Jurnal 5
Jurnal 5
Jurnal 5
Abstract. Supply Chain Management (SCM) aims to achieve organizational competitiveness. By including SCM paradigm
and Information Technology (IT), companies aim to enhance their responsiveness and flexibility, and by changing their
operations’ strategy, they attempt to improve their competitiveness. This study focuses on the organizational variable, IT
capabilities, technological structure, and possible antecedents and their impact on Supply Chain Technology (SCT) imple-
mentation. This paper proposes a model to examine the way, which SCT implementation affects IT enabled Organizational
Performance (OP). The data were achieved through the questionnaires, and then they were analysed by using Smart PLS
3 program. The data collected from 118 employees in IT sector of Iran’s customs administration provide strong support to
the proposed research model. The results of this research showed that SCT implementation has a mediating effect on IT
enabled OP improvement. Besides, the study revealed that IT capabilities have the most and organizational variable has
the least influence on implementation of SCT. Based on other organization’s situations, they can use the suggested model
with a little changes.
Keywords: supply chain technology, organizational performance, IT enabled, structural equation model, simultaneous fac-
tor analysis.
Regarding different decision problems in Supply Chains panies (Rostamzadeh et al. 2015). Recently, companies
(SCs) and other structures included in goods movements in different businesses and Information Technology (IT)
are highly complex and require many aspects such as tech- applications have extended different models and SC strate-
nology, economics, organization, quality, safety, supplies gies. The goal is to achieve an effective responsiveness to
reliability, interaction with environment and social issues customer demand, growing product variety, and speeding
that should be considered (Jacyna-Gołda et al. 2017). up the product obsolescence. IT has been developed very
Suppliers, partners, and customers by using Supply Chain fast and information has grown on the internet. The result
Management (SCM) plan can manage and implement has completely changed communication and information
the flow of products, service, and information in a way inside and outside the industries (Persona et al. 2007).
that business operations improve in terms of customer The adoption of IT along an SC is a necessity to im-
response, real-time control, agility, or speed (Zhang, prove SC performance (Lai et al. 2006). All these facts
Dhaliwal 2009). In other words, the combination of these show that IT is important in integrating suppliers/partner-
considerations results in SCM. The integration of the key ing firms in virtual enterprise and SC (Gunasekaran, Ngai
business processes ranging from end user to suppliers and 2004). IT usage in managing the process of SC is highly
other stakeholders functions is defined as SCM. The re- attended. It is shown that IT impact on firm performance
sult of competition in current international marketplaces is unclear. So, it does not guarantee the SC performance.
leads to companies that try to find effective strategies, Firms easily duplicate a particular adoptive technology;
which benefit them more than their competitors. In real- thus, IT often does not provide a competitive advantage
ity, competition is between the SCs, not among the com- for the adopting firms. Not surprisingly, determining
how IT as a resource can create a sustained competitive This framework is called diffusion approach. The out-
advantage for a firm remains to be an unresolved issue come of this approach is that organizational factors such
(Wu et al. 2006). Continuous improvement in IT has as user’s perception, the firm’s culture and various leader-
completely changed many present businesses, and it has ship factors influence the success of implementations. IT
resulted in more efficient SCM. As sharing information is crucial in collaboration between SC partners and it af-
increases between different companies in SCs, operational fects inside organization partnerships. In this regard, four
performance increases, customer service improves, costs aspects of supplier-retailer relationship are selected. It in-
are reduced, quality improves, and competition increases. volved direct interviews and observation with five pairs
Simchi-Levi et al. (1999) emphasize that by improved in- of retailers and suppliers. The outcome was that existing
formation sharing, variation reduces, reliable forecasts are relationship between partners constrains and enables the
achievable, responses become quicker and supply becomes IT influence on inter organizational collaboration, and IT
more adjustable. Fiala (2005) says that it makes the co- strengthens and stabilizes the existing collaboration. So,
operation easier. Moreover, it reduces bullwhip effect and overall relationship must move based on IT-based inter
increases shared benefits. As many have explained (Breu organizational effort. Lin and Tseng (2006) developed a
et al. 2002), information systems act as a crucial part in conceptual Structural Equation Model (SEM) to show the
development of intelligence. Flexibility and Speed cannot indirect and direct influence of Manufacturing Participa-
be gained without information systems. Therefore, many tion Strategy (MPS), Information Technology Application
companies, to improve their SC operations, have invested (ITA), and Supply Chain Participation Strategy (SCPS) on
in integrated information systems such as Customer Re- OP and Customer Satisfaction (CS) from a strategic view.
lationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource This paper points out a critical pivotal variable and pro-
Planning (ERP) (White et al. 2005). vides a useful conceptual SEM for managers to enhance
The purpose of this study is to make sure how organi- the competitive advantage and implement SCM more ef-
zational variable, IT capabilities, technological structure, fectively. The result is that in order to achieve OP, plan-
and possible antecedents might impact the SCT imple- ning MPS plays a vital role. It shows that in an SC system,
mentation. In this paper, we try to understand SCT success integrating operations with partners is strategically impor-
impact on Organizational Performance (OP). Understand- tant. It shows that MPS requires the linkage of external
ing the determinants and outcomes of using SCT helps the market needs with internal consideration. Being engaged
companies to know how to make improvements. In short, in business strategy planning requires the extending of CS
this paper aims on providing a framework to clarify effec- and OP of a firm. This is an approach used for planning
tive factors, by which the impact of SCT can be evaluated: the SC system. IT deeply influences the performance of
–– in order to determine the effective factors for suc- an SC. Also, the key personnel who takes part, enhances
cessful SCT implementation and the OP, a model and the quality of policy making in SCM functions. So, firm’s
a framework are provided; being capable of applying appropriate IT, and appropriate
–– evaluation of the impact of organizational variable, personnel’s taking part in policy-making are two impor-
IT capabilities, technological structure, and possible tant factors for success in implementation of the SC sys-
antecedents on the SCT implementation success; tems. Dedrick et al. (2008) investigated the relationship
–– evaluating the effect of successful SCT implementa- between the number of suppliers a manufacturer employs
tion on IT enabled OP. and his/her use of its e-procurement. They found that, at
The remainder of this paper is as follow. Section 1 pro- the aggregate level, there is no relation between number of
vides the background of literature review. Section 2 pre- suppliers and e-procurement in the manufacturing indus-
sents the hypotheses and theoretical bases of the research try. However, rather than standard goods, e-procurement
model. Section 3 outlines the research methodology and for custom goods is more associated and it involves more
measures. Section 4 discusses results and managerial im- asset specific relationships. The degree of supplier – buy-
plication. Finally, directions and conclusion for future er consolidation affects the positive association between
study are presented. number of suppliers and e-procurement and it indicates
that deeper consolidation of buyer-supplier information
1. Review of literature systems can help buyers to achieve their customized re-
quirements in a better situation. Boon-itt (2009) found out
In this section, the theoretical framework of organiza- the role of IT and SC combination on the performance of
tional variable, IT capabilities, technological structure, IT production cost. The goal was to expand the understand-
and SCT implementation, OP are discussed and then the ing of integrating SC by means of IT selection. The re-
relationship between SCT implementation, and OP are sults show that cooperation/decision has important effect,
explained. which helps IT to make the supplier and customer rela-
Russell and Hoag (2004) proposed an approach to find tion more successful. The outcomes from his study create
out the way organizational influences are designed to im- a framework, which link SC integration strategies and cost
prove business performance. By a theoretical framework, of production. This linkage leads to a useful understand-
they understand and analyse the implementation of IT. ing to how configure information technologies to expand
Transport, 2018, 33(3): 779–792 781
production cost performance. To examine a positive indi- mance. Then, the research’s goal is to show the IT and
rect relationship by information sharing and information process enhancement activities’ single and multiple ef-
quality, and a positive relationship between the firm’s per- fects, which are based on time SC performance that is a
formance as understood by retailers and determined use major strategic element of the business competitiveness.
of ITs used for management. The present study outcomes reveal that the importance of
Ngai et al. (2011) analysed the effect of relationship information sharing by IT is most of the times considered
between capability and SC ability on performance of by firms, but using applications of intranet in this regard
firm. The influence of CS ability on firm performance has is at the second place. The surprise is that the time-based
been accepted, but from the inter-organizational partner- SC performance is not directly influenced by intranet sub-
ship point of view, they study more about the interaction. dimensions and internet. Also, they have no important in-
According to the view related to resource and by apply- teractive relationship. By this research one can understand
ing a multi case study method in this study, they create that firms still don’t operate in an SC, which is integrated
a conceptual model. Their findings show that clarifying by IT applications or don’t consider the value to operate
the difference between SC ability and SC capability, and in an SC like that.
their influence on firm performance is important. Their One of the findings of present study is the direct re-
research adds to the understanding of the complexity of lationship between time-related SC performance and
SC capability and expands the conceptual and real litera- Process Development (PD) efforts. In addition, this rela-
ture on SC ability. Prajogo and Olhager (2012) integrated tionship is reachable for all aspects of PD effort factor.
material and information flows between SC partners and The findings are important for PD efforts, which help to
their influence on operational performance. Particularly, effectively manage material flows across an SC. This is
they have examined the role of long-term relationship of also seen in time-based SC performance. Existing inter-
supplier as the integration’s driver. They find that opera- active relationships between IT application and PD efforts,
tions’ performance is significantly influenced by integra- when is considered with the IT systems’ advantage in the
tion of logistics. Information technology capabilities and integration of external and internal processes, as we ex-
information sharing both have high effects on integration pected supports these two factors’ expected positive effects
of logistics. In addition, supplier’s long-term relationships on time-based SC performance collaboratively. After we
have high indirect and direct effects on performance; the perform analysis of moderator effect (planning & systems
indirect effect is from the effect on logistics integration and computer & engineering) of IT application and PD
and information integration. Jin and Kang (2013) studied factors, our findings resulted from research support these
outcomes and antecedents of global sourcing and IT in expectations. Colin et al. (2015) explored communication
the SC of US apparel. They suggested a model, which inte- and information technologies as key strategies for effective
grates three firm predecessors (firm size, top management SCM in producing SMEs. This study aimed to analyse the
commitment to global sourcing, and firms’ global intel- relationship between SCM strategies, and Information and
ligence) and results of IT operation and global sourcing Communications Technology (ICT). The outcomes from
(financial, strategic, and operational performance). Their this study indicate that the performance of the SCM is
study showed that if the firm’s global intelligence is greater, highly affected by strategies and ICT. By ICT, it is pos-
then the firm’s size will be greater and consequently global sible to manage the information resources (materials),
sourcing participation will be higher. In turn, if the top and stay away from delays. This causes cost reduction and
management attentiveness to global sourcing is high and the client compliance increase; therefore, it encourages
if size of the firm is grate, then the IT will be used very the organization’s total competitiveness. Oh et al. (2016)
much. As the three levels of firm performance is increased proposed a research model to investigate the interaction
by global sourcing participation, IT usage will cause a effects of ICT and SC capabilities on firm performance.
