Arts Assignment 1
Arts Assignment 1
Arts Assignment 1
Outcome 1:
1.1 Use effective routines to help make predicted transitions smoothly
1.1 establish and maintain respectful, trusting relationships with other children and
1.2 Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and
sense of agency
1.3 Children develop knowledgeable and confident self identities
1.4 Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect
Outcome 2:
2.1 Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and an
understanding of the reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for active community
Explore role and dramatic action in dramatic play, improvisation and process drama
Use voice, facial expression, movement and space to imagine and establish role and
situation (ACADRM028)
Present drama that communicates ideas, including stories from their community to an
Provide sensory aids
Grouping - social interactions, educational needs etc.
Provide opportunities for children who withdraw
- Taking observational jottings of children’s progress. Focus on recording notes
about children’s ability to meet requirements of content descriptors and
achievement standards:
- Improvisation skills
- Process drama skills
- Use of voice, facial expression, movement and space to imagine and establish
a role/ situation
- Ability to communicate a story/ideas through drama (ACARA 2017)
- Ability to display the elements of drama: role, character, relationship, situation, voice
and movement, focus, tension (Dinham & Chalk 2017, p. 170).
- Children’s ability to work both individually and in teams
- Children’s picture book – An Egg is Quiet, written by Dianna Hutts Aston and
illustrated by Sylvia Long.
- Egg shaker/s
- White board
- Interactive white board
- White board markers
- A3 paper
- Black felt tip pen
- Black felt squares
- Bird video (background)
- Putamayo dreamtime video –
- Colour cut animal pictures
- Observation materials (eggs, birds, sharks nest, feathers.
Time Learning Sequence Teacher’s Activity Children’s Activity
Coming into the drama Facilitate quiet transition Enter into the drama
space: to drama space. Help space. Take off shoes
Taking shoes and socks off, children to find a spot to and socks.
sitting in a large circle on the sit. Provide suggestions of
floor. Establish expectations, Facilitate discussion and appropriate behaviour.
create and an essential record essential
agreement for drama. agreement.
Small Group Drama: Hand out photos for Match photos to create
Cut up photos for grouping, grouping, walk around groups, work together
children act out the scenario facilitating engagement. to recreate the scenario
depicted on the picture. Provide assistance in the image.
where needed. Bring
children back together,
Process drama:
Process drama is introduced to students in the foundation year level and it involves
students being immersed in a dramatic context and improvising in an unscripted and
unfolding experience (Dinham and Chalk, 2017). Process drama is directed by the teacher
and involves presenting the students with a problem to be solved, a challenge to be
undertaken, a question to be resolved or a situation to be explored (Dinham and Chalk,
2017). Students will explore different perspectives and possibilities from the scenarios they
were given (Dinham and Chalk, 2017). The space of the drama provides a safe way for
children to imaginatively explore situations, relationships and problems (Dinham and Chalk,
Follow Up Activity:
Following this lesson, we will be using the same or similar lesson structure from week to
week. In particular, the elements of ritual will remain a constant in every lesson. Through
the coming lessons we plan to build on the skills established in this lesson using the same
drama games to build upon and extend. There is however flexibility with these lessons and
the through close observations and discussions with children, we will determine the
direction to take to best suit the interests and needs of the children.
Micro Teach Evaluation
Students’ learning
The students were given the opportunity to work in small groups which were randomly
allocated. The students were able to build on their relationships with others through
collaboration creating a performance snapshot. The students developed respectful, trusting
relationships with educators when they were given the opportunity to perform.
The students worked effectively in groups and demonstrated a level of respect when
watching other students’ performances.
Outcome 2:
The students develop a sense of belonging within their groups. The small groups of three
students allowed for active participation from each member in the group.
Australian Curriculum
The students explored the roles within the image they were provided. The students used
voice, facial expressions and movement to present a drama snapshot of a story to
communicate to the audience.
When this activity is implemented in the unit plan within a school setting, some modifications
will be made. I will ensure to use a loud, clear voice, provide explicit, clear instructions to
the students and focus on the pace of speech. I will ask students questions to clarify and
confirm their understanding of the task. I will repeat instructions while the students are
engaging in the activity and walk around the classroom to support any students if needed.
Value of structure
The micro teach lesson and the arts unit plan follows a consistent structure building up the
children’s knowledge and understanding. The micro teach activity encourages the students
to explore their body movement, voice, facial expressions, ideas and surroundings. The
students develop their drama skills and are provided with the opportunity to perform (Arts
Pop 2019). The micro teach lesson has a consistent structure to create a predictable
environment for students to help support them feel safe, secure and supported (Arts Pop
2019) and (EYLF 2009).
Process drama
Process drama allows and encourages students to be fully immersed in a dramatic context
and improvising in an unscripted and unfolding experience (Dinham and Chalk 2017). The
students engaged in process drama during the micro teach lesson as the students explored
a particular situation (Dinham and Chalk 2017). The students were able to explore different
perspectives and possibilities from the scenarios they were given (Dinham and Chalk 2017).
