SW Final Rubric 4
SW Final Rubric 4
SW Final Rubric 4
Scoring Criteria
2D/3D/Drawing Art and Design Skills (2.D)
Materials, Processes, and Ideas (2.C)
Writing (3.C)
The body of work demonstrates:
Visual evidence of advanced 2D/3D/Drawing skills
Relationships among materials, processes, AND ideas demonstrate synthesis
Written evidence identifies materials, processes, and ideas
AND Written ideas are visually evident.
Visual evidence of good 2D/3D/Drawing skills
Relationships among materials, processes, and ideas are clearly visually evident
Written evidence identifies materials, processes, and ideas
Written ideas are visually evident.
Visual evidence of moderate 2D/3D/Drawing skills
Relationships among materials, processes, and ideas are visually evident but may be unclear
Written evidence identifies materials, processes, and ideas
Written ideas are visually evident.
Visual evidence of rudimentary 2D/3D/Drawing skills
Little to no visual evidence of relationships among materials, processes, or ideas
Written evidence identifies materials, processes, and ideas; however, written ideas are
not visually evident.
Little or no visual evidence of 2D/3D/Drawing skills
Little to no visual evidence of relationships among materials, processes, or ideas
Writing is not related to work
No writing
Decision Rule:
If there is no writing submitted to accompany Selected Works section, the maximum possible score is 3.
AP 2D/3D/Drawing Art and Design: Selected Works Rubric
AP Art and Design Selected Works Rubric Terminology (in order of appearance in rubric)
Written Evidence: the written components that accompany the student’s works of art and design
Visual Evidence: the visual components that make up the student’s works of art and design
Skills: abilities
Rudimentary: emerging or undeveloped
Moderate: adequate
Good: proficient
Advanced: highly developed
2D skills: use of two dimensional elements and principles - point, line, shape, plane, layer, form, space, texture, color, value, opacity,
transparency, time; unity, variety, rhythm, movement, proportion, scale, balance, emphasis, contrast, repetition, figure/ground
relationship, connection, juxtaposition, hierarchy
3D skills: use of three dimensional elements and principles - point, line, shape, plane, layer, form, space, texture, color, value,
opacity, transparency, time; unity, variety, rhythm, movement, proportion, scale, balance, emphasis, contrast, repetition,
figure/ground relationship, connection, juxtaposition, hierarchy
Drawing skills: use of mark-making, line, surface, space, light and shade, composition
Materials: physical substances used to make works of art and design
Processes: physical and conceptual activities involved with making works of art and design
Ideas: concepts used to make works of art and design
Relationships: connections
Unclear: not easily observable, discernable, or legible
Identify: Indicate or provide information
Synthesis: coalescence/integration of materials, processes, AND ideas