Which of The Following Statements Are Correct
Which of The Following Statements Are Correct
Which of The Following Statements Are Correct
A More than one chart of accounts can be created for each client
B The chart of accounts contains all the G/L accounts, vendor accounts and customer
C More than one company code can be allocated to the same chart of accounts
D The chart of accounts controls all the customising settings in the R/3 system
E All accounts within a chart of accounts must have the same tax code
What status reports does Cash Management and forecasting include?
A. Cash management position
B. Liquidity forecast
C. Credit limit report
D. G/L account balances
E. Bill holdings
Which of the following are clearing procedures in accounts receivable?
A. Incoming payment
B. Down payment request
C. Credit memo
D. Transfer posting
When creating an Overhead Cost Order, the first order information which must
be entered is:
A. Order status
B. Order type
C. Settlement type
D. Curreny
E. Classification code
When creating an Overhead Cost Order, the settlement rule must be entered in
the control data.
Which settlement receivers are available for internal orders?
A. Cost center
B. Orders
C. General ledger accounts
D. Asset
E. Vendor
In Controlling, a distinction is made between master data, planning, actual data
and the information system.
Which of the following master data belongs to Controlling?
A. G/L account
B. Work center
C. Cost center
D. Activity type
E. Supplier
Withing Overhead Cost Controlling activities are calculated. A Sender/Receiver
relationship exists. However, not all Sender/Receiver combinations are allowed.
Which of the following combinations make business sense?
A. Sender. Cost Center, Order, Project
Receiver. Cost Center, Order, Project
B. Sender. Order
Receiver. Cost Center, Project
C. Sender. Cost Center
Receiver. Cost Center, Order, Project, Cost Object
Period closing activities are also performed in Controlling. This is dependent on
certain prerequisites. Which of the following are MINIMUM criteria before it
makes sense to carry out period closing?
A. The posting period has been closed.
B. Materials have been withdrawn.
C. Personnel costs have been incurred.
D. Overhead has been incurred.
E. An order was closed.
What is APC?
APC stands for Acquisition and Production costs. Acquisition means any asset which
you may acquire/ purchase externally. It includes invoice price and other related exp.
Associated with it like customs, octroi, freight which you add and arrive at total cost
of acquisition for capitalisation of the asset.For ex Say a computer. The total cost
which you incurr for the acquisition of the computer including installation will be
your APC
Production cost means any asset which is created internally within the organisation.
This is normally created by means of AUC and you go on adding cost to the AUC as
and when you incurr exp. for the same.For ex. say addition to the office building.
Therefore APC incudes any external acquisition or internal construction of exp. which
needs to be capitalised.
In OADB under 01 deprn area Acquisition & prod Cost tick is activated.
*-- Marazban D. Dalal
Implementation exp.:
Brief about the project you did: w.r.t. the main activity of the client, How many plants
they had, What modules were implemented, Who were the implementers, What’s the
implementation team size, How many were in your module team, What’s your role in
the project with respect to the activities you partook in the project, The Enterprise
Structure with regard to the no. of Company Codes, any Business Areas or Profit
Centers defined, Cost Centers defined, What’s the period of the project, When did
they Go-Live?, Any issues you’d solved during ‘Support’ phase?
Questions on conceptual understanding:
a) SAP R/3 definition and 3-Tier Architecture
b) ‘Real time integration’ advantage of SAP
c) ASAP methodology
d) Solution Manager
e) Client / Company / Company Code / Business Area
f) Business Area vs Profit Center Approach
g) How effective will be the Financial Statements generated through Business
h) With Holding Taxes vs Extended WHT
i) Field Status Concepts (G/L master fields controlled through Account Group and
Document entry through Field Status Group set in the G/L master)
j) Special G/L transactions
k) Open item management
l) Reconciliation Accounts
m) Subsidiary Ledgers
n) Sort key
o) Negative Postings Allowed
p) Special periods
q) Only balances in local currency
r) Important Posting keys for G/L, A/R, A/P, AA, Stock Entries
s) Assessment vs Distribution
t) Org. Structure for FI
u) Org. Structure for CO
v) Product Costing: How the values flow in the system
a) Extended With Holding Taxes configuration steps – right from creation of WH
Tax Types, Codes to Annual Return
b) FI-MM Integration (OBYC configuration with particular reference to Off-
Setting entries)
c) FI-SD integration
d) Down Payments transactions
e) Interest – Balances / Arrears
f) Asset Accounting: Asset Class, Main Asset, Sub-Asset, Group Asset, Dep.
