Esp PVT-Properties

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Well Data Sheet for API 11-S4 RP

Printed: October 17, 2019 05:48 AM

Identification Data: Date:

Field / Lease:
Well Name:
Installation:(e.g. New or Redesign)

Producing formation:
Formation Type: (e.g. Sandstone, Limestone, etc.)

Wellbore Data: (Attach wellbore diagram and deviation survey if available)

Wellhead description:

Casing and liner description: Max O.D. Min. I.D. Weight MD of top MD of bottom
Size & type (in) (in) (lb/ft) (ft) (ft)

Tubing data: Max O.D. Min. I.D. Weight MD of top MD of bottom

Size & type (in) (in) (lb/ft) (ft) (ft)

Other limiting dimensions: Max O.D. Min. I.D. Weight MD of top MD of bottom
Description (in) (in) (lb/ft) (ft) (ft)

Perforated intervals: MD of top MD of bottom

Description (ft) (ft)

Fluid Property Data: (Attach lab PVT report if available)

Standard base pressure: (psia) Standard temperature: (F)

Gas gravity: (air = 1.000)

N2: (%)
CO2: (%)
H2S: (%)
(Rs) Solution gas oil ratio: (SCF/STB) - enter Rs at bubble point conditions
and/or Bubble point pressure: (psia)
Oil gravity: (API)
Separator temperature: (F)
Separator pressure: (psig)
Dissolved solids: (ppm)
Brine specific gravity: (water = 1.000) - can be calculated from dissolved solids if available
Max. system temperature: (F) - typically reservoir
Min. system temperature: (F) - typically wellhead or separator
Comments: (e.g. inversion point for emulsions, pour point for wax, etc.)

Reservoir Data: (If available, attach welltest data, flowing surveys, production tests, etc.)

Current status: ( e.g. pumping, flowing, swabbing, etc.)

Production data: (Enter one or more sets if available)

Total fluid production: (BPD of fluid)
Water cut: (% water)
Producing GOR: (SCF/STB of oil)
Flowing wellhead pressure: (psig)
Flowing bottomhole pressure: (psig)

Operating data:
Reservoir pressure: (psig) -Typically static bottomhole pressure
Static fluid level: (MD feet from surface)
Bottomhole temperature: (F)
Wellhead temperature: (F)
Geothermal gradient: (deg F / 100 ft)

Inflow characterization data:

(J) Productivity index: (bbl/day/psi) - If constant PI is assumed.
Max. open flow rate: (bbl/day) - Qmax if Vogels is assumed.
(C) Flow coefficient: If Fetkovich's method is assumed.
(n) Exponent: If Fetkovich's method is assumed.

Sizing specifications:

Desired fluid production: (BPD of fluid) - enter range if variable speed drive is used
Pump setting depth: (MD feet from surface)
Packer setting depth: (MD feet from surface)
Working fluid over pump: (TVD feet above pump)
Pump intake pressure: (psig) - calculate from reservoir data if available
Expected water cut: (% water)
Expected GOR: (SCF/STB of oil)
Expected pump intake press.: (psig)
Wellhead pressure: (psig) -required by facilities
Casing pressure: (psig)
Gas entering pump: (% of total produced gas)
Primary voltage: (Volts available)
Frequency: (Hertz)

Special problems: (e.g. sand, scale, corrosion, paraffin, asphaltenes, emulsion, H2S, CO2)

Remarks: (e.g. ancillary equipment to be installed, special coatings, etc.)

PVT Properties
Printed: October 17, 2019 05:48 AM

General Input Data:

Input=> Input Units 1
Input=> (Psc) Stand. Press. 14.650 (psia) 101 [kPa]
Input=> (Tsc) Stand. Temp. 60.0 (F) 15.6 [C]

Input=> (G) Gas Gravity 0.825 (air=1.00)

Input=> N2 1 (%)
Input=> CO2 2 (%)
Input=> H2S 3 (%)
Input=> (Rsb) Soln. GOR 574.7 (SCF/STB) 102.4 [m3/m3]
Input=> (Go) Oil Gravity 35.0 (API)
Input=> Separator temp. 80 (F) 27 [C]
Input=> Separator press. 50 (psig) 345 [kPag]
Input=> Dissolved solids 200000 (ppm)
Input=> Temperaures (F) 140 105 70 (T1, T2,and T3)
Input=> Temperatures (C) 60 41 21

General Calculations:
T(F) 140 105 70
Vod (cp) 3.0 4.0 6.6
Gsep 0.7910 (air=1.00)
Tpc 406.91 (R) Viscosity (SSU) Correction Factors for Emulsion
Ppc 657.69 (psia) Tight
Oil sp. gr. 0.8498 (water = 1.000) Medium
Brine sp. gr. 1.1507 (water = 1.000) Loose

Bubble point conditions:

Temperature 140 (F)
Pbo 2000.0 (psig)
Cob 1.666E-05 (1/psi)
Bob 1.3094 (bbl/STB)
Vob 0.599 (cp)
Oil density 45.4 (lbm/ft3)
Gas-oil surf. tension 7.1 (dyne/cm)
Rswb 4.570 (SCF/STB)
Cwb 2.142E-06 (1/psi)
Bwb 1.017 (bbl/STB)
Brine density 70.578 (lbm/ft3)
Vwb 0.815 (cp)
Gas-water ST 39.7 (dyne/cm)

