Hon. Executive Secretary, Et Al.) Are Officers/members of
Hon. Executive Secretary, Et Al.) Are Officers/members of
Hon. Executive Secretary, Et Al.) Are Officers/members of
indefinite period.
Petitioners in G.R. No. 159103 (SJS Officers/Members v.
The declaration of a state of rebellion amounts to a Hon. Executive Secretary, et al.) are officers/members of
declaration of martial law and, therefore, is a the Social Justice Society (SJS), "Filipino citizens, taxpayers,
circumvention of the report requirement, is a leap of logic. law professors and bar reviewers." Like Sanlakas and PM,
There is no indication that military tribunals have replaced they claim that Section 18, Article VII of the Constitution
civil courts in the "theater of war" or that military does not authorize the declaration of a state of
authorities have taken over the functions of civil rebellion.6 They contend that the declaration is a
government. There is no allegation of curtailment of civil "constitutional anomaly" that "confuses, confounds and
or political rights. There is no indication that the President misleads" because "[o]verzealous public officers, acting
has exercised judicial and legislative powers. In short, pursuant to such proclamation or general order, are liable
there is no illustration that the President has attempted to to violate the constitutional right of private citizens."
exercise or has exercised martial law powers. Petitioners also submit that the proclamation is a
circumvention of the report requirement under the same
The President, in declaring a state of rebellion and in Section 18, Article VII, commanding the President to
submit a report to Congress within 48 hours from the
calling out the armed forces, was merely exercising a
proclamation of martial law. Finally, they contend that the
wedding of her Chief Executive and Commander-in-Chief presidential issuances cannot be construed as an exercise
powers. of emergency powers as Congress has not delegated any
such power to the President.
By the evening of July 27, 2003, the Oakwood occupation Required to comment, the Solicitor General argues that the
had ended. After hours-long negotiations, the soldiers petitions have been rendered moot by the lifting of the
agreed to return to barracks. The President, however, did declaration. In addition, the Solicitor General questions the
not immediately lift the declaration of a state of rebellion standing of the petitioners to bring suit.
and did so only on August 1, 2003, through Proclamation
No. 435:DECLARING THAT THE STATE OF REBELLION ISSUE: W/N the President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
HAS CEASED TO EXIST declared martial law
In G.R. No. 159085 (Sanlakas and PM v. Executive Secretary, RULING: No. The president merely declare a state
et al.), party-list organizations Sanlakas and Partido ng rebellion and it does not amount to declaration of
Manggagawa (PM), contend that Section 18, Article VII of martial law
the Constitution does not require the declaration of a state
of rebellion to call out the armed forces. They further
submit that, because of the cessation of the Oakwood
occupation, there exists no sufficient factual basis for the
Lay to rest the validity of the declaration of a state of and accepted. The United States introduced the expanded
rebellion in the exercise of the President's calling out presidential powers in the Philippines through the
power, the mootness of the petitions notwithstanding. Philippine Bill of 1902. Later, the grant of the power was
incorporated in the Constitution.
That petitioner SJS officers/members are taxpayers and
Section 1, Article VII of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
citizens does not necessarily endow them with standing. A
states: "The executive power shall be vested in the
taxpayer may bring suit where the act complained of
directly involves the illegal disbursement of public funds
derived from taxation. No such illegal disbursement is
alleged. Thus, the plenitude of the powers of the presidency equips
the occupant with the means to address exigencies or
threats which undermine the very existence of
On the other hand, a citizen will be allowed to raise a
government or the integrity of the State.
constitutional question only when he can show that he has
personally suffered some actual or threatened injury as a
result of the allegedly illegal conduct of the government; The President's authority to declare a state of rebellion
the injury is fairly traceable to the challenged action; and springs in the main from her powers as chief executive
the injury is likely to be redressed by a favorable action. and, at the same time, draws strength from her
Again, no such injury is alleged in this case. Commander-in-Chief powers. Indeed, as the Solicitor
General accurately points out, statutory authority for such
a declaration may be found in Section 4, Chapter 2
Even granting these petitioners have standing on the
(Ordinance Power), Book III (Office of the President) of the
ground that the issues they raise are of transcendental
Revised Administrative Code of 1987, which states:
importance, the petitions must fail.
