The Recruitment and Selection Process of

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Executive Summary

The internship report on Recruitment and Selection Process: A Study of Uttara Bank Limited
(UBL) Green Road branch was conducted to analyze the recruitment and selection process of

In this study both primary and secondary sources data were used. Annual Report of UBL
2014 was the basis of secondary sources of data. For primary source, data were collected for
12 questions and questionnaire survey on 30 regular clients. The researcher used structured
questionnaire and each of the respondents has been interviewed through it.

The findings of the study revealed that recruitment and selection methods, the most
frequently used medium of employee selection, in the order of highly recognized method
includes newspaper advert, advertising of job vacancies, in house (internal recruitment),
labour office, employee referrals and lastly internet recruitment.

The study recommended that, UBL should think about the development of salary and benefit
programs, so that it will become more attractive for potential job applicants and also they
should follow an influence free and fair judgmental decision to recruit any new employees
and UBL can try the more internal recruitment.
The study concluded that, the organization should be more cautious on this issue to ensure the
quality and ethics.

List of Abbreviations

AGM Assistant General Manager

CIB Credit Information Bureau
CPC Central Processing Unit

CRAB Credit Rating Agency Of Bangladesh

DGM Deputy General Manager
DPS Deposit Pension Scheme
FDR Fixed Deposit Rate
GB General Banking

HRD Human Resource Department

IRR Internal Rate of Return
LC Letter Of Credit

LOD Loan Operation Department

MT Money Transfer

PO Payment Order
SAVP Senior Assistant Vice President
SME Small & Medium Enterprises
STL Short Term Loan
UBL Uttara Bank Limited
VAT Value Added Tax

Table of Contents

SL. No. Name of the topic Page


Acknowledgements i
Student’s declaration ii
Supervisor’s Certificate iii
Letter of Transmittal iv
Executive Summary v
List of Abbreviations vi

1.1 Introduction 01
1.2 Statement of the problem 02
1.3 Rationality of the study 02
1.4 Literature Review 02
1.5 Scope of the study 03
1.6 Objectives of the Study 03
1.7 Limitations of the Study 04
2.1 Methodology 05
2.1.1 Sources of data 05
2.2 Sample design 06
2.2.1 Selection of the study area 06
2.2.2 Total sample strength of the study 06
2.2.3 Data Collection & Instrumentation 07
2.2.4 Instruments Used in Analysis 07

3.1 Introduction 08
3.2 Vision 08
3.3 Mission 09
3.4 Uttara bank at a glance 09
3.5 Hierarchy of Management of Uttara bank Ltd 11
3.6 Organogram of UBL 12
3.7 Capital of Uttara bank Ltd 13
3.8 Corporate Information of UBL 13
3.9 Business Programs 14

4.1 Discussion about Recruitment 15

4.1.1 There are two types of Recruitment 16
4.1.2 Source of Recruitment 17
4.2 Discussion about Selection 17
4.3 Recruitment process of UBL 19
4.4 Selection process of UBL 21
5.1 Analysis of Data: 23-27
6.1 Recommendations 28
6.2 Conclusion 29
References 30
Appendix 31-33

List of Tables
Table No. Name of Table Page No
Table l: UBL Network 10
Table 2: Corporate information of UBL 12
Table 3: Interest Package of UBL 14
Table 4: Many years working experience at UBL 23
Table 5: Candidate specifications in the recruitment process 24
Table 6: Supported in the selection process 24
Table 7: Timeliness recruitment and selection process 25
Table 8: Adequate pool of applicants 25
Table 9: Interviewing process and other selection instruments 25
Table 10: Applicant pre-screening process 26
Table 11: Make the best hiring decisions 26
Table 12: Good candidates from non-traditional sources 26

Table 13: Performance in recruitment and selection 27

Table 14: Selection Policy of the employees 27
Table 15: Adequate pool of quality “protected class” applicant 27

List of Figures
Figure No. Name of Figure Page No
Figure1: Organogram of UBL 12

Chapter: I

1.1 Introduction
The necessity Recruitment and Selection practices activities cannot be ignored in any ways
because of its dependency in the banking sector. Recruitment and selection is a major human
resource management (HRM) function as it encompasses all organizational practices and
decisions. It has been argued that in order for an organization to build and sustain the
competitive advantage, proper staffing is critical. Recent technological advances,
globalization, social trades and changes within organizations have bought new challenges for
recruitment and selection.

