Load Management System

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Objective: Load sharing in Thermal Power plants and Benefits.

Abstract: Load sharing in power plant is used to optimise the uses of resources available,
utilise particular source of energy in a better way by controlling / load sharing
amongst all connected machines to Load sharing system.

It increases the overall power capacity of the system.

Basic Principle: Generators are operated in parallel by following basic rules

The conditions to be satisfied are

1. The phase sequence of the incoming machine voltage and the bus bar voltage
should be identical.

2. The RMS line voltage (terminal voltage) of the bus bar or already running
machine and the incoming machine should be the same.

3. The phase angle of the two systems should be equal.

4. The frequency of the two terminal voltages (incoming machine and the bus bar)
should be nearly the same. Large power transients will occur when frequencies
are not nearly equal.

Departure from the above conditions will result in the formation of power surges
and current. It also results in unwanted electro-mechanical oscillation of rotor which
leads to the damage of equipment.

Once the Generators are connected in parallel and operating load sharing principle
comes in picture

A typical scheme is shown in the fig. below-

System comes with following for load control and syn.

A. One MSLC is required for each Grid Breaker.

B. One DSLC is required for each Generator Breaker.
C. Toolkit software and

The Woodward DSLC-2™ control is a microprocessor-based synchronizer and load

control designed for use on three-phase AC generators. The DSLC-2™ control combines
synchronizer, load sensor, load control, dead bus closing system, VAR, power factor
and process control, all integrated into one powerful package. Applications allow up to
32 generators to be precisely paralleled and controlled. A dedicated Ethernet system
provides seamless communications between DSLC-2™ and MSLC-2™ units. A second
Ethernet port is provided for customer remote control and monitoring capability using
Modbus TCP allowing easy DCS and PLC interfacing. Modbus RTU is available through a
separate RS-485 port. Slip frequency or phase matching automatic synchronizing with
or without dead bus closing is selectable.The DSLC-2™ control senses true RMS power
and provides soft bump-less loading and unloading functions. It can either base load or
set import/export/process power levels against the utility, or accurately share loads on
isolated, multiple generator systems.

VAR and power factor control flexibility allows you to either provide a set level of VARs
to the utility or to maintain a constant power factor for reliable operation. The VAR/PF
control also shares kVARs in an isolated systems, maintaining proportional reactive loads
(kVARs) on all machines more accurately than droop or cross-current voltage systems.

The Woodward MSLC-2™ is a microprocessor based load control designed for three
phase electric power generation sites equipped with Woodward DSLC-2™ Digital
Synchronizer and Load Controls. The original MSLC™ has been blended with another
decade of application experiences to develop the new MSLC-2™. The MSLC-2™ is a
synchronizer, a utility load sensor, an import/export load level control, a power factor
control, and a master process control. Applications include power systems which operate
in parallel with the utility with single or multiple utility feeds as well as new capabilities for
multiple segment and intertie breaker control.
For utility parallel systems, the MSLC-2™ provides either phase matching or slip
frequency automatic synchronizing of the local plant bus to the main power grid through
one or several main breakers.

The MSLC-2™ load sensor and load control sense true RMS power and provide
bumpless loading and unloading against the power grid. Plant voltage is matched to the
utility prior to paralleling. Operating modes can either be base load or
import/export/process power levels against the utility. Power factor or VAR levels are
precisely controlled. The MSLC-2™ communicates via Ethernet to control real and
reactive loading against the utility by DSLC- 2™ equipped generators. 32 generators
equipped with DSLC-2’s™ can be paralleled to the utility with up to eight individual bus
segments. Intertie breakers are controlled, and synchronized through individual MSLC-
2’s™ actively communicating with the individual DSLC-2’s™ and the other MSLC-2’s™
on the system.

For isolated multiple generator systems, the MSLC-2™ can be used to operate tie
breakers between groups of generators using the DSLC-2™ controls.


Advantage # 1. Reduced Plant Reserved Capacity:

Every power station is required to have a standby unit for emergencies. By interconnecting
the large generating stations, the amount of reserve plant capacity in the system, as a
whole, is reduced; the load factor and efficiency of operation are improved.

Advantage # 2. Increased Reliability of Supply:

The reliability of supply is increased since in case of fault at one station, the power can be
from other stations.

Advantage # 3. Increased Effective Capacity of Power System:

The load curves of different interconnected stations are likely to differ. The result is that the
maximum demand on the system is much reduced as compared to the sum of individual
maximum demands on various power stations. In other words, the diversity factor of the
whole system is improved, thereby increasing the effective capacity of the whole system.

Advantage # 4. Economical Operation:

Interconnection between hydroelectric power station and thermal power station makes
their operation economical. When water is available in sufficient quantity such as in rainy
season, the hydroelectric power station is employed as a base load station and thermal
power station is employed as peak load station because the running cost of hydroelectric
plant is low. When water is not available in sufficient quantity, such as in summer season,
the thermal power station takes base load and hydroelectric power station takes peak load.

Economy is also obtained by sharing the total demand among the interconnected power
stations in such a way that the more efficient power stations run continuously throughout
the year at high load factor and less efficient plants operate for peak load hours.

Advantage # 5. Use of Older Plants:

The interconnected system makes it possible to employ the older and less efficient plants to
carry peak loads of short durations. Although such plants may be inadequate when used
alone, yet they have sufficient capacity to carry short peaks of loads when interconnected
with other modern power plants. Thus, interconnected system makes use of obsolete plants

Advantage # 6. Exchange of Peak Loads:

An important benefit of interconnected system is that the peak load of the power stations
can be exchanged. If load curve of a power station indicates a peak demand exceeding the
rated capacity of the power station, then the excess load can be shared by other power
stations interconnected to it.

Advantage # 7. Reduced Capital Costs:

With interconnected stations, generators of larger sizes can be employed resulting in
reduced capital cost per kW. In interconnected grid system large generators can be used so
that in case of failure of any one, power could be supplied from other stations.

Advantage # 8. Savings in Operating Costs:

In an interconnected system, it would be possible to allocate the total system load to the
various individual power stations in the most economic manner and the load dispatching will
be fully co-ordinated resulting in large savings in operating costs.

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