The President, in declaring a state of rebellion and in On the same day, at the house of former Congressman
calling out the armed forces, was merely exercising a Peping Cojuangco, President Cory Aquino's brother,
wedding of her Chief Executive and Commander-in- businessmen and mid-level government officials plotted
Chief powers. These are purely executive powers, vested moves to bring down the Arroyo administration. Nelly
on the President by Sections 1 and 18, Article VII, as Sindayen of TIME Magazine reported that Pastor Saycon,
opposed to the delegated legislative powers longtime Arroyo critic, called a U.S. government official
contemplated by Section 23 (2), Article VI. about his group's plans if President Arroyo is ousted.
Saycon also phoned a man code-named Delta. Saycon
identified him as B/Gen. Danilo Lim, Commander of the
Army's elite Scout Ranger. Lim said "it was all systems go
David v. Macapagal-Arroyo for the planned movement against Arroyo."
In the interim, these seven (7) petitions challenging the And lastly, in G.R. No. 171424,petitionerLoren B. Legarda
constitutionality of PP 1017 and G.O. No. 5 were filed with maintained that PP 1017 and G.O. No. 5 are
this Court against the above-named respondents. "unconstitutional for being violative of the freedom of
expression, including its cognate rights such as freedom of
G.R. No. 171396, petitioners Randolf S. David, et al. the press and the right to access to information on matters
assailed PP 1017 on the grounds that (1) it encroaches on of public concern, all guaranteed under Article III, Section 4
the emergency powers of Congress; (2) itis a subterfuge to of the 1987 Constitution." In this regard, she stated that
avoid the constitutional requirements for the imposition of these issuances prevented her from fully prosecuting her
martial law; and (3) it violates the constitutional election protest pending before the Presidential Electoral
In respondents' Consolidated Comment, the Solicitor "as provided in Section 17, Article XII of the Constitution
General countered that: first, the petitions should be do hereby declare a State of National Emergency."
dismissed for being moot; second,petitioners in G.R. NOS.
171400 (ALGI), 171424 (Legarda), 171483 (KMU et al.), First Provision: Calling-out Power
171485 (Escudero et al.) and 171489 (Cadiz et al.) have no
legal standing; third, it is not necessary for petitioners to The first provision pertains to the President’s calling-out
implead President Arroyo as respondent; fourth, PP 1017 power.
has constitutional and legal basis; and fifth, PP 1017 does
not violate the people's right to free expression and
redress of grievances. Respondents stated that the Under the calling-out power, the President may summon
proximate cause behind the executive issuances was the the armed forces to aid him in suppressing lawless
conspiracy among some military officers, leftist insurgents violence, invasion and rebellion. This involves ordinary
of the New People's Army (NPA), and some members of police action. But every act that goes beyond the
the political opposition in a plot to unseat or assassinate President’s calling-out power is considered illegal or ultra
President Arroyo.4They considered the aim to oust or vires. For this reason, a President must be careful in the
assassinate the President and take-over the reigns of exercise of his powers. He cannot invoke a greater power
government as a clear and present danger. The Solicitor when he wishes to act under a lesser power. There lies the
General argued that the intent of the Constitution is to give wisdom of our Constitution, the greater the power, the
full discretionary powers to the President in determining greater are the limitations.
the necessity of calling out the armed forces. He
emphasized that none of the petitioners has shown that PP It is pertinent to state, however, that there is a distinction
1017 was without factual bases. between the President’s authority to declare a "state of
rebellion" (in Sanlakas) and the authority to proclaim a
ISSUE: Whether PP 1017 and G.O. No. 5 are state of national emergency. While President Arroyo’s
authority to declare a "state of rebellion" emanates from
her powers as Chief Executive
RULING: PP 1017 is constitutional insofar as it constitutes
President Arroyo’s declaration of a "state of rebellion" was
a call by the President for the AFP to prevent or
merely an act declaring a status or condition of public
suppress lawless violence. The proclamation is sustained moment or interest, a declaration allowed under Section 4
by Section 18, Article VII of the Constitution and the cited above. Such declaration, in the words of Sanlakas, is
relevant jurisprudence discussed earlier. However, PP harmless, without legal significance, and deemed not
1017’s extraneous provisions giving the President express written. In these cases, PP 1017 is more than that. In
or implied power (1) to issue decrees; (2) to direct the AFP declaring a state of national emergency, President Arroyo
to enforce obedience to all laws even those not related to did not only rely on Section 18, Article VII of the
Constitution, a provision calling on the AFP to prevent or
lawless violence as well as decrees promulgated by the suppress lawless violence, invasion or rebellion. She also
President; and (3) to impose standards on media or any relied on Section 17, Article XII, a provision on the State’s
form of prior restraint on the press, are ultra extraordinary power to take over privately-owned public
vires and unconstitutional. The Court also rules that utility and business affected with public interest. Indeed,
under Section 17, Article XII of the Constitution, the PP 1017 calls for the exercise of an awesome power.
