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How To Apply - CEG & SEG

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How to apply: Application forms G.F. 340 (Rev.

3/2013) are obtainable from any Home Affairs Enquiry

Centre of District Offices of the Home Affairs Department or any Job Centres of the
Employment Services Division of the Labour Department. The form can also be downloaded
from the Civil Service Bureau's website (http://www.csb.gov.hk).
The completed form should reach Appointment and Establishment Section, Civil Engineering
and Development Department, 14/F, Civil Engineering and Development Building, 101
Princess Margaret Rd, Homantin, Kowloon not later than 18 October 2019.
The email address and fax number of the applicant, if available, should be provided on the
application form. Each application should be accompanied by :
(a) a supplementary letter giving a brief account of past relevant training/experience and
course projects;
(b) a copy of certificates of the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE)
and the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) ;or Hong Kong Diploma of
Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination;
(c) a copy of any certificates of public English language examinations (e.g. Test of English as
a Foreign Language (TOEFL), International English Language Testing System (IELTS),
General Certificate of Education (GCE), General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE),
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Common Recruitment Examination,
etc.) showing the results achieved in English language in such examinations. Applicants will
have to make a declaration on the public English language examinations taken by them, if so
required by the Recruiting Department;
(d) a copy each of all official transcripts showing the results of all examinations taken at
Hong Kong universities or other examinations leading to the award of a qualification
recognised by the HKIE; and
(e) a copy of the degree certificate if acquired.
On-line application can also be made available through the Civil Service Bureau’s website
(http://www.csb.gov.hk). Applicants who apply online could submit, not later than 25 October
2019, the supporting documents mentioned in (a), (b), (c) , (d) and (e) above either by:-
(1) mail to the enquiry address with the online application number quoted on the envelope
and every page of the supporting documents; OR
(2) email to the enquiry email address with one single file in PDF format with online
application number quoted. The file must be less than 15 pages and of size not greater than
2 Megabytes.
Applications which are incomplete or late or do not comply with the above requirements will
not be considered.
Please note that all underpaid or unpaid mail items will not be delivered to Civil Engineering
and Development Department and will be returned to the sender (if a return address is
provided) or disposed of in accordance with laid down procedures of the Hongkong Post.
It is therefore important that you affix sufficient postage to mail items to avoid any possible
non-delivery. Applicants wishing to submit their supplementary documents on-line are
advised to avoid network congestion near the deadline.
申請手續: 申請表格 [G.F.340 ( 3/2013 修訂版)] 可於民政事務總署各區民政事務處民政諮詢中心
申請人須於 2019 年 10 月 18 日或之前,把填妥的表格送抵九龍何文田公主道 101 號土
木工程拓展署大樓 14 樓招聘及編制組收。申請人如有電郵地址或傳真號碼,須一併填
(a) 一封補充函件,簡述過往相關的訓練∕經驗,以及在修業期間的課程習作;
(b) 香港中學會考(HKCEE)及香港高級程度會考(HKALE)證書副本,或香港中學文憑
(c) 任何英文公開考試證書副本(如 Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL),
International English Language Testing System (IELTS), General Certificate of Education
(GCE), General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), 香港特區政府綜合招聘考試
(d) 所有大學考試或其他香港工程師學會認可學歷所需的所有考試的正式成績表副本;
(e) 學位證書副本(若已取得學位)。
申請人必須於 2019 年 10 月 25 日或之前,透過以下其中一個方法,遞交上述(a), (b),
(c), (d)及(e)提及的文件﹕-
(1) 郵寄到查詢地址及在信封及文件每頁註明網上申請編號;或者
(2) 以 PDF 格式的單一電子文件,並註明網上申請編號,發送至查詢電郵地址。該電
子文件不可超過 15 頁,且文件大小不可超過 2 百萬位元組。

申請手續 申请表格 [G.F.340 ( 3/2013 修订版)] 可于民政事务总署各区民政事务处民政咨询中心
[簡體中文]: 或劳工处就业科各就业中心索取,该表格亦可从公务员事务局互联网站
申请人须于 2019 年 10 月 18 日或之前,把填妥的表格送抵九龙何文田公主道 101 号土
木工程拓展署大楼 14 楼招聘及编制组收。申请人如有电邮地址或传真号码,须一并填
(a) 一封补充函件,简述过往相关的训练∕经验,以及在修业期间的课程习作;
(b) 香港中学会考(HKCEE)及香港高级程度会考(HKALE)证书副本,或香港中学文凭
(c) 任何英文公开考试证书副本(如 Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL),
International English Language Testing System (IELTS), General Certificate of Education
(GCE), General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), 香港特区政府综合招聘考试
(d) 所有大学考试或其他香港工程师学会认可学历所需的所有考试的正式成绩表副本;
(e) 学位证书副本(若已取得学位)。
申请人必须于 2019 年 10 月 25 日或之前,透过以下其中一个方法,递交上述(a), (b),
(c), (d)及(e)提及的文件﹕-
(1) 邮寄到查询地址及在信封及文件每页注明网上申请编号;或者
(2) 以 PDF 格式的单一电子文件,并注明网上申请编号,发送至查询电邮地址。该电
子文件不可超过 15 页,且文件大小不可超过 2 百万位元组。

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