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Guidelines for the eSim Massive Blended Workshop

PMMMNMTT + FOSSEE + Spoken Tutorials, funded by MHRD, Govt. of India

21 September 2019

1 Tasks T2−ON = 0.693 R2 C1

You have to carry out the following three tasks: where, T1−ON is the period of oscillation/blinking
Task 1 To create and simulate an astable multivi- of LED1. The frequency for LED1 is given by
brator using eSim, and compare the frequen- 1/(T1−ON + T1−OF F ), T1−ON = T1−OF F . Similarly
cies of oscillation with a real circuit, and for LED2. Other symbols correspond to the circuit
with hand calculations. diagram given above.
Task 2 To create a PCB layout in eSim and gener-
ating Gerber files for the same.
Task 3 Optionally, sending Gerber files to a vendor, 4 Task 1: Role of Simulation
and getting a PCB and the astable multivi-
brator circuit made for a fee (Workshop or- This has three sub tasks, as explained below. You
ganisers or IIT Bombay or our funding agen- may do these tasks in any order.
cies do not have any interest in this activity).
4.1 Sub task 1: Hardware circuit
2 Hardware provided to you Select R2 and R3 as in the Table below and carry
out the following steps:
You are provided a kit with one each of the following: 1. Connect resistors as shown below (left), and
1. Astable multivibrator circuit board then the battery as shown on the right:
2. 9V battery
3. A wire to connect the board with the battery
In addition, you are provided with 2 each of the fol-
lowing resistors: 33 kΩ, 68 kΩ, 150 kΩ

3 Theory
2. Connect the other end of the battery con-
3.1 Why simulation is important?
nector as shown below (left). The cir-
Simulations can help one understand the behaviour cuit should blink, as shown on the right.
of a system during the design phase. Before solder-
ing a circuit, the user can play around with various
parameters and optimise its design. The final design
can be used for manufacturing. Thus simulations
save a lot of time, effort and money of the user.

3.2 Astable Multivibrator

3. To change the resistor values, do the following:

remove the battery connection, change the re-
sistors, and connect the battery again. Repeat
and complete the readings for different combi-
nations of resistor values as shown in the Table.
If you have any queries on this hardware part, please
post it on the FOSSEE forum.
Resistance PCB (in 10 sec) eSim (in 10 sec)
R2 R3 No. of No. of No. of No. of
An Astable Multivibrator or a Free Running Mul-
times times cycles cycles
tivibrator is the multivibrator which has no stable
LED1 LED2 at node at node
states. It oscillates continuously between its two un-
blinks blinks LED1 LED2
stable states without the aid of external triggering.
The pulse width is given by 68k 68k
150k 150k
T1−ON = 0.693 R3 C2 33k 33k
4.2 Sub task 2: Simulation and compare with the values in the above Table.
You shall now measure the number of cycles through
simulation of the same circuit through eSim, as fol- 5 Task 2: Creating Gerber Files
1. Listen to the side-by-side Spoken Tutorial Listen to and practise the following four Spoken Tu-
2. Practise the Spoken Tutorial Schematic cre- torials in the same order, using the instruction sheet:
ation and simulation, as explained in the In- 5. Mapping Components with Footprints
struction Sheet. 6. Setting Parameters for PCB designing
3. Practise the Spoken Tutorial Simulating an 7. Laying Tracks on PCB
Astable Multivibrator and create the follow- 8. PCB Layout for Astable Multivibrator
ing schematic, starting from the code file. You would have created the Gerber file for the
Astable Multivibrator that we have been discussing.

6 Task 3: Making PCB/Circuit

In this optional part, you can get a circuit made us-
ing Gerber files you created in two ways. Amongst
the many companies that you may contact for this
purpose, we list a few for your convenience. This
should not be taken as an endorsement, however.
We also do not have any commercial interest in any
of them.
1. You can get the PCB made at your cost, buy
components, and solder them by yourself. This
is the cheaper of the two methods for a small
4. Choosing values of R2 and R3 in the follow-
ing Table, count the number of cycles at nodes
(a) The following companies make PCBs:
LED1 and LED2, and enter the values.
(a) Change ONLY the values of R2 and R3 in
the schematic created in eSim and save the •
changes. DO NOT CHANGE THE FIELD (b) Components with BOM given in the fol-
REFERENCE. lowing Table can be procured from:
(b) Generate the KiCad netlist [ .cir extension] •,
and convert the KiCad netlist to ngspice •
netlist using the KiCadToNgspiceConverter •
feature. Refer to the Spoken Tutorial again
A reference image for components J2, J3,
if needed.
(c) Make sure the analysis parameters, source de- J4, J5 are given below:
tails, device modelling tab values are same as
mentioned in the Spoken Tutorial.

4.3 Sub task 3: Hand calculation

2. Completely made circuits can be procured
Using the formulae given in Sec. 3.2, calculate the from - for large orders
expected frequency of oscillations of the two LEDs, this may be the preferred way.
No. Designator Package Qty Designation
1 Q1, Q2 THT TO-92 Inline Wide 2 BC547
3 R1, R2 THT R AXIAL DIN 0207 L6.3MM(1/4W) 2 1k
4 R3, R4 THT R AXIAL DIN 0207 L6.3MM(1/4W) 2 33k
5 R3, R4 THT R AXIAL DIN 0207 L6.3MM(1/4W) 2 68k
6 R3, R4 THT R AXIAL DIN 0207 L6.3MM(1/4W) 2 150k
7 C1, C2 THT CP RADIAL D5.0mm R2.50mm 2 22µF,50v
8 BAT 6F22 1 9V battery with snap connec-
9 J1 Conn 01x02 Pin Header Straight Pitch 2.5mm 1 Relimate battery connector
10 J2,J3,J4,J5 Conn 01x01 Pin Header Straight Pitch 2.5mm 4 Single line IC base breakable

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