Production and Quality Assessment of Functional Yoghurt Enriched With Coconut
Production and Quality Assessment of Functional Yoghurt Enriched With Coconut
Production and Quality Assessment of Functional Yoghurt Enriched With Coconut
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[email protected] (J. Ndife)
Abstract: The potential of producing acceptable symbiotic yoghurt enriched with coconut-cake was investigated. Yoghurt
samples A (Control), B, C and D were produced at 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% of milk substitutions with coconut-cake. The
physico-chemical, microbial and sensory analyses were determined to ascertain the quality attributes of the products. The
results of physico-chemical analysis obtained showed increase in values for pH (4.32-4.45), specific gravity (1.03-1.14),
soluble solids (7.10-10.47%) and sweetness index (10.60-20.13).There were also remarkable increase in the proximate values
for moisture (80.10-85.23%), fat (1.50-3.13%), fibre (0.2-2.18%) and ash(0.53-1.01%). A reverse trend was observed for
acidity, total solids, protein and carbohydrate values in enriched yoghurts. The microbial analysis showed no presence of
coliform bacteria. The total microbial count was highest in sample B (8.0x105) while sample A had the highest lactic acid
bacteria count (6.4x103cfu/ml). The sensory evaluation result showed significant differences (0.05<p) in all the organoleptic
attributes analysed. Sample D with 30% coconut inclusion had the highest overall acceptability score.
Contrary to widely held opinion, the coconut (Cocos and then washed with portable water to remove all dirt. They
nucifera L.) provides nutritious sources of meat, Juice, milk were then chopped into pieces before grating to fine particles
and oil. It is classified as a “functional food” because it and blended with the powdered milk at different levels of
provides many health benefits beyond its nutritional content, powdered milk substitution of 0%, 10%, 20% and 30%,
due to its fiber and oil content (Sanful, 2009). The oil is using water to produce milk-slurries. These were labeled as
known to contribute to improved insulin secretion and the samples A (control), B, C and D respectively (Table 1).
utilization of blood glucose; reduce symptoms associated
with malabsorption syndrome and cystic fibrosis; help to Table 1. Formulation of enriched yoghurts
relieve symptoms associated with crohn’s disease; ulcerative Yoghurt samples
colitis and stomach ulcers; improve the utilization of Ingredients A B C D
essential fatty acids and protect them from oxidation (Seow Coconut cake (g) 0 10 20 30
Milk powder (g) 100 90 80 70
and Gwee,1997; Sanful Rita, 2009).
Water (ml) 1000 1000 1000 1000
Nutritionally, coconut oil is composed predominately of Starter culture (g) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) also known as medium-
chains triglcerides (MCT), unlike the long chain fatty acids The coconut-milk mixtures were heated to about 850C to
(LCFA) of saturated and unsaturated oils found in meat, milk, kill any undesirable bacteria and to partially break down the
egg and some vegetable oils (Seow and Gwee, 1997). MCFA milk proteins. The samples were then cooled to about 440C.
are very different from LCFA, because they do not have Commercial freeze-dried mixed culture (0.5 g) of L.
negative effect on cholesterol and help to lower the risk of bulgaricus and S. thermophilus was added to 5 ml sterile
both arthrosclerosis and heart diseases (Imele and warm water to activate the organisms. This active culture
Atemnkeng, 2001; Belewu et al, 2010). was used to inoculate each of the 1litre (1,000 ml) coconut-
In order to make yoghurt processing attractive and the milk slurries, at the same temperature of 440C which was
product affordable, quite a number of process manipulations maintained for 4-7 hours to allow for fermentation and the
have been adopted including evaporation or concentration, rapid production of lactic-acid by the inoculated bacteria,
addition of solids in the form of dry skim milk powder, use which led to the coagulation of the milk. The yoghurts
of high temperature processing to denature whey proteins to produced were cooled rapidly to 8-100C and refrigerated for
modify their water binding capacity and selection of subsequent analysis.
appropriate starter cultures to make the yoghurt thick and
free from whey separation. (Bille and Keya, 2002).