The space of the drama provides a safe way for children to imaginatively explore situations,
relationships and problems (Dinham and Chalk 2017).
Teacher feedback
- Great use of the children’s picture book
- Useful idea of allowing students to collaborate in groups
- Organise an alternative to students performing
Students feedback
- Organised and well thought out
- Consider students allergies to eggs
- Discuss different animals that lay eggs
- Think about strategies for including students with lack of interest or anxiety
- Make a paper mache or create their own egg as an activity
- Enjoyed the idea of the puzzle piece of a picture to allocate groups and encourage
children to work with others
- Engaging and collaborative experience
- Great idea to promote students’ thoughts through a reflection
Arts Education - Unit Plan
Learner Context:
Learning Focus:
Children will develop the dispositions of persistence, motivation, creativity, expression,
autonomy confidence and problem solving. Specifically children will develop confidence
and persistence through engaging, hands-on drama experiences that harness children’s
desire to learn. Problem solving and expression are also key dispositions that will be
focused on throughout this unit.
General Capabilities:
Critical and Creative Thinking
Ethical Understanding
Information and Communication Technology Capability
Please note: This unit plan is subject to change, pending interaction with children in response
to their collective needs and interests.
Pack up:
Pack away resources,
shoes and socks back
2: Get Coming into the drama Provide Explore role and dramatic
Cracking - space: sensory aids for action in dramatic play,
Consolidating Taking shoes and children who improvisation and process
socks off, sitting in a require them. drama (ACADRM027)
large circle. - Taking turns in offering
Accommodate and accepting ideas, and
Go over previously for brain and staying in role in short
established water breaks. improvisations.
expectations of drama - Exploring possibilities
lessons. Re-outline Organise and for role and situation when
lesson structure. allocate participating in whole group
grouping of teacher-led process drama
Warm up: children to and roleplay.
- Pass the object support Use voice, facial expression,
- Repeat from previous learning needs movement and space to
lesson with less and social imagine and establish role and
guidance. interactions. situation. (ACADRM028)
- Communicating verbally
Literature: Model drama by using the voice to explore
Go over previously games and and show role and situation.
read pages, read up to performances - Communicating non-
Eggs come in different to help the verbally by using facial
sizes. children feel expression and movement to
Discuss and record comfortable in show role and expression
children’s thoughts the space and - Movement within a
understand space to create the difference
Small Group Drama: expectations. between their performance
Go over last week, use space and the audience
cut up photos for space.
grouping, children Cross Curricular Links:
create what they think English - Creating Literature:
happens after the Allow children Retell familiar literary texts
photo. Use teacher in to participate asthrough performance, use of
role as a scaffolding an audience if illustrations and images
technique for children they don’t want (ACELT1580)
who need it. After to perform. Outcome 1:
rehearsing children are 1.1 Use effective routines to
given opportunity for Provide help make predicted
performance alternate transitions smoothly
Examples of guiding opportunities 1.1 establish and maintain
questions: for children who respectful, trusting
I wonder where they do not wish to relationships with other
might be going? perform e.g. children and educators
I wonder why they’re Director, 1.2 Children develop their
doing this? Costumer, emerging autonomy, inter-
I wonder what might Locating props dependence, resilience and
happen next? etc. sense of agency
I wonder if something 1.3 Children develop
scary/funny might Provide one- knowledgeable and confident
happen? on-one self identities
I wonder whats going assistance for 1.4 Children learn to interact in
to happen to the egg? children who relation to others with care,
I wonder what might require it e.g. empathy and respect
happen in real life? discussions
with children, Outcome 2:
Relaxation: working 2.1 Children develop a sense
Nature themed yoga, alongside of belonging to groups and
calming music playing children etc. communities and an
with video of bird in the understanding of the reciprocal
background. rights and responsibilities
necessary for active
Reflection: community participation.
Children are given A3
sheets of paper and a
black felt tip marker.
Children choose to
draw about either the
materials provided
(eggs, nests, feathers
etc.) or something they
remember, reflecting
on their experience.
Children are given
opportunity to continue
reflection from last
week if needed.
Pack up:
Pack away resources,
shoes and socks back
Pack up:
Pack away resources,
shoes and socks back
4: Coming into the drama Provide Explore role and dramatic
Consolidating space: sensory aids for action in dramatic play,
/ Final Lesson Taking shoes and children who improvisation and process
socks off, sitting in a require them. drama (ACADRM027)
large circle. Revise - Taking turns in offering
past three weeks, Accommodate and accepting ideas, and
make connections with for brain and staying in role in short
previous learning. water breaks. improvisations.
