NEET UG Biology Transport in Plants
NEET UG Biology Transport in Plants
NEET UG Biology Transport in Plants
Questionbank Biology
Unit -IV
Transport over a longer distance proceeds through the vascular system is called translocation. In
rooted plants, transport in xylem is unidirectional from roots to the stems. Organic and mineral nutrients
undergo multidirectional transport.
The molecule of any substance move away from their higher concentration to their lower concentration,
this process is called diffusion. In facilitated diffusion special proteins help to move substances across
membranes without utilization of energy from ATP.
Water potential is a potential energy of water. It is designated by the greek later “Psi” - symbol is Ψ
The osmosis can be difined as - “When two solutions of unequal concentrations are seperated by a
semi permiable membrane the solvent (water) diffuses from dilute solution to concentrated solution.”
This process will continue till the concentration of solutions becomes the equal.
When a living plant cell is placed in a hypertonic solution. (a concentrated solution of sugar or salt.)
water moves out of the cell and membrane shrinks away from its cell wall. This phenomenon is known
as plasmolysis. The process of plasmolysis can be reversed if the cell is placed in the hypotonic solution.
The water enters into the cell causing the cytoplasm to develop the pressure against cell wall. This
pressure is called turgor pressure and the swollen condition of a cell is called cell’s turgidity.
The water is absorbed by root hairs moves through cortical cells and reaches xylem by following two
distinct pathways : (1) Apoplast pathway and (2) Symplast pathway.
The movement of water and minerals absorbed by the root system of plants, towards stem and the
leaves is called ascent of sap. Two main theories are proposed (1) Root pressure theory and (2)
Transpiration pull theory. The loss of water from the plant in the form of vapour is known as transpiration
There are three main kinds of transpiration (1) Cuticular (2) Lenticelar and (3) Stomatal. The food is
transported by phloem from source to sink. The hypothesis for the translocation of sugar from source
to sink is known as mass flow or the pressure flow hypothesis.
For the given options select the correct options (a, b, c, d) each carries one mark.
1. Match A and B :
(p) Simple diffusion (i) Uphill transport
(q) Faciliate diffusion (ii) Membrane protein that have a hydrophilic moiety.
(r) Active transport (iii) Membrane protein that have a hydrophabic moiety.
(s) Water potential. (iv) The potential energy.
(v) Passive transport
p q r s
(a) (v) (iii) (i) (iv)
(b) (i) (ii) (iii) (v)
(c) (v) (ii) (i) (iv)
(d) (iii) (v) (ii) (i)
Questionbank Biology
2. The pressure at which the entry of water across the semipermiable membrane stops is called .....
(a) Turgor pressur (b) Root pressure (c) Osmotic pressure (d) Diffusion pressure
3. What happens in this figure ?
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21. In thistle funnel experiment, entry of water into thistle funnel stops after some time automatically
due to
(a) Diffusion of sugar out of thistle funnel.
(b) External and internal solutions become isotonic.
(c) Development of hydrostatic pressure in the thistle funnel.
(d) Development of hydrostatic pressure in the beaker.
22. In plants the process in which loss of water occurs in form of water vapour is
(a) Respiration (b) Guttation (c) Transpiration (d) Exosmosis
23. Stomatal aperature is surrounded by guard cells and opens when guard cells are
(a) Flaccid (b) Turgid (c) Bean shaped (d) Dumb-bell shaped
24. Stomatal frequency indicates.
(a) Number of stomata per unit area (b) Rate of water loss
(c) Rate of gaseous exchange (d) Width of stomatal aperature
25. In dorsiventral leaf, the number of stomata per unit area are generally.
(a) Same on both the surface (b) More on lower surface (epidermis)
(c) More on upper surface (epidermis) (d) Absent on upper surface
26. In isobilateral leaf, the number of stomata per unit area are.
(a) More on upper surface (b) More on lower surface
(c) Approximately same on both the surfaces (d) Absent on both the surfaces
27. In xerophytic leaf the stomata are situated.
(a)On both surfaces (b) On upper surface
(d) On lower surface (d) Absent from both surfaces
28. The loss of water in form of water drops is called.
(a) Transpiration (b) Respiration (c) Guttation (d) Exosmosis
29. Transpiration is unavoidable evil because of
(a) Structure of leaf and harmful effect
(b) Beneficial and harmful effect.
