RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) : RNA Is A Polymer of Ribonucleotides Linked Together by 3'-5' Phosphodiester Linkage
RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) : RNA Is A Polymer of Ribonucleotides Linked Together by 3'-5' Phosphodiester Linkage
RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) : RNA Is A Polymer of Ribonucleotides Linked Together by 3'-5' Phosphodiester Linkage
RNA is a
polymer of
linked together
by 3’-5’
Biochemistry For Medics 1
4) Being single stranded structure- It does follow Chargaff's rule.
It does not follow Chargaff’s rule The total purine content in a
double stranded DNA is always
equal to pyrimidine content.
6) RNA is a relatively a labile DNA is a stable molecule. The
molecule, undergoes easy and spontaneous degradation is
spontaneous degradation very 2 slow. The genetic
information can be stored for
years together without any
8) The base content varies from Millions of base pairs are there
100- 5000. The size is variable. depending upon the organism
9) There are various types of RNA – DNA is always of one type and
mRNA, r RNA, t RNA, Sn RNA, Si performs the function of
RNA, mi RNA and hn RNA. These storage and transfer of genetic
RNAs perform different and information.
specific functions.
10) No variable physiological forms There are variable forms of
of RNA are found. The different DNA (A to E and Z)
types of RNA do not change their
11) RNA is synthesized from DNA, it DNA can form DNA by
can not form DNA(except by the replication, it can also form
action of reverse transcriptase). RNA by transcription.
It can not duplicate (except in
certain viruses where it is a
genomic material )
12) Many copies of RNA are present Single copy of DNA is present
per cell per cell.
Biochemistry For Medics
Types of RNA
In all prokaryotic and eukaryotic
organisms, three main classes of RNA
molecules exist-
1) Messenger RNA(m RNA)
2) Transfer RNA (t RNA)
3) Ribosomal RNA (r RNA)
The other are – o small nuclear RNA
(SnRNA), o micro RNA(mi RNA) and o
small interfering RNA(Si RNA) and o
heterogeneous nuclear RNA (hnRNA).
Structural characteristics of t-
1) Primary structure- The nucleotide
sequence of all the t RNA molecules allows
extensive intrastand complimentarity that
generates a secondary structure.
2) Secondary structure- Each single t- RNA
shows extensive internal base pairing and
acquires a clover leaf like structure. The
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structure is stabilized by hydrogen bonding
between the bases and is a consistent
Structural characteristics of tRNA
Secondary structure (Clover leaf
structure) All t-RNA contain 5 main arms or
loops which are as followsa) Acceptor arm
b) Anticodon arm
c) D HU arm
d) TΨ C arm
e) Extra arm
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Secondary structure of t- RNA
a) Acceptor arm
The acceptor arm is at 3’ end
It has 7 base pairs
The end sequence is unpaired
Cytosine, Cytosine-Adenine at the 3’ end
The 3’ OH group terminal of Adenine binds with
carboxyl group of amino acids
The t RNA bound with amino acid is called
Amino acyl t RNA
CCA attachment is done post transcriptionally