Subject Link 1 WB
Subject Link 1 WB
Subject Link 1 WB
1 Parts of Plants
F low e r s
Vocabulary Practice
Word Definition
4. n. a part of a plant that gets water and food from the soil
Lesson 1 • Flowers 3
cial Studies
2. (have flowers, roots, / most plants / stems, and leaves / .) country proud precious
religious muddy float
5. (the plants up / the stems also / help hold / .) 3. adj. feeling good and happy about something you own
4 Lesson 2 • Flowers 5
2. (grows / Austria / the edelweiss / on the high mountains in / .) composer wedding poem
melody bouquet bride
5. (on the water / floats / the flower / .) 3. n. a piece of writing with a special form, style, and language
6 Lesson 3 • Flowers 7
2. (piano with / Clara’s father / Robert was studying / .) introduce Dutch product
price income pay
5. (the 26 songs together / like a bouquet / were / .) 3. v. to bring something somewhere for the first time
8 Lesson 4 • Flowers 9
cial Studies
2. (of them / the unique colors and shape / Dutch people liked / .) map compass rose direction
map key symbol scale
3. (more than / yearly income / one flower could cost / a Dutch worker’s / .)
Word Definition
5. (people stopped / for tulips / paying high prices / by 1637, / .) 3. n. the way in which something travels
6. n. the thing that shows the real distances between places on a map
10 Lesson 5 • Maps 11
3. (the map / the meaning of / the map key explains / each symbol on / .)
Word Definition
5. (a map / how to read / now you know / .) 3. n. a drawing that uses lines or bars to show information
12 Lesson 6 • Maps 13
2. (Descartes saw / a fly / one day, / on his ceiling / .) forest worry branch
moss shadowy nature
5. (on a map / a new way to describe / Descartes came up with / a location / .) 3. n. a large group of trees
14 Lesson 7 • Maps 15
2. (show you / which direction / trees can / you are walking in / .) slave hang pack
information escape cabin
5. (the Big Dipper points / the star at the end of / to the North Star / .) 3. v. to get away from a place
16 Lesson 8 • Maps 17
& Health
2. (that it wasn’t / her father explained / an ordinary quilt / .) grain oatmeal bean
dairy balanced diet
5. (we can sleep / safe places where / those are / .) 3. n. the food that you usually eat
18 Lesson 9 • Food 19
cial Studies
Sentence Practice
10 Jamie Oliver ’s School Food Revolution
F oo d
2. (your muscles, skin, hair, and nails / protein makes / healthy / .) junk food meal nugget
throw away disgusted grilled
3. (in them / have calcium / milk, cheese, and other dairy products / .)
Word Definition
5. (for your body / you need / to work well / fruit and vegetables / .) 3. adj. feeling sick because of something unpleasant
4. n. unhealthy food
6. n. food; dish
20 Lesson 10 • Food 21
Sentence Practice
11 Painting Faces Made of Food
F oo d
2. (and made healthy meals / I visited a school / for them / .) painter portrait gardener
object create imagination
5. (around the world / is spreading / Now, my food revolution / .) 3. v. to make something new
6. (you always make / you can / I hope / the healthiest food choices / !)
5. n. the ability to form ideas or pictures in your head
22 Lesson 11 • Food 23
Sentence Practice
12 The Origins of Fruit Names
F oo d
2. (he painted / with a special twist / many portraits / !) discover kiwifruit fuzzy
explorer shell grocery store
5. (like puzzles of / fruit and vegetables / his paintings are / .) 3. n. a small fruit that has brown skin and is green inside
6. (one of the most famous painters / this helped him / of his time / to become / .)
5. v. to find something for the first time
24 Lesson 12 • Food 25
Sentence Practice
13 Why Do We Have Summer?
2. (interesting stories / did you know that / about their names / some fruits have / ?) season orbit tilt
straight sunlight northern
5. (a Portuguese explorer discovered / in the 16th century, / the coconut / .) 3. v. to lean to one side
26 Lesson 13 • Summer 27
Sentence Practice
14 A Midsummer Night ’s Dream
2. (why we have / did you ever wonder / different seasons / ?) play magical fairy
donkey light get married
3. (seasons are / travels around the sun / different because the earth / .)
Word Definition
5. (we get less sunlight / are colder / this means that / and our days / !) 3. v. to become someone’s husband or wife
6. (moves throughout the year / our seasons change / because the earth / .)
5. n. a tiny imaginary person with magic powers
28 Lesson 14 • Summer 29
2. (a comedy about love / the story is / on a warm summer night / .) sweat cool protect
skin sunscreen keep away
5. (couples in the play / the two young / for example, / get married / .) 3. v. to keep safe from harm
4. v. to have liquid drip from your skin when you are hot or nervous
30 Lesson 15 • Summer 31
Sentence Practice
16 The Invention of the Ice Cream Cone
2. (that hippos were / many people thought / sweating blood / .) ice cream cone sell waffle
roll customer invent
5. (one another / hippos / and wound / often fight / .) 3. v. to make something into the shape of a ball or tube
32 Lesson 16 • Summer 33
Sentence Practice
C Unscramble the sentences.
1. (on hot summer days / to eat ice cream / do you like / ?)
4. (buy his ice cream, / more people wanted to / but he couldn’t sell it / .)
6. (Fornachou put his ice cream / and sold them / in the waffles / to his customers / .)
Luckily, Ernest Hamwi was there! Hamwi was selling waf f les. (1) He rolled up
his waffles and gave them to Fornachou. (2) Fornachou put his ice cream in the
waffles and sold them to his customers. (3)