President, in the absence of a legislation, cannot take over Obviously, such Proclamation cannot be deemed harmless,
without legal significance, or not written, as in the case
privately-owned public utility and private business
of Sanlakas.
affected with public interest.
Some of the petitioners vehemently maintain that PP 1017
The operative portion of PP 1017 may be divided into is actually a declaration of Martial Law. It is no so. What
three important provisions, thus: defines the character of PP 1017 are its wordings. It is
plain therein that what the President invoked was her
First provision: calling-out power.
"by virtue of the power vested upon me by Section 18,
Artilce VII … do hereby command the Armed Forces of the The declaration of Martial Law is a "warn[ing] to citizens
Philippines, to maintain law and order throughout the that the military power has been called upon by the
Philippines, prevent or suppress all forms of lawless executive to assist in the maintenance of law and order,
violence as well any act of insurrection or rebellion" and that, while the emergency lasts, they must, upon pain
Second provision: of arrest and punishment, not commit any acts which will
"and to enforce obedience to all the laws and to all decrees, in any way render more difficult the restoration of order
orders and regulations promulgated by me personally or and the enforcement of law."113
upon my direction;"
Third provision:
In his "Statement before the Senate Committee on Justice" by Article VII, Section 10, Paragraph (2) of the
on March 13, 2006, Mr. Justice Vicente V. Mendoza,114an Constitution, do hereby place the entire Philippines as
authority in constitutional law, said that of the three defined in Article 1, Section 1 of the Constitution under
powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief, the martial law and, in my capacity as their Commander-in-
power to declare Martial Law poses the most severe threat Chief, do hereby command the Armed Forces of the
to civil liberties. It is a strong medicine which should not Philippines, to maintain law and order throughout the
be resorted to lightly. It cannot be used to stifle or Philippines, prevent or suppress all forms of lawless
persecute critics of the government. It is placed in the violence as well as any act of insurrection or rebellion
keeping of the President for the purpose of enabling him to and to enforce obedience to all the laws and decrees,
secure the people from harm and to restore order so that orders and regulations promulgated by me personally
they can enjoy their individual freedoms. or upon my direction.
Ju stice Mendoza also stated that PP 1017 is not a We all know that it was PP 1081 which granted President
declaration of Martial Law. It is no more than a call by the Marcos legislative power. Its enabling clause states: "to
President to the armed forces to prevent or suppress enforce obedience to all the laws and decrees, orders
lawless violence. As such, it cannot be used to justify acts and regulations promulgated by me personally or
that only under a valid declaration of Martial Law can be upon my direction." Upon the other hand, the enabling
done. Its use for any other purpose is a perversion of its clause of PP 1017 issued by President Arroyo is: to
nature and scope, and any act done contrary to its enforce obedience to all the laws and to all decrees,
command is ultra vires. orders and regulations promulgated by me personally
or upon my direction."
Justice Mendoza further stated that specifically, (a) arrests
and seizures without judicial warrants; (b) ban on public Is it within the domain of President Arroyo to promulgate
assemblies; (c) take-over of news media and agencies and "decrees"?
press censorship; and (d) issuance of Presidential Decrees,
are powers which can be exercised by the President as PP 1017 states in part: "to enforce obedience to all the
Commander-in-Chief only where there is a valid laws and decrees x x x promulgated by me personally
declaration of Martial Law or suspension of the writ or upon my direction."
of habeas corpus. The President is granted an Ordinance Power under
Chapter 2, Book III of Executive Order No. 292
Based on the above disquisition, it is clear that PP 1017 is (Administrative Code of 1987). She may issue any of the
not a declaration of Martial Law. It is merely an exercise following:
of President Arroyo’s calling-out power for the armed Sec. 2. Executive Orders. — Acts of the President providing
forces to assist her in preventing or suppressing lawless for rules of a general or permanent character in
violence. implementation or execution of constitutional or statutory
powers shall be promulgated in executive orders.
