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DES Special Issue Editorial

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1, JANUARY 2014 3

Guest Editorial
Special Section on Advances in
Discrete-Event Systems for Automation

I N RECENT years, the tremendous growth of computer

technology has led to the proliferation of a class of highly
complex dynamical systems, with the distinct attribute that
in the development of the target solutions, but also in the
structure and the size of the formal representations of the
DES dynamics that are employed by, and result from, the
their behavior is determined by the asynchronous occurrence performed computation. The DES community has tried
of certain event types; because of this attribute these systems to circumvent these challenges by pursuing the following
are termed Discrete Event Systems (DES). Examples of DES strategies:
are encountered in many traditional application areas, such as a) The development of decomposing or approximate
automated manufacturing, computer networks, transportation, solution strategies, based on the qualitative insights
air traffic control, as well as in emerging areas like healthcare, and the formal properties that have been established
communication and information processing, and the allocation through the complete rigorous analysis of the original
and management of technical, human and financial resources. problem formulations. Of particular interest along
Furthermore, in the recent past, a large number of researchers these lines, is the ongoing endeavor to develop ef-
and practitioners have devoted their attention to this class of fective approximations of the DES dynamics that
dynamical systems in order to address a series of difficult take place in various application domains through
problems, often combinatorial in nature, that concern their abstracting representations that are based on the
analysis, optimization and control. modeling framework of Hybrid Systems.
The goal of this Special Section is to bring together re- b) The identification and exploitation of special struc-
searchers and practitioners from, both, academia and industry ture that exists in various DES applications and
to highlight the state-of-the-art of the DES-related research can lead to customized formulations and solution
endeavor and its applications. The selected papers present approaches of reduced (ideally, polynomial) rep-
efficient scientific and engineering solutions to a series of resentational and computational complexity. The
problems related to DES, including their supervisory control, aforementioned problem of deadlock prevention and
fault diagnosis, resource allocation, state estimation, and dead- avoidance in complex resource allocation systems is
lock prevention and avoidance. They also provide a vision for a particular DES application domain that has bene-
future research and development. Even though a considerable fited extensively from such a rich special structure.
effort has been devoted to the aforementioned topics in the last c) The development of integrated computational plat-
decades, many theoretical problems in this framework are still forms and pertinent interfaces that will automate the
open, or their solution is only limited to small case studies, involved computation, conceal the underlying com-
while the scaling of these solutions to problems of industrial putational and representational complexities from the
relevance remains a challenge. end user, and present the outcome of the performed
A more detailed description of the research activity that is computation in a way that is more accessible to her.
currently taking place within the DES-focused research com- 2) Besides trying to connect more effectively to its traditional
munity, can be epitomized as follows: application base, the DES community is currently seeking
1) As mentioned above, a major requirement for the field to expand this application base to novel application areas.
is the effective transfer of its current theoretical devel- Some such application areas were already cited in the
opments to the applications that motivated these devel- opening paragraph of this editorial, and they include the
opments in the first place. A particular challenge along areas of healthcare, internet-based information and work-
these lines is the very high complexity of the addressed flow management systems, security and systems biology.
DES problems and their derived solutions. This complexity 3) Another driver for expanding, both, the current application
manifests itself in the computational effort that is involved and methodological bases of DES is research that develops
at the interface between DES and Hybrid Systems. As al-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TASE.2013.2293003 ready mentioned, this research provides an effective tool