Current trends and changing consumer needs indicate a
great opportunity for innovations and developments in
fermented milks (Khurana and Kanawjia, 2007; Gad et al,
2010). There is little information about fiber fortification in
cultured dairy products however various fibers like psyllium,
guar gum, gum acacia, oat fiber, and soy components have
potentials to be used (Staffolo et al, 2004; Khurana and
Kanawjia, 2007). Therefore, consuming symbiotic foods that
contain prebiotics (fibres) and probiotics (lactic acid bacteria)
would offer added nutritional benefits that can help boost
overall health and well-being.
Thus, the objective of this study is to produce functional
yoghurt enriched with coconut and to determine the physico-
chemical, microbial, sensory qualities and overall
acceptability of the product.
The pH, brix (soluble solids) and specific gravity of the Data obtained from the sensory analysis of the samples
yoghurt samples were measured using standardized were evaluated statistically using a variance analysis
instrumental methods (AOAC, 2000). The acidity was (ANOVA) and the Duncan Multiple range test (Iwe, 2010).
determined by titration against 0.1M sodum hydroxide using
phenolphalein as indicator (Jacobs, 1999). The sweetness 3. Results and Discussion
and astringency indexes were calculated as the ratio of
soluble solids to acidity and vice versa (Wardy et al., 2009). 3.1. Physico-Chemical Properties
The proximate composition of the yogurt samples were also
determined as described by AOAC (2000) methods: The The physico-chemical parameters analysed for the yoghurt
moisture contents by indirect distillation drying method; Ash samples are summarised in Table 1.
content by the muffle furnace ignition method; Fat content The pH values of the yoghurt samples ranged from 4.32 to
through the solvent extraction method in a continuous reflux 4.50. Sample A (plain-yoghurt) had the lowest value, when
system using the soxtlet apparatus. The protein contents were compared with the coconut enriched samples (B, C and D).
determined by the formal titration method, while the Lactic acid bacteria produce lactic acid during fermentation
carbohydrate and energy contents were determined by of milk- lactose, thus lowering the pH (Eke et al, 2013).
recommended mathematical procedures. Food Standard Code requires that the pH of yoghurt be a
maximum of 4.50 in order to prevent the growth of any
2.4. Microbiological Analysis pathogenic organisms (Donkor et al., 2006).
The Titratable acidity also ranged from 0.52 to 0.67% in
The determination of the microbial contamination in the the yoghurt samples. The enriched-yoghurt samples had
yoghurts was performed by using the plate count agar for the lower acidity values (0.59%) than plain-yoghurt (0.67%).
total viable bacteria counts, MacConkey agar for the This could be due to more availability of lactose to the
coliform counts and selective enriched media of Man Rogosa fermenting microbes. Estevez et al, (2010) also reported that
Sharpe (MRS) agar for the lactic acid bacteria counts, as higher total solids led to more acid production than lower
outlined in compendium of methods for the microbiological total solids in soy yoghurts. However, these values are within
examination of foods (AMPH, 1992) with some the average of 0.6% acidity recommended for plain yoghurts
modifications. The colonies were counted using a colony (Eke et al, 2013).
counter and the result was expressed as colony forming unit The total solids decreased in yoghurt samples enriched
per ml. (cfu/ml). with coconut-cake by an average of 21.42%. The total solids
2.5. Sensory Analysis are an indication of the dry matter content of the yoghurt
samples (Belewu et al., 2010; Khalifa et al 2011). However,
Sensory evaluation of the yoghurt samples were carried sample D with 30% enrichment had the highest soluble
out by 20 panelists on a 9 point hedonic scale for different solids content (10.47%). This can be mainly attributed to the
parameters such as colour, aroma, taste, consistency/texture contribution of monosaccharide-sugars from coconut
and overall acceptability as described by Ihekoronye and addition. Carbohydrate monohydrates are abundant in
Ngoddy (1985). coconut copra and the milk and are responsible for their
sweet taste (Sanful, 2009; Belewu et al., 2010).
