On The Role of Discourse Markers in Interactive Spoken Question Answering Systems
On The Role of Discourse Markers in Interactive Spoken Question Answering Systems
On The Role of Discourse Markers in Interactive Spoken Question Answering Systems
Ioana Vasilescu, Sophie Rosset, Martine Adda-Decker
B.P. 133 - F-91403 ORSAY Cedex
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
This paper presents a preliminary analysis of the role of some discourse markers and the vocalic hesitation euh in a corpus of spoken hu-
man utterances collected with the R ITEL system, an open domain and spoken dialog system. The frequency and contextual combination
patterns of classical discourse markers and of the vocalic hesitation has been studied. This analysis highlights some specificities in terms
of combination patterns of the analyzed items. The classical discourse markers seem to help initiating larger discursive blocks both at
initial and medial positions of the ongoing turns. The vocalic hesitation also stand for marking the user’s embarrassments and wish to
close the dialog.
sically defined as discourse markers, but also filled pauses. Speech Recognition components are fully described in (van
Section 2. depicts the architecture of the R ITEL system and Schooten et al., 2007).
the data processing. Section 3. focuses on the discourse Analysis of both indexed documents and user utterances are
markers and filled pause in the R ITEL data. We then present handled by the same module which is called Non Contex-
the working hypothesis (section 4.), followed by the data tual Analysis (NCA) because no information from the dia-
analysis and preliminary results (section 5.). Findings are logue or previous utterances is used. . The Question An-
summarized in section 6. swering system is described in (Rosset et al., 2008). The
indexing server’s main role is to retrieve snippets, i.e. lines
2. The R ITEL system of documents corresponding to a given query. Queries take
Spoken interaction has the potential to be very helpful to the form of a list of named entities and answer types. Can-
humans in information retrieval applications. However, a didate answers are ranked according to the scoring mecha-
lack of proactivity and perceived cooperativity was judged nism detailed in (Rosset et al., 2008).
as stifling in earlier implementations. To mimic the human
behavior and to keep up the naturalness of the dialog 2.2. Data processing
with the human user, dialog systems must reproduce the The data collected during different evaluations of the R I -
linguistic phenomena corresponding to discourse markers TEL system ((Rosset and Petel, 2006; Rosset et al., 2006;
including filled pauses and react efficiently both to the van Schooten et al., 2007; Toney et al., 2008)) has been
semantic content of the question as carried by the lexical used in this study. The overall corpus has been tagged with
level and to the additional information conveyed by the the Ritel analyzer. The analysis is non-contextual because
discourse markers. Moreover, systems need to introduce each sentence (or turn or speech segment) is processed in
such items in appropriate places within their responses to isolation. The general objective of this analysis is to find the
ease communication and receptivity by human listeners. bits of information that may be of use for search and extrac-
The R ITEL project aims at providing userfriendly access tion, which we call relevant information chunks. These can
to open-domain information via spoken interaction (Rosset be of different categories: named entities, linguistic entities
et al., 2006; van Schooten et al., 2007; Toney et al., 2008). (e.g. verbs, prepositions), or specific entities (e.g. scores).
This system integrates a spoken language dialog system The entity definition on which the system is based is hier-
and an open-domain information retrieval system in order archical. This system is rule-based and uses WMatch (Gal-
to enable human users to ask general question and to refine ibert, 2009) This engine matches (and substitutes) regular
their search for information interactively. expressions using words as the base unit instead of char-
acters. This property enables the use of classes (lists of
words) and macros (sub-expressions in a larger expression).
2.1. System architecture
WMatch includes also NLP-oriented features like strate-
We provide a brief overview of the RITEL system architec- gies for prioritizing rule application, recursive substitution
ture. A more detailed description ca be found in (Rosset et modes, word tagging (for tags like noun, verb, etc.), word
al., 2006). The system architecture (Figure 1) is highly dis- categories (number, acronym, proper name, etc.). Analy-
tributed and based on servers and specialized modules that sis is multipass, and subsequent rule applications operate
can exchange messages. on the results of previous rule applications which can be
Documents Annotated and General Information
enriched or modified. The R ITEL analyzer provides more
Indexed Information Retrieval on Databases
than 300 different types classes of words and multi-word
Non Contextual Analysis
3. Discourse markers in the R ITEL corpus
Activity To
Detection Speech
In the following paragraphs, several items which act as
markers of discourse structure in the R ITEL corpus are ex-
amined: bon2 , alors, bah, ben, and the filled pause euh.
