Experiment 5 - Reaction Rate
Experiment 5 - Reaction Rate
Experiment 5 - Reaction Rate
Chemical reactions take place at varying rates. Some reactions occur slowly, while some reactions are
rapid. Some reactions should be facilitated to occur while some reactions must be hindered. Chemical
kinetics is the study of chemical reaction rates and how reactions can be regulated. The rate of a chemical
reaction depends on the nature of the reactants, size of reactant particles (surface area), temperature of the
reaction, concentration of the reactants, and presence of a catalyst. A catalyst is something that speeds up
a chemical reaction, without itself being consumed in the process. It can be completely recovered after
the reaction proceeds to completion.
At the end of this activity, the students should be able to:
• determine the different factors that affect rates of chemical reactions;
• write chemical equations that can be used to represent chemical reactions; and
• understand the behaviors of the molecules affected by different factors.
test tubes
beaker (100-mL)
test tube holder
distilled water (in wash bottle)
watch glass
graduated cylinder (10-mL)
B. Effect of Concentration
1. Place 1 mL of the following acids into separate test tubes: 0.1 M HCl in test tube 1, 1.0 M
HCl in test tube 2, and 3.0 M HCl in test tube 3.
2. Add a piece of mossy zinc into every test tube.
3. Carefully observe these setups and write down all your observations. Note the relative
rates of reaction.
C. Effect of a Catalyst
1. Fill the 3 plastic cups with the cooked gelatin (approximately ¼ cup).
2. Label the 3 plastic cups as A, B, C.
3. Add fresh slices of pineapple on plastic cup A.
4. Add pineapple juice on plastic cup B.
5. Add cooked pineapple on plastic cup C.
6. Carefully observe these setups and write down all your observations.
Note: Leave the setups. Results may be observed after few hours.
magnesium &
acetic acid
magnesium &
hydrochloric acid
zinc and
hydrochloric acid
B. Effect of Concentration
Concentration of Reaction Rate
hydrochloric acid 1-fastest
0.1 M
C. Effect of Catalyst
Reaction Rate
Reactants Observations
Gelatin + fresh
Gelatin +
pineapple juice
Gelatin + cooked