(c) Maintenance of turgidity for growth
(d) Gaseous exchange for photosynthesis and respiration
30. Plants with scotoactive stomata perform
(a) C4 photosynthesis (b) CAM photosynthesis
(c) C3 photosynthesis (d) An oxygenic photosynthesis
31. For keeping stomata open, besides K+ ions the guard cells require a constant supply of
(A) ABA (b) ATP (c) Organic acid (d) Protons
32. Transpiration is a process related to
(a) Osmosis (b) Diffusion (c) Activated transport (d) Facilitated diffusion
33. Rate of transpiration is inversely related to
(a) Humidity (b) Light (c) Temperature (d) Water
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97. The movement of free atoms from higher concentration to lower concentration is called.
(RPMT 1995)
(a) Osmosis (b) Diffusion (c) Endosmosis (d) Exosmosis
98. Plasmolysis is due to (CPMT 1995)
(a) Exosmosis (b) Endosmosis (c) Osmosis (d) Adsorption
99. Cotton fibres dipped in water absorb water through (RPMT 1996)
(a) Endosmosis (b) Exosmosis (c) Capillarity (d) Imbibition
100. With rise in turgidity, wall pressure will (CBSE 1997)
(a) Decrease (b) Increase (c) Fluctuate (d) Remain unchanged
101. Root pressur is due to (MPPMT 1993, Har. PMT 2003, Orissa 2011)
(a) Active absorption (b) Passive absorption
(c) Increased transpiration (d) Increased photosynthesis
102. Adding solute to pure water will cause development of (MPPMT 2001)
(a) Positive water potential
(b) More positive water potential decreases Ψ S
(c) More negative water potential will not change Ψ S
(d) Negative water potential
103. Rate of transpiration is highest when (JKCMEE 2000)
(a) Soil is wet and air is dry (b) Soil is wet and air is hunid
(c) Soil is dry and air is humid (d) Both soil and air are dry.
104. Stomata of CAM plants (CBSE 2003)
(a) Are always open
(b) Open during the day and close at might
(c) Open during night and close during the day
(d) Nerve open
105. Choose the correct combination of labelling in potato osmoscope. (Manipal PMT 2004)
(a) a-final level, b-dot pin, c-initial level, d-sugar solution, e-potato tuber
(b) a-initial level, b-dot pin, c-final level, d-water, e-potato tuber
(c) a-final level, b-dot pin, c-initial level, d-water, e-potato tuber
(d) a-final level, b-dot pin, c-initial level, d- water, e-container
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Questionbank Biology
118. Tracheids are less efficient than vessels due to (MHT, CET 2011)
(a) Absense of closed end walls (b) Uneven thickeningS
(c) Caspirian strips (d) Presence of tapering end walls
119. The space between plasma membrane and cell wall of a plasmolysed cell surrounded by a hypertonic
solution is occupied by (KCET 2011)
(a) Isotonic solution (b) Hypotonic solution
(c) Hypertonic solution (d) Water
120. The process by which water is absorbed by solids like colloids causing them to increase in volume is
(a) Facilitated diffusion (b) Diffusion (c) Osmosis (d) Imbibation
121. Sotmatal opening is influenced by
(a) N2 concentration, CO2 concentration, light
(b) CO2 concentration, temperature, light
(c) N2 concentration, light, temperature
(d) CO2 concentration, N2 concentration, temperature
122. 2% Nacl as compared to 18% glucose solution is
(a) Isotonic (b) Hypotonic (c) Hypertonic (d) None of the above
123. Water absorption by root hairs occurs untill (COMED-K’s 2010)
(a) Concentration of water in the cell sap is higher
(b) Salt concentration in cell sap is higher
(c) They are separated from the soil by a selectively permeable membrane
(d) Water potential is lower
124. Which pathway involves cell wall and inter cellular spaces ? (COMED-K’s 2010)
(a) Vascular pathway (b) Protoplast pathway (c) Symplast pathway (d)Apoplast pathway
125. Glucose is not stored in plants due to its effect in
(a) Decrease in osmotic pressure
(b) Increase in osmotic pressure