As one can notice, the broad class of discourse markers in-
cludes quite heterogeneous lexical and non-lexical items,
from purely lexical such as bon and alors, to vocalic hesita-
Figure 1: System architecture tion euh and to the shorter forms of the former, i.e. bah and
ben. This selection is both based on the literature and em-
Some aspects of this architecture make the system differ
from systems with similar objectives: a unique analysis 2
Contextual classification of discourse markers vs lexical (ad-
module is used for document indexing and user query anal-
jectival, adverbial) use of ambiguous items such as bon and alors
ysis; user inputs are handled by specific registered modules is an essential step in dialog understanding which has been widely
according to their type; dialogue management is not cen- considered in computational studies. In the current work a man-
tralised as in other approaches (Zue and Glass, 2000) but ual annotation of the discourse markers use of such ambiguous
rather distributed over the various components of the plat- items has been conducted by the second author. The adjectival
form. The Speech Activity Detection and the Automatic and adverbial use of bon and alors has been then excluded.
euh_INIT Qdial euh_MID det s ports Qdial Qwhen det Event-s port ...
{fw} je voudrais des informations s ur {fw} le tennis de table je voudrais s avoir quand les championnats de France de tennis de table
Figure 2: Example of a R ITEL analysis: uh I would like some information about uh table tennis I would like to know when
the France championship of table tennis...
pirical corpus-dependent observation as illustrated by the the automatic system. Q12 and Q13 illustrate this strategy
examples discussed in the next paragraph. (rephrasing). The filled pause euh stands for turn-initiation
and for speaker’s effort to put the first question in other
3.1. Examples of discourse markers in the R ITEL words.
• Example 2
Whereas the R ITEL system provides answers with differ- Q11 : je voudrais savoir combien il y a d’ aéroports internationaux
ent levels of accuracy and without any use of discourse à Marseille (I would like to know how many international airports
markers/hesitations, human users show variable propensity are there in Marseilles)?
to negotiate with the system by rephrasing up to a dozen Q12 : euh j’ aimerais connaître le nombre de d’ aéroports interna-
of times the initial question. They make use of different tionaux dans la ville de Marseille (uh I would like to know the the
rephrasing techniques and employ such items with differ- number of international airports around the city of Marseilles)?
ent aims. Q13 : euh je voudrais savoir combien d’ aéroports compte la ville
The examples below illustrate for instance typical occur- de Marseille s’il-vous-plaît (uh I would like to know how many
rences of discourse markers in the R ITEL corpus. In the Ex- international airports are located around the city of Marseilles
ample 1 alors and euh are employed as discourse markers. please)?
The two items behave as turn-initiators, the turn-opening
function being frequently carried out by the analyzed items The examples discussed here suggest that the filled pause
(almost half of the discourse markers occur at the beginning euh carries the following functions: turn initiation, and also
of a speaker turn, as detailed in section 5.). In this example, phrase search within a rephrasing strategy. In addition, the
the speaker makes use of the rephrasing strategy four times user employs of discourse particles to initiate the dialog
to question the R ITEL system. S/he starts with a question such as alors in Example 1.
in which the only discourse marker is the discourse particle
3.2. Selected data description
alors (now) which stands here for a mark of turn-initiation.
Then, s/he uses rephrasing four times, each time employing In this study we make use of the data obtained through
the filled pause euh as turn-initiator but also to search for a the methodology described in section 2. The R ITEL cor-
phrase (Q22 ) or only for a word (Q23 ). Finally, in Q25 , s/he pus contains 652 dialogues with more than 6 hours from
employs the same filled pause with a different function: as user turns. There are 6720 user turns comprising a total of
turn and dialog-ending initiator. 71 089 lexical items (tokens), with a total of 3434 distinct
lexical words (types). Discourse markers are then present
• Example 1 in 1718 that is 25.56% of the utterances of the R ITEL cor-
Q21 : alors j’ aimerais savoir qui a inventé la théorie des avantages pus.
comparatifs (I would like to know who invented the comparative The Table 1 gives a summary of the R ITEL corpus.