Areas, Dep. Key, Transaction No.s (100- External acquisition, 210 – Retirement with
Revenue, etc.), Imp. Transaction Codes.
General questions:
a) Educational Background
b) What influenced you to go in for SAP career?
c) Functional Career
d) Present earnings vs Expected pay
e) Inclination to relocate
2. How many Normal and Special periods will be there in fiscal year, why do u
use special periods?
Ans: 12 Normal posting period and 4 special periods are in the fiscal year which can
be used for posting tax and audit adjustments to a closed fiscal year.
8. What is chart of account and how many charts of accounts can be assigned to
a company?
Ans: Chart of account is a list of all G/L accounts used by one or several company
For each G/L account, the chart of accounts contains the account number, account
name, and the information that controls how an account functions and how a G/L
account is created in a Company code.
You have to assign a chart of accounts to each company code. This chart of accounts
is the Operating chart of accounts and is used for the daily postings in this company
You have the following options when using multiple company codes.
You can use the same chart of accounts for all company codes
If the company codes all have the same requirements for the chart of accounts set up,
assign all of the individual company codes to the same chart of accounts. This could
be the case if all company codes are in the same country.
In addition to the operating chart of accounts, you can use two additional charts of
accounts If the individual company codes need different charts of accounts, you can
assign up to two charts of accounts in addition to the operating chart of accounts. This
could be the case if company codes lie in multiple countries.
The use of different charts of accounts has no effect on the balance sheet and profit
and loss statement. When creating the balance sheet or the profit and loss statement,
you can choose whether to balance the co! mpany codes which use different charts of
accounts together or separately.
12) What is reconciliation account; can you directly enter documents in that a/c?
Ans: When you p! ost items to a subsidiary ledger, the system automatically posts the
same data to the general ledger. Each subsidiary ledger has one or more reconciliation
accounts in the general ledger.
We can’t use reconciliation account for direct postings.
13) How do you control field status of GL master records and from where do you
Ans: Field status variant is maintained all FSGs.
15) What does Field status group assigned to a GL master record controls?
Ans: It controls the account assignments that are made to the account. Specifically the
field status group controls whether postings to cost centers, internal orders,
profitability segments and so on are required, not allowed (suppressed), or optional.
16) What is Country and operational chart of account? Why do you use group
chart of account?
Ans: Operational chart of account – Day to day activities It is mandatory.
Country COA – It’s used for legal specific requirement of each country. It’s additional
and optional.
Group COA used for consolidation of Company codes. This is for group consolidation
18) What is open line item management? What do you mean by clearing open
line items?
Ans: Open item management is further reconciliation function. OIM allows you to
display the open and cleared items and amounts in an account. OIM should be used if
an offsetting entry is made for every line item posted in the account. The a/c is
reconciled and cleared against another account. Ex. Salary clearing account and
GR/IR Clearing account.
1. Where to assign activity type in cost centers? OR how to link cost centers &
activity types?
>> There is no direct assignment. You plan the output for a cost center first in kp26.
Then you've to plan the value of that cost center which you budget for a period in
kp06. Planned Activity expenditure / Planned Actvty qty gives yoa planned act rate
which you can use to valuate your activity confirmations in mfg ordrs. You can also
define your own prices,but you have to run the price revaluation if you want to
revaluate your actual activity prices.