Table 2. Physico-chemical properties of enriched yoghurts
Yoghurt Samples
Parameters A B C D
Acidity (%) 0.67±0.30 0.62±0.25 0.64±0.35 0.52±0.30
pH 4.32±0.10 4.42±0.15 4.45±0.10 4.50±0.15
Specific gravity 1.03±2.53 1.06±2.24 1.10±2.30 1.14±2.01
Soluble solids (%) 7.10±2.01 8.26±2.05 8.53±1.80 10.47±1.93
Solids non fat (%) 18.40±0.60 15.755±0.50 13.35±0.45 11.82±0.65
Total solids (%) 19.90±0.41 17.92±0.35 16.48±0.50 14.77±0.46
Sweetness Index 10.60±0.52 13.32±0.43 13.33±0.52 20.13±0.45
Astringency Index 0.09±0.03 0.07±0.02 0.07±0.02 0.05±0.02
Data are mean values of duplicate determinations ± standard deviation
production of lactic acid by the action of Lactobacillus lactic above the standard for low fat yoghurts (<3.5%) (Saint-Eve,
on lactose in the substrates (Sanful, 2009). The tartness and 2008). Fat content has been reported by other researchers to
sweetness of acid foods is reported to greatly influence have positive influence on the physical and sensory
sensory perception (Adeola and Aworh, 2010). characteristics (Bille and Keya, 2002; Marinescu and Pop,
2009) and negative impact on the shelf stability of yogurts
3.2. Proximate Composition (Saint-Eve, 2008; Farinde et al, 2009).
Table 3 shows the result of the proximate analysis of the The ash content also increased as the proportion of
different yoghurt samples evaluated in this study. The coconut-cake increased in the yoghurts. This could be due to
composition of foods is known excert considerable influence the fact that coconuts have high ash content and minerals by
on their physical, nutritional, sensory and shelf implication (Imele and Atemnkeng, 2001; Marinescu and
characteristics (Prodaniuc, 2009; El Bakri and Zubeir, 2009). Pop, 2009).
The moisture content of the yoghurt samples ranged The high ash values in the coconut enriched yoghurts
between 80.10 to 85.23%.This was dependent on the agree with results on other plant substituted yoghurts by
proportion of milk powder to coconut cake used. Plain- other researchers (Belewu et al, 2010; Eke et al, 2013).
yoghurt (sample A) had the lowest moisture value (80.10%) There was increased fibre content in the enriched-yoghurts
compared to the enriched yoghurts. The moisture contents of by 1.68% compared to milk-yoghurt (0.02%). Coconut-cake
the yoghurt samples fell within the range of most contains fibres (soluble and insoluble) which are indigestible
commercial yoghurts (80-86%). polysaccharides that could assist in the viscousity and
The protein content was between the ranges of 2.17 to stabilization of the yoghurts, in addition to serving as
3.05% in all yoghurt samples. The protein content decreased prebiotics (Sanful Rita, 2009; Belewu et al, 2010).
as the proportion of the coconut-cake increased in the The carbohydrate content of the yoghurt samples
yogurts, with the highest of 3.05% in the 100% plain-yoghurt increased with coconut supplementation from 14.62% in
to an average of 2.31% in the coconut-enriched yoghurts. plain-yoghurt (sample A) to 8.71% in enriched-yogurts. This
The fat content ranged between 2.17 to 3.13% in the was derivable from the coconut-cake which is known to be
enriched yoghurts compared to milk-yoghurt sample A rich in carbohydrate (Imele and Atemnkeng, 2001; Sanful,
(1.50%). The fat contents of the enriched yoghurts were 2009).