advantages theory)
Q22 : euh je cherche le nom d’ un économiste qui a inventé la Duration 6h40
théorie des avantages comparatifs (uh I’m looking for the name
#dialogues 652
of the economist who invented the theory of comparative advan-
#turns 6720
Q23 : euh je souhaiterais euh connaître le nom de celui qui fut l’ #turn/dial 10
inventeur de la théorie des avantages comparatifs (uh I would like #turns w. DM 1718 (25.56%)
uh to know the name of the person who invented the theory of the
comparative advantages) Table 1: General description of the R ITEL corpus
Q24 : j’ ai déjà répondu à cette question je voudrais savoir de
quand date la théorie des avantages comparatifs et qui l’ a mise
au point (I already answered to this question and I would like to Among the 1718 utterances containing at least one dis-
know when the theory of the comparative advantages was invented course marker the filled pause euh prevails. Euh is then
and who invented it) present in 1520 (88.2%) of the utterances containing at
Q25 : euh non ça n’ est pas euh ça n’ est pas euh le sujet de least a discourse marker.
(uh/um no it’s not uh/um it’s not uh/um the topic)
In Example 2, the first question (Q11 ) does not exhibit dis- 4. Working hypothesis
course markers, but then as the human speaker is con- The R ITEL corpus is a good candidate to study human
fronted with a wrong answer, h/she makes use of a rephras- rephrasing strategies. The general hypothesis of this work
ing strategy in order to get a more appropriate reaction from is that in the R ITEL corpus discourse markers keep their
"native" role of "bracketting" units of speech and that this 5. Combinatorial analysis
structuring is useful -in particular- when rephrasing. As
for the hesitations, the filled pause euh may also indicate This section aims at explaining the constraints which gov-
the words or phrases prone to rephrasing and which are not ern the cooccurence of different types of discourse markers
optimally processed by the R ITEL system. That means if with the dialog tags with the aim that this analysis may in-
the speaker rephrases the question or the particular regions form us on their potential rephrasing functions. The posi-
of a question using a classical discourse marker or a hesita- tion of discourse markers in the speaker turn has been se-
tion as initiators, the broad lexical context of such elements lected as a relevant factor: initial (INIT), medial (MED)
may point out the problematic speech region for the RITEL and final (END). Table 3 summarizes the lexical entries
system. Discourse markers may stand for rephrasing concerned with the combinatorial analysis.
plans of the human speakers, namely to put in other One may notice that the great majority of the data is repre-
words the utterance or only a salient region with the final sented by relevant information chunks RIC (65.2 %). De-
aim of getting more responsiveness from the R ITEL system. limiting such chunks with the help of discourse markers is
the final objective of this work.
In order to highlight the spoken regions of interest, we Then 17.7 % of the data are represented by the pragmatic
conducted a study on the discourse markers combination markers PM.
patterns with different dialog tags. Different lexical con- Both PM and RIC may occur in the neighborhood of dis-
texts prior to/following the discourse markers have been course markers, however the position of discourse markers
considered. In this purpose, the word and multi-word tags in the speaker turn is expected to correlate with a particular
obtained through the methodology described in section 2.2. initiation role, e.g. global (utterance) or local (word/phrase)
have been clustered in two main classes. The obtained initiation. Finally, discourse markers represent 17.1 % of
classes gather two types of lexical items and multi-word the data and have been splitted here in classical discourse
expressions, that is: markers (CDM) versus filled pause euh.
MQ Event-s port
{fw} je voudrais des informations s ur {fw} le tennis de table je voudrais s avoir quand les championnats de France de tennis de table
Figure 3: Example of Ritel analysis after clustering: uh I would like some information about uh table tennis I would like to
know when the France championship of table tennis...
5.1. 2-gram patterns this paper we look for evidence to support similar behav-
Table 5 summarizes the 2-gram combination patterns of ior of the analyzed items. As for the CDM, the distribution
discourse markers. Three factors are considered in the anal- in the neigborhood of both PM and RIC is to confirm in
ysis: the contextual class PM and RIC, its position against further studies: such items seem to be specifically prone to
the discourse marker right/left (+1/-1), and the position of initiate global rephrasing than the vocalic hesitation. When
the discourse marker within the speaker turn: initial (INIT), occuring in the initial position, the turn-initiation function
medial (MID) and final (END). is non-ambiguous for both CDM and vocalic hesitations.