Pressure Z-factor Bg Cg Vg Gas density Rs Co Bo Vo Oil density Gas-oil ST Rsw Cw Bw Vw Brine Density Gas-water ST
(psig) (bbl / SCF) (1/psi) (cp) (lbm/ft3) (SCF/STB) (1/psi) (bbl/STB) (cp) (lbm/ft3) (dyne/cm) (SCF/STB) (1/psi) (bbl/STB) (cp) (lbm/ft3) (dyne/cm)
200 0.9656 0.01354 4.659E-03 0.0117 0.8254 43.6 6.290E-6 1.0527 2.0 50.8 19.7 1.47 2.171E-6 1.0193 0.75 70.4 49.9
400 0.9343 0.00678 2.412E-03 0.0120 1.6477 90.6 7.704E-6 1.0726 1.5 50.4 17.2 1.84 2.168E-6 1.0192 0.76 70.4 48.2
600 0.9035 0.00442 1.627E-03 0.0124 2.5259 142.2 9.082E-6 1.0954 1.3 49.8 15.3 2.21 2.164E-6 1.0190 0.76 70.5 46.8
800 0.8737 0.00323 1.228E-03 0.0129 3.4619 197.3 10.388E-6 1.1205 1.1 49.3 13.7 2.56 2.161E-6 1.0188 0.77 70.5 45.6
1000 0.8456 0.00251 9.856E-04 0.0135 4.4548 255.2 11.614E-6 1.1477 1.0 48.7 12.3 2.91 2.158E-6 1.0186 0.78 70.5 44.5
1200 0.8201 0.00203 8.233E-04 0.0142 5.4987 315.5 12.760E-6 1.1768 0.8 48.0 11.1 3.26 2.155E-6 1.0183 0.79 70.5 43.4
1400 0.7981 0.00170 7.069E-04 0.0151 6.5813 377.7 13.831E-6 1.2076 0.8 47.4 10.0 3.59 2.151E-6 1.0180 0.79 70.5 42.4
1600 0.7802 0.00145 6.193E-04 0.0160 7.6838 441.8 14.834E-6 1.2400 0.7 46.7 9.0 3.93 2.148E-6 1.0178 0.80 70.5 41.5
1800 0.7671 0.00127 5.511E-04 0.0171 8.7828 507.5 15.775E-6 1.2740 0.6 46.1 8.0 4.25 2.145E-6 1.0175 0.81 70.6 40.6
2000 0.7590 0.00113 4.964E-04 0.0183 9.8549 574.7 16.660E-6 1.3094 0.6 45.4 7.1 4.57 2.142E-6 1.0171 0.82 70.6 39.7
2400 0.7567 0.00094 4.141E-04 0.0208 11.8479 574.7 15.156E-6 1.3015 0.6 45.7 5.4 4.57 2.135E-6 1.0163 0.83 70.6 38.1
2500 0.7586 0.00091 3.977E-04 0.0215 12.3068 574.7 14.821E-6 1.2998 0.6 45.7 5.0 4.57 2.134E-6 1.0161 0.84 70.7 37.7
3000 0.7800 0.00078 3.317E-04 0.0247 14.3489 574.7 13.348E-6 1.2921 0.7 46.0 3.2 4.57 2.126E-6 1.0150 0.86 70.7 35.8

Bubble point conditions:

Temperature 105 (F)
Pbo 1855.7 (psig)
Cob 1.473E-05 (1/psi)
Bob 1.2859 (bbl/STB)
Vob 0.686 (cp)
Oil density 46.2 (lbm/ft3)
Gas-oil surf. tension 8.2 (dyne/cm)
Rswb 4.569 (SCF/STB)
Cwb 2.063E-06 (1/psi)
Bwb 1.008 (bbl/STB)
Brine density 71.207 (lbm/ft3)
Vwb 1.097 (cp)
Gas-water ST 40.3 (dyne/cm)

Pressure Z-factor Bg Cg Vg Gas density Rs Co Bo Vo Oil density Gas-oil ST Rsw Cw Bw Vw Brine Density Gas-water ST
(psig) (bbl / SCF) (1/psi) (cp) (lbm/ft3) (SCF/STB) (1/psi) (bbl/STB) (cp) (lbm/ft3) (dyne/cm) (SCF/STB) (1/psi) (bbl/STB) (cp) (lbm/ft3) (dyne/cm)
200 0.9581 0.01265 4.659E-03 0.0110 0.8833 47.7 1.144E-6 1.0362 2.4 51.7 20.9 1.70 2.088E-6 1.0099 1.02 71.1 49.9
400 0.9192 0.00628 2.412E-03 0.0114 1.7786 98.9 3.287E-6 1.0572 1.9 51.2 18.2 2.07 2.085E-6 1.0098 1.03 71.1 48.2
600 0.8802 0.00406 1.627E-03 0.0118 2.7533 155.3 5.293E-6 1.0815 1.5 50.6 16.2 2.43 2.082E-6 1.0096 1.04 71.1 46.8
800 0.8419 0.00293 1.228E-03 0.0124 3.8152 215.6 7.141E-6 1.1085 1.2 50.0 14.5 2.79 2.079E-6 1.0094 1.04 71.1 45.6
1000 0.8054 0.00225 9.856E-04 0.0132 4.9675 278.8 8.838E-6 1.1378 1.1 49.3 13.1 3.14 2.076E-6 1.0092 1.05 71.1 44.5
1200 0.7720 0.00180 8.233E-04 0.0141 6.2040 344.6 10.398E-6 1.1693 0.9 48.6 11.8 3.49 2.073E-6 1.0090 1.06 71.1 43.4
1400 0.7434 0.00149 7.069E-04 0.0152 7.5028 412.6 11.836E-6 1.2028 0.8 47.9 10.6 3.82 2.070E-6 1.0088 1.07 71.2 42.4
1600 0.7213 0.00127 6.193E-04 0.0165 8.8261 482.6 13.164E-6 1.2382 0.8 47.2 9.5 4.16 2.067E-6 1.0085 1.08 71.2 41.5
1800 0.7065 0.00110 5.511E-04 0.0180 10.1273 554.4 14.397E-6 1.2753 0.7 46.4 8.5 4.48 2.064E-6 1.0082 1.09 71.2 40.6
2000 0.6989 0.00098 4.964E-04 0.0195 11.3657 574.7 14.180E-6 1.2833 0.7 46.3 7.5 4.57 2.061E-6 1.0079 1.10 71.2 39.7
2400 0.7021 0.00082 4.141E-04 0.0228 13.5605 574.7 12.856E-6 1.2770 0.7 46.5 5.7 4.57 2.055E-6 1.0070 1.13 71.3 38.1
2500 0.7059 0.00080 3.977E-04 0.0236 14.0453 574.7 12.563E-6 1.2756 0.7 46.6 5.3 4.57 2.053E-6 1.0068 1.13 71.3 37.7
3000 0.7377 0.00069 3.317E-04 0.0275 16.1136 574.7 11.277E-6 1.2695 0.8 46.8 3.4 4.57 2.046E-6 1.0058 1.16 71.4 35.8

Bubble point conditions:

Temperature 70 (F)
Pbo 1721.6 (psig)
Cob 1.240E-05 (1/psi)
Bob 1.2628 (bbl/STB)
Vob 0.851 (cp)
Oil density 47.1 (lbm/ft3)
Gas-oil surf. tension 9.4 (dyne/cm)
Rswb 4.641 (SCF/STB)
Cwb 1.990E-06 (1/psi)
Bwb 1.000 (bbl/STB)
Brine density 71.755 (lbm/ft3)
Vwb 1.671 (cp)
Gas-water ST 60.1 (dyne/cm)