As the Executive in whom the executive power is Sec. 3. Administrative Orders. — Acts of the President
vested,115 the primary function of the President is to which relate to particular aspect of governmental
enforce the laws as well as to formulate policies to be operations in pursuance of his duties as administrative
embodied in existing laws. He sees to it that all laws are head shall be promulgated in administrative orders.
enforced by the officials and employees of his department. Sec. 4. Proclamations. — Acts of the President fixing a date
or declaring a status or condition of public moment or
oners, especially Representatives Francis Joseph G. interest, upon the existence of which the operation of a
Escudero, Satur Ocampo, Rafael Mariano, Teodoro Casiño, specific law or regulation is made to depend, shall be
Liza Maza, and Josel Virador argue that PP 1017 is promulgated in proclamations which shall have the force
unconstitutional as it arrogated upon President Arroyo the of an executive order.
power to enact laws and decrees in violation of Section 1, Sec. 5. Memorandum Orders. — Acts of the President on
Article VI of the Constitution, which vests the power to matters of administrative detail or of subordinate or
enact laws in Congress. They assail the clause "to enforce temporary interest which only concern a particular officer
obedience to all the laws and to all decrees, orders and or office of the Government shall be embodied in
regulations promulgated by me personally or upon my memorandum orders.
direction." Sec. 6. Memorandum Circulars. — Acts of the President on
matters relating to internal administration, which the
President desires to bring to the attention of all or some of
Petitioners’ contention is understandable. A reading of PP the departments, agencies, bureaus or offices of the
1017 operative clause shows that it was lifted120 from Government, for information or compliance, shall be
Former President Marcos’ Proclamation No. 1081, which embodied in memorandum circulars.
partly reads: Sec. 7. General or Special Orders. — Acts and commands of
the President in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the
of the Philippines by virtue of the powers vested upon me
Armed Forces of the Philippines shall be issued as general A distinction must be drawn between the President’s
or special orders. authority to declare "a state of national emergency" and
President Arroyo’s ordinance power is limited to the to exercise emergency powers. To the first, as elucidated
foregoing issuances. She cannot issue decrees similar to by the Court, Section 18, Article VII grants the President
those issued by Former President Marcos under PP 1081. such power, hence, no legitimate constitutional objection
Presidential Decrees are laws which are of the same can be raised. But to the second, manifold constitutional
category and binding force as statutes because they were issues arise.
issued by the President in the exercise of his legislative
power during the period of Martial Law under the 1973 Section 23, Article VI of the Constitution reads:
SEC. 23. (1) The Congress, by a vote of two-thirds of both
This Court rules that the assailed PP 1017 is Houses in joint session assembled, voting separately, shall
unconstitutional insofar as it grants President Arroyo have the sole power to declare the existence of a state
the authority to promulgate "decrees." of war.
The import of this provision is that President Arroyo, (2) In times of war or other national emergency, the
during the state of national emergency under PP 1017, can Congress may, by law, authorize the President, for a
call the military not only to enforce obedience "to all the limited period and subject to such restrictions as it may
laws and to all decrees x x x" but also to act pursuant to the prescribe, to exercise powers necessary and proper to
provision of Section 17, Article XII which reads: carry out a declared national policy. Unless sooner
withdrawn by resolution of the Congress, such powers
Sec. 17. In times of national emergency, when the public shall cease upon the next adjournment thereof.
interest so requires, the State may, during the emergency
and under reasonable terms prescribed by it, temporarily It may be pointed out that the second paragraph of the
take over or direct the operation of any privately-owned above provision refers not only to war but also to "other
public utility or business affected with public interest. national emergency." If the intention of the Framers of
our Constitution was to withhold from the President the
What could be the reason of President Arroyo in invoking authority to declare a "state of national emergency"
the above provision when she issued PP 1017? pursuant to Section 18, Article VII (calling-out power) and
grant it to Congress (like the declaration of the existence of
The answer is simple. During the existence of the state of a state of war), then the Framers could have provided so.
national emergency, PP 1017 purports to grant the Clearly, they did not intend that Congress should first
President, without any authority or delegation from authorize the President before he can declare a "state of
Congress, to take over or direct the operation of any national emergency." The logical conclusion then is that
privately-owned public utility or business affected with President Arroyo could validly declare the existence of a
public interest. state of national emergency even in the absence of a
Congressional enactment.
This provision was first introduced in the 1973
Constitution, as a product of the "martial law" thinking of But the exercise of emergency powers, such as the taking
the 1971 Constitutional Convention.122 In effect at the time over of privately owned public utility or business affected
of its approval was President Marcos’ Letter of Instruction with public interest, is a different matter. This requires a
No. 2 dated September 22, 1972 instructing the Secretary delegation from Congress.
of National Defense to take over "the management, control
and operation of the Manila Electric Company, the Courts have often said that constitutional provisions
Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company, the National in pari materia are to be construed together. Otherwise
Waterworks and Sewerage Authority, the Philippine stated, different clauses, sections, and provisions of a
National Railways, the Philippine Air Lines, Air Manila (and) constitution which relate to the same subject matter will
Filipinas Orient Airways . . . for the successful prosecution by be construed together and considered in the light of each
the Government of its effort to contain, solve and end the other.123 Considering that Section 17 of Article XII and
present national emergency." Section 23 of Article VI, previously quoted, relate to
national emergencies, they must be read together to
Petitioners, particularly the members of the House of determine the limitation of the exercise of emergency
Representatives, claim that President Arroyo’s inclusion of powers.