higher operational performance. Ye and Wang (2013) ex- The results indicated significant moderating effects of
plored impacts resulted from assigning IT and sharing in- ICT characteristics on the relationship between SC capa-
formation on SC operational performance. Related to the bilities and firms’ market performance, but observed are
view, which is based on resource, their study discovers IT only weak moderating effects on the relationship between
assignment and information sharing as certain resources/ SCn capabilities and firms’ financial performance. Singhry
capabilities for CS collaboration. The outcome of this et al. (2016) examined the mediating effect of concurrent
study was that operational performance is directly affected engineering of product design on the relationship between
by both IT assignment and information sharing. Opera- advanced manufacturing technology and SC performance.
tional performance is indirectly affected by IT assignment They study showed a positive relationship between all the
through information sharing. In operational performance variables. They also concluded that concurrent engineer-
enhancement, IT assignment and information sharing ing of product design is a full mediator between advanced
have various stresses. In the emerging economy, the para- manufacturing technology and SC performance. Van-
digm of resource capability-performance is continued to poucke et al. (2017) investigated leveraging the impact
context of SC. Acar and Uzunlar (2014) probed the effects of Supply Chain Integration (SCI) through information
of developing process and IT on time-based SC perfor- technology. They researches showed that operational inte-
782 Z. Soltany et al. Model to evaluate supply chain technology implementation influence ...
gration is indispensable to capture the benefits of informa- framework’s components, five theories are given in this
tion exchange. In addition, it pointed out that the impact section. Detailed theories and supporting features are ex-
of the use of IT is stronger for upstream integration. Kim plained in the next section. In the remainder of this sec-
(2017) analysed the correlation among integrative IT, SCI, tion, the most important state of the art researchers are
and firm performance. They results showed that integra- reviewed. The goal of this review is to know the effective
tive IT is positively associated with firm performance factors, which improve the organizational performance.
through SCI. However, the integrative IT does not has a Twelve dimensions within for latent variables (organi-
positive correlation directly with firm performance. It is zational variable, technological structure, IT capabilities
considered that in the relationship between integrative IT and possible antecedents) based on the past studies are
and firm performance, a new approach such as business discussed. We will first look at hypothesis H1 in Figure 1
process-oriented view arguing that performance is yielded that positively links organizational variable to SCT imple-
through the primary influence of IT is necessary rather mentation.
than a traditional view that sets up their direct correla-
tions. Wu and Chiu (2018) investigated SC collaboration 2.1. Organizational variable
with determinants and performance impact: Social capi-
tal, justice, and technology use perspectives. The findings This research focuses on three aspects of the organization-
showed that SC collaboration plays an important medi- al factors, i.e. organizational size, organizational culture
ating role in reaching focal firm’s performance. Also, an and organizational climate.
understanding of the SC collaboration facilitators is the Organizational size. Organization size (as defined by
major concern for practitioners. The empirical results have the number of employees) has received substantial atten-
verified the theoretical contribution for demonstrating a tion from management writers and researchers as a fun-
high level of explanatory power of SC collaboration and damental component, which affects organizational shape,
focal firm performance. In particular, this study also in- structure, and design (Connell 2001). Organization size
dicates that IT support with SCTs before the capability of can be defined in two ways – by revenues or by number of
SC collaboration could be well improved, may need to first employees. In many studies, number of employees is used
nurture a climate of user satisfaction on using the tech- as a measure of company size, while annual revenues are
nologies for all partners. used in other studies (Mabert et al. 2003).
Organizational culture. Organizational culture’s con-
cept was adapted for studies of organization management.
2. Research model and hypothesis
Different scholars have different definitions of culture of
Determining the effective factors, which improve the sug- organization and culture is almost every scholar’s atti-
gested research model is covered in this part. This is done tude of mind (Bali et al. 1999). Gross and Rayner (1985)
by giving a new model. Figure 1 presents the proposed suggested that the organization culture was beginning
research model. We have discussed and illustrated twelve result of the continuing discussions about assets, mean-
variables with aspects. To test the relationship between the ings, and values between an organization’s members. Re-
Organizational size
Relative advantage
Ability to provide
Organizational climate
Supply chain
IT Capabilities
Possible antecedents
cently, organization culture was very important in SCM Flexible IT infrastructure. A firm’s ability in establish-
field (Goffnett et al. 2012), this is because the relationship ing a complete set of technological resources is referred as
between customers and suppliers is influenced by organi- flexible IT infrastructure. These resources provide the bas-
zational culture. The evidence shows that organization es of IT applications development (Saraf et al. 2007). Par-
culture literature is primarily concerned by values, pre- ticularly, an IT infrastructure, which is flexible is specified
dictability, ideas, points of view and theories. Interactions by following facts: (1) IT components’ connection or con-
across relevant employees, end customers, suppliers and nectivity, and other components, which are with partners
competitors are also identified by organizational culture. of the channel or in the firm; (2) the ability or harmony in
Chang and Lin (2007) suggest that the organization’ ac- sharing any kind of information such as text, image, video,
tions are taken toward the organizational culture goals. audio, data, and among others, across any IT component
Schein (1990) took an organization’s norms, climate, and with partners of the channel or within the firm; (3) the
attitudes as organizational culture. Local processes build ability or modularity, by without grate effort, easily add,
these characteristics and they can be changeable or sta- change and remove any component of the infrastructure
ble. Hatch sees organizational culture as a complex set (Chung et al. 2003). By a flexible IT infrastructure and
of symbols, artifacts, assumptions, beliefs, and values, by expanding knowledge reach and richness, one can im-
which a firm, in its business implementation, should take prove engaging capacity (Zhu et al. 2006). The firm by
them into account. Firms with strong organizational cul- help of this capability can update, standardize and connect
ture seem to have the capacity to justify with the market elements of IT, and as a result, one can easily integrate
needs and have management systems, which are highly the data sources across and within the boundaries of the
improved. If a firm wants to do better than the other, it organization. IT components’ connectivity allows the firm
has to take a defensible and proactive position toward its to keep in touch and exchange knowledge with channel
organizational culture. Organizational culture has much partners, and as a result, the firm’s knowledge expands
feel on SCM and SC ability, which allows it to serve as a (Liu et al. 2013).
