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The author proposes an advanced quantum medicine model based on scalar energy morphogenetics, biocybernetics, and the non-locality of the unified field as described by their own NDE experience.

The author is proposing an advanced quantum medicine model based upon scalar- energy morphogenetic field mechanics, biocybernetic medicine, and in the non-locality property of the unified field described by the author’s own NDE (near-death experience).

What determines an immune system being able to recognize and address stressors within the bio-energetic organism is the capacity for uninterrupted cellular communication with the DNA and RNA.

Scalar-Energy Morphogenetic Field Mechanics, BioCybernetic Medicine and the Non-

locality of the Unified Field via NDE (Near Death Experience), as a Revolutionary Model

for Bio-Energetic Regeneration and Self-Healing


Jere Rivera-Dugenio, Ph.D.

International Quantum University for Integrative Medicine

International Quantum University for Integrative Medicine

Honolulu, Hawaii

Copyright by
Jere Rivera-Dugenio


The author proposes an advanced quantum medicine model based upon scalar-

energy morphogenetic field mechanics, biocybernetic medicine, and in the non-locality

property of the unified field described by the author’s own NDE (near-death experience).

Individuals with acute, standard and chronic health conditions stem from underlying

distortions within the energetic, mental, emotional and physical systems within the

biological energetic organism, however, the frequently ignored aspect is not whether the

immune system is weak or strong but rather whether the immune system is blind or not.

What determines an immune system being able to recognize and address stressors

within the bio-energetic organism is the capacity for uninterrupted cellular

communication with the DNA and RNA.

It is my experience with treating real-life cases that by understanding and

applying the principles of BioCybernetic Medicine, advanced scalar energy

morphogenetic field mechanics and the non-locality of the Unified Field, individuals with

acute, standard and chronic health conditions can assist their own immune system via

scalar wave information to stimulate the self-regulating healing abilities of their own

biological-energetic systems. Over a 5 to 24-month period, subjects with acute, standard

and chronic health conditions who were balanced via the advanced quantum medicine

model achieved higher bio-energetic self-healing rates with no reversion. Data suggests

that inclusion of this advanced quantum medicine model within one’s own preventative

health protocol may lead to important advancements within the current quantum

medicine model.

ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... ii  

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ vi  

LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... vii  

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1  

CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ..................................................... 4  

2.1.1 Introduction to Death and Longevity .................................................................... 4  
2.1.2 Telomeres ............................................................................................................ 6  
2.1.3 Telomerase .......................................................................................................... 9  
2.1.4 Telomere Lengthening Therapy ......................................................................... 11  
2.1.5 Proofs of Principle .............................................................................................. 14  
2.1.6 Molecular Compaction ....................................................................................... 15  

2.2 THE NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE .......................................................................... 17  

2.2.1 Introduction to Near-Death Experience (NDE) ................................................... 17  
2.2.2 Aspects of Near-Death Experience .................................................................... 20  
2.2.3 Recent Reports of Near-Death Experience ....................................................... 22  
2.2.4 Historical Reports ............................................................................................... 23  
2.2.5 Sociocultural Factors ......................................................................................... 24  
2.2.6 How to Identify and NDE .................................................................................... 28  
2.2.7 The Weighted Core Experience Index ............................................................... 30  
2.2.8 The Greyson Scale ............................................................................................ 31  
2.2.9 Proposed Causes of Near-Death Experiences .................................................. 34  

2.3 CONSCIOUSNESS .................................................................................................. 36  

2.3.1 Conservative Theories of Consciousness .......................................................... 36  
2.3.2 Quantum Processes .......................................................................................... 40  
2.3.3 Alternative Theories of Consciousness .............................................................. 41  
2.3.4 Non-Local Consciousness ................................................................................. 44  
2.3.5 Modern Day Communications ............................................................................ 47  
2.3.6 NDE Conclusion ................................................................................................. 49  

2.3.7 Healthcare Implications ...................................................................................... 51  

2.4 QUANTUM MEDICINE ............................................................................................. 53  

2.4.1 Non-Locality ....................................................................................................... 57  
2.4.2 Quantum Entanglement ..................................................................................... 58  
2.4.3 Discontinuity ....................................................................................................... 59  
2.4.4 Downward Causation ......................................................................................... 59  
2.4.5 Vibrational Down-Stepping (Stair-Step Creation Process) ................................ 61  

2.5 DNA – A BIOLOGICAL MODEM ............................................................................. 66  

2.5.1 Russian and German DNA Research ................................................................ 66  
2.5.2 Introns (Junk DNA) and Intelligent Design ......................................................... 70  
2.5.3 DNA Reprogramming ......................................................................................... 73  
2.5.4 The DNA Phantom Effect ................................................................................... 74  
2.5.5 Hyper-Communication / Keylontic Communication ............................................ 75  

2.6 SCALAR ENERGY MORPHOGENETIC FIELD MECHANICS ............................... 78  

2.6.1 Introduction to Scalar Energy ............................................................................. 78  
2.6.2 Benefits of Scalar Energy .................................................................................. 80  
2.6.3 Scalar vs. Electromagnetic ................................................................................ 82  
2.6.4 Maxwell and Tesla ............................................................................................. 82  
2.6.5 Morphogenetic Field Physics and Mechanics .................................................... 84  
2.6.6 Partiki and Keylon Codes ................................................................................... 85  
2.6.7 Unified Morphogenetic Field .............................................................................. 89  
2.6.8 DNA Communicates via Scalar .......................................................................... 90  

2.7 BIOCYBERNETIC MEDICINE .................................................................................. 92  

2.7.1 Scalar Biocybernetic Medicine ........................................................................... 92  
2.7.2 Tesla Flat Coil .................................................................................................... 94  
2.7.3 Shattering Physics ............................................................................................. 96  
2.7.4 Radionics ........................................................................................................... 98  
2.7.5 Resonant Medicine Testing ............................................................................... 99  
2.7.6 Radionic Broadcasting ..................................................................................... 100  
2.7.7 Modern Day Explanatory Models ..................................................................... 101  
2.7.8 CyberScan™ .................................................................................................... 102  

CHAPTER 3: CASE STUDIES ..................................................................................... 103  

3.1. Material and methods ........................................................................................ 103  
3.2 Case #1 – Patient A: 32-year-old female (Stage IV Cancer) .............................. 107  
3.3 Case #2 – Patient B: 49-year-old male (Chronic migraines, allergies, lower back
pains) ........................................................................................................................ 109  
3.4 Case #3 – Patient C: 10-year-old boy (ASD) ...................................................... 110  
3.5 Case #4 – Patient D: 3-year-old boy (ASD) ........................................................ 111  
3.6 Case #5 – Patient E: 5-year-old boy (ASD) ........................................................ 113  

CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS .................................................... 114  

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 117  

BIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................ 127  



Table 1: Patient A CyberScan data…………………………………………………………109

Table 2: Patient B CyberScan data…………………………………………………………110

Table 3: Patient C CyberScan data…………………………………………………………111

Table 4: Patient D CyberScan data…………………………………………………………113

Table 5: Patient E CyberScan data…………………………………………………………114


Figure 1: DNA Replication is like building bricks walking backwards………………….…..8

Figure 2: Telomere Clock……………………………………………………………………….9

Figure 3: Telomerase production.…………………………………………………………….10

Figure 4: Telomerase & DNA Replication…………………………………………………...11

Figure 5: Telomerase Gene...…………………………………………………………………12

Figure 6: Current Quantum Medicine 5 Energy Bodies Model (courtesy IQUIM)…….…61

Figure 7: Stair Step Creation Model (courtesy Azurite Press)…………………………….62

Figure 8: One 15-Dimensional Time Matrix (courtesy Azurite Press)……………………63

Figure 9: The coding (exons) and non-coding (introns) regions of DNA…………………72

Figure 10: The self-generated fission-fussion process of SP1 or Partiki (courtesy Azurite


Figure 11: SP1 or Partiki Unit (courtesy of Azurite Press)…………………………………88

Figure 12: Electric ring vortices form a magnetic wave (courtesy K. Meyl)………………91

Figure 13: Tesla Flat Coil Patent No. 512, 340 (courtesy Nikola Tesla)………………….96

Figure 14: CyberScan BioCybernetic Medical Device…………………………………….102

Figure 15: Quinton Marine Isotonic Water programmed with CyberScan scalar


Figure 16: Minor Autohemotherapy with CyberScan scalar information……………..…107

Figure 17: Levels and Bodies………………………………………………………………..107


“But I hope that it will also be demonstrated soon that in my experiments in the

West I was not merely beholding a vision, but caught sight of a great and profound

truth.” – Nikola Tesla 1

Nikola Tesla, experimental physicist and the greatest inventor of the twentieth

century, was an extreme sensitive that as a young boy had vivid visions of his future

extraordinary inventions. In 1975 at age 10, I entered a public speaking contest at school

in which I chose the topic “Life After Life” 2 based upon the book and near-dear

experience (NDE) research of Dr. Raymond Moody. Ironically, twenty-five years later in

2000, after a twenty-year drug, alcohol and sex addiction, I underwent my own NDE

when I suffered a cardiac arrest, momentarily dying for several minutes as a result of a

massive drug overdose. Within that lucid, non-local event of my NDE, 1) I experienced

multidimensional (or trans-harmonic) reality outside the confines of my 3-dimensional

physical body, 2) I experienced myself as conscious, living personal morphogenetic field

pattern with 360˚ conscious awareness interwoven and connected within the greater

cosmic morphogenetic unified field, and 3) I consciously experienced what I refer to as

“trans-harmonic identity accretion” wherein portions of my faster oscillating, higher-

dimensional consciousness began harmonically downloading and replacing my slower

oscillating, lower-dimensional conscious identity. Some identify this type of experience

as being called a “walk-in” 3 experience in which a new consciousness replaces the old



Tesla (1901)
Moody (1975)

Think of it as being similar to downloading a new software update to replace older

software on a computer.

As a direct result of this trans-harmonic, quantum leap during my NDE: i) my

previous addictions ceased to exist to, ii) my perceptual filters shifted whereby my

primary focus of perception became multidimensional rather than 3-dimensional, iii)

discontinuous activation of my higher, sensory perceptions such as direct cognition

awareness, telepathy, bio-location of consciousness, and iv) a deeper understanding

and connection with the basic order and systems function of the greater unified field.

Albert Einstein proposed his famous E=mc2 equation in 1905 but the impetus behind his

“Theory of Relativity” began in 1892, when as a young teenager he experienced a dream

in which he went as fast as the speed of light.

“ I knew I had to understand that dream and you could say that my entire

scientific career has been a meditation on that dream.” – Albert Einstein 4

Similarly, I knew that through the cellular memory of my NDE, I would come to

know that the potential for organic, bio-energetic regeneration and self-healing within the

physical, mental, emotional, and energetic systems of all biological organisms is directly

related to and affected by better understanding the morphogenetic field template

surrounding the DNA, as well as systems function of the greater unified field. In the late

1890’s, C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant, prominent leaders of The Theosophical

Society, were both pre-New Age channelers who entered altered states to describe

molecules, atoms and sub-atomic atoms called ANU years before science had


Taylor (1983)

confirmed their theories. 5

After I was resuscitated, I went to the nearest hospital emergency room just to

make sure all of my vital systems were functioning normal. To everyone’s surprise,

including my own and the attending emergency room physician, not one drug was found

in my blood or urine after testing. What had happened to the multiple drugs that I had

previously consumed over a twelve-hour period straight? No one could explain this

phenomenon. This experience was the impetus behind my proposed theory for organic

bio-energetic regeneration and self-healing called “Morphogenetic Cellular

Reprogramming” in which I have proved through this dissertation and my case studies

that higher oscillating scalar frequency is capable of reprogramming and repatterning the

morphogenetic fields of a cell, organ, functional system, and the bio-energetic body via

the physio-regulatory matrix of the human body. Research suggests that epigenetic

changes, such as modifications to DNA and histones, alter gene expression patterns

and regulate cell identity.6

Since that transformational day where I experienced the transfer of consciousness via

the NDE, I have not relapsed nor have I had any serious health issues. In order to fully

know how to successfully heal the human bio-energetic organism, it is vital that one

understands morphogenetic field mechanics, the transfer of non-local consciousness

and the death process for this allows a much deeper, significantly holistic perspective to

life. This is why the current quantum medicine model needs to be updated due to the

simple fact it was designed by those who never experienced the near-death process. We

must have a clearer picture on how and why death occurs as well as the near-death


Beutlich (2002)
Goldberg, et al. (2007)

experience before we try to identify what the important part for healing may look like

otherwise, it is equivalent to taking a Boeing 767 jetliner, breaking it down to its smallest

piece and then giving that piece to an engineer and asking the engineer “what did this

piece come out of”? Within this dissertation, I will propose a new, advanced quantum

medicine model based upon real-life case studies and my personal NDE experience.


2.1.1 Introduction to Death and Longevity

One of the greatest fears on this planet is the fear of death. This is the highest

insult to universal life that exists for if you are afraid of dying, you simply do not

remember who you are, where you came from, what your life purpose is and equally

important, you have no idea where you are going once you drop your physical body.

From birth, we are programmed to fear death by not talking about it and being told it is

taboo. We are manipulated to be afraid of dying and by doing so we completely deny our

own ability to self-heal.

The root cause of death is very straightforward: we die because our cells age, then

die.7 In 1961, Leonard Hayflick, a researcher at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia,

discovered that there was a limit to the number of times a human cell could divide. After

about 70 divisions, a cell derived from embryonic tissue enters a stage where its ability

to divide slows and eventually stops. This stage is called “cellular senescence”. Hayflick

also observed that the number of times a cell could divide was governed by the age of

the cells: cells from a twenty-year-old could divide more times than cells from a fifty-


Hayflick (1965)

year-old, which in turn would divide more times than cells from a ninety-year-old.

Hayflick discovered that, in essence, there is a clock ticking inside every dividing cell of

our body. Our aging process isn’t simply a consequence of accumulated damage: there

is a specific property of our cells that limits how long we can live.

The nature of this property was proposed independently in the early 1970s by

both Soviet and American scientists.8 When a cell divides, the genetic material inside

that cell needs to be copied. This process is called DNA replication. These scientists

suggested that the limitation on cell division is rooted in the very nature of DNA

replication. The enzymes that replicate a strand of DNA are unable to continue

replicating all the way to the end, which causes the loss of some DNA.

It is imperative that awareness of the aspects that will decrease the length and

quality of life is essential in order to regulate which actions may be able to intervene in

this damage. The negative effects of oxygen can be witnessed throughout the bio-

chemical arena, yet it is the most important element to support life. Cells cannot last for

more than four plus minutes without oxygen as it leads to cellular death however it is

vital for the production of energy in mitochondria.

Integrate this with toxins prevalent in our air, food and water accumulating in our bodies

and combine to it the further discovery that a great deal of damage (disease and aging)

was being carried out by free radicals (oxidants) in our system.9 10 The problem with

these positively charges ions are that they are seeking for an electron to steal. Free

radicals search the body seeking an


Olovnikov (1971)
Blackburn, et al. (2006)
Shirahata, et al. (1997)

electron indiscriminately, not considering the source, or the potential damage caused,

and our immune systems had been overwhelmed in the process of trying to handle this

onslaught. This is what is known as oxidative stress.

2.1.2 Telomeres

In 2006, Prof. Elizabeth Blackburn unveiled the relationship between telomeres,

aging and disease.11 Blackburn and her co-authors were awarded the Nobel Peace

Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 2009 for their discovery of the protective cap at the

end of chromosomes called telomeres. Telomeres are DNA-protein complexes located

at the ends of chromosomes.12 Telomeres protect the DNA during replication. The

telomeres on the ends of the genes get worn away and shorten during cellular division

and when this happens, the DNA can get damaged. This causes mutations and changes

in the DNA, which lead to aging and cell death.13, 14 Damaged DNA then begins to

send incomplete information and codes to the cell that causes secretion of the wrong

enzymes and chemicals. This eventually leads to the shutting down and death of the

cell. It is this distorted programming and false triggering of genetic responses that can

lead to cell death and eventually we end up dying as a consequence. The pace at which

telomeres shorten is associated with the cell’s ability to withstand oxidative damage,

therefore the more antioxidants present in one’s body, the less damage that occurs to


Blackburn, et al. (2006)
Mattern, Swiggers, Nigg, Lowenberg, Houtsmuller, and Zijlmans (2004)
Allsop and Harley (1995)
Harley, Futcher, and Greider (1990)

the chromosome. 15, 16

Imagine a DNA strand as a long row of concrete bricks and of DNA replication as

a bricklayer walking backwards on the top of the brick wall laying a new layer on top of

that row. When the end of the wall is reached, the bricklayer suddenly finds himself

standing on top of the brick he is supposed to replicate. Since he cannot place down

another brick where his feet are, he steps back and falls off the wall – leaving the very

end of the wall bare and brick-less (see Fig.1). The result is the new copy of the brick

wall is shorter than the original. Just like this brick wall copied imperfectly, our DNA is

unable to create a prefect copy of it; when a new DNA strand is replicated, the new

strand is shorter than the original.

These repetitive sequences are called “telomeres”, which like all DNA, are made

up of nucleotides arranged like pearl beads in a string. The nucleotides in human

telomeres are arranged in the repeating sequence - TTAGGG (two thymine nucleotides,

one adenine nucleotide and three guanine nucleotides). This amazing sequence is

repeated hundreds of times, in tandem, in every telomere.

Each time our cells divide and our chromosomes replicate, our telomeres

become shorter.


Souzo and Kirkwood (2001)
Serra, Grune, Sitte, Saretzki, and Zglinicki (2000)

Fig. 1 – DNA Replication is like building bricks walking backwards

At conception, the telomeres in our single-cell embryos are approximately fifteen

thousand (15,000) nucleotides long. Our cells divide so rapidly in the embryonic sac that

at birth, our telomeres have decreased in length to approximately ten thousand (10,000)

nucleotides. During one’s lifetime, telomeres continue to shorten and when telomeres

reach an average of approximately five thousand (5,000) nucleotides, our cells can no

longer divide any further. It is at that point we die of old age.

Leonard Hayflick had discovered that there was a clock ticking in every dividing

cell of our body; telomere shortening explains what makes that clock tick.

Fig. 2 – Telomere Clock

The time remaining on this “telomere clock” can be measured from our blood cells.

When such measurements are taken, a significant correlation is found between a

person’s age and the number of “ticks” remaining on the person’s clock (see fig.2).17

2.1.3 Telomerase

Obviously, there must be a way for our bodies to re-lengthen telomeres.

Otherwise, our sperm and egg cells would contain telomeres the same length as the rest

of our cells, which would yield embryos as old as we are. Because so much cell division

takes place in the womb, our children would then be born much older than us. Humanity

could not exist more than a generation or two if this were the case.