2. For stat. key figure what is the significance of sender & receiver cost elements
& cost centers?
>> Stat key fig are not real account assignments. In simple traditionl terms it is the
base to allocate or define praportions with which the cost is allocated. SKFs are used
to calculate the debit on a receiver object. These values can be used for assessing
common costs which are used by all the other cost centers.
1. Does any one know what is Software life cycle, it was a question asked in an
Ans: it is nothing but Road Map - five phases like, Project Preparation, Blue print,
Realisation, Final preparation and Go-live support.
Ans: Account currency is that the GL account in which currency do you want to
maintain. if you decided that you want maintain in company code currency, you can
post any currency in that account.
If not, you want to maintain separate currency for that GL then exchange rate
difference will come because the conversion rate.
Balance in local currency - some GL account can't be maintain on open item basis and
can't in foreign currency like clearing account and discount account etc., in such case
you can assign this indicator to show the balance in local currency.
Q. In movement type(MM), what is value & quantity string I know it updates values
and quantities in GL with mix of valuvation class, transaction key modifier and GL
A/c. But how does it work when doing a mvt type?
Ans: Basically, the system does not know which GL has to be updated with what.
here, we are giving a direction to the system to update the data.
What you said is correct, the system will update the value and qty in the material
master. You would have seen some more fields also, like Movement indicator,
consumption, value string and transaction event key etc.,
While creating a PO, the system will take the Movement type as a base, with MT, it
will identify the MI(movement indicator - used to define whether it is goods
movement for production order, purchase order, delivery note etc), and it will identify
the consumption,( like it is assets, or consumption or sales order) and it will identify
the value string ( it is must to assigned to movement type, through allocation of value
string to movement type, system will automatically identify the GL ) and it will post
the entry (dr/cr)in the GL based on the transaction and event key figure which is used
to determine the debit and credit entry of a GL
Ans: There is no document that is created in FI side during PO. But in controlling
there can be a commitment posting to a Cost Center. The offsetting entry is posted at
the time of GR.
2.What factors differentiates from one dunning level and other dunning level
Ans: The most important thing that differentiates the dunning levels are the dunning
texts. The dunning text defines the urgency of the dunning notice. The other things
can be the dunning charges, minimum & maximum amounts etc.
There will be many banks in a house bank. If the payment should be maid from
particular bank GL account. Where it is configured.
Ans: There can be several accounts in the same house bank. We should assign the GL
accounts exclusively at the time of creating the Bank master data and the bank
accounts. Accordingly we can do the bank determination in FBZP for the individual
banks and the corresponding sub accounts.
Ans: The Typical SAP landscape looks something like figure 1.4 below:
i. Movement types:
Classification key indicating the type of material movement (for example, goods
receipt, goods issue, physical stock transfer).
The movement type enables the system to find predefined posting rules determining
how the accounts of the financial accounting system (stock and consumption
accounts) are to be posted and how the stock fields in the material master record are to
be updated.
Along with other factors, the valuation class determines the G/L accounts that are
updated as a result of a valuation-relevant transaction or event, such as a goods
- Post the stock values of materials of the same material type to different G/L
- Post the stock values of materials of different material types to the same G/L
Key allowing the user to differentiate between the various transactions and events
(such as physical inventory transactions and goods movements) that occur within the
field of inventory management.
The transaction/event type controls the filing/storage of documents and the
assignment of document numbers.
Groups together materials with the same basic attributes, for example, raw materials,
semifinished products, or finished products.
When creating a material master record, you must assign the material to a material
type. The material type you choose determines:
Together with the plant, the material type determines the material's inventory
management requirement, that is:
Tr Code: FBZP
Recurring Entries:
A periodically recurring posting made by the recurring entry program on the basis of
recurring entry original documents.
The procedure is comparable with a standing order by which banks are authorized to
debit rent payments, payment contributions or loan repayments.
Sample Documents:
Special type of reference document. Data from this document is used to create default
entries on the accounting document entry screen.
