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Br Raghu Aghora T S Shetru

Indian Institute of Horticultural Research Indian Institute of Horticultural Research


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International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research

Vol. 05, Issue 12, pp.4338-4341, December, 2018

1*Raghu, B.R., 2Samuel, D.K., 3Mohan N. and 4Aghora T. S.
1PhD(Genetics), Scientist, Division of Vegetable Crops, ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research,
Hessaraghatta Lake Post Bangalore-560089, India
2PhD (Plant Virology), Principal Scientist, Division of Plant Pathology, ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural

Research, Hessaraghatta Lake Post Bangalore-560089, India

3 PhD (Cytogenetics), Principal Scientist, Division of Vegetable Crops, ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural

Research, Hessaraghatta Lake Post Bangalore-560089, India

4PhD (Vegetable Science), Principal Scientist, Division of Vegetable Crops, ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural

Research, Hessaraghatta Lake Post Bangalore-560089, India


Article History: Dolichos is an oldest leguminous crop knows to man. It grows in dry and semi-arid regions of Asia,
Received 14th September, 2018 Africa and America. In India, it is popular in south, east and north-east parts of the country for
Received in revised form vegetable, pulse and fodder purpose. It is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins, and is a major source
28th October, 2018 of protein for South Indian diet. It also provides nutritious green fodder to milch animals. Apart from
Accepted 18th November, 2018 being draught tolerant, it has high adaptability to wide range of production conditions. It also
Published online 26th December, 2018 improves soil fertility by fixing atmospheric nitrogen and adding more organic carbon to soil. Despite
its multi-utility and multi-benefits, Dolichos is still an underutilized and unexplored crop in terms of
Keywords: area under cultivation and efforts towards its genetic improvement. Adaptation and mitigation
Dolichos, Climate-change, strategies against climate change induced threats to global food security; biodiversity and sustainable
Genetics-Improvement, development require climate resilient crops like Dolichos. It is a potential crop for sustainable
Varieties, Vegetable. agriculture in dry land ecosystems assuring food and income security to small and marginal farmers
of this region. Thus, attention should be given for comprehensive genetic improvement and
conservation of plant genetic resources of Dolichos.

INTRODUCTION Thus, Dolichos are planted in July-August to synchronize

flowering to winter months and harvested in the months of
Dolichos bean or Hyacinth bean or Indian bean [(Lablab February to April. However, if photo-period neutral varieties
purpureus L.) Sweet] is a multi-utility and multi-beneficial are available, then it can be cultivated round the year. Dolichos
leguminous crop. It is grown for vegetable, pulse, fodder, is an important legume crop with multiple benefits. Its green
green manure, cover crop, medicine and ornamental purpose delicious immature pods and seeds are consumed as vegetable.
(Ayyangar and Nambiar, 1935). It is one of the oldest legume After maturity, dry seeds are harvested and stored, and
crop known to be cultivated dry and semi-arid regions of Asia, consumed as a pulse throughout the year. It is very good
Africa and America (Ayyangar and Nambiar, 1935). In India, source of protein (20-25%), amino acids (like Lysine, usually
it is popularly grown in south, east and north east parts of the lack in cereals), vitamins (A, C & Riboflavin) and minerals
country. It is the major sources of protein in the South Indian (Ca, Fe, Mg, S, Na & P) (Deka and Sarkar, 1990). Moreover,
diet. With cultivated area of 0.085 million hectares and immature pods and seeds are rich in dietary fiber, and low
production of 0.030 million tones, Karnataka only contributes carbohydrates and lipids. Due to changing pattern of lifestyle
about 90% of both area and production of Dolichos in India and food habit elsewhere, intake of low calorie and low fat
(Laxmi et al., 2015). It is grown either in pure stand or vegetarian food is becoming increasingly popular. Thus,
intercropped with cereals like finger millet, pearl millet, corn Dolichos is very important from nutritional view point.
and sorghum, and with other crops like groundnut, castor in Besides, Dolichos is endowed with many medicinal and
rainfed ecosystems. It prefers comparatively cool season, and therapeutic properties. The seeds contain kievitone, which is
moreover majority of traditional cultivars are temperature-and one of the potential breast cancer fighting flavonoid (Hoffman
photoperiod-sensitive and requires short days for flowering. 1995). Tyrosinase present in the seed has greater potential for
the treatment of hypertension in human beings (Naeem et al.
*Corresponding author: Raghu, B.R., 2009). The beans are used as stomachic, anthelmintic, diuretic,
PhD (Genetics), Scientist, Division of Vegetable Crops, ICAR-Indian aphrodisiac, anti-spasmodic, digestive, febrifuge, carminative
Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake Post
and laxative (Kirtikar & Basu 1995).
Bangalore-560089, India.
International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research 4339