Section 17, Article XII in PP 1017 is an encroachment on
the legislature’s emergency powers. Generally, Congress is the repository of emergency
powers. This is evident in the tenor of Section 23 (2),
This is an area that needs delineation. Article VI authorizing it to delegate such powers to the
President. Certainly, a body cannot delegate a power
not reposed upon it. However, knowing that during grave
emergencies, it may not be possible or practicable for
Congress to meet and exercise its powers, the Framers of nothing in PP 1017 allowing the police, expressly or
our Constitution deemed it wise to allow Congress to grant impliedly, to conduct illegal arrest, search or violate the
emergency powers to the President, subject to certain citizens’ constitutional rights.
conditions, thus:
On the other hand, the President merely delegated through While it is true that the Court may inquire into the factual
AOs 273 and 273-A her supervisory powers over the bases for the President’s exercise of the above power, 18 it
ARMM to the DILG Secretary who was her alter ego any would generally defer to her judgment on the matter. As
way. These orders did not authorize a take over of the the Court acknowledged in Integrated Bar of the
ARMM. They did not give him blanket authority to suspend Philippines v. Hon. Zamora,19 it is clearly to the President
or replace ARMM officials.11 The delegation was necessary that the Constitution entrusts the determination of the
to facilitate the investigation of the mass need for calling out the armed forces to prevent and
killings.12 Further, the assailed proclamation and suppress lawless violence. Unless it is shown that such
administrative orders did not provide for the exercise of determination was attended by grave abuse of discretion,
emergency powers. the Court will accord respect to the President’s judgment.
Thus, the Court said:
ISSUE: (1) Whether or not President Arroyo invalidly
exercised emergency powers when she called out the AFP If the petitioner fails, by way of proof, to support the
and the PNP to prevent and suppress all incidents of assertion that the President acted without factual basis,
then this Court cannot undertake an independent
lawless violence in Maguindanao, Sultan Kudarat, and
investigation beyond the pleadings. The factual necessity
Cotabato City- NO of calling out the armed forces is not easily quantifiable
and cannot be objectively established since matters
(2) whether or not the President had factual bases for her considered for satisfying the same is a combination of
actions- YES several factors which are not always accessible to the
The President, as Commander-in-Chief has a vast
(1)Petitioners contend that the President unlawfully intelligence network to gather information, some of which
exercised emergency powers when she ordered the may be classified as highly confidential or affecting the
deployment of AFP and PNP personnel in the places security of the state. In the exercise of the power to call,
mentioned in the proclamation.16 But such deployment is on-the-spot decisions may be imperatively necessary in
not by itself an exercise of emergency powers as emergency situations to avert great loss of human lives
understood under Section 23 (2), Article VI of the and mass destruction of property. Indeed, the decision to
Constitution, which provides: call out the military to prevent or suppress lawless
violence must be done swiftly and decisively if it were to
SECTION 23. x x x (2) In times of war or other national have any effect at all. x x x.20
emergency, the Congress may, by law, authorize the
President, for a limited period and subject to such Here, petitioners failed to show that the declaration of a
restrictions as it may prescribe, to exercise powers state of emergency in the Provinces of Maguindanao,
Sultan Kudarat and Cotabato City, as well as the people and the authorities away from the multiple murder
President’s exercise of the "calling out" power had no case. x x x
factual basis. They simply alleged that, since not all areas
under the ARMM were placed under a state of emergency, In addition, two other factions of a RAG are likely to
it follows that the take over of the entire ARMM by the support the Mangudadatu family. The Cotabato-based
DILG Secretary had no basis too.21 faction has the strength of about five hundred (500)
persons and three hundred seventy-two (372) firearms
But, apart from the fact that there was no such take over to while the Sultan Kudarat-based faction has the strength of
begin with, the OSG also clearly explained the factual bases about four hundred (400) persons and three hundred
for the President’s decision to call out the armed forces, as (300) firearms and was reported to be moving towards
follows: Maguindanao to support the Mangudadatu clan in its
armed fight against the Ampatuans.22
The Ampatuan and Mangudadatu clans are prominent
families engaged in the political control of Maguindanao. It In other words, the imminence of violence and anarchy at
is also a known fact that both families have an arsenal of the time the President issued Proclamation 1946 was too
armed followers who hold elective positions in various grave to ignore and she had to act to prevent further
parts of the ARMM and the rest of Mindanao. bloodshed and hostilities in the places mentioned.
