Partial Surface Related Multiple Elimination: Pierre Hugonnet, CGG Paris
Partial Surface Related Multiple Elimination: Pierre Hugonnet, CGG Paris
Partial Surface Related Multiple Elimination: Pierre Hugonnet, CGG Paris
the iterative process, the 3D effects that alter the modeling, Where Mi are the multiples of the ith order.
and the adaptive subtraction step. We propose here a slight
variation of the method. It is non-iterative, thanks to a more For a given order, the error is a global gain, which can be
accurate modeling at the very first "iteration". The easily compensated by the adaptive subtraction. The
drawback is that only part of the surface-related multiples troubles arise when different orders interfere within a
are modeled. As a side effect, the multiple model is also subtraction window, so that they cannot be adapted
split into several independent models: the subtraction stage simultaneously. But if the different orders are mostly
can however take advantage of this decoupling to enhance separated, or if a given order is dominant, then the
the attenuation. subtraction can do the job. This is typically the case with
deep water data, but also for less deep water, depending on
Introduction the size of the subtraction windows (the smaller the
windows, the less interference between orders).
In the SRME method, the surface multiples M are modeled
by applying to the recorded data D an operator that But for some data, like shallow/medium water, the
involves the primary wavefield P itself. This result must be iterations are still necessary, or at least useful. A known
deconvolved by the source wavelet s (including ghosts). A solution to reduce their number is to input a partially
minus sign accounts for the free surface reflection: demultipled dataset (for example by a parabolic Radon
M = − s −1 * D ⊗ P (E 1) filtering, Berkhout and Verschuur, 1997) as a first guess of
P. This however doesn’t totally suppress the iterations, and
The symbol ⊗ consists of a 2D pre-stack convolution, and the cost of the preliminary demultiple must be considered.
it includes various corrections (see Verschuur et al. (1992) And in fact this suggests another technique.
for more details). Subtracting the modeled multiples from
the original data gives the primaries: Partial, single-pass modelling
P = D + s −1 * D ⊗ P (E 2)
With marine data, if we exclude the ultra-shallow water
In practice, this equation is close to useless, since both the cases (less than 100ms), it is always possible to isolate a
primaries and the source wavelet are unknown beforehand. shallow window Psh that is free of surface multiples, the
It is usually solved iteratively with a two-step first multiple arriving at twice the water-bottom time
modeling/subtraction loop (Verschuur and Berkhout, (Figure 1). These windowed data can serve as an operator:
1997). The estimation of P is progressively refined, starting M ′ = − s −1 * D ⊗ Psh (E 5)
from a first guess that can be the data D themselves. The
inverse source wavelet is estimated statistically by an
adaptive subtraction, based on the minimum energy
assumption: D P s h
P ( 0) = D
M ( n ) = − D ⊗ P (n −1) (E 3)
P (n ) = D − f ( n ) * M ( n )
Figure 2: the four terms in (E 6) First, we compute the full model (E 4) and subtract it from
the data (Figure 5). The subtraction is performed in the
The model (E 6) is accurate in both terms of kinematics and CMP domain, using a single window. This is the first
amplitudes. However, the inverse source wavelet is still iteration of standard SRME. The attenuation is not perfect
unknown. Estimating it by adaptive subtraction is a non- since several orders of multiples are present in the
linear problem because of the 2nd order term. subtraction window.
Note that this 2nd order term can be neglected if the Then we compute the partial models (E 7) and subtract
reflection coefficients in Psh are small. Then, after summing them with the multi-model adaptation (E 8) (Figure 6). All
the 1st order terms into a single model, a conventional multiples, of any order, are better attenuated than with the
linear adaptive subtraction can be applied. Otherwise, an 1st iteration of the standard SRME. The attenuation is still
alternative for dealing with a linear problem is to search for not perfect but it is now very satisfactory.
different filters for each term of the partial model.
Multi-model subtraction
Berkhout A.J. and Verschuur D.J., 1997, Estimation of Figure 4: (left) data D - constant offset section (1000m). Note the
multiple scattering by iterative inversion, Part I: Theoretical doublets on some multiples. (right) superficial window Psh with
considerations: Geophysics, 62, 1586-1595 primaries only (the events are also muted in the shallowest times)
Figure 5: (top) full model M; (bottom) adaptive subtraction in Figure 6: (from top to bottom and left to right): receiver-side
CMP gathers (single window) model Mr, source-side model Ms, 2 nd order source and receiver-side
model Msr; multi-model adaptive subtraction in CMP gathers