction at re-purchase price, which is linked to NAV.

Close-Ended Schemes have a stipulated maturity period are called close ended schemes. You can
invest in the scheme at the time of the initial issue and thereafter you can buy or sell the units of
the scheme on the stock exchanges where they are listed.
Interval Schemes combine the features of open-ended and close-ended schemes. The periods
when an interval scheme becomes open-ended, are called ‘transaction periods’; the period between

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the close of a transaction period, and the opening of the next transaction period is called ‘interval
period’. Minimum duration of transaction period is 2 days, and minimum duration of interval
period is 15 days. No redemption/repurchase of units is allowed except during the specified
transaction period (during which both subscription and redemption may be made to and from the
scheme). Scheme should be compulsorily listed in Stock Exchange during the interval period.

SEBI - Categorization and Rationalization of Mutual Fund Schemes

The Schemes would be broadly classified in the following groups as per SEBI guidelines:
Equity Schemes, Debt Schemes, Hybrid Schemes, Solution Oriented Schemes, Other Schemes

Equity Schemes
SEBI has defined large cap, mid cap and small cap companies as follows:
a. Large Cap: 1st -100th company in terms of full market capitalization
b. Mid Cap: 101st -250th company in terms of full market capitalization
c. Small Cap: 251st company onwards in terms of full market capitalization

Also an Equity scheme should invest minimum 65% of its assets in Equity and Equity related
Multi Cap Fund: Investing across large cap, mid cap, small cap stocks. The minimum investment
in equity and equity related instruments shall be 65 percent of total assets.

Large Cap Fund: Investing in large cap stocks. The minimum investment in equity and equity
related instruments of large cap companies shall be 80 percent of total assets.

Mid Cap Fund: Investing in mid cap stocks. The minimum investment in equity and equity
related instruments of mid cap companies shall be 65 percent of total assets.

Large and Mid-Cap Fund: Investing in both large cap and mid cap stocks. Large cap Stocks –
Minimum 35%, Mid Cap stocks – Min 35% of total assets.

Dividend Yield Fund: Predominantly investing in dividend yielding stocks.

Value Fund & Contra Fund: A value fund follows a value

investment strategy. Minimum investment in equity & equity related instruments shall be 65
percent of total assets. Value Schemes invest in Undervalued Companies. Investments in value
funds yield benefits over longer holding periods. A contra fund follows contrarian investment
strategy. Mutual Funds will be permitted to offer either Value fund or Contra fund.

Focused Fund: Investing in maximum 30 stocks (the scheme needs

to mention where it intends to focus, viz., multi cap, large cap, mid cap, small cap).

Sectoral/ Thematic: Investing in a specific sector such as Pharma,FMCG is a sectoral fund. The
minimum investment in equity & equity related instruments of a particular sector/ particular theme
shall be 80 percent of total assets. Sectoral fund schemes are ideal for investors who have decided

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to invest in a particular sector. Thematic funds invest in line with an investment theme. The
investment is more broad-based than a sector fund; but narrower than a diversified equity fund.
Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS): Tax saving scheme with a statutory lock in of 3 years.
Minimum investment in equity and equity related instruments shall be 80 % of total assets (in
accordance with Equity Linked Saving Scheme, 2005 notified by the Ministry of Finance).

Equity Index Fund schemes are ideal for investors who are satisfied with a return approximately
equal to that of an index. These schemes attempt to replicate the performance of a particular index
such as the BSE Sensex, the NSE 50 (NIFTY). Invests in Index Stocks as per the Weightage. Fund
Manager has no role in deciding on investments. These funds are not designed to outperform the
Index and have Low Running Cost. An Index Fund with Low Tracking Error is a Good Fund.
Index fund is an example of Passive style of Fund management.
Training Video for Index or Passive Funds :

DEBT Funds
Overnight Fund: The investment is in overnight securities having maturity of 1 day.

Liquid Fund: Investment is into debt & money market securities with maturity of upto 91 days

Ultra Short Duration Fund: Investing in debt and money market instruments with Macaulay
duration between 3 months and 6 months.

Low Duration Fund: Investing in debt and money market instruments with Macaulay duration
between 6 months and 12 months.

Money Market Fund: Investing in money market instruments having maturity upto 1 year.

Short Duration Fund: Investing in debt and money market instruments with Macaulay duration
between 1 year and 3 years.

Medium Duration Fund: Investing in debt and money market instruments with Macaulay
duration of the portfolio being between 3 years and 4 years. Portfolio Macaulay duration under
anticipated adverse situation is 1 year to 4 years.

Medium to Long Duration Fund: Investing in debt and money market instruments with
Macaulay duration between 4 years and 7 years. Portfolio Macaulay duration under anticipated
adverse situation is 1 year to 7 years.

Long Duration Fund: Investing in debt and money market instruments with Macaulay duration
greater than 7 years.
Dynamic Bond: An open ended dynamic debt scheme investing across duration.

Corporate Bond Fund: An open ended debt scheme predominantly investing in AA+ and above

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rated corporate bonds. The minimum investment in corporate bonds shall be 80 percent of total
assets (only in AA+ and above rated corporate bonds)
Credit Risk Fund: Investing in below highest rated corporate bonds. The minimum investment in
corporate bonds shall be 65 percent of total assets only in AA and below rated corporate bonds
(excludes AA+ rated corporate bonds).
Banking and PSU Fund: Investing in debt instruments of banks, Public Sector Undertakings,
Public Financial Institutions and Municipal Bonds. The minimum investment in such instruments
should be 80 percent of total assets.

Gilt Fund: Investing in government securities across maturity. The minimum investment in G-
secs is defined to be 80 percent of total assets (across maturity).

Floater Fund: An open ended debt scheme predominantly investing in floating rate instruments.
Minimum investment in floating rate instruments shall be 65 percent of total assets.

Fixed Maturity Plans - Fixed Maturity Plans (FMPs) are investment schemes floated by mutual
funds and are close ended with a fixed tenure, the maturity period ranging from one month to
three/five years. Fixed maturity plans are a kind of debt fund where the investment portfolio is
closely aligned to the maturity of the scheme. The objective of such a scheme is to generate steady
returns over a fixed-maturity period and protect the investor against Interest rate fluctuations.

Hybrid Funds – Investing in two or more asset class
Conservative Hybrid Fund: Investment in debt instruments 75 % and 90 % of total assets while
investment in Equity shall be between 10 % and 25 % of total assets.

Balanced Hybrid Fund: Investment in equity 40% to 60%, investment in debt 40% to 60%.
Arbitraging is not permitted in this scheme.

Aggressive Hybrid Fund: Investment in equity 65 % to 80 % of total assets while investment in

debt instruments shall be between 20 % and 35 % of total assets.
Mutual funds in India are permitted to offer either Aggressive Hybrid Fund or Balanced Fund.
Dynamic Asset Allocation or Balanced Advantage: It is an open ended dynamic asset allocation
fund with investment in equity/debt that is managed dynamically.

Multi Asset Allocation: An open ended scheme investing in at least three asset classes with a
minimum allocation of at least 10 percent each in all three asset classes. Foreign securities are not
treated as a separate asset class in this kind of scheme.

Arbitrage Fund: Investing in arbitrage opportunities. The minimum investment in equity and
equity related instruments shall be 65 percent of total assets. They simultaneously buy and sell
securities in different markets to take advantage of the price difference. Returns are more in line
with money market returns, rather than equity market returns. Moderately Low Risk Category.
Arbitrage funds are not meant for equity risk exposure, but to lock into a better risk-return
relationship than liquid funds and ride on the tax benefits that equity schemes offer.

