School Based Violence Assessment Report Using School Violence Index Name of School: Sululta Secondary School
School Based Violence Assessment Report Using School Violence Index Name of School: Sululta Secondary School
School Based Violence Assessment Report Using School Violence Index Name of School: Sululta Secondary School
Assessment No: 1
Established in 2000 EC
It is a Government School.
The school has students from grades 9 to10
Its current enrollment is 1670 students.
Has a total 62 of teachers.
The assessment covers the following four dimensions on the target school:
Dimension 1: School Violence Prevention & Reduction Program:
Dimension 2: School Physical Security Improvement:
Dimension 3: School Policies & Rules to Combat Violence:
Dimension 4: Handling School Violence Incidences:
The indicators are given a score, minimum 0 and maximum 4, according to the level of
agreement which refers to the degree to which the indicator is applicable to or practice within
the school, translated into the level of agreement with the indicator.
The students’ response assessment on ‘school violence prevention programs’ is 7-25% less than
those of teachers and principals/admin. Students agreed with teachers and principal/admin on that
there are activities in their school that maintain positive relationships among all school members
and the school has no periodic training session on violence prevention. Students agreed with the
principal/admin on the involvement of parents in the violence prevention program. Students rated
low on teachers’ awareness of their code of conduct. Students rated low (0-2) on 7 of the 10
SVI Report Sample School March 2018 Page 3
indicators while principal/admin rated high (3) on 7 of the 10 indicators. This shows that students
lack information regarding violence prevention program or the school is no transparent on its
violence prevention program.
To be effective, violence prevention program requires community-wide collaborative efforts that
include students, families, teachers, administrators, staff, health professionals, law enforcement,
and others. Thus school principal/administrator should bring together all of the above
constituencies to develop strategies appropriate for their own particular school environments.
While school administrators create a climate of safety in school, teachers, especially, must
be directly involve and support in all stages of developing and implementing programs to
achieve safer school.
The school should transparent on its violence prevention program
The school needs to conduct a needs assessment to determine the types of conflict that tend
to occur and how they are best resolved.
The students’ response assessment on ‘school physical security’ is 32-35% less than those of
teachers and principals/admin. Almost students agreed with teachers and principal/admin on the
school has supervised fence, all the exterior entrances are monitored not allow intruders, and
restricted areas within the school are properly identified and secured. Students, teachers and
principal/admin rated low (0-1) on there are no activities surrounding the school that divert students’
attention and girls are safe on the way to from the school. This shows that there are activities around
the school that divert students’ attention not to follow their school properly and the security of girls
are not safe.
The school need to
Establish a cooperative relationship with law enforcement and owners of adjacent
properties to the school that allow for joint monitoring of student conduct during
The students’ response assessment on ‘school policies and rules to combat violence’ is 34-55% less
than those of teachers and principal/admin. Students rated low on 7 of the 8 indicators show that
they have low awareness about their school rules and regulations or are not satisfied with the
existing school rules and procedures/code of conduct. Students agreed with teachers and
principal/admin on the use of school guideline to alleviate disciplinary problems. Students, teachers
and principal/ admin rated low on the school periodically evaluate its violence status. Students
rated low on the involvement of school community in violent prevention program. This shows that
participation of school community in violence prevention is weak; and the principal/admin and
teachers play the role in preventing violence by themselves alone.
The students’ response assessment on ‘handling school violence incidences’ is 21-35% less than
those of teachers and principal/admin. The response of students, teachers and principal/admin
almost the same on how and where students report school based violence. Students, teachers and
principal rated low on the specific support that school provided for students who are victimized and
perpetrators, and on the school has a violence recording system that differentiates the type of
violence. This shows that the school has no counseling services for students regarding violence and
violence recoding system.
School need to
Establish training programs under the supervision of a trained counselor in which
teachers, students and other school community can be taught to help other students;
victimized and perpetrators.
Ensue the students understand that when reporting concerning violence behavior, the
goal is intervention, not punishment.
Develop violence recording system that differentiates the types of violence
Provide or refer students to counseling services
The school needs to establish a climate that encourages and enables students, teachers, and
parents to report threats and act of violence.
Invite parents to help design and implement safety plans. Information and training session
sessions should be provided on school safety policies and programs.
The local law enforcements/police should consult with school administrators, teachers and
parents about school security.
Develop a consistent, timely, and effective means to notify parents of rule violations and