significant determinant of competitive advantage (Male- Perceived ease of use. The Technology Acceptance
kifar et al. 2014). Model (TAM) was suggested by Davis (1989). This model
Organizational climate. The organizational members evaluates the users’ accepting degree of a new system.
who are working in that organization, affect personal TAM focuses on two important acceptance facts: one is
motivation and action, and at the same time represent a
perceived usefulness and the other id perceived ease-of-
multi-dimensional measure of the work situation, which
use. The former refers to a person who thinks that a spe-
is referred as organizational climate (Chen et al. 2012).
cific system would help him or her to improve his or her
In particular, organizational climate refers to an environ-
way of doing the job, and the latter refers to users, which
ment, which is linked with the beliefs, senses, and actions
think that technology by itself will be adapted and there
of every employee (Bock et al. 2005), and it has achieved
is no need for human effort (Navimipour, Soltani 2016).
much attention in previous studies. In a point of view, or-
Technical support. Number of services that enterprises
ganizational climate is the organization’s internal environ-
by using them help users of technology or goods is re-
ment quality, which is relatively continuous, and members
ferred as technical support. For example when a user and
of the organization experience it and they are influenced
by it. It can be explained as a value of a specific set of at- a master interact with each other, the amount of the work
tributes or features of the environment (Ramayah et al. and behaviour of the user and the master, providing and
2013). In understanding organizational members’ char- receiving feedback, and interacting with course materi-
acteristics, organizational climate plays an important role als may be affected by the used technology (Rubin et al.
(Schulte et al. 2009). 2013). In order to implement IT in SCM, one needs a pro-
Following theories are taken from previous studies, ject management approach for the planning and imple-
present arguments and evidence: H1: the organizational mentation of IT projects. In this regard providing moral,
variable will effectively influence the supply chain technol- financial, technical, and top management support is neces-
ogy performance. sarily required (Gunasekaran, Ngai 2004).
Following hypothesis is taken from previous studies’
2.2. IT capabilities arguments and evidence: H2: the supply chain technology
implementation is highly influenced by capabilities of SC.
In order to change management in a firm, and manage
knowledge efficiently and effectively, one needs IT capa- 2.3. Technological structure
bilities (Wu et al. 2006). The previous studies show IT
capabilities impact on a performance of a firm. On the Relative Advantage. If a new system is economical, more
other hand, there are unwrapped mechanisms that by us- effective or more efficient, then it has advantage over the
ing them, IT improve its performance, but the role and old systems. Because the new system is consistent with
statement of the mechanisms remain unclear (Yan, Sen- the organizations past needs and experiences, and exist-
gupta 2011). In fact, especially in the context of SC, schol- ing values, then it is seen as a compatible system. For in-
ars have to study more about the IT capabilities, which stance, if a firm’s culture emphasizes reliability more than
have influential mechanisms (Liu et al. 2013). competitiveness, then the new system’s reliability would
784 Z. Soltany et al. Model to evaluate supply chain technology implementation influence ...
be more successful than price related innovations. If un- IT plan utilization. IT plans’ importance to the IT re-
derstanding the new system usage is difficult, it is related sources’ successful applications have been highlighted by
to its complexity degree (Rogers 2003), it is not related to past scholars (Boynton, Zmud 1987). Among successful
adoption. In companies, which IT is adopted, complexity use and plans of IT there is a positive relationship. Prem-
plays a role (Russell, Hoag 2004). kumar and King (1994) analysed the IT planning linkage,
Complexity. Complexity is not related to adoption. In its participation in the organization’s performance, and as
companies, which IT is adopted, complexity plays a role. a result, they found a positive relationship. Finally, Doll
Complexity should be low in a new system. Complexity of (1985) announced that firms, which have successful sys-
Allied Signal was low. The frustrated director of product tems, three times more than other firms have formal plans
line understood the ways the system functions. Although and use the plans to improve their systems. IT applications
it was “a great tool”, the director didn’t show that he was have influence across many activities. Functions of the or-
overwhelmed with complexity. The tool of technology and ganizations with functions of other organizations are inte-
the processes, which were enabled at allied signal were grated by some of these activities and some integrate with
understood by people, but they have not yet understood external entities such as customers and suppliers. Utilizing
the innovation’s relative advantage over the old system IT plans can enhance the communication between busi-
(Russell, Hoag 2004). ness and IT managerial. By including the IT resources in
Ability to provide security. Security is defined as a the firm, the effectiveness of IT resources in the organi-
threat, which creates “circumstance, condition, or event zation can also be increased (Reich, Benbasat 2000). IT
with the potential to cause economic hardship to data or applications in the SC may be operated and developed by
network resources in the form of destruction, disclosure, enterprise-extensive managers with line managers (Byrd,
modification of data, denial of service and/or fraud, waste, Davidson 2003).
