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SYMPHONY/Harmony Enhanced with IndustrialIT

The Enterprise Management & Control System

for Optimizing Process & Business Operations
Reaching New Levels
of Productivity
Within ABB’s new family of integrated The Evolution Continues…
software and hardware solutions – Industrial IT is the latest installment on
collectively known as Industrial IT – the a greater than 20-year commitment that ABB
ABB Symphony™ Enterprise Management has honored with its DCS users. The
and Control System offers customers company’s pledge of Evolution through
a solid foundation for the addition of new Enhancement ensures that future advances
Industrial IT components. Symphony user’s in system technologies will not compromise
of Harmony I/O, control and communica- the customer’s current investments. While
tion elements retain all the process security other vendors may talk about investment
and existing configuration value of their protection, ABB’s proven program is truly
new or existing harmony controls while unique in the industry. All told, from the
gaining the new and innovative features and introduction of Network 90 in 1980, through
strategies fundamental to Industrial IT. each of the evolution steps of INFI 90, INFI
SYMPHONY enhances the real-time sharing 90 OPEN and SYMPHONY, to the introduc-
of knowledge between related, but diver- tion of Industrial IT, this family of systems
gent, enterprise operations. Fully equipped represent the largest contiguous installed
with an integrated set of decision-making base of any process automation system in
tools, Industrial IT makes it possible for real- the world – an installed base exceeding USD
time information to be shared – and its value $5 billion!
compounded – throughout an organization. A Global Leader
The result is better and faster decisions that
Today, Evolution through Enhancement
optimize company assets, whether people,
has expanded to include the latest products
raw material, process, or infrastructure.
and services from the world’s largest auto-
Open Architecture for mation supplier; including instrumentation,
Seamless Integration analytical devices, meters, robotics, drives,
Industrial IT applications are designed to motors, machines, manufacturing execution
be used as stand-alone or integrated solutions, systems, and control products and systems.
enabling the flexibility to implement the Backed by common Industrial IT technology
required functions today and the agility and industry specific expertise, ABB’s automa-
to add on as needs evolve. ABB’s diligent tion portfolio provides the seamless link
use of open standards simplifies the task between process and business management
of interfacing with existing automation to deliver knowledge-based solutions.
and information systems, while the proven
SYMPHONY progression ensures an
additional layer of established investment

Two Decades of Enhancements
Making real-time business decisions to Industrial IT software product is based upon
prevent or limit process upsets requires a the AIP component. Symphony Harmony
consistent infrastructure for data, operations, fully participates in an integrated Industrial
configuration, and maintenance across the IT environment by leveraging the full power
entire enterprise. The foundation of this of the Aspect Object technology by employ-
consistent infrastructure is ABB’s Aspect ing an open, enterprisewide architecture that
Object™ technology provided by the Aspect supports a seamless communications fabric
Integrator Platform (AIP) component. Every to every level of control – from field I/O to

plantwide and multi-plant systems. SYMPHONY IT, Produce IT, Inform IT, and Optimize IT.
Harmony essential security and proven In addition, non-traditional DCS functional
availability at the control level are integrated areas, such as field device management and
with enterprise network strategies for total PLC controls, simply “plug-and-produce” in
enterprise communication. the SYMPHONY Harmony architecture via
The scalable SYMPHONY Harmony architec- other ABB Industrial IT components, such
ture allows for easy integration of ABB as Engineer IT and Control IT.
Industrial IT components, such as Operate

Powerful Tools
for Enterprise Management and Control

ABB’s Industrial IT with SYMPHONY solutions Industrial IT with SYMPHONY dramatically