Uttara Bank Limited (UBL) is one of the largest and oldest private commercial Bank of
Bangladesh. The Bank was formally known as the Eastern Banking Corporation Limited
which started journey on & from 28/ 1/1965. From that period of time, it has been expanding
its operation with years of experience to serve the clients as well as the country. Uttara Bank
Ltd (UBL) Limited had been a nationalized bank in the name of UBL under the Bangladesh
Bank (Nationalization) order 1972, formerly known as the Eastern banking. Corporation
Limited which was started functioning on and from 28.1.1965. Consequent upon the
amendment Of Bangladesh bank (Nationalization) order 1972, the UBL was converted into
UBL as a public limited company in the year 1983. The UBL was incorporated as a banking
company on 29.6.1983 and obtain business commencement certificate on 21.8.1983. The
bank floated its shares in the year 1984.

Uttara Bank Ltd (UBL) a various condition where employees are needed. Requisition can be
sent Newspaper or online to the HR and there is a internal requisition from that is use to
collect the information of requisition. Advertise can be publish on difference job site or it also
publish by UBL own web site and defiantly also on Newspaper.

Potential applicants are screened via telephone, in order to confirm their relevant skills,
experience and availability. Sometime Uttara bank use work sampling process, it’s a device
of selection process where the candidates have to perform a part of his or her job.

1.3 Rationality of the study

The study was conducted to evaluate the human resource department and Uttara bank Ltd
overall recruitment and selection process and practices. Due to the increased competition of
the increased number of commercial banks and the growing economy, the expectations of the
customers have also increased than ever before. Realizing the present condition, banks,
especially the commercial banks are trying to elevate their banking service as much as
reachable to their customers. I decided to find out the different human resource management
functioned practices regarding and selection process that is used inside the bank.

1.4 Literature Review

In this part the researcher tried to analyze the history and some the recent research on the
topic. Discussion on some previous thesis on recruitment and selection is summarized below.

 Braun S.A (1995) focuses on strategies to conduct effective interviews in this article
whis provides a particular step-by-step guide for conducting job interviews. This
paper is suitable for readers interested in tips on improving recruitment selection
 Montgomery, (1996) According to recruitment is on matching the capabilities and
inclinations of prospective candidates against the demands and rewards inherent in a
given job.
 Tailors, P (1998) outlines seven commonly held misconceptions about recruitment
and selection practices in his article. Areas discussed include the validity of various
recruitment and selection measures (e.g interviewing , reference checks),the
conditions necessary to maximize the effectiveness of this practices, and common
mistaken perceptions of the interview process. This article is most useful for readers
increased in workforce development theory and research.
 Jovanovic, (2004) recruitment is a process of attracting a pool of high quality
applicants so as to select the best among them. For this reason, top performing
companies devoted considerable resources and energy to creating high selection
systems. Recruitment and selection process are important practices for human
resource management, and are crucial in affecting organizational success.
 Professor Fiona Patterson, Dr Maura kerrin, and Geralding Gatto-Roissard (2007)
review the current appointments process for Consultant Recruitment in Scotland and

consider the findings in relation to best practice selection and recruitment practices.
They find out that the current appointments process for consultant recruitment in
Scotland is not working efficiently. They showed how selection and recruitment
methods could deliver benefits for both individuals and organigations.
 David M Williams (2008) addresses the problem of the identification of leadership
capabilities prior to the recruitment and selection of leaders through the development
of a conceptual model that links the intent of the leadership role with performance
outcomes and the context in which the leadership role resides.

1.5 Scope Of The Study

Uttara bank is one of the largest commercial bank in Bangladesh. Uttara bank operates
through 227 branches. It is linked with 600 foreign correspondents all over the world. The
scope of this report is limited to the descriptions of recruitment and selection practices of
Uttara Bank Ltd. I am working there as an intern so I have collected information from Uttara
Bank Limited at Green Road Branch and I have also collected information from emolyees.

1.6 Objectives of the Study

This report will be prepared taking under consideration of the broad objective and specific
objectives, this are as follows:
 To give an overview of UBL over recruitment and selection process.
 To assess the problems of recruitment and selection process of Uttara Bank Ltd.
 To suggest policy implications arising out of the study.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

Nothing is ahead of limitation. The major limitations of the study are as follows:

 Lack experience in preparing this sort of report.

 The sample population is limited in terms of its range and composition.
 Time limitation.
 Improper combination among various department of UBL.
 Insufficiency of necessary information and data.
 Lack of enough corporation due to high workload.