Pressure Z-factor Bg Cg Vg Gas density Rs Co Bo Vo Oil density Gas-oil ST Rsw Cw Bw Vw Brine Density Gas-water ST
(psig) (bbl / SCF) (1/psi) (cp) (lbm/ft3) (SCF/STB) (1/psi) (bbl/STB) (cp) (lbm/ft3) (dyne/cm) (SCF/STB) (1/psi) (bbl/STB) (cp) (lbm/ft3) (dyne/cm)
200 0.9484 0.01175 4.659E-03 0.0103 0.9514 52.1 -4.723E-6 1.0206 3.5 52.5 22.1 1.92 2.011E-6 1.0019 1.56 71.7 68.0
400 0.8992 0.00577 2.412E-03 0.0108 1.9384 108.1 -1.681E-6 1.0427 2.5 52.0 19.3 2.31 2.008E-6 1.0018 1.57 71.7 66.0
600 0.8488 0.00367 1.627E-03 0.0113 3.0438 169.7 1.084E-6 1.0685 1.9 51.4 17.1 2.69 2.005E-6 1.0016 1.59 71.7 64.7
800 0.7981 0.00261 1.228E-03 0.0121 4.2904 235.5 3.577E-6 1.0974 1.6 50.7 15.4 3.05 2.003E-6 1.0015 1.60 71.7 63.6
1000 0.7489 0.00196 9.856E-04 0.0131 5.6953 304.6 5.828E-6 1.1291 1.3 50.0 13.8 3.41 2.000E-6 1.0013 1.62 71.7 62.7
1200 0.7040 0.00154 8.233E-04 0.0144 7.2527 376.4 7.869E-6 1.1633 1.1 49.2 12.5 3.77 1.997E-6 1.0011 1.63 71.7 61.8
1400 0.6674 0.00125 7.069E-04 0.0160 8.9095 450.7 9.728E-6 1.1997 1.0 48.4 11.2 4.11 1.994E-6 1.0009 1.65 71.7 61.1
1600 0.6422 0.00106 6.193E-04 0.0179 10.5679 527.2 11.429E-6 1.2383 0.9 47.6 10.1 4.44 1.991E-6 1.0006 1.66 71.7 60.5
1800 0.6290 0.00092 5.511E-04 0.0200 12.1277 574.7 12.123E-6 1.2616 0.9 47.1 9.0 4.64 1.989E-6 1.0003 1.68 71.8 59.8
2000 0.6260 0.00083 4.964E-04 0.0222 13.5275 574.7 11.477E-6 1.2587 0.9 47.2 8.0 4.64 1.986E-6 0.9999 1.69 71.8 59.3
2400 0.6421 0.00071 4.141E-04 0.0264 15.8079 574.7 10.371E-6 1.2539 0.9 47.4 6.1 4.64 1.980E-6 0.9991 1.73 71.9 58.2
2500 0.6493 0.00069 3.977E-04 0.0274 16.2797 574.7 10.127E-6 1.2528 0.9 47.4 5.6 4.64 1.979E-6 0.9989 1.74 71.9 58.0
3000 0.6965 0.00061 3.317E-04 0.0319 18.1936 574.7 9.061E-6 1.2482 1.0 47.6 3.6 4.64 1.972E-6 0.9979 1.78 71.9 56.9

Symbol: Definition: Calculation method:

(Psc) Standard Base Pressure User input
(Tsc) Standard Base Temperature User input
(G) Gas gravity relative to air at 14.65 psia and 60F User input
(N2) Nitrogen content of gas User input
(CO2) Carbon dioxide content of gas User input
(H2S) Hydrogen sulfide content of gas User input
(Rsb) Instantaneous solution gas oil ratio User input
(Go) Oil API Gravity User input
(T) System temperature User input
(Vod) Dead oil viscosity Ng and Egbogah (1983)
(Gsep) Separator gas gravity Vasquez and Beggs (1980)
(Tpc) Pseudocritical temperature of gas Sutton (1985) & Wichert and Aziz (1972)
(Ppc) Pseudocritical pressure Sutton (1985) & Wichert and Aziz (1972)

(Pbo) Oil bubble point pressure Standing (1977)

(Cob) Oil isothermal compressibility at bubble point Vasquez and Beggs (1980)
(Bob) Oil formation volume factor at bubble point Standing (1977)
(Vob) Oil viscosity at bubble point Beggs and Robinson (1975)
Oil density McCain (1991)
Gas-oil surface tension Baker and Swerdloff (1956)

(Rswb) Instantaneous solution gas-water ratio at bubble pt. McCain (1991)

(Cwb) Water isothermal compressibility Osif (1988)
(Bwb) Water formation volume factor McCain (1991)
Brine density at bubble point McCain (1991)
(Vwb) Water viscosity at bubble point McCain (1991)
Gas-water surtace tension Hough (1951)

(P) Pressure User input

(Z) Z-factor Dranchuk and Abou-Kassem (1975)
(Bg) Gas formation volume factor Bg = 0.00502 * Z * (T+459.67) / (P+14.65)
(Cg) Gas isothermal compressibility Cg = 1/P - 1/Z * dZ/dP
Gas density Den. = 28.9625 * G * (P+14.65) / (Z * 10.732 * (T+459.67))

(Rs) Oil formation volume factor Standing (1977)

(Co) Oil isothermal compressibility Vasquez and Beggs (1980)
(Bo) Oil formation volume factor P<=Pbo: Standing (1977)
P>Pbo: Bo = Bob * exp(Co * (Pbo-P))
(Vo) Oil viscosity P<=Pbo: Beggs and Robinson (1975)
P>Pbo: Vasquez and Beggs (1980)
Oil density McCain (1991)
Gas-oil surface tension Baker and Swerdloff (1956)

(Rsw) Instantaneous solution gas-water ratio McCain (1991)

(Cw) Water isothermal compressibility Osif (1988)
(Bw) Water formation volume factor McCain (1991)
Brine density McCain (1991)
(Vw) Water viscosity McCain (1991)
Gas-water surtace tension Hough (1951)
Fluid Flow Calculations
Printed: October 17, 2019 05:48 AM

Input=> (Tres) Reservoir temperature 120 (F)

Input=> (Pwhf) Wellhead pressure 100 (psig)

Input=> (Qf) Fluid rate 1000 (STB/day)

Input=> (fw) Water cut 0.3 (fraction 0 to 1)
Input=> (R) Tubing GOR 800 (SCF/STB) NOTE: GOR must be at least = 574.7 (SCF/STB)
Input=> (e) Pipe roughness 0.0072 (in) Typical values: 0.0018 for new pipe and 0.0072 for old pipe

Input=> (gT) Geothermal gradent 1.5 (deg F/100ft)