- Exploring possibilities
Warm up: Organise and for role and situation when
- Pass the object allocate participating in whole group
- Extending: no grouping of teacher-led process drama
guidance from children to and roleplay.
teachers (except for support Use voice, facial expression,
when needed). learning needs movement and space to
and social imagine and establish role and
Literature: interactions. situation. (ACADRM028)
Read the entirety of An - Communicating verbally
Egg is Quiet. Discuss Model drama by using the voice to explore
and record children’s games and and show role and situation.
thoughts and ideas. performances - Communicating non-
to help the verbally by using facial
Small Group Drama: children feel expression and movement to
Group children into comfortable in show role and expression
groups of 3, children the space and - Movement within a
create a short understand space to create the difference
scene/story about an expectations. between their performance
egg. Teacher provide space and the audience
guidance where Allow children space.
necessary - if needed to participate as Cross Curricular Links:
teacher in role. Refer an audience if English - Creating Literature:
children to book if they don’t want Retell familiar literary texts
needed. to perform. through performance, use of
illustrations and images
After rehearsing Provide Outcome 1:
children are given alternate 1.1 Use effective routines to
opportunity for opportunities help make predicted
performance for children who transitions smoothly
Examples of guiding do not wish to 1.1 establish and maintain
questions: perform e.g. respectful, trusting
I wonder what animal Director, relationships with other
you might be? Costumer, children and educators
I wonder where you Locating props 1.2 Children develop their
live? etc. emerging autonomy, inter-
I wonder what your dependence, resilience and
egg looks like? Provide one- sense of agency
I wonder if you could on-one 1.3 Children develop
make your body assistance for knowledgeable and confident
shaped like that? children who self identities
I wonder what might require it e.g. 1.4 Children learn to interact in
happen next? discussions relation to others with care,
I wonder what would with children, empathy and respect
happen if something working
silly/scary/funny alongside Outcome 2:
happened? children etc. 2.1 Children develop a sense
of belonging to groups and
Relaxation: communities and an
Nature yoga,calming understanding of the reciprocal
music playing with rights and responsibilities
video of bird in the necessary for active
background. community participation.
Children are given A3
sheets of paper and a
black felt tip marker.
Children choose to
draw about either the
materials provided
(eggs, nests, feathers
etc.) or something they
remember, reflecting
on their experience.
Children are given
opportunity to continue
reflection from last
week if needed.
Pack up:
Pack away resources,
shoes and socks back
Links to Literature:
Value of structure:
The lessons in the Arts unit will follow a consistent structure. It has been found that all
Drama lessons should allow time for exploration, skill development and opportunity for
presentation (Arts Pop 2019). Following a predictable lesson structure provides students
with a sense of security and helps to maintain engagement (Arts Pop 2019). A predictable
lesson structure is particularly constructive for children with certain special needs, such as
Autism, who benefit from a structured learning environment and clear routines (Hyde,
Carpenter & Doyle 2017, p. 294). Creating a clear structure in the drama classroom is an
effective way to create predictable environments that allow children to feel safe and secure,
allows children to reflect and develop on their skill sets as well as building community and
a sense of teamwork (EYLF 2009). Although we will follow an established lesson format,
we will also remain flexible within our lessons and welcome unpredictable teaching
moments, as it is in these moments that the most authentic and exciting learning often
occurs (Arts Pop 2019).
Process drama:
Process drama is introduced to students in the foundation year level and it involves
students being immersed in a dramatic context and improvising in an unscripted and
unfolding experience (Dinham and Chalk, 2017). Process drama is directed by the teacher
and involves presenting the students with a problem to be solved, a challenge to be
undertaken, a question to be resolved or a situation to be explored (Dinham and Chalk,
2017). Students will explore different perspectives and possibilities from the scenarios they
were given (Dinham and Chalk, 2017). The space of the drama provides a safe way for
children to imaginatively explore situations, relationships and problems (Dinham and Chalk,
Children will also record their own understanding of dramatic process through their
reflective drawings undertaken at the end of each session. These drawings will be used to
consolidate the observational jottings taken throughout each session.
Teacher Resources:
· Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) 2016, F-10
Curriculum, Drama, Foundation to Year 10 Curriculum v8.3, Australian Curriculum,
Assessment and Reporting Authority, viewed 20 March 2019,
· Arts Pop 2019, Dance Planning, Arts Packages of Practice, Australian
Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, viewed 31
March 2019,
· Cawthon, S, Dawson, K, & Shasta, I 2011, ‘Activating Student Engagement
Through Drama-Based Instruction’, Journal for Learning Through the Arts, vol. 7, no. 1,
pp. 1-31.
· Dinham, J & Chalk 2017, It's arts play: young children belonging, being and
becoming through the arts, Oxford University Press, Australia & New Zealand .
· Egg shaker
· Hyde, M, Carpenter, L & Dole, S (eds) 2017. Diversity, inclusion and engagement,
(3rd Edition) Oxford University Press, Melbourne Vic.
· Hutts Aston, D & Long, S 2014, An Egg is Quiet, Chronicle Books LLC, San
Francisco, California.
· Murdoch, C 2015, The Power of Inquiry, Seastar Education, Melbourne, Australia.
· Paper
· Wright, S 2003, Children Meaning-Making and the Arts, Pearson Education
Australia, Frenchs Forest, NSW.
· Whiteboard
Student Resources: