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All About UPC Barcode & EAN Barcode

The Universal Product Code or UPC barcode was the first bar code symbology widely adopted. Its birth is usually set at April 3, 1973, when the grocery industry
formally established UPC as the standard bar code symbology for product marking. Foreign interest in UPC led to the adoption of the EAN code format, similar to
UPC, in December 1976.

2005 Sunrise and the Global Trade Item Number initiatives from the UCC will begin on January 1, 2005. This is the "fourteen digit U.P.C." that everyone is talking
about. There are quite a few misconceptions and considerable misinformation about the effect of this change. In a nutshell, if you are a manufacturer of a product
that has an existing 8 or 12-digit UPC barcode, don't worry. You do not have to change anything. However, if you are a retailer or wholesaler with scanners, you
potentially are affected. You will need to ensure that scanners are able to decode 8, 12, 13 and 14-digit barcodes (most scanners sold for the last 5 years can do
this) and that database systems can handle the extra digits. Gregg London was kind enough to share an excellent white paper on the subject. Once January 1,
2005 comes, both EAN and UPC labels should scan properly worldwide.

There are now five versions of UPC and two versions of EAN. The Japanese Article Numbering (JAN) code has a single version identical to one of the EAN versions
with the flag characters set to ``49''.

UPC and EAN symbols are fixed in length, can only encode numbers, and are continuous symbologies using four element widths.

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UPC version A symbols have 10 digits plus two overhead digits while EAN symbols have 12 digits and one overhead digit. The first overhead digit of a UPC version
A symbol is a number related to the type of product while an EAN symbol uses the first two characters to designate the country of the EAN International
organization issuing the number. UPC is in fact a subset of the more general EAN code. Scanners equipped to read EAN symbols can read UPC symbols as well.
However, UPC scanners will not necessarily read EAN symbols.

The UPC symbology was designed to make it ideal for coding products. UPC can be printed on packages using a variety of printing processes. The format allows the
symbol to be scanned with any package orientation. Omnidirectional scanning allows any package orientation provided the symbol faces the scanner. The UPC
format can be scanned by hand-held wands and can be printed by equipment in the store. Version A of the symbology has a First Pass Read Rate of 99% using a
fixed laser scanner and has a substitution error rate of less than 1 error in 10,000 scanned symbols.

Nominal X dimension is 13 mils. A magnification factor of 0.8 to 2.0 is allowed and, as a result, makes a printable range of X dimension values of 10.4 to 24 mils.
In other words, the nominal size of a UPC symbol is 1.469" wide x 1.02" high. The minimum recommended size is 80% of the nominal size or 1.175" wide x .816"
high. The maximum recommended size is 200% of the nominal size or 2.938" wide x 2.04" high. Larger UPC's scan better. Smaller UPC's do not scan as well or
not at all.

The UPC format can be printed using a variety of printing techniques because it allows for different ink spreading. The amount of ink spreading depends on
printing press conditions, amount and viscosity of ink and other factors which are difficult to precisely control. The UPC symbol is decoded by measuring the
distance from leading edges to leading edge of bars, trailing edge to trailing edge of bars and leading edge to leading edge of characters. Since relative distances
are measured for decoding, uniform ink spread will not affect the symbol's readability. However, excessive ink spread will make the spaces very small to the point
that the reader will be unable to resolve them. Since UPC is a continuous code with exacting tolerances, it is more difficult to print on any equipment except
printing presses.

How Do I Get A Bar Code Number For My Product?

See the FAQ for the answer.

How Do I Get A List Of All The Product Codes And Their Respective Manufacturers?
See the FAQ for the answer.

Do I Have To Pay To Use Barcodes For Internal Uses Like Inventory?

See the FAQ for the answer.

UPC Version A Barcode

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UPC version A is the basic version of UPC and is usually the version seen on grocery store items. The symbology is used to encode the 10 digit Universal Product
Code. An eleventh digit indicates the type of product, and a twelfth digit is a modulo check digit. The symbol is divided into two halves, each containing 5 digits.
The two six-digit patterns are surrounded by left, center and right guard patterns. The left six digits use odd parity encodation while the right six digits use even
parity encodation.. The first digit is the UPC number system digit related to the type of product (0 for groceries, 3 for drugs, etc.). The next 5 digits are the UPC
manufacturer's code. The first five digits of the right half are the product code. The final digit is the check digit. Although UPC A is continuous, the left and right
halves of the symbol can be independently decoded.

A digit is coded as a sequence of two bars and two spaces within a space 7 modules wide. Bar and space widths may be 12, 3, or 4 modules wide. This results in
20 possible bar-space combinations. Ten of these patterns are used for the left odd parity digits and ten are used for the right even parity digits. The left digits
always start with a space, while the right digits always start with a bar.