Chapter: II


2.1 Methodology

The study has been conducted on personal interview of the employees of Uttara Bank Ltd,
who are working Green Road Branch as well as questionnaire will be using to be collected
various information related with recruitment and selection process and observation method is
used in various sensitive issues to know the actual scenarios of recruitment and selection

2.1.1 Sources of Data

There are two sources of data. The sources are given below:

i. Secondary Data
This source of data contains all the information and that are already exists somewhere.
The secondary data are collected from annual report of UBL 2014, web site of the
bank and brochures of the bank.

ii. Primary Data

Consist of Information that is collected from survey. Primary data were collected
through questionnaire survey and face to face discussion with Human Resource
Department officers.

2.2 Sample Design:

2.2.1 Selection of the study area:

Uttara Bank Limited (UBL), Green Road Branch, Dhaka will be the study area of the
proposed research. The researcher objective was to analysis recruitment and selection process
of Uttara Bank Ltd. Since the research area of internship study was HRM. The researcher has
tried to get idea, observe and understand the recruitment and selection process of the UBL
and also tried to assess the problem of recruitment and selection process of the bank.

2.2.2 Total sample strength of the study:

In the proposed study employees that is thirty of UBL, Human Resource Department (Head
Office) and Green Road Branch will be considered as the total sample strength of the study.
The Population size n=30, the whole consensus has been taken. The distribution of the
sample size is given as under:

SL. No. Employees Rank/ Status Total Number

1 AGM 1
2 DGM 1
3 EO 3
4 PO 4
5 SO 7
6 Officer 9
7 Non officer 5
Total: 30

Distribution of Employees according to sex:

Age Composition Population (Employees)
Male 26
Female 04

2.2.3 Data Collection & Instrumentation
Primary data has been collected through personal interview of the selected respondents of the
employees of Uttara Bank Ltd. At the same time a questionnaire consisting the number of
questions related with recruitment and selection process was given to select respondents. The
instrument uses two & three point scale to rank the items. The ranges are as following
 Yes
 No


 Poor
 Adequate
 Excellent

The primary data has been collected through survey at Human Resource Department (Head
Office) and Green Road Branch of UBL. I have taken probably 4 weeks to complete the
survey. Primary Data collection process includes.
 Questionnaire survey

The secondary data are mainly collected from Annual report of Uttara bank Ltd. 2014 and
bank website, published journal; internet publication. Secondary data collection process
 Website of Uttara Bank Ltd
 Annual report of Uttara Bank Ltd 2014
 Organizational brochures

2.2.4 Instruments Used in Analysis

There are some tools which were used in analysis. Data analysis was done using descriptive
statistics consisting of percentage and tables. There are various figures and tables. Analysis
which are easier to understand. These instruments are used in the analysis with their sources.
Most of the cases will use tables and charts to present the condition in an easier way.
Statistical tools used are given below:
 Microsoft Word
 Microsoft Excel

Chapter: III

3.1 Introduction:

Uttara Bank Limited is one of the largest and oldest private commercial Bank of
Bangladesh. The Bank was formally known as the Eastern Banking Corporation Limited
which started journey on & from 28/ 1/1965. From that period of time, it has been expanding
its operation with years of experience to serve the clients as well as the country. Now with
227 branches it has created a strong network in Bangladesh. Besides, to create a strong
connection with the globe 600 affiliates are active to support the Bank. Uttara Bank Limited
had been a nationalized bank in the name of Uttara Bank under the Bangladesh Bank
(Nationalization) order 1972, formerly known as the Eastern banking. Corporation Limited
which was started functioning on and from 28.1.1965. Consequent upon the amendment Of
Bangladesh bank (Nationalization) order 1972, the Uttara Bank was converted into Uttara
Bank Limited as a public limited company in the year 1983. The Uttara Bank Limited was
incorporated as a banking company on 29.6.1983 and obtain business commencement
certificate on 21.8.1983. the bank floated its shares in the year 1984. It has 227 branches all
over Bangladesh through which it carries out all its banking activities. The bank is listed in
the Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited and Chittagong Exchange Limited as a publicly courted
company for trading of its shares.

3.2 Vision

To be the best private commercial bank in Bangladesh in terms of efficiency, capital

adequacy, asset quality, sound management and profitability having strong liquidity.

Uttara Bank will be a unique organization in Bangladesh. It will be a knowledge-based

organization where the Uttara Bank professionals will learn continuously from their
customers and colleagues worldwide to add value. They will work as a team, stretch

themselves, innovate and break barriers to serve customers and create customer loyalty
through a value chain of responsive and professional service delivery. Uttara Bank will be a
social responsible institution that will not lend to businesses that have a detrimental impact on
the environment and people. To be the best private commercial bank in Bangladesh in terms
of efficiency, capital adequacy, asset quality, sound management and profitability having
strong liquidity. Thus Uttara Bank will be one of the largest private-sector commercial bank
in Bangladesh.