(c) Increase in turgor pressure
(d) Decreas in turgor pressure
126. Match the columns :
(a) Diffusion (1) Hydrophilic substances
(b) Osmosis (2) Shrinkage of protoplasm
(c) Imbibation (3) Semipermiable membrane
(d) Plasmolysis (4) Free movement of ions and gases
(a) (a)-(2), (b)-(1), (c)-(4), (d)-(3)
(b) (a)-(3), (b)-(1), (c)-(4), (d)-(2)
(c) (a)-(2), (b)-(3), (c)-(4), (d)-(1)
(d) (a)-(4), (b)-(3), (c)-(1), (d)-(2)
Questionbank Biology
Question number 127 to 141 are Assertion and Reason type of questions Which of the
option is correct for them.
Options for question number 127 to 141
(a) Both are correct and R is the correct explanation for A.
(b) Both are correct and R is the correct not explanation for A.
(c) A is correct and R is wrong
(d) R is correct and A is wrong
127. A : When water potential in the cells of leaves is lowered.
R : Water from leaf cells moves into leaf xylem.
128. A : When evaportaion is high excess water collects in the form of liquid arround special opening of
R : Such water loss in liquid form is known as guttation.
129. A : A large amount of water moves through the root cortex along the apoplast pathway.
R : Cells of cortex are loosely packed and no much resistance along them.
130. A : When water flows into the cell and out of the cell, are in equilibrium.
R : The cell is said to be flaccid.
131. A : Effects of root pressure observable at night and early morning.
R :At night and early morning evaporation is very low.
132. A : Uphill transport is a active transport.
R : In active transport molecules moves in a concentration gradient.
133. A : In sunflower lower surface of leaf possesses more transpiration.
R : Maximum transpiration occurs through stomata.
134. A :During photosynthesis sucrose is converted into starch.
R : Sucrose is a non-reducing sugar and hence chemically stable.
135. A : The development of the C4 photosynthetic system is probably one of the strategies for maximizing
the availibility of CO2 and minimizing water loss.
R : C4 plants are as twice as eifficient as C3 plants in term of fixing CO2.
136. A : In a symport two types of molecules move in opposite directions.
R : When a molecule move across a membrane independent of other molecule, a process called
137. A : When living a plant cell placed in a hypertonic solution, cell membrane shrinks away from its cell
R : The concentration of vacular sap in a cell is higher than surrounding solution.
138. A : If we apply pressure from above on the water within the thistle funnel. We can stop entry of
water through osmosis.
R : This pressure at which the entry of water across the permeable membrane stops is called osmotic
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139. A : When the temperature is high and the soil contains excess of water, the plants tends to lose water
in the form of droplets from lenticles.
R : Root pressure does not regulate the rate of loss of water from lenticles.
140. A : In angiosperms, the conduction of water is more efficient because their xylem has vessels.
R : Conduction of water by vessel elements is an active process with energy supplied by xylem
parenchyma rich in mitochondria.
141. A : We are able to produce electricity from water fall from stored water in dams.
R : The gravitational pull is resposible for conversion of potential energy of water in the form of
energy which can do work.
142. What does A and B indicate in the diagram ?
(a) A - Epidernal cell, B - Guard cell
(b) A - Guard cell, B - Epidermal cell
(c) A - Thickened wall, B - Epidermal cell
(d) A - Cytoplasmic membrane, B - Guard cell
144. Which of the following figure shows the final stage of plasmolysis ?
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148. The experimental setup in the given diagram is for ? (KCET 2003)
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