Guide PDF
Guide PDF
Guide PDF
You have to carry out the following three tasks: where, T1−ON is the period of oscillation/blinking
Task 1 To create and simulate an astable multivi- of LED1. The frequency for LED1 is given by
brator using eSim, and compare the frequen- 1/(T1−ON + T1−OF F ), T1−ON = T1−OF F . Similarly
cies of oscillation with a real circuit, and for LED2. Other symbols correspond to the circuit
with hand calculations. diagram given above.
Task 2 To create a PCB layout in eSim and gener-
ating Gerber files for the same.
Task 3 Optionally, sending Gerber files to a vendor, 4 Task 1: Role of Simulation
and getting a PCB and the astable multivi-
brator circuit made for a fee (Workshop or- This has three sub tasks, as explained below. You
ganisers or IIT Bombay or our funding agen- may do these tasks in any order.
cies do not have any interest in this activity).
4.1 Sub task 1: Hardware circuit
2 Hardware provided to you Select R2 and R3 as in the Table below and carry
out the following steps:
You are provided a kit with one each of the following: 1. Connect resistors as shown below (left), and
1. Astable multivibrator circuit board then the battery as shown on the right:
2. 9V battery
3. A wire to connect the board with the battery
In addition, you are provided with 2 each of the fol-
lowing resistors: 33 kΩ, 68 kΩ, 150 kΩ
3 Theory
2. Connect the other end of the battery con-
3.1 Why simulation is important?
nector as shown below (left). The cir-
Simulations can help one understand the behaviour cuit should blink, as shown on the right.
of a system during the design phase. Before solder-
ing a circuit, the user can play around with various
parameters and optimise its design. The final design
can be used for manufacturing. Thus simulations
save a lot of time, effort and money of the user.