1st Uoi Planner Where We Are in Place and Time 2010 2011 New
1st Uoi Planner Where We Are in Place and Time 2010 2011 New
1st Uoi Planner Where We Are in Place and Time 2010 2011 New
6. To what extent did we achieve our purpose? 7. To what extent did we include the elements of the PYP?
Assess the outcome of the inquiry by providing evidence of students’ What were the learning experiences that enabled students to:
understanding of the central idea. The reflections of all teachers Develop an understanding of the concepts identified in “What do we want to
involved in the planning and teaching of the inquiry should be learn?”
included. Change : students mentioned the changes of exploration throughout time, and
made timeline based on area of exploration.
From the summative task, students were able to explain in details, the short Causation : students analyzed the causes and various reasons of people explore
personal history of their chosen explorer, as well as the impacts of the particular and the positive/negative effects of each exploration from different perspectives
exploration, for the exploration personally, for the society at that time, for the (explorer, explorer’s country, native land, native people and modern people).
society nowadays, and for the student him/herself. Students also drew Reflection : students interpreted the overall purposes and impacts of exploration
conclusions from several explorers of a certain era and area to see general throughout time, stated the importance of learning past explorations, and made
patterns of the impacts of the explorations. reflection writing ‘If I were an explorer..’. Students used various resources (at
least from three different resources) to ensure the validity of the information.
How you could improve on the assessment task(s) so that you would
Demonstrate the learning and application of particular transdisciplinary
have a more accurate picture of each student’s understanding of the
central idea.
Research skills : students were exposed with collecting, recording and organizing
Strengthen students’ reading skills. important information when working the projects of making the explorer’s
Better management of students’ grouping information card, the Venn diagram and the description of before and after of
Share the WALT and WILF to the students from the beginning of the unit. explorer’s contribution.
Display the assessment criteria. Communication skills : there were several formative and summative tasks
which required students to read and view information, write, orally present and
display their final understanding.
What was the evidence that connections were made between the Thinking skills : students were challenged to comprehend, analyze and evaluate
central idea and the transdisciplinary theme? data on making the overall purposes and impacts of exploration and when
comparing two information on the Venn diagram.
An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journey; the
Social skills : students discussed ideas and worked together for the class display.
discoveries; explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and
the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspective.
Develop particular attributes of the learner profile and/or attitudes?
Human Exploration has an impact on society. Confidence : presenting their project and the unit understanding during the
sharing day to PYP 4 students and classmates.
Human exploration deals with the know-how of the area and the particular Curiosity : making personal questions and answered to fulfill their own inquiry.
time in an era, as it relates to the methods of transportations and the chosen Independence : students remembered their username and password, log in into
routes; it relates with the personal history of the explorers, the discoveries and their personal drivers when researching and storing their projects. Students
explorations made; it relates with the impacts on the society, either individually prepared the equipment and materials for their learning.
or in a civilization; the impacts on the society are explored from different point
of views (the indigenous, the explorers, the explorer’s society and the society Profiles:
nowadays). Knowledgeable : knowledge was gained through accessing and reading many
secondary resources.
Inquirer : students created personal questions and searched the answer to
accomplish the project working of ‘the overall purposes and impacts of
Communicator : students communicated their understanding through their in
and orally explain it during sharing day.
Reflecting on the inquiry