Chemistry Form 5 Chapter 4
Chemistry Form 5 Chapter 4
Chemistry Form 5 Chapter 4
Mg + PbO MgO + Pb
Oxidising agent :
Reducing agent :
1. Redox reaction is a reaction in which oxidation and reduction occurs at the same time.
2. An oxidising agent oxidizes another substance and itself undergo reduction
3. A reducing agent reduces another substance and itself undergo oxidation.
H2 S + Cl2 2 HCl + S
Hydrogen Oxidising agent :
Reducing agent :
Oxidising agent :
Reducing agent :
Oxidation number
RULE 1 The oxidation number of atom and molecule made from same atoms is zero.
Ex : Na, Mg,Al, Cl2 , O2 , N2
RULE 2 The oxidation number of ion is the charge of the ion.
Na + Cl2 NaCl
FeO + C Fe + CO 2
Cl2 + KI KCl + I2
Exercise :
5) The following equation shows the reaction between carbon and zinc oxide.[SPM 2008]
C + ZnO CO2 + Zn
Which statement is true about this reaction?
A. Zinc oxide is oxidised to zinc C. The oxidation number of carbon decreases
B. Carbon is the reducing agent D. The oxidation number of oxygen increases
7) The following ionic equation shows the reaction between zinc and acid.[SPM 2012]
Zn + 2H+ Zn2+ + H2
What is the change in oxidation number of hydrogen?
A 0 to +1 B 0 to +2 C +1 to 0 D. +1 to +2
10) The following chemical equation represents the extraction of silicon from quartz using
coke.[SPM 2018]
SiO 2 + C Si + CO 2
What is the change in oxidation number of silicon?
A. +2 to 0 B. +4 to 0 C. 0 to +2 D. 0 to +4
Thennarasu a/l Panir Chelvam
B.Edu (Chemistry ) Hons Page 6
Types of redox reaction
1) The electron flow from Q to P and produce electricity which causes galvanometer
needle to deflect.
2) –ve terminal (release e-) :__________________
+ve terminal (accept e- :___________________
3) Dilute sulphuric acid act as salt bridge which has a function :
i) Separates the oxidising agent and reducing agent
ii) Complete the circuit by allow the ions to flow through
3) Diagram 7 shows the set up of the apparatus for an experiment to investigate electron
transfer through a solution.[SPM 2006]
(ii) Write the half equations for the reactions that occur at the negative terminal and positive
terminal. [5 m]
(iii) Based on your answer in 7 (b) (ii), describe the oxidation and reduction processes in
terms of the electron transfer that occurs at the negative terminal and positive terminal.
5) Diagram 6 shows the apparatus et-up for an experiment to investigate electron transfer at a
distance in redox reaction. [SPM 2011]
Diagram 6
(a) State the colour of iron (II) sulphate solution.
(b) When the circuit is completed, the galvanometer shows a deflection.
(i) Write the half-equation for the reaction at X.
(ii) State the type of reaction in 5 (b) (i).
(c) (i) The half-equation below shows the reaction that occurs in acidified potassium
dichromate (VI) solution.
Complete the half equation.
Cr2 O72 + _____ H+ + ____ e- ___ Cr3+ + ____ H2 O
(ii) Based on the answers in 6 (b) (i) and 6 (c) (i) on Diagram 6, draw the arrows to show the
direction of electron flow.
6) Diagram 9 shows the apparatus set-up to study the transfer of electron at a distance.
7) The following ionic equation represents the reaction between acidified potassium
dichromate (VI) and iron (II) sulphate solution.[SPM 2013]
8) Diagram 9 shows the apparatus and observations for a redox reaction between iron (III)
chloride solution and a metal. (10 m) (SPM 2009)
Oxi ½ equ:
Red ½ equ :
- Oxidation number of Fe3+ _____________ from _____ to __________
-Oxidation number of Mg ____________ from _______ to _________
-Fe3+ undergo ____________
-Magnesium undergo____________________
- Fe3+ act as _____________
-Magnesium act as_______________
10) Iron (II) ions can be converted to iron (III) ions and iron (III) ions can be converted back
to iron (II) ions. By using a named metal as a reducing agent and a named halogen as an
oxidising agent, describe briefly how you would carry out these conversions. Describe a test
to show that each conversion has taken place. (10 m) [SPM 2008]
Fe 2+ to Fe 3+ Fe 3+ to Fe 2+
Oxidising agent : Reducing agent :
i) __________ 5 cm 3 FeCl2 solution into test i) __________ 5 cm 3 FeCl3 solution into test
tube. tube.
ii) Add few drops of __________ into test ii) Put __________ powder into test tube
iii) Add _____________ solution until
iii) ________ the mixture ___________
Na - ___________ electropositive
Mg - Easily can _________ electron
Zn - Easily can undergo _____________
Sn - Good ____________ agent
Electrochemical Series
1. In a displacement reaction a more electropositive metal can displace a less
electropositive metal from its salt solution.