Progress reports also indicated that there was movement
Considering the fact that the principal victims of the brutal in these places of both high-powered firearms and armed
bloodshed are members of the Mangudadatu family and men sympathetic to the two clans.23 Thus, to pacify the
the main perpetrators of the brutal killings are members people’s fears and stabilize the situation, the President had
and followers of the Ampatuan family, both the military to take preventive action. She called out the armed forces
and police had to prepare for and prevent reported to control the proliferation of loose firearms and dismantle
retaliatory actions from the Mangudadatu clan and the armed groups that continuously threatened the peace
additional offensive measures from the Ampatuan clan. and security in the affected places.
On December 9, 2009 Congress, in joint session, convened Although the above vests in the President the power to
pursuant to Section 18, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution proclaim martial law or suspend the privilege of the writ of
to review the validity of the President’s action. But, two habeas corpus, he shares such power with the Congress.
days later or on December 12 before Congress could act, Thus:
the President issued Presidential Proclamation 1963, 1. The President’s proclamation or suspension is
lifting martial law and restoring the privilege of the writ of temporary, good for only 60 days;
habeas corpus in Maguindanao. 2. He must, within 48 hours of the proclamation or
suspension, report his action in person or in writing to
Petitioners Philip Sigfrid A. Fortun and the other Congress;
petitioners in G.R. 190293, 190294, 190301,190302, 3. Both houses of Congress, if not in session must jointly
190307, 190356, and 190380 brought the present actions convene within 24 hours of the proclamation or
to challenge the constitutionality of President Arroyo’s suspension for the purpose of reviewing its validity; and
Proclamation 1959 affecting Maguindanao. But, given the 4. The Congress, voting jointly, may revoke or affirm the
prompt lifting of that proclamation before Congress could President’s proclamation or suspension, allow their
review it and before any serious question affecting the limited effectivity to lapse, or extend the same if Congress
rights and liberties of Maguindanao’s inhabitants could deems warranted.
arise, the Court deems any review of its constitutionality It is evident that under the 1987 Constitution the
the equivalent of beating a dead horse. President and the Congress act in tandem in exercising the
power to proclaim martial law or suspend the privilege of
ISSUE: W/N the court may review the factual basis of the writ of habeas corpus. They exercise the power, not
the President for declaration of martial law only sequentially, but in a sense jointly since, after the
President has initiated the proclamation or the suspension,
RULING: No only the Congress can maintain the same based on its own
evaluation of the situation on the ground, a power that the
President does not have.
constitutionality of Proclamation 1959 is not unavoidable
for two reasons:
Consequently, although the Constitution reserves to the
Supreme Court the power to review the sufficiency of the
One. President Arroyo withdrew her proclamation of factual basis of the proclamation or suspension in a proper
martial law and suspension of the privilege of the writ of suit, it is implicit that the Court must allow Congress to
habeas corpus before the joint houses of Congress could exercise its own review powers, which is automatic rather
fulfill their automatic duty to review and validate or than initiated. Only when Congress defaults in its express
invalidate the same. The pertinent provisions of Section duty to defend the Constitution through such review
18, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution state: should the Supreme Court step in as its final rampart. The
constitutional validity of the President’s proclamation of
Sec. 18. The President shall be the Commander-in-Chief of martial law or suspension of the writ of habeas corpus is
all armed forces of the Philippines and whenever it first a political question in the hands of Congress before it
becomes necessary, he may call out such armed forces to becomes a justiciable one in the hands of the Court.
prevent or suppress lawless violence, invasion or
rebellion. In case of invasion or rebellion, when the public Here, President Arroyo withdrew Proclamation 1959
safety requires it, he may, for a period not exceeding sixty before the joint houses of Congress, which had in fact
days, suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus or convened, could act on the same. Consequently, the
place the Philippines or any part thereof under martial petitions in these cases have become moot and the Court
law. Within forty-eight hours from the proclamation of has nothing to review. The lifting of martial law and
martial law or the suspension of the privilege of writ of restoration of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in
habeas corpus, the President shall submit a report in Maguindanao was a supervening event that obliterated
person or in writing to the Congress. The Congress, voting any justiciable controversy.2
jointly, by a vote of at least a majority of all its Members in
Two. Since President Arroyo withdrew her proclamation suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus.