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Equity Savings: An open ended scheme investing in equity, arbitrage and debt. Hedging is also
allowed. The minimum investment in equity is 65 % of total assets and minimum investment in
debt is 10 % of total assets. Minimum hedged & unhedged investment needs to be stated in the
SID. Asset Allocation under defensive considerations may also be stated in the Offer Document.

Solution Oriented Schemes:

Retirement Fund: An open ended retirement solution oriented scheme having a lock-in of 5 years
or till retirement age (whichever is earlier).

Children’s Fund: An open ended fund for investment for children having a lock-in for at least 5
years or till the child attains age of majority (whichever is earlier).

Other Schemes

Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) are also passive funds whose portfolio replicates an index or
benchmark such as an equity market index or a debt index. The units are issued to the investors in
a new fund offer (NFO) after which they are available for sale and purchase on a stock exchange.
Units are credited to the investor’s demat account and the transactions post-NFO is done through
the trading and settlement platforms of the stock exchange. The units of the ETF are traded at real
time prices that are linked to the changes in the underlying index.

Gold Exchange Traded Funds (GETFs) –
Gold Exchange Traded Funds offer investors an innovative, cost-efficient and secure way to access
the gold market. Gold ETFs are intended to offer investors a means of participating in the gold
bullion market by buying and selling units on the Stock Exchanges, without taking physical
delivery of gold. GOLD ETF invests in 99.99% pure GOLD. NAV of GOLD ETF depends on
Real Prices of GOLD Bullion. Gold funds invest in gold and gold-related securities.

Actively managed funds are funds where the fund manager has the flexibility to choose the
investment portfolio, within the broad parameters of the investment objective of the scheme.
Passive funds invest on the basis of a specified index, whose performance it seeks to track.

Capital Protected Schemes are close-ended schemes, which are structured to ensure that investors
get their principal back, irrespective of what happens to the market.

Real estate funds invest in real estate. Commodity funds invest in asset classes like food crops,
spices, fibres, industrial metals, energy products or precious metals as may be permitted by their
investment charter. Direct investing in Commodities is not allowed in India.

Fund of Funds (FOFs) - Fund of Funds are schemes that invest in other mutual fund schemes.
Minimum investment in the underlying fund - 95% of total assets.
Funds Investing Abroad – Off Shore Schemes - Mutual Funds have been permitted to invest in
foreign securities/ American Depository Receipts (ADRs) / Global Depository Receipts (GDRs).
Some of such schemes are dedicated funds for investment abroad while others invest partly in

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foreign securities and partly in domestic securities. While most such schemes invest in securities
across the world there are also schemes which are country specific in their investment approach.
Example: Franklin Asian Equity Fund, HSBC Brazil Fund.


Portfolio Diversification, Professional Management, Diversification of Risk, Liquidity,

Convenience and Flexibility, Low Cost and Transparency and Well Regulated


National Small Savings Fund (NSSF) - the rate of interest on small savings will be dynamic and
reflect the interest rates prevailing in the market. Hence, rates of interest will be notified on a
quarterly basis. The rate of interest on the Sukanya Samridhi Yojana, the Senior Citizens Savings
Scheme and the Monthly Income Scheme will be aligned with G-sec rates of similar maturity with
a spread ranging from 25 basis points (bps) to 100 bps. The PPF, 5 year NSC and 5 year term
deposit will enjoy spread over G-secs of comparable maturity. The 1, 2 and 3 year term deposits,
KVP and 5 year Recurring deposits will have their interest rates aligned to similar instruments in
the banking sector. Also, the rate of interest on an investment made in all schemes, except PPF, on
a particular date remains unchanged for the entire duration of the investment till maturity,
irrespective of the revision in subsequent years. In other words, the balances lying to the credit of
the PPF account or the fresh contributions made to this account will bear interest as per the rates
notified by the Government from time to time.

Public Provident Fund (PPF) - Account can be opened by an individual for himself/herself, & or
on behalf of a minor of whom he/she is a guardian. HUF, AOP (Association of persons), BOI
(Body of individuals) and NRI are not eligible to open an account under the PPF Scheme.

Persons who opened PPF and subsequently become NRI can continue till maturity on Non
Repatriation basis. Joint account cannot be opened. Nomination facility is available.

Account matures after expiry of 15 years from the end of financial year in which the account was
opened. Minimum Investment amount is Rs.500/- and maximum amount in a financial year is
Rs.100, 000/. Subscription should be in multiples of Rs.5/- and can be paid in one lump sum or in
installments not exceeding 12 in a financial year.

Eligible for SEC 80C deduction. Interest is tax exempt. Interest is paid on the lowest balance
between the close of the fifth day & the end of the month and shall be credited to the account at the
end of each year.

One withdrawal in a financial year is permissible from seventh financial year. Maximum
withdrawal can be 50% of balance at the end of the fourth year or the immediate preceding
year, whichever is lower. The account can be continued for a block of 5 years after maturity. The
continuation can be with or without contribution. Once an account is continued without
contribution for more than a year, the option cannot be changed.

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Premature closure of the PPF is allowed in cases such as serious ailment, education of children and
such. This shall be permitted with a penalty of a 1% reduction in the interest payable on the whole
deposit and only for deposits that have completed 5 years from the date of opening.

A PPF account is not subject to attachment (seizure of the account by Court order) .However
income tax authorities can attach PPF accounts to recover tax dues. A person can have only one
account in his name. Two accounts even at different places anywhere in India are not permitted.

National Saving Certificates

Maturity period of five years, tax benefits under section 80-C, Minimum investment is Rs.500/-
without any maximum limit. It can be bought by an individual or jointly by two adults.
Nomination even with joint holders is possible. NRI, HUF, Companies, trusts, societies, or any
other institutions are not allowed to purchase the National Saving Certificates.
Premature encashment is allowed only in case of death of the holder, forfeiture by a pledgee, or
under orders of court of Law. Certificates are available in denominations of Rs. 100, 500, 1000,
5000, and 10000. Accrued interest is taxable, but is it deemed to be reinvested and therefore the
interest becomes eligible for Section 80C benefits. There is no TDS at the time of redeeming the
certificate value.

Senior Citizen Savings Scheme

Eligibility is 60 years of age or above
NRIs, PIOs and HUF are not eligible to invest in this scheme.
Maximum limit is Rs.15, 00,000/-
The benefit of section 80C is available on investment but interest is fully taxable.
Term is 5 years. One time extension of 3 years is allowed, if applied within one year of its
maturity. Nomination facility is available even in case of joint account
Premature closure after expiry of one year but before 2 years, 1.50 % of deposit shall be deducted.
Premature closure after expiry of 2 years, 1% of the deposit shall be deducted.
No deduction is made in case of closure of account due to the death.
Nomination facility is available.

Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS)

Term of 5 years, Minimum amount of investment is Rs.1500/-, maximum amount in case of single
account is Rs.4, 50,000/-, and in case of joint account is Rs.9, 00,000/-.
No bonus on maturity. Nomination facility is available.
If the account is closed between 1 and 3 years of opening, 2% of the deposited amount is deducted
If it is closed after 3 years of opening, 1% of the deposited amount is charged as penalty.
Post Office Time Deposits (POTD)
Terms of one year, two years, three years and five years. Single and Joint holding
The minimum deposit amount is Rs.200. There is no maximum limit
The five year term deposit is eligible for tax benefits under Section 80C
Post Office Recurring Deposit
Accounts can be opened by resident individuals. Single and Joint modes. Either or survivor option
available. Minimum amount of Rs.10 per month and in multiples of Rs.5 thereafter. Interest is
Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP)

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NRIs, HUFs are not eligible to invest in the KVP. Denomination of Rs.1000, Rs.5000, Rs.10,000 and
Rs.50,000. KVP can be prematurely encashed 2 ½ years from the date of issue. There is no tax
incentive for the investment made and the interest earned is taxed on accrual basis. Certificate
can be transferred from one person to another and one post office to another by endorsement
and delivery
Sukanya Samriddhi Account Scheme
Scheme launched for the benefit of girl children. The account has to be opened in the name of
the girl child by a natural or legal guardian. Only one account can be opened in the name of a
child and a guardian can open a maximum of two accounts in the name of two different girl
children. The age of the child cannot be more than 10 years at the time of opening the account.
The minimum investment is Rs.1000 in a FY and a maximum is Rs.1,50,000. The account can be
transferred to any place in India. The account will mature on the completion of 21 years from the
date of opening the account. If the girl child gets married before the completion of 21 years then
the account is closed. Partial withdrawal is allowed after the holder attains 18 years of age, to the
extent of 50% of the amount in balance at the end of the preceding financial year. Any amount
deposited in the account is eligible for deduction under section 80C of the Income Tax Act.

Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme, 2015 - SGBs are government securities denominated in
grams of gold. The bonds are issued in denomination of one gram of gold and in denominations
thereof. The tenor of the bond is 8 years. The value of the bond will reflect the price of gold. On
maturity the value of the bond may be higher or lower depending upon the prevailing price of gold.
The bonds bear an interest rate of 2.50% per annum on the initial investment and is paid semi-
annually. Can be bought through the designated banks or post-offices and the NSE and BSE. The
bonds can be held in physical form or in dematerialized form. Early redemption is allowed after
the fifth year. The minimum investment is 1 gm and the maximum is 4 kg for individuals and
HuFs and 20kgs for trusts. Capital gains on redemption of the bonds earned by an individual is
exempt and capital gains on transfer of a bond before maturity will be eligible for indexation
benefits. Joint holding, nomination and the facility of marking lien is available on these bonds.

Earnings per Share (EPS): (Net Profit - dividend paid for preference shares) / no. of equity shares.

Dividend Yield: (Dividend per share / Current Market Price of the share) *100 %.

Price-Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio) : (Market price of share / EPS). In other words it indicates the
number of times the earning per share, the market is valuing the share.

Book Value: - (Equity capital + net shareholder’s reserve)/ no. of equity shares. Whenever the
book value of a company is higher than the market price of the company, it indicates the share of
the company is available at a discount.
Derivatives are risk management leveraged instruments, which derive their value form the
underlying assets. Futures, Forwards, Options & Leaps etc are examples of Derivative contracts.
1. Hedging is basically protecting your assets from losses; and not for maximizing the profits.
2. Arbitraging is taking advantage of price difference in two different markets for risk-free gains.
3. Speculators often take positions in futures markets based on their expectations regarding the
price movements of the underlying assets without having a position in cash markets.

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4. Buyer of CALL OPTION has the right but not the obligation to buy the underlying asset at a
predefined price on a predefined date.
5. Buyer of PUT OPTION has the right but not the obligation to Sell the underlying asset at a
predefined price on a predefined date.
6. American Option: This option can be exercised at any time on or before the expiry day/date.
7. European Option: This option can be exercised only on its expiry.
8. Strike Price/ Exercise Price: It’s the price at which an option is exercised.
9. Expiry Day/Date: The day/date on which option expires and the contract ceases to exist.
10. Exercise Day/Date: The day/date on which option is exercised.
11. Spot Price > Strike Price for CALL Option  In The Money Option (ITM)
12. Spot Price < Strike Price for CALL Option  Out of The Money Option (OTM)
13. Strike Price > Spot Price for PUT Option  In The Money Option (ITM)
14. Strike Price < Sport Price for PUT Option  Out of The Money Option (OTM)
15. Strike Price = Spot Price  At The Money Option (ATM) for both CALL and PUT Options
16. Option Premium: is the price which an option buyer pays to the seller to buy this option/right.
17. Premium = Intrinsic Value + Time Value.
18. The intrinsic value of an option is the amount by which option is in the money.
19. Only, ITM options have intrinsic value & all OTM and ATM options have zero intrinsic value.
ATM and OTM options have only time value in its premium. The time value of the option is also
called the extrinsic value of the option.


Systematic Risk is the risk which impacts the entire market/universe. These risks are not
diversifiable i.e. they cannot be avoided. Not under the control of any investor and cannot be
mitigated to a large extent, e.g. Change in Government policies.

Unsystematic Risk or Diversifiable Risk is the risk that is unique to a firm or an industry. This
risk is related to particular Investment and not related to overall market. This risk can be reduced
by diversifying the portfolio, i.e. spreading the investment of the portfolio across asset classes and
across number of securities within a particular asset class.

Total Risk = Systematic Risk + Unsystematic Risk

Interest rate Risk is a risk caused by change in Interest rate. This risk is faced by investor when
they invest in fixed rate coupon bonds. When interest rate rises for other similar bonds or in the
economy, Bond price falls, Fixed Income Investor suffers Loss. When Interest rate falls, Bond
prices rise, Fixed Income Investor makes Gains

Re-investment Risk is the risk that the proceeds received in the form of interest and principal
from fixed income securities may or may not be able to earn the same interest as the original
interest rate. If Interest rate rises, Reinvestment risk reduces. If Interest rate falls, Re-investment
risk increases.

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Default risk or Credit Risk is defined as the risk that the issuer will default with respect to
periodic payment of coupon and/or principal on maturity. Credit risk is measured by Credit Rating.
Higher Credit Rating, Low Default Risk. Lower Credit Rating, Higher Default Risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the investor may not be able to sell his investment when desired, or
has to be sold below its intrinsic value/indicative value. Higher Bid and Ask Spread means Higher
the Liquidity Risk. Lower Bid and Ask Spread means Lower Liquidity Risk. Bid is the price at
which the buyer will buy the security and Ask is the price at which the seller will sell the security.

Exchange rate risk is incurred due to change in value of domestic currency relative to foreign
country currency. If foreign currency depreciates against domestic currency, the value of foreign
asset goes down in terms of domestic currency. If foreign currency appreciates against domestic
currency, the value of foreign asset goes up in terms of domestic currency.

Inflation Risk also known as purchasing power risk reduces purchasing power of the investors.

Regulatory risk due to regulatory changes in a country which is beyond the control of Investor.

Investment Manager (Alpha) Risk is a measure of Fund Manager Performance

Business risk is a risk involved with continued operation of the company.

VARIANCE AND STANDARD DEVIATION measure Fluctuation around Mean Returns,

Measures Total Risk (Volatility). The function STDEV returns the standard deviation of a selected
series of data. The function VAR estimates the variance of the selected values.


It measures nature of relationship between two variables.