1545-5955 © 2013 IEEE


for managing the computational complexity of many DES A control synthesis procedure is developed by
applications. But it also enables the effective integration of Lennartson et al. for a generic state-vector transition model
event-driven and time-driven dynamics, and, in this way, including flexible synchronous composition. In this approach,
it enriches the representational and analytical capabilities supervisor guards are generated in order to guarantee a control-
of the area. lable, nonblocking and maximally permissive supervisor that
4) Finally, DES-related research has been traditionally orga- can be easily implemented in industrial control systems.
nized into two major areas concerning the “untimed” (or With the intent of bridging the gap between design and im-
“qualitative”) and “timed” (or “quantitative”) dynamics of plementation of supervisory control systems modeled by ex-
the underlying applications, with the former addressing be- tended Petri nets, Moreira and Basilio present a methodology
havioral concerns for the underlying system and the latter to construct in a systematic way the ladder diagram that will be
focusing primarily on aspects relating to performance. used eventually by the industrial controllers; the conversion is
Besides their aforementioned difference in perspectives, such that any modification in the discrete-event controller can
these two areas have also employed substantially different be easily implemented in the existing ladder diagram.
methodological tools in their developments, and therefore, Finally, focusing on the DES liveness problem, Hu and Liu
until recently, they have evolved fairly independently from consider a Petri net framework to synthesize liveness enforcing
each other. This decoupling has also helped in the man- supervisors based on generalized mutual exclusion constraints.
agement of the involved complexity. Yet, currently, both Taking into account the independent and dependent inequalities,
of these DES areas have reached a maturity level that can the authors present a method to remove redundant inequalities
support and benefit from a more integrative approach to in order to reduce the size of the supervisor.
the overall DES analysis and control problem. Hence, the The remaining three papers in the area of DES control deal
effective integration of behavioral and performance-ori- with three different application settings. The first one, by Shu
ented modeling, analysis and control of the target DES and Lin, investigates fault tolerant control to ensure safety of
applications is another important requirement that defines a DES. Modeling the system by an automaton, the authors
the research frontier of this area. present a controller that under full or partial observation of the
The papers included in this Special Section exemplify and state is able to ensure that the controlled system never visits the
corroborate the aforecited trends. More specifically, in response illegal states.
to the corresponding call for papers, 32 submissions were re- Fanti et al. present a hybrid model to describe and control
ceived and carefully reviewed. Twelve were accepted and ap- freeway traffic dynamics. In a First-Order Hybrid Petri Net
pear as papers in the Special Section. Conceptually, it is pos- Framework, the authors present a Model Predictive Control
sible to divide these papers into two sets: the first eight papers strategy based on an online optimal control coordination with
deal with general DES control problems, while the second set the objective of maximizing the flow density.
of four papers addresses other particular DES problems such as A hybrid model is also used by Toyoshima et al. to describe
diagnosability analysis, state estimation, deadlock avoidance, the switching mechanism of the states of a wheeled snake robot.
and testing. Moreover, the aforementioned contributions con- Based on this hybrid model, a control strategy is presented for
sider, both, industrial control problems and other more general switching the motion patterns of the robot in order to optimize
applications. constraint forces and energy efficiency.
Five papers in the first set are in the DES supervisory control The second part of the Special Section includes four papers
area. In particular, Miremadi et al. show that augmenting the that deal with some challenging problems in the considered
model of timed discrete-event systems with a finite set of dig- DES framework by capitalizing upon the special structure that
ital clocks (timed extended finite automata) allows an efficient is present in the corresponding formulations.
computation of the supervisor for large-scale systems. The main In particular, Cabasino et al. present a novel diagnosability
feature of this approach is the symbolic computation based on analysis approach for DES modeled with labeled Petri nets. The
binary decision diagrams that leads to significant efficiencies in presented procedure is inspired by automata-based approaches,
the supervisor design procedure. but, thanks to the notion of basis markings, it possesses the
Theunissen et al. present a specific application of the main advantage of not requiring the enumeration of the whole
Ramadge and Wonham supervisory control theory to solve state space.
problems arising in mechatronic systems. More precisely, the Declerck and Bonhomme focus on the problem of the online
control of a patient-support table for a magnetic resonance state estimation of timed Petri nets with unobservable transi-
imaging scanner is addressed. The system is modeled as a tions, following the observation of firing occurrences of a tran-
finite-state automaton and the obtained controller is built in a sition subset on a sliding horizon. The significance of such an
modular way that decreases the computational complexity of estimation method stems from the possibility of dealing with
the synthesis. a limited amount of data, instead of using all the information
available from the beginning.

Nazeem and Reveliotis consider a problem that has received CHRISTOS G. CASSANDRAS, Guest Editor
extensive attention in the DES literature over the last few Boston University
decades, namely, the establishment of deadlock-free resource Division of Systems Engineering and
allocation. The authors present an original approach for the Center for Information and Systems Engineering
deployment of the maximally permissive deadlock avoidance Boston, MA 02215 USA
policy for complex resource allocation systems, that is based
on a novel algorithm for the efficient identification and storage
of a critical subset of the system states; this subset collects the MARIA PIA FANTI, Lead Guest Editor
states that are reached by transitions taking the system outside Polytechnic of Bari
Department of Electrical and Information Engineering
its safe region, and its availability enables the implementation
Bari, 70126 Italy
of the target policy through one-step-lookahead.
Finally, Pocci et al. investigate the problem of computing
synchronizing sequences for systems modeled by synchronized
Petri nets. In order to look for an efficient way to solve the CHRISTOFOROS HADJICOSTIS, Guest Editor
University of Cyprus
testing problems for DES, the authors provide some techniques,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
based on Petri net models, that avoid state explosion problems Nicosia, 1678 Cyprus
by means of structural analysis. The presented tool is applied chadjic@ucy.ac.cy
to randomly generated Petri nets and some example DES taken
from the manufacturing domain.
We conclude this Guest Editorial by adding that this Special
Georgia Institute of Technology
Section has been supported by the IEEE Robotics and Automa- School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
tion Society Technical Committee on Automation in Logistics. Atlanta, GA 30332 USA
Moreover, we would like to extend our gratitude to all the au- spyros.reveliotis@isye.gatech.edu
thors, anonymous reviewers, Associate Editors and to the Ed-
itor M. C. Zhou for their excellent efforts to ensure the best CARLA SEATZU, Guest Editor
quality of the Special Section papers. We also wish to thank University of Cagliari
the Editor-in-Chief K. Goldberg for the opportunity to publish Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
this Special Section, and F. Agnew and J. Barbato for their Cagliari, 09123 Italy
valuable assistance. seatzu@diee.unica.it

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