1. The daily earning of a taxi driver during a week are: 7. The average monthly salary of a staff of 9 persons is
Rs.60, Rs.65, Rs.70, Rs.52, Rs.50, Rs.63, Rs.73 and Rs.2450. One member of the staff whose monthly
Rs.68. What is his average daily earning for the week? salary is Rs.2650 is transferred. Find the average
salary of the remaining 8 persons of the staff.
[a] Rs.74.50
[a] Rs.2425
[b] Rs.54.50
[b] Rs.2625
[c] Rs.64.50
[c] Rs.3025
[d] Rs.84.50
[d] Rs.2825
2. The average of 10 numbers is 7. What will be the new
average if each of the number is multiplied by 8? 8. The average of 17 numbers is 10.9. If the average of
first 9 numbers is 10.5 and that of the last nine
[a] 45
numbers is 11.4, the middle no is
[b] 52
[a] 11.8
[c] 56
[b] 11.4
[d] 55
[c] 10.9
3. There are 35 students in a hostel. If the number of
[d] 11.7
students increased by 7, the expenses of the mess
were increased by Rs.42 per day while the average 9. In a class of 20 students in an examination in
expenditure per head diminished by Rs.1. Find the Mathematics 2 students scored 100 marks each, 3 got
original expenditure of the mess. zero each and the average of rest was 40. What is the
average of the whole class?
[a] Rs.480
[a] 40 marks
[b] Rs.440
[b] 35 marks
[c] Rs.520
[c] 32 marks
[d] Rs.420
[d] 45 marks
4. A batsman in his 17th innings makes a score of 85, and
thereby increases his average by 3, what is his average 10. The average weight of 5 persons siting in a boat is
after the 17th innings? He had never been ‘not out’. 38 kg. If the average weight of the boat and the
persons siting in the boat is 52 kg, what is the weight
[a] 47
of the boat?
[b] 37
[a] 228 kg
[c] 39
[b] 122 kg
[d] 43
[c] 232 kg
5. Three years ago the average age of a family of 5
[d] 242 kg
members was 27 years. On the addition of a child to
the family, the present age of the family is still 27 11. An aeroplane travels distances 2500 Km, 1200 Km and
years. Find the present age of the child. 500 Km at the rate of 500 Km/hr, 400 Km /hr and 250
Km/hr respectively. The average is
[a] 16 years
[a] 420 Km/hr
[b] 12 years
[b] 410 Km/hr
[c] 24 years
[c] 405 Km/hr
[d] 20 years
[d] 575 Km/hr
6. The average temperature from Monday to Thursday is
480 and from Tuesday to Friday is 520. If the 12. The average of 50 numbers is 38. If two numbers 45
temperature from Monday to Friday is 420.What was it and 55 are discarded, the average of remaining set of
on Friday? numbers is
[a] 520 [a] 38.5
[b] 550 [b] 37.5
[c] 580 [c] 37.0
[d] 510 [d] 36.5
Answer Key
1 C
2 C
3 D
4 B
5 B
6 C
7 A
8 A
9 A
10 B
11 A
12 B
13 D
14 D
15 C