It could be relationship between return on a security and the return on Market portfolio or the
relationship between two securities
CORRELATION COEFFICIENT - Measure of the relationship between two variables.
The value ranges from –1.00 to +1.00
+1 – Both securities move proportionally in the same direction.
-1- Both Securities move proportionally in the opposite direction
0 - No relationship in movement between two securities
As the correlation between the two assets decreases, the benefits of diversification increase. That’s
because, as the correlation decreases, there is less of a tendency for stock returns to move together

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BETA Measures Systematic or Market Risk

Beta >1 – Aggressive Portfolio (Higher Returns in a BULL Market and Greater LOSS in a Bear
Beta <1 – Conservative Portfolio (Returns and Risk will be less when compared to Market)
Beta is 1 for Index or Index Fund (Returns and Risk will be same as that of the Market)
Beta as a measure of risk is applicable only for Equity Schemes


1. Absolute return = (End Value – Beginning Value)/Beginning Value) x 100

2. Absolute returns are not appropriate for comparing the performance of investments made for
different periods of time. That is because the computation of absolute return does not take into
account the holding period of investment
3. Annualized return is a standardized measure of return on investments in which the return is
computed as percent per annum (% p.a.).
4. To annualize, the absolute rate of return is multiplied by a factor such as:

5. Total return is the return computed by comparing all forms of return earned on the investment
with the principal amount. Thus total return is the annualized return calculated after including
all benefits from the investment like Dividend, interest income etc. Total return can be positive
as well as negative
6. An investment option that provides most of the return in the form of periodic returns is an
income-oriented investment.
7. An investment option that provides most of its return from the growth in its value over time is
a growth-oriented investment
8. Compound return is earned when the interest earned in one period is added back to the
principal amount to generate a new principal on which interest is computed for the next period.
As a result, interest is reinvested in the asset so that interest is earned on interest.
9. Future Value of a Single Cash Flow  FV = PV (1+R) ^N
10. FV  is the Future Value; PV  is the Present Value or Investment or Expenses today;
11. R  Rate of Interest and N Number of Periods (Months, Year etc)
12. Present Value of a Single Cash Flow  PV = FV / (1+R) ^N
15. EMI Calculation in EXCEL  =PMT (RATE, NPER, PV, FV, TYPE)
17. PMT = 0 and TYPE = 0 in case of Single Cash Flow.
18. PMT = Regular Investment Amount or can be EMI amount; Type = 1 for Investments and
ZERO for EMI calculations.
19. Loan Value is entered in PV for calculation of EMI
20. In case of Half yearly Compounding, enter RATE as RATE/2 and NPER as NPER*2
21. Similarly for quarterly and monthly compounding use 4 and 12 as Factors.

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22. Nominal rate of return: Rate at which money invested grows.
23. Real rate of return: Rate at which the purchasing power of an investment increases.
24. Inflation adjusted return  [(1+NOMINAL RATE) / (1+ INFLATION RATE)] – 1
25. Inflation Adjusted return is also known as Real Rate of Return
26. Tax Adjusted returns  Nominal Rate * (1-Tax Rate)
27. IRR is the discount rate at which the investment’s NPV equals zero.
28. At least one negative cash flow and one positive cash flow are necessary for IRR.
29. NPV is an absolute number. IRR is expressed in % terms
30. IRR reflects investment performance as well as cash flows
31. IRR cannot be used if cash flows are not uniformly spread over time.
32. XIRR is used for if Cash flows / Time period is not uniformly spread.
33. NPV and IRR both are discounted cash flow models
34. XIRR & IRR function is particularly useful when CAGR has to be computed for a series of
cash flows, rather than with just a beginning and ending value of the investment.
35. If the IRR is greater than or equal to a minimum hurdle rate, the investment is considered to be
financially worthwhile. This hurdle rate may be a benchmark, or the investor’s cost of funds.
36. If an investment involves only one cash outflow/inflow and a series of future inflows/outflows
at periodic regular intervals, IRR can be used (bonds or loans for example)
37. If an investment involves multiple inflows and outflows, coming in at uneven time intervals,
CAGR can be used (equity shares, mutual funds)
38. Sharpe Ratio measures Risk Adjusted Returns. Also known as Reward to Variability ratio. It
measures Returns per Unit of Risk.


1. Establishing and defining client relationship, 2. Gathering client data, including goals, 3.
Analyzing and evaluating current situation and needs, 4. Developing and presenting
recommendations, 5. Implementing the recommendations 6. Monitoring and reviewing the
Financial Plan are the steps involved in Financial Planning.
Need for Financial Advisory Services

Longer life span and lack of social security, Proliferation of numerous products & Plethora of
Information, Complexity of products & services, Increasing income and savings levels, Increasing
level of borrowings, Higher aspirations and goals, Inflation, Nuclear Families.

Goals described in terms of the money required to meet it at a point of time in future, is called a
financial goal. Each financial goal contains two important components: (a) value of the goal and
(b) time to goal.

Conservative Investors
Do not like to take risk with their investments. Typically new to risky instruments.
Prefer to keep their money in the bank or in safe income yielding instruments.
May be willing to invest a small portion in risky assets if it is likely to be better for longer term.

Moderate Investors
May have some experience of investment, including investing in risky assets such as equities
Understand that they have to take investment risk in order to meet their long-term goals.

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Are likely to be willing to take risk with a part of their available assets.
Aggressive Investors
Are experienced investors, who have used a range of investment products in the past, and who may
take an active approach to managing their investments?
Willing to take on investment risk & understand that this is crucial to generating long-term return.
Willing to take risk with a significant portion of their assets.
Risk preferences of the investor are taken into account while constructing an investment portfolio.


ASSET ALLOCATION - Distribution of the investor’s wealth between different asset classes
Asset Allocation helps in Risk Management
Risk Profiling - Risk appetite of investors through Questionnaire.
Equity, Gold, Debt, Real Estate are Asset Classes


It is based on Risk Profiling. Risk Profiling is the method of assessing risk appetite of an Investor
through Questionnaire. As the age of the Investor increases the Debt component in the portfolio
also increases. This is a portfolio strategy that involves sticking to long-term asset allocation.
Optimal Asset Allocation - best strategy to achieve the investors financial goals considering all
factors like time to goal, value of the financial goal , the investor’s current and future resources,
Life stage, wealth stage, dependants, risk appetite, etc. Strategic asset allocation is also known as
Optimal Asset Allocation.


Tweaking Strategic Asset Allocation based on Market Conditions is known as Tactical Allocation.
An element of prediction of the markets behavior is always involved in Tactical allocation.
It is a better idea as there is a possibility to exploit various opportunities available if one has the
ability to identify and exploit those. An active portfolio management strategy that rebalances the
percentage of assets held in various categories in order to take advantage of market pricing
anomalies or strong market sectors.

The major difference between the two is that strategic asset allocation ignores the anomalies in the
stock or bond or other markets and focuses only on the investor’s needs. Tactical asset allocation
believes that the various markets keep offering opportunities that can be exploited to enhance the
portfolio returns.


Fund manager has the flexibility to choose the investment portfolio

Investors expect actively managed funds to perform better than the market
Responsive to changing expectations of the portfolio manager
Capitalize between the portfolio manager’s belief concerning security/ asset class valuation and
that of the marketplace.
A portfolio managers’ prediction is based on fundamental and technical analysis.

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Active investment strategy seeks to maximize the returns, by exploiting the ups and downs in the
market and buying stock when they drop and selling them when they are overvalued. The strategy
aims at higher level of returns than the stipulated benchmark.

An active investment strategy is adopted with the objective to outperform the benchmark. This
requires the portfolio manager to take a decision based on various factors such as the economic
growth, the industry outlook, the global markets and their correlation with the domestic markets
etc. This call is generally taken by an expert.

Market timing, Sector rotation, Security selection, Investment style (GROWTH and VALUE) are
the four factors which affect Active Investment Strategy.

Growth Style

Companies with above average growth rate, High PE, High Price to Book Value, Low Dividend
Yield are characteristics of Growth Companies. Investing in Fully / Overvalued Companies.
Suitable in a Bull Market. High Risk when compared to Value Style

Value Style

Investing in Companies below their Intrinsic Value or which are currently undervalued. Value
Style is Suitable for Long Term Investments. Low PE Ratio, Low Price to Book Value, above
average growth rate, High Dividend Yield is features of Value Stocks. Low Risk when compared
to Growth Style. Value Stocks are generally stocks which are out of favor in the market. Ex –
Contrarian Pick.


 Fund Manager role is Limited
 Low running Cost
 Creating a well-diversified portfolio and Holding it for a specific period of time.
 Index Funds / ETF are examples of Passive Investment Strategy
 Buy and Hold is an example of Passive Investment Strategy
 A buy and hold strategy is one in which an investor buys a certain asset class or a mix of asset
class products, and then holds on to the investments. He does not churn the portfolio with the
objective of maximizing returns or minimizing the risk. Time and effort is spent only at the
time of portfolio construction.

Index Funds

 Invests in Index Stocks as per the Weightage.

 Fund Manager has no role in deciding on investments.
 Not designed to Outperform the Benchmark Index
 Low Running Cost. Performance is Mirror of Benchmark Index.
 Tracking Error of Index Funds  Index return – Index Fund return
 Low Tracking Error – Good Index Fund
 Index Funds will generally have a beta value close to 1

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 Investors may not have the expertise to time the market

 The investor may not be interested in taking higher risk and beating the benchmark
 With the aim of reducing the transaction costs.

Ways to rebalance a Portfolio

Sell off investments from over-weighted asset categories and use the proceeds to purchase
investments of under-weighted asset categories. A review or a rebalancing of the portfolio is
required based on the investment objectives of the client. Change in the investment products
performance and changing goals, change in the earning and the expense pattern, change in the
assets and liabilities structure of the client makes rebalancing necessary.

An Overview of different asset classes

Cash or Liquid asset - Generally required for meeting day to day and emergency requirements.
Bonds are debt securities in which an issuer owes the holder of the security a debt. It has different
terms attached to it including interest and repayment of principal on maturity.

Government bonds provide returns which are fixed and backed by central or state governments.
Those issued by Central Government are considered to be risk-free as it is believed that a
Government will not default on its obligations towards its own citizens.
Risk and return characteristics of bond are relatively lower than equity and hence suitable for an
investor seeking regular income flows with minimal risk. Risk Tolerance is about how much risk a
person can take before the same can impact his decision.
Some of the external factors which need to be considered for effecting changes in an individual’s
financial plan are: Inflation, Interest rates, Stock Markets, Regulations, and New Products

A stock represents ownership in a company. Volatility is higher in this asset class than cash and
bonds as an asset class.


What is an asset ? - Anything of monetary value that is owned by a person.
Assets can include bank accounts, stocks, mutual funds, personal property. Assets are classified
into Financial & Physical. Assets may get damaged due to accidental occurrences called as PERIL.

Peril and Hazard

• A peril is an immediate, specific event, causing a loss and giving rise to risk.
• An accident or illness is a peril.
• A hazard is a condition that gives rise to a peril. Reckless driving is a Hazard
• Lung Cancer is a Peril whereas Smoking is a Hazard which results in Cancer

Risk – Events with uncertain outcome. Risk implies a condition where there is a possibility of an
adverse deviation from a desired outcome that is expected or hoped for.

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Methods of Risk Management

• Avoidance of risk – Example :Not Investing in Equity
• Reduction of risk – Example : Diversifying Investments
• Retention of Risk - Keeping or retaining the risk with oneself
• Transfer of risk - Handing over one’s risk to someone else. A commercial and the most
important form of ‘transfer’ of risk are through insurance.
• Sharing of risk - Having common pools called ‘risk sharing pools’ to which every member
would contribute his share. It is a private arrangement.
• Loss of Few Shared by Many. Transferring risk from an individual to a group.
• It is a contract between the insurer & the insured
• The insurer agrees to pay the insured for financial losses arising out of any unforeseen
events in return for a regular payment known as “premium”.
• Insurance is called a risk cover. It financially compensates for losses.

Need for Insurance and its advantages

 Sense of security against Risk & uncertainties
 Protection against Financial loss to dependants
 Insurance financially compensates. Indemnity - Insured is restored to his or her
approximate financial position prior to the occurrence of the loss.
Requirements of an Insurable Risk
• The proposer should have Insurable Interest in the subject matter of Insurance. the person
insuring must be the one who will suffer should the loss occur
• There must be a large number of similar risks which need not be identical and are subject
to the same peril or group of perils
• Risk to be insured against should be Accidental or unintentional - Fortuitous losses
• Determinable & measurable and not catastrophic. Chance in loss must be calculable
• Premium must be economically feasible
• Does not involve any prospect of profit and is not against public policy

Disadvantages of Insurance
1. Costs of doing the business is recovered in the Premium amount
2. Fraudulent claims or inflated claims may increase the Premium amount thereby affecting
genuine Insurance Policy holders
3. Identifying right Insurer, right amount of coverage & negotiation of premium
4. Lax Attitude may creep in since the policy holders may think that the loss will be
compensated by the insurance company.

Free look period: 15 days time given after purchase of an insurance policy to go through the terms
of the policy & return/ cancel it in case the policy holder finds that the terms don’t suit their needs

Primary Functions are Providing Protection, Collective bearing of risk, Assessment of risk.
Secondary Functions of Insurance are Prevention of Losses, Small capital to cover larger risks,
Means of savings and investment, Source of earning foreign exchange, Risk Free trade

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Endowment Insurance is a Level Premium Plan. Here Sum assured and Bonus will be given either
at the time of death or at maturity. More expensive when compared to whole life plans. Term
ranges from 5 – 30 years. Non-participating Endowment Plan (no profits) is also available with
cheaper premium

Whole Life insurance: Life insurance cover for the entire life. Same premium amount throughout
the lifetime.


Premium – Amount to be paid to an insurance company for transferring the risk.

Term – The tenure for which an insurance policy is taken. This will be the period for which the
risk cover will be provided by the policy.
Nomination – The process of selection a person by the insured who has the right to receive the
policy money in the event of death of the life assured. The nominee does not have the right on the
money received out the insurance claim. Nominee only has the right of valid discharge.
Sum Assured – This is the amount of money that the insurance company guarantees to pay. This
is also referred to as cover or coverage and is the total amount the individual is insured for.
Death Benefit – The amount that is payable by the insurance company to the nominee of the
policy on death of the insured.
Maturity Benefit – The amount that the insurance company pays to the policy holder at the end of
term of the policy or policy maturity.
Survival Benefit – The amount payable at the end of pre-specified periods during the term of the
policy. The amount paid is usually a percentage of the sum assured and the percentage is pre-
determined as well. Survival benefits typically do not reduce the death benefit in the policy.
Example is Money Back Plans.
Bonus – A share of the profits made by the company is passed on to the policy holders in the form
of bonuses. Bonuses may be paid every year (reversionary bonus), in between a policy year
(interim bonus) and at the end of the term of the policy (terminal bonus).
Lapse – A policy is said to lapse when premiums are not paid when due. A policy lapse means that
the contract between the insurer and the insured is terminated. There will be no risk cover for a
lapsed policy.
Surrender Value – The amount that is paid to the policy holder when the policy is surrendered or
discontinued. The policy ceases to exist once this amount is paid.
Paid Up Value – The value that the policy acquires when premium payment is stopped after 3 full
years are paid. No further premiums can be paid into a paid up policy and no further benefits will
be payable as well.
Paid Up Value = (Sum Assured * No of Premiums Paid) / No. of Premiums payable
Foreclosure – A policy will be foreclosed if premiums are not being paid and the value of the
policy is not sufficient to carry the charges in the same.
Revival – Revival is the process by which the lapsed benefits of a policy are revived by paying the
dues within a specified period of time.
Assignment – This is the act of transferring the rights of the property in the policy from one
person to another. On assignment, the benefits of the policy becomes payable only to the assignee,
the owner of the policy.

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Loan – An owner of an insurance policy which has a cash value may be able to borrow against it
for quick cash at very low interest.
Riders – Riders are add-on benefits that can be attached to policies in case of eventualities. These
options allow for enhancement of risk cover and extra protection against death, illnesses, etc.
Claim is a demand on the insurer to redeem its obligation or promise made in the contract.
Participating Policy – A policy which participates in the ‘profits’ of the insurance company and
earns a part of the profits.
Non-participating Policy neither participates in the ‘profits’ of the insurance company nor gets
any of the profits.
Reinsurance is transferring portions of risk to other insurers by the Insurance Company.


Task of deciding how much money one would require upon retirement. Retirement Corpus can be
calculated using Income Replacement method or Expense method. Inflation, Life Style and Life
Expectancy, Risk Profile, Time to retirement are the factors which affect retirement planning.


• Benefit to be paid to the employee is defined or fixed at the beginning of the plan
• The employer funds the plan and the employee reaps the rewards upon retirement.
• The investment risk is borne by the employer in the defined benefit plan. e.g. final year’s
salary multiply by number of years of service.


• Contribution to the pension plan by the employee is fixed. Contribution by the Employer also.
• The investment risk is borne by the employee in the defined contribution plan. e.g. 12% of
salary as contribution. Contribution to PF is an example.

GRATUITY - Gratuity is a Defined Benefit Plan.

Gratuity is paid when an employee completes 5 or more years of continuous service.
• The period of 5 years is not necessary if the termination of the employee is because of death or
disablement. In the case of death the amount is paid to the legal heirs
• For government employees, all retirement and gratuity benefits received is exempt from tax
u/s 10(10)(I). For non-government employees, any gratuity received by such employees is
exempt from tax to the extent of the least of the following:
• a) Half month’s average salary for each completed year of service.
• b) Rs. 20,00,000/-
• c) Actual Gratuity received


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1. An annuity is a contract between the insurer & an individual whereby the insurer agrees to pay
a specified amount in future in exchange for the money now paid by the individual. Annuities
are also popularly known as ‘pension plans’
2. Investing Period is known as Accumulation phase
3. Period when the annuitant receives the payments is known as the ‘distribution phase’.

Deferred Annuity – Money is invested for a specified period of time until an annuitant starts taking
withdrawals, typically upon retirement. A deferred annuity accumulates money. Also, they
accumulate interest on the investment. Period during which investments are made is known as
accumulation period or Deferment period. The age at which the annuitant starts receiving pension
is known as Vesting period.

Immediate Annuity – ANNUITANT begin to receive payments from the insurer immediately. For
example, upon retirement, an individual can purchase an immediate annuity with his accumulated
retirement corpus. Payment will start as immediately at end of the month.

Fixed annuity where the pay-out is a fixed sum or fixed amount. Fixed annuities are essentially
debt instruments issued by the insurer. High surrender charges and returns not being able to keep
pace with inflation are the major drawbacks.

Variable annuity –Pay-out is based on underlying investment which could be stocks or gold etc.
The value of annuity depends on the performance of the underlying product.

 Annuity payable for remainder of life

 Annuity payable for a guaranteed period (5/10/15/20 years) and life after that
 Joint life and last survivor annuity to the annuitant and spouse under which annuity payable to
the spouse on death of the purchaser will be either 100% or some other fixed percentage of the
annuity payable to the annuitant.
 Life annuity with a return of purchase price on death of the annuitant
 Life annuity increasing at a specified simple rate every year
IRDAI requires the minimum pay out in an annuity to be Rs.1000 per month.

National Pension Scheme

PFRDA – Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority is the regulator. It is a Defined
Contribution Scheme. Investment in NPS is to be maintained until the age of sixty. National
Pension Scheme applies to an individual who has joined Central Gov Service on or after Jan 2004.
Who are not covered?
Employees already covered under PF act
An individual who has joined Central Government service before 01 January 2004, or Employees
of the Indian Armed Forces
Features of National Pension Scheme

1. Tier I A/c known as Pension A/c is Non Withdrawable

2. Tier II A/c known as Savings A/c is withdrawable
3. Tier I account is a pre-requisite for opening a Tier II account

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4. Employee Contribution – 10% of Basic + DA + DP
5. Government Contribution – Same amount as that of employee
6. Withdrawal not possible till 60
7. PPAN – Personal Pension Account Number
8. PRAN – Permanent Retirement Account Number
9. Maturity amount taxed on withdrawal at the time of retirement.
10. Tier-I account is available from 1st May 2009. Tier II account from 1st Dec, 2009.
11. Investors can invest through Points of Presence (POP).
12. Contributions in Tier II A/c will not enjoy any tax advantages.
14. Scheme A / Asset Class G: Predominantly in Government Securities
15. Scheme B / Asset Class C: Predominantly in Corporate Bonds
16. Scheme C / Asset Class E: Predominantly in Equity markets.
17. Auto choice also known as Lifecycle Fund is based on the Age of the Investor.
18. Minimum amount per contribution - Rs 500. Minimum contribution per year - Rs 6,000.
Minimum number of contributions - 01 per year.
19. If an Investor Exits before age 60 then 80% of the savings must be used purchase the annuity
and balance 20% can be withdrawn in lump sum.
20. If an Investor exits at the age of 60 then 60% of amount withdrawn can be taken in lump sum
and balance 40% of is to be used for purchase an annuity from Life Insurer.
21. The life insurance company will pay a monthly pension for the rest of the life.
22. 100% Annuity option is also available. Annuity for Family Survivor – Possible
23. Central Recordkeeping Agency (CRA) – NSDL would recover charges for maintenance of
your accounts, at the same time PFM(s) would be paid for managing the savings. The fees and
charges by the CRA and Portfolio Managers will be regulated by the PFRDA.
24. Fewer Portfolio Options when compared to MF


Reverse Mortgage is Opposite to Mortgage where the payment stream is reversed, that is instead of
the borrower making monthly payments to the lender, the lender makes payments to the borrower.