Table 3. Proximate analysis of enriched yoghurts
3.3. Microbial Content Ershidat, 2009; El Bakri and Zubeir, 2009). The lactobacilli
bacteria were more prevalent in sample A (6.4±0.53x103
The microbial content of of the yoghurt samples analysed cfu/ml) than in the enriched yoghurts (2.1±0.20 x103 cfu/ml).
are shown in table 4. Lactobacilli preferentially feed on lactose from milk before
The results of the total microbial counts (TVC) did not its degradation of carbohydrates as supplementary energy
show a particular pattern in relation to the yoghurts. Sample source (Prodaniuc, 2009; Farinde et al., 2009) hence the
B with 10% enrichment had the highest microbial load higher Lactobacilli counts in plain yoghurt (sample A). The
(8.0±0.25x105 cfu/ml) followed by sample A (5.2±0.31x105 high lactobacilli count in the enriched yoghurts is suggestive
cfu/ml). The microbial status of the yoghurts were within of its viability with coconut enrichment (El Bakri and Zubeir,
acceptable standard <1x106 cfu/ml (Lourens-Hattingh and 2009). Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species are the
Viljoen, 2001; El Bakri and Zubeir, 2009). most commonly used probiotics in dairy functional foods
The absence of coliform bacteria (TCC) signifies that the (Ndife and Abbo, 2009; Yuliana et al, 2010). Moreover their
yoghurt samples are free from faecal contamination due the ability to utilize coconut fibre as feed stock (prebiotics) is in
hygienic conditions employed during production dare need of further research in the development of
(Osundahunsi et al., 2007). symbiotic functional yoghurts (Khurana and Kanawjia, 2007;
Total lactobacilli counts (TLC) was created for bacteria Yuliana et al, 2010).
causing fermentation and coagulation in milk and defined as
those which produce Lactic acid from lactose (Mazahreh and
International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences 2014; 3(6): 545-550 549
TVC-Total Viable Counts; TCC- Total Coliform counts; TLC- Total Lactobacilli Counts; bData are mean values of duplicate determinations ± standard
3.4. Sensory Evaluation solvent and has better rheology compared to low fat and
skimmed yogurts. The high flavour values could also be due
The mean sensory scores of the organoleptic evaluation to increased sweetness imparted by the high carbohydrate
and acceptability for the different yoghurt samples are shown content of coconut-cake (Gad et al., 2010). Sanful (2009),
in Table 6. The statistical analysis revealed that there were reported that flavour and aroma scored higher rating for
significant differences (p<0.05) among the yoghurt samples increased coconut-milk input in the production of yoghurt.
in the sensory attributes observed. The sensory scores for mouth-feel as it relates to texture
Sample A (plain yoghurt) had the highest score (8.55), (viscousity) and consistency were affected by the enrichment
while sample C had the lowest score (7.25) for colour. The of yoghurt (Staffolo et al., 2004). The enriched yoghurts had
appearance was influenced by colour-appeal, the panelists lower scores cookie than the plain yoghurt (8.14) mainly due
showed preference for the lighter colour of sample A without to their poor consistency (flowing nature).
coconut enrichment. Enriched yoghurt samples C and D with 20 and 30%
The enrichment of the yoghurts with coconut-cake coconut substitution had the best overall acceptability ratings
resulted in better taste and aroma scores. Sample D had the of 7.45 and 8.35 respectively. The panelists appreciated the
highest scores of 8.75 and 8.35 for both taste and aroma, increased viscousity and cherished the chew ability as a
while sample A (plain yoghurt) had the lowest scores of 6.50 factor before swallowing, in the enriched yoghurts. Other
and 6.60 for taste and aroma respectively. Most of the research works on coconut substitution in yoghurt products
panelist appreciated the coconut flavour which was attributed showed similar consumer preference for coconut sweetness
to the oil content. Saint-Eve, (2008) reported that fat content and flavours (Imele and Atemnkeng , 2001; Sanful, 2009;
had a considerable influence on the sensory and instrumental Gad et al., 2010)
characteristics of yogurt, because the oil acts as an aroma
Table 5. Sensory analysis of enriched yogurts
Yoghurt samples
Parameters A B C D
Colour 8.55a 7.75b 7.35b 7.25b
Taste 6.50c 7.62b 8.15b 8.75a
Aroma 6.60c 7.58b 7.95a 8.35a
Mouth-feel 8.14a 7.50b 6.54c 6.13c
Overall acceptability 6.60c 7.25b 7.45b 8.35a
*Means within a row with different letters are significantly different at P<0.05.
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