Input=> (Cp) Heat capacity @const P 0.4 (BTU/lbm-F)
Input=> (U) - Overall heat trans. coeff. 15.9 (BTU/hr-ft2-F)
Input=> (C) - Erosional velocity const. 100 Typical values: 75 (conservative), 100 (typical) to 150 (less conservative)
Viscosity correction factors: Tight Medium Loose Correction factors for tight, medium, and loose emulsions
#MACRO? ### ### If emulsuins are present: Viscosity(SSU) = SSU * Correction Factor
Input=> Viscosity correction factor: 1.0 Correction factor =1.0 when no emulsions are formed

Oil gravity 35.0 (API)

(G) Gas 0.8250 (air = 1.0000)
Oil 0.8498 (water = 1.00)
Brine 1.1507 (water = 1.00)
Fluid 0.9401 (water = 1.00) Fluid = Oil*(1-fw) + Water * fw
Fluid Density 58.65 (lbm/ft3) Fluid density = Fluid * 62.386lbm/ft3

(Qo) Oil rate 700 (STB/day) Qo = Qf * (1 - fw)

(Qw) Water rate 300 (STB/day) Qw = Qf - Qo
(Qg) Tubing gas rate 560000 (SCF/day) Qg = Qo * R
(w) Mass flow rate 4.22 (lbm/sec) w = (350lbm/STB * (Qo * Oil + Qw * Water + Qg * G * 0.0764lbm/ft3) / 86400sec/day

(Input) (Input) (Input) (Input) Geotherm Flowing Flowing Total Hydrostatic Friction Acceleration No-slip Hage-Brown Gas vsg Liquid Properties:
Wellbore: Meas. depth TVD In. Diam. Length Angle temp. temp. pressure gradient gradient gradient gradient Liquid Liquid rate Gas velocity Viscosity Density Surf. Tens.
Interval # (ft) (ft) (in) (ft) (deg) (F) (F) (psig) (psi/ft) (psi/ft) (psi/ft) (psi/ft) Hold-up Hold-up (ft3/sec) (ft/sec) (cp) (lbm/ft3) (dynes/cm)
1 0 0 2.441 0 0.00 60.0 105.3 100.0 0.1151 0.0956 0.0170 0.0025 0.07 0.23 0.852 26.21 2.3 57.6 31.3
2 200 200 2.441 200 0.00 63.0 106.0 123.5 0.1175 0.0996 0.0163 0.0015 0.09 0.24 0.703 21.62 2.2 57.6 30.8
3 400 400 2.441 200 0.00 66.0 106.7 148.1 0.1202 0.1035 0.0157 0.0010 0.10 0.25 0.592 18.23 2.1 57.5 30.4
4 600 600 2.441 200 0.00 69.0 107.5 173.9 0.1232 0.1073 0.0152 0.0007 0.12 0.26 0.507 15.60 2.0 57.5 30.0
5 800 800 2.441 200 0.00 72.0 108.2 201.0 0.1263 0.1111 0.0147 0.0005 0.13 0.27 0.439 13.51 2.0 57.4 29.6
6 1000 1000 2.441 200 0.00 75.0 109.0 229.5 0.1295 0.1149 0.0142 0.0003 0.15 0.28 0.384 11.80 1.9 57.4 29.2
7 1200 1200 2.441 200 0.00 78.0 109.7 259.3 0.1327 0.1187 0.0137 0.0002 0.17 0.28 0.338 10.39 1.8 57.3 28.8
8 1400 1400 2.441 200 0.00 81.0 110.4 290.5 0.1361 0.1226 0.0133 0.0002 0.18 0.29 0.299 9.20 1.7 57.2 28.4
9 1600 1600 2.441 200 0.00 84.0 111.2 324.1 0.1401 0.1271 0.0129 0.0001 0.21 0.30 0.261 8.03 1.7 57.2 27.9
10 1800 1800 2.441 200 0.00 87.0 111.9 358.6 0.1437 0.1311 0.0125 0.0001 0.23 0.31 0.233 7.16 1.6 57.1 27.5
11 2000 2000 2.441 200 0.00 90.0 112.6 394.6 0.1473 0.1351 0.0121 0.0001 0.25 0.32 0.208 6.41 1.5 57.0 27.1
12 2200 2200 2.441 200 0.00 93.0 113.4 432.3 0.1511 0.1392 0.0118 0.0001 0.27 0.33 0.187 5.76 1.5 56.9 26.7
13 2400 2400 2.441 200 0.00 96.0 114.1 471.7 0.1549 0.1434 0.0114 0.0001 0.29 0.34 0.168 5.18 1.4 56.8 26.4
14 2600 2600 2.441 200 0.00 99.0 114.8 512.8 0.1588 0.1476 0.0111 0.0000 0.31 0.35 0.152 4.67 1.4 56.7 26.0
15 2800 2800 2.441 200 0.00 102.0 115.6 555.8 0.1628 0.1519 0.0108 0.0000 0.33 0.36 0.137 4.22 1.3 56.6 25.6
16 3000 3000 2.441 200 0.00 105.0 116.3 600.7 0.1669 0.1563 0.0105 0.0000 0.36 0.37 0.124 3.81 1.3 56.5 25.2
17 3200 3200 2.441 200 0.00 108.0 117.1 647.6 0.1711 0.1609 0.0102 0.0000 0.38 0.38 0.112 3.44 1.2 56.4 24.8
18 3400 3400 2.441 200 0.00 111.0 117.8 696.6 0.1755 0.1655 0.0100 0.0000 0.41 0.39 0.101 3.11 1.2 56.3 24.4
19 3600 3600 2.441 200 0.00 114.0 118.5 747.9 0.1800 0.1702 0.0097 0.0000 0.43 0.40 0.091 2.81 1.1 56.2 24.0
20 3800 3800 2.441 200 0.00 117.0 119.3 801.5 0.1846 0.1751 0.0094 0.0000 0.46 0.41 0.083 2.54 1.1 56.1 23.6
21 4000 4000 2.441 200 0.00 120.0 120.0 859.3 0.1898 0.1806 0.0092 0.0000 0.49 0.42 0.074 2.27 1.1 55.9 23.2
Mixture Properties:
vsL - velocity Viscosity Density NS-Density Fr-Density vm - Velocity Reynolds Friction Erosion Vel. Viscosity
(ft/sec) (cp) (lbm/ft3) (lbm/ft3) (lbm/ft3) (ft/sec) number factor (ft/sec) SSU
2.04 0.04 13.77 4.60 1.54 28.25 1038807 0.026 46.63 36.3
2.05 0.04 14.35 5.49 2.10 23.67 996031 0.026 42.67 36.0
2.05 0.04 14.91 6.41 2.76 20.28 957535 0.026 39.50 35.6
2.06 0.04 15.46 7.36 3.51 17.66 922014 0.026 36.86 35.3
2.06 0.04 16.00 8.35 4.36 15.57 888699 0.026 34.60 35.0
2.06 0.05 16.55 9.38 5.31 13.87 857205 0.026 32.65 34.6
2.07 0.05 17.10 10.44 6.38 12.46 827230 0.026 30.95 34.3
2.07 0.05 17.65 11.54 7.55 11.27 798539 0.026 29.43 34.1
2.08 0.05 18.30 12.87 9.06 10.11 766254 0.026 27.87 33.8
2.08 0.05 18.88 14.08 10.50 9.24 739126 0.026 26.65 33.5
2.09 0.06 19.46 15.31 12.05 8.50 712938 0.026 25.55 33.3
2.10 0.06 20.05 16.58 13.72 7.85 687457 0.026 24.56 33.0
2.10 0.06 20.65 17.88 15.49 7.28 662600 0.026 23.65 32.8
2.11 0.06 21.26 19.22 17.37 6.78 638233 0.026 22.81 32.6
2.12 0.06 21.88 20.58 19.36 6.34 614301 0.026 22.04 32.4
2.13 0.07 22.51 21.97 21.44 5.94 590753 0.026 21.34 32.2
2.14 0.07 23.16 23.38 23.61 5.58 567511 0.026 20.68 32.1
2.15 0.07 23.83 24.82 25.86 5.26 544531 0.026 20.07 31.9
2.16 0.08 24.52 26.28 28.18 4.97 521790 0.026 19.51 31.7
2.17 0.08 25.22 27.76 30.56 4.71 499238 0.026 18.98 31.6
2.18 0.08 26.01 29.39 33.20 4.45 474759 0.026 18.45 31.4
Reservoir Inflow Performance
Printed: October 17, 2019 05:48 AM

