Date Seeds: Chemical Composition and Characteristic Profiles of The Lipid Fraction
Date Seeds: Chemical Composition and Characteristic Profiles of The Lipid Fraction
Date Seeds: Chemical Composition and Characteristic Profiles of The Lipid Fraction
Received 18 February 2003; received in revised form 22 May 2003; accepted 22 May 2003
The seeds of two date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivars, Deglet Nour and Allig, from the Degach region—Tunisia, were
analysed for their main chemical composition. Studies were also conducted on properties of oil extracted from date pits. The fol-
lowing values (on a dry-weight basis) were obtained for Deglet Nour and Allig cultivars, respectively: protein 5.56 and 5.17%, oil
10.19 and 12.67%, Ash 1.15 and 1.12% and total carbohydrate 83.1 and 81.0%. Gas–liquid chromatography revealed that the
major unsaturated fatty acid was oleic acid (41.3–47.7%), while the main saturated fatty acid was lauric acid (17.8%) for the Deglet
Nour cultivar and palmitic acid for the Allig cultivar (15.0%). Capric, myristic, myristoleic, palmitoleic, stearic, linoleic and lino-
lenic acids were also found. Thermal profiles of both date seed oils, determined by their DSC melting curves, revealed simple
thermograms. Sensorial and physical profiles of Deglet Nour and Allig seed oil were based on studies of the CieLab (L*, a*, b*)
colour, oxidative stability, viscosity and microstructure. Results showed that date seed oil could be used in cosmetic, pharmaceu-
tical and food products.
# 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Date seeds; Oil; Fatty acids; Thermal profile; Sensorial profile
tons of date seeds oils would be extracted. The aim of Fat content. The weight of fat extracted from 15
this study was to evaluate the chemical composition of g of seed powder was determined to calculate the lipid
date seeds from two important cultivars grown in content. Result was expressed as the percentage of lipids
Tunisia and to determine fatty acid profiles, thermal in the dry matter of seed powder.
profiles and sensorial profiles of their lipid fraction. Protein content. Total protein was determined
by the Kjeldahl method. Protein was calculated using
2. Materials and methods the general factor (6.25) (El-Shurafa et al., 1982). Data
were expressed as per cent of dry weight.
2.1. Seed material Ash and mineral contents. To remove carbon,
Date palm fruits were obtained from the National about 2 g (powdered) of each cultivar, in a porcelain con-
Institute of Arid Zone (Degach, Tunisia). The seeds of tainer, was ignited and incinerated in the muffle furnace at
the two cultivars under investigation (Deglet Nour and about 550 C for 8 h. The total ash was expressed as per
Allig) were directly isolated from 50 kg of date fruit cent of dry weight. The mineral constituents (Ca, Na, K,
having the same origin, collected at the ‘‘Tamr stage’’ Fe and Mg) present in the date seeds of each cultivar were
(full ripeness) and kept at 10 C for a week. The seeds analysed separately, using an atomic absorption spectro-
were soaked in water, washed to get rid of any adhering photometer (Hitachi Z6100, Japan). The samples were
date flesh, and then air-dried. Their relative percentage prepared for analyses as described by Al-Showiman
weight compared with the weight of the fresh fruits was (1990). Phosphorus content (P) was determined by the
about 11.32% for the Deglet Nour variety and about phosphomolybdovanate method (AOAC, 1990).
10.7% for the Allig variety. Then, they were further
dried at about 50 C. Date pits, of each variety, were Carbohydrate content. Carbohydrate content
separately milled in a heavy-duty grinder to pass 1–2 was estimated by difference of mean values, i.e.,
mm screens and then preserved at 20 C until ana- 100 (Sum of percentages of moisture, ash, protein and
lyses. One day after the lipid extraction, an appropriate lipids) (Al-Hooti et al., 1998; Barminas, James, & Abu-
quantity of powdered date seed was kept at 5 C. bakar, 1999).
All analytical determinations were performed at least Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Ther-
in triplicate. Values of different parameters were mal properties were determined with a differential scan-
expressed as the mean standard deviation (x S.D.). ning calorimeter (DSC 2920 Modulated DSC-TA
Instruments, Newcastle, DE, USA). Oil (2 0.10 mg)
2.3.1. Chemical analysis of powdered seeds was weighed into a DSC-pan (SFI—Aluminium, TA Dry matter. This was determined according to the Instrument T11024). The sample was quickly cooled to
Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC, 1990). 50 C with a speed of 15 C/min, maintained at this
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Fig. 1. Melting thermograms of seed oils from the two studied date cultivars (— Deglet Nour, - - - Allig).
Table 3
Thermal parameters, from DSC melting curves, of seed oil from the
two studied date cultivars. All values given are means of three deter-
Parameter Cultivar
Transition temperatures ( C)
T1 – 15.231.53
T2 – 8.740.32
T3 2.660.53 3.290.14
T4 8.410.01 7.200.14
respectively (Hsu & Yu, 2002). This shows that the date
seed oil b* values were higher than those of other vege-
table oils. Date seed oils were more yellow-coloured
than vegetable oils studied by Hsu and Yu (2002). This
may suggest the presence of more yellow pigments (car-
otenoids) in date seed oils. Deglet Nour seed oil showed
another colour particularity: Hunter a* negative value
( 0.81) was markedly lower than the Hunter a* of
common vegetable oils.
Allig seed oil showed some absorbance in the UV-C
(100–290 nm), UV-B (290–320 nm) and UV-A (320–400
nm) range, whereas Deglet Nour seed oil showed
Fig. 2. Solids–temperature curves, determined with DSC method, for absorbance only in the UV-C and UV-B range (Fig. 4).
seed oil from the two studied cultivars (& Deglet Nour, * Allig). In the UV-B and UV-A ranges, the wavelengths of
582 S. Besbes et al. / Food Chemistry 84 (2004) 577–584
Fig. 5. SEM (scanning electron microscopy) observation of seed oil from the two studied date cultivars (a: Deglet Nour, b: Allig).
and viscosity was observed (Geller & Goodrum, 2000; much cellular damage. Date seed oils could easily be
Gustone, Harwood, & Padley, 1986). The presence of conserved due to their high oxidative stability. Regard-
double bonds also influences oil viscosity. ing these specificities, the value of this by-product in
It is worth noting that the viscosity of Deglet Nour cosmetic and food industries may be justified. However,
seed oil is lower than that of most vegetable oils and the safety of date seed oil must be tested before using it
similar to the oleic acid and raspberry seed oil studied as an ingredient in the food or cosmetic industries.
by Oomah et al. (2000).
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