3.3 Mission

The bank has chalked out following corporate objectives in order to ensure smooth
achievement of its goals:

 To be the most caring and customer friendly and service oriented banks.
 To create a technology based most efficient banking environment for its customers.
 Fulfill its social commitments.
 To provide high quality financial services in bank.
 To providing efficient customer service.
 To Maintaining corporate and business ethics.
 To have a Sound Capital base.
 To display team sprite and professionalism

3.4 Uttara bank at a glance:

 UBL is one of the largest private banks in Bangladesh.

 It operates through 227 fully On-line branches ensuring best possible and fastest
services to its valued clients.
 The bank has more than 600 foreign correspondents worldwide.
 Total number of employees nearly 3,562.
 The Board of Directors consists of 14 members.
 The bank is headed by the Managing Director who is the Chief Executive Officer.
 The Head Office is located at Bank’s own 18-storied building at Motijheel, the
commercial center of the capital, Dhaka.

UBL Networks
Corporate Offices ( Corporate Branch & Local Office ) 2

Regional Office 12

Worldwide Affiliates 600

Total Branches ( Including Corporate Branch & Local Office ) 227

Authorized Dealer Branches 39

Treasury & Dealing Room 1

Training Institute 1

Man Power 3562

Table 1: UBL Networks


Principal Activities

The principal activities of the bank are to provide all kinds of commercial banking services
its customers through its branches in Bangladesh and abroad.

Correspondent Banking

The focus of international Division with its expertise caters mainly to the banking needs
related to import and export affairs .The department establishes corresponded relationship
with the foreign banks in consultation with the respective senior management.

Arabian Exchange CO.W.L.L

Arabian Exchange CO.W.L.L of Doha at Qatar has been functioning under banks own
management .The Exchange Company was incorporated in Qatar on June 17, 1987 and
commenced its remittance business from the year 1987.

3.5 Hierarchy of Management of Uttara Bank Ltd:
















(Source: Annual Report 2014)

3.6 Organogram of UBL:

Figure 1: Organogram of UBL

3.7 Capital of Uttara Bank Limited

Uttara bank Limited (UBL) is one of the largest commercial Banks in Bangladesh, has an
authorized capital of taka 6000 million, paid up capital of taka 4000.8million and reserve of
taka 52,860.3 million. The bank has a total asset of taka 145,206.9 million.

3.8 Corporate Information of UBL

Date of Incorporation: June 29, 1983.

Date of Commencement: August 21 ,1983
Head Office: Uttara Bank Bhaban 47, Bir Uttom Shahid Ashfaq-
us-samad Road,Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

Known As: UBL

Type: Private
E-mail: [email protected]
Chairman: Azharul Islam
Managing Director: Mr. Shaikh Abdul Aziz
Authorized capital: tk.6000 million
Paid-up-Capital: 4000.8 million
Number of Branches: 227
Total Asset: 145,206.9 million
Table 2: Corporate Information of UBL

(Source: UBL Annual report 2014-15)

3.9 Business Programs

Interest packages on the Deposits is as Under

SI. No. Deposit Types RateJ%)
1. Savings Deposit 3.80

2. Fixed Deposit
3 to Above 6 Months 5.50
6 to Above 1 2 Months 5.50
1 To Above 2 Years 6.00
2 To 3 Years 6.50
3 Above To 5 Years 6.50

3. Special Notice Deposit 2.00

Table 3: Interest Packages of UBL

(Source: UBL Annual report 2014)

Chapter: IV
Recruitment & Selection process of UBL

4.1 Discussions about Recruitment:

Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting a qualified person for
a job. At the strategic level it may involve the development of an employer brand which
includes an ’employee offering’.

So by the definition The process of identifying and hiring the best-qualified candidate (from
within or outside of an organization) for a job vacancy, in a most timely and cost effective

The recruitment phase of the hiring process takes place when the company tries to reach a
pool of candidates through job postings on company and external websites, job referrals, help
wanted advertisements, college campus recruitment, social media recruiting, etc.

Job applicants who respond to the recruitment efforts of the company are then screened to
determine if they are qualified for the job.

Selected candidates are invited to interviews and other methods of assessment. Employers
may check the background of prospective employees, as well as check references prior to
making a job offer and hiring the top candidate for the position

The stages of the recruitment process include: job analysis and developing a person
specification; the sourcing of candidates by networking, advertising, or other search methods;
matching candidates to job requirements and screening individuals using testing (skills or
personality assessment); assessment of candidates’ motivations and their fit with
organizational requirements by interviewing and other assessment techniques. The
recruitment process also includes the making and finalizing of job offers and the induction
and on boarding of new employees.