Cawthon and Smith, et al. (2003)

However, our reproductive cells do not exhibit telomere shortening, and show no

signs of aging. They are essentially immortal. They are our germ line – the same one

that has been dividing since the beginning of life on this planet. The reason these cells

are immortal is that our reproductive cells produce an enzyme called telomerase, which

is a polymerizing enzyme and specialized cellular ribonucleoprotein RNP reverse

transcriptase (RT). The complete replication of telomeric DNA requires telomerase. The

core enzyme contains the protein TERT, which has a RT homology domain as well as

other essential conserved domains, and the RNA component TER. By copying a short

template sequence within its intrinsic RNA moiety, telomerase synthesizes the telomeric

DNA strand running 5’ to 3’ towards the distal end of the chromosome thereby extending


Fig. 3 – Telomerase production


Levy and Blackburn (2004)

Telomerase acts like an assembly line inside our cells that adds nucleotides to the ends

of our chromosomes, thus lengthening our telomeres. In a cell that expresses

telomerase, telomeres are lengthened as soon as they shorten; it’s as though every time

the “telomere clock” inside our cells ticks once, telomerase pushes the hands of the

clock back one tick.

Telomerase works by filling the “gap” left by DNA replication. Returning to the

analogy of the bricklayer that can’t lay the last brick on the brick wall, telomerase would

be like an angel that flies in and puts the last brick in place.

2.1.4 Telomere Lengthening Therapy

The question to be raised is it possible to insert the telomerase gene into all of

our cells and extend our lifespan? Inserting the gene directly into our DNA, through the

use of viral vectors, is not a viable option. The main problem with this approach is that

inserting genes into cells often causes cancer. That’s because the gene gets inserted

into our chromosomes at random sites, and if the wrong site is chosen, the gene can

interrupt and disable cancer suppressor genes or turn on cancer-inducing genes.

Fig. 4 – Telomerase & DNA Replication

And you only need one out of the hundred trillion cells in your body to become

cancerous in order to kill you.

Fortunately, the telomerase gene already exists in all our cells. That’s because the

DNA in every one of our cells is identical: a skin cell, muscle cell, and liver cell all contain

exactly the same genetic information. Thus, if the cells that create our sperm and egg

cells contain the code for telomerase, every other cell must contain that code as well.

The reason that most of our cells don’t express telomerase is that the gene is repressed

in them. There are one or more regions of DNA neighboring the telomerase gene that

serve as binding sites for a protein, and, if that protein is bound to them, telomerase will

not be created by the cell.

Fig. 5 – Telomerase Gene

However, it is possible to coax that repressor protein off its binding site with the

use of a small-molecule, drug-like compound that binds to the repressor and prevents it

from attaching to the DNA. If we find the appropriate compound, we can turn telomerase

on in every cell in the human body. Compounds such as these have very recently been


One such compound is TA-65, a nutraceutical discovered by Geron Corporation

and licensed to TA Sciences. Additionally, Sierra Sciences, using a robotically driven

high-throughput drug screening effort, has discovered over two hundred compounds in

twenty-nine distinct drug families that induce the expression of telomerase in normal


However, the perfect drug hasn’t been found yet. None of the compounds induce

telomerase in large enough quantities that we can be confident in their ability to extend

the lifespan of a cell; even the strongest known compound induces only 6% of the

telomerase expression found in some immortal cell lines. Also, many of these

compounds (with the notable exception of TA-65) are somewhat toxic to cell cultures

and probably unsafe for human consumption.

Science has progressed to the point that availability of antioxidants will allow the

body to eliminate and or decrease the damage caused by free radicals (oxidative

stress). Anti-oxidants are substances that are generally ingested and provide electrons

to bind with dangerous free radicals and neutralize them in order for the body to dispose

of them. Anti-oxidants, outside of the carotenoids, enter the electron cascade, which

means their combined effect is more than the sum of effect of the single components.

Anti-oxidants such as vitamins A, C, E and selenium (all present in the ‘Moringa oleifera’

tree) will release an electron to a free radical and bind it, transforming it into a relatively

harmless molecule fit for excretion. The trace elements zinc and selenium are important

for our antioxidant enzyme system. Moringa oleifera contains ample amounts of forty-six

bioavailable enzymatically active different antioxidants including Vitamin A, and the

carotenoids. 19, 20, 21, 22

A proprietary formula containing assorted parts of the Moringa oleifera tree (leaf,

leaf puree, fruit, fruit puree and see cake) insures a diverse assortment of bioavailable

antioxidants. In order to protect your ability to reproduce it is imperative to protect your

chromosomes. The antioxidants found in Moringa oleifera afford a protective shield to do


2.1.5 Proofs of Principle

There is a plan in place for inducing telomerase in all our cells. But will that plan

work? Will it cure aging? That’s the trillion-dollar question, and scientists have been

trying to answer it for more than a decade. So far, all the signs point to yes: telomerase

is a very likely cure for aging. In 1997, scientists inserted the telomerase gene into

normal human skin cells grown in a Petri dish.23 When they observed that the

telomerase enzyme was being produced in the cells, as hoped, they also observed that

the skin cells became immortal: there was no limit to the number of times these cells

could divide. When the lengths of the telomeres in these “telomerized” cells were

examined, the scientists were surprised to see that the telomeres didn’t just stop

shortening: they got longer. The critical question, then, was whether the cells were

becoming younger.

A few years later, scientists inserted the telomerase gene into human skin cells


Kumar and Pari (2003)
Bharali, Tabassum, and Azad (2003)
Njoku and Adikwu (1997)
Siddhuarju and Becker (2003)
Bodner, et al. (1998)

that already had very short telomeres. These cells were then grown into skin on the back

of mice. 24 As one would expect, skin from cells that hadn’t received the telomerase

gene looked like old skin. It was wrinkled, blistered easily, and had gene expression

patterns indicative of old skin. The skin grown from cells that had received the

telomerase gene, on the other hand, looked young! It acted like young skin, and, most

importantly, its gene expression patterns, as analyzed by DNA Array Chip analysis, were

almost identical to the gene expression patterns of young skin. For the first time ever,

scientists had demonstrably reversed aging in human cells.

Would the concept apply to living organisms? In November 2008, scientists

published a paper describing how they had created cloned mice from mouse cells

containing the inserted telomerase gene, which continually produced the telomerase

enzyme.25 These mice were shown to live 50% longer than cloned mice created from

cells that didn’t contain the inserted telomerase gene.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that prevention of telomere shortening might be

the best way to extend human lifespan beyond the theoretical 125-year maximum

lifespan. How long this can extend the human lifespan is anyone’s guess, but living a

healthy, youthful life to 250, 500, or even 1,000 years is not outside the realm of

possibility. More research needs to be done to answer that question.

2.1.6 Molecular Compaction

‘Molecular Compaction’ is the process by which higher-oscillating frequency

energy (i.e. Kundalini energy) is accreted into the cellular bio-energetic fields and


Funk, et al. (2000)
Tomas, et al. (2008)

since cells are not functioning due to cellular senescence, begins to crush the remaining

parts of the dysfunctional electro-tonal receivers in the neurological pathways of the

body (Miasma). This disperses erratic, distorted energy throughout the bio-energetic

meridian lines and bio-energetic fields. When this happens, the next set of frequency

currents that accrete will follow same process but now there is more damage due the

frequency buildup from the previous time. Due to our inability of the DNA, meridian lines

and therefore the body to be able to naturally receive and synthesize higher-oscillating

frequency, MOLECULAR COMPACTION is the reason why we die and is the ultimate

cause of death behind every single malady, as far as health issues. 26

Natural death occurs when there is no longer enough energy left within cellular

structure to sustain the body mechanisms. However, if the central point is activated

(located near the heart region in the physical body, somewhat to the right of the heart,

and often called the heart – 4th – chakra), new energy can be brought from the Unified

Morphogenetic Fields into the acupuncture points and it can be expanded beyond its

original form.27 Death of the physical, atomic body occurs when the mortal body has

reached a point of expending its Birth Quantum donated from the combined quantum

energy from the egg of the mother and the sperm from the father.


26 27
Deane (2002)


2.2.1 Introduction to Near-Death Experience (NDE)

It is possible to have a cardiac arrest and be resuscitated back to life. This is

exactly what happened to me in 2000 and over the past half-century, many people have

been brought back to life after they had died. It is the birth of cardio-pulmonary

resuscitation (CPR) and intensive care medicine, which dates back to the sixties, that

has enabled people who had reached death (by cardiorespiratory criteria) to be

resuscitated back to life and subsequently maintained alive through life-support

measures.28 Some people have had intense life changing experiences, myself included.

What exactly is an NDE? Since the earliest cultures, there have been strange accounts

of experiences reported by those who have come close to death or in a condition of

emotional or physical distress leading to an array of perceptions, creating a familiar

inclusive event often called a near-death experience or NDE. It should be noted that,

experiencing a cardiac arrest or some type of life-threatening event does not, by itself,

constitute an NDE. The term NDE is used to describe specific cognitive experiences

and sensations such as an outer body experience (OBE), no time, expansive 360º

awareness, peacefulness and tranquility, etc.

The increase in awareness occurring near death or during the first stages of

death can be traced back to the 1960s and the introduction of resuscitation science.

Following the acceptance and implementation of resuscitation techniques in clinical

practice, there have obviously been more and more people brought back from death. But

it wasn't really until the 1970s that interest by the scientific community and the general


Eisenberg, Baskett, and Chamberlain (2007)

population in these experiences peaked, with the publication, by Raymond Moody, an

American psychiatrist with a background in philosophy, of the best-selling book "Life

after life", which was a collection of accounts given by 150 survivors of near death

encounters. This was the first comprehensive study of the human experience during the

dying process. Moody coined the term NDE due to the fact that the patient’s experiences

were defined from the time the patient was unconscious.

There are arguments regarding the causes of an NDE. There are those who

believe an NDE can offer glimpses into life after death and believe it is a chance to learn

more about the mysteries of the universe. Others have a more skeptical approach and

believe an NDE is just an illusion that can be explained in scientific terms (for example

brought about by an excess of carbon dioxide etc.). Their curiosity mostly arises from the

need to find out the latest on the brain’s evolution or it may just be plain scientific


NDEs are not illusions. Outside of the control group of 121, Dr. Melvin Morse

interviewed 37 children that had been treated with mind-altering medication (anesthetic

agents, narcotics, Valium, Thorazine, Holdol, Dilantin, antidepressants, mood elevators,

and painkillers). None of the children experienced an NDE or anything close to an NDE.

One child specifically due to the nature of her medical condition was helped to

hallucinate. Nothing she described resembled an NDE. Further, she told Morse that she

was fully cognizant of being hypnotized. 29

There are no medical explanations for NDE such as lack of oxygen to the brain

or emotional reasons such as images produced from fear chemicals of a dying brain. Dr.

Pim van Lommel of the Rijnstate Hospital at Arnhem, Netherlands came out with a study


Morse M.D.
30 31 32
Van Lommel, et al. (2001)

cited in The Lancet that can be cited for major NDE scientific findings, the largest being

that NDEs are not medically explicable. Van Lommel proved under rigid methodology

that the occurrence of the NDE was not associated with “duration of cardiac arrest or

unconsciousness, medication, or fear of death prior to the cardiac arrest.” 30, 31 Given

the similarity in physiological make-up of the sample population, one would expect that

most of the 344 patients should experience an NDE.32 This would take into account the

skeptic argument of cerebral anoxia (dying brain cells). However, that is not the case.

The findings were that 18% of the 344 cardiac arrest patients had an NDE, with 12% of

the 18% reporting a “core experience.” Therefore, an NDE is not correlated with

physiological causes of death. However, the study did find that age might play a factor in

the occurrence of NDEs in that younger experiencers were more likely to have an NDE

and more likely to have a core experience.33

The same argument pertaining to physiological make-up could be made for those

in the sample population who were psychologically afraid of death right before the

cardiac arrest. However, there was no difference between those who were afraid and

reported an NDE as opposed to those who were afraid and did not report an NDE.

Therefore, NDE doesn’t appear to be caused by emotional make-up such as fear. 34, 35

Another study shows that the children in Morse's study were also hypoxic, had

acid-based balance disturbances, and had high CO2 levels, and every combination you

could imagine.36 Yet they had nothing like an NDE. The most remarkable characteristic

of an NDE is not so much the features briefly summarized above, but rather the


30, 31, 32
Van Lommel, et al. (2001)
Van Lommel, et al. (2001)
34 35
Van Lommel, et al. (2001)

transformation those who have experienced it first hand undergo. An NDE often impacts

a person with a positive life effect making them more selfless, more spiritual, less

materialistic and less afraid of death, with an increased faith and interest in the meaning

of life.37, 38, 39, 40 Certainly, these long lasting and deep changes in attitudes and

behaviors following an NDE are a reality that can be socially observed unlike the more

personal (subjective) experiences we have referred to above. At present, given the NDE

phenomenon’s positive imprint on people’s lives, it undeniably calls for further research.

2.2.2 Aspects of Near-Death Experience

Dr. Moody determined that the near-death survivors all had described similar

strange experiences that included the following features:

1. Out of body experience (OBE)

2. Peace and tranquility

3. Review of their life

4. Witnessing a bright light and tunnel

5. Witnessing deceased relatives

6. Experiencing a heaven

NDE survivors also shared about a point, which they could not cross or else they could

not return back to life. Frequently, they said they had been hesitant to return to life

because what they had an incredibly peaceful and freeing experience. Another important

aspect of these experiences was the deep positive and lasting impact they had in


Moody (1975)
Fenwick and Fenwick
Van Lommel, Van Wees, and Eifferich (2001)
Klemenc-Ketis (2013)

people, rendering them more altruistic, less afraid of death. People’s beliefs, values and

attitudes were positively transformed and they felt a new sense of purpose and

appreciation for life. In his book Raymond Moody explains that, despite the striking


(A) No two experiences were alike,

(B) No one had ever reported all the aspects of the NDE,

(C) People who had these experiences did not tend to have so many of the

above features. In fact they may only have recalled a limited number of the 15

NDE aspects,

(D) There was no single component that was described in every experience

(although some came close to being universal),

(E) No single element of the composite experience appeared in only one


(F) The order of the stages a person went through varied from what had been

described in the NDE, for example: “various persons have reported seeing the

being of light before or at the same time as they left their physical bodies” 41 or

somebody may have had an out of body experience at the beginning of their near

death experience while another person may have had seen a light at the

beginning and have had an out of body experience at the end. However, the

order in which the stages occurred in the NDE is quite typical and important

differences were not observed,

(G) In general, those who were “dead” tended to have more thorough

experiences than those who were only near death. Also, the longer the period of


Moody (1975)

time they were dead for, the deeper the experiences. Many of Raymond Moody’s

findings in his initial study have been confirmed over the following decades and,

presently, NDEs are understood as often profoundly transforming experiences, who are

also vivid and realistic, occurring to people who have been close to death or who have

suffered from a cardiac arrest and have thus gone beyond the threshold of death.

2.2.3 Recent Reports of Near-Death Experience

Does an NDE provide an indication of the life after death of the physical body?

The years that followed 1975 saw an increase in both the discussions about the NDE

phenomenon as well as in the number of OBE (out of body experiences) and NDE

reports. The naysayers claimed that it was due to the publicity seekers but when

researchers began to investigate these accounts in more detail, they discovered very

little evidence to support this view, for many of the accounts predated the 1970s.

Interestingly, some of the cases went back decades, even centuries. Furthermore, in the

vast majority of cases, the survivors involved regularly declined any publicity and only

wished to share their experiences with researchers. Often they had not even mentioned

them to their close family and friends.

In the 1980s, there were accounts of individuals who had experienced a negative

NDE. These individuals often described the devil, demons, fearsome vacuums, zombies

and other hostile experiences. It was never determined whether these experiences really

occurred when the individual had been near death or quite possibly it was due to an

excess of carbon dioxide in the blood, which is known to lead to such negative

experiences. Nonetheless, these supposed negative experiences have not been

reported in any prospective study of NDE during cardiac arrest and it is ambiguous

whether they really are NDE or some other subjective experience.

2.2.4 Historical Reports

Investigating back into historical times, the NDE phenomenon has been

prevalent throughout ancient history and in different ancient cultures. Scholar and

researcher Gregory Shushan analyzed the differences and similarities between five

major ancient cultures (Old and Middle Kingdom Egypt, Sumerian and Old Babylonian

Mesopotamia, Vedic India, pre-Buddhist China, and pre-Columbian Mesoamerica) and

modern accounts of near-death experiences. His findings were quite intriguing, as many

modern experiences were found to be quite similar to what’s described by ancient

cultures. Shushan found that, “afterlife conceptions are not entirely culturally-determined

and… appear to be universal or quasi-universal to some degree”.42 Plato's "Republic,"

written in 360 B.C.E., contains a near-death experience of a soldier named Er, who had

an NDE after being killed in battle. Er described his soul leaving his body, being judged

along with other souls and seeing heaven.43

In 1516, a Dutch painter named Hieronymus Bosch described a passage down a

tunnel towards a bright light in a painting entitled “Ascent to Empyrean”. The 19th

century Swiss geologist and mountaineer, Albert Heim, who almost died in a

mountaineering accident, reported the first systemic series of accounts from people who

had near-death experiences. Heim collected thirty, first-hand accounts from other near-

death survivors of near-fatal mountaineering accidents and discovered they had similar

experiences. He uncovered that in many cases there were sudden review of the

person’s entire life, as well as hearing “beautiful music” and dropped into what they

experienced as “a superbly blue heaven containing rose clouds”.


Shushan (2009)
Plato (360 B.C./1998)

It would reveal that irrespective of the reason for their causation, the NDE

phenomena are unlikely to be the result of fabrications but rather experiences that are

universal and have existed throughout different cultures. It then appears that for the

majority of humans there is a universal experience at the end of their lives, such as the

one I had experience during my NDE. Interestingly, these claims have been supported

by a number of recent scientific studies conducted by independent researchers

demonstrating that 10-20% of humans who go through cardiac arrest and clinical death

report some similar lucid, well-structured though processes, reasoning, memories, and

detailed recall of events during their near-death experience. 44, 45, 46, 47

2.2.5 Sociocultural Factors

With regards to the role of socio-cultural factors and their potential influence on

the mental processes reported during cardiac arrest when an NDE occurs, it is

imperative to point out that they are of great scientific interest because if all the

experiences reflect people’s preconceived ideas, this would entail that an NDE is based

upon a person’s own background instead of a universal phenomenon that transcends

cultural and religious views. Due to their importance, sociocultural factors should

continue to be investigated within the NDE phenomena.

Does one’s belief system, social and cultural background, thoughts, memories,

perceptions affect one’s near-death experience? Understanding the role of culture is

imperative perhaps because if all the NDE’s only reflect people’s preconceived ideas,


Parnia, et al. (2001)
Van Lommel, et al. (2001)
Greyson, et al. (2003)
Schwaninger, et al. (2002)

this would support the notion that an NDE is simply based upon an individual’s own

background and belief system rather than being a universal phenomenon.

The main aspects of an NDE have been recorded throughout history and across

numerous cultures and religious groups. Reports of an NDE have been also described

by atheists as well as those with a specific faith, whether they were non-practicing or

practicing members of that specific religion. Historically, experiences closely mirroring an

NDE have been described by Argentinean, Bolivian, and North American Indians, as

well as in Buddhist, Islamic, and Chinese writings. The most common aspects are:

a. Having an OBE (outer body experience);

b. A reunion with deceased relatives and friends;

c. An experience of light followed by the feelings of joy and peace;

d. A border or dividing line between the realm of the living and the deceased.