and abuse (Nasri, Charfeddine 2012). IT’s top management support. IT’s top management
The following hypothesis is taken from previous stud- support refers to the top managers and SC partners
ies and discussions: H3: the technological structure will who understand the benefits from sharing information
positively influence on supply chain technology implemen- and supporting its quality. For a number of researchers
(Balsmeier, Voisin 1996), the most important driver of
any successful change in the organization is top manage-
ment support IT. If top management support wants to
2.4. Possible antecedents
better understand their top managements their potential
Supply Chain Technologies (SCT) is a subset of tradi- partners, they must understand and use partners who are
tional IT. The activities of a firm is facilitated by the SCT important in operations and influence the market (Li, Lin
(Saldanha et al. 2015). Communication across the organi- 2006). An organization’s ability in this regard is change-
zational boundaries and information sharing are empow- able. Top management support influences the ability of
ered by SCT (Saeed et al. 2010). SCM is needed to un- an organization in this area. It plays an important role in
derstand the use of SCT or its antecedents. If managers making value in the SCM. Without its help and observa-
achieve this understanding, they can easily use SCT within tion, firm’s IT systems would not be very successful. Top
SC networks, and they can improve operational efficiency. management support in several areas of IT value study
In addition, the performance outcomes from using CT is and implementation of IT has been examined, and it has
very important for operators (Bala, Venkatesh 2016), espe- been a key to success for a long time (Ngai et al. 2011).
cially for SC managers, because the firms pay money and Both engagement and participation should be included in
work for SCT implementation within their SCs (Mishra Top management support. In some ways, it shows the im-
et al. 2013). portance of what top management executive places on IT
Technical quality of IT department. The services and (Byrd, Davidson 2003).
technical value of the products, by which the department So the following hypothesis proposed: H4: the possible
compared to the firm’s nearest competitors IT depart- antecedents will positively influence the supply chain tech-
ments are supplied, is defined as the IT department tech- nology implementation.
nical quality. Software maintenance efficiency, operating
systems’ performance and hardware, end user support, 2.5. Supply chain technology implementation
business applications’ software performance, communica- and IT enabled organizational performance
tions services’ efficiency, IT expenditures and investments improvement
are included in value measures. The value of IT depart- Supply chain managers and leaders need to understand,
ment can directly affect the management of that entity; which technology trends will be the dominant forces of
thus, determining IT department’s value is very important change and continuous improvement in the coming year.
in current environment, and it can lead to outsourcing, In order to cause an integrated SCM inside or across the
reorganization, and restructuring the department of IT. organizational boundaries, we should implement tools or
Department’s impact on the SC should be huge, because techniques, which are referred as SCT (Autry et al. 2010).
it is important in the start, implementation, and develop- Many have emphasized SCT adoption (Liu et al. 2010),
ment of IT resources (Byrd, Davidson 2003). but its utilization has taken little notice. If firms only
Transport, 2018, 33(3): 779–792 785
adopt SCT, they would not make much benefit. Rather, zational size, organizational culture, organizational cli-
they should be actually used in business processes to cre- mate were adapted from Mamillo (2014). In their survey,
ate value and capabilities. In this paper, SCT is used on the organizational variable’s second order constructs had
a way that it creates capabilities and value for firms (Liu good validity of convergent (>0.70).
et al. 2016). The information technology used to facilitate
information quality and information sharing in SCM is 3.2. Sample characteristics and data source
defined as IT enablers. Information technology’s develop-
To check for the face validity of the instrument, pre-tests
ments have fuelled the movement toward business pro-
were done before starting the survey. The survey instru-
cess and SC integration. Organizations cannot effectively
ment initially was done with 9 volunteer respondents
be leaders in SCM, provide superior customer service,
whom were fit for the respondent profile. To measure
and manage cost without leading-edge information sys-
the elements of the model, a questionnaire was designed.
tems. The measurement of organization performance can
Experts with significant experiences in the SC helped to
be done by different aspects. No single business affects
revise the questionnaires. Standard and reliable resource
all the aspects on the same way (Walker, Ruekert 1987).
were used to examine the validity of the questionnaire and
Madu et al. (1996) studied the organization performance
after making the revising, it was distributed among the
and quality management relationship. The results as per-
statistical sample. Through a large-scale web-based sur-
formance measures were productivity, cost, profitability,
vey, by office automation system, data was collected. The
competitiveness, growth of sales, increase of profit and
questionnaire was pre-tested by three professionals and
market shares. Biswas and Narahari (2004) said that
by two academics to check its content usability and reli-
measuring SC performance is divided in two categories.
ability. Instead of some minor editing changes that were
One is qualitative measures such as quality of product
done for making the questionnaire complete and easier to
and SC, and the second one is measures of quality such
understand, no other changes were found to be required.
as response time of SC, order-to delivery lead time, etc.).
The employees of IT section of all customs in Iran were
Because most firms don’t want to reveal information to
presented with the questionnaire. We used the SPSS 24
other firms, objective performance data are not available.
On the other hand, about the objective measures of per-
and SMART-PLS (https://www.smartpls.com) (partial
formance, organization scholars are generally in common.
least squares) software package. A five point Likert-type
In addition, financial statements may not be right, because
scale was used for all questionnaire items. Sample char-
they are not commonly investigated (Lin, Tseng 2006). At
acteristics are shown in Table 1. Of the 118 respondents,
the range of operational strategies, IT-enabled SCM is
very important for firms, because they can manage both
their external relationships, and their internal operation Table 1. Characteristics of respondents.
efficiency, particularly the cross-company workflow in an
Frequency Percentage
SC (Zhang, Dhaliwal 2009).
