Assignment of Bisection Method Solution: Computer Oriented Numerical Methods - 2620004
Assignment of Bisection Method Solution: Computer Oriented Numerical Methods - 2620004
Assignment of Bisection Method Solution: Computer Oriented Numerical Methods - 2620004
Computer Oriented Numerical Methods - 2620004 TECH & SCI. (MCA)
Que – 1: Find real root of equation x3 – 9x +1 = 0 using bisection Method. Take the initial
guesses as 2 and 3.perform 5 iteration only. (June - 2012).
Que – 2: Determine the roots of f(x) = -0.5x + 2.5x +4.5.Using three iterations of the
bisection method to determine the highest root. Employ initial guesses of xl=5 and xu =
10. Compute the estimated error a and the true error t for each iteration. True value is
3 2
Que – 3 : Determine the real root of f(x) = 5x -5x +6x-2 using bisection to locate the root.
Employ initial guesses of xl = 0 and xu = 1and iterate until the estimated error a falls
below the level of s = 10%.
Que – 4 : Determine the Real roots of f(x) = -25 +82x – 90x2 + 44x3 – 8x4 + 0.7x5. xl = 0.5
and xu = 1 and s = 10%.
Que – 5 : Determine the roots of f(x) = -12 -21x + 18x2 -2.75x3 where xl = -1 and xu = 0
and stopping criteria is s = 1%
Que – 6 : Locate the first nontrivial root of sin x = x where x is in radians. The initial
interval from 0.5 to 1.Perform the computation until a is less than s = 2%.
Que – 7: Determine the positive real root of ln(x4) = 0.7. Using three iteration of the
bisection method with initial guesses of xl = 0.5 and xu =2.