of martial law and suspension of the privilege of the writ of Thus –
habeas corpus in just eight days, they have not been
meaningfully implemented. The military did not take over The Supreme Court may review, in an appropriate
the operation and control of local government units in proceeding filed by any citizen, the sufficiency of the
Maguindanao. The President did not issue any law or factual basis of the proclamation of martial law or the
decree affecting Maguindanao that should ordinarily be suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus or
enacted by Congress. No indiscriminate mass arrest had the extension thereof, and must promulgate its decision
been reported. Those who were arrested during the period thereon within thirty days from its filing. (Emphasis
were either released or promptly charged in court. Indeed, supplied)
no petition for habeas corpus had been filed with the Court
respecting arrests made in those eight days. The point is More than two years have passed since petitioners filed
that the President intended by her action to address an the present actions to annul Proclamation
uprising in a relatively small and sparsely populated 1959.1âwphi1 When the Court did not decide it then, it
province. In her judgment, the rebellion was localized and actually opted for a default as was its duty, the question
swiftly disintegrated in the face of a determined and amply having become moot and academic.
armed government presence.
Justice Carpio of course points out that should the Court
Here, however, the Court has not bothered to examine the regard the powers of the President and Congress
evidence upon which President Arroyo acted in issuing respecting the proclamation of martial law or the
Proclamation 1959, precisely because it felt no need to, the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus as
proclamation having been withdrawn within a few days of sequential or joint, it would be impossible for the Court to
its issuance. exercise its power of review within the 30 days given it.
Justice Antonio T. Carpio points out in his dissenting But those 30 days, fixed by the Constitution, should be
opinion the finding of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of enough for the Court to fulfill its duty without pre-empting
Quezon City that no probable cause exist that the accused congressional action. Section 18, Article VII, requires the
before it committed rebellion in Maguindanao since the President to report his actions to Congress, in person or in
prosecution failed to establish the elements of the crime. writing, within 48 hours of such proclamation or
But the Court cannot use such finding as basis for striking suspension. In turn, the Congress is required to convene
down the President’s proclamation and suspension. without need of a call within 24 hours following the
For, firstly, the Court did not delegate and could not President’s proclamation or suspension. Clearly, the
delegate to the RTC of Quezon City its power to determine Constitution calls for quick action on the part of the
the factual basis for the presidential proclamation and Congress. Whatever form that action takes, therefore,
suspension. Secondly, there is no showing that the RTC of should give the Court sufficient time to fulfill its own
Quezon City passed upon the same evidence that the mandate to review the factual basis of the proclamation or
President, as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, suspension within 30 days of its issuance.
had in her possession when she issued the proclamation
and suspension.
If the Congress procrastinates or altogether fails to fulfill
its duty respecting the proclamation or suspension within
The Court does not resolve purely academic questions to the short time expected of it, then the Court can step in,
satisfy scholarly interest, however intellectually hear the petitions challenging the President’s action, and
challenging these are.5 This is especially true, said the ascertain if it has a factual basis. If the Court finds none,
Court in Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities then it can annul the proclamation or the suspension. But
v. Secretary of Education,6 where the issues "reach what if the 30 days given it by the Constitution proves
constitutional dimensions, for then there comes into play inadequate? Justice Carpio himself offers the answer in his
regard for the court’s duty to avoid decision of dissent: that 30-day period does not operate to divest this
constitutional issues unless avoidance becomes evasion." Court of its jurisdiction over the case. The settled rule is
The Court’s duty is to steer clear of declaring that jurisdiction once acquired is not lost until the case has
unconstitutional the acts of the Executive or the Legislative been terminated.
department, given the assumption that it carefully studied
those acts and found them consistent with the
fundamental law before taking them. "To doubt is to The problem in this case is that the President aborted the
sustain."7 proclamation of martial law and the suspension of the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in Maguindanao in
just eight days. In a real sense, the proclamation and the
Notably, under Section 18, Article VII of the 1987 suspension never took off. The Congress itself adjourned
Constitution, the Court has only 30 days from the filing of without touching the matter, it having become moot and
an appropriate proceeding to review the sufficiency of the academic.
factual basis of the proclamation of martial law or the
Of course, the Court has in exceptional cases passed upon On August 1, 2003, President Arroyo lifted her declaration
issues that ordinarily would have been regarded as moot. of a state of rebellion through Proclamation No. 435.