Following theory is taken from previous evidence and Gender
arguments: H5: the supply chain technology implementa- Female 47 40%
tion will positively influence the IT enabled organizational Male 71 60%
performance improvement. Total 118 100%
3. Data analysis and research method 20…30 15 13%
For testing the research model factually, survey method 31…40 57 48%
was selected. The present study is a descriptive-correlation 41…50 45 38%
type for information gathering and applied in the nature. >50 1 1%
Total 118 100%
3.1. Construct measurement
Tools were adapted, which were successfully tested in Associate Degree 5 4%
the past. These tools were changed to suit our particular
Bachelor’s degree 98 83%
needs, but not on a way to harm its main purposes. Then,
Master’s Degree 15 13%
survey instrument was created. Capabilities of IT were
justified from scales by Liu et al. (2013). Technological Total 118 100%
structures were adapted from Russell and Hoag (2004). Work Experience
Possible antecedents of three dimensions are as: top man- <5 28 24%
agement, IT plan utilization, and IT department technical 6…10 21 18%
quality. The measurement items were adapted from Byrd 11…15 22 18%
and Davidson (2003). Possible antecedents’ all first order
16…20 46 39%
constructs had good validity of convergent (>0.70). The
three dimensions of organizational variable items: organi- 21…25 1 1%
786 Z. Soltany et al. Model to evaluate supply chain technology implementation influence ...
the median age was between 31 and 40. The data collec- hypothesized, the strength of the relationships between
tion took place in July 2016. The target population in- two variables may be measured. By using Cronbach’s, the
cluded all employee of IT custom’s administration in this internal validity of the measurement items were checked.
research. Based on overall construct and these measures, The smallest value was 0.72, which shows reliability’s sat-
32 survey questions were identified to measure the influ- isfactory level. We conduct confirmatory factor analysis
ence of implementation of SCT. Toward IT enabled or- to test the measurement model. It checks the instrument
ganizational performance improvement with purposive items’ convergent and divergence validity. To the case of
sampling method, 124 questionnaires were distributed formative constructs, AVE and composite reliability are
totally that 121 of them were returned, and three of them not related (Chin 1998b). Factor loadings showed loadings
were incomplete and discarded. The result was totally 118 of more than 0.67. If early stages of the research reliability
produced usable questionnaires. coefficients between 0.5 and 0.6 are considered as enough,
then minimum of 0.70 loading threshold is recommended
3.3. Data analysis (Nunnally 1967). Validity of convergence and divergence’s
scales were tested by use of confirmatory factor analysis.
The study model was tested by using SEM techniques. The constructs’ internal consistency is evaluated by use of
SEM technique is an approach for testing theories. The composite reliability (Fornell, Larcker 1981b). Nunnally
theories are about relations between variables. They can be (1967) recommended composite reliability level of 0.7. It
used for both theory testing and predictive applications. can be used to evaluate internal consistency. The range,
PLS is a technique based on regression and is originated by which multiple items measure the same construct is
from path analysis (Wold 1985). This approach provides indicated by convergent validity. When construct of AVE
the testing of the structural model and measurement. PLS is at least 0.5, it is enough. Table 2 presents measurement
approach is flexible in distributional assumptions, and it model’s tests results. Composite reliability of each con-
needs small size of samples. Also, it is strong in managing struct is from 0.84 to 0.94. It is above the threshold 0.70
complex predictive models; therefore, it is superior to oth- that Nunnally has recommended. In addition, The AVEs
er SEM approaches (Chin, Newsted 1999). Simultaneous exceed from 50%. It shows that scale shows a strong in-
factor analysis with hypothesis testing were done by use of ternal reliability.
PLS. in some situations, small sample size is done well by
PLS, but in other situation, it is better to be careful with Table 2. Scale reliabilities and convergent validity
small sample size; therefore, in order to minimize prob-
lems of deviation from normality, they suggest a ratio of AVE CR
15 respondents for one parameter (Marcoulides, Saunders Alpha
2006). In this research, the 124 cases sample is very high Organizational variable 0.64 0.88 0.82
than the required sample, which is 7.15 = 105 responses IT capabilities 0.64 0.84 0.72
to satisfy the above criteria. For many reasons, using PLS
Technological structure 0.66 0.88 0.83
is encouraged. Because it can manage both reflective and
formative constructs. So, PLS will not have problem about Possible antecedents 0.61 0.86 0.79
the difference between these two constructs (Chin 1998b). Supply chain technology
0.59 0.94 0.93
In our model, there is a high correlation between certain implementation
constructs. Comparing with traditional approaches such IT enabled organizational
0.58 0.89 0.72
as Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regressions, the poten- performance improvement
tial multicollinearity is not really a matter in PLS. Finally,
comparing PLS to OLS, the former does not have a restric- The divergent validity of scale was evaluated by use
tion on the normal sampling distribution. of benchmark. Fornell and Larcker (1981a) suggested the
benchmark. From the factor, AVE’s square root should be
3.4. Analysis methods and measurement model greater than the correlation, which is shared between the
factor in the model and other factors (Chen et al. 2012).
Before testing the hypotheses, by using two types of validi- The inter-construct correlations, with the square roots
ties, we will first asses the measurement model: conver- of the AVE of each construct in the diagonal elements is
gent and divergent validity (Chin 1998b). Two statistical shown in Table 3.
techniques were used to analyse the research outcomes.