In more recent times, the NDE phenomenon has been reported in many areas of the

world, including India, China, South America and the Middle East. During one study

conducted in 1985, the experiences of sixteen (16) Asian Indians had been compared

with those of Americans and it was discovered that the Indians had encountered Yamraj,

the Hindu king of the dead, while the Americans had not. In 1977, the largest cross-

cultural study had been carried out by researchers Osis and Haraldsson who focused

more on “deathbed” visions, which are the experiences that people have before death,

usually in the twenty-four (24) hours prior to death, and these are different from the

classic NDE phenomenon.48 Caretakers who have looked after a person during the


Osis and Haraldsson (1997)

dying process normally report that person’s deathbed visions. In this study the

researchers had examined the visions of four hundred and forty (440) terminally ill

American and Indian patients as described to their doctors and nurses. The most

common feature that occurred in ninety-one (91) percent of cases was seeing deceased

relatives. In one hundred and forty (140) cases there were reports of seeing religious

figures such as God or an angel. Where these were specifically identified, they were

always described according to the person’s religious beliefs: for example, no Christian

reported seeing a Hindu deity and no Hindu reported seeing Jesus. Interestingly, at the

time of my NDE, I did not subscribe to any religious faith. During my NDE, I experienced

myself as pure conscious energy and I did receive an inaudible, information download

describing my soul contract on Earth but I did not see any religious figure of any kind.

In a more recent study, since socio-cultural differences are thought to potentially

account for variations observed in the NDE phenomenon, the authors analyzed whether

societal beliefs influenced NDE (s).49 Since the prevailing Western model of an NDE

was defined by Moody’s description of the phenomenon in 1975, in order to explore the

influence of this cultural model, the authors compared 24 near death experiences

phenomena accounts collected before 1975 and 24 after 1975. The only difference

observed was the increased frequency of the tunnel phenomena that other research has

suggested may not be integral to the experience, and not in any of the remaining

fourteen (14) aspects defined by Moody as characteristic of near-death experience

phenomena. These data challenges the hypothesis that prevailing cultural models

substantially influences NDE accounts.


Athappily, et al. (2006)

It has been shown that near death experiences have been documented throughout

different cultures, as well as throughout history. The main question that remains

unrequited is how frequent does a near death experience occur in the present times and

does NDE (s) only occur to a small percentage of the population?

During the late 1970’s and throughout the 1980’s, NDE research focused on

characterizing the diverse aspects of a near death experience. However, researchers

also examined its prevalence and different case studies report differing occurrences in

the mass population:

i. A telephone survey of a representative sample of the Australian population

carried out by Perera et al. in 2005 concluded that 8.9% of the population has

experienced a near death experience.50

ii. A German study carried out by Knoblauch in 2001 reports that 4% of the sample

population had experienced an NDE. 51

iii. According to the Gallup and Proctor survey in 1980-1981, of a representative

sample of the American population, data showed that 15% had a near death


iv. In a more clinical setting, van Lommel et al. (2001),52 a cardiologist from

Netherlands, studied a group of patients who had suffered cardiac arrests and

who were successfully revived. They found that sixty-two (62) patients (18%) had

a near death experience, of which forty-one (41) (12%) described a core



Knoblauch, Schmied, and Schnettler (2001)
Gallup and Proctor (1982)
Van Lommel, et al. (2002)

v. 10% were reported by Greyson (2003) 53

vi. 6% were reported by Parnia et al. (2001) 54

Although the occurrence of the near death experience reveals a significant variance

(4%-19%), even at the lower end of the range (4%), the data indicate that an

astoundingly high proportion of the population experience a near death experience.

2.2.6 How to Identify and NDE

Many alternative and integrative health practitioners have experienced a sense of

bliss, pleasure, or even seen a bright light, or perhaps have sensed they were going

through darkness, but can we say whether they have experienced a near death

experience? Most likely not! This is why one of the main questions that needs to be

observed in the study of the near death experience, is a classification system. This

system should be subtle enough to reveal most NDE’s but not so subtle as not to be

able to differentiate them from other analogous mental states.

By observing the characteristics described by Moody and other NDE

investigators, it is obvious that many of the aspects that make up an NDE are not

specific to only those who have come near to death. There are many accounts of people

who were physically not near to death, having feelings of peace and observing a bright

light or a tunnel. In reality, the peaceful, bliss feeling or experiencing a light or tunnel can

occur under many other circumstances that are not related to being near to death. In

order for an experience to be defined as an NDE, there must be a series of common


Greyson (2003)
Parnia and Fenwick (2002)

characteristics and not just one or two so that NDE experiences can be set apart from

other similar mental states.

So how do we differentiate between an NDE and other experiences similar to an

NDE but yet undoubtedly different? The solution is a research scale. In the 1980s, two

American NDE investigators set out to find a solution to this problem and both of them

created a scale using marginally different criteria. These scales were easily managed

and it was claimed they could verify the presence or absence of an NDE. The

significance of these scales for research into the NDE occurrences was massive. When

looking at the research, a number of studies exist where proper classification systems

have not been used and this unfortunately makes their results difficult to interpret. This is

because it is uncertain whether the experiences being studied are NDEs or other similar

mental states. In these studies, NDE investigators only asked subjects about their

proximity to death and their beliefs and not about the characteristics of their experiences.

This is quite a different approach from the phenomenological approach that

characterizes the two scales referred to above. So it is difficult to tell what these studies

were showing.

One of the above studies examined the role of sleep patterns and NDEs, in a

sample of 55 patients. The conclusion was that they could be related.55 However, there

was no evidence that NDEs were similar to the mental states they were referring to, and

more important the physiology of the two states was quite different. Another study that

received wide spread attention in the press examined how carbon dioxide could explain

the occurrence of “near death experiences”.56 The most revealing point against carbon


Nelson, et al. (2006)
Klemenc-Ketis, et al. (2010)

dioxide levels as a cause for the NDE is exposed by cardiac arrest NDEs where all

patients have high carbon dioxide levels but only 10% have NDEs.

Professor Olaf Blanke and his team conducted two more studies that obtained

extensive media coverage. The first of these concluded that out of body experiences are

simply illusions, brought about by an abnormally functioning brain.57 The cases that

have been described do not in fact resemble out of body experiences as described by

those who have had an NDE. There is nothing to suggest that NDEs are the same and

this suggestion is still highly debatable and likely to be erroneous.

2.2.7 The Weighted Core Experience Index

In 1980 an American psychologist, Kenneth Ring, developed a ten-point

interview scale in order to allow researchers to differentiate between near death and

other experiences that allowed the experiences to be standardized and measured. The

research scale was named ‘the Weighted Core Experience Index’ (WCEI) which Ring

presented in his book.58 The WCEI was intended to measure the phenomenological and

depth variety of NDEs. Ring then analyzed the experiences of 102 people who had

come near to death and found that based upon this weighted scale, 48% of his group

had experienced an NDE.

Ring concluded that there was a ‘core experience’ which developed in a distinctive

pattern. The stages that he described were:


Blanke, et al. (2002)

i. An experience of peace, well-being and absence of pain

ii. A sense of detachment from the physical body, progressing to an out of body


iii. Entering darkness, a tunnel experience with panoramic memory and

predominantly positive effect

iv. An experience of a light that is bright, warm and attractive

v. Entering the light, meeting persons or figures

Other (non-core) experiences, which he also referred to, include, reviewing one’s life,

encountering a presence, encountering deceased loved ones, and deciding to return.

Ring believed an NDE consists of stages and wrote “In general, the earlier stages of the

experience are more common, and the latter stages manifest themselves with

systematically decreasing frequency”. 59

Both the WCEI and the NDE Scale developed by professor Greyson60 have

improved consistency in the field, have decreased the ambiguity in descriptions of both

the phenomenology and the frequency of the NDE experience, since they have been

useful methods to identify NDEs. It seems that incidence estimates are higher with the

WCEI, average score of 37%, than with the NDE Scale, which yields 18% incidence

average score. 61

2.2.8 The Greyson Scale

One of the most widely used scales to classify and differentiate NDEs from other

mental states, was developed in 1983 by Professor Bruce Greyson, a psychiatrist who


Greyson (1983)
Holden, Greyson, and James (2009)

currently teaches at the University of Virginia. Greyson criticized the Ring scale (The

Weighted Core Experience Scale, WCES) as being based upon 10 arbitrary points that

were originated from the occurrence of what was then thought to be the most

fundamental features of the NDE. As the scientific understanding of the NDE grew it

became clear that a new scale was required.

Greyson devised this new measurement scale, which he based upon interviews

with 74 people who had had NDEs. He then collected the 16 most frequently

encountered features, as recalled by his sample of 74 people, and developed a 16-

characteristic questionnaire, which he termed ‘the Greyson scale’.

The Greyson Scale

i. Experiencing an altered state of time

ii. Experiencing accelerated thought processes

iii. Life review

iv. Sense of sudden understanding

v. Feelings of peace

vi. Feeling of joy

vii. Feeling of cosmic oneness

viii. Seeing/feeling surrounded by light

ix. Having vivid sensations

x. Extrasensory perception

xi. Experiencing visions

xii. Experiencing a sense of being out of physical body

xiii. Experiencing a sense of an ‘otherworldly’ environment

xiv. Experiencing a sense of a mystical entity

xv. Experiencing a sense of deceased/religious figures

xvi. Experiencing a sense of a border or point of no return

The Greyson scale gives each of the 16 characteristics a score of 0, 1 or 2. The

score depends initially on whether the aspect has been experienced (1) and secondly on

how intense the experience has been (if intense 2). Therefore, using this scale, anyone’s

experience can be graded and given a score. There is a potential maximum score of 32,

but for an experience to be defined as an NDE, Greyson stated that a minimum score of

7 was needed.62 When I took the Greyson test, my personal score was 21 out of a

maximum of 32.

Research studies have used one of these two scales since the early 1980s to

regulate and examine the NDE experiences recalled by people. Albeit both NDE

research scales have some limitations in their day-to-day applications, they have been

predominantly useful during research as they have provided a basic means of

delineating an NDE and semi-quantifying the depth of the experience. For example, one

person may have a score of 8 on the Greyson scale, whereas somebody else may have

a score of 16. The person with the higher score is very likely to have experienced eight

to ten features of an NDE, whereas the other person has probably experienced four to

six features. In order to be considered valid, the Greyson scale must be given to people

who have had what is deemed to have been an NDE. If it is given to any mystical

experience then it will give a false value and label some mystical or psychotic

experiences as NDEs. NDE incidence estimates are higher with WCEI (37% average)

than with the Greyson scale (18% average) however, if the NDE scale had a minimum

criterion of 7 then this yields an NDE incidence of 17%.

Agreeing with Dr. Sam Parnia, Director of Research at Stony Brook Medical

Center (NY, USA), the NDE research scales created by Drs. Greyson and Ring, are


Greyson (1983)

extremely valuable but they have particular restrictions. Future NDE research must focus

on expanding more inclusive and precise levels. Currently, both NDE research scales

are subjective to the NDE accounts often times provided by people many years after the

actual NDE. From a scientific perspective, NDE researchers are restricted by the fact

that they could not empirically determine how near to death a person actually was. The

reason being most NDE researchers do not have access to the medical records from the

time of the experience and thus are restricted to what the individuals explain of their


Consequently, an improved criterion scale would be one based upon

remembered experiences from individuals who had been proven to be medically near to

death. Experiences remembered from such a period could truly be called ‘near death’ or

even genuine ‘death’ experiences. One other complexity is that it is near impossible to

know what the individual’s personality was before the NDE as this may have an

influence on the scales. While these NDE research scales are currently the best we

have, additional effort on them will increase their accuracy.

2.2.9 Proposed Causes of Near-Death Experiences

There are numerous reasons for Near Death Experiences (NDEs) but to further

examine them, we must know the brain state at the time the NDE happens. This can

only be performed during the set of conditions when the heart has discontinued, during

cardiac arrest. We know that after 10 to 20 seconds, the brain flat lines due to stoppage

of the brainstem functions. The eyes dilate; there are no cough reflex and respiration

stops. We know that it is due to the brain stem igniting up that the cortex can work.

However, if there is no brain stem function, consequently there is no cortex functioning.

In reality, you are dead. Therefore, if the NDE happens during this time and evidence

proposes that it does, we then know that any brain-based clarification used is incorrect.

The question remains, does a near death experience present an indication of the

life after death? Through my own NDE, I can emphatically say that it does. Could the

NDE phenomena be just a hallucination prompted by altered blood gas levels, low

oxygen, and high carbon dioxide? This makes no sense as 9% of individuals with a

cardiac arrest will have an NDE but the other 91% who have no NDE have very atypical

blood gas levels. So it can’t be irregular brain pathology as this is the same in the groups

who do and do not have it.

Is it possible that an NDE be the result of a psychological method to deal with the

psychological stress of approaching death? In the case of the NDE due to cardiac arrest,

this is not possible as the loss of consciousness is so sudden when the heart stops that

there is no time for the individual to be in fear. So psychological reasons are eliminated.

Even though the precise cause of the NDE is not yet fully comprehended, and albeit

many of the proposed causation methods fail of explaining near death experiences,

there are currently three suggested perspectives for the origin of an NDE:

A. NDE is a hallucination caused from brain based chemical disorders and

physiological changes, and that cognitive63 experiences (NDEs) occur just as the brain

is shutting down or the brain recovering; some of these disorders and changes include

lack of brain oxygen, increased carbon dioxide, the release of endorphins (the body’s

own morphine like substance) and a specific type of seizure known as temporal lobe

epilepsy, which is lie an electrical storm in the brain.64 I have already proposed why this

cannot be true as over 90% of cases do not have the experience.


Refers to experiences dealing with cognition or knowing and being aware.
Parnia (2013)

B. NDE may be a psychological stress event related to impending near death,

some kind of psychological defense against the threat of death, and that the near death

experience occurs just as the brain is shutting down or the brain recovering. In other

words, if people thought they were about to die, they would then imagine experiencing

events the way they expected them to occur. 65 This is also erroneous due to the speed

of the onset of the experience. A psychological cause for the NDE during cardiac arrest

seems to be unfeasible, as the brain is unable to produce any conscious experiences at

that time.

C. NDE may verify a 'spiritual' or multidimensional event. Though the description

of a multidimensional event when the brain is dead does not fit easily into our current

science, it probably produces the most likely explanation.


2.3.1 Conservative Theories of Consciousness

It has generally been suggested that consciousness and the mind are results of

neuronal activity that arise from the brain. Theoretically, this is comparable to how a light

bulb emits light; however, it is not the same as the fundamental processes occurring

within the light bulb. Quantities of different theories have been suggested to account for

this occurrence, which portrays consciousness as an evolving property of neuronal cell

activity in the brain. Openly it has been suggested that consciousness, may arise:

A. Where brain cells connect together

B. Through a synchronous activity of brain cell networks in the brain and

C. As a novel property of computational complexity among brain cells.


Parnia (2013)

It is additionally contended that the chemical connections within the brain are the

essential units of information and that “conscious” experience arises when a significant

level of intricacy is reached in the neurological pathways of the brain cells. Proof to

support these theories have emerged from the observation that specific changes in

function such as personality or memory are associated with specific brain injury, so

much that people with explicit head injuries or brain tumors may lose certain facets of

their consciousness. Furthermore, special scanning devices such as CAT, MRI and PET

scanning have revealed a correlation between different mental states and the activity of

brain cells. These have shown that when someone thinks a specific thought, groups of

brain cells become more active, as measured through their use of oxygen or glucose.

Although, these provide evidence for the role of brain cell networks as an intermediary

for the manifestation of thoughts, they do not necessarily imply that those cells also

produce the thoughts.

Many have disputed that these theories cannot fully describe the observed

features of consciousness. Their limitations can be divided into four broad categories

and involve a lack of mechanisms to account for the occurrence of:

1. The nature of subjective experience; how do thoughts somehow arise from

chemical processes in the brain cells?

2. The binding of activities that are taking place all over the brain into unitary

objects such as consciousness or vision. Take the example of vision, when we

observe something this engages more than 30 areas of the brain that are spread

in many different parts of the brain. How do these different processes bind into a

single conscious state of observing something?

3. Transition from pre-conscious processes to consciousness itself: How do

chemical processes that are not conscious events lead to a conscious state?

4. Free will. Presumably, we have free will and we use it in our everyday lives to

make decisions. However, if our consciousness was controlled by brain cell

activity, then how do we have free choice? Everything should be predetermined

and have led to alternative explanations for consciousness.

Generally, the evidence to support the theory that mind and consciousness may arise

from the brain has come from the clinical observation that specific changes in function

such as personality or memory are associated with specific areas of damage to the

brain, such as those that occur after head injury or a stroke. This discovery has been

further reinforced by the results of studies using functional MRI and PET scanning, in

which, specific areas of the brain have been shown to become active in response to a

thought or feeling. Conversely, although these studies provide evidence for the role of

networks of brain cells as an intermediary for the manifestation of thoughts, they do not

automatically imply that those cells also produce the thoughts.

Presently, due to a number of significant limitations, many scientists have

disputed that brain-based theories alone cannot fully explain the observed features of

“the self”. These restrictions can be summarized into four categories:

1. The nature of subjective experience. The most obvious limitation of such

theories is that they do not provide a plausible mechanism that may account for

the development of 'the self' from brain cell activity. The theories simply propose

potential intermediary pathways that may be mediating consciousness but do not

answer the fundamental question of how subjective experiences may arise from

the activity of brain cells. This is a point that has been summarized very well by

the well-known University of Oxford neuroscientist Professor Susan Greenfield.

Even though she supports a brain based theory, in one of her articles she

concludes just how the bump and grind of the neurons, as well as the

shrinking and expanding of assemblies, actually translate into subjective


2. The binding of spatially distributed brain activities into unitary objects

such as consciousness. How do brain activities that are distributed within

multiple areas of the brain bind into a unitary sense, such as occurs with vision,

or the development of a coherent sense of self? In other words, how do we go

from multiple inputs from millions of brain cells to a single picture or a single

sensation of the self?

3. Transition from pre-conscious processes to consciousness itself.

The suggested theories do not account for how an event that is pre-conscious

(chemical or electrical events occurring in the body we are not aware of)

becomes conscious, other than in some way occurring at a critical point.

4. Free will. An essential part of our lives involves the notion of free will. We are

judged in society based upon our intentions and actions, and the brain-based

perspectives expressed above cannot account for this. If accurate, it would mean

our lives would be completely determined by our genes and environment, hence

there would be no place for personal accountability. Imagine the situation that

would arise if everyone claimed that everything they did was due to the action of

their genes in


Greenfield (2002)

combination with their environment? There would be no accountability! Gratefully, our

society still operates with the belief of free will and personal accountability. These and

other limitations with the conservative views have led some scientists to seek alternative

explanations for consciousness.

2.3.2 Quantum Processes

Stuart Hameroff, an anesthetist at the University of Arizona, and Roger Penrose,

a mathematician from the University of Cambridge, have raised many of the limitations

of the conventional brain based theories. Specifically both contend that the conventional

brain based theories cannot fully explain the observed characteristics of 'the self'. They

further contend that there are single-celled organisms such as amoeba that, despite

lacking brain cells or brain cell connections (synapses) are able to swim, find food, learn

and multiply. Therefore they propose that there must be a different mechanism other

than the activity of brain cells and their connections with each other that leads to a sense

of self.