1. Senior Citizens aged 60 or above are eligible for Reverse Mortgage Scheme.
2. The amount of loan available under RML depends on the age of the borrower, appraised value
of the house and the prevalent interest rates of the lending institution.
3. Joint Loan facility is available. In this case at least one should be aged 60.
4. Residual Life of the property should be Minimum 20 years. No minimum period of Ownership
is required
5. The residence should be permanent primary residence & not commercial premises.
6. Maximum monthly payment is capped at Rs 50,000. The maximum lump sum payment shall
be restricted to 50% of the total eligible amount of loan subject to a cap of Rs.15 lakh, to be
used for medical treatment for self, spouse and dependants, if any. The balance loan amount
would be eligible for periodic payments.
7. The property should be self-acquired, self-occupied and having clear title in favor of the
8. All receipts under RML shall be exempt from income tax under Section 10(43) of the

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9. Any transfer of a capital asset in a transaction of reverse mortgage shall not be regarded as a
10. Capital Gains are applicable to borrower only on alienation of the mortgaged property.
11. The maximum tenure of an RML will be 20 years.
12. Revaluation of property shall be done at least once in 5 years
13. Payment options – Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, Annual
14. The Reverse Mortgage loan can be prepaid at any time during the term of the loan. On
clearance of all the dues, all the title deeds will be returned by the lender.
15. Rate of interest and the nature of interest (fixed or floating) will be decided by the lender.
16. An RML will become due and payable only when the last surviving borrower dies or
permanently moves out of the house.
17. Costs to be paid by the client to the Housing Finance Company include loan processing
charges, documentation charges, commitment fees on undrawn loan amount etc.

Chapter 11 – TAXATION

Previous Year and Assessment Year: The year in which income is earned is known as the
previous year and the next year in which income is taxable is known as the assessment year.
Resident Status - Resident Individuals

1. In India for a period of 182 days or more in the relevant previous year
2. In India during relevant previous year for 60 days or more & presence in India for 365 days or
more during 4 years immediately preceding the relevant previous year.

An Indian citizen or a person of Indian origin, who is not a resident as defined above, is called
an NRI (Non-Resident Indian) for the purpose of taxation.

PIO Person of Indian Origin as per Indian Income Tax Act if he or she:
Has held an Indian passport at any time, or
Is a grandchild of citizens of India, or
Is a spouse of an Indian citizen, or
Is a spouse of a person covered under the first two points above


Senior citizens Rates for others

Total Income Slab
(60 & above) below age 60
Up to Rs. 2,50,000 Nil Nil

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Rs. 2,50,001 to Rs. 3,00,000 Nil 5%

Rs. 3,00,001 to Rs. 5,00,000 5% 5%
Rs. 5,00,001 to Rs. 10,00,000 20% 20%
Above 10 Lakhs 30% 30%
Section 87A provides a rebate to resident individuals whose total income does not exceed
Rs.3,50,000. The rebate shall be 100% of income tax or Rs.2500 whichever is lower.

Surcharge: 10% of income tax, where total income exceeds Rs.50 lakhs upto Rs.1 crore.
Surcharge: 15% of income tax, where total income exceeds Rs.1 crore.

Very Senior Citizen - Individual resident who is of the age of 80 years or more –
Tax is NIL till 5 Lakhs income. Remaining SLAB is same.

If the dividend received by an individual or HUF from a company exceeds Rs.10 lakhs in a year
then the excess shall be taxed at the rate of 10%.
A Health and Education cess at the rate of 4% of income tax and surcharge will apply.

Sources of Income – Salary, Income from house property, Profits and gains of business or
profession, Capital gains, Income from other sources

Gross Total Income

Total income computed in accordance with the provision of the IT Act before making any
deduction under Chapter VI A.
A Residents total income comprises of all his income accruing or receiving or deemed to accrue or
be received in or outside India.
A non-residents total income comprises only that income which accrues or is received (or is
deemed to accrue or receive) in India.

Chapter VIA Deductions

The aggregate amount of deductions cannot exceed the gross total income.
As per Section 80CCE, the total deduction the assessee can claim u/ss. 80C,80CCC and 80CCD
shall be restricted in aggregate to Rs. 1,50,000/-.

Section 80C - Individual / HUF - 100% of the amount invested or Rs. 1,50,000/- whichever is less.

1. Life Insurance premium (ULIP and Traditional) for self, spouse and any child
2. ELSS Schemes of Mutual Funds.
3. 5 yr time deposit under the P.O Time Deposit Rules
4. Investment in Bank Fixed Deposits for 5 years.
5. NSC,PPF, Approved Superannuation funds, Provident Fund
6. Principal paid on Housing Loan.
7. Tuition fees for 2 children in India.
8. Deferred annuity Plans
9. Subscription to any notified bonds of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development

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10. Account under the Senior Citizen Savings Schemes Rules, 2004.
11. Any sum deposited in a 10 year or 15 year account under the Post Office
Savings Bank (CTD) Rules, 1959

SECTION 80CCC – Deduction in respect of contribution to pension funds / schemes.

SEC 80CCD – Deduction in respect of contribution to Pension Scheme of Central Government

Sec 80CCE - Sec 80C+80CCC+80CCD should not exceed Rs 1.5 lakh

Additional Tax benefit of Rs. 50,000 u/s 80 CCD (1B) in NPS. This is above Rs 1.5 Lakh benefit
discussed above.

SECTION 80D – Deduction in Respect of Medical Insurance Premium - Individual/ HUF.

• Up to Rs 25,000 /- Medical insurance premium paid by an assessee for Himself, Wife, Children.
• Up to Rs 25,000 /- towards Medical Insurance Premium for his parents.
• Upto Rs 50,000/- for Senior Citizens

Section 80DD allows deduction on expenses of maintenance of disabled persons up to a limit of

Rs. 75,000 or Rs. 1,25,000 depending upon the severity of disability.

Section 80DDB allows deduction of the expenditure on medical treatment for specified diseases
such as Parkinson, up to a limit of Rs.1,00,000 for senior citizens and Rs.40,000 for others.
Section 80E allows the entire interest paid on education loan as deduction from the assessment
year relevant to the previous year in which the assessee begins paying interest and seven
subsequent years.

Section 80G allows all assessee’s to claim deduction up to specified limits for contributions made
to charitable organisations.

Section 80GG provides deduction to an assessee not receiving HRA for rent paid by him up to
specified limits.

Section 80U allows deductions for persons with disabilities of Rs. 75,000 for normal disability and
Rs. 1,25,000 for severe disability.
Section 80TTA provides deduction for interest earned from savings bank account up to a limit of
Rs. 10000.
Section 80TTB - a deduction in respect of interest income from deposits held by senior citizens
.The limit for this deduction is Rs. 50,000. No deduction under section 80TTA shall be allowed.
The threshold limit for deduction of tax at source on interest income payable to senior citizens
has been increased to Rs. 50,000.
A Standard Deduction of Rs.40,000 is allowed. The deduction is allowed irrespective of actual
expenses and no bills or proofs need to be submitted to claim this deduction
Capital Gains
• Capital Gain arises when a property in nature like plot,house,Jewellery etc or shares/MF
units/Bonds are sold for a profit.

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• Capital Asset doesn’t include Stock, Raw materials held in Business, Rural Agricultural Land,
personal assets like furniture, Car, Agricultural land in a rural area.

Asset Long Term Capital Asset Short Term Asset

Equity After 12 months Less than or Equal to 1 Year
Non Equity After 36 months Less than or Equal to 3 years.


LTCG 10% for gains exceeding Rs 1 Lakh 20% after INDEXATION

(if STT is Paid)
STCG 15% (if STT is paid) AS PER THE SLAB (Marginal Tax)

Long Term Capital Gain in case of Indexation is calculated as follows

LTCG = Sale Price – Indexed Cost of Acquisition
Indexed Cost of acquisition is as follows
(Cost of Acquisition * Cost Inflation Index of Year Sold) / Inflation Index of Year bought

Advance Tax - Default in payment of advance tax attracts interest liability.