Based on diagram above, what is the role of copper (II) sulphate solution?
A. Hydrating agent B. Dehydrating agent C. Oxidising agent D. Reducing agent
2) Mg + Fe2+ Mg2+ + Fe
Which of the following is true based on the ionic equation shows above?
A Iron (II) ion is the oxidising agent in the reaction
B Magnesium undergoes reduction reaction
C Iron is more electropositive than magnesium
D The oxidation number of magnesium decreases in the reaction
3) The ionic equation below represents displacement reactions. [SPM 2000]
X + Y2+ X2+ + Y
Y + Z Y2+ + Z
Based on diagram 8, suggest the suitable metals for M and N. Then write the ionic equation
for both reactions.
Reaction I Reaction II
M= N=
Y + FeCl2 YCl2 + Fe
6) The following equation shows the displacement of metal Y from its salt solution.[SPM
X + Y (NO 3 )2 X(NO 3 )2 + Y
1. Halogens are group 17 elements which has ability to accept 1 electron to achieve stable
electron arrangement.
-Oxidising agent :
- Reducing agent :
(b) Cl2 + KI -Cl2 is more __________ than I2
Cl2 -Colourless solution (KI)
turns_____________ - So, chlorine can displace iodine from potassium
iodide solution.
- ________ colour of
chlorine will be - Chemical equation :
- _________ layer can be - Oxidation ½ equ :
KI observed in 1,1,1-
trichloroethane. -Reduction ½ equ:
-Oxidising agent :
- Reducing agent
Cl2 KI
2) Cl2 water will accept the electron and undergo reduction to form chloride ion, Cl-.
3) The flow of electron in the circuit will produce electric current and cause the
galvanometer needle to deflect.
A 2I- I2 + 2e Br2 + 2e 2Br-
B 2I- I2 + 2e 2Br -
Br2 + 2e
C 2Br- Br2 + 2e 2I- I2 + 2e
D 2Br- Br2 + 2e I2 + 2e 2I-
3. Diagram below shows the addition of bromine water into a test tube containing potassium
iodide solution until in excess.
(ii) Write the half equation for oxidation and reduction reaction that happens in the test tube.
Oxidation :__________________________________________________________________
Reduction :_________________________________________________________________
Stage 1: Iron, Fe will donate electron and ____________ to Fe2+. The surface of iron act as
a ___________.
Fe Fe2+ + e
The electron released by iron will flow to the edge of the water droplet.
Stage 2: Oxygen that dissolve in water will accept the electron and __________ to OH- The
edge of water droplet act as a _____________.
O 2 + 2 H2 O + 4e 4OH-
Stage 3 : Iron (II) ions, Fe 2+ will combine with OH- ions to form iron (II) hydroxide,
Stage 4 : Iron (II) hydroxide, Fe(OH)2 will further oxidised to iron (III) hydroxide, Fe(OH)3
Fe(OH)2 Fe(OH)3
Stage 5 : Iron (III) hydroxide, Fe(OH)3 decompose to form hydrated iron (III) oxide,
Fe 2 O3 .xH2 O
Fe(OH)3 Fe2 O3 .xH2 O (Rust).
1. Another method to prevent iron from rusting is by using more electropositive metal in
contact with iron.
2. For example if zinc, Zn (more electropositive metal) is coat with iron, Fe.
i) Zinc, Zn is more electropositive than iron, Fe. So, Zn will donate electron and oxidised
to Zn2+. Zinc, Zn acts as a ______________.
Zn Zn2+ + 2e
ii) So, zinc metal will corrode and protect iron, Fe from rusting. Zn metal is known as
sacrificial anode.
3. The rusting of iron will be speed up when coat with less electropositive metal. Iron, Fe
is more electropositive than tin, Sn. So, Fe will release electron and undergo oxidation.
Fe Fe2+ + 2e-
Iron nail
Mg Zn Cu Sn
Test tube Pair of Intensity of dark blue Inference
metals colouration
A Fe Low Little rust
B Fe + Mg None No rust
C Fe + Zn None No rust
D Fe + Cu High A lot of rust
E Fe + Sn High A lot of rust.
b) Function of phenolphthalein = To detect the presence of OH- ion. [pink colour formed]
Test tube A Test tube B Test tube C Test tube D Test tube E
i) Iron nail, Fe release electron i) Magnesium, Mg is more Zinc, Zn is more Copper, Cu is less Tin, Sn is less
and undergo oxidation to form electropositive than iron, Fe. So, electropositive than iron, Fe. electropositive than electropositive than
Fe2+. magnesium will release electron So, Zn will donate electron iron, Fe. So, iron, Fe iron, Fe. So, iron, Fe
and oxidised to Mg2+ ion.Hence, and oxidised to Zn2+ ion. will release electron will release electron
Fe Fe2+ + 2e- Fe 2+ ions are not formed and Hence, Fe 2+ ions are not and oxidised to Fe2+ and oxidised Fe2+ ions.
rusting does not happen. [No dark formed and rusting does not ions.
ii) Electrons released will be blue colour] happen. [No dark blue colour] Fe Fe2+ + 2e
accepted by oxygen, O 2 and Fe Fe2+ + 2e
form hydroxide ions, OH-. Mg Mg2+ + 2e Zn 2+
Zn + 2e Dark blue colour
O2 + 2H2 O + 4e 4 OH- Dark blue colour present
Sacrificial anode =_________ Sacrificial anode =________ present
iii) Fe ions will react with
OH- ions to form Fe (OH) 2
which will later form rust.
1) The diagram shows four pairs of metals indifferent test tubes. (SPM 2005)
A. Fe Fe2+ + 2e
B. Fe2+ + 2e Fe
C. O 2 + 2H2 O + 4e 4 OH-
D. 4 OH- O 2 + 2H2 O + 4e
4) Which metal can prevent rusting when it is in contact with iron? [SPM 2010]
A. Lead B. Silver C. Copper D. Magnesium
5) Iron rusts in the presence of oxygen and water. Which method causes iron to rust faster?
[SPM 2011]
A. Coating iron with tin
B. Touching iron with lead
C. Galvanising iron with zinc
D. Connecting iron with magnesium
Set I Set II
R= S=
- ___________ is formed - ___________ is formed
- Iron nail_______ - Iron nail ____________ rust
- Iron nail is _________ electropositive - ______________ is more
than ___________ electropositive than _______
- Iron is _____________ - ____________ is oxidised
- ½ equ : - ½ equ:
(a) Write the half-equation for the reaction occurred at negative terminal and positive
terminal. Then, state the type of reaction at the positive terminal.
-ve terminal :
+ terminal :
[4 marks]
(b) Diagram 9.2 shows the observation of two sets of experiment when iron are in contact
with two different metals, X and Y. When the layer of metal X and Y are scratched, the iron
are exposed to oxygen and water.
Set I Set II
Metal X : Metal Y:
Ex : i) 2 Mg + O 2 2 MgO
ii) 4 Al + 3O 2 2 Al2 O3
Heat Heat
1. The metal which is higher in the series (more reactive), will be able to pull the oxygen
from metals which are lower in the series (less reactive). For example:
i) Mg + ZnO MgO + Zn
ii) Cu + Al2 O3
2. Carbon, C can pull the oxygen from metal that is less reactive than it.
Ex: C + CuO Cu + CO 2
Mixture Observation
C + CuO Bright flame. Brown colour solid formed
C + ZnO Bright flame. Grey solid formed
C + Al2 O3 No flame.
1. Carbon can reduce CuO and ZnO to their respective metal. So, carbon is more reactive and
placed in a higher position than Cu and Zn in reactivity series of metals.
C + CuO CO 2 + Cu
C + ZnO CO 2 + Zn
C + Al2 O3
2. But, carbon, C cannot react with Al2 O3 . So, carbon is less reactive and located below than
aluminium, Al in reactivity series of metals.
1. Hydrogen can reduce the oxides of the metal that is less reactive than it.
Ex : H2 + CuO H2 O + Cu
Mixture Observation
H2 + CuO Bright glow. A brown solid is formed
H2 + Fe2 O3 Dim glow. Grey solid is formed
H2 + ZnO No flame.
2. Hydrogen, H2 can reduce CuO and Fe2 O3 to Cu and Fe. So, H2 is more reactive and
situated above Cu and Fe in the reactivity series of metals.
H2 + CuO
H2 + Fe2 O3
3. H2 cannot react with ZnO. So, H2 is located below Zn in the reactivity series of metals.
Extraction of iron, Fe and tin, Sn
1. Carbon is more reactive towards oxygen compare to Fe and Sn. So, carbon, C can pull
oxygen form iron (III) oxide, Fe2 O3 and tin (IV) oxide, SnO 2
(ii) C + SnO 2
2) The following equation shows the reaction between carbon and zinc oxide. [SPM 2008]
C + 2 ZnO CO 2 + 2 Zn
3) Diagram below shows the apparatus set-up to study the reactivity of metal with oxygen.
The colour of the product formed is yellow when hot and white when cold.[SPM 2012]
4) Diagram 4 shows the extraction process of iron in a blast furnace. (SPM 2006)
What is substance X?
A Silver B Aluminium C Coke D Vanadium (V) oxide
(i) State the type of reaction occurs when oxygen reacts with metals. [1m]
(b) Based on set II and set III, explain the difference in the observations.
- In Set II, carbon is _________ reactive than metal X. Carbon can _________ oxygen from X oxide.
- In Set III, carbon is ___________ reactive than magnesium. Carbon ___________ remove oxygen
from magnesium oxide.
(c) (i) Arrange X, carbon, magnesium and iron in descending order of reactivity.
(ii) Suggest X.
(d) Draw a labelled diagram for the apparatus set-up used in set II.
Exercise :
1. Diagram 3 shows the apparatus set-up of cell X.