What are the frequently asked questions on SAP FICO Interview Questions?
A. It is the top level financial structure, contains the GL Accounts we define the all
the accounts and one chart of accounts assign to company code and one chart of
accounts will assign to many company codes . It is list of Gl accounts and it contains
account no , account name, language, length, cost element, blocking information that
controls the how an account functions and how a gl account created in company code .
COA Key.
A. IT determines the which fields you need to configure on the GL master record. It is
necessary to have at least 2, one for B/S and another one for P&L accounts. It controls
the number ranges of GL. The Status fields of the master record of GL Belong to
company code area.
5. while defining chart of account, there is field " manual creaation of cost
element" and "automatic creation of cost element". what is it?
A. Generally when ever we are creating cost elements we can create some of
exependitures manually some automatically so we can create manually cost elements
in defining chart of accounts.
6. After creating a customer/vendor, how can we check that under which account
group we have configured this customer/vendor?
A. We can check through customer group and vendor group it was created by ours
when we are creating vendor and customer groups.
7. How the system will know that april is your first posting period?
A. Yes the system will find out april was first posting period. While configuring fiscal
year we giving april to 1 may to 2, june to 3, like this system will identify april was
the first posting period.
8. Define the term "fiscal year" , "posting period varient" & " field status
A. FSGV controls the additional account assignments and other fields that can be
posted at the line item level for GL a/c. FSGV can be control at three level i.e.,
1) In OBC4 (ch of a/c’s) - which controls the screen for a particular GL a/c group,
2) Posting Keys - which controls the screen for a particular posting key transaction is
taken, &
3) Accounting Groups - which controls the screen for a particular account group i.e.,
customer group or vendor group.
A. Posting period variant which controls posting periods, both normal and special
periods are open for each company code. The posting period is independent of fiscal
year variant.
A. Fiscal year is controls the which type year we are following like calendar year,
year dependent year,.
The Baseline date is used to calculate the due date by taking into account the payment
terms. On the APP, the baseline date helps to pick the relevant invoices for payment.
During the APP run when invoices are pulled into the run, the system checks the
‘Next Payment Date’ before picking the invoices to be paid.
The GR/IR – the goods receipt/Invoice Receipt account is used to post to whenever
goods that are not yet invoiced have been received or when invoices arrive b4 the the
delivery of goods.
During the time between the invoice being created and delivery of goods, there can be
a timing difference, in order to accommodate this timing difference, a GR/IR account
is maintained temporarily to record the flow .
6. Can we assign one Controlling area to two different Company Codes (but the
company codes having different
fiscal years/different currencies
Company code should have same financial year, may have different currencies.
You can assign 2 or more company codes to one controlling area as long as the chart
of accounts are same. Furthermore, if you have different fiscal year variant in the
company code, then make sure that the number of period remain the same.
7. While posting transaction, can we give cost centre / production order at time.
Yes it is posiiable , but in such situation cost centre will be real and production order
is stastical.
If you assign both cost center and Prd Order then since Prod. Order are real co object,
Cost center entry would be statistical.
The question is not very clear. If you are talking about CO Master data. Then Cost
center need to be uploaded. You can use Data Transfer Workbench or write abap for
9. Can we run Payment Programe giving ( Hdfc vendor detailes ) City bank in
Payment run programe?
Yes can be possible , this can resolved through ranking order and bank optimization in
You use use further selection in proposal paramater, if you would like to filter the
open item based on the city
Field status.
11. After entering a document can you delete the entry? Can you change the
Which fields’ can/not is changed?
Document header cannont be changed, after posting the document you cannot
change. only if you want to change the document the reseversal entry.
The transaction other than A/P and A/R is called the special g/l transaction for ex:
Bills of exchange, Interest payable , aqusition
14. What is base line date? Why is that used? Can this be changed?
15. How many statistical objects can be selected in when you post an FI
Where CCtr, PCtr, OM are active?