Depending on the size and culture of the organization recruitment may be undertaken in-
house by managers, human resource generalists and / or recruitment specialists. Alternatively
parts of all of the process might be undertaken by either public sector employment agencies,
or commercial recruitment agencies, or specialist search consultancies.

(Source: Human resource manual of UBL)

4.1.1 There are two types of recruitment

 Internal recruitment
 External recruitment

Internal recruitment

1. Considerable savings can be made. Individuals with inside knowledge of how a

business operates will need shorter periods of training and time for ‘fitting in’.
2. The organization is unlikely to be greatly ‘disrupted’ by someone who is used to
working with others in the organization.
3. Internal promotion acts as an incentive to all staff to work harder within the
4. From the firm’s point of view, the strengths and weaknesses of an insider will have
been assessed. There is always a risk attached to employing an outsider who may only
be a success ‘on paper’.

External recruitment

External recruitment makes it possible to draw upon a wider range of talent, and provides the
opportunity to bring new experience and ideas in to the business. Disadvantages are that it is
more costly and the company may end up with someone who proves to be less effective in
practice than they did on paper and in the interview situation.

4.1.2 Sources of Recruitment:

Sources of internal recruitment

 Company’s own website.
 Placement consultants.
 Employee reference
 From internship student

Sources of external recruitment

 Advertisement in the newspapers.
 Campus Recruitment.
 Advertisement in the online.

4.2 Discussion about selection:

Employee Selection is the process of putting right men on right job. It is a procedure of
matching organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of people. Effective
selection can be done only when there is effective matching. By selecting best candidate for
the required job, the organization will get quality performance of employees. Moreover,
organization will face less of absenteeism and employee turnover problems. By selecting
right candidate for the required job, organization will also save time and money. Proper
screening of candidates takes place during selection procedure. All the potential candidates
who apply for the given job are tested.

But selection must be differentiated from recruitment, though these are two phases of
employment process. Recruitment is considered to be a positive process as it motivates more
of candidates to apply for the job. It creates a pool of applicants. It is just sourcing of data.
While selection is a negative process as the inappropriate candidates are rejected here.
Recruitment precedes selection in staffing process. Selection involves choosing the best
candidate with best abilities, skills and knowledge for the required job.

Selection in staffing is the part of the recruiting process that deals with choosing an employee
to hire from among a narrowed-down list of outstanding candidates. Selection can actually
occur several times throughout the recruiting process. Managers select which candidates to
contact based on their resumes, which candidates to bring in for an interview and finally
which applicants to hire for open positions. Understanding the different levels of selection
and what to look for at each level can help you to select the ideal job candidates for long-term

After interviews are conducted, hiring managers and human resources personnel meet and
select a candidate to offer the job to. The team carefully considers the candidates’
qualifications, assessments and interviews to determine whom to offer the job. If hiring
managers are not satisfied with any of the candidates, the recruiting process may start again.
In most cases, the hiring team has the ability to select a candidate and a job offer is made. If
the candidate declines the job offer, the recruiting process may start again.

Methods of selection

 The interview as a selection method: pros and cons

 Tests as a selection tool
 The selection interview

Selection in staffing is the part of the recruiting process that deals with choosing an employee
to hire from among a narrowed-down list of outstanding candidates. Selection can actually
occur several times throughout the recruiting process. Managers select which candidates to
contact based on their resumes, which candidates to bring in for an interview and finally
which applicants to hire for open positions. Understanding the different levels of selection
and what to look for at each level can help you to select the ideal job candidates for long-term

After interviews are conducted, hiring managers and human resources personnel meet and
select a candidate to offer the job to. The team carefully considers the candidates’
qualifications, assessments and interviews to determine whom to offer the job. If hiring
managers are not satisfied with any of the candidates, the recruiting process may start again.
In most cases, the hiring team has the ability to select a candidate and a job offer is made. If
the candidate declines the job offer, the recruiting process may start again.

4.3 Recruitment Process of UBL

Requisition receives approval

In a various condition where employees are needed. Requisition can be sent Newspaper or
online to the HR and there is an internal requisition from that is use to collect the information
of requisition.


Advertise can be publish on difference job site or it also publish by UBL own web site and
defiantly also on Newspaper.