Hameroff and Penrose proposed that conceivably very small protein structures

called microtubules that are found in all cells whether simple single celled organisms

such as amoeba (who thus do not have a separate brain) or the most complex

organisms such as humans may be what leads to conscious awareness and thoughts -

or in other words 'the self'. Furthermore they reason that consciousness is not a product

of direct brain cell-to-cell activity, but rather the action of processes occurring in the

smallest possible level within the microtubules of brain cells (the subatomic level) where

things are even smaller than atoms. 67


Hameroff and Penrose (1996)

Nevertheless, the theory proposed by Hameroff and Penrose still fails to answer

the fundamental question of how subjective experiences and thought processes arise.

Some have, however, also argued against their theory by pointing out that microtubules

exist in all cells throughout the body and not just in the brain. Also there are drugs that

can damage the structure of microtubules but appear to have no effect on


2.3.3 Alternative Theories of Consciousness

Throughout the history of science, scientists have been challenged with

ostensibly insoluble difficulties employing the scientific principles of that era. For

example, in 1867 Scottish physicist Sir William Thomson, following decades of inquiry

into the fundamental properties of both matter and the space between, proposed a

radical new explanation for the most fundamental properties of solid objects - the

existence of "the vortex atom." 68 This was in direct contradiction to the then prevailing

19th century theories of matter, in which atoms were still viewed as infinitesimal small,

hard bodies as endorsed by Sir Isaac Newton. Thompson’s "vortex atoms" were

proposed, instead, as tiny, self-sustaining "whirlpools" in the so-called "aether", which

Thomson and his 19th Century contemporaries increasingly believed extended

throughout the Universe as an all-pervasive, incompressible fluid.

Even as Thomson published his revolutionary model for the atom, Scottish

physicist and mathematician James Clerk Maxwell, building on Thomson’s earlier

explorations of the underlying properties of this "aetheric fluid," was well on the way to


Thomson (1867)

devising a highly successful "mechanical" vortex model of the "incompressible aether"

itself, in which Thomson’s vortex atom could live - a model derived in part from the

laboratory-observed elastic and dynamical properties of solids. Even when Maxwell first

discovered the electromagnetic phenomena known as “scalar waves” in the nineteenth

century, electromagnetism had to be described as a scientific entity in its own right, as it

could not be explained according to known scientific principles. It was not until many

years later that the first radio waves (which are electromagnetic waves) were recorded

by the German physicist Heinrich Hertz and now we have a whole area of science that is

based upon them, not to mention numerous devices such as radio, television,

microwaves and infrared cameras.69

Some scientists have also proposed that consciousness or the self, is at present

not reducible in terms of currently understood mechanisms of brain cell activity and its

true nature may only be discovered when our science progresses further. The

restrictions of all the theories mentioned has directed to the proposal that consciousness

(or the self) may be an irreducible scientific entity in its own right, similar to many of the

concepts in physics, such as mass and gravity, which have also been irreducible

entities. The investigation into consciousness and the self has consequently been

suggested to be analogous to the discovery of electromagnetism in the nineteenth

century or quantum mechanics in the twentieth century, both of which were enigmatic in

terms of previously known principles.

Scientists have disputed that this new irreducible scientific entity is a product of

the brain, whereas others have argued that it is an entirely separate entity that is not

produced by the brain. In 1963 a neuroscientist, Sir John Eccles, who won the Nobel


Maxwell (1855)

Prize in medicine for his effort on synapses was respected by many as one of the

greatest neuroscientists of the twentieth century. Eccles was perhaps the most

prominent scientist who argued in favor of such a separation between mind,

consciousness and the brain. He claimed that the unity of conscious experience was

provided by the mind and not by the machinery of the brain. His view was that the mind

itself played an active role in selecting and integrating brain cell activity and molded it

into a unified whole. He considered it an error to believe that the brain did everything and

that conscious experiences were simply a reflection of brain activities. 70, 71

Eccles further reasoned that there was a combination of two entities: our brain

and our conscious self. The brain was an instrument that furnished the conscious self

with the lines of communication from and to the external world, and it does this by

receiving information through the immense sensory system of the millions of nerve fibers

that fire impulses to the brain, where it is processed into coded patterns of information

that we read out from moment to moment in deriving all our experiences-our

perceptions, thoughts ideas and memories'. Eccles' theory has been well described in

his book “The Self and Its Brain”. 72 However, he acknowledged that he was still unable

to explain how the mind carried out these activities and how it interacted with a separate


A well-respected professor of surgery and anatomy, Professor Bahram Elahi

M.D, is a renowned academia and clinician who has also examined the question of the

'self' for over 40 years. Elahi was inspired through the work of his father, the late Ostad

Elahi, a distinguished philosopher, jurist, and theologian. During his work, he has used


70, 71
Eccles (1965)
Eccles and Popper (1977)

the same thoroughness of his scientific background to this subject and deduced that

while the brain and mind are separate, consciousness or the self is not immaterial.73

More exactly, it is comprised of a very subtle type of matter that, although still

undiscovered, is similar to electromagnetic waves, which are capable of carrying sound

and pictures and are governed by precise laws, axioms and theorems.

Therefore, in Elahi's view, everything to do with this entity should be regarded as

a separate, undiscovered scientific discipline and studied in the same objective manner

as other scientific disciplines. He argues that as science is a systematic and

experimental method of obtaining knowledge of a given domain of reality, then

'consciousness' or the 'self' can also be studied with the same objectivity. Each scientific

discipline such as chemistry, biology and physics has its own laws, theorems and

axioms, and in the same manner the science of 'the self' or the 'soul' should also be

studied in the context of its own laws, theorems and axioms. In his view, consciousness

is also a scientific entity and a type of 'matter', however it is a substance that is too

subtle to be measured using the scientific tools available today. Consequently, in his

assessment the brain is an instrument that relays information to and from both the

internal and external world, but 'consciousness' or 'the self' is a separate subtle scientific

entity that interacts directly with it.

2.3.4 Non-Local Consciousness

From my own near-death experience, the concept of non-local consciousness is

no longer conceptual but experiential. I have experienced consciousness as energy and

energy as consciousness as it is the organizational intelligence within all things. Non-


Elahi (1998)

local consciousness is perpetual awareness interwoven in non-local space or the unified

morphogenetic field; 74 therefore our total and perpetual awareness is not observable in

3-dimensional reality. When the “singularity” occurred, Source focused its attention

within a specific portion of itself. That singular, linear focus sparked creation point. A

rudimentary example is the collapsed of the waveform. When you observe a waveform,

you collapse the electron’s wave to localize at one place but between your observations,

an electron spreads out as a wave of possibility in transcendent potential.

With regards to the brain and consciousness, our brain functions as an interface

(or receiver) of information originating from the unified field to our body, equally

transmitting information from our body to the unified field. Thus, non-local consciousness

is awareness communicating with itself. A popular misconception in the scientific arena

is that consciousness is formed by the brain-function and therefore ceases to exist at the

death of the physical brain. This misconception simply illustrates that contemporary

science remains innocent to the knowledge of morphogenetic fields and the

multidimensional reality structure. This assumption creates a misinterpretation of

available data through which manifest symptoms (the brain) are mistaken as the cause


It is a scientific challenge to discuss new hypotheses that might explain the

reported interconnectedness with the consciousness of other persons and of deceased

relatives, to explain the possibility to experience instantaneously and simultaneously

(non-locality) a review and a preview of someone’s life in a dimension without our

conventional body-linked concept of time and space, where all past, present, and future


Morphogenetic fields are comprised by templates of conscious light and sound that serves as
blueprints on which matter form.

events exist and are available, and the possibility to have clear and enhanced

consciousness with persistent and unaltered ‘Self’-identity, with memories, with

cognition, with emotion, with the possibility of perception out and above the lifeless body,

and even with the experience of the conscious return into the body.

According to Van Lommel, he describes a concept in which our continual

consciousness with declarative memories finds its origin in a non-local dimension as

wave-fields of information, while the brain only serves as a relay station for parts of

these wave-fields of consciousness to be received into or as our waking

consciousness.75 The latter relates to our physical body. These informational fields of

our non-local consciousness become available as our waking consciousness only

through our functioning brain in the shape of measurable and changing electromagnetic

fields. Could our brain be likened to the TV, which receives electromagnetic waves and

transforms them into image and sound? Could it be related to the TV camera, which

transforms image and sound into electromagnetic waves? These waves hold the

essence of all information, but are only perceivable by our senses through suitable

instruments like the camera and TV. The function of the brain should be compared with

a transceiver, a transmitter/receiver, or interface.76 Therefore, there are two

complementary aspects of consciousness, which cannot be reduced one to the other,

and the function of neuronal networks should be regarded as receivers and conveyors,

not as retainers of consciousness and memories.

This perspective is highly harmonious with the concept of ‘phenomalism’ or

‘immaterial (or neutral) monism’.77


Van Lommel (2010)
Van Lommel (2006)
Chalmers (2002)

With this concept, consciousness is not embedded in the measurable domain of

3-dimensional reality. This suggests that the wave aspect of our eternal consciousness

in the unified morphogenetic field is inherently not measurable by physical means.

Nonetheless, the physical aspect of consciousness, which seemingly originates from the

wave aspect of our consciousness through collapse of the wave function, can be

measured by means of neuroimaging techniques like EEG, fMRI, and PET scan. The

unfeasibility to empirically calculate this non-local aspect of consciousness that also has

been called ‘higher’ awareness could be likened to fields of gravity, of which only the

physical effects throughout the universe can be determined although the fields

themselves are not directly provable.

One could postulate the assumption that perpetual, non-local awareness, has

always existed separately from the physical body since matter originates from energy or

consciousness. There is a type of organic foundation of our waking consciousness since

our physical body functions as a resonance interface during one’s lifespan. However,

there is no physical, biological foundation of our perpetual consciousness since it

originates in non-local space. Non-local consciousness is not limited to nor does it exist

within our brain. Therefore, it appears that the brain may have a simplifying and non-

producing function to experience consciousness.

2.3.5 Modern Day Communications

When examining this idea of communication between the imperceptible non-

local, unified field and our observable, physical 3-dimensional reality, it seems applicable

to equate it with modern day communication. Moment to moment, all living beings are

exposed to an unceasing interchange of electromagnetic information fields from Wi-Fi,

cell phone towers, TV, radio, radars and computers. Humans do not realize the massive

amounts of electromagnetic frequency that exist and permeate the entire planet. We are

constantly saturated by millions of mobile calls, satellite TV channels, Wi-Fi, etc.

Humans are only conscious of these electromagnetic information fields when we are

engaged and use our mobile phones, get onto the Internet or watch TV.

The electromagnetic frequency that is received is neither inside the mobile

phone, laptop or TV but rather the receiver of the information is from the electromagnetic

fields becoming observable to our human senses and therefore perception transpires

within our consciousness. A prime example is the Internet, with more than a billion

websites, which can be simultaneously received in Europe, Asia and the US, but is

clearly not located in our laptop. The images and sound we experience on TV shows are

transmitted to the cable or satellite receiver boxes.

It is remarkable to reference that the deduction that our brain acts as a

transceiver and not as a manufacturer of consciousness is in noticeable agreement with

the perspective that was stated in 1898 by William James who conveyed that the brain’s

role in the occurrence of consciousness is not a productive but rather a transmissive role

as it transmits information. In James’ view, consciousness does not begin in the 3-

dimensional, physical world for it already exists multidimensionally. Accessing facets of

consciousness depends on one’s own ‘threshold of consciousness’, where for some

people is lower than others. This allows people to experience various aspects of

heightened awareness. James uses abnormal experiences of consciousness to support

his theory: ‘The whole drift of my education goes to persuade me that the world of our

present consciousness is only one out of many worlds of consciousness that exist, and

that those other worlds must contain experiences which have a meaning for our life

also’.78 Other scientists from that era such as Frederic William Henry Myers and Henri


James (1898)

Bergson shared the same view as James. 79, 80

More recently in 2009, a Professor of Philosophy at University of Berkley, Alva

Noë proposed that the brain’s purpose is that of enabling a dynamic pattern of

communication between the brain, body and world. Noë states: “All scientific theories

rest on assumptions. It is important that these assumptions be true. I will try to convince

the reader that this startling assumption of consciousness research that consciousness

is a neuro-scientific phenomenon and that it happens in the brain is badly mistaken.

Consciousness does not happen in the brain. What determines and controls the

character of conscious experience is not the associated neural activity. That is why we

have been unable to come up with a good explanation of its neural basis. 81

2.3.6 NDE Conclusion

Establishing a scientific case for consciousness as a non-local, universal

occurrence can add to new concepts about the connection between consciousness and

the physical body. This idea can be the impetus for further investigation since there are

still many questions about consciousness, life and death that remain unrequited.

Nevertheless, faced with astonishing results we must question a purely materialist

paradigm in science. A near-death experience is one such amazing discovery. NDE

scientific studies challenge our current theories about consciousness and its relation with

brain function.

Furthermore, the deductions of recent NDE research may result in an essential


Bergson (1896)
Myers (1903)
Noë (2009)

adjustment of one’s view about death, due to the inevitable assumption that

consciousness, along with the Self-identity, will continue to be experienced in another

dimension, in which all past, present, and future is simultaneously enclosed. From my

own NDE, I can verify that the death process is a transfer of consciousness procedure,

similar to when our awareness leaves the physical body to traverse the higher

dimensional planes when we go to sleep at night. Nevertheless, I must acknowledge that

NDE research cannot give us the irrefutable, scientific proof of this conclusion, because

like most people with an NDE, I did not permanently leave my physical body, although I

was very close to completing the death process. I experienced heightened awareness

along with my continuing Self-identity, which was experienced separate of my physical

body. I have verified that outside of the physical body, we still have conscious memories

and experiences. More importantly is when my new, higher consciousness returned

back into the physical body, the reintegration of the higher dimensional, non-local

consciousness must have shifted and changed the morphogenetic fields of my cells,

thereby eradicating any residual drugs in my body.

The conclusion appears enthralling that perpetual, non-local consciousness has

always existed independently from the physical body. Thus we need to seriously

consider the probability that death, like birth, can only be a transfer to another state of

consciousness. Throughout our life, the physical body acts as a resonance interface in

which non-local consciousness permits us to understand a wide variety of special states

of consciousness, such as mystical and religious experiences, deathbed visions (end-of-

life experiences), shared death experiences, peri-mortem and post-mortem experiences

(after death communication, or non-local interconnectedness with the consciousness of

deceased relatives), heightened intuitive feelings and prognostic dreams (non-local

information exchange), remote viewing (non-local perception), and perhaps even the

effect of consciousness on matter like in neuroplasticity (non-local perturbation) .82

Conclusively, I would like to review some of the implications of non-local

consciousness and NDE in relation to ethical, medical, and social issues in our primarily

western, materialist society. Let us postulate that non-local consciousness predates our

birth and survives the death of our physical body in a non-local dimension. Hence, there

would be no beginning or end to our consciousness. There would only be perpetual

consciousness beyond space and time. These conclusions of NDE research are

important for many aspects in healthcare, since this non-local perspective of

consciousness may well incite a massive change in the scientific paradigm in western

medicine. It might have practical implications in actual medical and ethical problems

such caring for patients in a coma, euthanasia, abortion, and the removal of organs for

transplantation from somebody in the dying process with a beating heart in a warm body

but with a diagnosis of brain death.

2.3.7 Healthcare Implications

Research information on near-death experience may be able to assist immensely

and be of great practical importance to general practitioners and to dying patients.

Knowledge of these amazing, conscious experiences that occur during a period of

clinical death, coma, and the dying (end-of-life experiences and shared-death

experiences), or even after death (after death communication, or peri and post-mortem

experiences) can be very helpful during severe health crisis. Near-death experiences

often result in immense life changes, including the loss of the fear of death. The personal

consequences of NDE’s are far more intense than doctors, nurses, and relatives ever


Van Lommel (2010)

imagined. Fear of death and of the dying process often notifies decisions on ethical and

medical issues on the part of doctors, patients, and families. A fresh perspective on

death that considers a perpetual stream of consciousness after death of the physical

body, will have disadvantages for the way healthcare providers deal with patients in

coma, as well with resuscitated or dying patients. Ongoing improvement of the quality of

healthcare is not just contingent on technical and medical advances, but also on

compassion for individual patients and their families.

I permanently shifted after my NDE for it provided me a sentient experience of

non-locality in which 1) time and space is irrelevant, 2) the past, present and future is

simultaneous, 3) where I felt complete freedom and 4) where I experienced my true

cosmic nature of energy. Subsequent the NDE, I realized that everything is

interconnected, that every thought is like an energetic seed which has an effect on the

entire planetary morphogenetic field. However, the most important realization was that

consciousness precedes matter and continues past physical death. There is much to

learn from people who are willing to share their NDE with others. Dag Hammerskjöld

stated: “Our ideas about death define how we live our life”. 83

As long as we have the fear of death or believe that death is the end of all that

we are, we give our power over to the material aspects of our life. We must acknowledge

that the majority of our perspective of the world is erroneous, because we do not realize

that the world only derives its subjective reality from our consciousness. It is our

consciousness that determines how we perceive this 3-dimensional reality. When we are

in love, our reality is beautiful, when we are stricken by illness, our reality is hell, and

when we live in fear our reality will be full of anxiety. John Milton wrote in his poem,


Hammerskjöld (1964)

“Paradise Lost”: ‘The mind in its own place, and in itself, can make a heaven of hell’. 84

It took an NDE for me to think about the potentiality of experiencing

consciousness independent of the physical body and to realize that death does not

actually exist, that consciousness is foundation of existence and that true self-healing is

possible when we shift and connect with non-local consciousness at higher dimension.

The results and conclusions of NDE scientific studies offer the opportunity to re-evaluate

our relationship with the entire cosmos and ourselves.


The current allopathic, western medical model has ignored bio-energetic

methods for health imbalances and disorders. This is mainly due to the repercussion of

the Flexner Report 85 that recommended only accepting medical schools in America

that taught the use of pharmaceutical therapies. Eighty-nine (89) to one hundred and

fifty-five (155) medical schools focusing on other medical modalities like biophysical,

homeopathic or natural treatments were systematically closed between 1910 and 1935.

Allopathic medicine bases its diagnosis on physical means like ECG, 86 EEG, 87 CT, 88

and MRI 89 as well as chemical means like laboratory studies. When it comes to

conventional therapy, the biochemical approach seems to be favored, although the

most dramatic results for chronic illness are achieved with physical treatments.90


Milton (1674)
Flexner (1910)
Rivera-Ruiz, Cajavilca, and Varon (1927)
Haas (2003)
Beckmann (2006)
Damadian (1971)
New Scientist (2014)

Stimulating the body with electric impulses has been done for a long time– from

using electric eels in the past to transcutaneous nerve stimulation (TENS) in more

modern times. These days electric stimulators get implanted, be it a pacemaker for the

heart to treat irregular and slow heartbeats, for the brain to treat epilepsy, dementia

(electromagnetic pulses) and even Parkinson’s disease, and for the stomach to ensure

a regular emptying in patients with slow-transit constipation.