Testing reliability and validity of the measurement items
3.5. Hypothesis testing
involves the use of first stage analysis. For testing con-
vergent and divergent validity, we use the measurement Predicting the hypothesized relationships in the research
(outer) model. By using internal construct reliability and model is the next step on the SEM (Figure 1). To estimate
consistency reliability, the reliability measures of the con- the path coefficients and other model parameters, in a
structs were applied. We evaluated divergent validity by way to minimize the amount of unexplained variance or
comparing the correlation to square root variance between maximize the explained variance, the PLS-SEM algorithm
latent constructs. The hypothesis and structural (inner) was used (Hair et al. 2017). The strength of relationship
model’s testing is at the second stage. Single pair-corre- between two constructs is shown by the path coefficient.
lations as well as the t-value from the PLS modelling. As According to Chin (1998a) and Pi et al. (2013), having a
Transport, 2018, 33(3): 779–792 787
IT enabled
Supply chain
Organizational IT Technological Possible organizational
variable capabilities structure antecedents performance
Organizational variable 0.80
IT capabilities 0.72 0.80
Technological structure 0.62 0.71 0.81
Possible antecedents 0.63 0.70 0.75 0.78
Supply chain technology
0.72 0.73 0.72 0.74 0.77
IT enabled organizational
0.60 0.71 0.76 0.72 0.62 0.76
performance improvement
minimum of 0.2 path coefficient is recommended, but 0.3 shows the structural model’s results. As data in Table 4
or more than that would make the case stronger. In order show, the achieved results from the sample t-test and path
to specify the importance of the path coefficient, the boot- coefficient show that variables in the model have a positive
strapping approach was used in PLS. We use path coef- and high effect on IT enabled organizational performance
ficients R2 and t-value to test our hypotheses and descrip- improvement. Therefore, the structure of the model fits
tive power of the model. In addition, the significance of with the data.
coefficient can be reached in different levels with different
t-values (p < 0.1, when t > 1.64; p < 0.05, when t > 1.96; 3.6. Structural model
p < 0.01, when t > 2.56). t-value quantities are the standard
range and strong for all variables. The results of the analy- Index R2. The percentage of a construct’s variation, which
sis is shown in Figure 2. Three hypotheses were significant is explained by the model is measured by R2. In PLS, R2
at the 0.90 and 0.99 level (p < 0.1, p < 0.01) and all the refers to ‘the relative amount of variance of the depend-
other hypotheses were supported. For the hypothesized ent variable accounted or explained for by the explanatory
relationships, Table 4 shows the estimates of the param- variables jointly. It is the statistical measure of the vari-
eters and values of t. The relationships between unused ance’s percentage in a dataset. For example if R2 = 0.831,
variables or the constructs that were hypothesized in the then 83.1% of the variance of the dependent variable is
research model are represented by the structural model. explained by the explanatory variables. Although 0 to 1
Overall, the outcomes present enough evidence to sup- is the range of R2, there is no a criterion. Generally, the
port all the hypotheses (H1, H2, H3, H4 and H5). Figure 2 higher the R2, the higher the variance (Chen et al. 2012).
Organizational culture 2.97∗∗ Complexity
Ability to provide
Organizational climate
Supply chain
IT capabilities Possible antecedents
R2 = 0.78
Technical quality of IT
Infrastructure capabilities department
21.32 ∗∗
IT enabled organizational
performance improvement
R2 = 0.68
Figure 2. Research model based on PLS results (notes:* – p < 0.1; ** – p < 0.01)
788 Z. Soltany et al. Model to evaluate supply chain technology implementation influence ...
Therefore, we provided an integrated model to examine relationship between possible antecedents and SCT imple-
the impact of capabilities of IT, organizational variable, mentation, which supported (β = 0.26, t = 21.32, p < 0.01).
possible antecedents and technological structure on IT en- The SCT implementation had a significant effect on IT
abled organizational performance improvement and SCT enabled organizational performance improvement (β =
implementation. Overall, the model explains 78.4% of the 0.82, t = 22.62, p < 0.01). The contributions of the paper
variance in SCT implementation, and 67.6% in IT enabled are described below.
organizational performance improvement. This section discusses the implications of the new find-
GOF index. Based on taking the square root of the ings of this study and summarizes them. From this study,
product of the variance extracted with all constructs with we understand that electronic connections with the for-
the average R2 value of the endogenous constructs and mation of IT artifacts, which links SC partners, can posi-
multiple indicators (Tenenhaus et al. 2005) regarding the tively influence the relationship structure. By use of tools
overall quality of the research model, have developed an such as Inter-Organizational Information System (IOIS),
overall Good of Fitness (GOF) measure for PLS. GOF ERP, and Groupware, IT bring the SC partners close to-
intends to account for the performance of PLS model at gether who are located in different areas. Although parties
both the structural and measurement model with a focus have formed formal structures, IT as a tool can improve
on the overall prediction performance of the model (Chin performance and can enable the relationships. The fol-
2010). The GOF index is obtained as the geometric mean lowing strategic guidelines are provided by these results:
of the average R2 value and the average communality in- It can effectively and sincerely strengthen and build trust
dex (Chin 2010). Wetzels et al. (2009) define the effect size with suppliers. It increases integration of IT. This results
as large (0.36), medium (0.25), and small (0.1) GOF. The in high performance. It shows the ways and limitations of
GOF index was calculated by formula: the future studies.