CV sorting

UBL have a link linked with some other jobsite like BDJOBs portal. In this process there is a
comparative statement from and it is the sort from of candidates CV to check with the job
recruitments. After complete this stage it should check with curriculum vita whether it is right
or wrong, if it is not matched with original CV the corrections should write on that
comparative statement.

Call for interview

After CV sorting the sort listed candidates are called for interview.

Employment Interviews

It is a one to one interaction between the interviewer and the potential candidate. It is used to
find whether the candidate is best suited for the required job or not. But such interviews
consume time and money both. Moreover the competencies of the candidate cannot be
judged. Such interviews may be biased at times. Such interviews should be conducted
properly. No distractions should be there in room. There should be an honest communication
between candidate and interviewer.

Written exam and result

Various written tests conducted during selection procedure are aptitude test, intelligence test,
reasoning test, personality test, etc. These tests are used to objectively assess the potential.
After interview the selected candidates are prepear for the written test and at the written test
examination exam question are provided by the HR department of UBL and there is question
pattern. So after perform the written test the qualified candidates are selected by the HR
manager of the Uttara bank. The question papers are checked by the HR manager. Out of fifty
who gets upper thirty but some time it would be consider by twenty-five are the candidates
who are passed. So after that here would be a listed name for final selection.


The candidates who are passed in the written exam are called for the final selection at viva

Approval the selected CV

The candidates who are passed at written and viva test are finally selected as a final employee
of the Bank.

Document Checking and Giving Appointment Letter

After the final selection The bank check the original document of the employee’s education
qualification certificates, professional experience and others after checking this types of
information if everything is alright then appointment letter are send on candidates email or
other address that they finally get the job.

Orientation of employees

Uttara bank prefers Formal & group orientation.They describes whole things of the company
and job responsibility to the employees in the orientation day. They welcome their new
employee. Smile, and tell them Uttara bank is glad that they have come to work in Uttara
bank establishment.

4.4 Selection process in UBL

The People Bank operates an extremely thorough and efficient selection process to ensure
that only the very best candidates are presented to our clients. The process is detailed below
and yields candidates with the right fit, so that our clients can suitably execute their strategy
in accordance with project timelines.

Completed Resume

Resumes are obtained from a variety of sources that include our own extensive database,
internet job boards, job fairs, employee referrals and direct recruitment.

Employment Screening

Employment screening on the required basis. Potential applicants are screened via telephone,
in order to confirm their relevant skills, experience and availability. Some time Uttara bank
use work sampling process, it’s a device of selection process where the candidates have to
perform a part of his or her job.

Interview and other investigation

Applicants are interviewed in-person at one of our offices and are required to sign off on their
understanding and agreement to client confidentiality, criminal background checks (if
considered to be a bona fide occupational requirement), health & safety, ethics, sexual
harassment and human rights policies, as a condition of their employment contract with The
Uttara Bank Ltd. Once complete, the interview process is broken up into 4 separate stages:

Stage–1: Interview

The UBL recruiters conduct a chronological review of the applicant’s education and

Stage–2: Behavioral-Based Assessment

The applicant participates in a comprehensive behavioral-based interview to determine their

personality type, performance standards, work habits, reliability, integrity and fit.

Stage-3 Knowledge & Skills Assessment

Applicant participates in a technical interview that includes demonstration of previous

abilities, to determine the degree of their technical aptitude. We also possess assessment
capabilities in both English and bangle.

Stage 4 – Verification of Employment Requirements

Applicant confirms their understanding and agreement regarding the job location and if it is
suitable for them, their available start date, hours or shifts that are required to work, if they
have suitable transportation for the job and the current pay rate being offered.

 Applicants are given relevant skill-verification tests, to validate the degree of their
technical aptitude, i.e. call centre, Windows, MS Office, clerical – reading, writing,
sorting – ability to follow instructions, manual dexterity and WHMS
 References are checked to verify work experience and work performance.
 Criminal background checks and Government security clearances are performed,
where job specifications deem them to be bona fide occupational requirements.
 They present the contract offer to the candidate for work on a client engagement, who
subsequently signs off on their acceptance of the contract terms & conditions.

Chapter: V

Analysis & Findings of Recruitment and Selection Process at

Uttara Bank Limited

To carry forward this study, 12 questions were asked to the 30 respondents of Uttara Bank
Limited (UBL) at Green Road Branch, Dhaka to determine their perception level. The
respondents gave different answers in response to the questions. The given answers have
been analyzed by using Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. However, the following part of
this report presents the analysis & interpretation of the answers given by the respondents:

5.1 Analysis of Data:

Finding- 01: Employees working experience in the organization.