The most remarkable results recently were the implants of stimulators at the

spinal cord for paraplegics and their ability to move their limbs while the nerves were

stimulated electrically.91 Another noteworthy approach is for the treatment of

glioblastoma (a fast growing malignant brain tumor): the Novo TTF uses an electric field

around the head to successfully disturb tumour cells from dividing.92

Over the past twenty years we have learned much more about electrical energy

in the human body and even the more subtle energies are now measurable with modern

technology. Lynn McTaggart’s book “The Field” 93 and Dr. James Oschman’s book

“Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis” 94 contains a great collection of studies about

the subject. With his experiments, Peter Fraser95, 96 laid the foundation for Quantum

Medicine; over the past thirty years he developed a way to measure the subtle energies

that are emitted by the human body and mapped out what he termed the ‘Human Body

Field’ (HBF), the relationships of subsystems of the HBF within the human body and the


Angeli, Edgerton, Gerasimenko, and Harkema (2014)
Understanding NovoTTF
McTaggart (2008)
Oschman (2000)
Fraser and Massey (2008)
Fraser (2012)

energy and information transfer between them. The description of this system leans

towards the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) model with its description of

acupuncture points and meridians. TCM has been practiced for thousands of years and

although the Chinese did not know as much as we do now about bioelectrical energy, it

shows that their theoretical model of health works97 otherwise it would have been

abandoned by the World Health Organization (WHO) and not accepted as a valuable

treatment modality.

Quantum Medicine is a science that restores the natural, organic flow of

information within the biological energetic (bio-energetic) fields of a living organism. This

new integrative model of energetic pathology and physiology utilizes the principles of

quantum physics such as non-locality, quantum entanglement and discontinuous leap in

consciousness and applies it to the world of natural medicine. Quantum physics (also

referred to as quantum mechanics or quantum theory) is a division of physics that deals

with discrete, indivisible units of energy called “quanta” that explains the behavior and

nature of energy and matter within the atomic and subatomic level. Quantum Medicine

integrates natural medicine with Traditional Chinese Medicine, Oriental Medicine,

Homeopathy, Mind/Body Medicine, Biochemistry, Nutrition, Ayurveda and many others

to provide a clinical protocol far more potent than any one alternative method alone.98

The source of imbalance and disease is due to an obstruction of information in

the bio-energetic field and is proven through the research of Peter Fraser in his book

“Decoding the Human Body Field”.99 Thus, it is no secret that human body is much

more than just physical matter.


Zhang (1983)
Frau (2012)
Fraser and Massey (2008)

In fact, when viewed through modern technology such as an Electrophotonic Imagining

(EPI) GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization) Bioelectrography camera, the true nature of

the human organism is revealed of being composed of light and sound frequencies.

Along with Ekaterina Jakovleva, M.D., Ph.D., Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Ph.D. wrote

“Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine” in which they present cited works from peer-

review journals proving that it is clear that Electrophotonic technique has a high potential

in analyzing the human energy field for health and wellbeing, as well as monitoring the

reaction of people to different influences and treatments. 100

German theoretical physicist, Max Plank, stated: “I regards consciousness as

fundamental. I regard matter as a derivative from consciousness”.101 According to

theoretical quantum physicist, Dr. Amit Goswami, Ph.D., the core of his quantum

medicine model centers on “consciousness as the ground of being” while surrounded by

the following principles of quantum physics: 1) non-locality, 2) tangled hierarchy, and 3)

discontinuity. This current model also includes the Five Elements of Traditional Chinese

Medicine and the Seven Chakras of the Ayurveda healing system. These bodies of

knowledge literally have thousands of information available so I will not reiterate it here

but I will offer a more detailed body of ancient information that predates the ancient

Chinese and Ayurvedic systems by at least 246,000 years called the Maharata Texts.

The 590 volumes of the ancient Maharata Texts are the original translations of seven

older sets of ancient records that traces can be found in India’s “Mahabharata” writings

and in pre-ancient, pre-diluvian (pre-Flood) Sumerian clay tablets.102


Jakovleva and Korotkov (2013)
Plank (1931)
Deane (2001)

2.4.1 Non-Locality

Quantum non-locality was what Albert Einstein contemptuously called “spooky

actions at a distance”, which in reality meant that he had no idea what it was or how it

occurred. Non-locality proposes the deceptive ability of two objects to instantaneously

know about each other’s state, despite being separated by vast distances and suggests

that the universe is in fact profoundly different from our understanding of it. This very

notion went against Einstein’s established speed of light theory and proposes that

instantaneous transfer of information is indeed possible through the unified

morphogenetic field.103 In fact, Einstein was so against the conclusions of non-locality

that at one point declared the entire quantum theory wrong and never accepted the idea

of non-locality. Non-locality is often referred to as the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR)

paradox and has been illustrated through Bell’s Theorem and published by John Bell in

1964. It has been subsequently proven, through the practical experiments, in 1972 by

John Clauser and Stuart Freedman104 and in 1981 by physicist Alain Aspect.105 Aspect

and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as

electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the

distance separating them. It doesn’t matter whether they are ten feet or ten billion miles

apart. The late, great physicist David Bohm (1917-1992) understood Aspect's findings to

mean that objective reality does not have a solid and separate existence, but that the

universe is a hologram. Bohm believed the reason subatomic particles are able to

remain in contact with one another regardless of the distance separating them is not

because they are sending some sort of mysterious signal back and forth, but because


Deane (2002)
Freedman and Clauser (1972)
Aspect, Grangier, and Roger (1981)

their separateness was an illusion. Bohm postulates that the ultimate nature of physical

reality is not a collection of separate objects (as it appears to us), but rather it is an

undivided whole that is in perpetual dynamic flux. For Bohm, the insights of quantum

mechanics and relativity theory point to a universe that is undivided and in which all

parts merge and unite in one totality. Bohm suggested that the universe is like a

hologram. 106

2.4.2 Quantum Entanglement

Non-locality occurs due to the phenomenon known as quantum entanglement,

whereby particles that interact with each other become permanently correlated, or

dependent on each other’s states and properties, to the extent that they effectively lose

their individuality and in many ways behave as a single entity. The two concepts of non-

locality and entanglement go very much hand in hand, and, peculiar though they may

be, they are facts of quantum systems, which have been repeatedly demonstrated in

laboratory experiments. For example, if a pair of electrons are created together, one will

have clockwise spin and the other will have anti-clockwise spin (spin is a particular

property of particles whose details need not concern us here, the salient point being that

there are two possible states and that the total spin of a quantum system must always

cancel out to zero). However, under quantum theory, a superposition is also possible, so

that the two electrons can be considered to simultaneously have spins of clockwise

anticlockwise and anticlockwise clockwise respectively. If the pair are then separated by

any distance (without observing and thereby deciphering them) and then later checked,

the second particle can be seen to instantaneously take the opposite spin to the first, so


Bohm (1980)

that the pair maintains its zero total spin, no matter how far apart they may be, and in

total violation of the speed of light law.

2.4.3 Discontinuity

Quantum Discontinuity is the emission or absorption of a definite amount of

energy that accompanies a quantum jump. 107 Consciousness, for example, is

discontinuous in nature and although it appears to be continuous, it is actually made up

of discrete intervals. 108 Discontinuity provides the evidence behind 'spontaneous'

change; for example, a miraculous healing that cannot be explained by normal


2.4.4 Downward Causation

Downward Causation was a term created by Donald Campbell, an evolutionary

epistemologist in the 1970s, in which the belief is that material emergence is tangible

due to larger entities that cause changes in the properties and dynamics of their parts. A

simple formulation is by Bern-Olaf Küppers: “The whole determines the behavior of its

parts”.109 According to Dr. Amit Goswami, downward causation suggests that there is a

higher reality, universal consciousness or God, which precedes matter and that maybe

the matter is even within that consciousness as a “possibility” that only seems real when

we observe it. The idea of a God on a throne up high giving orders is a primitive idea,

but scientific evidence is in fact showing that downward causation is real. This model is


Bodovitz (2004)
Küppers (1992)

contrary to the “Upward Causation” model that suggests manifest reality is comprised

through particles creating atoms, which in turn creates molecules, which creates

elements and ultimately our brain.110

In the current quantum medicine model proposed by Dr. Goswami, the downward

causation model begins with the concept of consciousness as being the ground of all

being meaning that everything in existence originates from the one Source (Universal

Consciousness) of all energy and that all is interconnected. Continuing from the

universal consciousness is the second level down, the ‘Supra-Mental Body’, which is

encrypted with the optimal blueprint for every being. At this scale, Goswami states this is

where the soul of the individual resides and it is here where the potentiality of

discontinuity or a quantum leap can induce spontaneous remission.

The next level down is what is known as the ‘Mental Body’ or the mind, the level

of the conscious and subconscious minds that work collectively to create your own

reality. The next level in Goswami’s downward causation model is the ‘Vital Body’, which

contains the morphogenetic blueprints of everything in the physical body.111 Distortions

in the flow of information in the ‘Vital Body’ manifest and materialize within the physical


The last and final level in this downward causation model is the physical body,

which is the end product of ALL previous levels. It is from here that the current allopathic

medicine model addresses their perspective of healing where in fact no true healing

occurs since the focus is treatment of the symptoms not the root cause of the disease or

illness. There is a saying that is apropro, ‘God is in the detail’. While this downward

causation model is a representation of the belief systems of the researchers and the


110 (2009)
Goswami (2004)

recent ancient cultures, it is simply too general to describe how energy/consciousness

truly materializes into physical matter.

Fig. 6 – Current Quantum Medicine 5 Energy Bodies Model

2.4.5 Vibrational Down-Stepping (Stair-Step Creation Process)

Vibrational Downstepping is the organic process by and through which Source

(All That Is) perpetually manifests itself through dimensionalization into individuated

manifest expression for the purpose of experiencing space-time-matter reality. When the

original stream of consciousness enters dimensionalized structures of the ‘Time Matrix’,

its original arrangement and the ‘fractal’ breakdown, fragmenting its consciousness

through the dimensional fractal scale producing new individuation.112 Every being and

thing in any manifest reality field comes into being through this organic process of Primal

Creation Physics and implies that every being, including humans, are directly,


Deane (2002)

energetically and eternally connected to specific, fixed structures of multidimensional

energy anatomy, and their corresponding interdimensional stations of conscious identity.

All initially emerged from the eternal state of pure consciousness. This model of reality is

called ‘Evolutionary Determinism” or the “Stair-Step Creation” model.

Fig. 7 – Stair Step Creation Model

This process can be perceived as a singular beam of light and sound,

holographically refracting within the scalar energy fields of the Time Matrix, dispersing

itself into multiple beams (or Sacred Rays). Each new beam of light and sound

consciousness that is formed through the splitting of the original consciousness retains

part of the original fractal design of the original stream of consciousness. It also creates

new, smaller streams that manifest as further differentiated identities and manifest

forms. In relation to human form, the structure of dimensionalized consciousness takes

the form of the 15 dimensional identities of the Time Matrix structure. 113

Fig. 8 – One 15-Dimensional Time Matrix


Deane (2002)

Universal Morphogenetic Fields are also known as “Time Matrices”. There are

innumerable time matrices with the “Energy Matrix”, which are collectively referred to as

“The Time Matrix”.114 All time matrices within the “Cosmic Energy Matrix” follow a

specific mathematical-geometrical program through which space-time and matter can be

experienced by consciousness upon the time matrix structure. Within one time matrix

there are fifteen (15) dimensions arranged into sets of three (3) dimensions forming five

(5) three-dimensional reality fields called “Harmonic Universes” (HU).115 Each harmonic

universe represents a level of matter densification specific to its intrinsic rates of

vibration and oscillation.

Source perpetually sets manifestation in motion through engaging its awareness

in the process of Vibrational Downstepping or “Though Formation”. Downstepping

occurs though contracting the consciousness into a singular point of focus, a “creation

intention” or “thought vibration”, to create the first individuation of attention: Stillpoint

Creation-Point. Downstepping is how Source replicates ‘Self’ down into smaller parts

while still maintaining the eternal life mathematical encryption and connection so that

Source can experience and learn about itself on many different levels of existence. The

full quantum of Source is so powerful that replication but with lesser quantum is needed

in order to maintain integrity for the many smaller systems that are always within but

hold differentiation with Source.116


Deane (2002)
Deane (2001)
Deane (2002)

This pattern of downstepping created through ‘deflection fields’ is how frequency

currents down step throughout creation. On one level Source manifests as electrical

expanding, oscillating currents and on the next level the currents of Source deflect to

become opposite magnetic contracting or vibrating currents. God-Source creates the

first downstepping and through this process creates within itself.

In the manifestation process of Stair Step Creation, the entire Primal Substance

of the universe itself is a conscious, living manifestation of the omnipresent identity of

God-Source expressed in the form of energetic thought constructions and thus all things

manifest are living expressions of the identity of God.

Scientific understanding of the universal physics inherent to the Stair Step

Creation process allow us to spiritually comprehend that God is not a far-distant,

patriarchal authoritarian creator that “once upon a time created mankind”. The living

fields of specifically ordered energy, through which a central God-Source expresses its

consciousness in the form of manifestation, show us that God is a living omnipresent

spirit that perpetually manifests as it moves through all things at all times, and that

creation itself is continually and perpetually occurring. The scientific dynamics of Stair

Step Creation imply the spiritual condition that God resides within and expresses directly

through the human being, and exists within every manifest and non-manifest form in the

exterior and interior worlds. 117


Deane (2002)

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material in humans and almost

all other organisms. Nearly every cell in 99% of all human bodies has the same DNA.

Most DNA is located in the cell nucleus (where it is called nuclear DNA), but a small

amount of DNA can also be found in the mitochondria (where it is called mitochondrial

DNA or mtDNA).118 An important property of DNA is that it can replicate, or make copies

of itself. Each strand of DNA in the double helix can serve as a pattern for duplicating the

sequence of bases. This is critical when cells divide because each new cell needs to

have an exact copy of the DNA present in the old cell.

2.5.1 Russian and German DNA Research

According to Russian scientists Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf, the human

DNA is likened to a biological Internet that can be influenced and reprogrammed by

sound frequencies such as words without the primitive way of cutting out and splicing

genes.119 It is preposterous for modern day western scientists to only focus their

research on the 10% of our DNA that is being used for protein building and label the

other 90% as “junk DNA”. Again, this is evidence that modern day science and medicine

is three-dimensional in perspective when they should have a multidimensional approach.

According to Russian researchers, linguists and geneticists, DNA is not only responsible

for the building of our body but acts as data storage and communication pathway. The

Russian linguists found that the genetic code within the introns (junk DNA) adhere to the

same rules as all our human languages.


Fosar and Bludorf (2001)

They associated the rules of syntax120, semantics121 and the basic rules of grammar. It

was discovered that the DNA alkalines follow ordered grammar and have set rules just

like our languages. Consequently, human languages did not appear coincidentally but

are a reflection of our inherent DNA. 122

Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Dr. Pjotr Garjajev and Russian

researcher Dr.Vladimir Poponin have been carrying out pioneering research into the

vibrational state of DNA. They did not accept that 90% of our DNA is ‘Junk DNA’. Fosar

and Bludorf examined these results and stated: "Living chromosomes function just like

solitonic (scalar)/holographic computers using the endogenous DNA laser radiation." 123

They went further by suggesting that “the human DNA is a biological Internet and is

superior in many aspects than the artificial one”.124

Equally amazing DNA research comes from German theoretical physicist Fritz-

Albert Popp, PhD. His research and experiments on how the DNA of living cells stores

and releases photons guided Popp to the conclusion that “We now know, today, that

man is essentially a being of light.”125 From Popp’s experiments, he coined the term

“biophotons” to differentiate the astounding implications of ordinary light versus

biophotonic light, or what others call “higher-dimensional light.” According to Popp, not

only does living DNA communicate with other DNA in the body through these

biophotons, it also has the capability of communicating to other bodies, and even other

life forms. Biophotonics is a branch of quantum biology that engages with


Syntax: the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences.
Semantics: the study of meaning in language forms
122, 123, 124
Fosar and Bludorf (2001)
Rattemeyer, Popp, and Nagl (1981)

communications between single-photons and physical, biological matter for the purpose

of understanding the inner mechanisms of cells and tissues in living organisms. It is

perhaps the optimum explanation for comprehending cell function by integrating

molecular activities within the living cells.

The biological emission of biophotons is a term used to describe the permanent

ultraweak (1-100 photons/sec/cm2) emission of coherent (phase-locked and/or

frequency-locked) photons from living systems.126 Popp measured it to be a quantum

biological occurrence with a bio-informational quality separate from the non-coherent

emission of photons as by-products of metabolism, for example similar to thermal

radiation and bio-luminescence/chem-iluminescence caused by radical reactions,

oxidation etc. Biophoton or ultraweak photon emission stems from relaxation of

electronically excited states of the elements of live cells that are commonly associated

with the presence of an oxidative metabolism that accompanies the production of

reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS then contribute in the wide spectrum control of

biochemical and physiological functions. Biophoton/ultraweak photon emission reflects

the pathophysiological state with respect to mitochondrial energy (ATP) production and

the susceptibility to oxidative stress that is originated from the extreme production of

ROS or a lack of activity for antioxidant protection.

Ultraweak Photon Emission (UPE) or Biophoton emission (BPE) refers to

the occurrence of constant and spontaneous emission of light from all biological systems

including humans due to metabolic activities, without excitation or enhancement. This

occurs in the visible and UV part of the electromagnetic spectrum at ultra low intensities,

on the order of 10-16 – 10-18 W/cm2. The clear emission of bio-photons is associated


Popp (1976)

with energy and information transfer procedures in the biological organisms, which has

been connected to the function of DNA and to gene regulation.

There have been proposed various mechanisms of production, emission, and

absorption of bio-photons, which concern metabolic and homeostatic processes,

biorhythms, intracellular and intercellular communication, cell growth and differentiation,

regulation of biochemical and morphogenetic processes, and microtubule function, etc.

Additionally, many governments have experimentally verified this occurrence along with

independent university research laboratories in unicellular organisms, separate cell

cultures that exhibit photon communication resulting in synchronization of their emission

pattern, tumor cells that exhibit characteristic photon emission pattern different from

normal cells, tissues, organs, plants, animals, and humans.