Table 1. The distinguishing features of two botanical

botanical or cultivated types of Dolichos

Features Lablab purpureus var. typicus Lablab purpureus var. lignosus

Common names Garden bean, Hyacinth bean Field bean, Indian bean, Lablab bean
Vernacular names Sem (Hindi), Hittalavare or Nelavare (Kannada), Avare (Kannada), Avarai (Tamil);
Chikudu (Telugu), Wal (Marathi), Aare (Tamil)
Growth type Indeterminate or semi-indeterminate
indeterminate Determinate
Growth habit Perennial twining herb usually trained on a pendal (Pole Perennial bush oftenely grown as annual (Bush type)
Cultivation type Garden type crop Field crop type, either as pure crop or intercropped with other
Pigmentation More pigmentation on stem, leaves and pods Less pigmentation on stem, leaves and pods
Flowering Thermo-photoperiod sensitive (short day) Thermo-photoperiod
photoperiod insensitive
Flowering duration 60-90 days after sowing 40-50 days after sowing
Pod traits Pods are Longer, flat and tapering. Long axis of seeds is Pods are shorter in length and more abruptly truncated. Long
parallel to suture of the pod. axis of seeds is perpendicular to suture of the pod.
Parchment on pod wall Pods are relatively less fibrous, soft and whole pod is Pods are firm-walled
walled and fibrous pods not suitable for whole
edible pod consumption
Harvesting stage Green immature pods and green seeds harvested Fully matured dry pods are harvested for dry seeds; However,
pods are harvested for green seeds
Purpose Usually cultivated for green immature pods and green Usually
ually cultivated for dry seeds and consumed as pulse
seeds and consumed as vegetable
Other traits No oily substances and characteristic fragrance It exude oily substances that emit characteristic fragrance
Yield potential High Less
Popular local cultivars ‘Kanupu Chikudu’ ‘Magadi local’, ‘Shivappu avare’, ‘Yanaikathu Avarai’ and
‘Kozhikkal Avari’, ‘Kadalavare’

Table 2. List of popular varieties of Dolichos developed for vegetable, Pulse and fodder purpose

Institute developed Varieties Special features Purpose

ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru Arka Jay, Arka Vijya, Arka Sambhram, Arka Amogh and Arka Soumya Bush type, Photi
Photi-insensitive Vegetable
Arka Swagath, Arka Vistar, Arka Krishna, Arka Adarsh, Arka Pradhan, Arka Pole type, Photi
Photi-insensitive Vegetable
Prasidhi and Arka Bhavani
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi Pusa Sem 2, Pusa Sem 3 and Pusa Early Prolific Pole type, Photi
Photi-insensitive Vegetable
KKVP, Dapoli Konkan Bhushan (DPLD 1) Bush type, Photi
Photi-insensitive Vegetable
CSAUA&T, Kanpur Rajani, KDB 403, KDB 405 Pole type, Photi
Photi-insensitive Vegetable
MPKV, Rahuri Dasarawal, Deepaliwal Pole type, Photi
Photi-insensitive Vegetable
JNKV, Jabalpur JDL. 79, JDL 53 Pole type, Photi
Photi-insensitive Vegetable
UAS, Bangalore Hebbal Avare-1,
1, Hebbal Avare-3
Avare , Hebbal Avare-4 Bush type, Photi
Photi-insensitive Pulse
TNAU, Coimbatore Co-1, Co-2, Co-3, Co-4,
4, Co-5
Co Pole type, Photi
Photi-insensitive Vegetable
Co-6, Co-7, Co-8, Co-9,
9, Co-10,
Co Co-11, Co-12, Co-13, Co(Gb)-14 Bush type, Photi
Photi-insensitive Vegetable
ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi Bendel Sem-1 (JLP-4) Biennial growth type , multicut Fodder
fodder crop

Figure 1. Bush type photo-insensitive

insensitive Dolichos varieties developed at ICAR-IIHR,
ICAR IIHR, Bengaluru, for vegetable purpose for round the
year cultivation
International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research 4340