Range of Years Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

0-5 Years 5 16.67% 16.67%
5-10 Years 6 20% 36.67%
10-15 Years 15 50% 86.67%
More than 15 Years 4 13.33% 100%

Total 30 100 100

Table 4: % of many years working experience at UBL

Finding- 02: Position objectives, recruitments and candidate specifications in the recruitment
In response to this question, 27 respondents said that the organization clearly define the
Position objectives, recruitments and candidate specifications in the recruitment process and
other 3 respondents said no.

Remarks Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

Yes 27 90% 90%

No 3 10% 100%
Total 30 100 100
Table 5: % 0f candidate specifications in the recruitment process

From above information it is seen that 90% respondents said yes and 10% respondents said
no. It indicates that the large portion of employees think that the organization clearly define
the Position objectives, recruitments and candidate specifications in the recruitment process.

Finding- 03: Affirmative action needs clarified and supported in the selection process.

With this question, 16 respondents respond adequate portion and 14 respondents respond
excellent portion.

Remarks Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

Poor 0 0% 0%
Adequate 17 56.67% 56.67%
Excellent 13 43.33% 100%
Total 30 100 100
Table 6: % of supported in the selection process

From above table it is seen that respondents are not respond poor portion. So it is said that
organizations affirmative action clarified and supported in the selection process are very well.

Finding- 04: Timeliness recruitment and selection process.
Remarks Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

Yes 18 60% 60%

No 12 40% 100%
Total 30 100 100
Table 7: % of Timeliness recruitment and selection process

In this question, 18 respondents respond that the organization doing timeliness recruitment
and selection process and 12 respondents respond are not doing timeliness recruitment and
selection process.

Finding- 05: HR provides an adequate pool of applicants.

Remarks Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

Yes 23 76.67% 76.67%

No 07 23.33% 100%
Total 30 100 100
Table 8: % of adequate pool of applicants
In this question, 23 respondents said that HR provides adequate pool of applicants and 7
respondents think that HR are not provides adequate pool of applicants.

Finding- 06: Interviewing process and other selection instruments, such as testing.
Remarks Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

Poor 0 0% 0%
Adequate 18 60% 60%
Excellent 12 40% 100%
Total 30 100 100
Table 9: % of Interviewing process and other selection instruments
In response to this question, 18 respondents respond excellent and no body respond poor
option. So it can be said that UBL interviewing and other selection instruments process are
very effective.

Finding- 07: Quality of the applicant pre-screening process.
Remarks Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

Yes 25 83.33% 83.33%

No 05 16.67% 100%
Total 30 100 100
Table 10: % of applicant pre-screening process
In this question, 25 respondents answered that the UBL HR team act as a consultant to
enhance the quality of the applicant pre-screening process and 5 other are not agreed with this

Finding- 08: Employees to make the best hiring decisions.

Remarks Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

Yes 19 63.33% 63.33%

No 11 36.67% 100%
Total 30 100 100
Table 11: % of make the best hiring decisions
In this question, 19 respondents said that HR trained hiring employees to make the best hiring
decisions, and 11 respondents said that HR are not trained hiring employees to make the best
hiring decisions. It indicates that UBL training program are not bad.

Finding- 09: HR good candidates from non-traditional sources Necessary.

Remarks Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

Poor 3 10% 10%

Adequate 21 70% 80%
Excellent 6 20% 100%
Total 30 100 100
Table 12: % of good candidates from non-traditional sources

In this question, 21 respondents respond adequate and 6 were excellent and 3 were poor. So it
can be said that UBL HR find good candidates from non-traditional sources when necessary.

Finding- 10: HR department’s performance in recruitment and selection.
Remarks Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

Poor 0 0% 0%
Adequate 12 40% 40%
Excellent 18 60% 100%
Total 30 100 100
Table 13: % of performance in recruitment and selection

In response to this question, 18 respondents response excellent and 12 were adequate. So it

indicates that UBL HR department’s performance is good in the recruitment and selection

Finding- 11: HR Department is efficient in selection Policy of the employees.

Remarks Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

Yes 30 100% 100%

No 0 0% 100%
Total 30 100 100
Table 14: % of selection Policy of the employees
In this question, all respondents said that HR departments is efficient in selection policy of
the employees.

Finding- 12: HR maintains an adequate pool of quality “protected class” applicant

Remarks Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

Yes 21 70% 70%

No 09 30% 100%
Total 30 100 100
Table 15: % of adequate pool of quality “protected class” applicant

In this question, 21 respondents said that HR maintains an adequate pool of quality

“protected class” applicant. And 9 said that HR are not maintains an adequate pool of quality
“protected class” applicant.