Due to variation in photon emission between health and sickness, comparative

studies involve the effect of microbial infections in biological systems, the correlation with

states of health, and new methods of interpretation and assessing pathological states

such as cancer and multiple sclerosis. Additional experimental investigations suggest

that ultraweak photon emission from the surface of the human skin is emitted in the

visual and in the infrared spectrum and is also strongly correlated to electrodermal

activity.127 In cancer diagnosis, the use of near-field electrical measurements, in

addition to the far-field technique of ultraweak photon emission, utilizes frequency

selective (resonant) absorption of electromagnetic waves in malignant tumors. 128


Popp and Kong, et al. (1989)
Pokorny, et al. (2012)

2.5.2 Introns (Junk DNA) and Intelligent Design

In 1990, The Human Genome Project was unveiled with its sole purpose to

decode and map the entire human DNA based upon a test human selected from a group

of anonymous donors. A decade later in 2000, the group announced that entire human

genome had been sequenced. The big surprise to the scientists was that active genes

make up only 3% of the total DNA in our chromosomes. These active genes are either

clustered together in larger groups or all alone, however, in between each gene

sequence there are long stretches of nonprotein-coding DNA that do not appear to

contain any type of code for anything. These stretches have been referred to by most

scientists as “introns” or “junk DNA,” mainly because they haven not figured out what

secret message it conceals. From their perspective, discovery of the nonprotein-coding

regions confirmed the prediction of naturalistic evolutionary theories and disconfirmed an

inherent prediction of intelligent design. As philosopher of science Philip Kitcher states:

“If you were designing the genomes of organisms, you would not fill them up with


The theory of intelligent design forecasts that most of the nonprotein-coding

sequences in the genome should perform some biological function, even if they do not

direct protein synthesis. As William Dembski explained and predicted in 1998: “On an

evolutionary view we expect a lot of useless DNA. If, on the other hand, organisms are

designed, we expect DNA, as must as possible, to exhibit function.” 130 The recent

discovery that nonprotein-coding DNA implements a variety of important biological

functions has confirmed the


Kitcher (2007)
Dembski (1998)

prediction. This conclusively disproves critics of intelligent design who have argued that

the genome is composed of mostly useless DNA. 131

Recent scientific discoveries have shown that the nonprotein-coding regions of

the genome direct the producing of RNA molecules that regulate the use of the protein-

coding regions of DNA. Cell and genome biologists have also discovered that these

supposedly “useless” nonprotein-coding regions of the genome: 1) regulate DNA

replication,132 2) regulate transcription,133 3) mark sites for programmed

rearrangements of genetic material,134 4) influence the proper folding and maintenance

of chromosomes,135 5) control the interactions of chromosomes with the nuclear

membrane and matrix,136 6) control RNA processing, editing, and splicing,137 7)

modulate translation,138 8) regulate embryological development,139 9) repair DNA,140

and 10) aid in immunodefense or fighting disease.141 In several cases, introns have

even been discovered to code functional genes.142 Overall, the nonprotein-coding

regions of the genome function like an operating system in a computer, which can direct


ENCODE Project Consortium (2007)
Von Sternberg and Shapiro (2005)
Han, Szak, and Boeke (2004)
Green (2007)
Henikoff, Ahmad, and Malik (2001); Bell, West, and Felsenfeld (2001)
Jordan, et al. (2003), Henikoff, Ahmad, and Malik (2001), Schueler, et al. (2001)
Chen, DeCerbo, and Carmichael (2008); Jurka (2004)
McKenzie and Brennan (1996)
Dunlap, et al. (2006)
Morrish, et al. (2002)
Mura, et al. (2004)
Goh, et al. (2005)

multiple operations simultaneously.143 Contrary to being called “junk”, as materialistic

theories of evolution assumed, the nonprotein-coding DNA directs the use of other

information in the genome, similar to an operating system directs the use of information

contained in various application programs stored in a computer.

Fig. 9 – The coding (exons) and noncoding (introns) regions of the DNA.

Whereas western mainstream science participated in the Human Genome

Project focusing on the 3% of the encoding triplets of DNA, Dr. Pjotr Garjajev and a

group of Russian scientists formed to research the entire human genome. Unlike the

western scientists, the Russian research adopted a wide perspective in their

experiments. Their research discovered that the “junk DNA” had been completely

abandoned and disregarded by western mainstream science. Research in linguistics

unveiled that the sequencing of the nonprotein-coding DNA follows the rules of basic

syntax. Similar to a biological language, there is a definite structure and logic in the


Mattick and Gagen (2001)

sequence of these triplets. Further investigations disclosed that the codons actually form

words and sentences just like the human language follows grammar rules. 144

Despite much research into the origins of human languages and the grammatical

rules that are fundamental to all human languages, science has been unsuccessful in

locating the source.145 However, for the first time in modern history, the origins of

language may be unexpectedly credited to DNA. The language of the genes is much

more ancient than any human language that was ever spoken on this planet. It is even

plausible that the DNA grammar itself served as the blueprint for the development of

human speech. 146

2.5.3 DNA Reprogramming

While the Human Genome Project decoded the “machine language” code of the

DNA molecule, Russian scientists discovered the higher-level language present in DNA.

Garjajev’s group discovered that DNA could be altered. The codons of the DNA string

can be rearranged in different sequences. Ultimately, the software of the human genome

can be reprogrammed. Studies confirmed that the triplets in the DNA sequence are able

to exchange places.147 As western scientists cut and spliced single genes from the DNA

strands, Garjajev’s group actively worked on devices that can influence the cellular

metabolism through suitable modulated radio and light frequencies and thus repair

genetic defects. Garjajev’s research group proved that with this method, damaged

chromosomes by x-rays could be repaired. They even captured information patterns of a


Garjajev (1997)
Christiansen and Kirby (2003)
Diller and Cann (2009)
Shchyolkina, et al. (2003)

particular DNA and transmitted it onto another, thus reprogramming cells to another

genome.148 For example, they successfully transformed frog embryos to salamander

embryos simply by transmitting the DNA information patterns. Could my higher-level,

non-local consciousness have somehow reprogrammed my DNA during my near-death

experience? Let us further examine.

2.5.4 The DNA Phantom Effect

Another experiment involved exposing test tubes with in vitro DNA to coherent

laser light; the laser light spiraled along the DNA double helix as if it was directed by the

structure of the DNA molecule. The most remarkable effect was when the DNA itself was

removed from the test tube; the laser light kept spiraling. The vacuum of the space that

was just previously occupied by the DNA had altered and something triggered the laser

light to keep spiraling. These effects have been measured and remained for quite some

time after the DNA was removed. The effect is now becoming well known as the DNA

phantom effect.149 Dr. Vladimir Poponin and his team of Russian Academy scientists

repeated the “Phantom DNA Effect”. Poponin concluded, yet again, that a field structure

was formed in the physical vacuum even when the original DNA was removed. We’ve

seen similar examples of vacuum changes before that could be attributed to torsion

fields.150 The Russian scientists also discovered that our DNA could cause disturbing

patterns in the vacuum, thus producing magnetized wormholes.151 Wormholes are the


Garjajev (1990)
Gariaev and Junin (1989); Gariaev, et al. (1991); Gariaev (1994)
Kaznacejev and Michailova (1999)
Fosar and Bludorf (2001)

infinitesimal equals of the supposed Einstein-Rosen bridges152 in the locality of black

holes. These are energetic tunnel systems between different dimensional planes through

which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA magnetizes

these pieces of information and delivers them instantaneously to our consciousness.

2.5.5 Hyper-Communication / Keylontic Communication

What the Russian scientists were observing is called “Hyper-communication,”

where information is passed inter-dimensionally.153 The DNA behaves like a

multidimensional doorway or “star-gate” between different dimensions. The process of

hyper-communication is similar to what psychics call “intuition” and is most effective in a

relaxation state. Russian scientists deduced that energy from outside of space and time

still flows through the activated wormholes after the DNA was removed. The side effect

encountered most often in hyper-communication and also in human beings is

incomprehensible electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of the persons affected. Electronic

devices like laptop computers and radios mysteriously stop working. When the

electromagnetic field slowly dissipates, the devices function normally again. This is true

for many qi-gong healers and they know this effect from their work. 154

Hyper-communication can be observed in nature through the insect kingdom,

especially the bees and ants. 155 When a queen bee is separated from her bee colony,

worker bees continue their work building and protecting the hive. If the queen bee is


Einstein-Rosen Bridge, or wormhole, is a hypothetical topological feature that could connect
two separate points in spacetime. (Wikipedia)
Fosar and Bludorf (2001)
Sancier and Hu (1991)
Fosar and Bludorf (2001)

killed, all work in the hive comes to a halt. The bees from the colony have no purpose

and become disorganized. When the queen bee was alive, she would transmit her

instructions to the colony via the collective bee consciousness, even though she was

miles away. With humans, hyper-communication occurs when a person suddenly

downloads information outside of one’s own personal knowledge base.

This type of hyper-communication is also known as Keylontic Communication,156

which is an electronic, bio-neurological data-stream transmission that: 1) does not cause

human DNA damage, and 2) does not intrude or invade the human biology or bio-

energetic field. Through the natural bio-chemical and electrical translation process

inherent to a human biological form, the electronically encoded information would

translate into one’s own native language as “direct cognition.”157

In 1975, when I was ten years old, I first experienced hyper-keylontic

communication as I was contemplating what subject to choose for my public speaking

contest, I suddenly wanted to know more about life after death. Twenty-five years later, I

undergo my spiritual awakening through my own near-death experience. This is a prime

example of how, as a ten-year-old child upon receiving this hyper-keylontic

communication download on life after death, my DNA magnetized this information,

created a wormhole and transmitted those bits of information to my non-local

consciousness, which is not bound by space and time, and manifested into my near-

death experience in 2000. Once more, what we are seeing here is information being

transmitted, inter-dimensionally, and it is even more interesting to note how information


Deane (2001)
Direct Cognition is direct, experiential knowing formatted in either word text or image
Bem and Honorton (1994)

can be passed between individuals whose DNA is magnetized. This may explain how

psychic children are able to exchange intricate ideas to each other through this invisible

unified field.158 This is a prime example of how DNA communicates over vast distances.

Similar to the Internet, our DNA can feed its accurate data into the network, retrieve the

data from the network and can connect with other members in the network. Thus,

phenomena such as remote viewing,159 telepathy,160 and remote healing161 can be

explained. In the animal kingdom, animals seem to know when their masters come

home.162 All of these examples can be explained via the concepts of non-local group

consciousness and hyper-keylontic communication.

Our DNA is like a biological "modem" for it allows us to simultaneously operate in

different realities, dimensions and densities. So, our DNA is multi-dimensional and not

something located only in the 3-D reality, like most scientists think. Here’s a question I

propose to all the mainstream scientists who either ignored or discarded the

multidimensional aspect of information, can they create a new species with the current

knowledge they have now? The answer is no. Can the advanced, multidimensional

beings and civilizations that explained in detail how humans were genetically

engineered, who carved that cuneiform information into clay tablets over 6000 years

ago,163 create a new species with the information they have? The answer is yes. That

should speak volumes.


Remote Viewing (Wikipedia)
Telepathy (Wikipedia)
Sheldrake (1999)
Dalley (1989), Zitchin (2004)

Hyper-keylontic communication is a vital part of the new paradigm shift that offers

something quite rare: the ability to self-heal. I know via my own NDE that when humans

reclaim their connection to the unified, non-local consciousness field, they apply that

non-local awareness to access their introns (junk DNA), they could essentially

reprogram the morphogenetic fields of their own DNA, thus reclaiming their inherent

ability to self-heal and self-regenerate. In order to fully understand DNA and its

implications for the potentiality of self-healing, we must examine the multidimensional

aspect of DNA through scalar wave morphogenetic field mechanics and see how it all

unifies with the advanced quantum medicine model I propose.


2.6.1 Introduction to Scalar Energy

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, the term ‘scalar’ means having an

uninterrupted series of steps.164 In physics, a ‘scalar’ is a physical quantity that only has

magnitude but no direction, unlike (or as a special case of) vectors, tensors, etc. which is

described by several numbers, which characterize magnitude and direction and a vector,

can be defined as a physical quantity that has magnitude and direction.165 In the world

of quantum theory and mechanics, a scalar energy field is associated with zero-spin

particles.166 Scalar waves are also called 'longitudinal waves’ or ''Tesla waves”.167

Nikola Tesla used the term scalar at the end of the last century as a part of powerful


scalar -
scalar -
scalar -

Scalar Fields (or scalar energy) are the framework of quantum mechanics and non-

Hertzian energy (without frequencies), which he referred to as standing energy or

cosmic waves, or zero-point energies.168 Scalar waves are postulated to be subtler than

X-rays or gamma rays - only one hundred millionth of a square centimeter in width. In

comparison, electromagnetic waves (for example radio waves) are measured by hertz

(or pulses per second) but can only be measured up to levels determined by the

sensitivity of the equipment being used as to how many cycles per second they


Due to my near-death experience, my understanding of scalar energy is more

multidimensional that what modern science believes. A scalar wave (or energy) is a

multi-dimensional, standing wave pattern that emanates out of a fixed point of sound-

tonal vibration within the morphogenetic field of the cosmic unified field of energy.170

Scalar Waves are forms of consciousness that appear to move from one place to

another, but in truth are stationary points of light (stay in on place or standing) that are

strung together in sequences, within the fabric of the cosmic morphogenetic field. The

appearance of the scalar wave movement is generated as sequences of scalar wave

points are activated (or "lighted") in synchronization with each other. An example is a

flashing billboard in N.Y.C.’s Times Square that appears to have movement yet in truth

does not move at all. This effect is achieved via a series of progressively flashing light

bulbs in a line, sequentially flashing off and on at different oscillation rates. Thus, it

appears that the light has moved from one point in the line to another. Scalar Waves


King, M. (1990)
Verismo, Christi
Deane, A. and Deane, A. (1999)

represent fixed points of perpetual fission and fusion that emanate from the fabric of

morphogenetic fields.

2.6.2 Benefits of Scalar Energy

Scalar energy is created when two electromagnetic waves come together from two

opposite converging vectors. When the energy vectors meet, the equal frequencies

cancel each other leaving a standing or stationary energy field. Scalar energy does not

flow like normal, transverse electromagnetic waves but instead occupies space and

increases in spatial mass. This space the scalar energy occupies is not a vacuum but

alive with checked and balanced energies as there is a continuous energy flow in this

active vacuum in the form of scalar electromagnetic pairs. This longitudinal, scalar

energy space has special properties that produce aspects of healing when exposed to

this energy field such as:

1. Increases the energy level of every single cell in the body to the ideal 70-90

millivolt range,171

2. Improves cell wall permeability thus facilitating the intake of nutrients into each

and every cell and the elimination of waste from each and every cell,172

3. Cleanses the blood, improving chylomicron (protein/fat particles floating in the

blood) and triglyceride profiles and improves fibrin patterns,173

4. Improves immune function by as much as 149% as proven in laboratory



Rein (1989)
172, 173, 174
Rein (1989)

5. Improves mental focus and balance the hemispheres of the brain as

demonstrated through EEG analysis, 175

6. Functions as an antidepressant since it inhibits the uptake of noradrenaline by

PC12 nerve cells, 176

At the Max Planck Institute in Germany, a scientist named Dr. Puharich conducted a

study wherein E. coli microorganisms were exposed to 8.00 Hz scalar fields that

increased activity of the RAD-6 gene, which codes for proteins involved in DNA

repair.177 Other experiments were also conducted that utilized the in vitro approach to

show that the scalar fields generated from an analog watch inhibit neurotransmitter

uptake into nerve cells via the same mechanism as tricyclic antidepressants. 178

Lab tests have also indicated that red and white blood cells tend to accumulate

together during illness, injury or poor health. Scalar energy “un-glues” the cells while

circulation is vastly improved in lymphatic and cardiovascular systems to flow

smoothly.179 It was concluded that optimal flow of bodily fluid systems accelerates the

self-healing process. Therefore, I postulate that exposure to scalar wave energy is the

essential electromagnetic healing phenomena of all healing procedures.


Rein and Korins, et al. (1987)
Greene and Rein (1977)
Puharich (1984)
Rein (1988)

2.6.3 Scalar vs. Electromagnetic

Scalar waves and electromagnetic (EM) waves differ in numerous important


1. Scalar waves are longitudinal and encompass the field; Electromagnetic waves

are transverse and travel like waves.

2. Scalar waves are instantaneous and have no loss of power over vast distances;

Electromagnetic waves lose power over distance.

3. Scalar waves can pass through solid metal objects with no loss of power;

Electromagnetic waves cannot.

Examples of electromagnetic waves are radio waves, light waves, and x-rays, while

examples of scalar waves are plasma waves, sound waves, and neutrino radiation. 180

2.6.4 Maxwell and Tesla

Scottish mathematician James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) originally discovered Scalar

waves.181 Maxwell connected electricity and magnetism laying the foundation for

modern physics, but unfortunately his research on scalar waves were deliberately left

out of his work by Heinrich Hertz, who laid down the foundation for physics as taught at

universities. Science of that era rejected Maxwell's scalar waves as 'supernatural'

because they were non-physical and only existed in the 'ethers' and so were determined

to be too inadequate for further investigation.182


Rein (1989)
Meyl (2001)
Maxwell (1865)

  Scalar waves would have been lost had it not been for the experiments of

experimental physicist Nicola Tesla (1856-1943). Over 100 years ago, Tesla measured

and proved the existence of scalar wave properties,183 which has recently been

confirmed by German Prof. Dr. Konstantin Meyl.184 Tesla later experimented using the

Heinrich Hertz’s research, which was proving the existence of electromagnetic waves.

As Tesla was experimenting with violently abrupt direct current electrical charges, scalar

energy (scalar) was rediscovered.185

By 1904, Tesla had developed transmitters to harness scalar energy from one

transmitter to another, undetectably bypassing time and space.186 He could just

materialize it from one place to another through hyperspace, without the use of wires, it

was just sucked right out of the space-time/vacuum and into a transmitter and into a

beam, which could be targeted to another transmitter. Regrettably, Tesla did not receive

financial backing for substituting electricity, and presently, this is the main cause why

scalar energy is still not acknowledged in mainstream physics. Although Tesla

discovered more for humanity in the field of science than the better known scientists like

Einstein and Hertz, he is still not credited in science books for his discovery of scalar

waves, a source of 'free-energy' obtainable as a limitless source of power that costs



Tesla (1904)
Meyl (2003)
Tesla (1905)

2.6.5 Morphogenetic Field Physics and Mechanics

As quantum physics attempts to reframe and explain electric and magnetic field

phenomena, quantum physics remains the “step-daughter” of field physics based solely

on postulates until it finds a way to calculate its quanta and a further “descendant” of

morphogenetic field mechanics.188 While field physics stems back to the early Greek

natural philosophers, morphogenetic field mechanics predates ancient cultures such as

the Sumerian civilization, as much as 246,000 years.189

The essential link between man, matter and the cosmos is referred to as a

‘Morphogenetic (form-holding) Field’ or ‘The Fabric of Creation’. Templates of conscious

light and sound, which serves as blueprints on which matter form and conscious identity

will manifest, encompass morphogenetic Fields. This occurs microcosmically and

macrocosmically. Therefore, the universe is one massive field of consciousness

embracing and containing all other forms where all experiences of reality and

manifestation take place. This cosmic structure and order is the basis of human order

and the human psyche in terms of the ‘Cosmic Divine Blueprint’ where experiential

reality fields are created of templates of energy, divided into groups and energy patterns,

which form the morphogenetic structure of each and all 15 dimensions.190 When we

attempt to explore the order of energy from which manifest reality arise, we are exploring

the multidimensional physics, mechanics and dynamics of dimensionalized reality.