Due Date Total Amount Payable
15 June Not less than 15% of the total estimated Tax liability for the year
15 September Not less than 45% of such advance tax as reduced by the amount, if any, paid in
the earlier instalment
15 December Not less than 75% of such advance tax as reduced by the amount, if any, paid in
the earlier instalment
15 March Entire Tax liability for the year

Return filing procedures

Assessee Due date
Companies 30 September of the assessment year
Non-corporate under audit 30 September of the assessment year
Non-corporate, non-audit 31 July of the assessment year

Belated Return can be filed at any time before the end of the relevant assessment year



Salary House Business Capital Other
Property Speculative Non Speculative Gains Sources
House Property Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Speculative Business No No Yes No No No

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Non Speculative No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Capital Loss No No No No Yes No

Capital Loss Set Off Against

Short Term Long Term / Short Term Gain
Long Term (Debt) Long Term Gain (Debt), Long term Equity
Long Term Equity Long Term Gain (Debt), Long term Equity
1. Unabsorbed Loss can be Carry Forwarded for a Period of 8 years.
2. Unabsorbed Speculative Loss can be carry forwarded only for 4 years
3. Unabsorbed Loss under the head “Income from other sources” cannot be carried forward.
4. Losses from the activity of owning and maintaining race horses can be set-off only against the
income from the same activity & the unabsorbed losses can be carried forwarded for 4 years.
5. Unabsorbed depreciations in Business can be forwarded without any limitation of time.
6. Loss can be Carry Forwarded only if returns has been filed with in due date (except Loss from
House Property and Depreciation).
Exemption from Long Term Capital Gain Tax under Section 54


Residential House Any Capital Asset
Individual & HUF ALL
3 years to classify as Long Term Asset 1 Year for Financial Asset. 3 Years for Physical Asset
Purchased a house within a period of one Investment in Capital Gain Bonds (NHAI & REC) with
year before or two years after the date on in 6 months from the date of transfer subject to a
which the transfer took place or has maximum of Rs 50 Lakhs in a FY.
constructed within a period of three years
after. Person can hold any number of
house properties.
Lower of Capital Gains or the cost of new Lower of Capital Gains or Investment amount is Tax
asset is Tax exempted Exempted

1. New Asset acquired to be held for 3 years or else the Capital Gains exempted earlier will be
chargeable to tax in the year of transfer.
2. U/s 54F Capital Gains exempted earlier shall be chargeable to tax — if the assessee purchases
within 2 years or constructs within 3 years any residential house other than the one in which
reinvestment is made.
3. The amount of the capital gain which is not utilized by the assessee for the purchase of the new
asset before the date of furnishing the return shall be deposited in account of specified
bank/institution and it should be utilized within specified time limit for purchase/ construction
of New Asset.
Income of Minor Child subject to a limit of Rs 1500 per child is tax exempt.

Income from House Property

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Gross Annual Value is Higher of Fair Rent, Municipal Valuation, Actual Rent received.
Net Annual Value = Gross Annual Value – (Municipal Taxes + Un Realized Rent if any)
Income from House Property = Net Annual Value – (30% of Net Annual Value also known as
Standard Deduction + Interest paid to acquire the property). This is for Let out Property.
For Self Occupied Property only the interest paid subject to a maximum of Rs 2 lakhs is allowed as
Deduction from Net Annual Value.

Gift Tax and Clubbing of Income Provisions

Gift (Cash or in kind) received upto Rs 50,000 in a year is Tax Free. If Gift received is in excess of
Rs. 50,000 during a given year, the whole of such aggregate sum.

Entire amount received as Gift is tax exempt if it is received from any relative, on the occasion of
marriage, under a will or inheritance, in contemplation of death of the payer, Amount received
from any local authority, Amount received from any fund or foundation or university or other
educational institution or hospital or other medical institution or any trust.
Relative means spouse of the individual, brother or sister of the individual, brother or sister of the
spouse of the individual, brother or sister of either of the parents of the individual, any lineal
ascendant or descendants of the individual, any lineal ascendants or descendants of the spouse of
the individual, and spouse of the persons referred to hereinbefore.

A will is explained as a legal declaration made in writing by a person who clearly sets out the
manner in which he/she would like his or her property (movable or immovable) wherever situated
to be distributed after his death
Codicil - A testator can change the contents of the will any number of times, before his death.
Such changes to the will are called ‘Codicils’. A will can also be revoked by the testator at any
time before his death.
Testator is the person who makes the will. Testatrix is used to refer to a female.
Probate is a copy of the will certified under the seal of a component Court.
Beneficiary is a person who inherits the property under a will.
LegateeThe person who is named in a will to receive a portion of the deceased person’s estate is
known as a legatee.
Executor is the legal representative for all purposes of the deceased person and all property under
the will vests in him. The person named in the will to administer the estate of the deceased person
Oral Wills are wills that are not documented and is made orally. Such wills are mostly prevalent
in the defense services.
A will has to be written and signed in the presence of two witnesses except oral wills
A registered will cannot ordinarily be tampered with, destroyed, mutilated, lost or stolen. If a will
is registered, no person can examine the will and copy the contents without an express permission
in writing of the testator.
General POA – Enables the donee to act on all matters for the donor. The general list of matters
covered in this category includes management of bank accounts, sale of property, attending
dealings in court, etc.
Specific POA – restricts the donee’s authority to act only on a specific transaction, e.g. POA
granted to a person to deal with the renting out of an apartment only.

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Investment Advisor – Criteria and Obligations
1. Any person who proposes to provide investment advice shall be required to obtain a registration
certificate from SEBI in order to continue to do this activity.
2. A 6 month period has been allowed for existing investment advisers to apply for certification.
3. Registration granted by SEBI is valid for a period of 5 years from the date of its issue.
4. An investment adviser needs to apply for renewal of his registration certificate, three months
before expiry of the original certificate of registration.
5. Investment advisers which are body corporate, net worth of not less than Rs 25 Lakhs.
6. Investment advisers who are individuals or partnership firms - Rs 1 Lakh net tangible assets.
7. Investment advisers in existence before commencement of the regulations must comply with the
capital adequacy requirement within one year from the date of commencement.
8. The investment adviser should not carry out transaction contrary to his advice to clients on his
own account unless 15 days have passed from the date of providing the advice.
9. An investment adviser is required to maintain records in physical or electronic format for a
minimum period of five years:
1. General comments on financial trends, economic situation which is not stock/product specific.
2. Insurance agents or brokers providing investment advice only in insurance products,
3. Pension advisors offering investment advice only on pension products,
4. MF distributor, providing investment advice incidental to distribution of mutual fund products
5. Advocates, Solicitors, member of ICAI, ICSI, ICWA, Actuarial Society of India or any other
professional body providing investment advice incidental to their professional service.
6. Stock broker or sub-broker, Portfolio manager registered with SEBI, Merchant bankers
providing investment advice incidental to their primary activity.
7. Fund managers of mutual funds, alternative investment funds.
8. A person providing investment advice only to clients based out of India, not being Non
Resident Indians or Persons of Indian Origin.
BFS - Board for Financial Supervision
The Prevention of Money-Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA)
SCORES (SEBI Complaint Redress System).
Integrated Grievance Management System (IGMS).
Central Grievance Management System (CGMS)

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