reach beyond the traditional boundaries of improves enterprisewide productivity
distributed control systems to support the through four powerful, integrated classes
platform, application and professional of products:
service needs of total enterprise manage-
Harmony Series Area Management and
ment and control.
Control Products – a comprehensive set of
SYMPHONY’s multi-tiered span of control traditional process, regulatory and sequence
provides a secure foundation with robust, control services and I/O interfaces
but flexible, base level regulatory and
Composer Series System Engineering Tools –
sequence control. Solutions continue
an integrated suite of engineering and
through the full range of higher level man-
maintenance tools designed to support
agement and advanced control functions to
the complete automation project, including
include: production management, mainte-
planning and data acquisition, configuration
nance management, simulation, historian,
management, library management, commis-
and network management. The integration
sioning, and operation
of these powerful features is achieved through
SYMPHONY’s integrated “plant-centric” Operate IT-Process for Harmony and other
architecture. Embodied in the principles of Human System Interfaces – a range of
open, real-time networking, the SYMPHONY console products for accessing and viewing
architecture provides a scalable communica- data from multiple operating environments,
tions fabric that spans and integrates loop, from process control and I/O to plant
unit, area, plant, and interplant controls. and enterprise information
Industrial IT Plant Optimization and
Management Solutions – a powerful suite
of products and services for plant manage-
ment and control focused on increasing
asset utilization and on optimal management
of plant capacity

Plant Optimization
& Management

Engineering, Operation
& Maintenance Tools

Human System

Area Management
& Control

Control Products
Harmony I/O, available in rack and remote
form factor options, provide a wide variety
of input/output and signal conditioning
capability, ranging from standard analog and
digital I/O to specialty I/O like turbine
control and fieldbus. Modular I/O packag-
ing options and high speed field communi-
cations allow for remote I/O distances in
excess of 2KM. Redundant I/O, at the
channel level, redundant power and redun-
dant communications provide the highest
level of I/O availability in the DCS industry.
SYMPHONY’S control products support
ABB’s Evolution through Enhancement
strategy by providing backward compatibil-
ity with Bailey Network 90, INFI 90 and INFI
The Harmony product series consists of 90 OPEN systems and can execute all multi-
a family of process controllers, communica- function processor (MFP) operations. Also,
tion couplers and I/O interfaces. Thirty-two the addition of Industrial IT components,
bit processing, coupled with modular when used for non-traditional DCS plant
scalability, make the Harmony family a control applications such as AC800 for
powerful and versatile performer. motor controls and remote terminal unit
Harmony Controllers feature an extensive (RTU) operations, complement the Harmony
library of over 240 pre-defined advanced family of products. Data exchange between
control algorithms and user-definable func- these areas of control is facilitated at both
tions. These functions provide the power to the controller and human system interface
easily design complex control strategies to fit (HSI) level.
any control application, including continu-
ous, sequential, batch, and advanced control.
In addition to standard “function code”
implementation, Harmony Controllers sup-
port batch language, “C” programming and
even multi-variable control. Available in both
rack and block packaging, the multifaceted
Harmony Controllers communicate simulta-
neously with numerous field communication

Engineering Tools
To ensure that the SYMPHONY system can
be efficiently configured and maintained,
ABB has designed a comprehensive suite
of Composer Series tools. The Composer
tools provide a visual environment for easy
configuration of control system strategies,
global configuration databases and HSI
graphics, and manage system libraries
of reusable software components.
The working environment of Composer
for Harmony simplifies the configuration
and maintenance of SYMPHONY systems
by providing a standard Microsoft®
Windows environment, which enables
the user to easily explore the current
system configuration and configure new
elements. The use of a common system,
or project-wide database, eliminates the
duplication of data entry and automates
the configuration of many interrelated tasks.
Composer also provides complete system
documentation of the “as installed” and
“commissioned” systems.
The Composer Series tools provide two
key features for system configuration. By
utilizing a multiuser client/server architecture,
they allow configuration information to be
accessed, created and modified simultaneously
by different users. Composer’s integrated
explorer presents a single, unified view of
the SYMPHONY system architecture, and
allows the appropriate tool for each system
element to be invoked directly from that
Consistent with ABB’s commitment to
Evolution through Enhancement, the
Composer Series was designed to integrate
with ABB’s Industrial IT products, while
maintaining compatibility with SYMPHONY
and INFI 90 OPEN systems. Planned integra-
tion with other components of ABB’s
Engineer IT suite will allow Composer tools
to further enhance design and maintenance
efficiencies throughout the enterprise.