Left Digits Right Digit

Odd Parity Even Parity

0 3211 3211

1 2221 2221

2 2122 2122

3 1411 1411

4 1132 1132

5 1231 1231

6 1114 1114

7 1312 1312

8 1213 1213

9 3112 3112

A typical UPC Version A symbol has center guard bars in the center of the symbol which are longer than the other bars. This divides the symbol into a right and
left half. This division allows the symbol to scan in any orientation. The moving beam laser bar code reader in grocery stores produces orthogonal scanning beams
either in a cross, starburst, or figure-eight. At least one beam will then pass through each half of the symbol, since the symbol's height is at least equal to half of
the length of the symbol.

The height of the symbol should be at least half the length of the symbol. Sometimes the symbol's height is shortened to fit into the design of the package. This
truncation of symbol height affects the ability to scan the symbol in any orientation, and will generally reduce the First Pass Read Rate.

The Quiet Zone should be 9 modules on the left and right of the symbol.

Version A may include either a 2 digit or a 5 digit supplemental encodation. These extra digits are primarily used on periodicals and books.

More information about Version A is available here.

UPC Version E Barcode

UPC version E is the next most common version of UPC. It is a zero suppression version of UPC. It is intended to be used on packaging which would be otherwise
too small to use one of the other versions. The code is smaller because it drops out zeros which would otherwise occur in a symbol. For example, the code
59300-00066 would be encoded as 593663. The last digit (3 in the example) indicates the type of compression. Guard bars precede and follow the data (no
middle guard bars). The digits are coded following the parity pattern EVEN, EVEN, ODD, ODD, EVEN, ODD. The data is enclosed between two left-hand guard

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bars and three right-hand guard bars. The six digit number is always preceded by a 0 and followed by the check digit. The way the check digit is computed is by
expanding the type E to a type A, then doing the regular check.

More information about Version E along with a converter is available here.

There is a good explanation of Zero Suppression at the Infinity Graphics site with a table that shows how a Version A number may be reduced to Version E if the
Numbering System Character is "0".

Other UPC Barcode Versions

There are three other versions of UPC. These other versions are not in wide use.

UPC version B is a special version originally developed to handle the National Drug Code and National Health Related Items Code. It allows for 11 digits plus one
product type code. This version does not have any modulo check digit.

UPC version C is a special code designed to promote industry-wide compatibility. The code is 12 digits long with a product type digit and a modulo check sum

UPC version D is a variable message length version of UPC. The symbol must contain at least 12 digits. The first digit is a product type code. This is followed by
10 information carrying digits. The twelfth digit is a modulo check sum, and this is followed by a variable number of digits.

There is a good explanation of the UPC Shipping Container Symbol (SCS) at the Infinity Graphics site.

EAN-13 Barcode and EAN-8 Barcode

The EAN Article Numbering System (EAN),the Japanese Article Numbering (JAN) System and the International Article Numbering System (IAN) are identical to
UPC except for the number of digits. The Japanese Article Numbering (JAN) System (JAN) codes are the same as the EAN codes, with the flag characters set to
``49''. There are two principal EAN versions.

Standard EAN (sometimes called EAN-13 or DUN-13) has 10 numeric characters, 2 or 3 "flag" characters which are usually a code for the country of the EAN
International organization issuing the number , and a check digit. In all other respects, it is identical to UPC version A. JAN is the same as EAN-13. For
compatibility with UPC, flags 00, 01, 03, 04, and 06 through 13 are assigned to the United States.

What are the country codes?

Lots of people have requested the codes. Here is a partial list. Remember, it indicates the country that issued the code, NOT THE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN OF THE
PRODUCT. The abbreviation "MO" stands for Member Organization. The meaning of the prefixes ""020-029", "040-049" and "200-299" are set by the GS1
administration in a given country. GS1-US has defined these prefixes as for internal use in, for example, warehouses. The authoritative list is here.

Prefix GS1 Country

000 - 019 GS1 United States

020 - 029 Restricted distribution (MO defined, usually for internal use)

030 - 039 GS1 United States

040 - 049 Restricted distribution (MO defined, usually for internal use)

050 - 059 Coupons

060 - 139 GS1 United States

200 - 299 Restricted distribution (MO defined, usually for internal use)