The goal of this research is providing some key un-
GOF= communality ⋅ R 2= 0.62 ⋅ 0.71= 0.66. derstandings about the operation and using SCT in the
service factor. The primary results from this study show
A GOF value of 0.66 was obtained, which it passes the that organizational variables in many aspects played a sig-
cut-off value of 0.36 for large effect sizes of R2, and allows nificant role in SCT implementation. On the other hand,
us to conclude that compared to the baseline values de- there has been little study about operation and using of
fined above, our model performs well. large-size enterprise-wide systems. So, from this study we
understand that size is a main factor for organizational-
4. Discussion and managerial implications wide systems in the operation technique. This fact may
affect service organization because it moves to implement
As shown in Table 4, the sample path coefficient and t- the next wave of CRM systems and enterprise systems
test’s results show that organizational variable highly and such as SCM. Norms, beliefs, values and expectations as
positively affects the SCT implementation (β = 0.18, t = culture’s important factors, can build an organization’s
1.90, p < 0.1), which supports H1. Also, IT capabilities culture (Chang, Lin 2007). Organizational culture is an
have positive and high impact on SCT implementation important factor, which influences SCM practices (Fawc-
(β = 0.27, t = 3.03, p < 0.01). The complementarity be- ett et al. 2008). On the other hand, previous studies have
tween technological structure and SCT implementation ignored the synergistic effects of the various dimensions of
(β = 0.29, t = 2.96, p < 0.01); thus, H3 receives support. organizational culture that co-exist within firms (Hartnell
Accordingly, H1, H2, and H3 were supported. Thus, the et al. 2011). We accept the organizational culture’ impor-
findings showed that organizational variable, IT capabili- tant role in SCT implementation and formulation, but lit-
ties and technological structure have significant effect on tle studies have been done about the relationship between
improving SCT implementation. H4 suggested a positive SCT implementation and organizational culture. In this
Transport, 2018, 33(3): 779–792 789
research we examine the relationship among organiza- be studied more completely. May be there are other IT or
tional culture and SCT implementation. In this paper we organizational capabilities that can affect the performance
found that there is a direct link between SCT implementa- of the firm. By focusing the effects of manufacturing,
tion and organizational culture. This paper suggests that a marketing and managerial capabilities on performance of
powerful organization’s organizational culture influences the firm, future study may expand the area of this study.
the distributors and suppliers in the same SC. New types of contracts can be easily developed. So, the
IT infrastructure and IT capabilities both influence the efficiency of decision allocating, contracting, and capacity
firm’s performance. SCT implementation can completely investment can be increased. This study also has real sug-
mediate this impact. In powerful organizations, organiza- gestions for managers. For achieving better performance,
tional culture affects the supplier and distributors in the especially in SCM, millions of dollars are invested in IT.
same SC. So in complex relations there must be precise If firms want to run competitive advantage and gain dy-
examinations. Therefore, we understand that by adopting namic capabilities and higher operational, they should
flexible IT infrastructure, a firm can enhance its absorptive stick on their IT capabilities; otherwise, these investments
capacity. The combination of a firm’s lower order capabili- do not gain the highest level of efficiency. Therefore, uti-
ties can be resulted in production of higher order capa- lizing firms’ IT capabilities is important because higher-
bilities. We concluded that IT capabilities do not directly order organizational capabilities are improved. This study
influence the firm’s performance but they can directly be provides necessary guidelines and knowledge.
affected by SCT implementation. The findings proved that
SCT implementation is very important for a firm’s perfor-
mance. Also, this study expands our knowledge about the Conclusions
IT capability’s impact on implementation of SCT. We see The study introduced the impact of supply chain technol-
that absorptive capacity can form the implementation of ogy implementation in enhancing organization perfor-
SCT, but IT capability cannot directly influence the SCT. mance. It is used in Iran’s customs organization. This study
On the other hand, we see that easy SCT implementation would help the organizations to get the best organization
had an indirect effect on organizational performance. It is performance and find a way to use and practice the best
clear that if using SC systems is difficult for consumers, information technologies.
then they would rate it as a useless system. So, SC sys-
Two important variables that aimed to measure supply
tems should be designed on a way to be easily used and
chain technology implementation and IT enabled organi-
they should be useful in order to be succeeded. Capability
zational performance improvement made this study to be
of the system influences its usefulness. Also, in order to
fulfil the users’ expectations, the users’ needs should be
The study concluded that IT awareness is very impor-
taken into account when designing an SC system. As the
tant for organizations, which want to use it and gain the
number of users increases, different knowledge domains
SCM advantages.
should be included in the system. System capability also
The study revealed that the IT capabilities have the
has a high impact on usefulness of SC systems. Because
most and organizational variable has the least impact on
users’ needs become divers, the domain knowledge should
supply chain technology implementation. For saving em-
be adapted.
Many factors affect a company’s performance improve- ployee’s time and making use of working hours in a way,
ment. Managers should plan IT strategies to improve per- which is better for supply chain performance, the organi-
formance. Planning managers should make sure that IT zations also use IT.
capabilities improve the management capabilities of both In terms of research contributions, this study high-
internal business processes and external SCM. All busi- lights the importance of supply chain technology and IT
ness processes and SC efficiencies are enabled by IT and on organization performance.
should improve the performance of the firm. Nevertheless, Results provided types of IT that are effective in or-
it is necessary to evaluate the contributions of this study ganization performance and managerial insights about
in light of certain limitations. This study talked about all specific integration practices.
dimensions of an SCT implementation, but it didn’t dis- In order to be able to focus on the right SCI, managers
cuss issues, which identify exact outcome relationships. In of IT strategy can, therefore, ask about types of IT imple-
this regard, one remained question is the cost and benefit mented in their organizations.
relationships. Other question is that later adopters achieve Future work can use other variables of IT, which can
better returns or early ones? The former benefited from a influence SCM implementation of a firm. For example, IT
better knowledge of implementation and upgraded sys- alignment, IT advancement, internal IT integration, IT
tems, the latter benefited from competitive advantages. utilization, IT competence, IT flexibility and management
In answering such questions, this study is the first step. commitment to IT.
SCT systems should be studied more completely here. The The proposed model in this research could be used
optimal time to start an implementation of a large sys- in other organizations considering their specific situations
tem should be considered. SCT systems are required to with slight modifications.
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