Besides, Dolichos provides very nutritious and palatable green Dolichos as a donor) into genetic background of Lablab
fodder to milch animals. The green leaves contain 21-38% of purpureus var. typicus (Kanupu Chikudu, a most priced local
crude protein. In addition, Dolichos is used in silage making by garden bean), and developed two bush type vegetable Dolichos
mixing it with other cereals (like Sorghum) in 2: 1 proportion varieties namely, Arka Jay and Arka Vijay suitable for round
to improve quality and protein content of silage (FAO, 2012). the year cultivation (Fig. 1) (Satyanarayana, 1985). Besides,
Besides, Dolichos produces more biomass per unit area and ICAR-IIHR, has developed six varieties of photo-insensitive
time, and thus act as very good natural mulch and reducing soil pole type Dolichos and three more photo-insensitive bush type
erosion due to runoff water. Moreover, it adds more biomass to Dolichos varieties for vegetable purpose. The list of popular
soil and improves soil health by enriching soil carbon content. varieties of Dolichos released for vegetable, pulse and fodder
The extensive root system of Dolichos improves physical purpose is given in the table 2.
properties and structure of the soil. Further, it fixes
atmospheric Nitrogen symbiotically with beneficial Future thrust:
microorganism and improves the soil fertility. Moreover, it can
withstand drought better than other legumes like common bean  Area expansion under Dolichos: In India, about 60%
and cowpea, and well adapted to acidic and saline soils. Thus, of cultivable area is under rainfed situation. More than
it is an important crop when considering food, nutritional and 90% of area under Dolichos is in Karnataka. However,
economic security to poor and marginal farmers, ecosystem Dolichos can easily fit to existing cropping systems of
stability, climate change resilience, and cultural diversity for other dry land parts of the country. Besides, it assures
local food habits. nutritional and income security to small and marginal
farmers and improves soil fertility in rainfed
Types of Dolichos: Dolichos belonging to the family ecosystems. Thus, there is a huge scope to expand
Fabaceae, is predominantly a self-pollinated crop and native to Dolichos cultivation to non-conventional arid and semi-
India (Nene, 2006). The cultivated Dolichos is broadly arid regions of central, western and north-east parts of
identified as two botanical types, namely Lablab purpureus the country.
var. typicus and Lablab purpureus var. lignosus (Sasthry,  Conservation of PGR in Dolichos: Dolichos is native
1952). Both types are cross compatible and produce fertile to India. Thus tremendous diversity exists for this crop.
progenies upon hybridization. The differentiating features of In order to understand the extant of variability for
both types are given the table 1. important economic traits and identification of trait
specific genotypes requires comprehensive exploration
Genetic improvement of Dolichos: Despite its multi-utility of PGR, characterization and documentation. There
and multi-benefits, Dolichos is still an underutilized and should be a system of regular exchange of germplasm
unexplored crop. It is evident from limited area of cultivation among the breeders.
under this crop and efforts towards its genetic enhancement  Development of DUS guidelines and protection of
(Vaijayanthi et al., 2018). Though, few efforts are underway to farmer’s varieties: In various parts of India, the
improve the genetic potential of Dolichos for pod yield, grain farmers are popularly growing their own bred varieties
yield and its attributes elsewhere. More often, they are isolated of Dolichos passed from many generations known by
programmes, characterized by limited use of plant genetic different vernacular names, collectively called farmers
resources (PGR), relies on narrow genetic base. In most cases, varieties. They known to possess unique traits and have
breeding methods involves hybridization followed by selection economic importance. However, there is no
for recombinants in segregating generations, which is more internationally or nationally accepted DUS test
time consuming, more land and resource demanding and less guidelines available in Dolichos; which is a mandatory
efficient. Whereas, more efficient and enhanced pace of requirement to register and protect farmer’s varieties
breeding programme in Dolichos require adoption of a well- under PPV&FRA, New Delhi. Thus there is a urgent
conceived strategy that hinges on increased use of available need to develop internationally or nationally accepted
plant genetic resources, identification of trait based genotypes, DUS test guidelines in Dolichos.
identification and introgression of key genes/ Quantitative  Comprehensive research efforts in Dolichos: A
Trait Loci (QTLs). Further, it should be supported by breeding programme inclusive of increased use of
comprehensive survey and exploration of wide range of genomic resources in PGR management, identification
germplasm resources, understanding the extent of genetic of trait specific genotypes and trait discovery,
wealth, followed by characterization and documentation and successful introgression into elite genetic background is
regular exchange of germplasm between institutes involved in need of the hour. Further, much intensive efforts
Dolichos improvement. Development and increasing use of towards ideotype breeding in Dolichos are required for
different robust genomic resources such as SSR (Simple development of bush and semi-determinate growth
sequence repeats) markers, SNPs (Single Nucleotide habit with early flowering and superior pod quality
Polymorphism), DArT (Diversity Arrays Technology) ect,. and suitable for vegetable purpose and do way with cost
their efficient use in identification of elite genotypes and traits intensive trailing.
discovery. In past, efforts were made to improve Dolichos for  International Cooperation: Particularly, with African
vegetable purpose, grain yield and fodder purpose. Many and Asian countries for exchange of expertise and
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) institutes, experiences, human resources and germplasm resources
State Agricultural Universities (SAU) and few international to accelerate the research activities in Dolichos.
institutes are actively involved in genetic improvement of
Dolichos. The ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research Conclusion
(IIHR), Bengaluru, is a pioneer institute to successfully
introgress photo-insensitivity and determinate traits from Climate change is inflicting serious threat to global food
Lablab purpureus var. lignosus (Hebbal Avarai 3, a pulse type security, biodiversity and sustainable development. One of the
International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research 4341

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