Production data: (Enter one or more sets if available)

1 2 3 4
Input=> (Q) Total fluid production: 684 1836 2988 4140 (BPD of fluid)
Input=> (Pwf) Flowing bottomhole pressure: 1800 1400 1005 590 (psig)

Input=> Reservoir pressure: 2000 (psig) -Typically static bottomhole pressure

Inflow characterization data:

Input=> (J) Productivity index: 3 (bbl/day/psi) - If constant PI is assumed.
Input=> Max. open flow rate: 4000 (bbl/day) - Qmax if Vogels is assumed.
Input=> (C) Flow coefficient: 0.0009 If Fetkovich's method is assumed.
Input=> (n) Exponent: 1 If Fetkovich's method is assumed.

Constant PI Method: Q = J * (Pr - Pwf)

Q Pwf J= 3.0 (bbl/day/psi)

Constant PI Method (BPD) (psig)
2500 Pr = 2000 (psig)
0 2000
Pw f (psig)

600 1800
1200 1600 Actual Q Calc. Q Act-Calc
1800 1400 684 600 84
1500 2400 1200 1836 1800 36
3000 1000 2988 2985 3

1000 3600 800 4140 4230 -90

l 4200 600
4800 400 Max.= 84
5400 200 Min.= -90
6000 0 Avg Dev.= 52
0 R^2 coeff.= 0.9999
0 1000 2000 Q 3000
(BPD of4000
fluid) 5000 6000 7000

Vogel's Method: Q = Qmax * ( 1 - 0.2 * (Pwf/Pr) - 0.8 * (Pwf/Pr)^2 )

Q Pwf Qmax = 4000.0 (BPD of fluid)
(BPD) (psig) Pr = 2000 (psig)
Vogel's Method 0 2000
688 1800
Pw f (psig)

1312 1600 Actual Q Calc.Q Act-Calc
1872 1400 684 688 -4
2368 1200 1836 1872 -36
2800 1000 2988 2790 198
1000 3168 800 4140 3486 654
800 l 3472 600
600 Calc.
3712 400 Max.= 654
400 3888 200 Min.= -36
200 4000 0 Avg Dev.= 226
0 R^2 coeff.= 0.9864
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
Q (BPD of fluid)

Fetkovich's Method: Q = C*(Pr^2 - Pwf^2)^n

Q Pwf C= 0.0009
(BPD) (psig) n= 1.000
Fetkovich's Method 0 2000 Pr = 2000 (psig)
Pw f (psig)

684 1800
1296 1600 Actual Q Calc. Q Act-Calc
1836 1400 684 684 0
2304 1200 1836 1836 0
2700 1000 2988 2691 297
3024 800 4140 3287 853
1000 l
3276 600
3456 400 Max.= 853
3564 200 Min.= 0
3600 0 Avg Dev.= 288
0 R^2 coeff.= 0.9798
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
Q (BPD of fluid)


Comparison of Inflow Methods

Pwf (psig)



1000 al


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Q (BPD of fluid)
Bg (bbl/SCF)
Z-factor Bg
1.0000 0.01600

0.9500 T1-max 0.01400 T1-max

T2 T2
0.9000 0.01200
T3-min T3-min
0.8500 0.01000
0.8000 0.00800
0.7500 0.00600
0.7000 0.00400
0.6500 0.00200
0.6000 0.00000
0 500 100015002000250030003500 0 500 100015002000250030003500
Pressure (psig) Pressure (psig)

Gas Viscosity
Cg (1/psi)

T1-max T1-max
Vg (cp)

4.000E-03 0.0300
T2 T2
3.500E-03 T3-min
T3-min 0.0250
2.500E-03 0.0200
2.000E-03 0.0150
5.000E-04 0.0050
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
0 500 100015002000250030003500
Pressure (psig)
Pressure (psig)
Den. (lbm/ft3)

Gas Density
18.0000 T1-max
16.0000 T2
0 500 100015002000250030003500
Pressure (psig)
Rs Bo

Bo (bbl/STB)




T1-max 1.1500
T2 T1-max
T3-min 1.1000 T2

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
0 500 1000 1500 2000 25003000 3500
Pressure (psig) Pressure (psig)

Co Vo
18.000E-6 4.0
Co (1/psi)

16.000E-6 3.5 T1-max

Vo (cp)

14.000E-6 T2
3.0 T3-min
T1-max 1.5
T3-min 1.0

2.000E-6 0.5

0.000E+0 0.0
0 500 100015002000250030003500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Pressure (psig) Pressure (psig)
Oil Density (lbm/ft3)

Oil Density
Vod (cp)


2.0 T2
1.0 42.0

0.0 40.0
60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Temperature (F) Pressure (psig)
S.T. (dynes/cm)

Gas-Oil Surface Tension


20.0 T2




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Pressure (psig)
5.00 Rsw 1.0250 Bw