Meyl (2010)
Deane (2002)
Deane (2002)

2.6.6 Partiki and Keylon Codes

Morphogenetic Fields are the blueprint upon which consciousness/energy

manifests and are comprised of the primal substance of what are called Source Particle

(or ‘Partiki’) units: 1. Ante-particle (SP1/Partiki) 2. Particle (SP+/Particum) 3. Anti-particle

(SP-/Partika). Partiki units are omni-polar (containing the polarities for all polarities or

none) units of vibrating energy that perpetually cycle back and forth between states of bi-

polar light radiation (scalar-standing-waves) and omni-polar sound vibration.191 Source

Particle Partiki units are the smallest building blocks of matter as they form the template

upon which consciousness/energy in all forms enters manifestation.192

Sp1/Partiki (an ultra-micro particle) is an electro-magnetic energy unit and are

the organizational intelligence and operational "life-force fuel" behind and within all

manifestations and consciousness/energy. Partiki operate as a minute, self-regenerating

"fission-fusion generators". Through the dynamics of their interaction they create and

maintain the electromagnetic fields of sound frequency and light spectra of which the

cosmos is composed. It is the smallest unit of energy in the cosmos; 800 billion Partiki

units could fit within an average 3-dimensional photon.193 They exist within and beyond

all particle and matter structures and represent what Nikola Tesla referred to as the

"radiant energy" out of which the cosmos is composed. Through interior polarization and

replication, created through self-generated fission and fusion, Partiki manufacture two

intrinsic sub-units of crystalline morphogenetic substance that serve as blueprints for

rhythms of pulsation through which particles (Particum) and anti-particles manifest

(Partika). Each Partiki perpetually breaks down into Particum and Partika, particle and


Deane, The Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course (2002) p.12
192, 193
Deane (2002) p.453-62

antiparticle, while simultaneously replicating the original Partiki, through the act of

internal fission.194 The replication serves to retain the pattern of the original, while the

Particum and the Partika serve to draw other Partiki units from the Unified Field (See

Fig. 1). The Particum and Partika are then magnetically drawn back together in an act of

fusion, through which they merge with the replica of the original Partiki out of which they

were created.195

Fig. 10 - The self-generated fission-fussion process of SP1 or Partiki

Partiki units draw together or accrete to form strings of partiki. Following a set of

mathematical and geometrical design inherent to the form, Partiki Strings interweave

and overlap; forming a "Fabric of Light and Sound" called ‘Partiki Grid’.196 Following the

precise mathematical design set by the intention of the manifesting consciousness,

Partiki Grids further accrete, drawing in more Partiki Units, forming groups of Partiki units

that are arranged following 3 different rhythms of Partiki Phasing. Tri-phase groupings of


194, 195, 196

Deane (2002) p.453-62

Partiki Units form patterns of scalar-wave and tri-tone wave interrelationships that

create crystallizations of energy called Keylons.197 Groups of Keylons continue to

accrete, forming complex Keylons arrangements called Keylon Codes, through which

the Manifestation Template is progressively built up from Ante-matter through various

stages of matter density, beginning with Pre- Matter Substance, the first density of Liquid

Silica Hydro-plasmic energy to emerge into externalized form.198

Everything in the cosmos has a morphogenetic field due to the fact that

everything is composed of these basic units called Partiki. A morphogenetic field is a

basic energy field or energy structure behind a manifest form, which allows that manifest

form to hold its shape. Everything in the universe has one. They are groups of Partiki

units that form those morphogenetic fields. Even a Partiki represents a morphogenetic

field by itself. All forms of matter and consciousness (energy), including planets, stars

and human bodies, are manifested through a morphogenetic imprint, which exists as a

quantity of crystalline (also known as a crystal body),199 electro-tonal energetic

substance composed of specific patterns of frequency. This morphogenetic imprint sets

the pattern for a form within the multi-dimensional unified field of energy substance. The

morphogenetic imprint holds the instructional information and design for form building in

a type of digital or electronic encoding (Keylon Codes).

To summarize, keylons cluster with other keylons to form dimensionalized,

crystalline structures of energy that exist as the base morphogenetic templates behind

and within all matter forms, particles and consciousness. Keylons make up the

frequency fields of sound and light upon which the entire cosmic matrix is structured.

Therefore, the unified field of cosmic energy is composed of groups of crystalline


197, 198, 199

Deane (2002) p.451-62

keylons and also compose the morphogenetic template of electro-tonal and

electromagnetic energy upon which the human DNA, genetic code, physical body, bio-

energetic chakra system and multidimensional aspects of consciousness are built.

Furthermore, keylons are dimensionalized Partiki composite forms that form within

and around the “fabric” of the partiki grids. Partiki units group more and more together to

form clusters, these clusters are called Keylons. They group forming specific

geometrical, fractal patterns that follow mathematical laws that apply to the way the

dimensions are structured. They group like crystals in a crystal type structure, with a

definite form and shape. Imagine, for example, they are like pieces of dust in a fabric of

a garment if viewed through a microscope.200

Keylons are the first step in the transition from pure consciousness to pre-matter

substance. Keylons are the level of our consciousness and our being that exist between

pure consciousness and pre-matter substance. They look like microscopic crystal

structures composed of millions and millions of Partiki units in just one little Keylon.

Just like over 100 years ago, when C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant entered altered

states to describe molecules, atoms and sub-atomic atoms called ANU years before

Fig. 11 - SP1 or Partiki Unit


Bunde and Shlomo (1995)

science had confirmed their theories, likewise modern science has confirmed that the

tetrahedron is the main fractal expression found in nature and science.201 Trinary-phase

(progressing in threes) groupings of Partiki units form patterns of scalar-wave and

trinary-tone wave interrelationships cause the crystallizations of energy that become

Keylons. Groups of Keylons continue to accrete, forming complex Keylon arrangements

called Keylon Codes, through which the Manifestation Template is progressively built up

from ante-matter through various stages of matter density, beginning with Pre-Matter

Substance, which is the first density of Liquid Silica Hydro-plasmic energy to emerge into

externalized form.202 When you think a thought, you use Partiki, creating a

morphogenetic field of that thought, automatically inserting it into the already existing

unified morphogenetic field.

2.6.7 Unified Morphogenetic Field

All forms originate into manifestation and evolve as patterns of frequency are

pulled into the forms' morphogenetic field from the dimensional frequency bands of the

Unified Field of energetic substance within which the morphogenetic field is placed. This

accretion of frequency progressively expands the morphogenetic field and creates

evolution of form progressively upward through the multi-dimensional universe or multi-

verse. The Unified Field is the living energy substance composed of geometrical

structures (grids of electro-tonal, electromagnetic energy) called Partiki Grids that serve

as a template of light spectra and sound tones upon which particle (Particum) and

antiparticle (Partika) structures are formed and through which all things in the cosmos


Mandelbrot (1982)
Deane (2002)

are energetically connected.203 Within the multi-dimensional Unified Field, the

morphogenetic field generates structures of multidimensional electromagnetic energy

(EM), around and through which the matter form will manifest. These multidimensional

EM fields are collectively referred as the “bio-energetic system” or the “auric field” 204 of

a manifest form. Like the true substance of the human body and consciousness, the

Unified Field exists as a quantity of dimensionalized field of energy signatures, within

which a vast number of conscious constructs exist. The human body organism is one

such construct of consciousness, and through its intrinsic form, the energy signatures of

the other scalar forms are translated into perceptual data.

2.6.8 DNA Communicates via Scalar

Cellular communication between cells occurs when one cell sends the read

information and imprints it to the other cell. How does genetic information travel from one

cell to another? According to Prof. Konstantin Meyl, the DNA generates a scalar wave

(longitudinal wave) that propagates in the directions of the magnetic field vector.205

Hydrogen bonds hold together through Coulomb forces electrically polarized base pairs

in a DNA strand. To gain access to this polarization, the hydrogen bonds must be

separated, requiring radial outward electric field lines or, a vortex field. Since the

magnetic field vector is perpendicular to the electric vertical field, a resulting axial

direction to the DNA strand is a logical consequence. The motion of the vortex field in

the direction of the magnetic field results in a longitudinal wave forming a so- called


Deane (2002), pp.453-62
Auric field is subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object.
205 Meyl (2011a)

magnetic scalar wave (See Fig.2). 206

Fig. 12 - Electric ring vortices form a magnetic wave.

The superbly researched biochemistry of the cell nuclei describes the direction that must

be investigated.207 Meyl confirms, “The coding regions in the DNA strand, the genes,

make up only a fraction of the total amount of DNA. The stretches that flank the coding

regions are called introns and consist of non-coding DNA. Introns were looked upon as

junk in the early days”.208 As I stated earlier, biologists and geneticists currently believe

that this non-coding DNA may be essential in order to expose the coding regions and to

regulate how the genes are expressed. 209

In the presence of scalar waves, DNA cells tend to resonate with each other as

they attract information and energy from other cells and their environment. This model

may explain how epigenetics occurs. If both transmitter and receiver cell are in

bioresonance, then both information and energy are in homeostasis. However, if the

transmitter cell does not find a receiver cell to resonate with, DNA code encryption would


Meyl (2006)
Meyl (2011b)
208 Meyl (2011c)
Meyl (2011a)

be impossible. To prevent this from occurring, there must be neutral cells that are not

encrypted and do not have to transmit information. These include the ‘introns’ or ‘junk’

DNA, as the introns are the uncoded DNA fragments that out number the ‘exons’, which

actually carry the information. 210

It is due to the introns that a scalar wave can potentially be formed in between

two identical segments of two cells. This suggests balanced energy conditions on both

ends but if the original information were dissimilar, the gene coding would be drawn to

the receiver from the sender cell causing bioresonance restriction. This clearly proves

that introns are behind evolution. Gene-controlled metabolism is solely possible only

when information plus energy are presented. This is accurately describes the

characteristics of a scalar wave for unlike electromagnetic waves that only transport

energy, scalar waves carry both information and energy. A DNA wave moving through

the twisted double helix must contain sufficient energy to not only progress through the

helix, facilitating transport over a certain distance, but will also ensure the desired

production of proteins at the site of the recipient. 211


2.7.1 Scalar Biocybernetic Medicine

The living human organism is comprised of trillions of highly specialized cells

containing unique indivualized information for every human. This is the reason why no

two human beings are exactly alike and why applying the same protocols to treat


Meyl (2011a)
Meyl (2011b)

comparable illnesses or diseases will not always create the same desired results.

Biocybernetics is the science of biological feedback control mechanisms and

communication in living organisms.212 Scalar Biocybernetic medicine is a holistic energy

medicine for diagnosing and treating diseases via locating imbalances and disorders in

the immune system utilizing scalar technology. The immune system was designed to

protect the living organism from disease, even from its own body cells that degenerated

into tumors and cancer. In my experience, the immune system becomes compromised

when it is exposed to negative environmental influences such as electrosmog

(electromagnetic fields, magnetic fields), geopathic stress, chemicals,

pesticides/herbicides, radiation and hormones. When this occurs, the immune system

becomes like a blindfolded fighter, strong, but unable to locate the new or existing

dangers in the body. 213

Western medicine has taught that the human organism consists solely of tissue,

body fluids, chemicals, enzymes, hormones, etc. However, scalar biocybernetic

medicine argues that all essential functions in our body are controlled by

electromagnetic signals. Hormones and enzymes act as triggers as a result of these

electromagnetic signals. The bodies own entire electromagnetic system is very complex

as minute disruptions are sufficient to disturb our health and immune system. This

explains why environmental influences are capable of disturbing our "electrical system"

so rapidly. The effects of interference fields from different sources within our

environment could be harmful for the body's internal electrical system. 214 Examples of

such interference fields are: Electrical appliances and lighting, microwaves from


Kehren (2008)
Popp (2000)

microwave ovens and mobile phones, radio waves from radio and television, geopathic

stress such as negative earth radiation, radon emission, chemicals and pesticides,

heavy metals, dental materials, food additives, magnetic blankets and bracelets, electric

blankets etc.

These external influences not only create alarming symptoms but are capable of

causing diseases, such as: Infectious diseases, allergies, autoimmune diseases,

diseases of the teeth, diseases of the rheumatic spectrum disorder, painful conditions of

all kinds, diseases of metabolism except for hereditary enzyme defects and skin

diseases. Disorders caused by hazardous substances (such as chemicals, pesticides,

metals, bacteria, viruses, molds and fungi, environmental toxins etc.), can also cause

chronic and degenerative illnesses such as cancer.

Diseases are not consequences of a “vulnerable” immune system, but are rather

due to the fact that the immune system is disturbed and blinded by these external

influences, and are therefore unable to detect damaging influences. The result is a

human being who is constantly ill, perpetually confronted with "new" illnesses, and

eventually succumbs to chronic, and ultimately degenerative diseases. Eliminating these

kinds of imbalances in the body's electromagnetic system is liken to fine-tuning a highly

advanced computer. The finer the tuning; the better the performance. In my opinion,

scalar biocybernetic medicine is not analogous with alternative medicine for it is

consistent with the laws and principles of quantum physics and can be justified by

quantum entanglement.

2.7.2 Tesla Flat Coil

In 1894, Nikola Tesla patented his Tesla Flat Coil (patent no. 512, 340) for

electromagnets (See. Fig.13). Here is a quote from Tesla about his patent: "Let A, Figure

1, designate any given coil the spires or convolutions of which are wound upon and

insulated from each other. Let it be assumed that the terminals of this coil show a

potential difference of one hundred volts, and that there are one thousand convolutions;

then considering any two contiguous points on adjacent convolutions let it be assumed

that there will exist between them a potential difference of one-tenth of a volt. If now, as

shown in Figure 2, a conductor B be wound parallel with the conductor A and insulated

from it, and the end of A be connected with the starting point of B, the aggregate length

of the two conductors being such that the assumed number of convolutions or turns is

the same, viz., one thousand, then the potential difference between any two points in A

and B will be fifty volts, and as the capacity effect is proportionate to the square of this

difference, the energy stored in the coil as a whole will now be two hundred and fifty

thousand as great. Following out this principle, I may wind any given coil either in whole

or in part, not only in the specific manner herein illustrated, but in a great variety of ways,

well-known in the art, so as to secure between adjacent convolutions such potential

difference as will give the proper capacity to neutralize the self-induction for any given

current that may be employed. Capacity secured in this particular way possesses an

additional advantage in that it is evenly distributed, a consideration of the greatest

importance in many cases, and the results, both as to efficiency and economy, are the

more readily and easily obtained as the size of the coils, the potential difference, or

frequency of the currents are increased." 215


Tesla (1894)

Fig. 13 - Tesla Flat Coil Patent No. 512, 340

2.7.3 Shattering Physics

Prof. Dr. Konstantin Meyl has replicated and proven the properties of Tesla

Coils.216 A set of Tesla Coils, one transmitter and one receiver, are capable of creating

a plethora of effects that mainstream physics once thought to be impossible. Tesla coils

are capable of generating “longitudinal” scalar waves that can transmit energy and

information: 1) over long distances without the loss of any power, 2) through solid metal

boxes (Faraday Cages), and 3) produce “overunity” gains of energy. 217


Meyl (2008)
Tesla (1905)

A Tesla Coil power based transmission system can produce scalar wave energy

that does not weaken over long distances. This is the main difference between scalar

and electromagnetic waves, which are transverse waves that weaken over distance due

to the inverse square law.218 As long as the Tesla Coil transmitter and receiver remain

in resonance, the power transmitted between two Tesla Coils will remain constant

regardless of distance. For example, if you place a Tesla Coil transmitter in a metal box

(or Faraday Cage) and place the receiver in another metal box, it has been repeatedly

demonstrated that the longitudinal scalar waves produced by the transmitter can

penetrate directly through the metal boxes. Longitudinal scalar waves also appear to

travel at superluminal speeds. Meyl has proven that scalar waves move approximately

1.5 times the speed of light. 219

Tesla's coil system also produces gains of energy (overunity). If a certain quantity

of energy were used to power a Tesla Coil transmitter, the receiver would collect an

abundance of energy. From the moment his primary was pulsed it seemed a gain of

energy was taking place. As the voltage increased along the secondary coil the total

energy of the system was increasing. 220 When the flow of scalar waves collected and

magnified along the windings of the "extra coil" there was another gain. The

transmission of this flow of scalar waves through space was collected by the receiver,

and traveled across its coils. This gain was also magnified after it verified these gains of

energy. At times, it seems the energy collected by a receiver can be ten times more than

the energy consumed by the transmitter. If you have more than one receiver this gain

can be multiplied! Somehow, energy is being collected from scalar waves, which is


Meyl (2001)
Meyl (2003)
Tesla (1905)

everywhere, unlimited, and inexhaustible!

2.7.4 Radionics

Radionics is an energetic medicine method that deals with diagnosis of a disease

and the transmission of specific informational frequencies for the purpose of healing

humans, animals, or plants, to any location on planet. 221 It deals with the framework of

control fields and “subtle energies”. The term “subtle energies”, in this context, refers to

those forms of energy, which cannot presently be objectively or physically measured,

because they are very low amplitude signals that are undetectable due to the component

“noise” of electrical equipment. Presently, however, various subjective methods have

been developed, such radiesthesia,222 kinesiology, electro-acupuncture etc., by means

of which it is possible to perform reproducible measurements in this context.

Modern-day radionics, originally called ERS (Electronic Reactions for

Abrams)223 was founded by Dr. Albert Abrams (1863-1924). In the context of his work

into differentiation between various symptoms by means of an automatic reflex

movement of the stomach of a patient detected by percussion, he discovered an

empirically defined arrangement of variable resistances (potentiometer). 224 The patient

was connected via a forehead electrode to the “input” of a variable resistance box. At the

“output”, a healthy person was connected, also via a forehead electrode (test person).

On the abdomen of the test person, it was now possible to diagnose the pathology of the

patient on the basis of settings of the decade resistance by means of the special knock


Kuepper (1996)
Radiesthesia is the claimed paranormal ability to detect radiation within the human body.
Abrams (1925)

reflex.225, 226 Abrams later discovered that the patient did not have to be present; that it

was sufficient enough to use the patient’s blood sample (“specimen” or “proof”). This

blood sample was poured into a metal cup that, instead place of the patient, was

connected to the “Input” of the variable resistance box.

Abrams revealed that cancer could be measured at 50 Ohms, gonorrhea at 52

Ohms etc. 227 Placing the blood specimen of a cancer patient into the metal cup and

setting the variable resistance box to 50 , on the abdomen of the test person, a positive

reflex would be obtained. Conversely, for the same patient specimen, a setting of 52

(gonorrhea) on the variable resistance box would cause a positive reflex to disappear

(provided that the patient was not also suffering from gonorrhea). Therefore, Abrams

established a series of lists on which organs, symptoms, viruses, bacteria, etc. were

allocated to empirically determined resistance values. With this rate and the variable

resistance box, it was thus possible to diagnose a patient on the basis of his blood

specimen and to reach conclusions as to the conditions of his organs etc.

2.7.5 Resonant Medicine Testing

Abrams also discovered radionics made it possible to examine the effect of

medicines, mainly homoeopathy.228 He could essentially test certain medicines and

homeopathic remedies and see if they resonated with the patient. If the medicine or

remedy resonated with the patient with the condition, then the positive reflex on the

abdomen of the test person would disappear. For example, the specimen of a cancer

patient was poured into the cup and the corresponding value for cancer had been set on


224, 225, 226

Ubani (2011)
Abrams (1916)
Abrams (1916)

the variable resistance box, on the abdomen of the test person a positive reflex would be

obtained. If a medicine to cure cancer, such as GcMAF,229 was combined with the

patient specimen in the cup, then the positive reflex would disappear, i.e. GcMAF would

help this patient to fight cancer.

