CPI Indonesia

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End of Prepared Transportatio

CPI Foods Housing Clothing Health Education
Period Food n

2019 (2012 = 100)

January 135.83 148.57 144.56 131.41 122.75 129.39 125.95 133.56

February 135.72 146.92 145.01 131.74 123.08 129.85 126.09 133.63

March 135.87 146.90 145.32 131.88 123.36 130.16 126.16 133.76

April 136.47 149.03 145.60 132.04 123.54 130.48 126.20 134.13

May 137.40 152.04 146.41 132.12 124.09 130.72 126.24 134.85

June 138.16 154.52 147.27 132.34 125.10 130.97 126.33 134.66

July 138.59 155.75 147.63 132.52 125.97 131.21 127.49 134.18

August 138.75 155.45 148.01 132.82 127.08 131.99 129.03 133.44

* Since January 2014, CPI has been based on a consumption pattern obtained from 2012 Cost of Living
Survey in 82 cities (2012=100)

Last update : 2/9/2019

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