District Scilympics 2019: MEGA-QUIZ (Grade IV-VI)
District Scilympics 2019: MEGA-QUIZ (Grade IV-VI)
District Scilympics 2019: MEGA-QUIZ (Grade IV-VI)
1. The Mega Quiz is open to all bonafide elementary (Grade 4-6) learners in the District
of Kalibo I
2. This is an individual contest which aims to enhance development of critical science
thinking skills. A separate contest will be conducted for every grade level.
Category Grade Level Number of Participants
Grade 4 3 per school / 5 KPES
Individual Grade 5 3 per school / 5 KPES
Grade 6 3 per school / KPES
The winners (Top 5 from each grade level will qualify to the Division Science
Congress / Camp 2019 to include Group or Team Category in the Division Level.
3. The competition will be done publicly.
4. The coverage of the quiz is based on the DepEd learning competencies from 1st to
2nd Grading Period, and Least Learned Skills plus Science Updates.
5. There will be four (4) categories/rounds to be observed in conducting this
Easy Round (5 questions with 1 point per correct answer);
Average Round (5 questions with 2 points per correct answer);
Difficult Round (5questions with 3 points per correct answer);
Clincher Round (5 points for every correct answer). This round will only be
done in case there is a tie after the scores are summed up in the three
Points assigned for each question: Easy – 1 point; Average – 2 points; Difficult – 3
points, and Clincher – 5 points
6. The contestants who will be 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th placers in all individual
competitions will represent the District in the Division Science Congress. The
winners will receive a medal and certificate.
District Scilympics 2019
Theme: “ Critical Thinking and Creativity for Sustainable Development”
Nalook Elementary School
October 28 – 29, 2019
Four members per team composed of
One (1) Grade 3 pupil
Team One (1) Grade 4 pupil
One (1) Grade 5 pupil
One (1) Grade 6 pupil
2. The contest gives opportunities for the participants to design something out of the given materials
and justify the created products afterwards.
3. The competition will be done publicly to allow other participants to observe.
4. There will be one (1) one activity to be performed collaboratively by the members of each team.
5. The teams are given 1 hour to perform the activity.
6. Each team will be given 10 minutes to explain their work in front of the judges.
7. After the activity, the scores will be added and ranked.
8. This activity will determine Ranks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
9. The following rubrics will be considered in giving points to the created products.
Standard Excellent (4.0 to 5.0) Good (3.0 t 3.9) Fair (1.0 to 2.9)
Suitability of the The created product The created product The created product
designed the is well-designed and is generally suited to does not answer the
designed product suited to the the objective of the objective and needs a
objective/s of the activity but needs lot of improvement.
activity. improvement for
better design.
Correctness of The justification done The justification done There are several
justification is free from errors. is almost free from errors in the
The information given errors. The justification. The
is precise and information given is information given is
accurate. appropriate but needs unclear.
more elaboration.
10. Only the First / Champion of every Team will represent the district in the Division Science
Congress / Camp.
District Scilympics 2019
Theme: “ Critical Thinking and Creativity for Sustainable Development”
Nalook Elementary School
October 28 – 29, 2019
TERRA-AQUARIUM MAKING - There should be three (3) contestants per school but
they will work individually. The contestant shall provide the two empty 6000 mL
mineral water container of the same brand and other materials. All materials must be
brought by the contestants. Models which did not follow the correct concept will be
disqualified. The model must show the link between the land and water. It must reveal
the interdependence between the terra and the aquatic life. Non-compliance to the
concept may result to the disqualification of the entry. The criteria for judging the
outputs are as follows:
Artistry/Creativity - 40%,
Craftsmanship/Sustainability -20%,
Harmony/Compliance to Science concept -20%,
Overall Impact -20%
District Scilympics 2019
Theme: “ Critical Thinking and Creativity for Sustainable Development”
Nalook Elementary School
October 28 – 29, 2019
Siyensayawit - Only 1 team per school is allowed to compete coming from Grades 3
to 6. There must be 10-15 members per group / team. The participating group may be
all-boys, all-girls, or mixed. Performance must not exceed five (5) minutes including
entrance and exit. Performer can use more than one music, lyrics of the song must
be original, written in English, Filipino or Akeanon. Performance must depict science
concepts, science – related activities. Vulgar or very revealing outfits must not be
used. Music piece must be in audio-CD form and must be submitted to the contest
committee before the contest. The criteria for judging are as follows:
Choreography (music interpretation and style, originality of choreography) – 20 %
Lyrics of the song/message of the song – 15 %
Body lines (timing and rhythm, connection / coordination – 20 %
Performance (full presentation, technique, costume, stage presence – 35%
Audience impact – 10 %
District Scilympics 2019
Theme: “ Critical Thinking and Creativity for Sustainable Development”
Nalook Elementary School
October 28 – 29, 2019
Science Rap – One (1) team per school is allowed to compete coming from grades 3
to 6. Two students are allowed per team. One will perform the beat box and the other
one on vocals. Content of the piece must strictly be about issues related to the
environment (global warming, calamities, industrialization, pollution, etc.)
A rap is basically poetry that is said to a beat. However, Rap doesn’t always
rhyme and neither does poetry. Students are evaluated on the following elements of
a rap: Strong delivery (enthusiasm, eye contact, pace, volume, pitch, expression and
tone ). Persuasive elements (establishing facts, convincing arguments, focused
introduction and conclusion) Rap / Musical Elements (Beat, rhythm, flow, dynamic)
and the Content (Who, What, When, Where, Why).
Three copies of the lyrics must be submitted to the contest facilitators before the
contest will start.
Criteria for judging is as follows:
Stage presence (charisma,character,personality) – 30 %
Delivery (right conviction, timing, clarity of the message, diction) – 30 %
Relevance to the theme (environmental awareness) – 15 %
Crowd Control (knowing how to draw big reactions from the audience) – 15 %
Wit (confidence, audience appeal, over-all appearance) – 10%
District Scilympics 2019
Theme: “ Critical Thinking and Creativity for Sustainable Development”
Nalook Elementary School
October 28 – 29, 2019
RECYCLING SHOWCASE – One (1) group per school (is allowed to compete coming
from Grades 3 to 6). Each group is composed of eight (8) members. Two will make a
product out of tin cans or soda cans; another two students will make a product out of
used tarpaulins ; another two will create a product out of used glass bottles and
another two will make a product out of used foils ( milk foil, junk food foil, other used
foils. The main materials to be used in this contest are categorized to:
They will be given two hours to finish their products. After two hours, they
have to display their products for judging and inspection. Each product category will
be judged differently. Hence, one school may win in one category and another
school in the other three categories. Strictly no commercial spray paints are allowed.
Participants must maximize the use of their materials.
POSTER MAKING CONTEST – Only three (3) contestant per school is allowed to
compete coming from grades 3 to 6. The board of judges will convene to decide on
what subject to follow. The medium should be pencil, crayons, markers, pens, ink,
craypas, acrylic paints, pastel, oil paints, poster color, water color, colored pencils.
The required base is ½ size illustration board. All artworks must be created on the
spot and completed within the allotted time of two hours. The criteria for judging are
as follows:
Originality of Idea– 25%
a. Title and content must be relevant to the theme. It will evolve on science issues
and topics.
d. Criteria:
over-all impact (poem enables reader to see, feel, or think about the theme or topic