3.50 T3-min


2.50 1.0050

T2 0.9950
1.00 T3-min

0.00 0.9850 Pressure (psig)

Pressure (psig)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500

2.200E-6 Cw 2.00 Vw
Cw (1/psi)

Vw (cp)

2.100E-6 1.40



0.60 T1-max

1.850E-6 0.00
Pressure (psig) Pressure (psig)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Surf. Tension (dynes/cm )

Brine Density
Density (lbm/ft3)


72.0 80.0 Gas-Water Surf. Tension


71.0 50.0


70.5 T1-max
T2 T1-max
T3-min T2

0 500 1000
(psig) 2500
2000 3000 3500
Pressure (psig)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Pressure (psig) Temperature (F)
Flowing Pressure Gradient Flowing Temperature Gradient
0.0 100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 500.0 600.0 700.0 800.0 900.01000.0 104.0 106.0 108.0 110.0 112.0 114.0 116.0 118.0 120.0 122.0
0 0
Measured Depth (ft)

Measured Depth (ft)

500 500

1000 1000

1500 1500

2000 2000

2500 2500

3000 3000

3500 3500

4000 4000

4500 4500

HL Velocity (ft/sec)
Liquid Hold-up Profile Velocity Profile
0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45
0 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00
Measured Depth (ft)

Measured Depth (ft)






3000 3000

3500 3500 Mixture Vel.

Erosion Vel.

4000 4000

4500 4500
Metric PVT Properties
Printed: October 17, 2019 05:48 AM

General Input Data:

Metric Units
(Psc) Stand. Press. 101 [kPa]
(Tsc) Stand. Temp. 15.56 [C]

(G) Gas Gravity 0.825 (air=1.00)

N2 1.000 (%)
CO2 2.000 (%)
H2S 3.000 (%)
(Rsb) Soln. GOR 102.4 [m3/m3]
(Go) Oil Gravity 35 (API)
Separator temp. 27 [C]
Separator press. 345 [kPag]
Dissolved solids 200000 (ppm)
Temperaure [C] 60 41 21 (T1, T2, and T3)

General Calculations:
T [C] 60 41 21
Vod (cp) 3.0 4.0 6.6
Gsep 0.791 (air=1.00)
Tpc [K]
Ppc 4535 [kPa]
Oil sp. gr. 0.8498 (water = 1.000)
Brine sp. gr. 1.1507 (water = 1.000)

Bubble point conditions:

Temperature 60[C]
Pbo 13789 [kPa]
Cob 2.416E-06 [1/kPa]
Bob 1.3094 [m3/m3]
Vob 0.6 (cp)
Oil Density 727.0 (kg,m3)
Gas-oil surf. tension 7.1 (dyne/cm)
Rswb 0.8 [m3/m3]
Cwb 2.142E-06 [1/kPa]
Bwb 1.0171 [m3/m3]
Brine density 1130.6 [kg/m3]
Vwb 0.8 (cp)

Pressure Z-factor Bg Cg Vg Gas Density Rs Co Bo Vo Oil density Gas-oil ST Rsw Cw Bw Vw Brine Density Gas-water ST
[kPag] [m3/m3] [1/kPa] (cp) [kg/m3] [m3/m3] [1/kPa] [m3/m3] (cp) (kg/m3) (dyne/cm) [m3/m3] [1/kPa] [m3/m3] (cp) (kg/m3) (dyne/cm)
1379 0.9656 0.07604 6.757E-04 1.168E-02 13.22 7.77 9.123E-07 1.0527 2.0 814.0 19.7 0.26 3.149E-07 1.0193 0.75 1128.1 49.9
2758 0.9343 0.03809 3.498E-04 1.198E-02 26.39 16.13 1.117E-06 1.0726 1.5 806.7 17.2 0.33 3.144E-07 1.0192 0.76 1128.3 48.2
4137 0.9035 0.02485 2.360E-04 1.238E-02 40.46 25.33 1.317E-06 1.0954 1.3 798.4 15.3 0.39 3.139E-07 1.0190 0.76 1128.5 46.8
5516 0.8737 0.01813 1.780E-04 1.289E-02 55.45 35.14 1.507E-06 1.1205 1.1 789.3 13.7 0.46 3.134E-07 1.0188 0.77 1128.7 45.6
6895 0.8456 0.01409 1.429E-04 1.350E-02 71.36 45.45 1.684E-06 1.1477 1.0 779.6 12.3 0.52 3.130E-07 1.0186 0.78 1129.0 44.5
8274 0.8201 0.01141 1.194E-04 1.422E-02 88.08 56.18 1.851E-06 1.1768 0.8 769.5 11.1 0.58 3.125E-07 1.0183 0.79 1129.3 43.4
9653 0.7981 0.00954 1.025E-04 1.507E-02 105.42 67.27 2.006E-06 1.2076 0.8 759.1 10.0 0.64 3.120E-07 1.0180 0.79 1129.5 42.4
11032 0.7802 0.00817 8.983E-05 1.604E-02 123.08 78.68 2.152E-06 1.2400 0.7 748.5 9.0 0.70 3.115E-07 1.0178 0.80 1129.9 41.5
12411 0.7671 0.00715 7.993E-05 1.711E-02 140.69 90.38 2.288E-06 1.2740 0.6 737.8 8.0 0.76 3.111E-07 1.0175 0.81 1130.2 40.6
13790 0.7590 0.00637 7.199E-05 1.828E-02 157.86 102.35 2.416E-06 1.3094 0.6 727.0 7.1 0.81 3.106E-07 1.0171 0.82 1130.6 39.7
16547 0.7567 0.00530 6.007E-05 2.081E-02 189.79 102.35 2.198E-06 1.3015 0.6 731.4 5.4 0.81 3.097E-07 1.0163 0.83 1131.5 38.1
17237 0.7586 0.00510 5.768E-05 2.146E-02 197.14 102.35 2.150E-06 1.2998 0.6 732.4 5.0 0.81 3.094E-07 1.0161 0.84 1131.8 37.7
20684 0.7800 0.00437 4.811E-05 2.472E-02 229.85 102.35 1.936E-06 1.2921 0.7 736.8 3.2 0.81 3.083E-07 1.0150 0.86 1133.0 35.8

Bubble point conditions:

Temperature 41 [C]
Pbo 12794.6 [kPa]
Cob 2.136E-06 [1/kPa]
Bob 1.2859 [m3/m3]
Vob 0.686 (cp)
Oil Density 740.3 (kg,m3)
Gas-oil surf. tension 8.2 (dyne/cm)
Rswb 0.814 [m3/m3]
Cwb 2.063E-06 [1/kPa]
Bwb 1.008 [m3/m3]
Brine density 1140.629 [kg/m3]
Vwb 1.097 (cp)