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300 - 379 GS1 France

380 GS1 Bulgaria

383 GS1 Slovenia

385 GS1 Croatia

387 GS1 BIH (Bosnia-Herzegovina)

400 - 440 GS1 Germany

450 - 459 &

GS1 Japan
490 - 499

460 - 469 GS1 Russia

470 GS1 Kurdistan

471 GS1 Taiwan

474 GS1 Estonia

475 GS1 Latvia

476 GS1 Azerbaijan

477 GS1 Lithuania

478 GS1 Uzbekistan

479 GS1 Sri Lanka

480 GS1 Philippines

481 GS1 Belarus

482 GS1 Ukraine

484 GS1 Moldova

485 GS1 Armenia

486 GS1 Georgia

487 GS1 Kazakhstan

489 GS1 Hong Kong

500 - 509 GS1 UK

520 GS1 Greece

528 GS1 Lebanon

529 GS1 Cyprus

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530 GS1 Albania

531 GS1 MAC (FYR Macedonia)

535 GS1 Malta

539 GS1 Ireland

540 - 549 GS1 Belgium & Luxembourg

560 GS1 Portugal

569 GS1 Iceland

570 - 579 GS1 Denmark

590 GS1 Poland

594 GS1 Romania

599 GS1 Hungary

600 - 601 GS1 South Africa

603 GS1 Ghana

608 GS1 Bahrain

609 GS1 Mauritius

611 GS1 Morocco

613 GS1 Algeria

616 GS1 Kenya

618 GS1 Ivory Coast

619 GS1 Tunisia

621 GS1 Syria

622 GS1 Egypt

624 GS1 Libya

625 GS1 Jordan

626 GS1 Iran

627 GS1 Kuwait

628 GS1 Saudi Arabia

629 GS1 Emirates

640 - 649 GS1 Finland

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690 - 695 GS1 China

700 - 709 GS1 Norway

729 GS1 Israel

730 - 739 GS1 Sweden

740 GS1 Guatemala

741 GS1 El Salvador

742 GS1 Honduras

743 GS1 Nicaragua

744 GS1 Costa Rica

745 GS1 Panama

746 GS1 Dominican Republic

750 GS1 Mexico

754 - 755 GS1 Canada

759 GS1 Venezuela

760 - 769 GS1 Switzerland

770 GS1 Colombia

773 GS1 Uruguay

775 GS1 Peru

777 GS1 Bolivia

779 GS1 Argentina

780 GS1 Chile

784 GS1 Paraguay

786 GS1 Ecuador

789 - 790 GS1 Brazil

800 - 839 GS1 Italy

840 - 849 GS1 Spain

850 GS1 Cuba

858 GS1 Slovakia

859 GS1 Czech

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860 GS1 YU (Serbia & Montenegro)

865 GS1 Mongolia

867 GS1 North Korea

868 - 869 GS1 Turkey

870 - 879 GS1 Netherlands

880 GS1 South Korea

884 GS1 Cambodia

885 GS1 Thailand

888 GS1 Singapore

890 GS1 India

893 GS1 Vietnam

899 GS1 Indonesia

900 - 919 GS1 Austria

930 - 939 GS1 Australia

940 - 949 GS1 New Zealand

950 GS1 Global Office

955 GS1 Malaysia

958 GS1 Macau

977 Serial publications (ISSN)

978 - 979 Bookland (ISBN)

980 Refund receipts

981 - 982 Common Currency Coupons

990 - 999 Coupons

More information about EAN-13 is available here.

EAN-8 has a left-hand guard pattern, four odd parity digits, a center guard pattern, four even parity digits, and a right-hand guard pattern. An EAN-8 bar code has
two flag digits, five data digits, and one check digit. There is additional information about EAN-8 here.

Information about Bookland EAN and ISBN numbering of books can be found at BarCode 1's Bookland EAN and ISBN Page.

There is a good explanation of Bookland EAN bar code symbols used by the publishing industry at the Infinity Graphics site. There is also a very good explanation
about Bookland EAN Add-On Code, used for storing the price of a book or magazine.

If you need to compute the check digit for UPC-A (UCC-12) in Excel, the following will work:

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Put the number you want to determine the check digit for in cell A1.

Put the following formula in cell B1:


Put the following formula in cell C1:


The value that appears in cell C1 is the check digit. If you want to add the check digit to the UPC to produce the full UPC-12 number, put the following formula in


For EAN-13 (UCC-13) the formula in cell B1 should to changed to:


For EAN-14/UCC-14 the formula in cell B1 should be changed to:


For EAN/UCC-8 the forumula in cell B1 should be changed to:


Other UPC And EAN Resources

George J. Laurer is the developer of UPC in 1973 and EAN later. There is a history at his site.

GS1-US (formally called Uniform Code Council) has a home page that provides a catalog of information they sell and an electronic version of their newsletter.

There is also a step-by-step guide about how to join and get a manufacturer's code to produce barcodes here.

GS1 (formarly called EAN International) is is the organization that manages the EAN system worldwide, currently there are national organizations in 92 countries
on the 5 continents. (can be slow to access from North America). They also have a complete list of the addresses and phone numbers of the local EAN
organizations by country. This list also has links to on-line sites of EAN organizations in some countries. There is much more very good information at the EAN site.
The site is a must visit for information about EAN.

There is another site which provides product descriptions. It's called the Internet UPC Database, an on-line database for Universal Product Codes (UPC).

There is a new resource for searching EAN barcode numbers at www.ean-search.org. You can search for EAN codes or browse through the database of over
500.000 EANs.

There is a good explanation for children about How UPC Bar Codes Work from Howstuffworks.com

A very good explanation about UPC/EAN-128 Coupon Extended Code for cents-off coupons can be found at the Infinity Graphics site.

There is also more information about coupon codes here and there is still more about coupon codes here.

Copyright 1995 - 110 Adams Communications. All rights reserved.

Page Last Modified: 06/24/2010 17:28:02 BarCode 1 is a registered trademark of Adams Communications.
Send comments and questions by e-mail to Russ Adams

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