CPAR Lesson

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What is Art?

According to the Greek philosopher ARISTOTLE, he provided the earliest assumption of ART
as linked to human instincts.

He claimed that human have instincts for imitation and harmony.

He described that these instincts are lying deep in our nature.

He argued that human beings are the most imitative of living creatures and through imitation,
humans learn and experience pleasure.

ART defined as a human pursuit to imitate life and the world into something pleasing or beautiful.

Like for example the painting is an attempt at imitating the river and its surroundings, thus becoming
its Subject. The way the colors are chosen and blended into the canvas account for the medium of
the painting.
The subject and medium are two important elements of an artwork that allow a person to experience
life, the world and its beauty.


1. Art is a natural human behavior

2. Art is communication

3. Art is healing

4. Art tells our story

5. Art is a shared experienced

The Elements of Art ( the Ingredients for a great Composition)

The Elements of Art are the “tools” that artists use to make art.

There are 7 of them:

Line Value Texture

Shape Form Space Color


A line is a path that a point takes through space. Lines can be thick, thin, dotted or solid. They can
make straight movements, zig-zags, waves or curls.

They may be horizontal , vertical and diagonal.

Horizontal Lines are generally restful, like the horizon, where the sky meets land

Vertical lines seem to be reaching, so they may seem inspirational like tall majestic trees or church

Diagonal lines tend to be disturbing. They suggest decay or chaos like lightening or falling trees

Lines can convey emotion as well. They may show excitement, anger, calmness, tension, happiness
and many other feelings.Because of this, some are said to be expressive.

Expressive Lines tend to be found in nature and are very organic.

Other lines that are very measured, geometric, directional and angular are called Constructive lines.
They tend to appear to be man-made because of their precision.


Shape is created when a line becomes connected and encloses space. It is the outline or outward
appearance of something. Shapes are 2 Dimensional (2-D) which means there are 2 ways they can be
measured.You can measure its HEIGHT and its WIDTH.

There are two basic types of shape.

A. Geometric shapes have smooth even edges and are measurable. The include the square,
the circle, the triangle and the rectangle.

B. Organic shapes have more complicated edges and are usually found in nature. Leaves,
flowers, ameba, etc

3. Form

A Form is a shape that has become 3- Dimensional (3-D) Form has HEIGHT, WIDTH and
DEPTH--which is the 3rd dimension.Depth shows the thickness of the object. Forms are NOT flat like
shapes are! Turning Shapes into Forms

A triangle becomes a cone or a pyramid

A square becomes a cube

A rectangle can become a box or a cylinder

In order to turn a circle into a sphere, you must shade it.


Value is the lightness or darkness of a color. Value makes objects appear more real because it
imitates natural light. When showing value in a work of art, you will need a LIGHT SOURCE.

In order to have a successful drawing, you will need to show a full value range, which means that
there are very light areas, middle tones, and very dark areas. This is a way of giving a work of art

Value can be added several ways:

Cross-hatching is when you use irregular lengths of parallel lines that cross over each other diagonally.
The closer together the lines are placed, the darker the value.

Stippling is the use of dots to create shade. This is accomplished by placing dots very close together to
create dark values and farther apart to create lighter values.

Soft shading is when you use your pencil to create soft gradual movements from one value to the
next using full value range.


Color can add interest and reality to artwork. The use of a 12-step color wheel will help us
understand color more effectively. When light is reflected through a prism, colors can be seen

These colors are: Red, Yellow, Orange, Green, Indigo, Blue and Violet

Remember the anagram: ROY G BIV

There are 3 primary colors: Red, Yellow and Blue

When you mix 2 primary colors together, you get a secondary color.

When you mix a primary and a secondary color together you get an intermediate (or tertiary)colors

Color Schemes

Color is divided into groups based on the way they are placed on the color wheel:

3-4 colors “next-door-neighbors” to each other creates an analogous color scheme

2 colors that are directly opposite each other (going across the center) creates a complimentary color

A Split-Complimentary color scheme is a complimentary color and the two colors on either side of its

A Triadic color scheme uses 3 colors that are equally spaced apart on the color wheel

When you use only one color plus its tints and shades, you are using a monochromatic color scheme

A tint is a color plus white

A shade is a color plus black

Colors have temperatures, Colors can convey emotion and feelings too.

It is important that artists understand the effects of color when they are trying to get the viewers of
their art to feel a particular way.

Warm colors are those that have Reds, Yellows and Oranges. Warm colors seem to advance (or come
forward) in an artwork.

Cool colors are those that have Blues, Greens and Violets. Cool colors seem to recede (or go back into)
an artwork.


Texture is the way the surface of an object actually feels.

In the artistic world, we refer to two types of texture---tactile and implied

Tactile (or Real) Texture is the way the surface of an object actually feels. Examples would be
sandpaper, cotton balls, tree bark, puppy fur, etc

Implied Texture is the way the surface of an object looks like it feels. This is the type of texture that
artists use when they draw and paint. Textures may look rough, fuzzy, gritty, or scruffy, but can’t
actually be felt.


Space is basically divided into 3 parts: Foreground, Middle Ground and Background

Space can be shallow or deep depending on what the artist wants to use.

Shallow space is used when the artist has objects very close to the viewer.

Deep Space may show objects up close but objects are shown far away too.

Positive space is the actual object(s) within the artwork

Negative Space is the area in and around the objects. It is the “background” and it contributes to the
work of art---you can’t have positive space without negative space

Perspective is also a way of showing space in a work of art. Perspective is when the artist uses a
vanishing point on the horizon and then creates a sense of deep space by showing objects getting
progressively smaller as they get closer to the vanishing point.

Objects may overlap as well. When objects are overlapped it is obvious that enough space had to be
in the picture to contain all the objects that have been included.

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