Operator Interface
Operate IT Process Portal
Process Portal is a feature rich, web-enabled
HSI designed as a native Windows-based
product. A managed Windows workplace
within a web browser environment supports
its users with intuitive navigation and com-
patible integration with other ABB and third
party web-enabled applications, allowing
users to efficiently access and monitor
information flow through the control system,
the process, the plant, and the entire enter-
Providing the versatility needed to meet ever
changing operational and process needs,
Operate IT supports custom navigational
toolbars and user profiles for defining
appropriate workspace behavior. Operate IT
supports the full spectrum of plant and
Conductor Series enterprise personnel needs including graphi-
Conductor provides an incremental series cal user interface, process data collection,
of platforms for HSI that complement the storage and analysis tools, an advanced
inherent functionality of the control system alarm management system, a comprehensive
with the basic suite of operator directed historian, and an advanced reporting pack-
features and functions. These versatile age. As part of an open system, Operate IT
features and functions are ergonomically embraces OPC™ to provide a standard
designed to facilitate process monitoring, interface method with third party devices,
control, fault mitigation, and optimization. and incorporates OPC client and OPC server
They offer more than just a way for opera- connectivity.
tors to interact with machines. They provide
system users with expanded dynamic access
to all plantwide or enterprisewide informa-
tion through open system connectivity.

10 ABB
Aspect Objects
Process Portal provides all of the traditional
human system interface functionality such as
event and alarm management, custom
graphic displays, faceplate and tuning
displays, trending, and reporting. Through
the use of ABB’s unique Aspect Object™
technology, Process Portal provides inte-
grated information access and sharing,
intuitive navigation and efficient engineer-
ing. An Aspect Object represents a physical CAD specifications
or logical part of the automation installation,
such as a valve, pump or actual batch, but
also process units or combinations of hard-
ware units. All information, or aspects,
belonging to those objects is structured in
functional windows called aspect views. Word documentation
Examples of aspects are historical data,
process signal data or technical specifications.

Data tags

Operators gain
the advantage of
single-click access
to information-rich
aspect views…

PDF technical

ERP interfaces
ABB 11
Data Management
To achieve true enterprise automation,
Industrial IT with SYMPHONY components
go beyond traditional process control to
tightly integrate both control and manage-
ment functions from the plant floor to the
executive staff. To achieve this increased
span of control, ABB offers a suite of plant
management and control products, ranging
from plant information management to plant
optimization applications.
Industrial IT plant management and control
products improve enterprise productivity by: Inform IT
• Providing secure, tightly integrated base Inform IT is the key element of information
regulatory and sequential controls management. Information management is
essential for understanding asset perfor-
• Scaling advanced control across a range of mance and designing procedures for opti-
technologies mizing assets over their life cycles. With
• Facilitating process information propaga- Inform IT, users increase engineering effi-
tion throughout the enterprise ciency by working in a flexible distributed
environment offering both high data security
• Providing for both adaptive and predictive and remote access. The platform provides
decision support practices tools to capture, archive, model, and analyze
• Supporting E-commerce and B2B strate- data to create informative reports and to
gies with real-time enterprise data make better decisions.
ABB provides industry specific extensions of
• Imparting protected web access when and
Inform IT – such as profile and contour
where appropriate
visualization for paper and flat sheet pro-
Advanced Control for Increased cessing – as well as other applications where
Efficiency quality gauging systems are required.
Advanced control packages provide opti- Process Information Web Server (PIWS)
mum production management solutions. supports controlled intranet information
From multi-variable control applications at access across the enterprise. PIWS can assist
the controller level to enterprise spanning customers who have a constant need for
Pavilion solutions, Industrial IT delivers a process information and status as well as
foundation for advanced control techniques customers with temporary requirements.
in real-time. Backed by industry specific
experience and know-how, Industrial IT
advanced control applications designed to
insure that plants will operate more efficiently,
profitably and competitively.