These discoveries were understood as phenomena of electrically measurable

radiation to Abrams and his colleagues. Abrams explained these experiences in his

“ERA” (Electronic Reaction of Abrams). According to “ERA” an imbalance of electrons in

the cellular atoms is the cause of all disease.

The actual term “Radionics” (“radiation” and “electronics”) was invented by one of

Abrams’ students, Ruth Drown, who was the first to define the radionic instrument as a

“modulator of the life force”.230 Using this essentially different interpretation, Drown

changed the ohm unit employed by Abrams for electrical resistance, and called them

“rates”. Thus it became clear for the first time that in this connection we were concerned

with a phenomenon, which can no longer be explained by mechanistic physics as

employed to date. 231, 232

2.7.6 Radionic Broadcasting

Ruth Drown was the first person to use the radionic instrument for diagnosis and

therapy. Drown revealed that radionics also operated over distance, for example, if a

blood specimen of the patient was placed on the instrument. Down’s explanation of this

occurrence was that the rates apply a related manifestation in the “atmosphere” and is

received by a person. The “rate” setting on the instrument would then establish a


GcMAF (Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor) is a human protein that fights
Ubani (2011)

resonance between the instrument and the patient, thereby increasing the person’s

“receptivity effect”. She named this process “Broadcasting”, a reference to the radio

technology, which was emerging at that time. 233, 234, 235 In the presented case studies

for this dissertation, radionics broadcasting was a main aspect of the treatment protocol

for all patients.

2.7.7 Modern Day Explanatory Models

The concepts of Ruth Drown are alive today in the theory of the “morphogenetic

fields” of the English biologist Rupert Sheldrake. Sheldrake postulates that the

morphogenetic fields contain all information relating to the structure and form of each

organism, including “inorganic” material.236 These fields have a holographic structure,

which means that the corresponding information is theoretically omnipresent in the

universe and can be called up accordingly. The morphogenetic fields are not essentially

electromagnetic and are presumably on a plane other than space/time.

The physicist Burkhard Heim (1925-2001) believed that in addition to our three

spatial dimensions and time as the fourth dimension (= space/time) there exist further

transcendent dimensions.237 In these higher dimensions or hyperspace, there is

information that controls the structure and processes of the lower dimensions via

”synkopes!” This hyperspace thus performs the function of a control field. The interesting

feature of Heim’s “quantum field theory” is that it can provide more precise information

after the material world (e.g. the mass of electrons) than quantum theory.238


Ubani (2011)
Sheldrake (1998)
237, 238
Heim (1976, 2008)

The radionic device allows the therapist to connect with the patient information from the

morphogenetic fields and thus examine the underlying, root causes of the disease in a

person, animal or plant.

2.7.8 CyberScan™

CyberScan™ is quantum physics and radionics-based CE-Class IIa registered

medical device in the European Union.239 Manufactured in Germany, CyberScan™

utilizes state-of-the-art proprietary, scalar information technology based upon the patents

and experimental research of Nikola Tesla and P.E.A.R. (Princeton Engineering

Anomalies Research).240 The CyberScan™ interprets the bio-energetic fields of a living

organism and determines the past, present and future health conditions based upon the

trends that are identified in the current state of the body’s immune system.

Fig. 14 - CyberScan BioCybernetic Medical Device



The CyberScan™ quickly scans the morphogenetic energy fields of a DNA sample (i.e.

hand, hair, blood, urine, saliva, etc.), determines where the stressors are within the bio-

energetic fields and creates a 100% natural, scalar-informational remedy that

communicates and stimulates the self-healing properties of the body’s immune system.

This is the most advanced energy medicine device currently available that can also

create a personalized, electrosmog (invisible electromagnetic radiation) and geopathic

stress (natural radiation that rises up through the earth that weakens the body’s immune

system) magnetic protection card (EECard). The CyberScan™ was chosen as the

energy medicine-radionics device for the presented case studies for this dissertation.


3.1. Material and methods

The manner of the biocybernetic scalar treatment adheres to precise guidelines

as it works to re-establish homeostasis within the energetic matrix regulating circuits

(bio-cybernetics) of the body. In order to verify if an immune system is subject to

distortions, we need to measure the electromagnetic energy field of the patient. In this

research, the CyberScan™ was utilized as the medical device to accomplish this task.

The following is the biocybernetic scalar process:

1. Utilizing the CyberScan™, a ten-second scan is initiated to measure the energy

field of the patient using hand, hair, blood, and urine or saliva sample. According

to the scale of the deviation from a balanced value, we can determine if the

condition is an acute or toxic event, chronic illness or degeneration. An upgraded

Tesla Flat coil, located in the contact platform, has the capability to reduce

electrical and magnetic fields to zero, thus creating a scalar energy field. These

same coils have the ability to transmit pure scalar energy and information.

2. Revealing the causes of illnesses and distortions. Once the energy sample is

recorded, it is then compared to the electronic library, which contains a

comprehensive database of over 108,000 electromagnetic signals. The signals

correspond to information samples in the scalar fields addressed before. Here,

we reveal the potential distortions and illnesses within the entire biological energy

fields of the patient to the immune system including those not previously

recognized by the immune system (i.e. Bacteria, viruses, fungus, chemicals,

pesticides, metals, hormones, carcinoma, etc.).

3. With these electronic fingerprints, we then show the immune system what and

where to look within the body. Once the potential distortions and illnesses are

determined, this information is then converted into pure scalar information and

then transmitted to the patient’s bio-energetic body via the following methods:

a. Scalar energy imprinting: The scalar information is programmed into a

water-based solution via the Tesla flat coil imbedded within the contact


i. Quinton Marine Plasma 0.9% isotonic solution (10ml vial): The

patient orally ingests the programmed water-vials three (3) times

per day (morning, afternoon and evening) on an empty stomach,

holding in mouth for at least thirty (30) seconds.

ii. Blood mixed with ozone – Minor autohemotherapy (1cc); only

used on Case #1 for cancer patient.

iii. Radionics broadcasting: The scalar information is non-locally

transmitted to the patient via the Tesla flat coil, which utilizes the

patient’s scanned energy sample (i.e. mobile number) and

transmits the scalar information directly to the patient’s own

personal morphogenetic fields (i.e. mobile phone) via the

planetary morphogenetic fields.

4. EECARD™: The electronically encoded card (EECARD) is a high-density

magnetic card that is programmed with the electrosmog and geopathic stress

that are affecting the patient’s immune system. The EECARD is either worn on

the body and/or placed underneath the bed mattress.

5. Linguistic Morphogenetic Field Repatterning™ (LMFR): Linguistic Morphogenetic

Field Re-patterning sets powerful multidimensional, electro-magnetic blueprints

within the Morphogenetic Body that replaces your old, disempowering beliefs

with a new, self-empowering, self-awakening quantum paradigm of direct

cognition system. These are powerful affirmations that CyberScan specifically

creates for each patient based upon their energy scan.

“Phase 1” of this protocol begins with 6 CyberScan™ sessions every two weeks for a

period of three months. The balancing carrier used during this phase: Quinton 0.9 %

isotonic solution (10ml) taken orally Dosage: One 10ml vial three times per day

(morning, afternoon and evening). For more serious and acute cases such as cancer,

the suggested protocol is weekly scans instead of every two weeks. Additionally, 1 cc of

scalar imprinted minor autohemotherapy was administered once per week for the total

duration of protocol. Radionics broadcasting was initiated 24 hours per day, 7 days per

week until the following up scan, which at that time, new scalar information was re-

broadcast to patient. This lasted for the entire 3-month period. Patients were required to

recite their affirmations twice per day, everyday until the next follow up scan, which at

that time, CyberScan™ created new affirmations. This continued for the entire 3-month


Fig. 15 - Quinton Marine Isotonic Water programmed with CyberScan scalar information.

“Phase 2”, which begins four weeks after the end of “Phase 1”, includes 12 weekly

CyberScan™ sessions (one scan per week), each week focusing on a specific category

for a total of 12 weeks. The categories are: 1) parasites, 2) bacteria (including antibiotic

resistant), 3) viruses, 4) fungus / candida, 5) chemicals, 6) pesticides-herbicides-

insecticides, 7) food additives, 8) toxins, 9) heavy metals, 10) electrosmog-geopathic

stress-radioactivity, 11) psyche-emotions, and 12) detoxification-drainage.

The balancing carriers and dosage used during this phase:

- 0.9 % isotonic solution (10ml vial) taken orally, 3 vials per day.

- Minor autohemotherapy (1cc) administered once per week (for cancer patient)

It is important to note that during the biocybernetic scalar treatments, all patients were

encouraged to shift their diet to organic, gluten-free, sugar-free foods while drinking

contaminant-free, mineralized, reverse-osmosis with activated carbon water.

Fig. 16 - Minor Autohemotherapy programmed with CyberScan scalar information.

After “Phase 2” is complete, a break of 2 to 4 weeks is suggested as to give the immune

system ample time to assimilate and actualize the information. The patient’s treatment is

complete when no further pathogen relevant electromagnetic signals are detected. For

acute conditions, Phase 1 shifts to every week instead of every two weeks.

Fig. 17 - Levels and Bodies

3.2 Case #1 – Patient A: 32-year-old female (Stage IV Cancer)

In 2010, Patient A was diagnosed by her oncologist at City of Hope (Duarte, CA)

with stage IV Non-Hodgkin’s T-cell lymphoma. She underwent several rounds of

chemotherapy, including one round of radiation therapy, yet her condition worsened.

Some of her symptoms included excruciating muscle pain, very low energy, constipation,

brain fog, etc. At one point, Patient A even received a double-cord stem cell transplant

from two different infant donors but her body rejected the new cells leading her to the

initial stages of Graft-versus-Host disease. When patient A had an ejection fraction rate

of 26%, her respiratory system began to shut down and had to be induced into a coma

just to survive.

After a few weeks, she was sent home and the following were implemented into

her protocol:

1) Organic-plant-based protein diet,

2) High quality nutraceuticals (liposomal vitamin C, liposomal glutathione,

liposomal methyl B-12, molecular hydrogen, etc.)

3) Biocybernetic scalar-ozone protocol utilizing the CyberScan.

The biocybernetic scalar-ozone protocol lasted over 24 months with Patient A,

continuing to undergo monthly check ups and lab work with her oncology team at City of

Hope. Due to Patient A’s acute condition, phase 1 and 2 occurred at weekly intervals

with no intermission between phases 1 and 2. After 24 months, patient A was declared

in full remission. Using Figure 17 as the legends for Patient A, we see that during

session 1, CyberScan detected carcinoma, fungi and bacteria electromagnetic signals in

the physical body (Level 1). As the she progressed through the treatment, we see that all

three electromagnetic signals move out of her physical body, emotional body, mental

body and finally, at the end of session 48, out to her outer layer energy fields (See

Fig.17). Presently, Patient A is not only cancer-free but enjoys a high quality of life.

Weekly CyberScan Protocol – over
24 months
6" Fungi"

4" Molds"
Levels" 0"
Session" 3" 9" 12" 36" 48""
1(2013)" Months" Months" Months" Months" Months"
(2014)" (2015)"

2010: Stage IV Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

2015: Full Remission

Table 1 - Patient A CyberScan Data

3.3 Case #2 – Patient B: 49-year-old male (Chronic migraines, allergies, lower back

For almost ten (10) years, Patient B suffered from chronic migraine headaches,

allergies and lower back pains. He constantly took over-the-counter pain remedies such

ibuprofen for the pain and allergy medicine. Patient B began the biocybernetic scalar-

ozone CyberScan protocol and in less than three months most of the lower back pain,

allergies and migraine headaches disappeared. Using Figure 17 as the legends for

Patient B, we see that during session 1, CyberScan detected imbalances in his spinal

cord/muscles, allergies and migraine headache within the physical body (Level 1). As

the he progressed through the treatment, we see that all three electromagnetic signals

move out of his physical body, emotional body, and finally, at the end of session 6, out to

his mental body fields. After the initial 3-month period, Patient B has no more migraine

headaches; his allergies have reduced by 75% and no more lower back pains.

Treatment ended after the initial 3-month period without relapse.

Bi-Weekly CyberScan Protocol –

over 3 month period


Session" Session" Session" Session" Session" Session"
1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6"

Chronic Migraines, Allergies, & Lower Back Pains

Table 2 - Patient B CyberScan Data

3.4 Case #3 – Patient C: 10-year-old boy (ASD)

At age two and a half, this young boy was diagnosed with being on the autism

spectrum disorder (ASD). He was administered biomeds and began behavioural

therapy. When I began treatment on him, he displayed the following characteristics:

1. Severe anxiety and violent, aggressive behaviour.

2. Non-verbal communication: He had trouble communicating his needs, for

example, he was not able to notify anyone when he had to go to the bathroom,

thus he would defecate either in his pants or in the bathtub.

3. Anti-social behaviour

4. Poor gastrointestinal issues

After only five (5) months of treatment, we have observed a 9% reduction in his ATEC

scores. Some of the following improvements are:

1. His severe aggressive behaviour greatly diminished.

2. He was now able to communicate when he needed to go to the bathroom.

3. He also exhibited improved focus and socializing skills; he now has a girlfriend

He is able to communicate via an iPad.

4. His gastrointestinal issues are vastly improved.

Patient C no longer receives this treatment due to relocation out of state.

Case #3: 10 year boy

5-month: 9% drop in ATEC
40" Category"4"
30" Total"
1,Jul,14" 1,Aug,14" 1,Sep,14" 1,Oct,14" 1,Nov,14" 1,Dec,14"

Table 3 - Patient C CyberScan Data

3.5 Case #4 – Patient D: 3-year-old boy (ASD)

Patient D is a three and a half year old boy who was diagnosed with

moderate to severe autism at eighteen months old. The following are some of his

characteristics prior to treatment:

1. Poor eyesight

2. Low muscle tone throughout the body

3. Compromised immune system

4. Multiple food and environmental allergies

5. Repeated head banging on hard surfaces

6. Absence seizures

After only one (1) month of treatment, the following improvements were recorded:

1. Emergence of speech

2. 50% Reduction of absence seizures

3. More awareness of environment

4. More coordination of the body

5. Better understanding when receiving commands

After four (4) months of treatment, the following improvements were recorded:

1. Verbal communication; he can now sing and recite the alphabet, even in


2. 100% reduction in absence seizures.

3. Stronger immune system and does not get cold or flu as much.

Patient D continues to receive bi-monthly (twice per month) biocybernetic scalar

treatments and continues to experience steady improvements in all of the categories

previously mentioned.

Case #4: 2 1/2 year old boy
4-month: non-verbal to verbal
No seizures.

30" Total"
Age"2.5" Age"3.9"

Table 4 - Patient D CyberScan Data

3.6 Case #5 – Patient E: 5-year-old boy (ASD)

Patient E is a five-year-old boy who was diagnosed with moderate to severe

autism at eighteen months old. The following are some of his characteristics prior to


1. Sensory processing issues

2. Absence seizures

3. Stimming from fast moving objects

4. Non-verbal

5. Proprioceptive seeker

After thirty-six (36) months of treatment, we have observed a 50% reduction in his ATEC

scores. The following improvements were recorded:

1. Full verbal skills (including singing)

2. Socializing skills including displays of affection

3. 100% reduction of absence seizures

4. Sensory processing

5. Facial affect and eye contact

Patient E continues to receive monthly biocybernetic scalar treatments and continues to

experience steady improvements in all of the categories previously mentioned.

100" 80"points"from"153"to"73"
40" Category"4"
30" Total"
Age"2" Age"5"

Table 5 - Patient E CyberScan Data


This revolutionary model for bio-regeneration and self-healing that I propose is

the next evolution in the current quantum medicine model for the simple fact that it

integrates advanced, scalar energy technologies with pre-ancient, antediluvian (pre-

Flood) morphogenetic field mechanics that actually reprograms and reconnects the

morphogenetic fields of the introns (junk DNA). I have verified, through experiential

knowledge and from real-life patients, and case studies, that this model reverses

disease such as cancer and autism spectrum disorder, just to name a few.

The current quantum medicine model needs to be revised since its foundation is

primarily based upon healing knowledge (Hindu and Chinese) that only date back as far

as 4000 BC. In comparison, the foundation of the advanced quantum medicine model I

propose is based upon pre-ancient, pre-diluvian knowledge that dates as far back as

246,000 BC and that traces can be found in India’s “Mahabharata” writings and in pre-

ancient, pre-diluvian Sumerian clay tablets. Furthermore, this new advanced quantum

medicine model has no affiliations to any belief system or world religion.

Utilizing the current quantum medicine model to actually heal acute diseases

such as stage IV cancer or coronary heart disease will only work to a certain degree,

whereas the advanced quantum medicine model I propose will work to a far greater

degree. A good analogy for this is the evolution of transportation technology in the

modern age: first people used bicycles, and then they used cars and eventually,

airplanes. However, billionaires such as Sir Richard Branson and Elon Musk are offering

private space shuttle transportation around the Earth. The current quantum medicine

model is liken to the car and the new advanced quantum medicine model is liken to the

space shuttle.

The genesis of this new advanced quantum medicine model occurred in 2000

when I underwent my own near-death experience, which allowed me to reconnect with

the greater, unified field of non-local consciousness (information), granting me access to

experience reality and my true self as it really is – information. All life, whether it is a cell,

plant, animal, human, planet, star, solar system, galaxy and universe are nothing more

than information clouds held together via the morphogenetic fields. Our DNA is a

morphogenetic, double-helix coil that holds the key to our self-healing in the form of our

introns. We can move disease out of the body by tapping into the introns and this can

only be accomplished via magnetic scalar energy, which our thoughts and words

(sound) are – magnetic scalar waves.

Disease is nothing more than distorted information and distorted morphogenetic

fields attaching to one another and replicating. By manipulating and reprogramming the

fields, you can shift your DNA and move it into proper resonance, thus moving disease

out of the body. Within the introns lies the control switches to active or turn off certain

gene codes. The morphogenetic field controls these genes, which then control the

secondary genes, for there is an inherent syntax to the introns, just like any language.

We can control our DNA through powerful affirmations and intention. By reintroducing

new, healing information to the immune system, we can activate our body’s inherent

ability to self-heal. This is similar to, but more advanced than, self-blood therapy in

alternative cancer treatments where cancer cells are taken from the cancer patient and

simply re-injected back into the bloodstream where now the immune system recognizes

the cancer and attacks only the cancerous cells.

The new advanced quantum medicine model that I propose is the revolutionary

future of personalized, preventative medicine because it gives the power back to the

patient by offering the ability to accurately self-diagnose and create, a 100% natural,

organic, balancing remedy based upon Quinton isotonic, marine plasma water. Think

about the implications on a global level and, for example, how many children in third

world countries could benefit from this new quantum method of preventative medicine.


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Jere Rivera-Dugenio specializes in advanced quantum medicine and

morphogenetic field physics. Rivera-Dugenio is the founder and CEO of Quantum

Spanner, LLC. He is also co-owner of Bridgeway Senior Care Center in Bridgewater, NJ.

Rivera-Dugenio is also an inspirational speaker and author (under the pen name

Adayara BudAea) of “Awaken The Kryst Within”, an expert on NDE (Near Death

Experience), overcoming addictions, organic light-sound therapy, and advanced medical

qi-gong therapy. Rivera-Dugenio is currently based in Reno, NV USA.


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