Pressure Z-factor Bg Cg Vg Gas Density Rs Co Bo Vo Oil density Gas-oil ST Rsw Cw Bw Vw Brine Density Gas-water ST
[kPag] [m3/m3] [1/kPa] (cp) [kg/m3] [m3/m3] [1/kPa] [m3/m3] (cp) (kg/m3) (dyne/cm) [m3/m3] [1/kPa] [m3/m3] (cp) (kg/m3) (dyne/cm)
1379 0.9581 0.07105 6.757E-04 1.101E-02 14.1494 8.5 165.949E-9 1.0362 2.4 827.6 20.9 0.30 302.854E-9 1.0099 1.02 1138.6 49.9
2758 0.9192 0.03528 3.498E-04 1.136E-02 28.4904 17.6 476.719E-9 1.0572 1.9 819.8 18.2 0.37 302.410E-9 1.0098 1.03 1138.8 48.2
4137 0.8802 0.02279 2.360E-04 1.183E-02 44.1042 27.7 767.664E-9 1.0815 1.5 810.8 16.2 0.43 301.967E-9 1.0096 1.04 1139.0 46.8
5516 0.8419 0.01645 1.780E-04 1.243E-02 61.1128 38.4 1.036E-6 1.1085 1.2 800.8 14.5 0.50 301.525E-9 1.0094 1.04 1139.2 45.6
6895 0.8054 0.01263 1.429E-04 1.318E-02 79.5719 49.7 1.282E-6 1.1378 1.1 790.1 13.1 0.56 301.085E-9 1.0092 1.05 1139.4 44.5
8274 0.7720 0.01012 1.194E-04 1.411E-02 99.3781 61.4 1.508E-6 1.1693 0.9 778.9 11.8 0.62 300.646E-9 1.0090 1.06 1139.6 43.4
9653 0.7434 0.00836 1.025E-04 1.522E-02 120.1836 73.5 1.717E-6 1.2028 0.8 767.3 10.6 0.68 300.208E-9 1.0088 1.07 1139.9 42.4
11032 0.7213 0.00711 8.983E-05 1.651E-02 141.3801 85.9 1.909E-6 1.2382 0.8 755.5 9.5 0.74 299.772E-9 1.0085 1.08 1140.2 41.5
12411 0.7065 0.00620 7.993E-05 1.796E-02 162.2233 98.7 2.088E-6 1.2753 0.7 743.6 8.5 0.80 299.337E-9 1.0082 1.09 1140.5 40.6
13790 0.6989 0.00552 7.199E-05 1.952E-02 182.0609 102.4 2.057E-6 1.2833 0.7 741.8 7.5 0.81 298.903E-9 1.0079 1.10 1141.0 39.7
16547 0.7021 0.00463 6.007E-05 2.277E-02 217.2181 102.4 1.865E-6 1.2770 0.7 745.5 5.7 0.81 298.039E-9 1.0070 1.13 1141.9 38.1
17237 0.7059 0.00447 5.768E-05 2.359E-02 224.9849 102.4 1.822E-6 1.2756 0.7 746.3 5.3 0.81 297.824E-9 1.0068 1.13 1142.1 37.7
20684 0.7377 0.00389 4.811E-05 2.753E-02 258.1157 102.4 1.636E-6 1.2695 0.8 749.9 3.4 0.81 296.753E-9 1.0058 1.16 1143.3 35.8

Bubble point conditions:

Temperature 21 [C]
Pbo 11870.3 [kPa]
Cob 1.798E-06 [1/kPa]
Bob 1.2628 [m3/m3]
Vob 0.851 (cp)
Oil Density 753.9 (kg,m3)
Gas-oil surf. tension 9.4 (dyne/cm)
Rswb 0.827 [m3/m3]
Cwb 1.990E-06 [1/kPa]
Bwb 1.000 [m3/m3]
Brine density 1149.402 [kg/m3]
Vwb 1.671 (cp)

Pressure Z-factor Bg Cg Vg Gas Density Rs Co Bo Vo Oil density Gas-oil ST Rsw Cw Bw Vw Brine Density Gas-water ST
[kPag] [m3/m3] [1/kPa] (cp) [kg/m3] [m3/m3] [1/kPa] [m3/m3] (cp) (kg/m3) (dyne/cm) [m3/m3] [1/kPa] [m3/m3] (cp) (kg/m3) (dyne/cm)
1379 0.9484 0.06596 6.757E-04 1.035E-02 15.2397 9.3 -684.989E-9 1.0206 3.5 841.1 22.1 0.34 291.693E-9 1.0019 1.56 1147.7 68.0
2758 0.8992 0.03238 3.498E-04 1.075E-02 31.0504 19.2 -243.805E-9 1.0427 2.5 832.9 19.3 0.41 291.281E-9 1.0018 1.57 1147.9 66.0
4137 0.8488 0.02062 2.360E-04 1.132E-02 48.7571 30.2 157.183E-9 1.0685 1.9 823.1 17.1 0.48 290.870E-9 1.0016 1.59 1148.0 64.7
5516 0.7981 0.01463 1.780E-04 1.207E-02 68.7262 41.9 518.812E-9 1.0974 1.6 812.1 15.4 0.54 290.461E-9 1.0015 1.60 1148.2 63.6
6895 0.7489 0.01102 1.429E-04 1.306E-02 91.2305 54.2 845.338E-9 1.1291 1.3 800.3 13.8 0.61 290.052E-9 1.0013 1.62 1148.4 62.7
8274 0.7040 0.00865 1.194E-04 1.435E-02 116.1772 67.0 1.141E-6 1.1633 1.1 787.8 12.5 0.67 289.645E-9 1.0011 1.63 1148.7 61.8
9653 0.6674 0.00704 1.025E-04 1.597E-02 142.7171 80.3 1.411E-6 1.1997 1.0 775.0 11.2 0.73 289.238E-9 1.0009 1.65 1148.9 61.1
11032 0.6422 0.00594 8.983E-05 1.788E-02 169.2812 93.9 1.658E-6 1.2383 0.9 761.9 10.1 0.79 288.833E-9 1.0006 1.66 1149.2 60.5
12411 0.6290 0.00517 7.993E-05 1.998E-02 194.2677 102.4 1.758E-6 1.2616 0.9 754.6 9.0 0.83 288.429E-9 1.0003 1.68 1149.6 59.8
13790 0.6260 0.00464 7.199E-05 2.215E-02 216.6897 102.4 1.665E-6 1.2587 0.9 756.3 8.0 0.83 288.027E-9 0.9999 1.69 1150.0 59.3
16547 0.6421 0.00397 6.007E-05 2.638E-02 253.2185 102.4 1.504E-6 1.2539 0.9 759.2 6.1 0.83 287.224E-9 0.9991 1.73 1150.9 58.2
17237 0.6493 0.00385 5.768E-05 2.738E-02 260.7759 102.4 1.469E-6 1.2528 0.9 759.8 5.6 0.83 287.024E-9 0.9989 1.74 1151.2 58.0
20684 0.6965 0.00345 4.811E-05 3.194E-02 291.4329 102.4 1.314E-6 1.2482 1.0 762.7 3.6 0.83 286.029E-9 0.9979 1.78 1152.3 56.9

