It Management, Ethics and Security: Assignment 1

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Ethical Issues of Internet of Thing (IoT)

Prepared by:
Dewa Candraditya Brata (E170030695)

The development of technology is rapidly increasing over time. Now, various equipment /
machines have been equipped with technology that can facilitate our daily lives. From smart cars
that can drive themselves to various destinations without a human driver, to smart machines like
Alexa that can remind you to do activities on schedule. All of these tools are of course connected
to the internet so that they can do their job properly. A smartphone is an example of a device that
we use frequently and is almost connected to the internet every day. Even smartphone users have
reached 5.11 billion in 2019. This is not surprising because every year there are many new
smartphones that sell well as technology develops. With so many users like that, today's society
seems more enthusiastic about technological developments.
According to data from We Are Social, the number of internet users in the world in 2019
reached 4.39 billion, an increase of 9 percent from the previous year. Along with the increase in
internet network connectivity, the trend of the Internet of Things (IoT) is also increasingly reaching
almost all lines of our lives. IoT itself can be interpreted as an activity between humans and devices,
devices and devices, such as sensors, robots, platforms, and clouds that are connected through
standard communication protocols to receive or transmit information to enable certain work
processes to be more efficient. The real example of IoT is even more visible with the number of
devices that are connected to the internet such as smart TV, smart Home, smartwatch, smart car,
and various devices that are spread and used by all people in the world.
According to report data from Fortune Business Insights shows that the global market for
IoT, which is valued at $ 190 billion in 2018, is expected to reach $ 1.11 trillion ($ 1111.3 billion)
by 2026.

Ethical Issues and Dilemma

There are several ethical issues and problems regarding the application of 5g technology,
especially in the field of health and privacy security.

Comparative Issues
Pros and Cons
Individual Opinion

Reference List

Dora, L. D., Dubras, R., & Underwood, L. (2019, January 30). Digital 2019: Global Internet Use
Accelerates. Retrieved October 3, 2019, from

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