The left context patterns of the discourse markers follow the
CDM EUH same tendency, i.e. the vocalic hesitation being surrounded
# occ. % # occ. % by RIC, whereas the CDM occuring in both RIC and PM
PM 114 56.7 587 66.9 contexts. Finally, only the vocalic hesitation may fill the
INIT (+1) RIC 64 31.9 271 30.9 final position of the speaker turn, preceded in majority by
DM 23 11.4 19 2.2 RIC. This distribution supports the idea that CDM are obvi-
Total 201 100.00 877 100.00 ously to be related to rephrasing strategies, whereas the vo-
PM 25 25.3 191 27.7 calic hesitation may fill other pragmatic functions. Speak-
MID (-1) RIC 21 21.2 449 65.2 ers seem to make use of vocalic hesitations to notify turn or
DM 53 53.5 49 7.1 dialog ending and to possibly mark an embarassement due
Total 99 100.00 689 100.00 to the unsuccesful interaction with the system.
PM 44 44.5 150 21.8
MID (+1) RIC 43 43.4 451 65.4 5.2. 3-gram patterns
DM 12 12.1 88 12.8 Tables 7 and 6 below summarize the 3-gram combination
Total 99 100.00 689 100.00 patterns. The same factors as for the 2-grams are con-
PM - - 96 15.4 sidered to display the data. Tables show the three most
END (-1) RIC - - 454 72.9 frequent patterns, whereas the remaining combinations are
DM - - 73 11.7 listed as "Others". The differences observed for CDM ver-
Total - - 623 100.00 sus euh patterns according to the position in the speaker
turn (initial, medial and final) are supported by the 3-grams
Table 5: 2-gram combination patterns for CDM and euh. specificities. Whereas both CDM and euh are followed
by a pragmatic marker and a relevant information chunk
Table 5 shows that both CDM and euh are followed in their in initial position, the medial position correlates with dif-
great majority by pragmatic markers when in initial posi- ferent patterns. The most frequent right (n+2) context for
tion (INIT(+1)). On the reverse, the medial position favours euh is two relevant information chunks (59.32 %), whereas
the occurence of relevant information chunks after euh (65 CDM may be followed equally by two relevant information
%) versusCDM (43 %). The right context patterns are chunks or a pragmatic marker and a relevant information
somehow different for classical discourse markers and for chunk (30.8 % of combinations).
the vocalic hesitation. The latter is more often followed by Concerning the left bigrams, euh distribution confirms the
relevant information chunks whereas the classical discourse global tendency of being in a RIC context if the speaker
markers equally occur next to pragmatic markers and rele- hesitates in the middle of the utterance. For CDM though,
vant information chunks. This tendency supports the hy- the limited number of occurences available for the current
pothesis of the word/phrase search marker of the vocalic analysis does not allow infering on a clear tendency. Fi-
hesitation: this function is generally acknowledged and in nally, the final euh is mainly preceded by two RIC, sug-
Position Combi. nbr. occ. % module. The proposed analysis highlighted combinatorial
PM RIC 346 39.6 specificities of the discourse markers and hesitations with
INIT (+2) RIC RIC 202 23.1 respect to the considered PM and RIC classes. Concern-
PM PM 136 15.6 ing the general rephrasing, both classical discourse mark-
Other 189 21.7 ers and filled pauses are used to initiate the speaker turn,
MID (+2) RIC RIC 350 59.3 whereas euh is more frequent to initiate local word/phrase
PM RIC 111 18.8 search. The classical discourse markers, apart from being
RIC PM 46 7.8 less frequent in our corpus than the vocalic hesitation, seem
Other 83 14.1 to help initiating larger discursive blocks both at the ini-
MID (-2) RIC RIC 324 55.0 tial and medial positions of the ongoing speaker turn. Fi-
PM RIC 80 13.6 nally, the relative frequency of the vocalic hesitation may be
RIC PM 52 8.8 linked to other contextual functions than rephrasing: as the
Other 133 22.6 human speaker is confronted with unsuccessful answers in
END (-2) RIC RIC 398 67.1 the course of the dialog, vocalic hesitations may also stand
EUH PM 47 7.9 for marking his/her embarassement and wish to close the
RIC EUH 47 7.9 dialog. Discourse markers and vocalic hesitations will fur-
Other 101 17.1 ther be examined in relation with the speaker turn position
within the dialog. Future work will address the corpus-
Table 6: 3-gram combination patterns for euh. related functions of different items acting as markers of dis-
course and dialog structure in the R ITEL system, as well
Position Combi. nbr. occ. % as implementations to improve the capacities of the R ITEL
PM RIC 69 35.2 system .
INIT (+2) RIC RIC 34 17.3
PM PM 31 15.8 7. Acknowledgements
Other 62 31.7 This work has been partially financed by OSEO under the
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