Symbol: Definition: Calculation method:

(Psc) Standard Base Pressure User input
(Tsc) Standard Base Temperature User input
(G) Gas gravity relative to air at 14.65 psia and 60F User input
(N2) Nitrogen content of gas User input
(CO2) Carbon dioxide content of gas User input
(H2S) Hydrogen sulfide content of gas User input
(Rsb) Instantaneous solution gas oil ratio User input
(Go) Oil API Gravity User input
(T) System temperature User input
(Vod) Dead oil viscosity Ng and Egbogah (1983)
(Gsep) Separator gas gravity Vasquez and Beggs (1980)
(Tpc) Pseudocritical temperature of gas Sutton (1985) & Wichert and Aziz (1972)
(Ppc) Pseudocritical pressure Sutton (1985) & Wichert and Aziz (1972)

(Pbo) Oil bubble point pressure Standing (1977)

(Cob) Oil isothermal compressibility at bubble point Vasquez and Beggs (1980)
(Bob) Oil formation volume factor at bubble point Standing (1977)
(Vob) Oil viscosity at bubble point Beggs and Robinson (1975)

(Rswb) Instantaneous solution gas-water ratio at bubble pt. McCain (1991)

(Cwb) Water isothermal compressibility Osif (1988)
(Bwb) Water formation volume factor McCain (1991)
Brine density at bubble point McCain (1991)
(Vwb) Water viscosity at bubble point McCain (1991)

(P) Pressure User input

(Z) Z-factor Dranchuk and Abou-Kassem (1975)
(Bg) Gas formation volume factor Bg = 0.00502 * Z * (T(F)+459.67) / (P(psig)+14.65)*5.615
(Cg) Gas isothermal compressibility Cg = 1/P - 1/Z * dZ/dP
Gas density Den. = 28.9625 * G * (P(psig)+14.65) / (Z * 10.732 * (T(F)+459.67)) / 16.01046

(Rs) Oil formation volume factor Standing (1977)

(Co) Oil isothermal compressibility Vasquez and Beggs (1980)
(Bo) Oil formation volume factor P<=Pbo: Standing (1977)
P>Pbo: Bo = Bob * exp(Co * (Pbo-P))
(Vo) Oil viscosity P<=Pbo: Beggs and Robinson (1975)
P>Pbo: Vasquez and Beggs (1980)

(Rsw) Instantaneous solution gas-water ratio McCain (1991)

(Cw) Water isothermal compressibility Osif (1988)
(Bw) Water formation volume factor McCain (1991)
Brine density McCain (1991)
(Vw) Water viscosity McCain (1991)
Z-factor Bg

Bg (m3/m3)
1.0000 0.08000

0.9500 T1-max
0.07000 T1-max
0.9000 0.06000 T2
0.8500 0.05000 T3-min
0.8000 0.04000
0.7500 0.03000
0.7000 0.02000
0.6500 0.01000
0.6000 0.00000
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
Pressure (kPag) Pressure (kPag)

Den. (kg/m3)
Cg Gas Density
Cg (1/kPa)

8.000E-04 350.0000
7.000E-04 T1-max 300.0000
6.000E-04 T2
T3-min 250.0000
3.000E-04 T1-max
2.000E-04 100.0000 T2
1.000E-04 50.0000 T3-min
0.000E+00 0.0000
0 5000 10000150002000025000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
Pressure (kPag) Pressure (kPag)
Rs (m3/m3)

Bo (m3/m3)

100.0 1.3000

80.0 1.2500

1.1500 T1-max
40.0 T2
T3-min T2
1.1000 T3-min

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 1.0000
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
Pressure (kPag) Pressure (kPag)

Co Vo

3.000E-6 4.0
Co (1/kPa)

3.5 T1-max
Vo (cp)

3.0 T3-min

1.500E-6 2.0

T1-max 1.5
1.000E-6 T2
T3-min 1.0

0.000E+0 0.0
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
Pressure (kPag) Pressure (kPag)
G as-o il S u rf. Ten sio n (d yn es/cm )

Vod (cp)

6.0 Gas-oil Surf. Tension

20.0 T2

3.0 15.0

2.0 10.0


15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 0.0
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
Temperature (C)
Pressure (kPag)
Rsw Bw
Rsw (m3/m3)

Bw (m3/m3)
0.90 1.0250

0.80 1.0200
0.70 T2
0.30 T2
T3-min 0.9950

0.10 0.9900

0.00 0.9850
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000

Pressure (kPag) Pressure (kPag)

Cw Vw
320.000E-9 2.00
Cw (1/kPa)

315.000E-9 1.80
Vw (cp)

310.000E-9 1.60

305.000E-9 1.40

300.000E-9 1.20

295.000E-9 1.00

290.000E-9 T1-max 0.80 T1-

T2 max
285.000E-9 0.60
T3-min T2\
280.000E-9 0.40

275.000E-9 0.20

270.000E-9 0.00
0 5000 10000150002000025000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000

Pressure (kPag) Pressure (kPag)

S u rf. Ten sio n (d yn es/cm )
Density (m3/m3)

Brine Density

Gas-Water Surf. Tension
1145.0 80.0


1130.0 T1- 40.0

1125.0 T2 30.0 T1-
T3-min max
20.0 T2
1120.0 T3-min
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
Pressure (kPag) Pressure (kPag)
Internal Data

Units available:

Constant PI Options:
Given J and Pr
Given Pwf1, Q1, Pwf2 and Q2 calculate J and Pr

Table options:
Given Pwf calculate Q
Given Q calculate Pwf

Vogel's method Options:

Given Qmax and Pr
Given Pwf1, Q1, Pwf2 and Q2 calculate Qmax and Pr

Fetkovich's method Options:

Given C, n, and Pr
Given Pwf1, Q1, Pwf2, Q2, and Pr calculate C and n
Given Pwf1, Q1, Pr, and n calculate C

Page 17

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