Forget Cash. Here Are Better Ways To Motivate Employees: by Dina Gerdeman
Forget Cash. Here Are Better Ways To Motivate Employees: by Dina Gerdeman
Forget Cash. Here Are Better Ways To Motivate Employees: by Dina Gerdeman
In today's tight job market, employers must focus on how to attract and keep top talent.
Giving away stacks of money may not always be the best incentive, warns Ashley
With unemployment at near historic lows in the United States, employers report that
their single greatest challenge is recruiting and retaining talent. The answer for many
companies is to throw money at the problem: Bonuses, incentive pay, and out-of-cycle
salary increases are often seen as motivators that will entice greater effort and loyalty
out of workers.
Turns out, using cash as a carrot isn’t always the best answer, according to new
research by Harvard Business School Assistant Professor Ashley V. Whillans. More
than 80 percent of American employees say they do not feel recognized or rewarded,
despite the fact that US companies are spending more than a fifth of their budgets on
What employees crave even more is to feel that their managers appreciate them and
aren’t afraid to show it, not only in paycheck terms, but in other ways such as flexible
work-at-home schedules, gift cards for pulling off impressive projects, or even just by
saying “thank you” for a job well done.
“Cash matters in people’s lives, but it’s not all that matters,” says Whillans, who
researches what makes people happy. “What really matters in the workplace is helping
employees feel appreciated.”
Whillans co-wrote a recent article in Compensation & Benefits Review, “Winning the
War for Talent: Modern Motivational Methods for Attracting and Retaining Employees,”
with Anais Thibault-Landry of the Université du Québec à Montréal and Allan Schweyer
of the Incentive Research Foundation.
Companies with strong recognition programs enjoy increased productivity, lower job
turnover, and greater returns on investment than other companies in the same
Whillans provides nine tips for business leaders on how best to reward their workers in
ways that will bring them greater job satisfaction and motivate them to work harder.
Candidates said the “softer” rewards described in the job ads gave them the
impression the company cared about its employees and was more considerate with
helping workers find a healthy work-life balance—and that mattered more to them
than the extra money.
But money is less meaningful as a motivator in the complex creative jobs that make
up most work in our modern knowledge-based society. “With most of today’s
employees, you’re trying to help instill intrinsic motivation, so they feel motivated to
put in more effort out of enjoyment for what they do and appreciation for their jobs,
rather than feeling extrinsically motivated by cash alone.”
“If you can find a way to imbue meaning beyond the zeros in the cash reward,” says
Whillans, “that same reward will go further.”
for future work. Decades of research does confirm that financial incentives can boost
effort and performance. But there’s a downside; when an employee’s pay is
contingent on performance, they can become obsessed with money—specifically,
with earning more of it.
What often works better as an incentive is to turn around the timing of the reward,
handing it out immediately after an employee excels at a particular task, rather than
dangling it beforehand.
“In this way, you can use timing to your advantage,” Whillans says. “And be very
clear about what the worker did and why they’re receiving the reward to reinforce
good behavior—because you’re hoping the worker will repeat that behavior.”
People may prefer non-cash gifts because they often spend cash bonuses on basic
necessities like paying rent or buying groceries, which are less memorable and
enjoyable transactions than luxurious prizes like electronics or trips. It’s even better if
a gift feels personalized. A manager could give an employee who enjoys fitness
activities a gift card to a store that sells workout clothes, while giving another worker
who is a big Red Sox fan tickets to an upcoming game.
Another side benefit to prizes: workplace buzz. “People feel awkward talking about
money, so they won’t talk about the $2,000 bonus they received. But if you reward
someone with a nice dinner or trip, they will talk about it with their co-workers, and
that can motivate everyone,” Whillans says. “Plus, that trip or dinner is more
memorable and emotionally satisfying to them than just receiving cash, so it can act
as a stronger motivator.”
“If you allow an employee to work at home, you help employees feel like you trust
them to get their work done where they want to get it done,” Whillans says. “That is
enormously satisfying to them—and it motivates them to work even harder.”
Also, research shows that employees who take time off are less stressed and more
engaged, more creative, and more productive. Give the gift of time, not just through
generous vacation policies, but in other ways. For example, figure out flexible work
schedules so employees spend less time jammed in traffic. Allow work-travelers to
book direct flights—even if they cost a little more than indirect trips.
This is not expensive for a company to do and makes the act of appreciation in the
workplace habitual and easy, Whillans says. “It also builds social connections in a
workplace, which helps people feel more fulfilled at work.”
“People are more likely to contribute posts on Wikipedia when they receive a public
certificate of recognition,” Whillans says. “If you can create a social experience
around the reward, it becomes more eventful and something an employee will
“You don’t have to express gratitude only for things that help the company turn a
profit. It could be as simple as saying ‘thank you’ for an email that allowed a project to
go more smoothly,” she says.
Why rewarding employees works
Whillans says these types of rewards work because they tap into three strong
psychological needs: Employees long for autonomy, with the freedom to choose how
to do their work; they want to appear competent, armed with the skills needed to
perform; and they want to feel a sense of belonging by socially connecting with
colleagues in a meaningful way.
When these needs are satisfied, employees feel more motivated, engaged, and
committed to their workplace—and they report fewer intentions of leaving their jobs,
Whillans says.
Companies shouldn’t read the research results to mean that money is meaningless to
employees. The team’s findings are contingent on the understanding that employees
are paid competitive, fair salaries. Because, let’s be honest: If an employee has worked
overtime for weeks on an important project, a mere “thank you” may feel hollow.
Managers should try a variety of rewards and measure which ones appeal to employees
and motivate them the most.
Praising employees can be a stumbling block for leaders who mistakenly believe being
harsh produces stronger results or who worry they will appear soft and won’t be taken
seriously. So managers should be trained in how to regularly show appreciation,
Whillans says.
“Many managers feel awkward showing gratitude and shy away from it,” she says.
“That’s why organizations need to make a push to help managers with this. It can make
all the difference in whether a talented worker stays or goes.”
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