But the present cases do not present sufficient basis for the
exercise of the power of judicial review. The proclamation Meanwhile, on August 4, 2003, Secretary Jose Lina, Jr. of
of martial law and the suspension of the privilege of the the Department of the Interior and Local Government,
writ of habeas corpus in this case, unlike similar forwarded to the DOJ the affidavit-complaint for coup
Presidential acts in the late 60s and early 70s, appear more d'etat of PC Chief Superintendent Eduardo Matillano
like saber-rattling than an actual deployment and arbitrary against Senator Gregorio Honasan, Ernesto Macahiya,
use of political power. George Duldulao and several "John and Jane Does"
numbering about 1,000.
Sanlakas v Exec Sec.
On August 8, 2003, PNP Chief Inspector Jesus Fernandez of
In the wee hours of July 27, 2003, three hundred twenty- the Eastern Police District referred to the DOJ an
three (323) junior officers and enlisted men of the Armed investigation report recommending that Enriquez and a
Forces of the Philippines (AFP) took over the Oakwood certain Romy Escalona be prosecuted for rebellion and
Premier Apartments, Ayala Center, Makati City. insurrection.
Introducing themselves as the "Magdalo Group," they
claimed that they went to Oakwood to air their grievances David v Arroyo [consolidated case w/ David v Ermita]
about graft and corruption in the military, the sale of arms (Topic: declaration of state rebellion vs. declaration of
and ammunitions to the "enemies" of the state, the state of national emergency)
bombings in Davao City allegedly ordered by Gen. Victor
Corpus, then Chief of the Intelligence Service of the Armed X Gudani v Senga (President as chief- commander; senate
Forces of the Philippines (ISAFP), the increased military requires officers of AFP to appear bef its hearing tapos nag
assistance from the United States, and
issue ng order pres na hindi sila pwde pumunta w/o
"micromanagement" in the AFP by Gen. Angelo Reyes, then
Secretary of the Department of National Defense.3 The President authority)
military men demanded the resignation of the President,
the Secretary of National Defense and the Chief of the Ampatuan v Puno
Philippine National Police.
The Ampatuan and Mangudadatu clans are prominent
At about 9:00 A.M. of the same day, President Arroyo gave families engaged in the political control of Maguindanao. It
the Magdalo Group until 5:00 P.M. to give up their is also a known fact that both families have an arsenal of
positions peacefully and return to the barracks. At around armed followers who hold elective positions in various
1:00 P.M., she issued Proclamation No. 427 and General parts of the ARMM and the rest of Mindanao.
Order No. 4 declaring the existence of a "state of rebellion"
and calling out the AFP to suppress the rebellion. Considering the fact that the principal victims of the brutal
bloodshed are members of the Mangudadatu family and
Shortly before the 5:00 P.M. deadline, President Arroyo the main perpetrators of the brutal killings are members
announced an extension until 7:00 P.M. During the two- and followers of the Ampatuan family, both the military
hour reprieve, negotiations between the Magdalo Group and police had to prepare for and prevent reported
and various personalities took place. The rebels agreed to retaliatory actions from the Mangudadatu clan and
return to the barracks. They left the Oakwood premises at additional offensive measures from the Ampatuan clan.
11:00 P.M.
One RAG was reported to have planned an attack on the
On July 28, 2003, Agents of the National Bureau of forces of Datu Andal Ampatuan, Sr. to show support and
Investigation (NBI) searched the house owned by Ramon sympathy for the victims.
Cardenas at 2177 Paraiso St., Dasmariñas Village, Makati
City. After the raid and the recovery of evidence claimed to
link him to rebellion, Cardenas, accompanied by Atty. Rene
Saguisag, went to the CIDG in Camp Crame. On the same Fortun v Arroyo
day, Cardenas was brought to the Department of Justice for
inquest proceeding. He was later charged with the crime of
rebellion. Indeed, the nature, quantity and quality of their weaponry,
the movement of heavily armed rebels in strategic
positions, the closure of the Maguindanao Provincial
The Mandaluyong City Police likewise searched the
Capitol, Ampatuan Municipal Hall, Datu Unsay Municipal
townhouses belonging to Laarni Enriquez, allegedly used
Hall, and fourteen other municipal halls, and the use of
as staging areas by the Magdalo Group.
armored vehicles, tanks and patrol cars with unauthorized
"PNP/Police" markings, all together confirm the existence
of armed public uprising for the political purpose of:
1. removing allegiance from the national government of
the Province of Maguindanao; and,