PT Pump Cummins
PT Pump Cummins
PT Pump Cummins
In the previous article, we talk about Cummins engine electric fuel control governor,
this article will turn to introduce Cummins generator engine actuator.
Actuator Description
The actuator is an electromagnetic rotary solenoid valve. The actuator is installed in the
EFC cavity of the PT fuel pump. The actuator controls the engine speed and
horsepower by controlling the fuel flow to the injectors.
The actuator shaft will turn when the current from the governor control changes.
The current from the governor control will change when the magnetic pickup senses a
change in the engine speed.
Fuel Flow Through the Fuel Pump
The throttle shaft is set in the full open position. The fuel flows through the fuel pump
to the actuator (EFC) cavity.
The actuator controls the fuel flow to the injectors. The fuel flows through the actuator
to the shutoff valve.
Actuator Identification
Two styles of the actuator are now available.
a. Normally open
b. Normally closed
The normally open actuator is in the full fuel position when the electrical system is
turned off.
The normally closed actuator will stop the fuel flow when the electrical system is turned
The actuators are available in low, high, and ultra high flow.
The actuators are rated at 12 or 24 volts D.C.
Make sure the governor control voltage is the same as the actuator voltage rating.
When a new EFC fuel pump is built at Cummins, the pump will have an EFC housing.
The EFC fuel pump housing can be identified in the following areas:
The AFC spring seat groove is not machined. A 45 chamfer is at the EFC actuator
mounting surface.
Actuator Removal From an EFC Fuel Pump Housing
Caution: Do not pry the actuator from the housing. This can damage the
actuator shaft and make it stick.
Twist tho actuator and pull it from the housing. Remove the three O-rings from the
Actuator Installation in an EFC Fuel Pump Housing
Install a new O-ring on the 50 mm [2 in] diameter of the actuator. Install two new O-
rings on the actuator barrel.
Apply the actuator rated battery voltage across the two terminals on the actuator to
test the solenoid and to observe actuator operation.The actuator will make a loud click
when the actuator shaft hits the internal stop. Removing the voltage from the actuator
terminals will allow the force of the springs to return the actuator shaft to its original
position. A click must be heard when the voltage is removed.
NOTE: The EFC housing does not require the EFC plug in the bottom of the EFC
housing bore.
Lubricate the two barrel O-rings with clean engine oil. Insert the actuator in the fuel
pump housing. The actuator flange will be approximately 3/8 inch [9.5 mm] from the
pump housing.
Use the palm of the hand. Firmly push and rotate the actuator approximately 30
degrees until the actuator flange contacts the fuel pump housing. Rotate the actuator
until the mounting holes are aligned.
Install the three 1/4-20 x 1 1/4 inch hex head capscrews. These capscrews have
captive spring washers and do not require lock-washers. Tighten the capscrews until
they are finger tight.
The actuator capscrews must be tightened in the following sequence:
1. Tighten the mounting capscrews 1/8 of a turn, in the sequence shown in the figure,
until they are seated.
2. Tighten the capscrews in sequence to 25 in-lb [2.8 N*m] torque.
7. This procedure will make sure that the actuator is properly installed and is not
A final check is to apply and remove battery voltage across the two actuator terminals.
The operation of the actuator must have a similar sound as it did before installing in the
fuel pump housing. If the actuator does not click, as if it is not operating, or operating
slower than before, loosen all of the capscrews and tighten them again as described in
the previous procedure.
Caution: This test will only verify that the actuator will go from the full open to
the full closed position. A slight binding of the actuator shaft can cause a
governor stability complaint. This test may not detect a slight binding.
The fuel pump can now be calibrated (Refer to the Fuel Pump Calibration Manuals or
the monthly Cumulative Supplement Update).
NOTE: Apply the actuator rated battery voltage to the normally closed actuator when
the fuel pump is calibrated.
The throttle shaft must be locked in the full open position. After the calibration, the fuel
pump can be mounted on engine.
Actuator Installation in an AFC Fuel Pump Housing
Remove the ASA, if required, and the AFC fuel drain tube. Install a plug in the housing.
Install a plug in the fuel tube connection.
Remove the AFC no-air plug, if the fuel pump does not have an AFC. Replace it with the
no-air needle valve. The AFC no-air plug is located directly above the throttle shaft.
Tighten the AFC no-air needle valve in the housing to 25 [2.8 N*m]. Tighten the
jam nut.
Remove the AFC cover plate. Remove the AFC bellows/plunger assembly, if required.
Use a pair of snap ring pliers to remove the barrel or barrel plug snap ring.
Thread one of the previously removed 1/4-20 capscrews into the AFC barrel plug. Pull
out the barrel plug with a pair of pliers. Discard the three original AFC cover plate
If the fuel pump has a functional AFC, use the AFC barrel puller. Service Tool 3375599
to remove the barrel. The AFC cannot to be used with an EFC governor. The AFC cavity
is now ready for the installation of the EFC governor actuator.
Install the O-ring plug on the Governor Plug Tool, Part No. 3376457, approximately
three turns. Install the O-ring on be plug.
Caution: Do not tighten the O-ring plug to the plug tool or the tool can not be
removed after the plug is inserted in the pump AFC cavity.
Press firmly until the O-ring plug is seated in the pump housing. Carefully unscrew the
plug tool.
Install the EFC gasket on the actuator. The gasket will fit only one way. The fuel pump
side goes against the fuel pump.
Check that all of the mounting holes can be aligned. Install the O-rings on the shaft.