Chapter: VI

6.1 Recommendations
The impact of recruitment and selection process reached with a number of
recommendations which may help UBL to be more efficient and competitive in
today’s business world. The recommendations are some factors which should be taken
into consideration:

 UBL is running a well-designed recruiting process but they should follow an

influence free and fair judgmental decision to recruit any new employees.
 The HR department of Uttara Bank Ltd should think about the development
of their salary and benefit programs, so that it will become the maintain
motivating or attracting factor for their potential job applicant.
 During the process of new recruitment, a screening mechanism should be
introduced to select the best candidates who will stay with UBL for a longer
 Most of the time, UBL filled a vacant position from outside. But they can fill
it by promoting appointment for suitable person in the organization. And
thus UBL can use it as an instrument of employee motivation factor.
 Some times UBL seems nepotism but they should avoid if for 100% fair and
transparent of recruitment.
 Human resource information system should be used widely. Modern
technology, equipment and material should be linked in the system, So that
the recruitment and selection process can be easier and effective as well.

6.2 Conclusion

Recruitment is an important issue for any organization. Recruitment and Selection allows an
organization to assess the vacancy and choose the best personnel who will lead the
organization in future. So the organization should give more emphasize on selecting
candidates. A person who can carry forwarded the organization in terms of development,
values and ethics. Mainly the previous resource for any organization in their knowledge
based efficient workers. The organization should more cautions on this issue to ensure the
quality and ethics.

From the above discussion we can easily understand that Uttara Bank Limited is one of the
top banking company of Bangladesh. It covers the whole country of Bangladesh by
establishing branch network. There are many products and services of UBL lare available in
the branches. At this moment the company is well establish position. But they strategic of the
company will make the company “number one” banking company Bangladesh.

So we can easily find out the recruitment and selection process of UBL. As a national
company for making the process more effective. UBL should analyze the recruitment and
selection process of other national company of the country. That can make UBL perfect in
recruiting people and the company will get efficient professionals that will increase the
services as well as revenue. This internship help me about how a bank operates, it’s day to
day activities, problem that occur every day and how to resolve the. At present the bank helps
me able to apply my knowledge learning in any bank.

 UBL Annual Report 2014.
 Quarter financial statement 2015.
 Website:
 Information personal interview.
 Decenzo, David, A., Robbins Stephen. P., Fundamentals of Human Resource
Management, 8th Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2002.
 Braun, S.A. (1995). Helping Managers become effective job interviewers
industrial management, 37, 5-8.
 Herbert, Heneman, G., Timothy, Judge, A., staffing organization; 5th Edition,
McGraw-Hills Inc.
 Belcourt, M, & McBey, K, (2004). Strategic Human Resource Planning. India

Recruitment and Selection Process of Uttara Bank Limited (UBL)

This is Md. Mostafizur Rahman, I am a student of BBA program, City University,

Bangladesh. I am conducting a research on the topic “Recruitment and Selection
Process of Uttara Bank Limited”. I am assuring that your information will be used
exclusively for academic purpose only and will be kept confidential. Please write down the
correct answer you think appropriate by tick () in specified category and answer on dash
(………….) area only. Your co-operation in answering the following questions will be highly
Thank You

General information about yourself-

1) E-mail
2) Position in the
3) Age

Less than 40 40-50 years 50-60 years

01: Since how many years have you been working with this organization?
a. 0-5 Year
b. 5-10 Years
c. 10-15 Years
d. More than 15 Years

02: Dose the organization clearly define the position objectives, recruitments and candidate
specifications in the recruitment process?
a. Yes
b. No

03: How well the organization’s affirmative action needs clarified and supported in the
selection process?
a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. excellent

04: Is the organization doing timeliness recruitment and selection process?

a. Yes
b. No

05: Dose HR provides an adequate pool of applicants?

a. Yes
b. No

06: Rate the effectiveness of the interviewing process and other selection instruments, such as

a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. Excellent

07: Dose the HR team act as a consultant to enhance the quality of the applicant pre-
screening process?

a. Yes
b. No

08: Dose HR train hiring employees to make the best hiring decisions?

a. Yes
b. No

09: Rate how well HR finds good candidates from non-traditional sources when Necessary?
a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. Excellent

10: How would you rate the HR department’s performance in recruitment and selection?
a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. Excellent

11: Dose the HR Department is efficient in selection Policy of the employees?

a. Yes
b. No

12: Dose the HR maintains an adequate pool of quality “protected class” applicant?
a. Yes
b. No


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