12 ABB
Produce IT
Produce IT provides batch production
Optimize IT management solutions, delivering unsur-
passed batch-to-batch consistency, quality
Optimize IT’s advanced optimization solu-
and productivity. These measurable results
tions address the need for real-time eco-
are achieved through an unmatched level
nomic optimization in the multi-period,
and scope of batch control integrated with
multi-plant enterprise.
scheduling, electronic batch records, HSI,
Asset Optimization includes integration of history, and controllers. Whether a process is
field instruments to the control system via manual, automated or both, Produce IT
fieldbus protocols, maintenance triggers, offers solutions for stand-alone environments
interfaces with maintenance management or for integrated operation with ERP, DCS, etc.
systems, documentation management, and
Linking Process Control with
audit trails
Enterprise Management
Process Optimization provides the means Enterprise Production Management Software
to create and manage process models that capabilities permit facilities to link process
have been optimized using a range of control with enterprise management and
solutions. This allows users to address other information systems to support regula-
yield accounting, waste, safety, regulatory tory compliance and collaborative com-
compliance, and economic issues merce, facilitate decision-making and permit
Dynamic Simulation and Training assists optimal capacity utilization and supply chain
operator training and certification and aids management. Offerings are available for
with design validations both Windows and UNIX platforms.
Supply Chain Optimization includes inte- These Industrial IT optimization technologies
grated planning, scheduling and utilization can be added to a customer’s SYMPHONY
algorithms and decision tools for production system today, helping to achieve the com-
of specified component quality and quantity petitive advantage necessary to operate in
to support E-commerce requirements the dynamic global marketplace. ABB
leverages its expertise in various industry
segments to offer customized optimization
applications and products to power utilities,
water and wastewater, pulp and paper,
chemical processing, hydrocarbon processing,
and other industrial markets.

ABB 13
Global Support & Services
As a leading global provider of industrial Product And System
asset and optimization services for power
and automation systems, ABB maintains a Services
unique position to offer innovative and A wide variety of services are available
diverse solutions for improved facility locally providing total system as well as
performance and effective maintenance tailored user support. From complete
systems management. With an unparalleled management services to just-in-time techni-
scope of automation products, systems and cal support, ABB offers unequalled services
services, we provide performance-based for power and automation systems. Our
service packages that increase production, diverse industry and application knowledge
reduce maintenance costs and improve acquired through a strong global presence
return on existing assets. can benefit your operation through im-
proved overall performance, increased
Asset Management Services uptime and reduced costs.
ABB Asset Management Services move
beyond a cost-cutting approach, offering Product and System Services
customized performance-based services Customer Support Services
focused on a specific need, an entire asset - Hardware/Software
classification or complete plant maintenance - Contract & Demand
responsibility. Optimizing asset management - Web, On-line & Remote Services
through outsourcing designed to deliver - Telephone Services
improved operation and maintenance - Upgrades, Expansions & Modifications
effectiveness, helps to deliver a lighter Training Services
balance sheet and increased cash flow, - ABB Product Training
while providing maximum value and - Process & Application Training
profitability. - General Technology Training
Asset Management Services - Training Contracts
Consulting Services - Training Assessment Programs
- Plant Performance Benchmarking Parts & Repair Services
- Performance Improvement Delivery - Parts Services
- Cultural Change Management - Reconditioning & Repair Services
- Sustainable Maintenance Excellence - Version Management
- Shutdown Excellence - Legacy Product Support
- Safety, Health & Environmental Excellence - Parts Management Support
Total Equipment Management Application Services
- Motor Condition Monitoring - Installation & Commissioning
- Drive Management - Product Application Services
- Rotating Machine Management - Product Environmental
- Instrumentation Management Adaptation Support
- Control Systems Management - Process Application
ABB Full Service - Product Migration
- ABB Full Service™ Partnership Agreements
- Single Shutdown Contracts
- Multiple Shutdown Partnership Agreements

14 ABB
Evolution Services
StepUp Programs provide a cost effective
means to migrate to the latest ABB products
and help position your automation system
for new technology as it becomes available.
This allows you to continuously evolve your
system to higher levels of control, operations,
information management, and connectivity.
The SoftCare software management program
continuously provides you with immediate
access to the latest productivity enabling
software. In keeping your software current,
SoftCare positions you for the constantly
changing industry and IT standards by
providing constant enhancements, better
integration, and more efficient support.
Conversion Services
In development of new products, it has
always been ABB’s philosophy and commit-
ment to provide an evolution path for the
installed base. We continue with that commit-
ment by providing conversion and interface
services that assist in graceful migration.
These services help simplify the evolution
process, reduce engineering cost, reduce
installation time, and reduce risk.

ABB 15
For additional information,
visit us on the Internet at www.abb.com/controlsystems

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Copyright © 2003 by ABB Inc. All rights to trademarks reside with their respective owners.
Specifications subject to change without notice. Pictures, schematics and other graphics contained herein
are published for illustration purposes only and do not represent product configurations or functionality. User
documentation accompanying the product is the exclusive source for functionality descriptions.

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